275085 N�HITE - CITV CLERK � ����� B �E �.� MR ?RE CITY OF SAINT PAITL F1eci1N0. CANARV - DEPARTMENT Coun R �n . Presented By Leonard W. Levine Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Applicatian was made to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of � Section 61.101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code which requires a four foot side yard set back for single family housing in an R-4 zone so as to permit the owner of the property to subdivide his two lots; and WHEREAS, Following a public hearing with notice to affected property owners the Board of Zoning Appeals by its Resolution No. 8610 adopted April 22, 1980 declined to grant the requested variance; and WHEREAS, The decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals was then • appealed to the City Council pursuant to Section 64.204 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to Section 64. 204 through 64.207 and upon notice to appellant and other affected property owners, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on May 15, 1980 and May 29, 1980 where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, The Council having heard the statements made and having considered the variance application, the report of staff, the minutes and findings of Board of Zoning Appeals, does hereby RESOLVE, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby affirm the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter and does hereby deny the appeal of Robert J. Will on the grounds that granting of this appeal will not be in the best interest of the community and the neighborhood and will be a detriment to the livability of the neighborhood; and, be it COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor _ __ Against BY -- Form Approved y Ci�.y�/�ttorne � Adopted by Council: Date ( � t Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK ����(� PINK - FINANCE COURCII V � CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SA�INT PALTL File NO. BLUE i-MAYC1R . � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Robert J. Will, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board ot Zoning Appeals. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays ��� I.evine [n Favor Maddox � �1�''�'°� _ __ Against BY Showalter �--�edes�.ar. Wilson � �� Form Approved y�ity rn Adopted by Council: Date �1��� � �1L?"" r Certified Passed by Council Secretary gY 3 By Approv , v : Date �, 3 ��v0 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By pf�tdSt1E4 J U N 21 1980 ' * � /• �� ` �_�����_•�. ��� OF SAINT PAUL �oR 'a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � iiii t i�n � ��� �o o,;, DIVISION OF PLANNING �..+ 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR May 9, 1980 Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File No. 8610 - Gary Torgerson, Appellant For City Council Action on May 15, 1980 Dear Madam: This is written in response to the appeal filed by Robert J. Will , a part - owner of the property, to a decision by the St. Paul Board of Zoning Appeals , denying a variance request to subdivide a zoning lot to create a building site suitable for single family development. The property is located on the south side of Bush Street between Ruth and Pec}erson and described as Lots 12 and 13, Block 4, Watts Park. On April 8, 1980, the Board of Zoning Appeals held a public hearing to consider granting a 1 foot variance to the appellant, Gary Torgerson, for the existing single family dwelling situated at 2032 Bush (Lot 12) so that the vacant lot of record (Lot 13) could be sold for single family development. Staff recommenda- tion was for approval . Four residents of the area spoke their disapproval on the basis that a single family home would generate problems for the neighborhood such as higher density, traffic, lowering of property values and potential undesirable people moving into the area. One letter and a petition with 17 signatures in opposition was received on this matter. After considering all testimony presented, Mr. Parrish moved for approval with the provision that off-street parking be provided and that adequate precaution be taken to prevent drainage onto adjacent properties . Mr. Kirk seconded . Motion failed on a 2-4 vote. The variance was denied. This matter is scheduled to be heard by City Council on May 15, 1980, at 10:00 A.M. in Council Chambers. Sincerely, Laurence J. Jung City Planner LJJ/cc Enc. �O C4TY O� ST. PAilL ' �EPARTMf�NT O� FINANCE A�1D t�AtvAGE�i�lEl�T S�3tVICES r , ASSESSMENT DIYl510N. 218 CfTY HAIL ST.PAUI,MtNNESOTA 55102 April 25, 1980 ' City Planning 1101 City Hall Annex St. Paul MN 55102 File X 2496 Page 1 Zoning File 8610 The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. on May 15, 1980 on the: Appeal of Robert J. Will to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals affecting the property at 203� Bush Avenue. This property is located on the south side of Bush Avenue between Ruth Street and Pedersen Street and legally described as: Lots 12 and 13, Block 4, Watts Park. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current ?'lanning Se�t=on of tY:e Planning Board, Roo��r, 1202 :,ity Hall 9nnex -- 298-4154. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn £ully about any improvement that could affect you or your co�unity. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to t�e City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMFNT ENGINEER Q�QI\ � ��� ��� 1 � �� 2� � . �° �� C(TY OF SA(NT PAUL �,.,-p,. =-�� r-* ''-�` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _, ,; . :o ; ';� ����'��;'�i, ;" u �� BUREAU OF RECORDS , , _ ..;..•�..� � 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER h1AYOR April 15, 1980 N,r. Bernard Carlson Director, Fina..nce & i+fanagement Services Room 234, City Hall St. Paul, Mn. Dear Sir: The Council set a date of hearing for May 15, 1980, to consider the appeal of Jobert J. Will to a decision of the Board of Zonin� Appeals affecting property at 2032 Bush. Will you please send notices to property owners as required by law? Very truly yours, Rose Mix City Clerk A.BO:la cc: ,,fPlanning Staff, Zoning Section �5�'� ��� g��a � � � � �o city of saint paui board of zoning appeais resolution zoninr� file num�er_�610 _ da�e Ar�?_1 �_l 984------ _ _ _------ WHEREAS, GARY TORGERSON has applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 61 .101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to side yard setback for a single family dwelling in an R-4 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on April 8, 1980, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203(a) of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoniny Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes attached hereto as Exhibit A, made the following findings of fact: 1 . That the placement of the existing dwellir�y precludes the appellant from meeting the strict provision of the Ordinance. � 2. That granting of relief can be made witliuut substantial detriment to the public good and without substantially iiupairing the intent and purpose of the Ordinance. 3. That granting of variance will not impair an adequate suppl,y of light and air to adjacent property nor unreasonably diminish or impair established pr�operty values within the neighborhood. 4. That the request for va•r�iance is not tased primariiy on a desire for economic gain. - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that under authority of the City's Legislative Code, Chapter 64.206, the variance to subdivide the parcel to construct a single family dwelling on the west portion of the parcel be hereby denied since the motion to approve did not receive the necessary four affirmative votes for property at 2032 Bush as described in the legal desc��iption of the application for variance and the site plan (Exhibit B) attached hereto. m oved by Mr Woods Decisions of the Board of Zoning SeCOI1d�� ��/ _ Appeals are final subject to appeal Mr. Grai�_, to the City Coui�cil within 30 days IC� faVO� _ by anyone affected by thc decisian. 5 against � ---- / MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS iN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, APRIL 8, 1980 PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Summers; Messrs. Kirk, Parrish, Peterson and Ldoods of the Board of Zoning Appeals ; Mr. Jerome Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the �ivision of Housing and Buildinq Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman and Mr. Jung of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: Messr. Grais. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton , Chairman. GARY TORGERSON (#8610) : A request for variance of required side yard se�back for an existing dwelling at 2032 Bush so that the adjacent vacant lot of record may be sold for single family development. The appellant was present. There was opposition present at the hearing. ��ir. Jung showeC slides of the site a��d reviewed his sta�f report with a recommend- ation for approval . One letter and a petition with 17 signatures were received in opposition.. The main concerns were that it would lower the value of existinc� property, create crowded conditions for surrounding homes and ��ould create parking � problems. Gary Torgerson, appellant, owner of the property at 2032 Bush, presented to the Board a picture of the proposed house he w�uld build if the variance were granted. He commented that only 3 of the 17 people who had signed the petition in opposition had lots larger than 40 feet. Ne felt that with the 2 parking spaees in the back of the lot there would be plenty of off-street parking. A resident expressed her concern over the fact that they have had experiences in the past where people come in and buy a small lot, put up a house and then move out. T'�e neighborhood is stuck witf� �chese homes on small lots which decrease the va�ue of their property, cause crowded c.onditions and parking problems. She asked that the Board consider the petition that was presented in opposition.. Thomas Dear, 2041 Bush, stated that it would cause additional parking problems in the area. Bill Goranson, 2024 Bush, commented that the people that have lived at 2032 Bush have been of no duration and have made no attempt to keep up the property. They have had to put up a fence to block the view. Pat Conklin, 899 Johnson Parkway, stated her concern over the additional parkin� problems which would be created. They have lived there for 16 years and have trouble backing out of their driveway because of cars being parked on the street.. h1r. Torgerson reported that he is investing about $15,000 in the home a* 2032 Bush under the City of St. Paul low interest money and has no intention of bringing down the neighborhood. It is also his intention to build a retaining ��all out of rail- road ties on the whole section across the back that a?Tows -for the off-street parking. _ .. � �'7��5� GARY TORGERSON (#8610) Page 2 Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Morton closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mr. Parrish made a motion to approve the variance request based on staff findings 5 through 8 with the provision that off-street parking be provided in the rear and that adequate precautions be taken �to prevent drainage onto adjacent properties. Mr. Kirk seconded the motion. The motion failed on a roll call vote of 2 ta 4. Submitted by: Approved by: � �� /'� ���il� ������f -c_-= ` ,;�/��G ti'Y�---� Laurence J. Jung Gladys Mort" on, Morton f a � �� � � ,� ? � , � ji�u ���,� ZONlNG 8OAl2D ' . ,_, _� APPLtCl,�TION FOR ZONING ORDINANCE �P��� .;; t CITY OF SA�NT PAUL � ,,� A VARIANCE OF ZONING CODE CHAPTER /y�_,SECTION�:���PARAGRAPH�%'�'y�" , / � ,,� 'r IS REQUESTED IN CONFORMfTY WITH THE�OWERS VESTEC1�If�YfFfi�BOARD OF ZONTNG AP— _.� PEALS TO PERMIT THE !_J i; -, .�", 7-+- L.�, � ON PROPERTY ,{Y��t�� DESCRIBED BELOW. ±`��l �� --!., �. A. Applicant; NAME: �_'� i i /` �l �'� i' �'- ^ ;rl `� ADDRESS � � /9� ' }; !� .,+ f� --�- %rj!_� � � �-�t�i . a .-Ir ;�.+1 7 `.�f9�� DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO. !% �'- �i ') ''� � `�'ri i Zip CODE '� `�(��� � it�i 1. Property interest of applicant: (owner,contract purchaser,etc.) �_..... 2. Name of owner (if different) B. Property Description: ADDRESS " � '�' � :-�< V 3�. ,;j�.j�1 ! ; - -, . ,,1 �- 1. Legal description: L07 ' -� BLOCK �~'" AD0.!,'� u '? `� .`' �` / �•�r f r ��2. Lot size: �� ��i ?C �f �.� :^� !.� � � — �j,�;,,��� � � / �,,. c �.,; � _ : '^ f ` _� �j 3. Present Use�/n,_,�1� '��-� : � "Present Zoning Dist. '\ ' !` C. Reasons for Request: 1. Proposed use,� ` J v _ - , _ . , ,J ;�.�.,� [.._ � � �} ,i � �) �:,� ..��,,��� 2. What physical characteristics of the property prevent its being used for any of the permitted uses in your zone? (topography,soil conditions,size and shape of lot,etc.) � 7i -� k�5{/.r9 s�. ��.....-.�C_ . -j � —. ... � ? ... - - ' - ' . -- .. � • 3. State the specific variation requested,giving distances where appropriate. �� j / T��fi _ ,�J�, =�_.,1 _ _ , -_ -- �-,,., , , � , � - `,� -���`. �. <. �:�j 4. Expiain how your case conforms to each of the foliowing: a. T'hat the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordiance would result in peculiar or exceptional practical difficutties,or exceptional undue hardships. ., �,_ �� ; � •,a:- � ,� (� > . ::._ - < � `1 ;,�,.1 p� �,jE `a :-� „s.. r\ .�=.. ' _f �: . _� , /?'? J �—. ., � � tUfiT�,-�. J� ���. ' CASHIERS US ONLY� �� b. That the granting of a variance will �� _ ti4�sy not be a substantial detrime�t to - "'� � :' ,�� � public good or a substantial impair- .:, ! � ;-.. tL ;�r- � :.r`� � ment of the intent and purposeof l ����� the Zoning Ordinance. i � _ � ; :.: ' �: �.�!'� r1`D,�,'f" /7"�f"' � r�.. .'�✓. . _. _ — __ �_ . _ / NOTE: THIS,WIL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT A COMPLETE SfTE PLAN! f �• �y - . -----7-- �F R . � � l'� '��� ��+ . �� b � , � � Signature �i . �:!.,s !� �' ��,v4� . y.J __ �. < _. F Date Received ` � � �� :- • � �75C��� .i�:. �� / OtIVER WE�DFLL�;:.�c-,�: � ��HOLME4 � 4... � �•:::w::�' i ' , ��',�/t �`J• �(�� , ` _ ,� _...� i � . :� -x. i' ��,`-:�����.•�--�. ,,� , '�_r,��(' %%_� .�.--� . z: i�1 / r � _�. � ' ✓ V�.��rc/��� � � Givt^,�n �.1.'�C�!T,=t�+/� � . h t� / - / � >C. �� ✓✓ . /�,?-+�,,,i'�-L.� � � i' ' � -.�.� . t�-�� i: ,,� . ���i n � • _ � ( �� _ • �_��-.�"� .�'G''% � ' . � � . / f,") J , f%, t/��l _� � . �+'/-2..c�..r> �-� _� L��..c: � �l� � G.d � . ,,� ,�r 5' �: l c !i�:� -�' , �'� .":_ 4 _ '�.� ��..�� ;� .� u c. � �,( . �,,y� ;� , � . :� ,; . `; _ ��t- �lr-i..-�'L'`G,c,i,i�'_ �,Z � �': , —t-,��^z.-` � ('�Ji � � � �-"?�L�c,� �c� :;� C .� r/ % ',y�.;�!�.zttiC� _'. !_7a..���-� C� c.-c.`-LrL�L �� ,- c^-� � `-`-�.c'-2.�� r�_., �Jf ' , y ;y�'"' J G`�-�-14'--c'-�,.��-v��� .._::.�.�r:;� , I �� ,_..A� i�'-:�: '{ t;.`�, ,:.bi �- . i- �''Y' . i '� � f����' • ' ' •�.�$. �, ..� � , � /`4, < < � +l• `1 ". :;t,:;� ;'a i n�: . �j:�. � :�L%?:! � \ �� (�s�/��_ � . ... . �r� � � L i ,i �" -�1f.,�� ` _ v � �� �L�i�_ GG— ; � 4 ` � • / � ;� , �,� : ;,. ��- � � ._ attn: Board Of Gun: n� ;�pne.�ls ��'^� �'"` '`�._, � ;.;; , .,'�'.a '-1 Ne t��e uudersi;ned, protest 5ranti�i; varia�ice of (lfout) for exi�'tin� dwellin� at �U32 [3ush. i4e ob,.ject to the subtllVl(ll�ij�' Of property at South side of' Bush betu�en ituth ancl Pe:ler5on. Le�al: Lot 12� I31ocl: =�, ;tiatts Park. ►.e feel that a buil�ii�i� i�i t;�is area �vould lo�.er ttie value of existin� pro�;erty. It woul.i u:so create cru�ti�]ed con::litions for surr�u��diny iiornes. �ie are aci area of older tior,�es ac►d it woulcS al�o cr�e:�te a {�ari.inK problem. �►e asi, that �ou carefull� consi.fer tue 5i�;natures on this paper. - ;varfE :1Di):%F5S /�� � ,/-'- � � �/�`,�, �' ,� �� _'�I /l�'�.��:%,' � �-c.� �� , :� '/� 1 �,��. � � ) /L✓ � //G �_ -r.. �-; �--� ��L� �!/�--L ' � -�' �.. �'., J �'.� ;� ���c... � ra �� ,-� �� , :!- `. C-i�'1,�''li ;��l�:-1 r�%�YV�- � r �� j �l _, -�=-'�l'' �.,t.,��"- , . ,�j/�,� �, �� 4]�.�L:a ' �6.�-'-j�-..; � ��G�j'�t-- �" . �, � • f`7 �_.�J"r... .,�--�-c.� f�'—L'-�.� `'T�'.�,:�,.��>r.�.�}- t�' � _ . , , _ _ _ .-, . �, - _. 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PAUL DEPl�RTfV*IENT Of FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ��Q� ASSESSMENT DiVI510N 21$' CITY HALI ST.PAUL,MINNKOTA 55102 April 25, 1980 ' City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul MN 55102 � File X 2496 Page 1 Zoning File 8610 The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. on . May 15, 1980 on the: Appeal of Robert J. Will to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals affecting the property at 2034 Bush Avenue. This property is located on the south side of Bush Avenue between Rnth Street and Pedersen Street and legally described as: Lots 12 and 13, Block 4, Watts Park. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the Planning Board, Room 1202 City Iiall Annex -- 298-4154. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvement that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that qou can make your views about it known to tk�e City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER : ' � .. . • � , ,, _ , , , j , -y � . ' . �� . . _ ; '� , Y _ Y -' , , - � ' j ". . • ' � . . , �_ ' �` i . : � . . . , � _ + , . � - , � � , � Y,�� .l� � ' � ` , , , , � : 1. ; �p],}111�� $�t'!'� '��D� $�C�iipjl _ . - � . ,' _ 11#� �'s f.�'W► I�►3.1` At�s ' • � '' , + - $t.�;P+aul, N�, _ ! D�ar Siras , � - _ ' � � � � , . ; .. 4'�e Citr Qoueail tod�p'�ontim�ad !or � �ka net�3. liqr 2'�ths 198t�,� a lrar ` 1 t inB on .t1w i�pp�ai o�' � a. �Till t,A s ,8od�d ot � . � : 9�oa�i+ag./�ppesla d�vi�iat at�estiflg p�ap�r at �2 3�uh ��we, ' ; \ , . . . v� � .��� � . . ` / _ ' i' . . , . � , , ` , . . , � ' �o�Nr HLtc � _ � . ' , - _ _ . - �. Cit.y Clerk ,. _ , � , , ' , w80sL , . , ' . . � , ,, .. - . �� � ec�: Houiias a �lag. 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ATo. - � 2.750$S,� adogted by the'Coi}aeii on June 1�� 1980- �enying qouz , . appeal' to a decision of the IiAard of '�oniug Appaais for ��raperty a�t • 2032 B'ush Avenue. : , � . . V�ry �t�ly �aurs, - . . � , � _ , _ ; � , . . _ � � � � � . r • Ro$e: Mix_ , _ . - , � . City Cl�rk _ � - , ' � ' � . , At�seh. _ � , - dcr� � • _, , ;� � ;, , . cc: `'�Zanfng `Administrator � � , . ; � . Planai,ag Commission - � � - �3oard ot Zonir►g Appeale ' , � y , . . ; ; ,_ ' - . _ � . , , , , � - . . , , . � , � ` .i. : , _ • � � . � � , � � � � . f . , ' : , s . " � , . , ., � . , . . . � . . ._ . . .. .. .. . q � , . . : . . ... . . �. . � . -� :. . . ;'" .: .... . :. / i . . .. . . . . .. .� � ,� . . . : . �.� , .' �: � . . . . . � , � � . . ,.. . . , .. � � � , . . ' .. � ' . -i ' . . . ' . . . . ' . :, , . . � .. . . , �.. . . � ..�. .., r�1 . f � . ' �_ . . . . - � . . � . . �' ' ' . . , . . . . ' . � . . . . 4.. 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HE/GHTS o � - B E E C H .�....� S'67 i 0 V V t � � _, � i � � ----- v ( t ' � - . ., , , i - -" � ° o 0 0 0 o O o 0 000o O oo Q . � �. :� AREA �ilA� APPLICANT �ARY TD,��',8S4N LEGEND — — ZONING DISTRiCT BOUNOARY PURPOSE tt af S/� o�d S�� . � SUBJECT PROPERTY � _1'10,s�t� eT_.� rsf / u/t I�� O O N t FA�1 f LY P��N�VtNG � ,�Or P.XiS�lit�c s/rtc/C / v r� 01STRICT C� T W 0 FA tvl I LY 2. � F��� rvo. g�10 FAULTIPLE FAMILY � OATE �� d �� � � s w n COiNMERCIAL ; ►� � ♦ a�r .�► lNDUSTRIAI. MAP N0. i SCALE � I = 200 NORTH � SAINT PAUL PLANNiNG 80AR0 V VACANT ' �� , 8610 ZONING STAFF REPORT APPLICANT: GARY TORGERSON DATE OF HEARING 4/8/80 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMh1ITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Rezoning ❑ Variance � Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review ❑ Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ Other ❑. LOCATION: 2032 Bush (South side B�sh between Ruth and Pederson) . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 12 and 13, Block 4, LJatts Park. PRESENT ZONING: R-4 ZONING CODE REFEREPJCt: 61 .101 STAFF IP�VESTIGATION & REPORT: OATE 3/31/80 BY Laurence J. Jung ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. PURPOSE: Applicant requests variance of required side yard setback for his existinq dwelling at 2032 Bush so that the adjacent vacant lot of record may be sold for single family development. B. FRONTAGE AND AREA: This parcel consists of two 40 ft. lots (frontage on Bush is 80 ft. ) ; the dept of each is 126.61 ft. ; area of each lot is 5,064.4 sq. ft. C. SITE/AREA CONDITION: This atiove grade parcel contains a single� family dwelling on the east portion entirely on Lot 12) while the west portion (Lot 13) is vacant. Both lots are nearly level i.n front but are somewhat hiqher in the rear near the alley. A single-car garage exists directly behind the owners residence at 2032 Bush with access to the alley. The west lot line of the vacant lot is fenced and nearby land uses consist of �single family residences. East Minnehaha , a city arterial , is two blocks south and Ruth Street, a collector route, is two lots west. � D. VARIANCE: Section 61 .101 requires 4 ft. side yard set6ack for single family housing in an R-4 zone. Applicant requests this be waived to allow the residence at 2032 Bush to be 2.89 ft. from the west lot line so that all of Lot 13 may be purchased for new single family construction. The variance is for 1 .11 ft. E. FINDINGS: 1 . Lot 13 is only slightly .larger than minimum requirement� for R-4 construction as is the situation with most other lots in the area. 2. Applicant wishes to sell Lot 13 for new single family development. By subdividing, along platted lot line, the residence on Lot 12 would be about 3' from the west lot 1in� 3. Applicant has submitted a site plan to show location of a new house on Lot 13. The plan shows a house to be 7 feet from this common line. 4. In order to develop Lot 13, under separate ournership, there are two possible ways this can be accomplished: grant the side yard variance as proposed; or, create a nerv lot 38 feet wide but still contain sufficient lot area (by using half the width of the alley) . Either arrangement requires a variance. 5. As proposed, the variance may be granted due to this placement of the existing structure which precludes applicant from meeting the strict provisions af the Ordinance. Hardship is not self-created. ' 6. The granting of relief can be made without substantial detriment to the public good and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of th� Ordinance. 7. Granting the variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property nor unreasonably diminish or impair established property values within the surrounding area. 8. The variance may be granted since. it is not based primarily on the desire to increase the value potential of the parcel of land. Use of the property for single family development within limiiations of the Zonino Ordir�ance is w�t�ir� the intent of District 2 and the cor�munity to encourage owner-occupied housing _ within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul . � r.. STAFF RECOMME�JDATIONS: Based on required findings 5 through 8 above, staff recommends approval of the variance request. ,