275273 �C�TV �LERK COIlI1C11 ��" �� .�+PIN FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV -.DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Ct�� Atty/JTH , , Co�ncil es lut n . Presented By Le01111^d W. Levi ne Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CITY COUNCIL DETERMINATION IN THE MATTER OF THE REUSE FOR THE FORMER GILLETTE HOSPITAL SITE WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 25, Laws of Minnesota 1979, the 5tate of Minnesota conveyed to the City of Saint Paul the 13 .3 acre Gillette Children's Hospital site at 1003 Ivy together with all buildings and improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on September 4, 1979 to consider future use of the site and following said hearing instructed the Renewal Division, Department of Planning and Economic Development to study and report on six alternate re-use proposals; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 1980 the staff study and report was submitted to the Council Development and Transportation Committee, recommending designation of the site for residential re-use under the PD Planned Development District provisions of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, on May 29, 1980, the City Development and Transporta- tion Committee submitted the following report: "The Committee recommends that this site be used for passive park and the west wing of the hospital be preserved, and that a process be established to determine future use of the west wing. " ; and WHEREAS, bids for demolition of the hospital buildings were opened on April 30, 1980, and a contract awarded on May 29, 1980 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas W1.1SOri Nays Butler [n Favor �� Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved b City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By G - gy, �lpproved by INavor: Date Approve by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - - -- BY CITV CLERK � -- PIN - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council ���,,��� CANAf?'Y - DE(�ARTMENT File NO. Cty` Atty�JTH , , Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. for demolition of all buildings with the exception of the west wing. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED upon the recommendation of the City Development and Transportation Committee and the District 5 Council that the future use of the former Gillette Hospital site is hereby determined to be passive park use with the preservation of the hospital west wing and that a process be established to determine future use of the preserved west wing. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Division of Parks and Recreation, Department of Community Services, under the direction of the Mayor, is hereby requested to prepare and submit a passive park development and funding proposal, including the costs of demolition, for consi- deration by the City Council. FINALLY RESOLVED that the Division of Renewal, Department of Planning and Economic Development, under the direction of the Mayor, is hereby requested to prepare and submit a process for future use or development of the preserved west wing, for consideration by the City Council. COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas �j11SOri Nays `�McMAHON [n Favor Hunt (� Levine __�_ Against BY Maddox Showalte Ted Form Approved City Attorney Adopted Counc' : Date (� a � �� � Cert ed P� ed by C ncil Se retary BY � I�lpproved by Mavor: Date Appr ed without the signat raApproved y Mayor for Submission to Council of the Ma.yor pursuarit to Section 6.08 of the BY ��_-� - — BY �� JUL 2 61980 � � - ?U\�, 19 80 � �G-� �. _ - � �� � 'itas Nays \ r, -,✓ `HL'tiT �v� �� ,�,�,��%�'� ��� `'�' \*��r�ota � - ,- } �OWALTER 1 �T ED ES CO---- ILS ON � �, ; PRESIDE�T MADDCIX-1 �_.-�:� _ ^ � � �yy�. �� ��5���3 :C�:;��^� �, t: � �--R t � .. , �//'�"'"� '�;c�'�l CITY OF SAINT PAUL , INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: July 14, 1980 TO: Council President Ronald Maddox Members of the City Council � FROM: Douglas S. Ford, Renewal Adm' ' ra r i� Kim Pfoser, Project ;vlanag � SUBJECT: GILLETTE HOSPITAL,SITE UPD 1. At the meeting of April 25, 1980, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Board authoriaed the interim use of up to $200,000 from the HRA Tax Levy Fund for demolition of all or a portion of the Gillette Hospital complex. Subsequently, the West 1Ving was deleted from demolition and the bid awarded to Kamish for removal of the remainder of the complex for $127,764. In addition to the demolition costs, all caretaking, maintenance and staff costs for Gillette for the last year and one-half have been paid out of this fund, and these total $38,848.92 through June 30, 1980. Additional costs of security until disposition of the West �i/ing is complete will be $4U30 per month. At the time of the interim fund designation, reimbursement was anticipated from either land sale proceeds, Metropolitan Council Parks and Open Space funds or a combination thereof. The Parks and Recreation Division of Community Services Department has concluded that monies may be made available for park development and demolition, although these funds are not a certainty. However, staff costs incurred are ineligible expenditures for this fund source. The City Attorney's Office has supplied an opinion that the use of HRA Tax Levy Funds in this instance is not allowable by Minnesota Statute Section 462.545, subdivision 6. � This opinion is attached hereto, and indicates that a permanent funding source for these activities must be located. 2. To qualify for Metropolitan Council Parks and Open Space Funds the City must amend its Master Plan for Phalen Park. This amendment would be developed with the aid of the District 5 Council and submitted to the Planning Commission for conformance with locally adopted plans. If the Master Plan amendment is approved by the Planning Commission and found to be of regional significance as defined by Metro Council Parks and Open Space Fund requirements, the funding of development may be considered by that entity. However, this request will be corrzpeting for scarce resources with other local requests and is not now a certainty. Parks and Recreation Division staff are� estimated development costs at $170,000 to $190,000. 3. Staff is still exploring the reuse of the �Vest Wing by the St. Paul Police Federation. Attached you will find a memo from the Planning Administrator which indicates that the Federation's use of the building would require a rezoning of that property to a B- 2 designation. For this rezoning a petition would have to be circulated to property owners located within 100 feet of the site and any contiguously owned property, in other words around the perimeter of Phalen Park. This rezoning would be required even if the property were to be leased by the Department of Community Services to the Police Federation. In�that the current zoning classification of the property is R-3, single family lots, any other development proposals for the West Wing will have to be examined for conformance to the restrictions of the R-3 classification and the necessity of rezoning. DSF/KPf/!le ,�,._�.,, _� ,t, ,, �, � CtTY OF SAtNT PAUL y'`� ;.; "�. � OFF��;E OF THE C(TY ATTORNEY � �������� � • ��„�+,��,� ; EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORI�EY ' � 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesoca SS10� „'• 612-298-512t GEORGE LATI:'v1ER � . , MAYOR � 1� Juiy � , i 9$o �� � �`nr��\ �,``c �"� � - - - - - - - - - � - �U M E M O R A N D U M � ,+ . - T0: Doug Ford . FROM: Jim Hart 3, � RE: Costs I "curred on Behali of Gillette Hospital Reference is made t.o your memo of June 3d, 1980. You adJise tYiat pursuar.t to Board authorization, HRA funded up to $200,000 from tax levy for demolition of the Gillette Hospital site buildings upon the understanding that the site would be acquired by HRA and developed in cooperation with private enterprise as a sedevelopment project for housing re-use. You advise that addition HRA has incurred maint�nance, security and other operating costs over a ten month period. You further advise that it now appears that the City will retain title to the site which will be primarily put to park or open space use without a HRA redevelopment undertaking. You ask whether under these circumstances, HRA may fund the :��mo'it�.on an cthe° ccsts from HRF taY evy. e quest_or_ � is re in the riegative. �� �� Minn. Stat. Section 462 . 445 POti�TER, DUTIES, Subdivisioa 1_ Schedule of powers. provides : • An authority . . . shall have alI the powers necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of [the Housing and Redevelopment �1ct] (but not the power to levy and collect taxes . . . except as provided in [the Actl with respect to redevelopment projects only) . . . HRA' s power to levy taxes is granted by t�Iinn. Stat. Section 462. 545 Subdivision 6 which provides that the tax levy proceeds "shall be expended and applied for the purposes of [the Act] and for no other purpose whatsoever. " Subdivision 1 oi this section defines public redevelopment cost, recites that such cost will not likely be recovered from proceeds of sale or � lease of project land for redevelopment, and authorizes v u_�1 . � �..i u i. Page 2 � � 1�... � +' _, }� financing of such deficit by federai grant, bond i.ssue pooling of project incone, tax increment financing, tax levy, or a combination thereof. Clearly tax levy expenditure is limited to planning and preparation of a redevelopment plan or approved redevelopment project undertakings . Minn. Stat. Sectiqn 462 .521, Subd. 2 piovides that an "autharity shall not proceed with the project" until it is approved by the governing body of the municipality after public hearing and fact determinations respecting the redevelopment plan and project proposed. May the cost of structure demolition be _ paid as an adjunct of pre-approval project pl.anning activities? This related question is answerec� in the negative_ Minn. Stat. Section 462 .421 Subdivision 13 provides ° 'Redevel.op- ment project' shall mean any work or undertaking" to acquire land, to clear areas acquired and to install public iinpravements, and to sell or lease acquired land for redevelopment in accordance with the redevelopment plan. "The term `redevelopment project' also may be applied to the preparation of a redevelop- ment plan and to the initiation, planning, survey and other administrative costs of a redevelopment project and also to the preparation of technical and financial plans and arrangements for buildings,structures, and improver•.�ents and all other work in connection therewith. " (Emphasis added) . A distinction thus is made between project "planning" and project "undertaking" or implementatiori. Would the demolition (clearance) of structures be comprehended within the "preparatiorz of technical and financial plans and arrangements for buildings"� or would it be project implementation? Preparation of an arrangement (contract) to demolish buildings, I believe, faZls within p�oject pl,anning. Award of the can�ra.ct and re�ulta.t ,-.,, demolition of buiJ.dings falls within project undertaking withi�rr. . the customary meaning. of these words. Comnencement of demolition is thus dependant upon approval of the project plan and undertaking. In the circumstances you outline, tax levy funds could not be expended to fund the demolition contract_ This conclusion is supported by the early Iand acquisition authorization exception to project undertakings priar to plan appro�al. Minn. Stat. Section 462.521 Subd. 3 provides in part: The governing body may, in approving such early Iand acquisition, agree to assume the responsibility for any loss that may arise as a result of such acquisition of land and related activities, including costs of demolition, removal and relocation, in the event the property so acquired is not used for [redevelopment] purposes because the [redevelopment] plan is not approved, • or is amended to omit the acquired property or is abandoned for any reason . . . This subdivision expressly includes demolition along with property acquisition and relocation in plan implementation_ � _ _ _ ... _ .._�._ ___. (..I i Y iJ �.�l�N t PAIJI �,�RDEPARTME��ITAL MEMORANDUM.�,�',, �>.. . ..�� , _ DATE: July 9, 1980 T0: Doug Ford FROM: James Bellus � SUBJECT: Reuse of Gillette Site by Police FP�eratTOn ' � The Planning Division is of the opinion �that reuse of the GiTlette site by the Folice Federation would require a rezoning to B-2 (Cor�nunity Buslness District). We base this opinion on the assumption that the Police Federation use t�rould b� similar to "private clubs, fraternal organizations or Iodge halls" which� are _ first allawed in a 6-2 zone (Section 60.492(b)(311 _ Please be advised that reuse of the Gillette sit� for "przvate noncommercial recreation areas ,. . . ." (which are allowed in the single family zones by special condition use permit) is not possible due to the fact that the site dozs not abut a major thoroughfare as required by the special CQnC�TtT�r75 (Sectiore 60.4�3 �9)�� )) - If you have any additional questions , please contact Ed 4�arr� or ponna t�ic�lealTy from my staff. . JB/EW/cc cc: Glenn Er�ckson, Zoning Administrator �,,,,�k'im Pfoser, Project Manager - Gi l l ette � � Dorothy Schlesselman, Thoroughfare Plan Author Donna McNeally � Ed Warn � '� , . : f � � `,'�,��� ��,,� , . , . . . � . � � � ' . . � . � . .� �. . ,.-R � . . . � ' � � .. . - � . :{. � . . - � . . � ' � . � - , � . . ' . . i ' . . . . . . � . ` � i � r . � . ' , C . . . . . . . . � ;. . ' . - � . . - . � _ - � .. , , '3 , . . ' . . . . . , 1 . ' . . . .. �� . � � . . - -C . ' . . . . �. 4� . . q 1. . . . � . . � . ' . � . . ' . . . � .. . . � . � . -. � . . :y. June 7, _i9?9 ; , � _ _ � � . : � - . . . , �: , ` ,- . Co�ailman Ueanard :Levina . . — � � � Ct:aiz man y. City De�relopm�nt �e Trae�spc>rtatiob Committee . � ' Ro�m 718, City Fiall � St. Paul,' Minnesota � � D$ar �Councilman f�evine t � ; " , � . The C: ty Coun�cil today adopted a motion requesting the City ' DeveloF ment & Transporstion Coamittee of, the ilhole to- discues , � the diaposit�.on oP'the� Gilletta Hospi�,al atte. ' ' - Very .truly youre, :;. - � , �.. � . . R�se, Mix 1 . � - '` ' , City (Vlerk • � AB0:].:� , . , , , � ac t l�iiynor L��tlme� . I�r. Stou�, Director PED � � . :; • , .. . �,' „ , - ' , . , � . r , ' , , , � � , , . � ` , � . � ' � \ _, . :r � ' , , r .� , ;:; . , � . . , ^ H � ��� . � . 'x 'r. � � � ��/� � . . .. . . . . . .. ..'h . J. � . . . . . � . ' "�.�� r. .. . . . - i . . ' • • . . . . , ��1. .. . - . . . .. . ��'.I , - . .. . . . . . . . . ' . . ' . ' � . . .� :.'. .._ , . .. �4. '}� . � . . . . l }I � . . � .. ' . � . . ' . 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' ,'� � _ t �! � . � 1�' .' D a � e : f�ay 29, 1980 . ���---___-��� _ . _ � � � �`a'1 �'.t � i ! � '� �' � `�� � � i �1 ,� � t �� �.. i . j U : �aini Pciu1 Ci �;T Co� n�ii _`� � � Q �;� � C Q i i 1 i7j I"�i�� O i� CI TY DEVELOP�1EP�T AND TRANSPORTATION • . Leonard W. Levine � G�10!`l11G (1, �ra�es tt�e folic�.iing repor� on C. F. �] Urdinance � � Resolu'rion� � ' �X� O� �lnE' � �`�` �� � Matter of re-use for the former Gillette Hospital site. The Committee recommends that this site be used • for passive park and the west wing of the � ' � . � �hospital be preserved, and �that. a process be � - . established to determine future use of the . - � west wing. - ., �� ,T ,-�u S:�l\-1� E':'.L�i., `.14\�:f=,��-('.� 5,;��, 't' i�.._".L $�.�. f._;"i r. 'rt.C,._ .. - .n . . l. . .. \ . . . .. . ' . . .�. � ' ' ' . •. . �, : ' t� ` �. . � . . � . � �4 . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .• tk4Y�.. � , . . . _ . .. . � � � � 4 � � ' � ' . . . . .�;� . . � . . �� t , ,: , . .�� , � . . � . . . � , .1 �� F �.. . . � . . ` �. '� � � . . ' � . ' . . - . . � � � � � � . . � . . . . _ . { � . . . _ . � . . . � . _ . . . � . � . . . } ,: ., . . ' . ' . . � , , 8rp�x 5, 19"T9 � ' . >- k , t�o�umai�n Zwonara � ' � l�airo�ta, Ci�,j► Dw� �Q Tr�s�lorlat�oe Ca�e�it� . � lo��� �oo� T18, City �11 St. P�wl, l�scr�s � � '� � D�aar Cameiln�n Lrvins�� . ' � Ci�`y �auncil b�el�d � pnblica b��in� on 8�ar 4, L9"�'9 ati ' 'T:� P.M. a� Arlingt,om Hilla I,�t�srsn t�w�rrsh �o �nai�r t�e � usu of EiilLst� Bospital sitr at�d suba�qwat to �hs lf�ari�g � t�e toll�o�►ing aaLioa� wu t�un by �ion. s!r ms�t.er Mas re- . l+�rr�d to tL� Ci#,,y 3�].o�muit Co�it#.w tor 1eie�sidtrat#.�r by • � ' �e t`3ttN e�ft � ii'l�1e �rl.�Eh tLe st�t of t►h� Pl�miog b , l�aaaa�i� Devrllop�eat D�partm�nt �a�d Pas►�s Departia�t to �l.o�s other alt�raativ�s, r�rly j► . . � , 1• Park Use on�y � . i2- l�xad park use snd singls faa�i�,y boo�in� 3� ToMn Ao�se au� P4rk �Ise �o�3t�etlon ; �t�- P'ark �Usa a�c! i�usirig for eldsr]y 5- R�habilit,e►tSaa aeyd ;�r of a�cistiag baildings 6- Libr+�n�r use !'b� �vur iofcar�tion �ad !'titture 0otitie:at�,,s cpppr o! tlw - aignrup sLs�st fra� tbe Sept�a�sr 4th �wtiog is sLt�at�ad. . ; Ve:'Y 'tru3.Y Y�'�� � � � 1�IDIM Mi76 , � �►'�'� Cr1lT�. ' .'� A�Zu , : . � . CC t 1�,�1�07P Ltt11�R! . - P�il'1Rtt1g b �QC�Q D��• , C�nit31'8!1"viQ�s DlpE. . - ' � , , , � � , . �� �''� �� /D ?� ����.�L�...� � . �a.c�, _ . �"�"/�� GILLETTE PUBLIC HEARING Arlington Hills Lutheran Church (Fellowship Hall) Tuesday, September 4, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. AGENDA �� Introduction of City Council Representatives and District 5 Planning Council Members(seated at front table) Cruidelines �or Public Hearing(time limit, etc.) Lee Anderson, Vice President, District 5, will provide a brief history of what has transpired since the transfer of the Gillette Site from State to City Open the Hearing to Residents Closing Statements k`:Y . .. . � � �� � � . . � � � . � .. . . � � � � . �^ . . . ` . t� �� .� . .. . �� . . 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A � ��.a� ,. �z �:�_ _ ,� 1 � � � � �`� �}'!.�( t .<.,;-� l � i� S,l,� �F°r,,� ,,:��.. " . , ' � t. v^ � • .`S � �;;:�. ' _� ..S� � �.-f..- �.- ��� s S�� ��- f � �. 7�' C��-� -�-�y���.Z �. . �.-�--�d�. � �. � �s 'z�G�L. ,,��.; �?G�°C J�--c��r�j� �'"`�C/ �, L"7�-Y°�'�- 4� . ? �� c� 7 7 "� �'` .r�'� �/"`'`"- � � C..�'�+^— , t /�� � ��� �� 7 � � ��l{��1/ �'►�.,�...� Z�� 4 ta.�u.- 2Z\—�'� I . . � �z�'u/ ��' ,�,�.-, �r�� � �-�.���� ���Z,,��l ���'-��.�=,�-� .S'� r � .�,,,, � . . � /J � A. ..�' . . � r wr.., ' �i� i ;' � '� l a.� i, � x�•'.�"" y r � • � �' ..s. / ,..� .1T�f'� r-.. � 4� ; . . ... - +r-...... . �. . . . �.9-^, �.._ _., - ... � . . .. . ._., .. . . . �. � . .._. _. . . . ._ _:� - � , . _.... :.i �. _ _. . ir.p��e .. . .. . . . . . . . :L-. � � . . . . .. . , a' � � � � � So,i`DU~O Minnesota • Eugene T. Waidorf j, +� District 66A House of Ramsey County '�'-`� � Committees: � _--- Representatives Appropriations �_�•-4 Health and Welfare Flodney N. Searle.Speaker Local and Urban Affairs Legislative Coordinating Commission Science and Technoloay Subcommittee MEMO September 4 , 1979 TO: St. Paul City Council District 5 Planning Council Area Residents FROM: Representative Gene Waldorf The attached sheets are a report of a survey I conducted on the re-use of the Gillette Hospital Site. The survey forms were sent to area residents on August 24 , 1979. SURVEY - GILLE�TTE HOSPITAL SITE RE-USE S�.irvPy Forms Sent 7 4 0 Returned to Sender * 147 (Not Completed) Potential Survey Population 593 Forms Completed 212 Percent Returned 36$ . Total Votes _ 391 GEOGRAPHICAL AREA SURVEYED: Area bounded by Maryland c�n the South, Phalen Park on the North, Arcade Street on the West and Johnson Parkway on the East. Rationale for geographical selection - People i.n that area are more likely to be affected adversely by decision for Re-use. ATTEMPTS TO ELIMINATE BIAS IN SURVEY: 1. Advantages and disadvantages for all choices were provi3ed. 2. Arrangement of choices was rot�ted to eliminate position preference on survey form. * Reverse �irec�ory for 1977 use�. ' FIGURE �1. PREFERENCE FOR RE-USE ,lst. CHOICE , 29� PARK - R�nove existing buildings arr3 re-use , land f� park p�irposes. . � ( � RIIVOVATE FOR NfJFtSIl�TG Fi� - Propesty beh;*� 17� . uigs or Par . j � ; i t , ; 14� SINGLE FAM�,Y 'r?OL1S�1G C�I,Y - Use entite 13 acze� site far h�sinq. � E ; � � _. __ , . _ 13� SINGI�E FAMILY H�tJSING ANi) PARK - Housin3 uni.ts � on half of site, remair�der for Park. 13$ Ra1��TE F'�� RErII�1T VILLAGE - ProP�Y behirri buildings far Park. 7� TOA71�t1SES �'LY - Use entire 13 acre site for Hc�using. 4� �JSES AND PARK - Hous' i �.ng on half of site, � ranair�der c� Park. j � � � 2°b REL�WATE FOR TxHIvICAL VOCATIQI�L 7N5TITCTI� - � Property behirri buildings for Park. i _ _ 1� �E'�tOV�•LTE F�ISTIZ�TG BI�DG'S FOR HCUS�IG - Use `■ prop�xty behirri buildings for Park. ; � � FIGURE 2: PREFERENCE FOR RE-USE __� _ 2nd CAOICE ` 22� SIl�TGLE FANLTLY FiCiJSING AND PARK - Housing units on half of site, renainder far Park. 21$ RII�iWATE FOR NUItSIl�IG I� - Propei-ty behir�d irigs ar Par . 19$ R3�10VATE' F�� RETII�7T VILt�GE - PropertY �behir�d build�ngs f� P�k. 10� T�1SES AND PARK - Housing on half of site, r er c� Park. � . j 10� PARK - Renove existing buildings ar�d re-use ].ar�d fc� gark purposes. � 9� SINC�L�, FAMa,Y i?C7tJS�� C�1LY - Use entire 13 acre site fc� housirxr. - - _ _ 6� TOWNf�iTSES OI�Y - Use eritire 13 acre site for H+�sirig. RIIVCNATE �ISTING SL�G'S FOR HCUSIlVG - Use fl� property behir�d buildings far Park. � " �}.� RENOVATE FOR TDC�INICAL VOC'.ATIOI�I, INSTIZ'UTr - / Property behurl buildings far Park. { � . FIGURE 3. , GROIIP HOUSING ALTERNATIVES lst. CHOICE PARK 29� r 21$ HOUSING ONLY � HOUSING AND P.ARK 18� 17� NUSRING HOME 13� RETIREMENT VILLAGE ' I ; 2� TECHNICAL VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE � ! 1 , _ � , � � F•IGUR� 4 . ' GROUP ALL HOUSING ' lst. CHOICE 39� HOUSING AND HOliSING AND PARK 29� PARK 17� �IURSING AOP� � � ; i 13� RETIREMENT VILLAGE � � 2$ TECHNICAL VOCATIONAL �� INSTITUTE ; . . • - • � FIGURE 5. GROUP ALL ALTERI�IATIVES I�CLUDING SOME RE-USE AS PARI� 1st. CHOICE 79� PARK AND OTHER ALTERNATIVES INCLUDING PARK USE 21$ HOUSING ONLY FIGURE 6. GROUP HOUSING ALTERNATIVES . 2nd. CHOICE 48� HOUSING AND PARK _ ! PLUS HOUSI'•_VG ONLY 21� RENOVATE FOR NURSYNG HOME � � 19$ RENOVATE FOR RETIREMENT ��� VILLAGE � , 1 � 1�� PARK ONLY - � . { i l� T�CHNICAL VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE � , • � 8/24/79 . � , • ' � SURVEY FOR*� - CO?JIPLETE AVD RETURN t � / S� .''��c.C� - .,^_ � __..-�------�-'�"_ PLEASE PLACE A 1 FOR YOUR FIRST CHOICE AND A 2 FOR YOUR SECO:�ID CHOICE Voter 1 Voter 2 Vater 3 Vater 4 USE RECO.MMENDED �`�� J�� � T�TSFS AND PARK - Housirig on half of site, � er c� Park. �/ �� �� � � � �� � 'L�WNI�[7SES �'LY - Use entire 13 acre site for �a � , . / T� � !(7'� � � � ��� SINGLE FAMSI�Y �OCTSING AI�ID PARK - Housing units � ,±��.� � � f of site, rsnainder �or Park. /3� „�� S/ �� �7`'�� � l/� �� !,� �_�l�� SI1VQ,r, FAMILY i?aUS�IG QVLY - Use entire 13 acse Ic� � �� a� l�ousang. / , l� 5�.�' J �J �nv�� �zsr��c s�c's rro� xaJS�c - use �� y behirr� buildings for Park. � /` ,�1i T '�� �1�� ' RIIVOVATE FOR Z�ICAL VOC�TIOI�L INSTITtJTE' - h �� ty behir�d buildirigs fnr Park. ��� 9 �'1'/y( � ' ' "` � 11�`�. �� � � RET7WATy FOR RET�2F1`��1T VIIS�AGE - ProP�rtY c ��11 ���� bui.ldirigs f ar Park. ��/z ,,� � �� �I� �� �/n �� � f� �� 'OVATE FOR NURSII�IG I� - Property bP.hi.I�d �,� o/ ` '�V �/�K 'I'�X , �K '11� J� ; s or Park. % �`l� � ) � �'�J� ��� � - - Remc��e existing buildings ar�d re-use ��� 1.and for park purnoses. f � h� 1�u 1� I�u /�� a�% �1l �C ,�� ��,� �,� �i �� �,� . � �_ � ' J � { �'�l /`'S�( 1//1 ..._._._---� . � �� , —� e . ,, ,�.,,�?� ' . ' 8/24/79 � t . � :'-, • ' � .� SURVEY FOR'�I - COIdPLETE A�tD RETURN PLEASE PLACE A 1 FOR YOUR FIRST CHOICE AND A 2 FOR YOUR SECO:QD CHOICE VotPS 1 Voter 2 � Vot� 3 Vater 4 USE RECO.MMENDED ' ' �ry.iJ)y�y Nl���j(�� TOWNI�i1SE5 AND PARK - Housing on half of site, � � renainder ar Park. � �' �� �! �y��� TO�nRVi�D[7SES C�'I,Y - Use entire 13 atse site for f t'� Ficusixig. `` --.A., � ,� _ �,r`�?N�.TrN��tl�},Tl�l'�.�+W1'I�Lh��(:�f ,�{.�11'f�Jl SINGLE FANiTLY Ht7tJSING A1�D PARK - Housir�g units °�! � on hal.f of site, ra�i�er �or Park. °'� ?. ` °' '1�jN.l t�C�ruLrN�I t! SINQ� FAM�Y i?C1US�TG (7�]LY - Use entire 13 acre �f site fo� h�.ising. �, �1 �� RIIVOVATE F�ISTING HL,DG'S FOR HUJSg1G - Use #� L:� _ propPSty behir�d bu�ldings far Park. ,� ,� : � ' RENWATE FOR �ZCAL VOC'ATIONAL INSTITtJZ'� - r `". _ Property behind �.ldings for Park. . '� , � rW.1�N,t Ttt�1't�l, RETdWA2'� F0�2 �lT vII�AGE - Pro ?-t ;� '_% �N,�,iT�cT�I �l hN��I.N� �t 1 -� y Pe- Y ��., ,; �ehir�d buildirigs far Park. " -� .;�/` _.:` �L.'�1 rn�r+�-m�.�.�►�n��l rtit�t�;�►'�1�r�u �ov�E Far� �s1r�c � - Progerty �hirr� .�I°;� builr�.ings ar Park. � -�. i ; ,., :_ ��' "� � � - PARK - Rsnove existing buildings ar�d re-use �- -� ���'�� 1ar�d far park purposes. ;, _1._ / X-!: , _ �--� . � ���""'°"" CITY UF SAlN i NAU� ,<^��..'o:'�, g;�A� '�� . � CITY PLANNING COMMISSION �:; ��t0'�i°{� c; '�.• �� Thomas P. FitzGibbon, 1r , Chairman �'"��,�„',�o�� 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Mmne.ot.� 55702 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298•41 S i MAYOR RECEI�ED June 3, 1980 �UN '� ��� � COUNCILW�MAN Rk�BY H�,NT Council President Joanne Showalter Members of the Saint Paul City Council✓ Seventh Floor City Hall - Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Gillette Hospital Site Dear President Showalter & Members: I would like to hereby request that you support the proposal to be submitted at the regular City Council meeting June 5, 1980, to refer the disposition of this important site to the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul . The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing through the Zoning Committee to determine if the proposed use is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Saint Paul . This request is being generated to explore alternative proposals that may satisfy the concerns of the neighborhood, while at the same tirne address the City-wide need for housing and expanding tax base. The current proposal offers an all-or-nothing-at-all proposal , and it is the feeling of the Executive Committee of the Planning Commission that we should explore all possible uses for this important site. The Planning Commission will expedite this process so that a response to the discussions can be forwarded to the City Council without delaying the process to any great degree. Sincerely, -�r1���-�► �� � , . Thomas P. FitzGibbon, Jr. Chairman, Saint Paul Planning Commission cc: News Media TPF:mm a�55 // �-fi''..� i,Y.`,'°-�.rel�. � . , _ , •�`••��C~•••• �t � �� �;� �•� ��-, �� y.., ��9 'R�iL�1 `J��� ��i��� � __ ' i\\,; :�/,� ------�- -- � � _ --------._ � • `'� � '\� . ���� �i�...��t `� ���:��� � �� �;! • 1115 GREEhSR!ER STR[ET O ST. PAUL, ivllf�IMcS07A 55y�;8 m 7EL�Ci'�`d�NC 771-5501 I . ' iia;y ?9, 19�s� PASTORS Raymond W. Hedberg . Senior Postor �� „�j�}V�D - Joannr Sh�,aalter, PrESideni, Gien Hanggi , y Conununity Scrvices. C1�y l.Oli:?^.1.1. `.'J n' � �[��fl - Clty O�' S�. �'�U� t� �JE1V Richard E. Lofgren Evongelism St. Faul, �°'.?r.;�es��ta [{102 �p�����1t,VU0n�AN Arthur hl. l.owe ���Y ���_ Educa�icn and Youth - �E 1:' e.T03"lilc: . Roy A. Kindgren Visito;iu� � Wc3i,C�1FC� Z?i�G�'1 1..�E2'c S i. �:iC' T•;L L�; SC!P:� 111S '1.�T�.'1'TS f.�l•� �.!)ili��.�1 S E�_ E_ } ,.i�. �� � y� i; �^ �1�iF.��� :iLt,'? ].S;�;l':.. �1��';OLl�'C; Z �2C� deli��rati.o,..� t�' : rno_r:'.r.^ � tt._ . - ` :10t. cak:T':,i: L�Tl�G:1 t•il� i7TOi�0_`��C' y'::iO.l'1+iOI?� L C�^.i2 �.::Y`c ?•Ilt.1: +i.�if: �•JilTic:.1��5 Grne Janssen � � . • IAinister of Nusic GECZ.�lOI1. �;�� ="t�� CQ:1CC2'il IS ."l�f,C? ��?i: �)2':'.:F:_, }'�r iJtii?.CCi �;f?:I.S C��C:��1.7Y7 �:as r�acnc;J. :�1.�.T'E � T2�T'I`��iJ�j CO21C�:C'I:FCj lrilt�l �"Jc::fil�� �'07.' ':n�r T1�1.;?[1�'�O���J�Cj a�.00:� pr lf T ,.'E_'CE(: �O 1T2��T`e1�18�f,� .^:1"V.`.3��7: t7 ?7'Ftr T:e^1�°fe�:Ot':,� I :�TO:iZ(� ti:a�rc �3�i.L'1.e�il:�:C� '"i.00'a;j�:� G�(:C151n:1• I��,z� S1iii:E T O:•iE 1.1�".�i�_E �:�7 �S' Tif:1�Li'GOi:� �'•Tl:: S2itCE� :�aT'T'?ri�_ Y1�2'E5y' 07' 6jY'QSS lr?T:OT'8�.:�tV� tn�r jn}J l:�l S�=CiiI't� I fTl�O;� t,ll� �.LLY'�2`�T rJ` ET1�i.F..�o'!:Il:?? SOU11G p.IaT?�i:�_"_J CO:La1GeX'::'�i O:?S. _ T:O:•T I hap.'1i�T1 ii.0 thin'� t�r'11i, c'� T'Jr,' Of �Il�i? Ci_i8l•_',��i,,�,T ��•��,;n}l0l7SE al.o:],-'�'�, , Ivy ar.•.^ t,til� r�ainter,ei:c,e �?f ��lE i;1ESt T'i�.ri�; `n0'.11C� C2'd'J.r t)c:�i1 :1 CO'�i?�S'0;�11St ±hat Z:�o�.:Id havC b�en �ood ior �11 COnrFxn.r-d, Th� Cit�r ,�as :�o�. ��t;� effecti.?T� ir: cealir.�? �•rith th�= probl.e�n;� t'r:at 'r��v� berc��e assoc5.ated tait:h the Park, and I can onl�r assu*�e that ti�rhen the Yar'�c e3:t:en:ls all tr�� t•ray to Iv�,� yo�a �:i11 b� hearin:; more f�o.i thF z�esicients �;o th� sou�h. Ttzus, the concept nf a 'to�mhot�se buffer mal:es good p�-a�ni.n� sense �a riE. But 2ets look ai, tht larger issue. '.•=;� con�Ept of ��le Compreher_siv� Plan is that iU sets up �eneral prir,ciplcs tha� lar�;e:Iy ��red�-term:ine SUhSFQU.�rij: 1.M����?ct'i�aul0ri 1SSUcS. Y:e U2'ECi1�"i,�.j' riEE:C) C1i,17,eI1 Uai.t1C1T3c1t1011 in the develo���nt o�' t'r�e .�lan elements, j;-Et tht �.evel of t�a� pax•tic:i- �ation has ha�n disapvoint:i.n� at b�st. '�,'����? i'a���t5_al_ly, T l�rould submit, beca�_ise ��re have :r:aJe it a��t.ractive far ne-i.c��bc.r'�:�od �1•o��:,s to i�;nor2 trE r ,�;�r�'•l�p•. �V!� �1�tr! ?r{a �'�c'^ � O�: ;i•= _`�'?.0 �.:".�� ^iii,�:�`,�.t�,� l�^lk:5. 'r:l7.S :�S a t�i-�e-consumLT1;- foz�� o,�..decisio:�-;r.:,'�it��r a:�c? �';:ad:;, :�: •�rou.:�d C•�tl'�@.1`�� to D70i T��_c�:??11T1�. '`Tti'Qrl 1 f3^�1�.' v(7e Vc'1T'i.OUSy c T?���1.0;L)1 r rl.��tl F:.1E:�:e;it.`i t0 +..:i1S LS.ilC. I r .,BS� ��e� r.r. i��. 'r ;� �i�d a str.c:�r ^ for c �I.�. a .� .�f. at. ?.�as v pa.rt of t?:e ':ille�t� site ior 'r.,��s;.<-�;;. � - i �icl:'E �1 E;? I1di1V Il J.�I�S t;0 ��'?i.' 1?:'C?)�7'�l�iJil O.i i r� .�i0�_i:�l:i" CZ.FII::?Ilk.,� <�Il' 8?� i`?tr1Il= Tr:?nV ?tp,iT � 'T:Ji'�: ��O �L;E 1�:.°lll ':i: E t r-hr. .� T k:0'�I�C� t1:?�'i.� i•Q I Sr� t;(':°T''. 1'.'?OTE?G' :jt, L'.I:C .:i'".�-2"!E",l' ��j �`iICC'?` _ '7'_ }::i:l�`:•i"?�ltc: t1�.�12?:11;1�!e T'y i `.� }_-�•-; i � t f, � '"7_� ..'.l'.1�C� f1:1C� 7.�if. •��.^.•'2:?I'i�r:i?1.S.iVc ;"�.3:1 u }:�iT3- ...,.� L F ','1-:� �:i-,� �:7l.iL., j c:il. t:')O_. �� . ;:;al.l:r� � Glen i{a:�¢��; June 5, 1980 SAINT PAUL AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MT• Ron Maddox < SUITE THREE HUNDAED THE OSBORN BUILDING 704 City Hall , SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA St. Pa.0 , Minnesota 5 102 �' ) 55102 • PI-IONE: 222-5561 / . � /�/" � Dear �I�add6x. On behalf of the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, I would like to encourage you, as a member of the City Council, to seriously consider alternatives to the City Development and Transportation Committee's decision to utilize the Gillette Hospital site as open space. As you are well aware, the Housing Policy Plan which the Chamber studied and commented on and which you approved recently, established the objective to construct at least 10,000 new housing units in St. Paul by 1990. This objective is in conformance with the Metropolitan Council's comprehensive plan, and further states that a variety of housing opporttmities within neighborhoods should be increased. The Chamber indicated its support of the Housing Policy Plan, but stressed that the private sector should be looked at as the primary means to deal with our housing problems. The private townhouse market rate development proposal for the Gillette site is a fine example of that philosophy. It is our belief that the Committee's decision to designate the area as open space undermines the intent of the Housing Policy. The Chamber recognizes the importance of open space as it affects the overall health of the community, but is seriously concerned with the critical lack of housing in St. Paul which discourages further economic growth in the city by displacing present and potential residents. St. Paul needs to take advantage of opportunities to expand our tax base as opposed to further increasing maintenance for tax-exempt lands. It is our recommendation that the disposition of the site be referred to the Planning Commission so as to work out a compromise which will satisfy the needs of the city and be compatible with the needs of the District 5 Planning Council and the residents of the area. Since ely yours, rt' Executive Vice Presiden AM/DLL/saw , : . ��. ' �. ..' . ' . . . � � ' . �, • � .. . :.. '. �, . ... _,�� . � � '�..�...i .. \�... . � � . . �. � • ' . . . .. � . - . . ,.. ' . . . . . .r ,'. . . . . . . . ' �+,' . �'' . . � . " . . ' ' .. � . • .. 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