275275 WH17E - CITV CLERK Ay,���� f� ' PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA ZT L Council ��r � CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. � uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 15.03 of the City Charter, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the appointment by the Mayor of Councilpersons Leonard W. Levine, Ron Maddox and Joanne M. Showalter to serve as members of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul during their terms of office. COU(VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox � Showalter -�-- Against BY — Tedesco Wils JUL i 5 �ggp Form Approve 'ty Attor Adopt y Coun il: Date rtified P�.sed by ouncil Secretar BY App. by Mavor. Da e _— Q Appro e Mayor for Sub i i ouncil By BY , �H� J U L 2 6 1980 , e � CITY OF S�INT PAITI. '��� � -' OFFICE OF THE 1vIt3YOB �j,��'''��" iiiild j+lj'� , ��„•�.,ro,;� / •� L�1 347 CYTY H�1LL GE08CiE I..1TIriEB SAINT PAL7L,bILY�TESOTA 55102 MAYOH (612) 298-4323 TO: Council President Ron Maddox and Members of the City Council FRO�i: Mayor George Latimer�� DATEo June 25, ].980 - SUBJEGT: Tnlater Board of Commissioners I am at�aching for your consid�ratian and approval a Council Resolution appainting Councilpersons Leonard Wo Levine, Ron Maddox and Joanne M. Showalter t^ �A�-�'� a� ar.e:n:��r� o� tY°.c Boar� of t4ater Cc�ru�issic,iiErs o� the Gity of Saint Paul during their terms of office. � � . v,�