275097 ,,, ,_ 5 '7 CITY OF ST.PAUL OLJNCIL L O. FINAL ORDER By File No. 1��3� In the Matter of Q�=�ti� oi s pWb�;ie wtes �ai� �wi wt�r ��s�eie�� aaaaratiaut ie Yi�rgioiw �crs�t frw Coctr� Aw�e to '�d4 laet rarth. ���w�����, :�ww+��r�r�M��• under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order ���'��� approved aPR 2 2 1980 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Ado y the Cou il: Date .IIIN a � tnon Yeas Nays � Z Certified Pass y ouncil Skc eta �UN 19 1980 Flunt � �� -� In Favor l.@V � Maddox � �ad t�Y McMahon Against Showalter ayor �Cr �:_'�i; . � � �Cf'` ai°E'. Tedesce WUson ��5�� .�U� 2 8 �9$0 �@l� 'S:': . ' ����'��9'7 � �+���� ��s T�:; ,f. , �;•,— {`'��. ;l�a A��� ,?��,�I� ' ��' � �: �1tFans, ° �,� , k � � � d' �qn 'J h� r ,�. s: S �,, ��. � � �; ,`� ;rt; y `�, a+?;. ;� 1rc ,: � � ' �� �a. j � � '�; v�"{ '"�' �: �V�� �� ;�. ;,}> �w�• ``'� ��^ � '�� i x .. .a�;;�rzf'.._� �jJ..r . � Su��ary of Engineering Rec.ommenda�ions ��n�r� 11 l ' Report Prepared - I�Iay 15, 1980 � Public Heari.ng - May 20, 1980 ADVISABILI'I'Y' c`�I�TI7 ISESIRA$ILITX PROJLC�': � . Grade and pave, and construct concrete curb and gutter in VIRGI2IIA STP.EET fraru C�ttage A�enue to 3s30 feet north, CiL-y Pro�ect Nos. 80-P-0845 and 80-S-1b63. Opening, widening and extending VIRGINIA STP.EET by condemning and taking a germanent street easement over the follotaing: All tha� part af Lots 2 and 3, Cottage Hames Addition lying within the arc of a circle having a 5U-foot radius; the center of said ' circle lying 17 feet east nf the east line of Lot 3 and 29�J feet south �f the north line of said Lot 3, Cottage Home� Addition. Also, except the above described circl.e; excep� the north 240 feet, tha east 33 feet of Lot 3, anc� except the nortY� 24� f�et, the west 33 feet of Lot 2, Cottage Homes Addition. Also, condemning and taking an easenent in the land fc�r the slopes, cuts and fills, including the right of removal of lateral support from subject land or reinainder there- af occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading of VIRGIi�IA STREET from Cottage Avenue to 3E0 feet north. Construction of sanitary sewer and sanitary sewer service connections in VIRGtx?:Lti STP.EET from Cotta�e Avenue to 380 feet north. Constructian of a public water laain and water service connections in VIRGIi��:'1 STRE�T from Cottage Avenue to 380 feet north. INITIATING ACTION: This groject is being initiated by a petition signed by four of the seven abutting praper.ty owners. • EXISTTNG CO�tDITI0N5: Virginia Street north of Cottage Avenue is unplatted. I?ome owners are traveling on an aspha�.t driveway constructed on private easements. PROPOSFD I.�ROVEMFNTS: The proposed conde;nnation is 65 feet wide. This wi11 be 33 feet either side of the existing lat line. The property owners on tlze west side have already dedicated a 33 foot private easer�ent. Unly one property o.,mer on the east side has dedicated a �3 foot priva�e easement. The proposed cul--de-sac is planned to be otfset to the east since this property is preser.tly unimprov,d. The proposed ir.iprc�vements include a 3Q-foot bituminous roadbed, concrete cur� an3 gutter, sanitary sewer, watermain and w�L-er and sewer house connections. • � ' -a- rF J c�� �i� .4LTERNATIVES: At the Public Works Committee Me�tir.g, the Deparrment of Public Works, P.E.D. and th� District 6 Council were requested to work. wit:� the affected property owners to effect a proposal that would be more agreeable to all. The Department of Public Works prepared three alternates. A neighborhood meeting was held on May 14th to discuss these alternates. All three alternates include a 30-foot ' roadbed, cancrete curb and gutter, sanitary sewer and watermain. The only difference is in right-of-way width, length and alignment. A variation of one of the alternates was agreed upon by all but one of the property o�,rners. The developer of the tocm hones stated that they could move their development a maximum of 8 feet easterly without losing any units. This compromise location with a 40-foot right-of-way will still place . one unit within 20 feet of the right-of-way. The building setback requirement is 25 feet and the developer would have to request a variance for that unit. Doing nothino would not cause any problems, but it may prevent the future sale of homes and lots on Iand locked property. POSITIVE EFFECTS: A public road�vay will be maintained and plowed by the City. The existing homes wi11 have City water and sewer. . ADVERSE EFFECTS: Right-of-way condemnation 4r111 affect the proposed plat and town house construction proposed by a developer on the east side of the proposed street. ��bl� � [t�A To�.h.r it/ COST & FINANCING: Grade/Pave Sanitary Sewer .,-✓ , : . � Estimated Construction Cost per $23,900.00 $13,100.Q0 yl'Jy�.jJ��O Public Works Letter � Land Acquisition 3,000.00 ---- ---- Valuation & Assessment Services 540.00 260.00 300.00 Miscellaneous Costs � 60.00 60.00 60.d0 Total Estimated Expenciitures $27,500.00 $13,420.00 $15,51�J.00 Assessablc Frontage 652.65' 652.65' f3. � Estimated Assessable Rate Per $ 30.00 $ 15.00 $ �' ` Residential Foot � ��L� '"' /> �7,� Financing: � �k,�v�- �',�r�� ,y Uirect Assessment $19,580.00 $ 9,790.00 $I1,1Q0.00 City Aid 7,9'L0.00 3,630.00 4,410.00 Total $27,50Q.00 $13,420.00 $15,510.00 Se�,�er connection charges ara not incluc?ed in the aUove costs or assessments, and will be assessed at the bid pzicp per connec*_ion, The water connection charges ara scheduled charges. The charge assess�d is the charge in e£fect for the right-of-�aay that is ap- proved by the City Council. � � � -3- �5Q9'� TIME SCHEpULE: If this pro3ect is approved, conatruction could begin in the Fall of 1980 and be completed in the Sum�er of 1�81. RECOP1MCIv'DATION: Since this street is a local i�:provenent and is not a factor in the City transportation system, the Department of Public Works nakes no reco�amendations. - RespectfuZly subnitted, Donald E. Nygaard, Director of Public Works DEN:JWD:mf .� �. � � °�' J . , . �� . � . w 5�l _ _ _ - - - . ��- ...�w- . � � . �zo - - . . - ,zo . .. w .. � r SD (� I (S'9_?. 6 �Z o , . I � I � I � � i �c° , � N � � � � , � � �� �ti` I I I o� I � - ` � � � � wo � I 33 33 � l � I,� � � � l � . � � - - i ' I I � .. �r �o p i,� � I� �N w ` o �, Ww � I� „w: �. W — � � p IN W� N . � � ° '� o ° �° � �~ W�' o �° . ,�-�-� � i a i � i � * . � i� � . i i-� � o � �� i � �� °�°i � � _ I � � o � � � � I i � � � , � • I I � i � I pN il � � I �o . 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PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ����ry ASSESSMENT DIVISION � Z 1� CITY HALL 5T.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 May 2, 1980 Files 18136 G, S; 18137; 18138 Page The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. on May 20, 1980 on the advisability of proceeding with the following City pro�ects: Grading and paving, constructing concrete curb and gutter, constructing sanitary sewer, and constructing water main in VIRGINIA STREET from Cottage Avenue to 380 feet north. Also, construct sewer and water ser- vice connections. Also, opening, widening, and extending VIRGINIA STREET by condemning and taking a permanent street easement over the following: All that part of Lots 2 and 3, Cottage Homes Addition lying within the arc of a circle having a 50-foot radius; the center of said circle lying 17 feet east of the east line of Lot 3 and 290 feet south of the north line of said Lot 3, Cottage Homes Addition. Also, except the above circle; except the north 240 feet, the east 33 feet of Lot 3, and ex- cept the north 240 feet, the west 33 feet of Lot 2, Cottage Homes Ad- dition. Also, condemning and taking an easement in the land for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construc- tion of slopes in the grading of VIRGINIA STREET from Cottage Avenue to 380 feet north. The estimated cost and financing afe as follows: Grading and Sanitary Water . Paving Sewer Main Direct Assessment $19,580.00 $ 9,790.00 $11,100.00 City Aid 7,920.00 3,630.00 4,410.00 Total Estimated Cost $27,500.00 $13,420.00 $15,510.00 Estimated assessable' rate $30.00 $15.00 $17.00 per residential foot Sewer and water service connections will be assessed in addition to the above at actual cost per connection. If you wish detailed information regarding this proposed improvement, you are in- vited to meet with the City's technical advisors in Room 218, City Hall from 9:30 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing or you may telephone 298-5311 for construction inf.prmation or 298-5241 for assessment information. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of this hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvement that could affect you or your com- munity. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. MICHAEL J. EGGUM CIVIL ENGINEER III