00-880. � ORIGINAL Presented By: Council File # OO � Q'j�p Green Sheet# 107064 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a3 Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Police Department was awarded an Internet Crimes Against Children 2 (ICAC) grant by the Office of Juvenile Justice for Delinquency Prevention, and 3 4 WH�REAS, This grant was accepted by the City Council on Septem6er 6, 2000 on council file 5 #00.802,and 6 7 Wf�REAS, The Saint Paul Police Department will utilize funding from this grant to conduct a 8 Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Seminar on Qctober 26, 2000 to educate other law 9 enforcement agencies and prosecutors as to the scope of the problem, solutions and resources 10 available, and 11 12 WHEREAS, This training seminar will be held at the Best Western White Bear Country Inn, and 13 14 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into an agreement with the 15 Best Western Wlute Bear Country Inn to provide the meeting room aud refreshments for those 16 attending this seminar. 17 18 BE IT F`[TRTAER RESOLVED, that the proper city o�cials, including Saint Panl Police Chief 19 William Finney, are hereby authorized to eaecute this agreement on behalf oF the City of Saint Paul. 20 21 22 23 24 Adopted by Council: Date: ��—. � �p� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� � A- , � _ Approved by Mayor: Date: ����°�'�°� By: C Approved y May f�or 5ubmission to Council: By: � ' ( ' L�/�!/�i"' � � ICACSEMINAR-2000 ,; DEPh27MEN OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITUITED Police 9/12/00 GREEN SHEET No. 107064 CONT CTPERSON P O E INRIAUDAiE INfiIAVDA7E Willi3mFinney 292-3588 1 nx�xrmeECrox 4 cau�a� QO.�'� MU57 BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE} ■ L F�'/ATIONffY �CLQM ��a u ❑FN/�NantsrnNCESnot �cwlticwl.sFiev�acc'rc � v pwYOR(OR0.5951ANf) �RIdiS i�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED Signamres requested on the attac�ed Conncil Resolution authorizing the St Paul Police Deparlment to enter inm an agreement with ihe Best Westem WUite Beaz Country Inn. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUE5710N5: 1. Has this pe�Nfi�rrt ever worked under a coMraG for lhis department? PLANNING GOMMISSION YE5 NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis perso�rm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a sMll not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is ihis personnrtn a largeted vendor? YES NO Explain all yes ansvuers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Deputment was awazded a grant by the Office of Juvenile Justice for Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to create a mulfiyurisdictional Task Force to address the problem of the exploitarion of children and child pomography via the Internet. The Task Force is to inves[igate reports of this nature, educate the public and other law enforcement agencies and prosecutors as to the scope of the problem and solutions and resources available. ADVANTAGESIPAPPROVED This requested ffaining session will inform local law enforcement and prosecutors of tY�e itature of the crimes against children online, the proper response for successCul prosecution, iesources available to assist them, and to e7cplain the Task Forces mission and our ability to assis[ fhem with these types of im�estigafions. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None noted. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED .��"�'��'t �$it�$i' Needed training on the issue would not be available to local agencies and the effecdveness of the Task Force greatly reduced. The depariment would not meet a majoz goal set when applying for ,� n thegrantmoney. ��� � � �'��� 70TALAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ not to exCeed $1,500.00 CO57/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ICE�C �`i�NT (FllIId 43(� ACTMTY NUMBER 436-34056 FINANCIAL 1tJFORMATiON (EXPIAii� �i . T Best Western MEIVO White Bear Country Inn r / a pp� p ! � �'� 4940 Hig/noay 61 N. ��R�f k�' �i �p= � y]�� Bookfng Date �9�0$��0 Whke Bemlake, MIV SSIIO ` � � phnxc(657)l29-5393 Fax:(651)l29-63f1 LOCATIDN: DATE ORGANIZATlON: SET TIME: � MTG TIME: . _ POSTINGNAME: rrer-�rn�uF'nu!'RTRATT3St3G _ NUMBEREXPECTED: TYPE OF EVE'NT: METHOD OFPAYMENT. pTTRC'HASF. (�RnFR ADDRESS: �, pA�, ppLICE—ICAC TRAII�IING 100 E.11TH StREET ST. PAUL, MN 55101 ROOMSET-UP CLP %ROOM SIYI.E -BREAKTABLE 77ME -PObIUM 7:30AM B:OOAM MEETING EQUIPMENT -MICROPHONE 1200PM 200PM "IC:E WATII2 AND MQ`7'll`' ON TABI.ES' MEE.TIlVG PLANNERS IN FOR SEI-UP REGU�TRATION AND ME�.T1NG BEGINS Catering Contract PNCE CONTINENTALSREAICFASP �$4.95+a fEA Q�II,I.Ei> JUIC�S ASSORTFA BREAKFAST BAKERIEi BUTTER AND FRUIT PRESE2VF5 FRESHI,Y BREWID COFI�F.E, DECAFFiNATED AND PIERBAL TEA LUNCH ON OWN`*MOST WII.L USE RfSTAURANT"' �*gEFR}�SH MEETING ROOM*` AFPERNOON BRF,AK 10. FSZFST�.Y BAI.�D ASSORTm COOTQES @$14.95++�DpZ 1�0-ASSORTEDSODAS @$1.25++/EA S:OOPM MMF.EIIING ADJOURNED TABLE SET-UP **NO FOOD OA BEVIItAGE ALLAWID FROM OUTSIDE TI-IE HOTEL T[ME: T.I,pE. BAR ARRANGElYfENTS PR10E: 'Bnnquelrnomchvgeo ���� �i[llxwaivediffooAanCbeveragerevertuesurpaxse�q �� 1) Mircires�mguarnnteed �rtteedaxce nr(st be mceived bY��(°ke"d°ueJdLs below lheguaranteed aumbu, the clieru will be chargedjar the guaraieeed numbn. Ijlheguara�ueeQ number ojguaYS is no1 uceived by 1he date indicated thc dienl wi71 be chargedjorlhe "planned na. ojgucsts'C 2) A f�Q¢posil with signed co�urnd is due in our o�ce nn /ater 1han�/� 9/(10 �(unlws Aired biArrsg h¢r been arranged) uY�9___l 3) Alljood and be�erage is subject 10 state tac and a 77'�o service chorge 4) A -� tance![ation fee wi1/ be ch`uged ifyaur rvent'u cance]ted within �doys of the enent S) A!l lrenu chartges mus! be cleoled wi(h !he sates o�ce 74 daysprior to your eveN or a service ch(uge wi11 be enforced lr's hneby memolly agree4 benveen Be# We+Y<rn W6rie BearCouNry /nn anQ �he fa[lawing iram>d organizmion thN the undmigned is an authorized ugrnt for and on 6ehdjof smd arganiWiort I h¢ve read arsd agreed 10 (he caterirtg guiddirtes med procedures mentioneA¢bove, and fhe Fnod and BeverogePoliciesstatedonikereversesideoffhiscoNracL �y'��' ,� .s'(�(1a-�� 7�, DIRECTOR OFCATERING DATE ORGANIZATlONREPRESENTAT/ � G(TAR4NTEED PHOtVE NO: FAX: 651-26r3884 BUS: 651-265-3882 HOME: DEPOSIT: glTDp{{T( BUFFET BRE.1R HORSD'OEUVRES � 0 � � . ��:; Food and Bever. age Policies Best Wu7enr-While Bea� Lake-Cauntry Inn 49f0 Highway 61 Norlh if'/iite Bear Lake, MN SSIZO Prices-The prfce listed m�e orP currerrt ratu and may Iie subject to change. �f11 prices are subject to change 90 days prior to yoru�functiac Tax arrd Gratuitv-State 6,5%sales tar and a 17%grahrity are in addition to the prices agreed uporc Pavmerrt amd Denosit.�Paynreru is due in ful! 72 hows prior to yorQ event urrless you have approved credit for direct billing previously set up thraugh the accowrting o�ce �f11 credrt applications must be received three weekr priorto the frorction. �1 deposit of$500.00 is requiredfor all social juirctionr vt Ihe time ofconfirmatia, unless specifredLy the Catering Direclor. For w�ddings, an additional 8500.00 is due 90 days priar to the functian ,4!! deposits are non-refundable, Securi curity is required at aQ Friday and Satto�dcry night functiorrs: This is provided by the hotel jar a a"200. DO in 2000 and 8250.00 fii 20D7. Guarantee-The m�mber ofguest scheduled to attend murt be confirmed with the Cateri�g Depar[ment by noon 72 hoursprior to the everrt. AII �ekend events must be confrrmed by Wedrresday prio� to the event Thrs number will be considered a guarantee and is not su6jut io reduction . Menu Se[ections-We make every efforl fo have nro� menau be us complele as possible. Should you have a specral request, pleare do no hesilale to ark Children meals are available upon request. Split Menur: the gues� rrary choose up !0 3 separate entreesfor a group of20-75 people However all�uesu must be served the same appelizer, saia�, and dersert_ A$1.00 sw�charge wi[I be added !o the mem� price for all split item menus. in addition, no overage is prepared on split memcs, Arry serving erceeding 1he gu�antee may vary fromYF� selected . merru items. Guarmuees for each group must be d�nite[y spec:fred 72 hours prior to your event. Your Memr selections must 6e submitted to the Sest Western-White Bear Lake Country Inrr catering department no later them 3 xreks prior to your scheduled event. In case ofshoK term bookings, menus wil! be requested upon booking. Food and Bevera¢e �III food items must be supplied and pre,pared by the Best {3'eslern-�f'hite Be�rr Lake. No food or beverage ofarry kind will be permitted to be brough[ into or xaken out of the hotel by theguest or any ofJhe guest's altendees. (This does not apply to wedding cakes.) This hotel accepts no responsibiliry for the damage or loss of equipmenl, merchmulise, or m-ticfu left in arry barrquet or meeling roonzr, or arry pan of the hotel prior to or follawing yaur junction. �fll food and beverage purchases are only for consumption on the premises in the assigned function area. The hotel reserves the righllo change the room ¢ssignmen[ if necessary. f there is a change in the num6er ifguests, the hotel reserves the righ.f to reassign the banquel room. Roams wiil be arranged to yo� spec:fications. Smo�ting is permitred only in the banquet rooms, unless olherwise sraled at the time of booking. The poolside is a non smo�Eing mea The client is responsib[e in case of damage !o banquet raoms'or hotel properry. Af! funetioru wi!! end mo later than 12 midaighl_ The hotel ruerves the righr to inspect and cantrol all private parties, mee[ings, disc jockeys, and receptions being held on premises. This he:e: cdhares to a!! federal, sla[es und ioca! laws regarding faod and beverage purchase and consumption. Cake Cutiinp Charee-There is a 25 cen�s per piece charge for a[! cake cu[s provided by the 6est Western-White Bear Lake. Should you cu[ [he cake yourself or have ane of your guesls do so, the cake cutting charge will6e waived. Defiverie�Arlicles delivered to the ho[el prior to the event, mus! be addressed [o �he a�tention ojlhe Sates and Carering o�ce. Decaratinp No confelti may be used anywhere in our hotel, or the use afcrepe paper on [he linen mb(e c(othes. A $200.00 cleaning fee wi!! be charges to your accoun! if [he above i(ems are present. ffccess to banque� or meetrng rooms jor decorating is based upon availabrlity before scheduted events. No gr�crrantee access wi!! be delermined un[i11 dcrys prior to your scheduled event. Minimums and Meerine Renlafs-Persons boo�ing [he ba!lraom will be reqvired to observe a food and beverage mimimum of $3,SOO.00for Friday events and S3,SOO.00for Saturday events in 2000, 83,800_00 for Friday events and 83800.00 even[s in 2001 excluding !ctt and gratuity. Mee[ing room renlals may range jrom 575.00 to $600.00. 8200.00 for Poolside Ceremonies. :: ��� �p-�'� Food and Bever. age Policies Bat K'es[em-White B�arLako-Couatry Inn �940 Highway 61 Norih Whitc Bear Lake, MN 55110 Pricur -The prite listed are oro' crvrent rates and mcry b�e subject to chmrge Atl prices ore subject to tharrge 90 days prior to yourfw+ctiorc Tax and Gratuitv-State 6.3°/asales tax and a 77%gratuity �e in addilion 10 Ihe prices agreed upon, Paromatt axd Dennsits-Paymertl is due in ful172 hotvsprior lo yorv even! unlets yau )urve apQroved credit for dfrecl billing previous[y.set up lhrough the accoro#ing o�ce AI/ credi! applications mrest be rec¢ived �hree �eks priorto the frmclion: ;4 deposil of8500.00 is required for al! social func[ions at the time ofconfrrnwlion, unlus specifred.by the Calering Dirutor, For x�ddings, an additional SS40.00 is due 94 days prior to the frmctiort A!1 deposiu are rson-refundable. Securi Securiry is reguired at a1! Friday and Salurday night functionr. T7ris is provided by the hotel for a a2�0.0� in 1t)00 and $250.00 iri 2001. Cuarontee-The rrumber ofguest scheduled to atlend must be confrrmed wrlh (he Calering Depar�menl by naon 72 hours prior to the evenL All r�ekend evenls mut� be confrrmed by Wednesday prior to �he event. This number wiU be conridered a guarantee and is not subjec! ta reduction . Menu Selections-We make every effort !o have otrr menus be ar complere ar possible. Should you have a specia[ requesl, pleare do no hesilale !o ask Children meals crre wailable upon reques�. Split Menus: (he guest may choose up !0 3 separate entrees for a group of ZO-75 peop[e. Hox�ver, all�uesrs must be served the aame appetizet, salat� aruf desserl. R SI.00 swch�ge will be added to the meme price for a1! sptit item menrcr, in addition, no overage is prepared on split memu. �fny serving exceedinglhe guarantee may vary from the selecled . meml rtems. Guaranteea for each group must be defrnitety specifred 72 hou� prior !o your evenl. Your Me�ru selections must be submitted to the But Western-While Bear Zake Counhy Inn catering departm¢ra no later then 3 xrekr prior to your scheduted event. In case ofshort [erm bookings, menvs wil! be requested rrpon booking. Food arrd Beve�ape AIlfood items murt be supplied and prepared by the Best Western-lf�hrte Bear Lake. No jopd or beverage ofany ,Eind will be permitted to be brought into or taken out of the hotel by [he guest or arry of �he gurst's attendees. (IYrrs does no1 apply to x�dding cakes.) 7his holel acceprs no resporuibi[ity for [he damage or loss oJequipment, merchandi,se, or articles lefi irs arry banguer or mee[ing rooms, or nrry par( of the hotel prior to or fo!lowing your function. All jood and beverage purchases are onfy for cons�mption on the premises in the assigne.dfunclion area. The hor¢I reserves the right !o change the room arsignntent ifnecessary. Ijthere is a change in 1he number ijguests, Ihe hotef reserves the right lo rearsign the banque! room. Rooms will be arranged fo y�our specif:cations: SmoJEing is permitted onty in the banquel rooms; unless otherwise s�ated at �he �ime of booking. The poolside is a non smoking area. T7re client is responsible iir case ofdcrmage to banquet rooms or hotel property. AIl functions wi!! end no la�er than IZ midnight. 77re horel reserves the right to inspect and contro! all private parlies, meetings, disc jockeys, and receptions being held on premises. This hetel cdheres to a!! federal, s[ates and loca! laws regarding food and beverage purchase and coarumplion. Cake CuttinQ Charee-7&ere is a 25 cen(s per piece charge jor a11 cake cuts provided by !he 6est Wesrern-Whi1e Bear Lake. Should you cut !he cake yourself or have one ofyour guesls do so, !he cake cutting charge wilt be wpived. Deliveries-Anicles delivered to rhe hotel prior to the event, must be addressed to the a[tention of (he Sales and Catering o�ce. DecoratinQ No conjetti mcry be used anywhere in our hotel, or the use of crepe paper on [he Irnen �able clothes. A 5200 00 cleonrng jee will be charges ro your account if 1he above rtems are present. itccess [o banque� or mee[ing rooms for decoralrng is bared upon wailability bejore scheduled evenrs. No guaranfee access wi!! be de[ermined until2 days prior to your scheduled evenl. bfinimums and Meetine ReR1a/s-Persons booking [he ballroom will be required to observe a food and beverage minimum of S3,S00.00 for Friday evemts and 53,500.00 for Sa[urday evenls in 2000, $3, 800.00 for Friday events and $3800.00 evenls in 2001 excluding [az and gratuiry. Mee�ing room rentafs may range jrorn 575.00 to $600.OQ. S20Q.00 for Poo(side Ceremonies. . � ORIGINAL Presented By: Council File # OO � Q'j�p Green Sheet# 107064 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a3 Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Police Department was awarded an Internet Crimes Against Children 2 (ICAC) grant by the Office of Juvenile Justice for Delinquency Prevention, and 3 4 WH�REAS, This grant was accepted by the City Council on Septem6er 6, 2000 on council file 5 #00.802,and 6 7 Wf�REAS, The Saint Paul Police Department will utilize funding from this grant to conduct a 8 Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Seminar on Qctober 26, 2000 to educate other law 9 enforcement agencies and prosecutors as to the scope of the problem, solutions and resources 10 available, and 11 12 WHEREAS, This training seminar will be held at the Best Western White Bear Country Inn, and 13 14 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into an agreement with the 15 Best Western Wlute Bear Country Inn to provide the meeting room aud refreshments for those 16 attending this seminar. 17 18 BE IT F`[TRTAER RESOLVED, that the proper city o�cials, including Saint Panl Police Chief 19 William Finney, are hereby authorized to eaecute this agreement on behalf oF the City of Saint Paul. 20 21 22 23 24 Adopted by Council: Date: ��—. � �p� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� � A- , � _ Approved by Mayor: Date: ����°�'�°� By: C Approved y May f�or 5ubmission to Council: By: � ' ( ' L�/�!/�i"' � � ICACSEMINAR-2000 ,; DEPh27MEN OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITUITED Police 9/12/00 GREEN SHEET No. 107064 CONT CTPERSON P O E INRIAUDAiE INfiIAVDA7E Willi3mFinney 292-3588 1 nx�xrmeECrox 4 cau�a� QO.�'� MU57 BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE} ■ L F�'/ATIONffY �CLQM ��a u ❑FN/�NantsrnNCESnot �cwlticwl.sFiev�acc'rc � v pwYOR(OR0.5951ANf) �RIdiS i�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED Signamres requested on the attac�ed Conncil Resolution authorizing the St Paul Police Deparlment to enter inm an agreement with ihe Best Westem WUite Beaz Country Inn. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUE5710N5: 1. Has this pe�Nfi�rrt ever worked under a coMraG for lhis department? PLANNING GOMMISSION YE5 NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis perso�rm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a sMll not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is ihis personnrtn a largeted vendor? YES NO Explain all yes ansvuers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Deputment was awazded a grant by the Office of Juvenile Justice for Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to create a mulfiyurisdictional Task Force to address the problem of the exploitarion of children and child pomography via the Internet. The Task Force is to inves[igate reports of this nature, educate the public and other law enforcement agencies and prosecutors as to the scope of the problem and solutions and resources available. ADVANTAGESIPAPPROVED This requested ffaining session will inform local law enforcement and prosecutors of tY�e itature of the crimes against children online, the proper response for successCul prosecution, iesources available to assist them, and to e7cplain the Task Forces mission and our ability to assis[ fhem with these types of im�estigafions. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None noted. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED .��"�'��'t �$it�$i' Needed training on the issue would not be available to local agencies and the effecdveness of the Task Force greatly reduced. The depariment would not meet a majoz goal set when applying for ,� n thegrantmoney. ��� � � �'��� 70TALAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ not to exCeed $1,500.00 CO57/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ICE�C �`i�NT (FllIId 43(� ACTMTY NUMBER 436-34056 FINANCIAL 1tJFORMATiON (EXPIAii� �i . T Best Western MEIVO White Bear Country Inn r / a pp� p ! � �'� 4940 Hig/noay 61 N. ��R�f k�' �i �p= � y]�� Bookfng Date �9�0$��0 Whke Bemlake, MIV SSIIO ` � � phnxc(657)l29-5393 Fax:(651)l29-63f1 LOCATIDN: DATE ORGANIZATlON: SET TIME: � MTG TIME: . _ POSTINGNAME: rrer-�rn�uF'nu!'RTRATT3St3G _ NUMBEREXPECTED: TYPE OF EVE'NT: METHOD OFPAYMENT. pTTRC'HASF. (�RnFR ADDRESS: �, pA�, ppLICE—ICAC TRAII�IING 100 E.11TH StREET ST. PAUL, MN 55101 ROOMSET-UP CLP %ROOM SIYI.E -BREAKTABLE 77ME -PObIUM 7:30AM B:OOAM MEETING EQUIPMENT -MICROPHONE 1200PM 200PM "IC:E WATII2 AND MQ`7'll`' ON TABI.ES' MEE.TIlVG PLANNERS IN FOR SEI-UP REGU�TRATION AND ME�.T1NG BEGINS Catering Contract PNCE CONTINENTALSREAICFASP �$4.95+a fEA Q�II,I.Ei> JUIC�S ASSORTFA BREAKFAST BAKERIEi BUTTER AND FRUIT PRESE2VF5 FRESHI,Y BREWID COFI�F.E, DECAFFiNATED AND PIERBAL TEA LUNCH ON OWN`*MOST WII.L USE RfSTAURANT"' �*gEFR}�SH MEETING ROOM*` AFPERNOON BRF,AK 10. FSZFST�.Y BAI.�D ASSORTm COOTQES @$14.95++�DpZ 1�0-ASSORTEDSODAS @$1.25++/EA S:OOPM MMF.EIIING ADJOURNED TABLE SET-UP **NO FOOD OA BEVIItAGE ALLAWID FROM OUTSIDE TI-IE HOTEL T[ME: T.I,pE. BAR ARRANGElYfENTS PR10E: 'Bnnquelrnomchvgeo ���� �i[llxwaivediffooAanCbeveragerevertuesurpaxse�q �� 1) Mircires�mguarnnteed �rtteedaxce nr(st be mceived bY��(°ke"d°ueJdLs below lheguaranteed aumbu, the clieru will be chargedjar the guaraieeed numbn. Ijlheguara�ueeQ number ojguaYS is no1 uceived by 1he date indicated thc dienl wi71 be chargedjorlhe "planned na. ojgucsts'C 2) A f�Q¢posil with signed co�urnd is due in our o�ce nn /ater 1han�/� 9/(10 �(unlws Aired biArrsg h¢r been arranged) uY�9___l 3) Alljood and be�erage is subject 10 state tac and a 77'�o service chorge 4) A -� tance![ation fee wi1/ be ch`uged ifyaur rvent'u cance]ted within �doys of the enent S) A!l lrenu chartges mus! be cleoled wi(h !he sates o�ce 74 daysprior to your eveN or a service ch(uge wi11 be enforced lr's hneby memolly agree4 benveen Be# We+Y<rn W6rie BearCouNry /nn anQ �he fa[lawing iram>d organizmion thN the undmigned is an authorized ugrnt for and on 6ehdjof smd arganiWiort I h¢ve read arsd agreed 10 (he caterirtg guiddirtes med procedures mentioneA¢bove, and fhe Fnod and BeverogePoliciesstatedonikereversesideoffhiscoNracL �y'��' ,� .s'(�(1a-�� 7�, DIRECTOR OFCATERING DATE ORGANIZATlONREPRESENTAT/ � G(TAR4NTEED PHOtVE NO: FAX: 651-26r3884 BUS: 651-265-3882 HOME: DEPOSIT: glTDp{{T( BUFFET BRE.1R HORSD'OEUVRES � 0 � � . ��:; Food and Bever. age Policies Best Wu7enr-While Bea� Lake-Cauntry Inn 49f0 Highway 61 Norlh if'/iite Bear Lake, MN SSIZO Prices-The prfce listed m�e orP currerrt ratu and may Iie subject to change. �f11 prices are subject to change 90 days prior to yoru�functiac Tax arrd Gratuitv-State 6,5%sales tar and a 17%grahrity are in addition to the prices agreed uporc Pavmerrt amd Denosit.�Paynreru is due in ful! 72 hows prior to yorQ event urrless you have approved credit for direct billing previously set up thraugh the accowrting o�ce �f11 credrt applications must be received three weekr priorto the frorction. �1 deposit of$500.00 is requiredfor all social juirctionr vt Ihe time ofconfirmatia, unless specifredLy the Catering Direclor. For w�ddings, an additional 8500.00 is due 90 days priar to the functian ,4!! deposits are non-refundable, Securi curity is required at aQ Friday and Satto�dcry night functiorrs: This is provided by the hotel jar a a"200. DO in 2000 and 8250.00 fii 20D7. Guarantee-The m�mber ofguest scheduled to attend murt be confirmed with the Cateri�g Depar[ment by noon 72 hoursprior to the everrt. AII �ekend events must be confrrmed by Wedrresday prio� to the event Thrs number will be considered a guarantee and is not su6jut io reduction . Menu Se[ections-We make every efforl fo have nro� menau be us complele as possible. Should you have a specral request, pleare do no hesilale to ark Children meals are available upon request. Split Menur: the gues� rrary choose up !0 3 separate entreesfor a group of20-75 people However all�uesu must be served the same appelizer, saia�, and dersert_ A$1.00 sw�charge wi[I be added !o the mem� price for all split item menus. in addition, no overage is prepared on split memcs, Arry serving erceeding 1he gu�antee may vary fromYF� selected . merru items. Guarmuees for each group must be d�nite[y spec:fred 72 hours prior to your event. Your Memr selections must 6e submitted to the Sest Western-White Bear Lake Country Inrr catering department no later them 3 xreks prior to your scheduled event. In case ofshoK term bookings, menus wil! be requested upon booking. Food and Bevera¢e �III food items must be supplied and pre,pared by the Best {3'eslern-�f'hite Be�rr Lake. No food or beverage ofarry kind will be permitted to be brough[ into or xaken out of the hotel by theguest or any ofJhe guest's altendees. (This does not apply to wedding cakes.) This hotel accepts no responsibiliry for the damage or loss of equipmenl, merchmulise, or m-ticfu left in arry barrquet or meeling roonzr, or arry pan of the hotel prior to or follawing yaur junction. �fll food and beverage purchases are only for consumption on the premises in the assigned function area. The hotel reserves the righllo change the room ¢ssignmen[ if necessary. f there is a change in the num6er ifguests, the hotel reserves the righ.f to reassign the banquel room. Roams wiil be arranged to yo� spec:fications. Smo�ting is permitred only in the banquet rooms, unless olherwise sraled at the time of booking. The poolside is a non smo�Eing mea The client is responsib[e in case of damage !o banquet raoms'or hotel properry. Af! funetioru wi!! end mo later than 12 midaighl_ The hotel ruerves the righr to inspect and cantrol all private parties, mee[ings, disc jockeys, and receptions being held on premises. This he:e: cdhares to a!! federal, sla[es und ioca! laws regarding faod and beverage purchase and consumption. Cake Cutiinp Charee-There is a 25 cen�s per piece charge for a[! cake cu[s provided by the 6est Western-White Bear Lake. Should you cu[ [he cake yourself or have ane of your guesls do so, the cake cutting charge will6e waived. Defiverie�Arlicles delivered to the ho[el prior to the event, mus! be addressed [o �he a�tention ojlhe Sates and Carering o�ce. Decaratinp No confelti may be used anywhere in our hotel, or the use afcrepe paper on [he linen mb(e c(othes. A $200.00 cleaning fee wi!! be charges to your accoun! if [he above i(ems are present. ffccess to banque� or meetrng rooms jor decorating is based upon availabrlity before scheduted events. No gr�crrantee access wi!! be delermined un[i11 dcrys prior to your scheduled event. Minimums and Meerine Renlafs-Persons boo�ing [he ba!lraom will be reqvired to observe a food and beverage mimimum of $3,SOO.00for Friday events and S3,SOO.00for Saturday events in 2000, 83,800_00 for Friday events and 83800.00 even[s in 2001 excluding !ctt and gratuity. Mee[ing room renlals may range jrom 575.00 to $600.00. 8200.00 for Poolside Ceremonies. :: ��� �p-�'� Food and Bever. age Policies Bat K'es[em-White B�arLako-Couatry Inn �940 Highway 61 Norih Whitc Bear Lake, MN 55110 Pricur -The prite listed are oro' crvrent rates and mcry b�e subject to chmrge Atl prices ore subject to tharrge 90 days prior to yourfw+ctiorc Tax and Gratuitv-State 6.3°/asales tax and a 77%gratuity �e in addilion 10 Ihe prices agreed upon, Paromatt axd Dennsits-Paymertl is due in ful172 hotvsprior lo yorv even! unlets yau )urve apQroved credit for dfrecl billing previous[y.set up lhrough the accoro#ing o�ce AI/ credi! applications mrest be rec¢ived �hree �eks priorto the frmclion: ;4 deposil of8500.00 is required for al! social func[ions at the time ofconfrrnwlion, unlus specifred.by the Calering Dirutor, For x�ddings, an additional SS40.00 is due 94 days prior to the frmctiort A!1 deposiu are rson-refundable. Securi Securiry is reguired at a1! Friday and Salurday night functionr. T7ris is provided by the hotel for a a2�0.0� in 1t)00 and $250.00 iri 2001. Cuarontee-The rrumber ofguest scheduled to atlend must be confrrmed wrlh (he Calering Depar�menl by naon 72 hours prior to the evenL All r�ekend evenls mut� be confrrmed by Wednesday prior to �he event. This number wiU be conridered a guarantee and is not subjec! ta reduction . Menu Selections-We make every effort !o have otrr menus be ar complere ar possible. Should you have a specia[ requesl, pleare do no hesilale !o ask Children meals crre wailable upon reques�. Split Menus: (he guest may choose up !0 3 separate entrees for a group of ZO-75 peop[e. Hox�ver, all�uesrs must be served the aame appetizet, salat� aruf desserl. R SI.00 swch�ge will be added to the meme price for a1! sptit item menrcr, in addition, no overage is prepared on split memu. �fny serving exceedinglhe guarantee may vary from the selecled . meml rtems. Guaranteea for each group must be defrnitety specifred 72 hou� prior !o your evenl. Your Me�ru selections must be submitted to the But Western-While Bear Zake Counhy Inn catering departm¢ra no later then 3 xrekr prior to your scheduted event. In case ofshort [erm bookings, menvs wil! be requested rrpon booking. Food arrd Beve�ape AIlfood items murt be supplied and prepared by the Best Western-lf�hrte Bear Lake. No jopd or beverage ofany ,Eind will be permitted to be brought into or taken out of the hotel by [he guest or arry of �he gurst's attendees. (IYrrs does no1 apply to x�dding cakes.) 7his holel acceprs no resporuibi[ity for [he damage or loss oJequipment, merchandi,se, or articles lefi irs arry banguer or mee[ing rooms, or nrry par( of the hotel prior to or fo!lowing your function. All jood and beverage purchases are onfy for cons�mption on the premises in the assigne.dfunclion area. The hor¢I reserves the right !o change the room arsignntent ifnecessary. Ijthere is a change in 1he number ijguests, Ihe hotef reserves the right lo rearsign the banque! room. Rooms will be arranged fo y�our specif:cations: SmoJEing is permitted onty in the banquel rooms; unless otherwise s�ated at �he �ime of booking. The poolside is a non smoking area. T7re client is responsible iir case ofdcrmage to banquet rooms or hotel property. AIl functions wi!! end no la�er than IZ midnight. 77re horel reserves the right to inspect and contro! all private parlies, meetings, disc jockeys, and receptions being held on premises. This hetel cdheres to a!! federal, s[ates and loca! laws regarding food and beverage purchase and coarumplion. Cake CuttinQ Charee-7&ere is a 25 cen(s per piece charge jor a11 cake cuts provided by !he 6est Wesrern-Whi1e Bear Lake. Should you cut !he cake yourself or have one ofyour guesls do so, !he cake cutting charge wilt be wpived. Deliveries-Anicles delivered to rhe hotel prior to the event, must be addressed to the a[tention of (he Sales and Catering o�ce. DecoratinQ No conjetti mcry be used anywhere in our hotel, or the use of crepe paper on [he Irnen �able clothes. A 5200 00 cleonrng jee will be charges ro your account if 1he above rtems are present. itccess [o banque� or mee[ing rooms for decoralrng is bared upon wailability bejore scheduled evenrs. No guaranfee access wi!! be de[ermined until2 days prior to your scheduled evenl. bfinimums and Meetine ReR1a/s-Persons booking [he ballroom will be required to observe a food and beverage minimum of S3,S00.00 for Friday evemts and 53,500.00 for Sa[urday evenls in 2000, $3, 800.00 for Friday events and $3800.00 evenls in 2001 excluding [az and gratuiry. Mee�ing room rentafs may range jrorn 575.00 to $600.OQ. S20Q.00 for Poo(side Ceremonies. . � ORIGINAL Presented By: Council File # OO � Q'j�p Green Sheet# 107064 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a3 Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Police Department was awarded an Internet Crimes Against Children 2 (ICAC) grant by the Office of Juvenile Justice for Delinquency Prevention, and 3 4 WH�REAS, This grant was accepted by the City Council on Septem6er 6, 2000 on council file 5 #00.802,and 6 7 Wf�REAS, The Saint Paul Police Department will utilize funding from this grant to conduct a 8 Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Seminar on Qctober 26, 2000 to educate other law 9 enforcement agencies and prosecutors as to the scope of the problem, solutions and resources 10 available, and 11 12 WHEREAS, This training seminar will be held at the Best Western White Bear Country Inn, and 13 14 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into an agreement with the 15 Best Western Wlute Bear Country Inn to provide the meeting room aud refreshments for those 16 attending this seminar. 17 18 BE IT F`[TRTAER RESOLVED, that the proper city o�cials, including Saint Panl Police Chief 19 William Finney, are hereby authorized to eaecute this agreement on behalf oF the City of Saint Paul. 20 21 22 23 24 Adopted by Council: Date: ��—. � �p� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� � A- , � _ Approved by Mayor: Date: ����°�'�°� By: C Approved y May f�or 5ubmission to Council: By: � ' ( ' L�/�!/�i"' � � ICACSEMINAR-2000 ,; DEPh27MEN OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITUITED Police 9/12/00 GREEN SHEET No. 107064 CONT CTPERSON P O E INRIAUDAiE INfiIAVDA7E Willi3mFinney 292-3588 1 nx�xrmeECrox 4 cau�a� QO.�'� MU57 BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE} ■ L F�'/ATIONffY �CLQM ��a u ❑FN/�NantsrnNCESnot �cwlticwl.sFiev�acc'rc � v pwYOR(OR0.5951ANf) �RIdiS i�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED Signamres requested on the attac�ed Conncil Resolution authorizing the St Paul Police Deparlment to enter inm an agreement with ihe Best Westem WUite Beaz Country Inn. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUE5710N5: 1. Has this pe�Nfi�rrt ever worked under a coMraG for lhis department? PLANNING GOMMISSION YE5 NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis perso�rm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a sMll not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is ihis personnrtn a largeted vendor? YES NO Explain all yes ansvuers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Deputment was awazded a grant by the Office of Juvenile Justice for Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to create a mulfiyurisdictional Task Force to address the problem of the exploitarion of children and child pomography via the Internet. The Task Force is to inves[igate reports of this nature, educate the public and other law enforcement agencies and prosecutors as to the scope of the problem and solutions and resources available. ADVANTAGESIPAPPROVED This requested ffaining session will inform local law enforcement and prosecutors of tY�e itature of the crimes against children online, the proper response for successCul prosecution, iesources available to assist them, and to e7cplain the Task Forces mission and our ability to assis[ fhem with these types of im�estigafions. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None noted. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED .��"�'��'t �$it�$i' Needed training on the issue would not be available to local agencies and the effecdveness of the Task Force greatly reduced. The depariment would not meet a majoz goal set when applying for ,� n thegrantmoney. ��� � � �'��� 70TALAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ not to exCeed $1,500.00 CO57/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ICE�C �`i�NT (FllIId 43(� ACTMTY NUMBER 436-34056 FINANCIAL 1tJFORMATiON (EXPIAii� �i . T Best Western MEIVO White Bear Country Inn r / a pp� p ! � �'� 4940 Hig/noay 61 N. ��R�f k�' �i �p= � y]�� Bookfng Date �9�0$��0 Whke Bemlake, MIV SSIIO ` � � phnxc(657)l29-5393 Fax:(651)l29-63f1 LOCATIDN: DATE ORGANIZATlON: SET TIME: � MTG TIME: . _ POSTINGNAME: rrer-�rn�uF'nu!'RTRATT3St3G _ NUMBEREXPECTED: TYPE OF EVE'NT: METHOD OFPAYMENT. pTTRC'HASF. (�RnFR ADDRESS: �, pA�, ppLICE—ICAC TRAII�IING 100 E.11TH StREET ST. PAUL, MN 55101 ROOMSET-UP CLP %ROOM SIYI.E -BREAKTABLE 77ME -PObIUM 7:30AM B:OOAM MEETING EQUIPMENT -MICROPHONE 1200PM 200PM "IC:E WATII2 AND MQ`7'll`' ON TABI.ES' MEE.TIlVG PLANNERS IN FOR SEI-UP REGU�TRATION AND ME�.T1NG BEGINS Catering Contract PNCE CONTINENTALSREAICFASP �$4.95+a fEA Q�II,I.Ei> JUIC�S ASSORTFA BREAKFAST BAKERIEi BUTTER AND FRUIT PRESE2VF5 FRESHI,Y BREWID COFI�F.E, DECAFFiNATED AND PIERBAL TEA LUNCH ON OWN`*MOST WII.L USE RfSTAURANT"' �*gEFR}�SH MEETING ROOM*` AFPERNOON BRF,AK 10. FSZFST�.Y BAI.�D ASSORTm COOTQES @$14.95++�DpZ 1�0-ASSORTEDSODAS @$1.25++/EA S:OOPM MMF.EIIING ADJOURNED TABLE SET-UP **NO FOOD OA BEVIItAGE ALLAWID FROM OUTSIDE TI-IE HOTEL T[ME: T.I,pE. BAR ARRANGElYfENTS PR10E: 'Bnnquelrnomchvgeo ���� �i[llxwaivediffooAanCbeveragerevertuesurpaxse�q �� 1) Mircires�mguarnnteed �rtteedaxce nr(st be mceived bY��(°ke"d°ueJdLs below lheguaranteed aumbu, the clieru will be chargedjar the guaraieeed numbn. Ijlheguara�ueeQ number ojguaYS is no1 uceived by 1he date indicated thc dienl wi71 be chargedjorlhe "planned na. ojgucsts'C 2) A f�Q¢posil with signed co�urnd is due in our o�ce nn /ater 1han�/� 9/(10 �(unlws Aired biArrsg h¢r been arranged) uY�9___l 3) Alljood and be�erage is subject 10 state tac and a 77'�o service chorge 4) A -� tance![ation fee wi1/ be ch`uged ifyaur rvent'u cance]ted within �doys of the enent S) A!l lrenu chartges mus! be cleoled wi(h !he sates o�ce 74 daysprior to your eveN or a service ch(uge wi11 be enforced lr's hneby memolly agree4 benveen Be# We+Y<rn W6rie BearCouNry /nn anQ �he fa[lawing iram>d organizmion thN the undmigned is an authorized ugrnt for and on 6ehdjof smd arganiWiort I h¢ve read arsd agreed 10 (he caterirtg guiddirtes med procedures mentioneA¢bove, and fhe Fnod and BeverogePoliciesstatedonikereversesideoffhiscoNracL �y'��' ,� .s'(�(1a-�� 7�, DIRECTOR OFCATERING DATE ORGANIZATlONREPRESENTAT/ � G(TAR4NTEED PHOtVE NO: FAX: 651-26r3884 BUS: 651-265-3882 HOME: DEPOSIT: glTDp{{T( BUFFET BRE.1R HORSD'OEUVRES � 0 � � . ��:; Food and Bever. age Policies Best Wu7enr-While Bea� Lake-Cauntry Inn 49f0 Highway 61 Norlh if'/iite Bear Lake, MN SSIZO Prices-The prfce listed m�e orP currerrt ratu and may Iie subject to change. �f11 prices are subject to change 90 days prior to yoru�functiac Tax arrd Gratuitv-State 6,5%sales tar and a 17%grahrity are in addition to the prices agreed uporc Pavmerrt amd Denosit.�Paynreru is due in ful! 72 hows prior to yorQ event urrless you have approved credit for direct billing previously set up thraugh the accowrting o�ce �f11 credrt applications must be received three weekr priorto the frorction. �1 deposit of$500.00 is requiredfor all social juirctionr vt Ihe time ofconfirmatia, unless specifredLy the Catering Direclor. For w�ddings, an additional 8500.00 is due 90 days priar to the functian ,4!! deposits are non-refundable, Securi curity is required at aQ Friday and Satto�dcry night functiorrs: This is provided by the hotel jar a a"200. DO in 2000 and 8250.00 fii 20D7. Guarantee-The m�mber ofguest scheduled to attend murt be confirmed with the Cateri�g Depar[ment by noon 72 hoursprior to the everrt. AII �ekend events must be confrrmed by Wedrresday prio� to the event Thrs number will be considered a guarantee and is not su6jut io reduction . Menu Se[ections-We make every efforl fo have nro� menau be us complele as possible. Should you have a specral request, pleare do no hesilale to ark Children meals are available upon request. Split Menur: the gues� rrary choose up !0 3 separate entreesfor a group of20-75 people However all�uesu must be served the same appelizer, saia�, and dersert_ A$1.00 sw�charge wi[I be added !o the mem� price for all split item menus. in addition, no overage is prepared on split memcs, Arry serving erceeding 1he gu�antee may vary fromYF� selected . merru items. Guarmuees for each group must be d�nite[y spec:fred 72 hours prior to your event. Your Memr selections must 6e submitted to the Sest Western-White Bear Lake Country Inrr catering department no later them 3 xreks prior to your scheduled event. In case ofshoK term bookings, menus wil! be requested upon booking. Food and Bevera¢e �III food items must be supplied and pre,pared by the Best {3'eslern-�f'hite Be�rr Lake. No food or beverage ofarry kind will be permitted to be brough[ into or xaken out of the hotel by theguest or any ofJhe guest's altendees. (This does not apply to wedding cakes.) This hotel accepts no responsibiliry for the damage or loss of equipmenl, merchmulise, or m-ticfu left in arry barrquet or meeling roonzr, or arry pan of the hotel prior to or follawing yaur junction. �fll food and beverage purchases are only for consumption on the premises in the assigned function area. The hotel reserves the righllo change the room ¢ssignmen[ if necessary. f there is a change in the num6er ifguests, the hotel reserves the righ.f to reassign the banquel room. Roams wiil be arranged to yo� spec:fications. Smo�ting is permitred only in the banquet rooms, unless olherwise sraled at the time of booking. The poolside is a non smo�Eing mea The client is responsib[e in case of damage !o banquet raoms'or hotel properry. Af! funetioru wi!! end mo later than 12 midaighl_ The hotel ruerves the righr to inspect and cantrol all private parties, mee[ings, disc jockeys, and receptions being held on premises. This he:e: cdhares to a!! federal, sla[es und ioca! laws regarding faod and beverage purchase and consumption. Cake Cutiinp Charee-There is a 25 cen�s per piece charge for a[! cake cu[s provided by the 6est Western-White Bear Lake. Should you cu[ [he cake yourself or have ane of your guesls do so, the cake cutting charge will6e waived. Defiverie�Arlicles delivered to the ho[el prior to the event, mus! be addressed [o �he a�tention ojlhe Sates and Carering o�ce. Decaratinp No confelti may be used anywhere in our hotel, or the use afcrepe paper on [he linen mb(e c(othes. A $200.00 cleaning fee wi!! be charges to your accoun! if [he above i(ems are present. ffccess to banque� or meetrng rooms jor decorating is based upon availabrlity before scheduted events. No gr�crrantee access wi!! be delermined un[i11 dcrys prior to your scheduled event. Minimums and Meerine Renlafs-Persons boo�ing [he ba!lraom will be reqvired to observe a food and beverage mimimum of $3,SOO.00for Friday events and S3,SOO.00for Saturday events in 2000, 83,800_00 for Friday events and 83800.00 even[s in 2001 excluding !ctt and gratuity. Mee[ing room renlals may range jrom 575.00 to $600.00. 8200.00 for Poolside Ceremonies. :: ��� �p-�'� Food and Bever. age Policies Bat K'es[em-White B�arLako-Couatry Inn �940 Highway 61 Norih Whitc Bear Lake, MN 55110 Pricur -The prite listed are oro' crvrent rates and mcry b�e subject to chmrge Atl prices ore subject to tharrge 90 days prior to yourfw+ctiorc Tax and Gratuitv-State 6.3°/asales tax and a 77%gratuity �e in addilion 10 Ihe prices agreed upon, Paromatt axd Dennsits-Paymertl is due in ful172 hotvsprior lo yorv even! unlets yau )urve apQroved credit for dfrecl billing previous[y.set up lhrough the accoro#ing o�ce AI/ credi! applications mrest be rec¢ived �hree �eks priorto the frmclion: ;4 deposil of8500.00 is required for al! social func[ions at the time ofconfrrnwlion, unlus specifred.by the Calering Dirutor, For x�ddings, an additional SS40.00 is due 94 days prior to the frmctiort A!1 deposiu are rson-refundable. Securi Securiry is reguired at a1! Friday and Salurday night functionr. T7ris is provided by the hotel for a a2�0.0� in 1t)00 and $250.00 iri 2001. Cuarontee-The rrumber ofguest scheduled to atlend must be confrrmed wrlh (he Calering Depar�menl by naon 72 hours prior to the evenL All r�ekend evenls mut� be confrrmed by Wednesday prior to �he event. This number wiU be conridered a guarantee and is not subjec! ta reduction . Menu Selections-We make every effort !o have otrr menus be ar complere ar possible. Should you have a specia[ requesl, pleare do no hesilale !o ask Children meals crre wailable upon reques�. Split Menus: (he guest may choose up !0 3 separate entrees for a group of ZO-75 peop[e. Hox�ver, all�uesrs must be served the aame appetizet, salat� aruf desserl. R SI.00 swch�ge will be added to the meme price for a1! sptit item menrcr, in addition, no overage is prepared on split memu. �fny serving exceedinglhe guarantee may vary from the selecled . meml rtems. Guaranteea for each group must be defrnitety specifred 72 hou� prior !o your evenl. Your Me�ru selections must be submitted to the But Western-While Bear Zake Counhy Inn catering departm¢ra no later then 3 xrekr prior to your scheduted event. In case ofshort [erm bookings, menvs wil! be requested rrpon booking. Food arrd Beve�ape AIlfood items murt be supplied and prepared by the Best Western-lf�hrte Bear Lake. No jopd or beverage ofany ,Eind will be permitted to be brought into or taken out of the hotel by [he guest or arry of �he gurst's attendees. (IYrrs does no1 apply to x�dding cakes.) 7his holel acceprs no resporuibi[ity for [he damage or loss oJequipment, merchandi,se, or articles lefi irs arry banguer or mee[ing rooms, or nrry par( of the hotel prior to or fo!lowing your function. All jood and beverage purchases are onfy for cons�mption on the premises in the assigne.dfunclion area. The hor¢I reserves the right !o change the room arsignntent ifnecessary. Ijthere is a change in 1he number ijguests, Ihe hotef reserves the right lo rearsign the banque! room. Rooms will be arranged fo y�our specif:cations: SmoJEing is permitted onty in the banquel rooms; unless otherwise s�ated at �he �ime of booking. The poolside is a non smoking area. T7re client is responsible iir case ofdcrmage to banquet rooms or hotel property. AIl functions wi!! end no la�er than IZ midnight. 77re horel reserves the right to inspect and contro! all private parlies, meetings, disc jockeys, and receptions being held on premises. This hetel cdheres to a!! federal, s[ates and loca! laws regarding food and beverage purchase and coarumplion. Cake CuttinQ Charee-7&ere is a 25 cen(s per piece charge jor a11 cake cuts provided by !he 6est Wesrern-Whi1e Bear Lake. Should you cut !he cake yourself or have one ofyour guesls do so, !he cake cutting charge wilt be wpived. Deliveries-Anicles delivered to rhe hotel prior to the event, must be addressed to the a[tention of (he Sales and Catering o�ce. DecoratinQ No conjetti mcry be used anywhere in our hotel, or the use of crepe paper on [he Irnen �able clothes. A 5200 00 cleonrng jee will be charges ro your account if 1he above rtems are present. itccess [o banque� or mee[ing rooms for decoralrng is bared upon wailability bejore scheduled evenrs. No guaranfee access wi!! be de[ermined until2 days prior to your scheduled evenl. bfinimums and Meetine ReR1a/s-Persons booking [he ballroom will be required to observe a food and beverage minimum of S3,S00.00 for Friday evemts and 53,500.00 for Sa[urday evenls in 2000, $3, 800.00 for Friday events and $3800.00 evenls in 2001 excluding [az and gratuiry. Mee�ing room rentafs may range jrorn 575.00 to $600.OQ. S20Q.00 for Poo(side Ceremonies.