275079 WHITE - C�TV CIERK ^OUnCl� ��o.I-w
Co��cil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby approve contract with Ramsey County Division of Environ-
mental Health, said contract being for the purpose of providing
the City with technical servic.es for planning and feasibility
analysis for source separation and recycling of materials to
decrease the amount of municipal solid waste needing disposal ,
in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in said
agreement, a copy of the agreement to be maintained on file in
the Office of the Department of Finance and Management Services
and the proper City officers are authorized and directed to
execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul .
COUNCILMEN �equested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine [n Favor
H Maddox
Le ' e •ro1eMs�ww �__ Against BY —
Ma ox ghowalter
Sh te�� ;
T Form Approved y �it A orne
Adopted by o ncilW�lson Date ���►� �1 f� 10��_ '
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY
t ,• �
l�pprove y � vor: Date ��� � � ��0 A d by�fYayo if u i sion to Council
By — By
M1�t.iSNEC� J U N 21 1980
.. , � ' ,
� AcRecrtrr�'r 2�5�`79
FOR SOURCE SEP��RF1T 10'rt & RECI�CL i idr, PROGRAht .
CITY OF SAIfd7 f'AUL, t41t�l��ESOTA
'Th i s AGREEif�c�dT, rnade and entered i nto th i s � day of
-__..__.�..._.__y �9�0, by and bet►•�eer� the Ci tiy of St. Paui , tlinn- �
esota (hereinafter i-eferred to as th� CITY) and Ramsey Caunty Public
f�c�lth Depar,r,�wnt , Divisicn of Envi ranmental Health (hereinafter refer° !
red to as the COUNTI') : '
W ( 7 N C S S E T N
1�lIjCRE/�S the CITY desires to conduct Phese I planning an� feas-
ibi l i ty analys is far a source se.paratien and recycl ing program ��rhi ch v�i 1 �
lead to dec i s i ons about G•rhZt type of program i s most feas i bl� , and; !
WHEREAS it is recognized that any sourc� separati�n and recy�-
ling of matieri�ls witi decrease the amoun't �f c�unicipal solid wast� n�Fd--
inG disposa} and saue valuabie resources�and;
IdIiEREAS the Cl'iY wishes to ob�ain technical services fron� the
COU'slTY to accompiish the necessary studies , im��stigations , ard prepare
repnrts , and;
4JHEREAS thc CUUWIY wili derive mutual benefit from the studies �
and ultimately the source separdtion prograrn, and already emptoys staff
ex���rienred and qualificd to provide these services, then ;
tvOlJ, THEREFORE, IT IS t�iUTlt,�Ll.Y AGRF'f:U i�et�•aeen tf�e parties here-
�o as 1'0l io�;ts : .
. -
I . PUf�POSE OF STUh'f �
Landf i 1 ls in the T��rin Ci ties t;etropol i t<��� F;rea t��i 1 1 be f i 11ec! l�y 1�St, he-�•; },�n�-
fills are difficult: to site cle:e to publ ic eppositio;; , r,-bre �tri�7�;�n� red:r��l �,nd
$tc3tC SItIf1J CI'ItC'.I"IFt c7(1(� (;}1C �c7C}; Of ���('�:� l•!! tlll�l J I'C?,.�,O�l�i.�^J�C �l:?J� C�ISL�;i�C^ f'I"O(�1
the noint of gcr�er�tion. Sl. Puvl 4nd tf�e other eiti�s in ;:-�r.�s;;y County rc�ly on
neinhboring counties to dis;�ese of sot id ��;a,te. "ihese siirroun��inc� coe:«Lic:s �;r: �
incr:;asinc�ly un:�ri 1 1 ing to acc�Nt t��aste p:�oduced in S� . Paul �rid the subur!��r ci t i�:s
in Ram�ey County.
V�3�L'cl�)�C ener�y seurcey a�u recyclabie n�-�tc;•iais �rc presentl�� hcin� sc�uane'ered to
lancifi 11s, tJe►�� efficient matlioc's to uti 1 ize these rescurces r.�ust be develo;�cu.
It is thu pur��ose of this source separaticn stud�� to cottect inforration on source
• se��araYion activitics both er.istir.g and cn•risior���d. This �n�lysi� tvi 11 be usecl
t0 C�CVC�O('i scenarios �OI" SOUf C� S�p�-,rat ICtI iI1 $t. ��;;1� , �i1C.SC SCCti2t"IUS �JI � ; �I\';:
direction to the City and/or recyci ing or;anizat ;cns �,��hen exp�ndi��g or cr����ting
sourcc: separation programs.
Pres�nL planning efforts include the develer^ent of a County Solid '.daste I,aster
P1an uncf effcrts under the St, P�ul Rescu; ce P.ecovery U;ba� Pc,; icy Gru;�t. t�ost
of thc tasl;s outlinec: in the Urban Policy ar;:�t ar� targeted at planr�ing fcr high
techno�ogy 1•lc�StE t?12f1c7�erent f�AL�10C�5. 10 enhance tilc SOU;'�� SC('�•�3►"�iIC';l n� ��il� ll';C7s
new tasks are hereby added to the existir�g grant �•:orE: pr-o�ra;,�.
!�I . �hJecY i vc.s
. i) Col lcct and suc�-;arize d�,t�-� on existin� and er�visior�ed recycl ing �ra�r�;:�s in
St. Paul . �
2) Develop scenaric,s for a City-l�;ide seurce separation progrGr.�.
I I 1 . SER1.11 CE:.ri 70 ;3E PP,OU I u�J �?`! Tl�� C(iU';TY
The COUIlTY ►•ri11 provide technicai services and acco��iplish the necessary stu.�ies ,
investigatior�s and prepare re�orts to fulfill the require�ents of tasl:s numbered �
i througl� 9 and describcd as follo;:s :
Task 1 Fstir.��te Quantity of recyclables Recovered Cy Existinr Pracra�r�s In St. P�ul
Subtasl:s i; �
i . Obtain infor��tion al�out qu�ntities of recyctables bein� collected
from niajor recycl ir�q operations.
2. Obtain infarr�ation about qu�:r;tities of recyclable5� beiny coilrcted
from transfcr stations in St. Paul ,
; �
i ;
3. f�evie:��� quantity u��a frcn county refuse hauier survey. !
Ji.� Revie��r.l•1PC/1 volu:,�c information and co-:pr,re t��ith othcr stated �!�ove.
5. IJr 1 te �ur��r�a ry re�:o rt, �
� ;
Input Ori�inal data from recycling or�anizations and transfer stations , data
� from county refuse i�aulc.r survey and J1PCA �i��ta .
Output Report containing r-efined estimaCe af quantities of recyclables no4•� be-
� ing recycled in St. Paui .
Estimated Effort : 2.0 tirork days
Task 2 Estimate �uantities of Recyclables That 1lould Qe Recovcred In a City-IJide
' � Program
Subtasks ?;
1 . Using state solid tiaraste com�ostional figures estimate amount to be
' recovered in a city-wide source separation program.
� 2. Analyze survey data fron Energy Piobilization �uestionnaire
Input Hypothetical Recovery Rates fron t1PCl� Source Separation and F',ecyclin;
Program Ir,���lementation �laiival �Enerqy Mobilization Survey Data.
Output Refined estimate of rnaterials that- would be recycled in a city-���ide
Average tdorl; EfforT : � 0.5 days �
Tas{: 3 Estimate Seasonat Ft�actuations of Recyclables
Subtasks 3;
� 1 . Obtain figures for seasonal volume fluctuations from local recycling
organizB�iGf1� �nd fluctuations by income and area.
� 2. Compare locat figures to national trends ard to other states with
similar clinates. •
3. Compare seasonal volume fluctuations of recyclabtes to state solid
waste fluctuation figures. �
4. ldrite summary report.
Input Local volume figures for recyclables , national figures for seasonal
fluctuations and state solid ti•�aste fluctuation figures
Output Refined estimate of local season fluctuations of recyclables.
Estimated Effart 1 .5 tJork Days ,
. pa�e 3 . . .
Task ►� identify and Collect Information From Markets for Recycled Materials
Subtasl:s 4;
' 1 . Usin� Oilesti�nnaire in EPA b!anar,ement_PSociel (Sample Document 10"02} ,
survey available r.�aterials narl;ets either by phone or mail or both
. 2. In acidition to questions in Sar.�pie Qocur.�ent 10302 , as�; srecifically
what q�aantity can be purchas�d ir, his present operation. Also ask
about er.p:cted increases th�:,i co�ld be purc�ased. q�so ascertain
current market prices and e;i�ected fluctu�tions.
' . 3. Identify current �:�;:rl;et contracts �reser�tly held by recycl ing orerators.
� �+. Compile, tabulate a�d summarize the results.
tr�put : Sampte Docur��nt 10�02 , Questionnairc, additional questions , t1PC/1 �1an��a1
and hlinnesota Resource f�,ecoverv Ptan
Output : Report detailing information on rarkets
Estimated Fffort : 10.0 1•!orl: Days
Task 5 Estimate Revenue Generated Fron I�Sateriat S�le in Existing Recyling
Subtasks 5; .
i . Revieti�� information from Tssk 1 having to do �yith quantity of
materials collected.
2. Revieti�� information .on avaitable markets in Task 4. .
3. Determine revenues currently being offered by markets for recyciables '
(.$i�ton) .
4. Calculate revenues generated by existing �rogram.
5. Determine revenues that may be expected in future.
G. Calculate revenues that would be generated using present material
levels and possibie future revenues.
Input Outputs fro� tasks t and 4. Reverzue figures can be obtained from F1PCA
t4anual , �ti('CA Resourcr Recovery Flan , cal ls to local ma�-{:ets used by
existing programs. , ,
Qutput ftefined estir.iate of revenues currently gen�rated and potential revenues
using revenue increases expected in the future.
Estimated Effort 2.0 Work Uays
Pa�� 4 ' . '
� Task 6 Estimate Revenues From Recyclables in Comparison to Landfilling Materials
Subtasks 6;
1 . Using the fc�11o�•�ing formula from t�1PCA N^nuai estimate reven�es from •
Marketing rec��cl�:l�les .
Revenu�s Cost of Land- Transperation
From One -+- fi.l1 ing One - Cost of -
Ton of a ' 7on of a Re- Shippi�g Recyclable
Recyctable cyclabte To Mari:et
' A Q �
Gross Sav;ngs ($1 ton) �f f�ecycling a Particuiar
I�laterial in Compariscn to Landfilling it
input Estimate costs of landfiilling, estimate of revenues from recyclables
Outpufi Gross savi�i�s ($l�ton) of recycling a particular material in comparison
to landfiliing it
Est imated Effort 1 ,5 tidorl; Days
Task 7 Estimate Lardfili Sa��ings for City-1Jide Program
Subtask 7;
l . Using formula for calculatinr tandfili savings in the I�IFC/� Planual
a) Fuel savings ($l�ye�,r)
b) Savings in }��ndfill l +fe ($l�year) �
, c) Trench cost savinys ($t�year)
Annual Fuci Savings in Trench Cost
Landfill = Savin�s + Landfill L.ife + Savings
Savings A g �
2. Use additional fornulas in Ftanual to figure Items A, a, and C �
Input : Appenciix R of hff'CA I•t�n�.,al , inforrnatir,;� needed to estimate items /�, Q
and C
Output : Estimate of /1i;nual 14r:dfill savings due to a city�wide source separation
Estimated Effort : 6.0 4tork D�ys �
' . � . .
� page 5 . '
Task 8 Collect System Cost Data Froni Existing Rccycling Operations and
�� Estirnate Costs for Other Recycling Systems tJat Operating in St.
Subtask II: � �
i. Contract with existing recyclers in St. Paul to coliect the
follo�ring figures :
. a. Operating cxpenses : fuei costs , building and property
. rentai , equlprr..snt rental , waqes and fringes , insurance,
mainteriance , natural gas , teiephanc, se�:er and water,
afficc supplies and publicity/public education program
b. Ca�itoi costs : buildinc; and praperty, office equipm�nt,
� collection equipment such as Fick-up truck, semi-traiier
and tractor, hanging rGcks and other vehicles , processing
equiprr�.;nt, such as haist, magneric can separa�or, glass
crusher boiler barre�s , dumpsters , and oth�r equipment,
maintenance toois.
2. Estimate per ton costs of other systerr,s for source separation.
3. Deternzlne a totat system cost yietding a $l�tnn figure for each
material recycled.
. Input: Qata collecYed from St. Pau1 reGyclers ; literature on sourc�
separat i on systems e 1 se4vhe re
• Output; Total estimated system cost $i�ton far each matsrial
Estimated Effort: 3.0 41or1: Days '
Task g: Establish Current Econo�ic and Operating Status af Existinc�
'—�' Recycl ing Operations
Subtask g: l.. Revlew Tasks 5 and 3. �
?.. Caiculate profit or loss status using information coliected in
Tasks 5 and 8.
Input: Taslcs 5 and 8
Output: Report contafning estir��ated �conomic status of exls�tng recycling
' aperations
Estimated: 1.0 Idork Days
• . Fage ( , � .
I��. SER�!ICCS T(� '3� Pi;;?�JIDEQ rl' Tifr Cl7Y 1'�?;U C�U;!'iY
The COU;lTY ti•,ilt provic:c technic�-�l scrvices and jointly participate t•�ith the �
C17Y in accompl is��ing tf�� necessary stu:!ies , inv�stic;ations �nd �reparinc� rcports
tc ful fi 1 1 tf�e requi rcr:�cr.ts cf tasl;s nur��ereJ t0 through 1? and ciescribe�i as
fol 1 o�-�s :
Task �0 Develop Scer3arins ��or a C1ty-Wide Saurce Separation Program
Subtasks 10: �
1. De;�cribe in detai 1 �he extsting recycl ing proqrams in St. Paul .
Dtscuss the nunber and �ype of erptoyees , manzger^ent policies ,
• econo��ni c status (Task g) , col }ect ien method, faci 1 i ty d�scri p-
� � tion, equipT,�nt used in operation , extent of collectic�n , presentiy
and pianned for future.
2. Describe the St. Paul Refuse Callection System.
3. lnterview hau)ers to assess thzir attitudes and plans for source
------------- _ ---------- . --- -
_ __ __ - - __ ---- --
_ _ - - - _- -- -----
. Discuss changes in refus� coiiection , the ro?e �he City ��ill
play in refuse hauling, and various direct rnies the �ity might
piay in source separation.
5. Using the ab�ve inforr�atio�� , as weli as infarmation gathered in
Task 1 - 9, develop scenarios for a �ity-Wide source separaricn
Input: tnformation fram existing recycting programs , T�sk 1 , Task 9, in-
formation about refuse coltectiion system, information frcm haulers
and data frcm energy survey.
Qutput: Two or three scenartos for a Ctty-Wide source separation program, -
in draft form.
�stimated Cffor,t: ZO.Q 1Jork Qays
Task �f Obtain Po� iticat/Public Qecision to Proceed
Subtasks 11 : ' � �
l. Estabiish advisory task force. t•1er�bers will lnclude representa-
t1v�s from St. Paul Public Works Department , Ramsey Cour.ty,
Metropolltan Council , District Organizers , City Planning, Energy
Office, Sr. Paui Su�urban So1id ldaste Associatton , recycling
operators now in operation in St. Paul and representatives ft-om
secot�dary materials markets. Fc,rn task force in May, 19�0
2. Present draft 'report on Scenarios for Source Separation in St.
Paul to the task force, and other interested �arties, agencies,
etc. as necessary. �
3. Factor all feedback, inforr.tation into a composite form for key
decisio� makers.
, 4. Obtain decision to proceed ar terrntnate.
: � Pa�P �
5. If the decision is to proceed, develop a Phase il pragr�m and
budget, preferably in conjunctiai with Phase II resource re-
cove ry.
Input: Draft report on Scenarios for Source Separatian and poiltical/
pu6lic feedback from task force , decision-mal;ers and others.
Outpufi: FtnaT report, dec�ston to proceed, and Phase It program/budget.
Estimated _Effort : 15 Worl< Days
Task 12 Define institutionat and Legal Requirements
Subt4s!<s ]1: •
1. Examine existing laws and ordinances to identify cons��-a�nts.
2, tdentify confiicts with the scenarios.
3. Either madify the scenarios or ou4;.iine changes or additions to
the la���s and ordinances so that Yhe conflictis are rem�ved.
fnput: Existing 1Gws and ordinances, proposed souree separation programs.
Output: Summary c� several pages defining legal and instit��:ionaT con-
Estimatec; Effort : 10.0 61ork Days
1'ask 13 Cvaluate Office Paper Recycling ln the City/County Offices and
Provide Education and 1'echnical Assistance for Expansion of Office
Paper Programs into the Cen�ral Business District
Subtasks �3: 1 . Evaivate the p11ot program which lias been operating in some
caunty offices.
� 2. Plan an expanded pragram in cooper�tion �-�ith area paper recyclers
and the Clean Capital City Cor,�mittee.
3� Cvaivate expanded officc paper recyciing in City/Goimty �ffices
4. Prepare a Yechnical assistance and education Icit for dissemin-
ation ta firms in the centrat business distr-ict.
input: Data from pi �ot program and paper recylcers �
Output: City�County program and education/TA kit
�stimated Effort: 25.0 Work Days
RAP :dII .
The COUtJ7Y shali insure adequate staff availability fur timely com-
pletlon of the praject. 3'he COU'dTY shall be �aid at the rate of $60.00
per workday for labor costs. An estimate of vrorkdays by task are detail-
ed as follavs :
COUJJTY's Labor Cost f�reakdo;m
� � 2.0
2 � p.5
' . 4 i.5
. 5 2:0 �
6 . 1.S
7 6,p
� $ 3.0
9 � 1 .0
. to lo.o
>> 7.5
12 5.0
TOTAL 50,0 4;orkdays
50.0 workdays X $60.00/wo rl;day = $3 ,000
The direct expenses on the project will be generated by the folta,�ing
items and their estimated costs :
ITEM A�tOUrJ't .
Information System Development - Consultant to
standardize data reporting, collection and analysis $ 5 000.00
� ,
Cost-Reirobursement, bata Coliection from existing
recycling operators $15/hr X 200 hours $ 3,000.00
Travel expenses for 1 staff inember to l successfui
source separation operation in regicn , 2 days $ 350�00
$ 200,00
, _�__.__
7ota1 direct expenses $ $,550.OJ .
Ra:C:.Z2,.�[�9':i s.A:2
The foitowing is the project cantrol estim�te:
Tatal Labor Costs $ 3,OOQ.00
Direct Expense $ g����,��
$11 ,�50.00 �
• • i
. � . � . . . � . '. N .
� •
. .. . .._.. . . . .. . . . .. . f • - .
v i ar,Yr;E�a-r � �
For services perforn�ed and rendered in accordance ti•�ith this Agree-
ment, the CITY sha11 pay the C�lltlTY the Actual Cost as defined herein.
' Actual Costs shatl inciude direct labor costs, and direct expenses
vJhich shail be determined by audit at the time of final payment.
The CITY agrees to m�l:e parti�T payments based on the sum af dir�ct
labor costs tncurred pius direct expenses in�urred. Payments shalt be
m��de by thc: CITl' to tf7e COUrlTY at the end cf the first month following
initiation of �-�ork, and after each succeedinc� month based on COUtJ7Y bi11-
Finai billing under this con:racs� sha11 be .submitted tn a timely
manner, but nat iater than six (b) months after completion of the work.
i3illings for «crk submitted later than six (6) months after completiQn
of the wot•k �-�i ll no� be paid. Final paymerit, includin_y finai adjust-
ments of direct salary costs and direct expenses will be made upon com-
pietion of audit b� thc CiTY.
The total Cost to be paid to the COU�d1Y for services sst for:h in '
this Agreem�nt shali nnt exa�ed $11 ,550.00.
The COUt�l1Y w1 i 1 submi t monthly bi 11 i ngs cavering a�orG: accompl i shed,
These bi l 1 ings �vi 11 be documented by a brea�:do��n of costs by i tems. Bas-
ed on these billings , the CiTY wilt reimburse the COUNTY.
• , , - . ,
, ����
�N Wl7�JESS HFREOF, the {�arties hareto have c�used this Agreement to
be executed,
i3Y � BY �
._.... _.....�__�__________ _ .__r.�__._-.--------_-___...___...________
- - -
4ayor " � ' Chatrman , l3oard of County
Ai'TEST: � .
.Di recto'►-, FinancE and Managenent " Chie_'f C1erk-County 6oard
Servi ces
� Date
:;+, ,
G`;2C�� ''� C� �� , � '��� �
� �Di E�ector, Pub i c IS � rks ,�- � �
y��,► ` APProved as to Form: .
Approved as to Fo m: ,
. Rssistant Cnunty%ttorney �
. .. . . . — '�j —�`_� �..i. _ _ .
. ssi`� ,an C�ty j�titorney
� � a I ... -- — - --�t------ -- --
� � � I?i rector, Pub'1 i c lieal th Departmen't
J ' �
• � e�� �"150'�9
��4� ' R
CITY OF SAINT PAUL y����-:�-`}-'�-�� �� �-�
; � - ����,
�... .� , . ._ J
May 2 / � 17�� OF'I'r r.��..,��.i��,,,.:1AN
�TO: Council President Joanne Showalter
FROM: Mayor George Latimer
I would greatly appreciate your expediting the attached resolu-
tion. The City is working cooperatively with Ramsey County in
the implementation of a waste-to-energy facility. This work is
being done under a Federal grant which we received from the EPA
for planning purposes. As part of our cooperation with the
County, we have decided that they will do certain required tasks,
specifically gathering data on source separation and recycling.
This resolution simply approves the contract between the City
and County.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
_ . ur� v� : . i�/ �7/�
. Rev: ,'9�8/76_
Date: May 20, 1980
FR: Floyd Forsberg, Manager Division Solid Waste and Energy, ,Departmen# of Public Morks
RE: -Contractual agreement with Ramsey County for technical services under federal gr�nt
from Envtronmental Pro�ection Agency
.. . .. �'�R . .
Under the agreement the Ramsey County Public Health Dept. , Div. of Environmental
Health, wouid assist the City and provide certain technicai eervices in the planning
and feasibility analysis for a city soucce separat�bon and recycling prog�am study.
; -
The City has obtained a .federal grant. The grant provides 75 percent of the 511,550
al'lotted to Ramsey County Division of Environmental Health. Thr County and City wi ) 1
,-, provide the re�sining 25 percent through cash and in-kind payments. This is a
' continuation of our existing federal grant. No new City funds are requi��ed. Fund .
\ 32210. _ .
Resolution �
Copy of Agreement
dll . -