275292 WHITE - CITY CLERK ����n PINK - FINANCE �/! CANARY - DEPARTMENT � COUIICII �� a��ry -BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O S I N T PA U L File N O. - Co c e tion Presented By �C���SL CU�;��1I`i„��E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �SOLVT'�.,D: i`�at kj plication � 15531 for Taxicab License i+o. 20� applied for by John C. Swits, said license to ex;ire Decem}�er 31, 19�0, doir� business as Yellow Cab Co:�pany� covering a 1978 Chevrolet, Serial I��umber L69U8J203577, insured to June 16, 1981 by St. Paul l�re a;�d 'i��.rine Insurance Conpar�y, Policy 066�'1�5616, be and the same is hereby granted. COUIVCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snoweiter _ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted , Council• Date SU� i g �� Form Approved by City Attorney Cer ied Pas_ by Co cil Secfetar BY Ap d by :Nayor: a _ �� � 7 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY J U L 2 6 1980 . �°'`r`ti�<�;,�,;``'� � h-��:, k��:`,. . n ....���a�uu� . ��``T' °'�''-,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL =�• :-., '� �' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES :� uuu nm ,� ;,� m� �uu A� `• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION '�°"��M,','��°°�\` Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR July 15, 19g� iir. President and Fionorable l�iembers of the City Council Saint Paul, i�;ini_e�ota �°ir. Pres�_der_t ar�d I�onorable iLer�bers: John C. ��wits makes api,lication for Taxicab License '?o. 20. rie will operate this tax:;_cab personally and it will be kr�orrn as a i:ellot�r Cab, painted yellow. Tlzis application has heen reviewed b;� the License and Permit Jivision and ti;e ��t�r rhttorney's office. l:��e re- coMmendation is for a�,r.rocal. Ver�T trulur ��our_s �� . Joseph i'. �archecii Licer_se Ir.spector �O ,, .. , . r : . _ ;`� _ . } � �' � . _ � r,�, ���'• , . . , . . ; :, , . . . , �.. . y , ; = �_ � ��� �_ . ;._ , . .,. _ : +4 _ _ {� . .: , , , _ :, ., . . . . . . ..r. .. • ' - . - . �. . . _ . . � �,��� � �. .. . �� . � . . . . µ• ' . � ' . � � .. . . � � .�� . . � , . . . . „ . . . . . .. S:. ... :�:,f.- �.. . .. • . . �. .. . ._ . . . .>.. ..� ; - ..:... . . . � %._S. .' •. •: .. . . . .. � '..':. . . . . . . .- e.... . . . :. . . . �'� J� �'i� �[�.�. �, ,: . ,.. � � �mt�! .. :. . , : .�t. Pat�, ..�4i�eota 551.G� ;� . :, , - - , � �.:: : , : .- Dsat S�.r t .s _ : . ` . `' Ta�ci.o%�b ' - '' ' ' _ .. _. _ _ „ J�y �.6, 1980 . lO s00 A:K: ,; Co�cil Cbsaibmra, 'F�t.rd lioor C!.l�y &� _ . . •; . : . � t_'� . , - .:: { � - . >�.,. .� ., ,� `*�'_ - , ' . . �; ti ; ;; `- , ��; - ., :, . . , � � _ . - � . , , :, , � . � � �.:. ..' I. ,' . .. ; . � ,,. ..� . , :;: �> . _:. �K . ,a. .. ' _ . . . _ . �_ '} _ � ;v i -`. _- .:: . ,:'. .:` , s _ . _. � ' . � : ,:'- . .. � ;% . .. ,.. . . . . . y ' .. . , . . ' . .. t..: ' � �n� ���� . . V ., • R��t��E�NSE P " �� � ' \ON ��N1�N�5�RP�,oN / � �J\S O �. , � p1 � R � P�RM� a ��c�R7 S- � ',,�.� 1 ' � � -�o � ; - � O� F���G��; rlr. Jatin s�.ts ,�ME 1 �.� 230 Thana.s Avenue ,��p p,R N��,EM st. Paul, Minnesota . A�� h'�'P� May 13, 1980 _ °l�g " / �. J�� � �v$ �� ��� - . Roan 209, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesatz 55102 � �: Ta}dcab �20 . Dear Mr. Carchedi: . . I su�mit this letter to you as per ywr suggestiori that I piovide • yw with sare backgroimd o� my request to have the� above cab license - � transferred to me. I a�.so sL�Ymit my applicatio� for a taxi.cab lic�nse. � � I have been inwlved with Yellvw Cab Ca�any and Bab Janacze]c sinve 1978. In late 19�79 Janaczek offered m� an cypnortimity to purchase my cxan cab through him. We made an oral agrea��t that I make paym�nts to him for the car and for the use of lioense, oolor rights and insuranoe coverage. In turn, I waald have the right to use the car and collect the inc�xne. I wrnil.d be respon.sible for maintenance, gas and oil. v�e� Janaczek o�tained clear title to the car by paying off his financing, `:he was to transfer it to me. Pursuant to this agreanent I pa.id Janaczek the s�an �f $1,000.00 on Deoa�s 28, 1979 as the initial payment on the car. The purchase prioe of the car was $4,469.00. $500 of the initial paytrnsit was credited as a down pa�mnent an�d the rettiin;nq $500 was used to purchase a bo�d, which_ . Janaczek said was necessary. �fie balance of the purchase price was fi- nanoed by Janaczek and I was to pay $164.49 per �th for, a period of 30 m�ths. 'I7�is amoimts to a total finanoe charge of $9�3.00 by the end of the cca�tract. I was also to pay $90.00 per week for the use of the radio dispatch sesvioe, $60.00 per wee�c for insurance and `$18.00 per week for license and colar rights. All these paym�nts are payable ca� a weekly'•basis, so that my total weeJcly pacym�nt to Janaczek, including installment palmnPnts, is $209.32. It is my belief that Janaczek sub- stantially wercharged me for the c.ar. I believe that he did not pay more than $2,500.00 for the car, which was a 1978 Chevrolet Ir�ala pre- viausly used as a lease car with 69,000 miles cai it. I also believe he • Mr. Joseph Carc�ed.i . E Pac3e 2 May 13, 1980 is subst�tially avesdiarging me on the other weekly payn�nts I make. . F'ar instanoe, I have purc.hased my vwn racli.o and meter and have received no creciit against the w�eekly payn�nt I make for t�e radio dispatch sys- tan. Other drivers who use a radio ar�d �r supplied by Janaczek pay an additional $4.00 per week. Also, the yellvw paitit-job for the car . was to be supplied by Jana.czek, bM1it he pa.id me cazly $100.04 of the total � of $185.00. �e car, cab #20, was delivered in April and i first used . it cn the street � April 22, 1980. Z�e following is a su�►axy of the � paj�re�ts and expenses made on the car to date: • � Ifll'r1d�. �t3�7lI1C.At •�������� ���� ����������������yS1���0«�� Radio ....... ... ...... ... ... . . .... ... .. .. ..$ 748.02 Met�s . .... .. ..... . ........ . . .. .... ......... .$ 358.16 balanoe due cn meter .. .. ... .. ... ... ..$ (258.16) ��Y PaYmants to Janaczek� . ... ....... ... ...$ 837.28 througti 5/20/80 � Gas & oi1 .. .. ... . . .. .. .... ........ .. . . ....$ 232.39 . Repairs .... . ... .. .. .. ... . .. . .... .. ... ..... ..$ 43.39 Mainten�noe .. . .. ... ... ........ ... .........$ 75.21 • Paint job ($l00 paid by Janaczek) ......... ..$ 85.00 . �1 3,077.90 � C�oss earnings to date � $1,483.68 � If Janac2ek's lioenses are revoked by the city oo�cil az May 14, 1980, I will lose iny authority to drive cab in St. Paul and the substantial invest ment which I have autlined abcyt�e. I ap�eal to the city oouncil and the lic- ensincJ depart�t for a lioeri.se so that I may oo�tinwe to operate my cab and salvage this investment. ' Sinoerely, � �� •� � /� , • � ' _ a , �� _......._.. �.-. . / � ��� ' / �,L,!� /y�- • , ----- -- -6�:Gf/lv_%/L4�Qf'��.L�� — _ - -- -- -- ---- - � 1 `�!����—� L�JQ�.CC�-co�.� --.�%11 __.__.. . ,� , i� -- ---; _a��,� �J�.�a���`��.�c�.� 5��-�-- -- �°��_�'�i���- - w�" ` -G���,�_CL'�O.__.� _ -�::--7������,.�___.� r�����✓o�..� ,��� ° �i1�2�J _ _._ :��� .�� ���'�-���'1_���� _ — `� � � `_ a� ��,��%,�- _��� - _—.� I ` ' `• , A _"GA_.�..!W.._�Y� ��f Gr/{�fO - _ _ /1�IU7 �. - ___G`�o-r--./JCC�Gi� ` _ -- . � / _� .n/J_�//1'/�JS ' _ _ . � • '`� . -- '��/.t�'r.��;rm_e:GCGQ �i1� lL,_,f�,pc��l.�lJ •i�� _ ��s�'�l��O - - _ .��..r,�`,�'7���y . .—z"��O,Ga- rr� «��- � _--_ . :.� �. ���.� �f�� '_ ' � - -- '� v_� - ' � � , �� . �� �,` � ' . , � . 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""""....................................... ................................................................................. .................................................. f [ 1 ........ ......................... . . . ... _.. ................... •• _'.... �........... ........................................................................ ""..... ... .. ..................................................................................:........."' . , ... ..y....._- .`�.. ..... .......... ........ ..... .. . . u . ,4�'2 t. .i . . il ! � . . , ,• ; f James �heat,Jr. 3332 w. 32 st. Minneapolis � M�nn �5416 � 922-80?2 RtctivE� City of St.Paul DIViSION OF LiCEnSE AND License Division PERMIT ADMINlSTRAT!ON Eoom 209 - � COLlTt H011SC i";�Y ��SQST(, �St. Paul, Minn 55102 Attn: Joe Carehedi ��PARTMER� Ur t!��i':�= AND MANAGF!1ll:.NT S�qti'.!C�: De ar s ir= � I am currentl� �perating Cab #51 . I own the ear and have . invested �6000 in the car,meter, ,radi�, and, insurance. I intend te pursue the transfer of �the lieense to my name n• � matter what the outcm�e of the Yellow Cab situatisn. I a�s a nember of the St.Paul Yell�w C�b Operators Ass�c. xhich intends to remain in business in St. Paul. . � � � , . � , ' James WY�t Jr � . .