275086 WHITE - CITV CLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Retf�n--c to Valuation Bure u cil eS0 �ZOn Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W�S, th�e Cotmcil of the City of Sa.int Paul by Cotmcil Resolution C.F. 274816, adapted by the Crnmcil an April 29, 1980 and approved by th�e Ma.yor on May 2, 1980, did vaca.te and discantinue as a public alley the follawing real ProPertY: All of the South 1072 feet of the North-South platted alley in Block 1, Virgilia l}ivi.sion and WI�REAS, the Cotmcil ha.s been made aware the legal descriptian of the vaca.ted property was incorrect and not in accordance with th,e intentio�n.s of the Petitianer, Lean J. Klein or the City of Saint Paul; N�fnT THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper legal descriptian of th�e • property vaca.ted in Cotm.cil Resolution C.F. 274816 shall be as follaws: All of the South 1272 feet of the l�rth-South pla.tted alley in Block 1, Virgilia. Division BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in all other respects, all of the ternis, can- ditians and requirements im�osed in Coi.mcil Resolutian C.F. 274816 sha.11 remain in fu11 force and effect. COUNCILMEN �� Requested by Department of: Yeas fi�� Nays C Levine J Fi ce and gement Services Maddox IR FBVOi NICI01'dR�R �J � `� � Director Showalter __ Against � ' —�des�� Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUN 10 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary � V'� �g� By ��� t#pproved b Mavo : Date Ap d by Mayor for 's ion to Council By _ By � �,tS�t�D J U N 21 1980 ` ...�"��":;r'` � ' �����sCiTY OF SAINT PAUL `\..��`�TY OFV� Ra� ''��' ��°"'`""�"� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � ^o .� a; ,� unt���m ^c: � � � � :r'' ,•L. uu t�u u �- ^� �; ` �r P.;,.,,�....m � EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY , �.s. , 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �,,,,:,,,.�..,.��' . � 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER � �� aC� MAYOR �;� May 21, 1980 J. Willia�n Donovan Valua.tians and. Assessmen.ts Secand Floor City Ha. .,�1� Re: Vacatian Petition of Leon Klein Dear Bill: At the request of the attorney for Lean Klein and after ha.vin� confirmed the substance of the requested change, I ha.ve prepaxed the Cotm.cil Resolution changing the legal deseriptian of the vacated property. If you are in agreement with the change, plea.se have said resolutian processed through the City Cotmcil. Very truly yo�s, �...____..._ �" __._ --�-=���"__.._. WALTER A. BCJWSER Assistant City Attorney WAB:rl Enc. � �� , . 2�50�� EcE���Efl � �� � R STENERODEN AND HUGHES MAY 191980 T70 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST.PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 C!� A� ��1�EY ERNBST H. STENEAODEN 22��842� Txo�ws R. Hvax�s May 16 , 19 80 Walter Bowser _ Attorney at Law City Attorney' s Office City of St. Paul - 647 City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � Re: City Council File No. 274816 Petition of Leom Klein for �alley vacation . Dear Mr. Bowser: On May 10, 1980, the City Council passed an ordinance vacating an alley upon the Petition of Mr. Leon J. Klein. A€ter a �long and arduous negotiation, the City magnanimously agreed to relinquish their insistance upon the northerlp 20 feet of the 'southerly 12'] "�feet of the alley. However, as you can see by reading the resolution it states that the only part dacated is the sou�h 107 1/2 feet as opposed to the sot�th 127 1/2 feet, Would you redraft the resolution.�or ordinance and have it resubmitted to the Council so that it ss.-..consist� with what our agreement was.' Thank you very much for your consideration. Very truly yours, ; ( � T omas R. Hu hes g TRH:kks cc. Michael Eggum �+I Ol: 12/197�� �: � , : Rev. : 9/8/76 . • EXPLAIVATION OF AfNMINISTRATIVE OItDERS, -,� "��Q� ESLT N , Dt��D�f� S�'� � � F ��� � M,4�" ti� V�� Date: i�taq 29, 1480 : �� � ?;:,,�� oR s � T4: MAYOR CEOFt6E LATIMER fR: J. William Donovan, Valustion Engineer RE: oacation Proceedings of the City's 'Interest in a Public Allep, . ACTION REQUESTED: :Appraval and submission of the attached CounciL Resointion to the Citq Clerk for adoptian by the City Council. . , ; ' Pl1�FOSE` ANiD RATIONALE FQR�THIS AC7It3N: The origi�asl Council xesolution adopted Kaq 10, 198Q, deacribed the prbpertq � ' as - - - the South 07 feet of the North'-South al.ley; the intent �� tha petitioner and the:City of Saint Panl was to describe said land as - - - the 3outh �,�J� feet of`the Nqrth-South alley. Approwal of the attached �rill reflect the true intent of �he aforeoegttp�ed City Council proa�eding8. , A.: . '., _ , ATTACHMENTS: . Letter: T. R. Sughes - Letter: W. A. Bowser . R�aclution '