275042 WNITE - CITV GLERK 2'�5�J42 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT t BLUE - MAY�OR� Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R�S�LV��, �ha� u�an �he necammenc�i.an a� �he May�n and �cvLsuav�,t �a Sec,#.t.an 10.07.4 a� �h.e Chutc�etc a� �he C.i,t y a� Scu.v� Pau2, �he�.e .i,a hetceb y �.a.vus�e�crced �he �a.P..2aw�.ng �,n �h.e 19�0 budye,t� �R�M: Genetuc2 G�vetcvcmevi,t Cvv�t.i.ngewt Re�letcve - GeneJca,2 090G0-536-000 Ttca.vus�etc an Cawth,i.bc�t,i.an �a 8udge,t �uv�d $6,573.00 TU: �e}�ah.tmev�t a� ��,nanee � Mgm�. Setcv�.ce� �,i.v.i�s�.on �� Li.cev�.se u.vcd Pehm.i� Adrn.i.vi,i.s�i.a�:i.aK 01350-111-000 �u,�2 7�i,me Ce�,t.t.�y�.ed $6,573.00 Ap�tcaved a� �a �uncGi.ny: A�}�tcaved: , � � ' s�-i��0 D�ec.tan, ce an . Set�.vtice�s u ge,t D.viceatan COU[VCILMEN Yeas Hunt Nays Requested by Department of: Levine � Maddox (n Favor McMahon �� By Showalter __ Against — Tedesco Wilson ,uN 5_ 1980 Form Approved C' Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya s d b C uncil S etar BY g�. t�pproved by iNavor: Date �UN 11 1980 Appro e Mayor for u m' si to�ouncil By � ; BY PU�.iSHED JUN 21 1980 . ' .I! r 3 ,�:;�;�. �:�Z`Y" �:�' �A:i�.��"�' � _<<�. �:�� ,> °' �� � o�,�i�cr z�r ���,, cz�r:� �aui;�c�T. � � �, �� i ��?�`����� e_ �i s e., � .g� . l'S'� � 77� -f+Yf• s'�+�';i 4 ''1�M 71 f s'1C_.t � .rj.', . . .. L'. - _ _ ,,. ��� ��� e � June 2 1980 tr .� � . � G Q �i'� � i°�`� �. � � � � �.3 '���" �" O : St�ir��F Pc�ul Cif � C��n �il . F� O � � CO!°(11'i'li�'��1L t7i'1 FINANCE , h1ANAGEI�t�NT AND PERSONNEL RUBY HUNT , chai�mar�, makes the fol lowing reporf or� C. �. � Orr�inanc� �8� [� Resotution , � Qther TITL� : The Finance Committee, at its meeting of June 2 , 1980, recommended approval of the �ollowing : 1 . Resolution establishing title of Complaint Office Supervisor in Grade 22 of Section 3 . B (Clerical Group) and class specs for this title in � Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules . (10945-RH) _ 2 . Resolution establishing title and class specs for Health Education Assistant in Grade 17 of Section 3 . L (Tech. Group) in the Civil Service Rules� . (10944-RH) . 3 . Resolution establishing titles and class specs for Special Library Assistant I in Grade 30, Section 3 . L (Tech . Group) and Special Library Assistant II in Grade 34 , Section 3 . L. (Tech. Group) of the C.ivil �� Service Rules . (10943-RH) . X 4 . Resolution approving funding of $6 , 573 . 00 for funding a License Inspector I . (10948-RH) . 5 . Resolution establishing title of Deputy License Inspector III in Grade 30 of Section 3. L (Tech. Group) and class specs for this title in . Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules . (10942-RH) . 6. Resolution replacing class title and specs for Maintenance Foreman-�9ater Dept . in Grade 3S of Section 3 . H (_Maintenance Supvs . ) of the Civil Service Rules with class title and specs for Supervisor of tiVater Pro- duction Maintenance in Grade 40 of Section 3 .I�. (11003-RH) . 7 . Resolution changi_na title of Nutrition �lssistant to Nutriti_on Assistant I in Sectiori 3 . L (Tech. Group) and change specs to reflect change in title , to remain in Grade 17 , also establish title and class specs for Nutrition Assistant II in Grade 22 of Section 3 . L (Tech. Group) . (11CO2-RH) 8 . Resolution revising class specs for Greenskeeper to define more accurately duties and respansibilities and to refine experience requirements . No change in rate of pay . (11001 -R1i) . CiT�� �IA:.L SE'�'Eti1?i FLOCa �riiivi t_:UL, �f?ti`i�aUZ:� ��i�2 . ��;,,��,�',,� . •�,, � r� �+ ... �r�a.a J��' �A✓�'�,{(f/ ii j� , � . � ���, f �XPLANATION 0� A1��4INISTRATIV� UR��RS, R�S LUTI NS, N1J RDI C�S vc�te: � � '� s � '� � � � APfi 2 � '+j�� TQ: ��1AyUR G�ORG� LATIM�R �Y�,� ��� FR: Ja�ser�li �. Catcched.i,G��'�� R�: Cauvic.i,2 Tnaws�eh. ACTION R�2U�ST��: ���nc�va.e a� Supp�.2emev��atc� �udc�e,t $6,573.00 �an �yuncli.na a 1,i,cen.s e I v�pec.tvn I. VCIRPOS� AND RATIONAL� FUR THIS ACTTUN: Ta a�s�s�� �.n gev�ena,t.i.v�c adc�i,ti,�nu„e.. nevenue� �Gvc.augh added .�i.cev�ed b�.�.ga ha.P.e and b�.naa �e�c,i,ad �e�s. I� .i� e�s�i.mcited �h,i�s pnace�s� w.i.Q,e a�s�.i�s� �.n Jenetcc�t.i.v�y $55,280.00. ATTACf�M�NTS: Caunai.e Re�a.�u�.i.av� � `•"� '�'`'�F r*�"t�!Tr�-;�g �+J� • , �M� A�.� b� �'" A y..'7�. �';3 "� � {°11l G� `b7 A�C�;� '��'` CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM Aptc.t.e 2 9, 1980 TU: M1c.. Richa�r.d ScGvcaedetc, �iudge,t D.ih.ec,tatc �RUM: Ja�seph �. Ccvcched,i., L�.cevv5e Ivv��ec,ta�c�'�`�' Pne�sev�y, �he �autc Denu,ty L.t.cevv�e In�pec.tat�.s each maf�e a�pnax,i.mu,te.ey 3,422 gene�ca2 bws�.ne�s� .P.t,cev�se -i.v�s�ec.t,t.av�s a yeatc, a� weY,e cvs �2ac,i.v�.g .2i,cevv�e ��'.f.ef�e�us �n a�pnax,i,ma�e.ey 1,250 �oad�s�u�� , vencL�.ng r�ccch,i.ne�. They a,�a maFze a�pn�x,i.ma�e,2y 50 �axticab (au�amab.i.Pe) .i,vus�ec�i,vws a yecvc. They u,P�sv mai�e 17.5 ��a� .i.vus�ec.t.t.av►� a�y bu,i.e.d.i.n.g caw#tcac.ta� (an �s.i�e) and n�spand �a 15 .P,t.cevv�e-ne.2a�ed cam�.ea,i.v�#�. The �epu�y Li.cews e 1 vus pec,tUrus ane u„�ss a expec,ted �a mafze caut�t a��eatca.nce� when nece�s�sany, cu we,�2. a� a�s�s.i��i.ny �he L,i.cevvse Iv�ve�s�,i.gaxan �,n ba�h b�.nga and .P i.quatc .i,vr.ve��.i,ga�'.i.a�vs. J�'C/d1c ���,,;.