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By ��. �'���-�-
File No. � ` "
In the Matter of r�������8 tid+�a,lks aad �rorlc iacidantsl tharato an tlu follcnrfags
814737 East side oi �OUTB �x]�t.L STitBBT at 626 aad 630 Bsia�l.l Street.
510738 North side at FOR?I'.ANA A,'�U8 lre�w Wsste�rn Av+�►ae tta Atv�xde2 St=+ewtt.
SiQ7�9 8outh eide �f SSLHT A9� t'zow �azato�a �LSaet to Tit�rt 360 l�ee�.
S1p740 tiorth side o! SA�6� A st 137? 3argeat Avraw.
�1�T41 Soutb aida o! ST. CLAI�t AY8�8 lre� ai�-� af Sta�rt L3ns � rto t3ti��s St.
31a7�2 North sid� o!' MARt,�ARET ST�B'� lroe BaseZw�od Awnae te West 84 taet
, at 1531 aad 1539 lrtat�aret Str�et,
810743 Bath sides o� SAS's IEl�tA Ae8'�U� tsae Huel Ar�ue to t�ar�r �la�e.
310?44 9outh side ot CLBAR AVBI� A,t 2124 aad Z I30 Cl�ar Awnw.
5107�t5 Waat sida oi ALBItfI� AVEt�I[iE i'ro� �1��t Se�th Str�tt to Soatb to
vacsted A�riea 3treet.
under Administrative Order ���� approved ����
under Preliminary Order ������ approved
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City of�cers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date `��N 5" ��O
Yeas Nays ��I� 11 1980
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