275041 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council 1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO.����� BLUE - MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the following securities � $300,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, due April 23, 1981 pledged as collateral to protect deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with Summnit National Bank of Ssint Paul, hereby is authorized, raCified and approved, such having been done in conformance with the applicable statutes of the State of Minnesota. ���JNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Levine �ays � M�d�ox Finance and M t. Services - T easur Division � In Favor McMahon Showaiter __ A gai n s t BY — Tedesco Wilson Adopted by� Council: Date — � �` � Form Approved y it ttor y � Certified a_s by Counc , cre BY , By. ����� � �i1N 11 i980 Approved May r�for to Council Approved 'Vlavor: Dat — � _ c " BY - — BY lt1�USHEU JU N 21 i980 Ql�i Ol: 12/1975 .�-. ,`�, ` Rev.: 918J76 � a • ���� . EXP'LANATION OR ADMINISTRATIVB OR1}ERS, RESt3E.UTIONS, AND ORDINANCES � �'tECE1VED 2 � Date: ` t�ay 22, 1980 M�Y 2�80 _ �,�.� � ,� � T0: MAYUR GEORGE LATI34ER �' .. . . .. . Rf�EIVEt� �. . FR: Ga�ty �t. '�oratres, Dept. "of Finsnce � Mgmt. Services � �: cov�ca. xBSC�v�oxs erpgc�vixc ca�.aTE�. MAY � $� � � � � R E C E I V E D CI TY ATfiORN�� � : MAY 2 �s�;f�� . �YOa�s oFFrc� � AC1'�l0�1 REQUESTED• , Th� gaasage of the attsched resolutions approves the :ea�ritt�s pledg�d . by the d�eigasted banks to. protect funda of the City of Saint Pa�1 While ; � �eld in said bank. ; PURPaSE AND RATIt?NALE FOR THIS ACTION: �" IiSA 118 requires collat�ral to psotect public fuads and sets out a ps�ocsd�re to be follo�ed in the handling of said aollateral incladiag the r.egu�rs�eut of spprovsl by the governing body. _ il� " t AITACI�EN'�S: , � ; , , : _ � f ;. : � Proposed Coua�i,I Re�oluCioae. � � ' : , �