274996 WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 2�4g�S
BI.UE - MAVOR � Flle NO•
Co cil sol 'on
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City Council has been informed by the Minnesota Historical Society
of its intention to nominate the Minnesota Museum of Art, 305 St. Peter, to the
National Register of Historic Flaces; and
WHEREAS, the City Council , in resolution #268523, has asked the Heritage Preservation
Corrnnission to review and comment on National Register nominations in the City
of Saint Paul ; and
WHEREAS, the Heritage Preservation Commission has recommended supporting the
nomination of the Minnesota Museum of Art to the National Reg�ster of Historic
Places; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has previously recognized the architectural significance
of the Minnesota Museum of Art by designating it as a Heritage Preservation Site; and
WHEREAS, the owners of the Minnesota Museum of Art have requested National Register
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul City Council to support the
nomination of the Minnesota Museum of Art to the National Register of Historic
Yeas McMAHON Nays Requested by Department of:
-� 6
�, In Favor
Hunt �
Levir�e _ __ Against BY
Tedes 7 19g0 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted ounc' : Date —�� �
Ce ied P• • d by uncil;ecreta By
v QQ'
�1pp e Mavor: Date _ � �� 2' Approved by Mayor for Submission fo Council
By _ — BY
�..�stt� JU N ? 1980
������: �:�. CITY O� SAINT PAUL
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- 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
'�� �p 612-292�i440
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May 20, �9so
President Joanne Showalter ,�
Members of Saint Paul City Council
Saint Paul City Hall
Saint Paul , hAV 55102
Dear President Shawalter and Council Members:
The Heritage Preservatiorr Corrrnission was informed by the Minnesota Historical
Society of its intention to nominate the Minnesota Museum of Art, 305 St. Peter
Street, to the National Register of Historic Places. Since the City Council
has'asked the Heritage Preservation Conenission to cornnerrt on National Register
nominations in Saint Paul , the Cor�nntssion reviewed this nomination at a recent .
Because the Minnesota Museum of Art is already designated as a St. Paul Heritage
Preservation Site and is an excellent Art Deco design, the Commission approved
a resolution which recorrmends supporting the placement of the museum on the
National Register. The owners of the building requested the National Register
nomination. .
Councilman Levine has agreed to sponsor a Gouncil Resolution supporting the �
placement of the Minnesota Museum of Art on the National Register.
I have attached the Heritage Preservation Commission's resolution and a �opy of
the Minnesota Historical Society's April 28th letter to the Council . Thank you.
�rN�" ��N�`�''�
'I _
Ernest Sandeen, Chairman
Heritage Preservation Commission
cc: City Clerk
Mr. Charles Skrief, �
Minnesota Historical Society
240 Summit Avenue
St. Paul , hUV 55102
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� - 1 � ;r-r , ���. M i N N ESOTA H ISTORICAL SOCI ETY
` y ' T ; ► � � � II �
• -�? _ ;.�.. . ,�,s,�� ,, 1 690 Cedar Street,Si. Pau{Minnesota 55701 .612-296-?747 �
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28 April 198Q
President Joanne Showalter
and Membars of the St. P�ul City Council
7th Floor -
City Ha11 `..
St. Paul, MinnesoCa, 55102
Dear President Showalter and Members of the Citq Council:
I am writin� to iaform you of the Minneaota Historical Society's inten�ion
to nrnaina�e the Minnesota Museum of A�t, 305 St. Peter Street, and the' Rochat-
Louise-Sauerwein Block, 261-277 West 7th Straet, to the National Register af
Historic Piaces. These buildings have previously been designated as historically
importaat by the City Council of St. Paul. Ttiey are now being considered for
Natiouai Register designation at the request of their owners. The properties
are to be considered at a meeting of the State Review Board on May 29, 1980.
This presentation is the first step in the nomination process.
As you have already been notified, in;a letter dated April 25, 198'0, the
City of St. Paul is encouraged to comment an this nomination, I should also point;
out that mq staff is ia close contact with the St. Faul Heritage Preserva.tion
Commission. _ .
� Should you wish to discuss tlxis matter, please do aot hesitate to contact m�.
S iacerely;-'�
� �`i/� fL`-
u e11 W. Frid2ey
RWF/f -
cc Ernest Sandeen, Chairman •
Heritage Preservatian Coannission
25 West Fourth Street _
St. Paul, 1rIl�1 55102 �
Founded 1849 � The oidest institutian in the state
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city of saint paul . .
her�tage preservation commiss�on resolution .
f ile r.umber $�-9 � �
date M� $, ,98o
. ,
;� _
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commissian has been informed by
the Minnesota Historical Society of its intention to nominate the Minnesota
Museum of Art, 305 St. Peter, to th� National Register of Fiistoric Rlaces; and
WHEREAS, the City Council in Council Resoiution #268523, has asked the Heritage
Preservation Comnission to review and comnent on National Register nominations,
in the City of Saint Pau19 and
WHEREAS, the City Council has previously recognized the architectural significance
of the Minnesota Museum of Art by designating it as a Saint Paul Heritage Preservation
Site; and
WHEREAS, the owners of the Minnesota Museum of Art have requested National
Register designation.
_ _ _ __
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Corr�nission,
to recorrr�oend supporting the nomination of the Minnesota Museum of Art ta the
National Register of Historic Places.
moved b MS. McLauqhl i n
seconde Uy M,r_ Gl i nes
m favor 9
against o ,
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����• "= 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
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�RRmy��t�'� 612-292-6440 �
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May 20, 1980
President Joanne Showalter T'�
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Members of Sai nt Paul Ci ty Counci 1 � �n `s`=� �
Saint Paul City Hall
Sai nt Paul , N�V 55102 �� �� o
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Dear Pres i dent Showal ter and Counci 1 M�mbers: :�', '�"�
. � �
The Heritage Preservation Comnissior� was informed by the Minnesota Histarical
Society of its intention to nominate the Minnesota Museum of Art, 305 St. Feter
Street, to the National Register of Historic Places. Since the City Council
has asked the Heritage Preservation Commission to comment on National Register
nominations in Saint Paul , the Co�tssion reviewed this nomination at a recent .
Because the Minnesota Museum of Art is already designated as a St. Paul Heritage
Preservation Site and is an excellent Art Deco design, the Commission approved
a resolution which recommends supporting the placement .of the museum on the
National Register. The owners of the building requested' the National Register
nomination. .
Councilman Levine has agreed to sponsor a Council Resolution supporting the
placement of the Minnesota Museum of Art on the National Register.
I have attached the Heritage Preservatiorr Corr�nission's resoliation and a cop,y of
the Minnesota Historical Society's April 2$th letter to the Council . Thank you.
Ernest Sandeen, Chairman
Heritage Preservation Commission
cc: City Clerk �
Mr. Charles Skrief, �
Minnesota Historical Society
240 Sumni t Avenue
St. Paul , hUV 55102
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--.. '-'�" _ ;_;-. _. ;�s_� � � 1 690 Cedar Street, St. Paul, Minnesota SS101 .612-296-2747 �
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28 April 1980 --T
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President Joanne Showalter ��'"�`-, �� 'r��
and Members of the St. Paul City Council '_"�= o v
7th Floo� - �o °�,
City Hall �� _>,:.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 c� �
• • m a
Dear President Showalter and Members of the Ci�y Council: ` .
I am writing to infarm you of the Minnesvta Historical Society's intentioa
to aominate the Minnesota Museum of Art, 305 St. Peter Street, and the Rochat-
Louise-Sauerwein Block, 261-217 West 7th Street, to the National Register of
Historic Places. These buildings have previouslq been designated as historically
important bq the City Council of St. Paul. They are now being considered £or
National Register designation at the request of their owners, The properties
are to be considered at a meeting of the State Review Board on May 29, 198Q.
This presentation is the first step in the nomination process. .
As you have already been notified, in,a letter dated April 25, 1980, the
City of St. Paul is encauraged to co�ent on this nomination. I should also poin�
out that mq staff is. in close contact wiCh the St. Paul Heritage Preservation
Com�ission. .
� Should you wish to discuss this uiatter, please do not h�sitate to contact me.
�`t/' /i-t-
Rus ell W� �ridley
cc. Ernest Sandeen, Chairman �
fleritage Preservation Cammissioa �
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul9 1�II�I 55102
Founded 1849 • The oldest institution in the state
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city of saint paui .
h�ritage preservation commission resolution �. �° .
file r.umber � . u��` �y
80-9 _;,;-,
date � ,�4
Mav 8t 19&i� �;� �
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WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Comnission has been informed by
the Minnesota Historical Society of its intention to nominate the Minnesota
Museum of Art, 305 Ste Peter, to the National Register of Historic Places; and
WHEREAS, the City Council in Council Resolution #268523, has asked the Ne .ritage
Preservation Commission tQ review and comnent on National Register nominations, �
in the City of Saint Paul ; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has previously recognized the architectural significance
of the Minnesota Museum of Art by designating it as a Saint Pau1 Heritage Preservation
Site; and -
WHEREAS, the owners of the Minnesota Museum of Art have requested National
Register designation. -
NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED by the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Corrjmission,
to recorr�nend supporting the nomination of the Minnesota Museum of Art to the
National Register of Historic Places.
moved b Ms. McLauqhlin
seconde �y ,�Jr. Gl i ne,g_,T_,�
in favor 9
against o_ :
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