275039 _ � ERK 2�5039 aNAN�E GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council — DEPARTMENT File NO. .a ,. — MAVOR � � - ' cil Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Coimcil of the City of Sa.ant Paul hereby certifies and apprav�es the actian of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appea.ls and Review pertaining to the follawiu�,g Iisted property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appea.ls and Review, dated May 13, 1980, and marked` EXEIIBIT A, an.d atta.ched hereto and made a part hexeof by reference; IaATE OF BOARD _ MINUTES CASE N0. PROPERTY APPF��AN'T 5/13/80 07-80-H 804 �lague Gen.eva Hayes (four imi.ts) BOARD ACTION: Granted vari.an.ce of St. Paul Legislative Code, Sectian 54.11, pertain- ing to require�n.t of bathroan facilities within ea.ch clwelling �it, to permit occupancy of second floor lm.its; said variance to hold in effect Lu�.til such. time as there be a transfer of right, title, or interest, at which time said varian.ce shall becane null and void. Property Descriptian: Nininger and Darmelly's Addition E. 3 Ft. of Lot 7 and all of TAt 6, Block 11 ----------------------------- 5/13/80 10-80-H 496 Marsha.11 Celia F. Lee (seven im.its) BOARD ACTION: Granted variance ot St. Paul Legislativ�e Co�e, Section 54.11, pertain- ing to requirement of bathroan facilities within. ea.ch clw�lling tm.it, to pern�it occupancy of secand floor tmits by no more than. four persans sharin;g twn ba.throans; and, further, to permit occupancy of tw� third floor tm.its sharing one bathroan, an com.ditian that a secand m�n.s of egress be pravided if more than. ane imit be occu�ied, said vari.ance to hpld in effect tmtil such ti.me as th�ere be a transfer of right, title, or interest, at which ti.me said vari.ance sha.11 becane null and void. —� — COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B �r��b Bp 6lpproved by Mavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to �ouncil By - -- BY WHITE - GTV CLERK 2'�50�9 PINK � FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CeNARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � - t Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- Property Description: Selby, McCllm.g and VanMeter's Additian �. E. 97.5 Ft. ; Lot 16 and the W. 37.5 Ft. of Lot 15, Block 1 -------------------------------- 5/13/80 11-80-H 1862 Roblyn Ave. Fran.cis M. Merme (six Lmits) BOARD AC1'ION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Sectian 13.03, to permit a secand �ans of egress which cl�es not extend to grotmd l�v�el, pravi.ded a type of retractible clevice acceptable to the St. Paul Housing Code Enforceni�nt I7ivisian be installecl to facilita.te safe passage to grrnmd level in an emer�ency. -------------------------------- and be it FURT��R. RESOLVED, Tha.t the City Clerk is hereby authorized ard directed to transmit a capy of this resolutian for recording to the Ramsey Crnmty Office of the Register of Deeds. , COU[VC[LMEN Yeas Hun�s Requested by Department of: B t r �QV1�e � In Favor H za H t M�ddox � Lz 'ne McMahon _ __ Against BY M ox Sfiowalter S o lter Tedesco de o Yy��son JUN 5 �9$Q Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted Council: Date Certified by Counc' , cr y By `������ By /�lpproved by 'Navor. Date _ �UN � 1 �980 Approved by Mayor for Suhmission to Council c - - By – — By �Ji�H� �u N 21 19s0 ` ��11/n/� ^ 5/13/80 - Meeting No. 161 r' �'r ,�13 ��f � =— � ����! . MINUTES OF THE MEETI'�G ��r�¢��:.��„� ST. PAUL BOARll OF APPEALS �, REVIEW � Tuesday , r.say 13, 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p.m. A�E�IBERS PRESENT: D. D. j+lozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman A. �Vali Naibi Thomas Reiter Glen Gausman ABSENT : Estyr B . Peake AGENCIES PRESENT : Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani Planning and Economic Development Dept . - Cit�• Planning Division - Jan Pelletier - - Mayor' s Information F� Complaint Office Chris Hampl OTHERS PRESENT: F.M. I�lenne Mrs . George Bijjani Geneva Hayes William Mills Celia F. Lee � Joe Dervie Greg Vannelli STAFF PRESENT : Patricia Aloxness The meeting was called to order at 1 : 40 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of April 8 , 1980 , were approved as mailed out to members . CASE N0. FROPERTY APPELLANT 07- 80-H 804 Hague Geneva Hayes (three units) Reauest waiver of Section 54 . 11, St. Paul Legislative Code , pertaining to requirement that bathroom facilities be located within walls of apartment , to permit occupancy of uni.ts where baths are shared, because installation of additional bathrooms would cause unnecessary expense . ' -2- 5/13/80 - Meeting No. 161 . . ������� '�lPPEARANCE : Geneva Hayes � � �''����` William Mi11s � Alice Bijjani PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Mills , speaking for Mrs . Hayes , explained that the secon��loor consisted of two efficiency units and a sleeping room, each bccupied by a relative of Mrs . Hayes , and all shared the one bathroom facility on that floor. Mrs . Hayes occupied the downstairs unit. Alice Bijjani stated that the building was quite well-kept . She recommended that , if the board sh�uld consider granting a variance on the shared baths , it be limited to the period of Mrs . Hayes ' ownership. BOARD ACTION : Mr. Gausman moved that a variance of Section 54. 11 be granted, to remain in effect until such time as there be a change of oianership. Mr. Naibi seconded. 1�40TION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- -- -- - - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- . ' -- • _ wt.. �Fl � � s • t'va'���j��� Tu� rnT� - �;-e� : __ CAS� PR�� APPELLANT 10- 80-H 496 Marshall Celia F. Lee (five units) SUBJECT: Request waiver of Sections 54. 13 and 54. 14 , pertaining to use of asement , because area is used only by owner-occupant ; request waiver of Section 13. 06 , pertaining to enclosure of heating area and installation ' of sprinkler system, because of high cost ; and request �aaiver of Section 54. 11 , pertaining to requirement of bathroom facilities within wa11s of each unit , as this would be "physically impossible ." APPEARANCE : Celia F. Lee Joe Dervie (Mrs . Lee ' s son) Alice Bijjani P RO�EEDINGS : Mr. Dervie , speaking on behalf of his mother, explained that she only used the basement for doing her laundry. It was not used by any of tlie tenants . He said there were two units on first floor , one of wi�ich tiaas occupied by Mrs . Lee , both sharing one b athroom. The second floor had three efficien cy units , e ach occupied by one person ; the three second flaor tenants shared two bathrooms . There was also a sleeping room on second, but this was unused and Mrs . Lee did not intend to rent it out in the future . The third floor had two efficiencies and one bathroom to be shared. However, A4rs . Lee h ad discontinued renting one , so the remainin g unit' s occ�:�ant ha�: t�e exclusive use of the bathroom. Alice Bijjani related that the city listed the property as a seven-unit b�zildin�, and she would not recommend a change to a lower number of units , but it should be made clear that occupancy of the second unit on third floar would result in the necessity to provide a second means of egress , if Mrs . Lee should decide to rent it out again. Ms . Bijjani referred to other waivers requested . by Mrs . Lee , in addition se the heatingbarea�wmthrfire- lem, i . e . , that she not be required to enclo and the use of the retardant materials or provide a sprinkler system, laundry area in the b asement. She strongly recommended against any waiver � - 3- 5/13/80 - Meeting No. 161 of requirements concerned with the heating area , since these directly involved matters of life safety. As to the laundry area, there was improper venting , so there was a possibility of sewer gas accumulating. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved that the appeal for waiver of reQuire- ments concerning enclosure of the heating area and installation of a sprink- ler system be denied; that a waiver of venting req,uirements pertaining to the laundry area be granted; and that a variance on the shared bathrooms be granted, limited to a maximum of four occupants on the second floor sharing two b athrooms , to be effective so long as Mrs . Lee owns the build- ing . And further, that if both third floor units should in the future be rented, a variance on the shared bathroom is granted, providing an approved second means of egress is installed. Mr. Gausman asked th at the appeal for waiver of proper venting of the laundry be denied because of the possibility of a danger to health of occu- pants . Mr. Glassman said he would accept such an amendment to his motion. Mr. Tieso seconded the motion as amended. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S/13/80 - Meetin g No. 161 • ' . MINUTES OF THE MEETI'JG ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS F, REVIFW Tuesday, P�4ay 13, 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p .m. A4EMBERS PI2ESENT: D. D. �Yozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman A. j�Tali Naibi Thomas Rei.ter Glen Gausman ABSENT : Estyr B. Peake AGENCIES PRESENT : Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani Planning and Economic Develonmen� Dept . - City Planning Division Jan Pelletier Mayor' s Information �, Complaint Office Chris Hamp1 OTHERS PRESENT: F.M. hlenne Mrs . George Bijjani Geneva Hayes tiVilliam Mills Celia F. Lee Joe Dervie Greg Vannelli STAFF PRESENT : Patricia A4oxness The meetin� was called to order at 1 : 40 p.m. � - 3- 5/13/80 - Meeting No. I61 � � y � � +� . 1 p. � J �i'.o.���.p�►'9'. CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 11- 80-H 1862 Roblyn Ave . Francis M. I�Tenne (six units) SUBJECT: Reauest waiver of Chapter 13. 03, pertaining to reauirement that exterior exit stairs must continue to grade level , because there is a prob- lem with neighborhood children and v andalism in the building. APPEARANCE : Francis M. Menne Alice Bijjani PROCEEDINGS : Alice Bijjani explained that Mr. Menne ' s building had more than two units above the second floor, thus requiring a second means of egress from each unit. In this case , there was an exterior stairway for this purpose which ended ten feet above ground level , whereas the code required that it reach ground level . Mr. Menne ' s rec�uest for a waiver was based on security reasons rather than monetary. She reported that a member of a community organization had called her to relate that the Police Dept. had recorded over the past year a si.gnificant number of calls in regard to burglary and prowlers at the property , giving good reason ior Mr. Menne ' s concern. Mr. Naibi suggested some type of chain ladder as an alternative , to be lowered from the landing in case of emergency. Mr. Tieso suggested a type of folding ladder, attached to the landing by hinges , which could be flipped over to groun d level if needed. Ms . Bijjani said these were good suggestions , either of which mi�ht make a reasonable sub�titizte for the cade reauirement, but a variance would still be required. BOARD ACTION : Mr. Tieso moved to grant a variance from Section 13. 03 to permit a second means of egress which does not extend to ground level , provided some type of retractible device acceptable to the Code Enforce- ���`�����'� � , �' -4' S/13/80 - Meeting No. 161 � ment Division shall be installed to facilitate passage to ground level in an emergency. b7r. Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDF,R�D, THE VOTE : Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 5/13/8Q �- h4eet�_ng N�. 161 ' � � MINUTES OF T�iE A�E�TI_dG ST. PAUL BOARD OF aPPEALS � REZ�IE6�` Tuesday , rlay 13, 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1030 p.m. MEMBERS P�2ESENT: D. D. ��iuzniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman A. lti'ali Naibi Thomas Reiter Glen Gausman ABSENT : Estyr B. Peake AGENCIES PRES�NT: Community Services Dept . - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani Planning d,.d Economic llevelonmen� Dept . - City Planning Division � Jan Pelletier - Mayor` s Information �, Complaint Office Chris Hampl OTHERS PRESENT: F.M. 1�lenne Mrs . George Bijjani Geneva Hayes William Mills Ce1ia F. Lee Joe Dervie Greg Vannelli STAFF PRESENT: Patricia b7oxness The meetin� was called to order at 1 : 40 p.m. � . �d;r�i���a'A !�� eJ 'L�Y'�•:��',,Y� ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS F; RFVIFjU , 705A City Hall St. Paul , 1�4innesota 55102 (612) 295-4163 May 21 , 1980 . ' T0: Walter Bowser Assistant City Attorney FROM: Pat Moxness Appeals Board Secretary - SUBJECT : Draft Resolution - Board Actions Taken at Meeting of blay 13 , 1980 Attached is a draft resolution and excerpted minutes date May 13, 1980 , pertaining to the following cases : _ - - _ _ _ _ .... CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT ' 07- 80-H 804 Hague Geneva Hayes � (four units) 10-80-H 496 Marshall Celia F. Lee (seven units) 11- 80-H 1862 Roblyn Ave . Francis AZ. Menne (six units) If you have any auestions , please call me on 4163.