275030 WHITE - C�TV CLERK nOUnC'� ��r/1�o PINK - FINANCE t� ^� g CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL Bl_UE - MAVOR File NO• �v Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Safety Coordinator and abolishing, for a certain period of time, the title and class specification for Property Manager in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil 5ervice Rules be amended i.n Section 3. K (Professional-Administrative Supervisors Group) by inserting the title of Safety Coordinator in Grade 20; and by striking out the title of Property Manager from Grade 20 for the period of time during which the first appointee to the newly established exempt position of Property Manager after the effective date of thi s Re solution, s e rve s; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 thereof by inserting in proper alphabetical order the attached class specification for the title of Safety Coordinator, and by removing frorn Section 32 the �las s specification for tlie title of Property Manager for the period of time during which the first appointee to the newly established exempt position of Property Manager, after the effective date of this Resolution, serves. Approved: � Chairman, Civil Serv' Co ission COUNCILMEN Requested by DepartmeAt of: Yeas Nays uler Hunt � PERSONNEL OFFICE za �evine �n Favot a nt Maddox �ne McMahon -- Against By M dox S alte�owalter T d co Tedesco ,JUN 5 1980 Form ppro by C' Att ey Adopted b CouncWNson Date . � Certifie _ d by Co .il S e ry B � By � Approved avor: Da e — J 11 1980 p►pprov Mayor for Sub si o ii By � � _ —„ _ , By ---,� �R�,tSHED J U N 2 I 1980 Title of class: . � SAFETY COORDINATOR ������ DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement o£ Duties: Performs supervisory and administrative work in directing a comprehensive occupational safety and health program for employees of the City of Saint Paul; and performs related duties as requ3red. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general technical and administrative supervision over professional, technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Plans, directs and coordinates an overall occupational safety and health program for city employees. Identifies conditions which create hazards for workers; orders elimination of unsafe conditions and practices. Enforces compliance with federal, state and local occupational safety and health laws and regulations. Directs the collection and analysis of data on work related injurfes and illnesses and the preparation of occupational safety and health reports. Directs the preparation and inplementation of a comprehensive safety traircing and education program for city employees. Coordinates the activities of departmental safety workers and committees and maintains liaison with public and private safety organizations outside the city. Directs the investigation of reported accidents and occupational illnesses and assists the City Attorney's office in reducing Worker Compensation claims. Directs environmental studies and measurements to determine the presence of healtfi hazards. Evaluates occupational safety and health progr.ams and practices and recommends and/or implements new policies, programs, procedures or equipaent. RNOWLIDGES, SKILLS ArID ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of occupational safety and health procedures and practices. Considerable knowledge of the general principles and practices of administration. Considerable ability to plan, organize and coordinate the work of others. Marked ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships at all levels in th� organization and with individuaZs outside the organization. Considerable knowledge of federal, state and local regulations in the area of occupational safety and health. Considerable ability to communicate clear].y and effeetively with individuals and groups. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and six years' experience in occupational safety and health work, three years of which must have been in a responsa.ble adr�inistrative capacity; or college graduation and six years' manageinent experien.ce, two years of which must have been in the field of occupational safety and health administration. •�-, " �qo n�t det�ch this memorandurh trom the , . ���Qlutivn so that this information wtl! be �����n �v�ll�bis to tMe Cit� Councii. �� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATTVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: May 5, 1980 � EC ,� ; �,�ED T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATTMER MAY 2 ;; ���r� FR: Personnel Office �YOR'S OFFiCf RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution removes the title of Property Manager from the Classified Service for th.e period of time during which the first appointee to the newly established exempt position of Property Manager serves. It also places the title of Safety Coordinator in the Classified Service permanently. There are no changes i.n Salary Grades. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. . �� � .. _ - , . . ��,�'�"��'� , � � � Title of class: PROPERTY MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory and administrative work involving the planning, development and administration of property management programs within the Division of Property Management, in- cluding building raaintenance, space allocation systems, co�mnunication systems, vehicle and equipment maintenance systems, and risk manage- ment; and performs related duties as requiredo Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administra- tive direction of the Department Head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises with the division general technical and administrative supervision over professional, technical and clexical workerso TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. � Coordinates builciing renovation, remodeling and structural maintenance programs for all City-owned or leased buildings. Develops and implements an overall space allocation plan and program for all city agenciesa Manages and/or coordinates the operation of all City communicatzons facil- ities and services, and coordinates these services with like services of Ramsey County and other political subdivisions in the County, Provides City-wide coordination of such services as a maintenance manage- ment records and information system, capital outlay requests for replace- men�t equipment, intershop facilities and personnel utilization, rental fleet, equipment evaluation, and specification standardizationo Establishes and administers a risk management program for City �roperty and equipmenta Manages the maintenance of all serial numbered equipment for departments which lack this capability. Coordinates and/or manages the maintenance of all City-owned and leased buildings. Establishes and manages a security system for City-owned or leased buildings. Prepares the annual program objectives, goals and budget for the Division of Property Managemento Establishes and coordinates facilities joint use xelationshi�ps with other governmental units and authoritieso Directs and supervises the employees of the Division of Property Management. (continued on reverse side) � Effecti�e October 1, 1977 PRQPERTY".:M,�P�AGER . • . ' • + PRQPERTX M,ANAGER � (continued) KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS ANA ABILTTTES Thorough k�ow�.ed&e of Gity Offices and Departmen�Cs. Thorm�ugh know�.�dge o£ pr�nciples and pxact�.ces of admini.sxxa��an. Consideral�le knowl�edg� of space allocation principles. Consi�dexab�e knowledge of recaxd�kesping and �.nforma�tion systams, Considerable aba�l�ty to plan and coordi,nate the a�'C�.'vitiss of others. Marked abi�ity to e$tablish and maintain e�£ective wa�kirtg and inter- persona], xe],a�ionships wa;th others. MTNTMUM QUA�ZFICATIONS CQllege graduatian a�►d six ysars' #nanageme�t experience,,. at �.east three yeax� of which must have been in a xesponsib�e administrative capac�.ty. � w , 'T'� • •:,, ��.�'�` �� r.s ��� ;�°, :'', J ��"1.' � �. CJ .T.a `-� { ,� , .;1 41'':L+'11;7� ;>�,, .L,I �;;, {�I'L Y <;f.�l)i�L�iI. ����`JR�.I`� ti;/ , . _��I{ ���;: � ::� '. 1 ��YI. �"� � .�.� ..� ,�S Date : Alay S , 1950 J •<" iY_ G Q �� ���� ��� � � �� � �� � �_tp ��--� TO : �air,t Rc�ul Ci�� C��ar��il F � () 1� � CG(1`iC�'�i��'�� ��IN�NCE , i�1l�I�AGE?,1ENT AND PERSONNEL RUBY HUNT � , chaiFinan, makes �the fol lo�vi;:g rep�rt cn C. F. � Ordinc�:c:e ( ) �� f�esolu�Yior� � Other Tl�� L� � Tlie Fi��ance Co;�imittee , at its meeting of rlay S , 1 �80 , . �ecommended approval of the following : • 1 . Resolution establishing title of Emergency Preparedness -Ccordinator in Grade 37 of Section 3 . E (Fire Non--Stipti• . Group) of tiie Civil �ervi�e Rules and also establis}ii.ng class specs for this i:itle irn S�.�ction 32 / of the Civil Service Rules . �2 . Resolution pertaining to filling the Froperty Maiiager position be forwarded directly to the City Council after it has been passed by the Civil Service Commission. 3 . Resolution authorizing adrnanistration to negotiate ] easing _of space in City Hall Annex . 4 . Resolution providing budget amendme�rts in CD lear IV and V. , 5. Resolutions approving joint mortgage financing undertaking with the City of Minneapolis and tne blcKnight Foundation . (resolutions will be for�earcled later) . C.i-i`�' rI.'I.L SEVEN-I�I FLOOR SAItiT F:1liL, �;IN1_=SOT':� S?;�"-, ., '