275044 WHITE - CITV CLERK �}L��/'�� y� PINK - FINANCE COU�ICII �. � 9� �i CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. BLUE - MAYOR - r � �.�A�'S� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION AMENDING AN AGREEMENT DATED MAY 19 , 1976 BY AND BETWEEN THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPDZENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AND THE CITY OF SAINT P�UL REGARDING RELOCATION SERVICES , WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Housinc� and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA) entered into an agreement regarding relocation services to be provided to the City by the HRA dated May 19, 1976 , and WHEREAS said Agreement does not adequately provide for reimbursement to the HRA of its overhead costs. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul: 1. That Paragraph 5 (a) of said Agreement be amended as follows : The HRA shall submit a billing to the City on a monthly basis in accordance with the provisions of this Agree- ment. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of the billing, if agreed to be correct, and documented according to City records, payment shall be made by the City to the HRA for the time expended of those employees who perform the relocation services or duties or who offer relocation assistance to site occupants who will be displaced, or who provide clerical, legal or administra- tive support in connection with the provision of those services under this Agreement. i�e����set�er�t-s�a��-be �aele-t�pen-t�e-bae�s-e�-t�e-aet�a�-eest-te-t�e-�i�-�� pe��e�n�ng-�e�et�r�de�;-#ne�e�el�r�g-a��-���nge-ber�e��ts ga�d-��-t�e-H�-ts-�ts-er�g�e�*ees-�e�-t��e-sge��-b� s�eh-ex�p�e�ees-as-�nel�eateel-b�-e�p�e�eesl-t��e-si�eets; COUNGLMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By �lpproved by Mavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY - � WHITE - CITV CLERK �F�'���� ` C NARV - OEP R7MENT ' COIIflC1I g Ej BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. `� 'City Atty/SDM , , Counc�l Resolution Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2 . p�aa—�6$—ef—ti�e—aeeid—netaee�—�ecber—eeata—fer—e�rerhee�d—ef t�e—i�i�.— Reimbursement shall be made upon the basis of cost to the HRA (PED) in performing the relocation services. Cost is defined to mean direct salaries for time spent in performing the relocation services plus fringe benefits for these salaries, plus indirect costs at a rate of direct salaries as approved by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development in the Department of Planning and Economic Development Indirect Cost Plan. The HRA shall make its records available for audit at such reasonable times as may be required. 2. That said amendment is to take effect upon the passage of this resolution and the passage of a resolution to the same effect by the HRA Board of Commissioners. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: �-` � � (/`�_ Director Finance & m . Services � � �--�i�"� COUNCILMEN Yeas �iuntNays �f1 Requested by Department of: B r Levine � H a MadGox � In Favor Hu t McMahon Le ne Showa�ter __ Against BY Ma o� Sh alte�redesco Te e o Wilson JUN 5 ��0� Form Approve by Ci Att ey Adopted by ouncil: Date � Certified s�e b Coun ' ecrftf�r� B �� � 5.l� By ' c �lpproved by . vor: Date Ap by Mayor for S is '�on to Council . $Y - — ��- BY� �US�iED JUN 2 i ;3�0 OM 01: 12/1975 ; �r _ �t � � � Rev. : 9/8/76 ' El�LAfitAtl{IN U� I�MINISTRA►TIYE .QRDER.S �►t���6t � , i . . � .� . . � . . . � . ..� . . . � Qatet MAY 20, 1980 . . �ECE��(�Q To: �►�roa c,eoa�� ��r��� .�- MAY 2 198� . �►� � FRI�1: , TH�IAS P. ME�'ER ' RE: INDIRECT �OST R�TE - HRA/CITY R€LOCATION SERVICE A6REEMEHT _ , _ , ACTI(�1 (�EQUEST�U: ; Approval of Cfty Council resolution to a�nd HRA/Gity` relocation service agre+d�e�c'�. The �et�d�e�at w�ll provide a change in the Dasis of rei�burs�nt f'ran th�e Cit,y �t3 HR�1 for fndirect: costs relating to the relacation servi-ces perfurmed. '. � x' , � PURP�`+�„�l�TD it�T�QNALE F'OR TH TS ACT I tN�i; d � Current agreanent provides for otrerhead to .be rein�urs,ed to F�A at a rarte of �b� of dire�ct salari+es. This, r�te is not adeq�uate �n co�arison t� the earreAt H!!t) appraW�d Depart�entxl Ind�rect Cost Rate of 33.51X: The a�efld�r�t w��� prov�de for indirect costs ta be reimbursed according to the HUD approved De�dr''�.�e�tai Indirec� Cost P1an. . ' _ ' �. ;� � ATfilUCF�NEI�TS: . Proposed`City Council Resolution ' HRA Staff Report and 8o+�rd ResolutYC�n � ( .� . ,' �