275071 �, � WHITE - C�TV CLERK � PINK - - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council ����1 GANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• BLUE - MAVOR Cty Atty/SDM . . C u il solution -.M•; Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon a�plication of Robert J. Ellis on behalf of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and upon recommendation of the Department of Taxation, Ra.msey County, the City Council does hereby approve the abatement of 1978 taxes payable 1979 and special assessments against the real property described in Application For Relief, Abatement No. 97798. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Department of Taxation, Ramsey County. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� r Hunt �evine In Favor Hu Maddox �✓�7 Le e �1eiAaNen _ v__ A gai n s t BY Ma ox �owalter Sh alter �� T o ,IUN 1 0 1980 Form A rov d b G' orne Adopted by ouncil:W��son Date pP y _ y �. Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By �lppro ed by ; vor: Date Approve Mayor for Su is 'on to Council By _, BY 2''D�" — . �t�.iSN�► J U N 21 1980 ��"°"^��°� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL _��`�.t, o,;,� �. ,, �, �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;e �_ �•'�� ;� i�iim A� � ��U � .,,. ° BUREAU OF RECORDS 1°�'",mR�'���''`� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 GEORCE LATIMER . MAYOR May 27, 1980 ,��,��_ Mr. Ed Starr City Attorney Room 6�+7, City Hall Dear Sir: Will you please prepare for Council eonsideration a resolution approving the application for abatement submitted on behalf of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority as described in File No. 97798 of the County Department of Property Taxation. Ver truly yours, r-�.�)�"T Rose Mix City Clerk � Attach. ABO:la R�CEIVED �uN 1 �seo C1TY ATTOR�JEY �o - . . _ y: DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION ���� COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126-138 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Di/BCto/ �j�,y `Z�� ].98� RobertJ. Ellis ROGER VIK Property Valuation Assistant Director William M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Lond Records Rose Mix City Clerk Room 386 Court House Attn: Albert B. Olson Council Recorder Re: Application for abatement submitted by Robert J. Ellis, on behalf of: Housing and Redevelopment Authority Dear Mrs. Mix: Enclosed is a copy of the following abatement: 97798 There is an assessment levied against this parcel that is to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows: District Assessment Year Str. Maint. �k32 8 1978 $3.42 Please initiate the necessary action. Yours very truly, Lou McKenna, Director Departm, of roperty Taxatio f � � By , %',' '� Supv. Appraisal Services RKP:ay Encl. O ./ , KEPORT UF ASSESSOR�, R.AMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. 9��98 AssesamentDistrict: St. Paul May 5� lg 80 _ Legai Des�ription: Central Village Addn. No. 2 - � PROPERTV IDENTIFICATION W�ter Dislrict Plet Pucel SheO Property Coded As: 08 17910 O10 07-6 ,Addreas of Property: 551 Central Ave. W. Applicant: Robert J. Ellis for: Housing & Redevelopment Authority Mailing Address: Applicant's Market Value: L,and $ Imp. $ Total $ Insurance $ Asaessed as follows: Correct Error ���� U ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VAIUES ASSESSEO p���:�� A YEAR C L�nC Bldp/OtMr Total LanO - BIEp/01her Totel C4sa X Vdus 625 U 78 " 260 260 NI 43 112 � ExEMVT NO OF PERCfr EXCEPTION Z CODES RESD UWNE: LiMITED MARKET CODE o 5 uN�TS �►+sTo VALUE — FIRST " n � � T � N � ACRE LAND ONLY Ass PR G E E G P c ' MT �P R E E V Y Assessor's Recommendation: F C 7 1 7 0 School � ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VAIUES ASSESSEO A VEAR Diat�ict C Lsntl 81dg/Other Tolal �and 01dg/Otner Total Class M. Value 625 U 78 260 260 260 260 EX 40 104 onl Reportof Investigation: . Property dedicated for street erroneously deeded to Central Village Assoc. � .. f Ex. JI, APp►'� JL Steno jw l r� t�Z. � ` r � , , , �. , _� . ��' , Form DPT 229 APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form {� (If reduction requested exceeds 5500 make application in triplicete, otherwise in duplica:e) - To the County Board and County Audltor ot Ramsey CountY, � and to the Commissioner of Revenue ot the State of Minnesota: STATE OF MINNESOTA, • County of Ramsey ss. PROPERTY CODE: J8-179I0-010-07 City, Village or Town :=�• Paul Applicant: Rober� J. Ellis ��j,6,�/,�f. Rar�se Count Ass .�-��r - ,��d��6��t� �s of tre Januarv 2, 197f� assessMent t're Arone���,� lepallv describeci beZo�i ��as er- rone�usl cl«ssified due to a clerical error as foll�.-;s: Outlo t B " , Central Village Addi;;ion No. 2 - 551 Central Ave. ?d. ' � � 1978 U 625 Ix�t.d Build.i_n�; To`_,1 ;.:�:,e:;��d _ LV �260 --- a2�0 $112 NI l�3� �Y'V 2.60 --- 260 ; i ! I � i Applicant requests: _that the �ssessr;aent as of January� 2, 197II be corrected as follows: 1978 U 625 Land Buildin� Tota.1 Assesse3 _ Lv 260 --- 26� lot4 � t�a� ��1`J 2 60 --- 260 � Applicant DATE ;�:arc�i '�, 19�30 _ A.D. 19 `.� „ c� ' M O'O �t O _t�B � r� � � . 3 � �0� � � �s a ao� �':.� � � � 3 'S7 �5 ^ � �`s cs�i a r !r � O C/� N x � � D � a n �. �' o Y a:' �..� „1 � Oo rr tn C � � C� C „ w�o o C.� � O o � �� g�ge.g 3 �°. �, � � � +� � � � 0 3 0 . �s• n - a �' �i 3 � � �q 4 E a w „ a�••°• i• p ~ � a Z y _ N �. m n � � i � Q' � � x f/� �o o^� A �� o,� o� r3a n � o r_ � � p P O W , � < o3b . gA ° � � � � � m m a � •� m � ; �' a ;^ ,00a.3'� a ��� a 0 o m m ru � � � ;� N u � r 7 O � � c%'. M� �� � 3 p � p . A — y v w K � � � O 4� . a �� ��.� ���, d o � o � p -� r � : o o c ����g 8 � r�-, � �! ��y :.._ m � " o o w ��'�.��'r � � r�r ...�� �"°, r m �� � . ,• �• � �� "� � y '-� : Z oy � � � pp'� °cs r• y C � ^... 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