275047 WHITE - CITV CLERK .)�Ki P�� PINK - FINANCE COUnCII �j V�✓ CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA�II L BL�ilE - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. Re: Reaney Av�. Bridge 4. That said Companies shall protect and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul from all damages and claims resulting from the existance of the utility bridge. 5. That all above conditions shall remain in effect so long as either Company has facilities on the said bridge. 6. That the utility bridge shall be removed by and at the expense of the Companies at any time it is no longer used for support of utilities. 7. That a permit for installation of the utility bridge shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeas �U�ays Requested by Department of: ut r Levine � [n Favor P blic Wo H ta Maddox � � Le ne McManon � __ Against BY � Ma ox Sfiowaiter ponald Nygaard, Dire ��G)�: Sh lter Tedesco n Te e o yypson Form Approved by C�t j� A rney Adopted by ouncil: Date �� � p Certified �s- by Cou '1 Sec ar BY � /' By tapproved by avor• Date N � � l�oo Ap e by Mayw�r f 'Sub ss' Ct3'Eouncil BY - — BY l�I�USHED JUN 2I ;950 '.�\\\\1{IIII ���� O�� _=�``'T' °':''���- CITY OF SAINT PAUL' R �� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �, � ;e .�� a� y� n�uiuw ;` :� �u� ���u o� '�-,• "< DONALD E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR ��"'� "°� 600 City Hall Annex, $ain[ Paul, Minnesota 55102 �n�oo-��..c°�� . GEORGE IATIMER 612-298-4241 MAYOR June 17, 1980 Mr. R. Skipton Northwestern Bell Mr. A1 Isenberg Northern States Power Co. Re: REANEY AVE. BRIDGE over B.N. Inc. City Project B-1044 Dear Sir: Please find attached a certified copy of resolution C.F. No. 275047, dated June 11, 1980, in regard to removal of the referenced bridge. This resolution is the same as the draft sent to you on April 28, 1980. As noted in the resolution, and per our conversation of June 12th, acceptance of the conditions should be filed with the City Clerk by your company officials. We are proceeding with a request for a contract to remove the bridge, and anticipate that bids received will be opened on July 9, 1980. Award of a contract generally requires two weeks after the bids are opened; therefore, acceptance of the conditions should be filed prior to that time so that removal work can commence. Yours v ey truly, ,�"' �`' i; ,�J��� R�E. Grieder, Bridge Engineer REG/mp En c. cc: A. Olson '✓ Robert J. Guditis .�di SS 4� Oi= I2/�.�75 � � Rev. s 9./8J?6 � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATTVE OR�ERS, 2�50�� �� RES�LUTIONS�,' A.ND ORDINANCES * RE � EIVE �D Date: May 14, 1980 M,G1� � � 1��0 MAYC�it'� OfI�ICE � TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: R. E. Grieder, Drepartment of Public Works � j� RE: REANEY AVLIV�TE BRIDGE over B.N. Inc. : _ City Pro�ect B-1044 . ' , . ACTION REQUE�TED: . . �ocess' Resolution. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR TH2S ACTION: Reaney Avenue to the east of the bridge over the Burtiagton Northern tracks . has been vacated to the Olympia Brewing Comgany, and therefore, the b�idge is�no longer: needed for public travel. The bridge should,be removed to ' eliminate ��urther maintenance costs and liabilities. The Resolution also permits the Northern 8tates Power and Northwestern .Be11 Telephone Company ' to�use existing bridge abutments for support of their utility bridge upon � their assumption of responsibility tor maintenance for claims of damages� due to their location. ATTACHI��IENTS: � • Resolution. . . : REG/mp . � . � ,,_,� � C� �� � ; v� Nsp N O R T H E R N S TA T E S P O W E R C O M P A N Y 82$ RICE STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55117 June 11, 1980 City Clerk Room 386 City Hall & Court House St. Paul, MN. 55102 Re: City Council Resolution ��275047 In reference to City Council Resolution ��275047, pertaining to the disposition of the Reaney St. Bridge, Northern States Power Company hereby accepts the condition as set forth in said resolution. Very truly yours, ,;,,v,,1�'�„n,.� R . Erickson Ma.nager, Distribution Engineering RJE:lt Northwestem Bell 70 West 4th Street Building C-7 St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 June 18, 1980 City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Miss. Mix: This letter is in response to Mr. Roy Grieder's letter of April 28, 1980 in which he requested us to review the City of St. Paul Council Resolution #275047 with regards to the removal of the Reaney Avenue bridge over the Burlington Northern railroad tracks. We have read the resolution and concur in its contents. If there are any further questions or additional information, please call me at 221-6234. Sincerely, . . R. B. Skipton Engineer-Distribution Specialist cc: Mr. Grieder - n �� � y� � �`Zr;r'� �a �� �� �-^a �� � I4 ��� � � `,.,� � v �