275046 WHITE — CITV CLERK 2`�5Q4� PINK — FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COIIRCII CANARV — DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE s f.�AVOR � o cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, East Mall Associates, g�� Grand Avenue, has requested permission to reconstruct the sidewalk and boulevard areas adjacent to 857 Grand Avenue in a manner in conflict with the Ctty of Saint Paul , Minnesota, Department of Public Works , Standard Detail Plates, spectf�cally, by installing concrete sidewalk with exposed aggregate surface, naa therefore, be Pt, RESOIVED, That pursuant to provisions of Chapter 207 and 208 of the Sa�nt Paul Legislative Code, the Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue to East Mall Associates or to a licensed and bonded sidewalk contractor acting as agent for said East Mail Associates, a permit to reconstruct the sidewalk and boulevard areas adjacent to lots 15 through 18, Block )8, Sur�xnit Park Addition by instaliing concrete sidewaik with exposed aggregate surface. Said permit ts granted and made expressly subJect to the following terms and condtttons: 1. That said permittee shall , at its oam cost and expense, in accordance with all applicable ordinances of the City of Saint Paul , construct and maintain satd sidewalk. 2. That said sidewaik construction and installation shall be in strtct conformance with plans approved by the Department of Public Works. 3. That said permittee shall pay the cost of inspection and publication of thts resolution. 4. That said sidewalk shall be removed by and at the sole cost of said permittee whenever the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall by resolution determine such removal necessary in the pu6lic interest �nd accordingly order Pts remova 1. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy A�pproved by (Navor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — — BY — WHITE - UTV CLERK •P )���� CANARV - DEP R MENT COUIICII �+ B�„E -,�A,,oR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: bate Out of Committee By Date 2 5. That said permittee and its successors tn interest shall hold harmless , indemnify and defend the City of Saint Paul against any and all liability on acco�t of all claims, causes of action, suits, and judgments or on acco�t of tn,jury to persons and/or p�operty arising from or connected with the construction, maintenance or operation of said sidewalk covered hereunder. 6. That supplemental to all other obligations on tts part, said permittee and/ or its successors tn fnterest shall furntsh and maintain and pay alt prem- • tums and other expenses for publtc liabllity insurance coverage by an in- surance company licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota in an amo�m t of $250,000 against liabtlity for inJury to any one person and $500,000 for personal inJuries in any one accident, and against liability for inJury to property in an amount of $100,000 for any one accTdent and in the said amounts and for the said purposes �espectively, insuring said permittee, its successors in tnterests and the City of Saint Paul against liability on account of all claims of third persons fo� injury to perso�(s) and/or property arising from or connected wtth the construction, operation or maintenance and/or removal of said sidewalk and shall furnish a certifi- cate of said cove�age from time to time to the Office Enginee r, Department of Pub11c Works and must be of a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 7. That satd permittee shall within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this resolution file with the City Clerk its written acceptance of the te rms, provisions and conditions of this resQlution. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � ut r Hunt � nt O P bl a �evine In Favor H Maddox (� Le ne _ __ Against BY Ma dox M�Mahon Sh alte�+owalter a�ld E, e , Di rector Te co Tedesco --�� .Kh� For A o by City t orne T�Ef��d�� Adopted by ouncWilson Date �y�V Certified •s• by C un � ,ecr y By sy Approved b avor: D _ �9$0 A ed by Mayor fo Sub s to ouncil � • BY - � — BY l�W�JSN�D J U N 21 1980 � bM Ot : 12/1975 Rev: 9/�/76 �: EXPLAt�tATIQt! l�� ADMI'lISTRA.TIVE ORDERS, ' RESOl.UT I OP1S, Ai;C� GRD I"lAP1CcS ����/�� �� Date: May 8th, 1980 � ` � � � � � � , ��i i � "�, �t:r., MAYOR'S OFFKE T0: MAYOR GE:ORGE LATIh1ER FR: Thomas J. Eggum, Public Works Office Engineer RE: Victoria Crossing-East Mall , 857 Grand Avenue � ACTIOiJ REOUESTED: East Mall Associates has requested permission to reconstruct the pu 1c sTdewalk adJacent 857 Grand Avenue by tnstalling an exposed aggregate surface boulevard area. This sidewaik and boulevard would extend along the east side of Victoria Street fran Grand Avenue north to the aliey and along . the north side of Grand Avenue �From Victoria Street easte riy to the end of this property. This exposed aggregate surfaci�g is in conflict with city standards for sidewalks and a Resolution is required to approve the construct- ion. East Mall Assoctates wouid be responsible for the maTntenance and lia- bility due to this lmprovement. . PURPOSE AND RA?[ONALE FOR THIS ACTiON: Council File #274021 adopted November 13th, `- , grants perm ssion to Macataste r College for a similar type improvement, � b�ick plata tTle sidewalk. ATl"ACHMC�TS: Resolution TJE/RAH/dJJ z WHITE - C�TV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. 2'7�a4`7 BLUE _ - MAVOR w� � Co cil Resolution Presented Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the St. Paul and Duluth Railroad Company (now a part of the Burlington Northern Inc.) was directed to construct a bridge to carry Reaney Ave. over their tracks by resolution of the Common Council, dated January 7, 1891, and after completion of the construction, the bridge was accepted by resolution, Assembly File No. 400, of the Common Council, dated January 9, 1892, and WHEREAS, the structural condition of said bridge has now deteriorated to the extent that it is restricted to use by only one legal vehicle at a time and as the average daily traffic of 895 vehicles does not warrant expenditures of monies necessary for rehabilitation work which would bring the structure to meet present legal standards, and WHEREAS, Reaney Ave. to the east of the eastern end of said bridge has been vacated by resolution, Council File No. 273063, dated June 4, 1979, and WHEREAS, by the terms of said vacations, barricades are erected at the eastern end of said bridge to prevent public travel to the east thereof, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Reaney Ave. Bridge is no longer needed and that it shall be abandoned, and the Director of Public Works is hereby directed to remove all the timber, steel and iron superstructure of said bridge which spans the tracks of the Burlington Northern Inc. , leaving the existing abutments abandoned in place, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Northern States Power Company and. the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company be jointly permitted to support a permanent bridge on the existing abutments for support of their facilities upon their acceptance, in writing to the City Clerk of the following conditions: 1. That said Companies shall be responsible for and maintain said abutments in proper condition to support the utility bridge. 2. That said Companies shall construct and maintain the utility bridge at their own expense. 3. That said Companies shall erect and maintain such fences or protective devices as necessary to prevent unauthorized persons from access onto the utility bridge. (over) COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by ity Attor y Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ` g�. * /#pproved by .Vlavor: Date _ Appro y ayor for Sub ' s' o ouncil sy _ _ By