275031 WHITE - C�TV CLERK C�uACll ����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution abolishing the title of Occupational Safety Coordinator and establishing the title of Property Manager for a certain period of time in the Salary Plan and Rates of Cornpensation Re s olution. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section V, Exempt Positions, in Grade 20 under the heading "Professional-Administrative" group, by striking out th.e title of Occupational Safety Coordinator; and by inserting in said Grade 20 the title of Property Manager for the period of time during which the first appointee to this position serves after the effective date of this Resolution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Hun-fays Requested by Department oE: Bul �evine PERSONNEL OFFICE Ho a [n Favor � , Hu Maddox / Lev e McMahon _��__ Against BY f M ox Showalter S 1terTedesco T des W�Ison JUN 5 1980 Form Ap oved by it t ey Adopted � Council: Date (' c Certified a. � d b Coun � Se r BY By� 1980 Iapproved vor: Date Appro b Mayor for Subm' io o Council By _ _ By Maiu,tSklED JUN 21 i9a0 _ t- � � Do not� detach fhls memo�dum from the resofution so that this inform tioc� wtlt be � avallabie to the Cit� Counclt. ������ EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: May 5, 1980 , �EC � : �I � D MAY2 � 1980 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � ��QR'S OFFICE FR: Personnel 0£fice RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. RURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR TSIS ACTION: This Resolution removes the title of Occupational Safety Coordi.nator from the Unclassified Service. It also places the title of Property Manager i.n . the Unclassi.fied Service for that period of time during which the first appoi.ntee to this position after the effective date of this resolation, serves. There are no changes in salary grades. ATTACHI�IENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. w i • ` V1�� _L `•1' ��� �`.ti\I�� J� J��� . � Ii ���� �',..; o�Fxcl� o�� TF�� cx�r� co�urrczr, ����'�'�. :r,° �R:. , �, �x: ��,�� �: HT�f1��.ta! ., � : t a.�7�3i�4`�l.�J tirt.r' '." _ ��'•, -F��� ' , Dnte ; May 5 , 1980 ,,,-. ,;`, �;�,. _� .:s�:�; . G Q �'i �"'�� �°�'�� � �� � �`' � ��`�`� TO : Sain� R�iul Ci �y Ca�sr��il F� C� �'1� ' C��li'6fi���� O INANCE , I�IANAGEr�IENT AND PERSONNEL ` ' s ` ' Ilovvir: RUBY HUNT � , chai�mnn, make, thE fo g repc�rt cn C, F. � �rdir�cr►ce ( ) � �esoiufiori � �ther T !°t't�� a The Finance Cammittee, at its meeting of Niay S , 1980 , .. ��ecommended approval of the following : �• 1 . Res�ltit.ion establishing title of Emergency Pr���paredness Ccordinator in Grade 37 of Section 3. E �Fire Non-Supv. Gxoup) of_ the Civi1 �ervice Rules and also establishing class specs f�r this title in S�_�ction 32 of the Civil Service Rules . 2 . Resolution pertaining to filling the Property Mariager .p.ositi.on be forwarded directly to the City Council after it has . been passed by the Civil Service Commission. 3 . Resolution authoriz�ng adrn�xnistration to negotiate ] easin� _of space in City Hall Annex . 4 . Resolution providing budget amendments in CD 1'ear IV and V. : 5. Resolutions approving joint mortgage financing undertaking with - the City of Minneapolis and the McKnight Foundation . (resolutions will be forwarded later) . fiZ'Y ii�.I,L SEV�Iy`[�I FLOOR SAI'�17 PAUL, IIIN:\ESOTA 5SI02 ,��:% .�y