275091 Commun i ty ����j M�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE Development GITY OF SAINT �AUL Council 1 � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• C uncil Resolution Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did approve the Comnunity Development Block Grant Year VI Application and the updated Three-Year Community Development and Housing Assistance Plans on March 6, 1980, Council File Number 274519, and WHEREAS, the City Council did also authorize and direct the Mayor to submit said Community Development Year VI Application and the updated Three-Year Comnunity Development and Housing Assistance Plans, to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in such form as prescribed by the regulations of said department; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved the City's Community Development Year VI Application along with the updated Three-Year Community Development and Housing Assistance Plans, with certain minor changes and conditions as stated in the attached letter and grant agreement from said department to Mayor George Latimer, dated May 19, 1980; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby accept the Corr�nunity Development Block Grant for Year VI with all the conditions and terms attendant thereto as contained in the attached grant agreement and letter from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are authorized and directed to execute the grant agreement and contract between the City and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Community Development Block Grant Year VI Program. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays °"t � In Favor PED• Comnunity Development Division H Levine � � • e Maddox O__ Against BY � Ma ox '�"�'��� Sho alter st+owalter T ,lUN 101980 Form Approve City Att rne Adopted by ouncilWilson Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY _--—' �}, . -" " JUN � 3 �7w App d by Mayor for m' sion to Council t#ppro d by �: Date By _ B �RUSttED JUN 2 � 1980 • • � '� U.S. DEPAR7MENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DFVFLOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMFNT E3LOCK GRANT PROGRAM ° FUNDING APPROVAL UNDER TITLE I OF THE HOL'SING AND COMMUNIT,��o91 OEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974 (Public Law 93-383), AS AMENDED 1. NAME OF APPLICANT 2. APPLICATION�GRANT NJ. City of St. Paul B-80—MC-27-0007 �- ---- ---. _ _-----__ _ -- -- -- ----- --- -- ------ : 3. APPLICANT'S ADDRF55(IncluJa Strret, City, Countv, Stnfe end "l.ip Code) 4. DATF OF APPUCATiON � 347 City Hall ' 1-30-80 _ __ ___ _ ___ _ __--______ 15 West Kellogg Boulevard 5. DATE �?F HUC7 RE( ! 1Pi O� APPLICATION St. Paul, MN 55102 3—ll-80 —---__ _ _ _--___ . _ - ----�------ (Ramsey County) 6 xxx�nginal Funding Approval ; Amendment. Amendment No._ �"'�r All section references below are to the Housin�and Comm�mi�Development Act of_1974�as_amended,unless otherwise indicated. ��''"' 7. CATEGORY OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR THIS FUNDING ACTIQN (Check only oneJ � a, c�x cMetropolitan Entitlement(Sec. 106) b. ❑ Metropolitan Discretionary(Sec. 1061 c. ❑ Non-Metropolitan Entitlement (Sec. 1061 • d. ❑ Non-Metropolitan Discretionary(Sec. 106) � e. ❑ Secretary's Discretionary(Sec. 101) �� f. � Categorical Program Set4lement Grants(Sec. 103(b)) "`�± r�■ 8. AMOUNT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS APPROVED a. Amount of CDBG Funds Currently Reserved for this Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 1Oz638Z000 _ b. Amount of CDBG Funds Now Being Approved for this Applicant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 10,638,000 � c. Amount of Reservation to be Cancelled(Line 8a minus 8b1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �__— --- '�'�- HUD ACCOUNTING USE ONLY � — ---- -_ _ __----.--. ____-- -------__------- _—---- -— __— �. BATCH TAC pFy��/NA Y A REG ARE DOCUMENTNO PROJECT NUMBER — S � 1 5 3 � 1 7 6 7 0 8 2 ' ! � I ' �"�'" 1 4 9 12 13 id 16 1N 13 i'�' �S � CATEGOR AMOUNT 1 ' EFFECTr IVEDA E F AMOUNT 2 SCHEDULENO. �'�..�6f.� - -- - -...-- - --- �'�,. , ,--��� i i r- �_ � I ;u ; .. . 3A 41 45 5p 54 50 61 65 7!' 74 Iu T I. 9. DISTRIBUTION OF APPROVED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT � J a. Grant Amount Budgeted by Locality for Repayment of Urban Renewal Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S :"' . b. Grant Amount Withheld for Payment of Principal and Interest on Loans Guaranteetl Pursuant to Sec. 108 . S __ _ -� j �` c. Grant Amount Deducted by NUD to Settie Outstanding Urban Renewat Loans �- (Sec. 112(a)(1)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 d. Sum of lines 9a,9b,and 9c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5---- •�.. e. Amount of Approved CDBG Available for Disbursement(Line 8b minus 9d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 10,638,000 � �„ Prsvious Editio�s are Obsolete 1 HUD-7082 (8-78) re'ue:,,..,, ,,. .,.:, . .. _ , . , ., , . LM� . , � , `����'""�L� 'M1� � ��.�,.�,r�� `�.�na�►',"'"°ti:Y ''� ` _ "• ""' '�` .� . . .R,.�y,•�,ti.�..�+"•cJ*`1°`_,+-^'.. �DK"r"�r;,,�".,y,";k'a,}w`!.�`'�.4 r'���4x',,'�-���+R .s���+c'�}'+r''�.�+ `Y E�'�y�%i-•.Fn��''.r ti'x�!�r't'w..n�i,�'!,,:'+ar ti. .,'"�'''aTA�.,.F, . . � , g 10. AMOUNT OF SURPLUS URBAN RENEWAL FUNDS APPROVED AND BAI.ANCE AVAII.AB�E (Sec. !12/bJ) ��` � �. a. Amount of Surplus U.R. Funds Reserved for this Applicant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ b. Amount of Surplus U.R. Funds Now Being Approved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ c. Balance of Surplus U.R. Funds Available for Future Use (Line]Oa minus IObJ. . .. . ... $ � � HUD ACCOUNTING USE ONLY . ; BATCH TAC PROGRAM Y A REG REA OOCU� M� PROJECT NUMBER - 5 � 153 082 176 � 1 2 9 12 13 14 16 18 23 30 35 CATEGORY AMOUNT 1 FFECTIVE DAT F AMOUNT 2 SCHEDULE NO. '��� 41 45 50 54 60 61 65 70 74 79 11. MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF LOAN GUARANTEE COMMITMENT AVAIIABLE AND AMOUNT NOW BEING APPROVED a. Applicant's Latest Entitlement Amount — $ x 3 $ b. Grant Amount Required by HUD to be Applied to Urban Renewal Loans $ c. Amount of Outstanding Loans (Including Principal and Interest ThereonJ Guaranteed � Pursuant to Section 108 $ � d. Amount of Outstanding Loan Guarantee Commitments Approved Pursuant to Section 108 $ �'�' e. Maximum Amount of Loan Guarantee Commitment Available (Line lla minus llb, llc, $ and I1dJ f. Amount of Loan Guarantee Commitment Now Being Approved $ � ,a^.�s_ 12. RECIPIENT OF LOAN GUARANTEE(Check Applicable BoxJ �_;�. 'S`j�� a. ❑ Applicant Identified in Block No. 1 • "' b. ❑ Public Agency Designated by Applicant as Grantee to Receive Loan Guarantee(Name and AddressJ � � � � P�.�. ��,,�^.x, i2"•s= r-�� - �`y •.y, w� M�.v'� f' y.'� . _ �?"4!� �4 _ HUD-7082 (8-78) � ,.--.. . -.. �.-,. ..�.v,;��,,• •..-....: .. .. . . .� . . � .;.� � , . _ ; �y� �..'. M ���~ �'� �� �� ... ~ . . . r .�' .^ .. .� y . .. . .. ~ ��1F./ .. �4•. .��`��M��� '���'. �' [lA� fI} f �y �. Tl►w �i 13. Waiver of Certain Application Requirements for Sectior. lU6 Grants � , • ❑ T'he application requirements of Section l04(a)(1), (2)and(3)are waived pursuant to Section 104(bx3),except 1 as indicated below: 14. Determination Regarding Particularly Urgent Needs to be Met by Proposed Activities . ❑ HUD has determined that the activities described in the application as supporting community development needs {',,, � having a particular urgency,as specifically described in the application,are designed to meet such needs. * � 15. Environmental Review Actions I (a) O The Applicant lacks legal capacity to assum� environmental responsibilities under Section 104(h). HUD � has prepared and circulated a final Environmental Impact Statement on the application. Y (b) � The Applicant t�as legal capacity to assume environmental responsibilities under Section 104(h) and has 2 submitted requests for release of funds and certifications approved by HUD under Section 104(h)(2) for all projects which are subject to the environmental review requirements of 24 CFR Part 58 and require HUD release of funds,except those listed under Item 16(a)hereof. , 16. Conditional Approvals on Use of Funds The obligation or utilization of funds for the activities shown below,except as provided under subsection(a),is pro- � hibited without the further express written authorization of HUD. ��` � *, (a) Projects requiring HUD written release of funds under Section ]04(h)(2): (However,furuls may be obligated or ' �-.- . utilized for: (/J the pavment of reasonable administrative costs related to the planning and execution of projects ��' listed in this subsection and(2J other related activities specified under 24 CFR 58.21 as exempt from envi�on- � menta!review requirements,including eligible planning,design,and environmental activities.J Design of Community Development Year VII Public Improvements �� r �� . `, � � ��. �� ��x; �..•.>. �:.` � �,.-. r �s �' �A w� I' t• .!� �' � HUD-7082 (8-76) . �:� ., �,�„ .:.,' `,.x.. .... . . .. .` . '.�,v,.�{. •�.�v w.�..�.<��Z.• �.+•.t�^��an!. . �:.��i�•Krt-�_ ... .. ���,��y'�� � �++,,,, ^� �„�,'.•�y(y,r.:-•u,..�''��,� i`a` '��.�",�J. �";s� � ti+�"'Y ,j,s•�. -_� ��_�I > F a,tt?" `�rf�..'!Gw' ��;,,'�ts.7!� ~�..�'�+yr�,+�it�'7�'v�`�+�i�'..y�F�"�-+�rjY'i°�^d�,a!*,w'�'�rt��,�.ti�1:"��x'a.,.�'S+'►.�A'.��',/.x� .•���`Ani'�!�i. y,. ' ;� ,;. (h) Ser. 105 (a) (8)public services determined necessary ur appropriate for which other Federal assistance may be ! _ 8V�1��b�C: . �. (c) Sec. 105 (a)(2) tlood or drainage facilities for which other Federal assistance may be available: ' .-- '�w:: � �. (d) Any activities within the preceding categories which will be undertaken as a result of program amendments,or ` as unspecitied local option activities. (e) Activities affected by failure to comply with applicable HUD regulations or law: (The specific regulation or law with resnect to each activity listed,and the corrective actions required to remove the conditional approval, ` � are cited as Special Conditions in Item 18.) �;� �`•r�� -1 � 17. Ineligible Activities Reducing Section 106 Grant Entitlement .� 'r�• � Application for funding of the following proposed activities, determined by HUD to be ineligible under Title I �. of the Act,is �isapproved and the Applicant's Sec. 106 grant entitlement has been reduced in the amount r�._:. 1 shown below: ��! �� Proposed Activity Amount � � 1��� ... Total: ��. � r. � �.,, ' b �`' V i,' � i y% � �`:� _ 4��y��•�y tA��� �.. . � ' HUD—�oas �a_��� •,,� , _..._ , _ . �. - , ,......�-. . .. ._,.... ... ..... t...�,,: ,,., ,.. _ . _ , . , . . .�ti., 1 .;. �„ . `a. ..,.. � . ,� �,�.,. , .,, w •-•. �.. � �� n,,r y►�1k•:R'r„���.► , ` ' ' ',� �N�d .M �i\.�:'�, ` ^ P 18, Special Conditions and Modifications of Grant Agreement i See Attachment r+�-�- e !*."""- � { � � � � � Check if continued on extra sheet and attach. The funding approval indicated above for utilization of the assistance provided thereunder in accordance with the approved �,,,,'"^��� application, subject to the requirements of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974(P.L.93-383),as '"�.'�. amended, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development's rules and regulations,and the execution of a Grant Agree- � ment in accordance therewith,is hereby authorized for the program year beginning on June 1, 1980 � t MAY 19 198Q � Date: Secretary of Housing and Urban Development b'"."�- I�'�„" �; �".,�a � BY���, �'�. � �-: .-- r�'�:.� (Signature) ° _ �.,c�; T�—... r-,+ ����f Area Man er ''�� (Title) ' r�'�� � ►�" >r . •�: �Date Applicant notified that funding has been authorized: MAY 2 E 19$0 ►�� ..r.+:'� . � HUD-7082 (8-78) �� ^..`ir '1�%M.v�v V'�h V1`� . yy '�. � �. .,u.�.,_ . .. -.., ,u,,._ .�.. . � . . . . , .. � . ...-. ... _. ,.�r.. a���. 1�.,.a . . . .. ,`�,�� y` � � \ ;• � ���r " - ' '..*� � . s .a w -'.. �s 4 ,M'. .�q�!.i!�����• • y,^',�a_ i ,���a'�.. ,,,+',.,JI�'�.+~. r jr:.i�+�d..-.+i.�a�;r..�"�'t.�<<�����!!IiW�� �r�y�[�r..nT���4!lr ,�7!��,. ,w�s.. • " rY � � � � 3� t � �-% No funds shall be obligated or expended for "Design of Public Improve- ments for Year VII" until the applicant has provided evidence to the Secretary by January 15, 1981, that such activity or activities meets the requirements of 24 CFR 570.302. If such evidence is not presented h by that date, the applicant shall by January 15, 1981, reprogram the � funds proposed under the applicant's Community Development Program for such activities to other eligible activities meeting the requirements of 24 CFR 570.302. Reprogramming of such funds may- be subject to ap- proval by HUD of an amended application pursuant to CFR 570.312. Fail- ure to comply with the condition shall be cause -for reduction pursuant to 24 CFR 570.910(b) (10) , of the Fiscal Year 1980 grant by the amount conditioned. �'" No fu�ds shall be obligated or expended for .�our proposed Multi-Family �. Housing Acquisition Activity consisting of acquisition, demolition, �! relocation, and street improvements until the applicant has provided evidence to t.he Secretary by September l, 1980, that the assisted housing proposed by the applicant for this site is housing in accordance with HUD's site and neighborhood standards. If such evidence is not presented by that date, the applicant shall by September 1, 1980, reprogram the ' funds proposed under the applicant's Community Development Program for �= such activities to other eligible activities meeting the requirements �� of 24 CFR 570.302. Reprogramming of such funds may� be subject to approval ,�,_ by HUD of an amended application pursuant to CFR 570.312. Failure to �.. comply with this condition shall be cause for reduction pursuant to 24 CFR 570.910(b) (10) of the Fiscal Year 1980 grant by the amount con- ditioned. �'"'�:� •wr ��� � k'c� ��� � `�{�� ►rr ��' � � � �t ���., �an.:A: � 1. • 1d" �,.�:,;.�., � �� • � t 6 , .;-.,... ....�..............,�.-.tre'p!?-7.n.� . �. ..�� . ... .,, ... .. . . . „ . .. . .� .. . . . . . _ . . .t +td ' � . I�f4' �Y�.. . �' .y � r �— .•. �- � .� . . . a'.., �.. �� ._. ' t+irr ,"� � ��-_�..� . �W/+"'•,,}�,'�•-+La� . .� �.�.�.��. .r� ;o �+� � . ��u.�, s . ��r ' 1•��- � "�� ,��,/�����'y, s � r `y .• , +r� �+!" �.I�'�� �.�i.��.���/r��/�.a�^+�``)',•�•f�t�1�11,�/�1�'S''�'"T�'�r i r.PY�`�"i.�•��F���f"�i���r'�!k�,��M�..P` . �� .. . .. r' � . - , - . , . . . ,. , ACCEPTAN('L YROVISIONS • ' w�• . The Grant Agreement,authorized by the Department of Housing and Urban Development on MdY 19, 1980 under the Funding Approval for application/grant number 6-8�-M�-27-0007 _ : is hereby accepted by the Applicant as Grantce under the Agreement;and the Applicant�Grantee agrees to comply,and to _ accept responsibility for compliance by any public agency designated as Grantee to receive loan guarantee assistance and by any public or private non-profit entity, local development corporation, or small business investment corporation carrying out grant activity on behalf of the applicant, with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, applicable law,regulations � and all requirements of HUD,now or hereafter in effect,pertaining to the assistance provided. ' a ,.-�.--� �r � Cit_v of Saint Paul , Minnesota �' � (Name of Applicant/GranteeJ � Y ♦ ' BY. (Signature of Authorized OfficialJ P �!�*, �Mayor of Saint Paul „ (TitleJ �� May 31, 1980 (DateJ ��� Bernard J. Carlson, Director �� , Department of Finance & Management Services �� • � �� R _ �:� ,� ,,,,�_ �;y Gary E. St6"ut, Director �� Department of Planning & Economic Development �I` F` . �xM� � ''A'.tP�;''.�� �'. i"y •ti:.° :� ,rah-:. '� . �' Y .�' . HUD-7082 (8-78) � a •�, . ,,� .,�,._,r,. .. {.-.,..�, ,,,.., .. . , ., ., . , . _,�- , ,,- r � .; .. . "�*���'��� ���•::, . ,�`S'�7c'r`'Z'+�'~ ,i�A��y'I"�''�=-+"'�°'`�� w.� �+�:h ,,, ``'�'.1 rv '"k �^Y � � ' , rf� �'f ������RC :�..�' ,� „ �� . �� : . � . . ' .. Ri�►,: �#�l�� ��� t j � '�� XPl.�ill�'I0N (3f �Nt����'�1TI�E OROEI�S; � ��� ' � - � � ���� ��I S � �; .. , ; . � � ,, �` �,�� � °� � � ..� ��,<.. �, � = - �1�"� � �.j�}�' ��,� ',t��: Jur� 3� :Y4�0 —,. } � ,; - � � �.� . r , ' z. # _ .�,�+D► - �c y` °i�Q: Ml�1�UR 6��t�C� LA7TM�R t , � �' ,' � '�c ��l:k.Il�t Q. .��t'TfQN `�� . � � - _ � . . � .. . ��+�r`+. . ,� . . �� � . � �. �: �!���`1kE. 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