275015 WNITE - CITV �LERK COURCII ����� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By �CEIdSE COI�i�ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE50LVED: That Application Q11�205 for the transfer of On 5ale Liquor License No. 9702, expiring January 31, 1981, AND Application Q1.Lt206 for the transfer of the Sunday On Sale Liquor License, expiring Janua�y 31, 1981, AND Application Q11t207 for the transfer of the Class C2-��staurant, Off Sale i''ialt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses, expiring Janu�y 31, 1981, a11 issued to Armand and Bernice Dell'qonte at 1199 �ce Street, be and the sarie are hereby transferred to N.T.J., Inc. and Armand Delilonte, Berni.ce Del�ionte and Terence D. Deli�ionte at the same address, doing business as Dutch DelMonte's. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas McMAHON Nays � � In Favor d�� Hunt � Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco MpY 2 g 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b il: Date Ce ied Ya- d b uncil Se retary BY l' /�pprov Mavor: .�� n t�_ P►Pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council �-w� ., gy _ BY �tsttFD J t�N 7 1980 _ � r f:,���,� �- � �'��L;� ��..i; ✓� .., ,,,,,,�,R . =��`'T' °'�'�-. CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�° ;�- '� �' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ',,� i�iii° �� `�• : DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �°"�'im;,,'„',��'�� Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR iiay 28, 1980 i�iadam President and Fonorable :�iembers of the City Council Saint Paul, i�iinnesota I�:adatr_ President and I7onorable i��embers: Armand, r`ernice and Terence De11�Ionte and Tv.T.J., Inc. re- quest that tr.e On aale Liquor License, Sunday Gn Sa1e Liquor License, Class C2-Restaurant, Off Sale i�ialt Bevera�e and Cigarette Licenses � presently issued to Armand a.nd i5ernice Delhionte at 1199 �ice Street be transferred to N.^1.J., Inc. and �rmand Deli�ionte, Fsernice Dell�:onte and Terence DelTionte at the sane address. The officers of N.T.J., Inc. are Leonaxd i�rar�;elist, Presi- dent and Treasurer, and Imant 'r�yris, tiice President and �ecl°etary. They aze also the stockholders. They will operate this business per- sonally and it w�ill continue to be known as Dutch �eli�ionte's. TYiis application has been reviewed �y the License and Per- :�.t Division and tl�e City Attorney's office. Tr�e reco:nmendation is for approval. Very truly o�� � ` Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector �0 , _ . . _ , � � - , . A. . � . . � . , , . . � . ' � - ; . , . � � ; Mepr 23, 1980 , ; . � , : , REMI' NDER . _ � . �1r�. Imant Bf.rid � � ,• 1760 st. Clair Aver� . ; st. Psu7., 1�i.nneeot� 551t�5 , ' , , . � . " Dear Sir.: � - ' . transfer of ari bn Sale I�i.quor - . ' - , - _ , ' , , . , _ • � 2i�y 28, 1980 � ,� 10t00 A.M. . Connail Chsmbera� third floor Citg�:Hall ' , , , � . , , . _ - . . . . _ .. . . . .1 C . , .. , � . � � . � � � . � ; . .. . . . ..� .. � � . � . � ' . . i� . . � . . . . • , _ - . , 2'���!�.5 . , . , , , . , . . ,, , , . . , � � � Hay 23, 1980 � , , RE�MTNDBR _ � , � � 1 Mr. Lebnard Eva�ngelist , lltlt5 Upper 5�th Streat E. ' ", � ; . ..I�sr (}rave �big8ts� Mi.�neaota 55t�75 , , , , , Dear 5ir: _ , . � ' � transfer of an On 5ale Liquor - • � i , �; . , . , i , . � . � � . ' May 28� 1980 � � � � lOrOU A.H. ' CouMCil Cha�►bers� �3.rd floor City Hal]. �� , , � . � , , � . , � , . , • / , � , �