274985 .r11TE — CiTV CLERK COUI1C11 PINK — FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L File NO. ��"�4��5 CAN4j3V —�DEPARTMENT BLIYEr =�n�AVOR Co�nc ' Re " Presented By Le0nd1^d W. Leviri� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Ivan C. Zenker applied to the Board of Zoning Appeals for an Administrative Review of the Zoning Administrator ' s decision certifying zoning compliance for property at 1759 Selby Auenue as an auto repair station, the Appellant alleging that the Zoning Administrator erred in his interpretation and application of the Zoning Ordinances , Section 64 . 101, by certifying the proposed use of this property for a use which is not specifically permitted in the B-3 zoning district, that the Administrator should have referred the matter to the Planning Commission for a determination of similar use, and further that the Administrator erred in determining that a taxicab operation was a permitted use in the B-3 zoning district; and WHEREAS, The Board of Zoning Appeals heard the matter on April 8 , 1980, and after hearing extensive testimony, failed to obtain the necessary four votes of its membership and therefore could take no action on the appeal; and WHEREAS, Ivan C . Zenker and Debra Zenker filed an appeal to the City Council from the Zoning Administrator ' s decision described above alleging the same errors as set forth in their appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals ; and WHEREAS, A public hearing was conducted by the City Council on May 7, 1980 for the purpose of considering the appeal and hearing from all interested parties , which hearing was held pursuant to due notice thereof having been given to all interested parties, including the Appellants and the owner of the premises at 1759 Selby Avenue; and WHEREAS, The City Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the appeal, the report of staff, the minutes and proceedings of the Board of Zoning Appeals , does hereby COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt lxvine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City t ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY By t�pproved by 1�lavor: Date Approved by May f ubmission to Council By - - — Bv WHITE — CITY CLERK COUIICII ����l�a■ .. B �,= _ ,,y,,,oR E GITY OF SAINT �AUL File NO. CANARV — DEPARTMENT ry V���7 Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVE, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, acting pursuant to Sections 64 . 204 through 64 . 207 of the Zoning Ordinances , does hereby reverse the decision of the Zoning Administrator and does hereby grant the appeal of Ivan C. and Debra Zenker for the following reasons : The use of the property at 1759 Selby Avenue for the parking or storage of taxicabs, and as a taxi dispatching business is not a permitted use in a B-3 zoning district; the subject property is not being used as an auto repair business as originally determined by the Zoning Administrator; that the present use of the portion of the subject property presently zoned RT-1 , which is a change from the previous nonconforming use as a ware- house, is more incompatible to the RT-1 zoning district than the previous nonconforming use ; that the public health, safety and welfare of the community is impaired by the use of the property as a taxicab business; that the use of this property is not consistent with either the comprehensive plan or the zoning ordinances ; and that the Zoning Administrator erred when he made a determination of similar use and that the determination of similar use is dele- gated by the Zoning Ordinances exclusively to the Planning Com- mission; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Ivan C. and Debra Zenker, Robert Janecek, d/b/a Yellow Cab Co . , the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals . 2 . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � a�/t�l�Nl�ha� Hozza [n Favor Hunt I Izvine __ Against BY -- Maddox Showalter Tedesco MAY 2 2 1� Form Approved by ' y tor y Adopted ouncil: Date Ce ied Yasse Council Secretary BY �1ppr y 1�lavo Da Approved by M or r Submission to Council _�n n�_ By� - -- By �� MAY 3 Z 1980 �: : � . . , , . .. ! �� ���` _ _ ' .. , • ��.: � - : ; �. � ' ` . , _ , , . � • �, , '1 . ; � . i . . .. . � � . . - - � � � � � . r . � . � _. '. � � .� . . . . � . � - � � . . . � � . .. .. �. � . . . � � � : . a7ify �V� �17�J . ' � . . . • � . . ' . . - .. �. , � " � � � ' . � , � 1 � � . . . .. . . .. . . � . . . � . ' . 1 . . � . . . . . . .. " ' ^ . . . - . 'k ^ . . ' , . � . . � . . � � � � � .. 'y . . ' . � . . , . . . . . , . . ' . . , , -� � � t:.. . Ivan C. and Debra Zenker � � . _ , �758 Day�Con Avenue �'� . � . . St. Paul, Minne$ot� . , . . r . .. � . � � �. ., � � .. . . � . . . .. ,. � . . . . . . . . Aear Mr. b Mrs. Zeakar: �. ' . , � i _ Eaclosed, is a copy oi' a St. Paul Citp. Gouncil� �esvlution, C.F. Ato.� � � 2i4985, adopted by the Council on May 22, . 19$0 grantimg pour . . appeal �a'a decisioa of the Board of Zoaiag A,ppaals for prc�pezt9 , ; , at 1759 3eIb9 Avsnue. : , . : _ . - Very truly qours, , � _ , � ', � � , � � , � � . � . - . - � , _ Rose Mix _ _ City Clerk �- _ , , � , . . .. . � . � . � . �.. � . . /" . . q , -Attacb. , , , ' ,{ dcr ' • � - , � #� -cc: Ro�rt Janecak, d/b/a Yellaa Cab Cc. ' _ . � ' �Zonia� Admi�i��rator . � , , , f . � Plaaning Corsissioa . , a ' � Board of Zoais�g Appeals , t � . : , � , , a. , � � : , , ' � ,:: r � . - , , . , , . ;; � , .� � , . . - . , , �� � � . , f: _ . , , • - ' ; � . � _ - � , , �'; � {�'�_'�-:, ��- - - CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ R� ,^ '•: =� �� � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - >� i i ����� �� . �� �n11!ign >;= DIV1510N OF PLANNING �.,. _ 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55102 GEORGE !A71,titER 612-298-4151 MAYOR 2����� � � May 1 , 1980 � � RECEIVED Rose Mix, City Clerk MAY 2 1980 Room 386 City Hall st. Paui , Minnesota 55102 CITY AiTO���EY RE: Zoning File No. 8609 - Ivan C. Zenker for City Council Action 7:30 p.m. on May 7, 1980 Dear P�adam: This is written in response to the appeal filed by Ivan C. Zenker of a decision by the Board of Zoning Appeals affecting property at 1759 Selby Avenue. The property is located at the northwest corner of Selby and tdheeler and is legally described as: Except N. 67 feet of Lot 1 and all of Lot 28, Block 3, Skidmore and Cassedy's Addition. This matter was first heard by the Board of Zaning Appeals on April 8, 1980 as an appeal for Administrative Review to a decision by the Zoning Administrator who certified zoning compliance for an auto repair station at this location in a B-3 zone. Applicant contended the Zoning Administrator erred in his inter- pretation of Section 64.101 which authorizes the Zoning Administrator to certify compliance for uses not specifically mentioned in the B-3 zone, that the Planning � Commission should have heard the matter as a "Determination of Similar Use" , and that a taxicab business is not similar to an auto repair station. Considerable neighborhood support for the appeal was present with 10 persons giving testimony. Sixteen letters were received by staff plus a letter by the Merriam Park Community Council and from the Merriam Park Neighborhood Nousing Service all in support of the appeal . Main points of concern were that a taxicab business is not a specified use in a B-3 zone, traffic and parking problems relative to the business, and the fact that the operation is a 24-hour dispatchin� type business. The Zoning Administrator's position was that taxicab businesses were included as permitted uses in a B-2 zone under the 1975 Ordinance since they were automotive in nature but were not specificall,y mentioned as permitted uses in the Ordinarce. It was not the intent of the 1975 Ordinance to make those existing cab businesses non- conforming uses ; hence, any permitted use in a B-2 zone is automatically permitted in a B-3 zone. The motion to uphold the appellant's appeal was made because it was felt the matter should have been determined by the Planning Commission. The vote was 3 to 3 and, thus, the motion to uphold the appeal failed since 4 affirmative votes was not obtained. The Zoning Administrator's decision, therefore, was Gpheld granting certification of zoning compliance for this property to operate as Yellow Cab Business under an auto repair station. This matter is scheduled to be heard by City Council at 7:30 p.m. on May 7, 1980. Sincerely, ��.�1U.`G�.i,�C;� ,�. 1U.G41' l7�11.� Laurence J. Jung attachments ��,; � - C1iY OF SAItiT PAUL �,-, o, . '-'� � �`' OFFICF QF THE CI i Y CLERK � � �, ,�; <� �: ' -� '�'���'�� ;= i__1 �_ BUREAU OF RECORDS . _ - 3db Cit}• Hall, Saint Paul, .M:r,neso'e »1C2 6?'-?y8-.231 �:FOR���_ L�'ItitER � � � � �,+.��OR , �pril 10, 1980 Mr. Bern�rd Carlson Director, Finance & h:anagement Services Room 234, City Hall St. Paul, N'�nnesota Desr Sir: The City Courxcil set a date of hearin; for �.'ay 7th, 193C?, at 7:3� P.M, in the City Council Cham3ers to consicer the appeal of IIebra Ann and Ivan Zenker to a dec�sion of t'r,e Bosrd of Zoning Appeals affecting property at Z759 Sel�y A:-enue. (X2431� Will you please send notices ta rraYerty oa:*.ers as ' required by law? Very truly yours, _:.se �`;� C i�y (`I e rk ABO:la cc: �lannin; St�ff, Zor_in; Section ?icusino 3� $ldg. Codp Enforce^��:nt Livis:on .-a�>� C3TY QE ST. PAU! ��PAR�'MENT �F FINANCE A(tiD !►,�9ANAGEMENT SEa?VICFS ASSESSMENT t"�IVI5101V � � 2,18 CITY HAIL ST.PAUI,MINNESOTA 55702 April 18, 1980 ( ! File X 2431 Page Zoning File 8609 The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 7:30 F.M. on May 7, 19$0 on the: Appeal of Debra Ann and Ivan Zenker to a decision of the Board af Zon- ing Appeals affecting property at 1759 Selby Aveaue. This property is located on the northwest corner of Selby Avenue and Wheeler Street be- ing legally described as: Except the North 67, feet, Lot 1 and all of Lot 28, Block .3, Skidmore and Cassedy's Addition. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the Ylanning Board, Room 1202 City Hall Annex -- 298-4154. t,Thile the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvement that couZd affect you or your. co�unity. Therefore, I sincerely hape you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the Cit} Council, whether for o: agaiast. 3. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AI3D ASSESSMENT ENGINEER city of sai nt pau 1 board of zoning ap�eals resolut�on . . zon�ng fiie num�er_8609 -- � � A ri 1 22, 1980 - _ __ __------___ t�a�� �_---_ WHEREAS, the Zoning Administrator, on February 29, 1980, approved zoning compliance and issued an amended Certificate of Occupancy to Robert Janecek for an auto repair station at 1759 Selby to do business as Yellow Cab; and WHEREAS, Ivan C. Zenker filed an Appeal for Administrative Review of said approval on March 11 , 1980, in accordance with pr•ovisions of Section 64.203(a) of the St. Paul Legislative Code (application for Administrative Review attached hereto as Exhibit Al; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul 8oard of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on April 8, 1980, pursuant to said appea� in accordance with the require- ments of Section 64.205(a) of the Legislative Code as substantially reflected in the minutes attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals , based upon evidence presented at the public hearing determined that the Zoning Administrator erred in his judgement� tb issue the amended Certificate of Occupancy to Robert Janecek b,y reason that the matter lies within the jurisdiction `of the Planning Commission under Section 62.114 as a Determination of Similar Use action; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the motion to uphold the appeal failed to receive the required four affirmative votes as stipulated in Section 64.202 af the Legislative Code, and therefore, the Zoning Administrator's decision to gran� ttie amended Certificate of Occupancy for 1759 Selby is upheld. m�ve� �.J Mr. Parrish _. ___ Decisions of the Board of Zoning Y Appeals are final subject to appeal seconded by___.��__Wood� _ to the Ci ty Counc i 1 wi thi n 30 days by anyone affectecl by the decision. i n favor 5 agains� � __ ----. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZONIf�JG APPEALS IN � CITY COUNCiL CHI�MBERS, ST. PAUL , MI�JNESOTA, APRIL 8, 1980 PRESEi�T: Mmes. Morton and Summers ; Messrs. Grais, Kirk, Parrish, Peterson and Woods of the Board of Zoning Appeals ; P4r. Jerome Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms . Lane and P�r. Erickson of the Division of Hrusing and Building Code Enforcemen*: Ms. Beseman and f�lr. Jung of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: 0 The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairman. IUAN C. ZENKER (#8609) : An Administrative Review appealing the Zoning Administrator's decision certifying zoning compliance for Yellow Cab operation in a B-3 General Business zone. Mr. Jung showed slides of the site and reviewed his staff report with a recommen-- dation that the Zoning Administrator did not err in his interpretation of the intent of the Ordinance to permit this type of b�:siness to operate in a B-3 zone and recommended denial of the Administrative Review. Staff further recommended that the Board of Zoning Appeals should recommend, by resolution, to City Council that the portion of the propert�i described in the legal description lying in the RT-1 zone should be changed to a B-3 zone. Sixteen letters were received in opposition from various residents in the area. A letter was received from the Merriam Park Corrnnunity Council and from the Merriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services stating their support of the appeal . The main points of concern appeared to be with tf�e numerous parking problems relating to Yellow Cab, increased traffic in the area and the fact that it is a 24-hour operation in a residential area. Dispatching also seemed to be a problem at this location. The Oistrict 13 Plan identifies � this particular site as a problem area and should be further• studied. Mr. Jung stated that he did not think that a determination was ever made as to the exact use of this property at the time the Ordinance was passed. Mr. Segal reported that staff referred to Section 60.402 of the Zoning Ordinance involving errors due to the scale, lack of detail , or illeqibility of the zoning map in regards to the part of the property that is zoned RT-1 . 7he Zoning Code requires that there either be a written application or that the City Couneil an its own motion following review and recommendation by the Qoard of Zoni;�g Appeais may be considered. He felt �hat what staff was suggesting did not rit w;th tn� exact a,�ording of the Ordinance and that if the Board was to follow the recommen- dation of staff, the proper course would be to reconunend that the City Council initiate that review on its own and then submit it back to the Board for consideration. He also mentioned there was some confusion regarding the Zoning Code dealing with appeals in Section 64.203. This section provides that an appeal for Administrative Review may be taken by any person affected by the decision of the Zoning Administrator within 30 days after this decision has been rendered. Staff points out that there was a letter written by the Zoning Administr�ator on January 15, 1980. If this is the decision that is being appealed, the 30 days has expired. There was also a letter fro�n the Zoning Administrator, dated March 7th to the City's Information and Cornplaint Office and if this is the decision that is being appealed, the Board will have to determine whether that letter constitutes a decision of the Zoning Administrator which can be reviewed. ZONI�dG STAFF REPORT , . 8558 � . APPLICANT: IVAN C. ZENKER DATE OF HEARING 4/8/80 _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONI�JG COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONIP�G APPEALS Rezoning ❑ Varianee ❑ Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review � Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ Other ❑ LOCATION: 1759 Selby (Northwest corner Selby and tJheeler) . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Except N. 67' of Lot 1 and all of Lat 28, Block 3, Skidmore and Cassedy's Park Addition. . PRESENT ZONING: B-3 and RT-1 ZONING CODE REFEREPJCE: 64.205 . STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE �28/80 BY Laurence J. Jung ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . PURPOSE: This is an Administrative Review of the �oning Administrator's decision certifying zonina compliance for property at 1759 SeTby as an auto repair station (see attached letter dated January 15, 1980) . Appellant contends that the Zoning Administrator erred in his interpretation of S�ction 64.101 which authorizes the Zoning Administrator to certify zoning compliance for uses not specificalTy mentioned in the B-3 zone; that the matter should have been reviewed by the Planning Commission under the "Determination of Similar Use" section; and, that the Zoning Administrator erred in certifying a taxi cab operation as an auto repair station. �. ZONING HISTORY: The Planning Commission, on December 28, 1979, denied a request for a propose reuse of this property under the "Determination of Similar Use" section. The proposed use, to assemble glass doors, fireplace heaters and free-standing fireplaces, was requested by Heat-N-Glo on the basis that it was similar to the manufacturing of small precision goods such as dental , surgical , or optical goods, or electronic assemblies. The Planning Commission found that the proposed use closely resembled uses first permitted in the I-1 Industrial Zone dealing with fabrication or assembling of steel products. �. FRONTAGE & AREA: This rectangular site has 53 ft. frontage on Selby Avenue and 170 ft. rontage on Wheeler for a total area of approximately 9,010 sq. ft. -�. SITE & AREA CONDITTONS: The site is occupied b,y an older, single-story, brick, commercial �tructure occup,�ing nearly the entire parcel . From the land use map, there �ppears to be , - a narrow vacant space along the rear lot line that has been used for head-in parking for one or two vehicles. All windows have long since been boarded. There are two large doors off '�lheeler for vehicular access into the b�ilding. The only other access is via the front door on Selby. Peripheral land uses include: an unfenced family day care business in the t�ro-family residence directly north and other residential uses along Dayton to the east and west; a single family structure on the west, and a mix of residential and commercial uses to the east, south and west fronting on Selby. There is no alley access on the block. A 7-unit apartment building is situated directly east across Wheeler in the B-3 zone. - . APPEAL FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW: Section 64.205(a) empowers the Board of Zoning Appeals "to hear and decide appea s w ere it is alleged by �he appellant that there is an error in any order, requirement, permit, decision, or ref�asal made by the Zoning Administrator and any other administrative official in carrying out or enforcing any provisions of this Ordinance or that there is an error in any fact or p�acedure in any order, requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by the Planning Commission in carrying out or enforcing any provisions of this Ordinance." The appellant alleges that the Zoning Administrator erred in his interpreta��on of the intent of Section 64.101 authorizing the Zoning Administrator to certify zoning com- pliance for uses not specifically mentioned as permitted uses. The appellant further alleges that the certificate of occupancy issued for the property at 1759 Selbv is not in fact for an auto repair station, a use permitted in the B-3 zane, and that the matter should have originally been filed with th� �lanninq Commission to be heard under the provisions of Section 62.114 "Determination of Si�rilar 11se." - ^T1t^ i•-.�� . I . L i{V 1�:i`J.i . . . _ „ �; .. l U � cie�i nes �n� !u� �. �_?�= *'r;E 'or, ., :.c��i r,;stra t��r ,�s fol I am�s : � . � _ _ . "T��e ����ing ,�dministrat��r shall er; ;`orc� the prc}visi„rEs c�f lhis Ordinance and any IVAN C. ZENKER (#8609) PAGE 2 F. FINDINGS CONT'D. amendment thereto and shall have the power to certify zoning compliance, to make inspections of buildings or premises necessary to carry out his duties in the enforcement of this Ordinance. It shall be unlawful for the Zoning Administrator to approve any site plans , as required in Section 64.102, or issue any permits for any excavation or construction until he has inspected such plans in detail and found them to conform with this Ordinance" . It further states in part that "the Zoning Administrator sha11 have no authority to change or to grant variances from the terms of this Ordinance in carrying �ut his duties as Zoning Administrator. Upon proper application, and a finding of comp7iance with the terms of this Ordinance b,y the Zoning Administrator, the Zoning Administrator shall issue the permit applied for." 2. Section 64.104 states that certificates of occupancy as required by the City Legislative Code shall also constitute certification of zoning compliance as required by this Ordinance. 3. The Zoning Administrator, in his letter to Bob Janecek, owner-operator of Yellowbird, Inc. dba Yellow Cab and dated January 15, 1980, stated that an auto repair station was a permitted use at 1759 Selby. Section 60.306 defines those activities permitted under a auto repair station. 4. In reply to a query from the Mayor's Complaint Office, dated March 7, 1980, the Zoning Administrator explains the process used to certify zoning compliance for this building and for the intended use as a taxi cab business. The Zoning Administrator states that staff from his division investigated the property and reasoned that all principal uses permitted and uses permitted subject to special conditions in the OS-1 , B-1 and B-2 are thereby permitted uses in the B-3 zone. - 5. The Zoning Administrator also states in his letter to the Mayor's Complaint Office that research was done relative ta the intent of the citywide rezoning that was recommended by the Planning Commission and adopted by City Council in 1975. Taxi cab businesses that were in existence in 1975 at Selb,y near Dale and on Dale and Dayton were placed in the B-2 zone. It was also stated there was no indication or intent to make these properties nonconforming uses in the zoning districts established at that time. 6. The Zoning Ordinance empowers the Zoning Administrator to make certain discretionary judgements or interpretations af the Ordinance in terms of permitted uses for zoning compliance. In this instance, the Zoning Administrator applied the principle that if a use is first permitted in a more restrictive zoning district, it is automatically permitted in a less restrictive zoning district. 7. The Ordinance empowers the Planning Commission, under Section 62.114, to make "Determination of Similar Use" when there is uncertainty as to what zoning district a proposed use would fit. In determining the proper use district, applicant must present evidence that the proposed use is similar to other permitted uses in the district applied for. In other words, the burden of proof rests with the applicant to provide sufficient evidence that the � proposed use is not dis-similar with other permitted uses. In this instance, there apparently was no conflict with the intent af the Ordinance in the judgement of the Zoning Administrator to permit taxi cab businesses in the B-3 zone since they were judged to be first allowed in the B-2 zone. 8. Zoning staff conducted research relative to how taxi cab businesses are regulated in the City of Minneapolis. It was found that many more uses are listed as permitted uses for the various cammercial districts. However, taxi cab businesses are not specifically mentioned. The Minneaplis Zoning Office indicates that such uses would be f�rst allowed in the B3C zone �Community Commercial Districtl which is eqrri�ja?�nt t� the B-3 zone in the City of St. Paul . Of the six known locations , o�e is in }he B3S zone ;Co�M_;ni iy Servi ce Di s tri ct--euu i val en� c�t ��r,� `'-2 zone j , th�,ee �re i n the Q3C zone, and two are in the M (Manufacturing District) equ�valent to the ; or Industrial zone in St. Paul . � . IVAN C. ZENKER (#8609) PAGE 3 F. FINDINGS CONT'D. 9. The building was built in 1911 as a garage, according to Building Department records. More recently it was used as a bakery and then as an auto parts . dealer--permitted as a wholesale establishment with no outside storage. 10. Much neiqhborhood opposition has surfaced regarding this property which is itemized in the letter documenting the appeal . Concern over crowded on- street parking, traffic hazards , 24-hour operation, and abuses of various types are mentioned among others. Upon inspection of the premises b,y staff, the following actions on the part of the taxi cab business appear to have been initiated to mitigate these problems. a. A notice has been posted warning drivers to be cautious regarding parking, speeding, loud noises , block�h,ydrants and driveways , littering, etc. b. Only 10 to 15 vehicles are to be stationed in the premises of the 35 to 38 licensed cabs. The rest are now taken home by drivers who then stop by once a day to pick up trip sheets. c. Presently there are 3 to 4 employees at the site--at ieast two are part-time. Some personnel do not drive to the site. Future plans call for computerizing certain aspects of the operation thereb,y eliminating 1 or 2 positions. d. The Western Union part of the property is an agency operated by Yellow Cab but only functions after the main downtown office closes. This agency then operates form 6:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on weekdays. e. Mr. Janecek has expressed interest in attempting to secure angle parking on the Wheeler Street side adjacent to the building. If determined acceptable to the Traffic Engineer and Police Departments , this would help ease parking problems in the immediate neighborhood. f. There is no maintenance of vehicles at the site now nor is there desire to add this function to the property. This aspect is currently being handled at another garage location in a B-3 zone. g. No radio tower is planned to be added to the building for two.-way radio dispatching. This facility is at another, location. h. The capacity of the 8,000 sq. ft. building can accommodate up to about 37 vehicles. Al1 vehicles when not in use are to be stored totally within the building. 11 . Dispatching of vehicles from the premises seems to be a problem with the neighborhood. The Zoning Administrator has determined this to be an "Accessory Use" which is incidental to the permitted use as an auto repair station, (or taxi cab business) . The question of whether or not this is a permitted accessory use appears to be a moot point since any private vehicle may have a CB set up or a two-way phone as an adjunct to their primary function for travel . 12. The taxi cab business , as indicated above, also is an agency doing other related business. The owner has indicated that parcel delivery and other similar delivery services are perfarmed. Parcel delivery is a specified permitted use in the B-3 zone. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: After considering above findings an� the fact that a taxi cab bus�ness is primarily automotive in nature, which is clearly allowed as a principal permitted use in a B-3 zone, and the fact that the 1975 rezoning of the City allowed existing cab businesses as not nonconforming uses in a B-� zone, stafif finds that the Zoning Administrator did not err in his interpretation of the intent of the Ordinance to permit this type of business to ope,•ate in a B-3 zone. Staff recommends denial of the Administrative Review. � ��. ��;�!?�!�`_=? COi�dSIDERATIO,�lS�: � � - . �his proper�; ',as split zoning; the portion �t�onting on �elby is zoned B-� �•,nile the rea�� por,tion extends 53 feet r�orth ;rom the mid-point of the block . IVAN C. ZENKER (#8609) PAGE 4 H. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS CONT'D. into the RT-1 zone. This was a carry over from the 1922 Zoning Ordinance which also showed "Commercial " zoning up to mid-block and "B" Residence beyond. 2. This discrepancy in zoning may be handled in two ways : a. Under Nonconforming Use (Section 62.102(e) (3) ; or b. Under Section 60.402(f) permitting the Board of Zoning Appeals to make recommendation to City Council regarding zoning boundary conflictions. 3. iJo determination can be made, based on building permit data, if the rear portion of the building was part of the original construction or was added after 1911 . In any case, it appears this portion af the building is at least 25 years old. 4. Section 64.206 empowers the Board of Zoning Appeals to modify orders , requirements, decisions or determinations appealed from and to make such order, requirement, decision or determination as ought to be made. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on numbers 2 through 4 above, the Board of Zoning Appeals should recommend, by resolution, to the City Council that the portion of the parcel , described in the legal description above, lying in the RT-1 zone be changed to B-3 zoning. , , . ... _ _ .. . _. . r_..,.� .: _ _ _. __ ,� ..... . _. ........ _ , ._: ._�.. ..,�.w..._.,........:�,�.,. �,AI`1 P,�� �� �� �. � � �^ �E � A� PA�K . W CC���I�JI�f�T1t CO����L, Ir�c. -➢ � 645•0349 • WILDER AT SAINT ANTHONY . SAIfUT PAUL,MIIVNESOTA 55104 �F'�, ��� F,� p�A� April 4, 1980 h1embers of the Board of Zoning Appeals 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File No. 8609 Zoning File Name: Zenker veai• Cornmlctee i°iemoers: The Merriam Park Community Council has been informeci on the present condition Yellow Cab Company poses to the residents surrounding 1759 Selby Avenue. I would like to reiterate the Council's support for the neighbors in areas of: 1) The numerous parking problems Yellow Cab creates - not only in lacking - parking spaces for its employees' cars, but also cab cars constantly parking in front of fire hydrants, bus shelters, and driveways. The cars cause an increase in traffic in an area Where many young children play especially near the Licensed Dsy Care Home directly behind the building. 2) That the Yellow Cab is a 24 hour operation in a residential area. Resi- dents have stated that very late at night Yellow Cab cars create an enormous amount of noise and disturbance. 3) Nowhere does it state in the Zoning Ordinance text that a taxi cab oper- ation is allowed in a B-3 area. 4) That auto dispatching is Ye11ow Cab's main use, not an accessory use. 5) That the District 13 plans state that the Yellow Cab building business is incompatible with the housing and can aFfectDayton, Hague and S�lby Nvenues iat the time the plan vas approvF�c� �February 197t3) th� building vas used as a motor craft warehouse) . The (�1erriam Park Community Council unanimously passed this motion at their h1arch 26th meeting: irJe, the members of the Merriam Park Community Council strongly support the residents in their request for an administrative review of the certification for occupancy of the Yellow Cab Company, 1759 Selby Avenue. 1!e hope that the Board votes in favor of the residents in this matter to request the administrative review of the situation. Sinc.erely,, ._..; , � � � ��'=�-'� Ciz Kee e C Community Organizer Merriam Park Community Council � _ . . _ _ _.. ., � , �� � , ; ,L.���\�..r,�./�,17��1 -C��.Y����!,l�l� 'j���„/t �.�^.. �.J � ����^.�i `���� ��' ��(i`� SI O ! �J� �—��� . . � � \J C ��� �� ���� �%���� � �li����� ���� ������������ 612-645-9164 ���7����t ��������' ���, �� f , :. , -_ � ,:"- -w !` 1589 Selby Ave., St. Paul, �In. 55104 -,�� - _ „ . . . . . �,y'',a�, . . .. . , — ,y±i . . . .. . April 4, 1980 ,�., . _�_ : _ ,. _ , . -�. � � -��� � � , r r,. � ,, ' . .yy . ' , ... ; .i _. � S .... '� .. .. �•` � .. (:�'\'.Sii- � k. ...,1 . . . . . � . .. � . � � . .. . �� . Y `�l{ � � � � � .. . TO THE MEMBERS OF THE ST. PAUL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ` CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNE30TA , , , : � : _ The Merriam Park-Neighborhood Housing Services, a non-grofit, privately financed partnership of residents, lenders and government representatives, is an organization whose purpose is to aid in the revitalization of the Merriam Park area of St. PauL A major impediment to these efforts is when the Zoaiag Ordinance is interpreted in such a way as to a11ow a business based on automabile usage to be located in a primarily residential area, fihus disrupting the neighborhood is various ways. �. _. .. . , . Such a situation has:occurred at�sY759 Selby Avenue, with the recent move of the Yellow Cab taxi husiness. The use of this locati�n primarily as a dispatching sight,' not an auto-repair station, has significantly increased the area's parking problems, traffic flow, noise and air pollution. Residents are eoncerned about the detrimental effect Ch is 24-hour business .has on their personal safety and on the revitalized nature of their neighborhood. ".- . ,�: ;, .. ; , . . ; ,. .. ,: Neighbors are .appealing to��the �Board of Zoning:Appeals, cha�lenging the Zonin� Ad- : ; , .., ministrator's opinion� that 'this taxi-cab business is a "si�ailar use" in a B-3 zone - �� ` and is therefore permissab 1e at this location. The Merriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services board of directors voted at their March 18th meeting to join ttie i�Ierriam Park Community Council in supportir.� the residents appeal; arguing that the Yellow Cab 24-hour dispatching operation should � not be an allawable use at the 1759 Selby Avenue Iocation. Respectfully submitted, � � � C-��� � -����"�.-- Carl E. Peterson _ President, Board of Directors Merriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. , � - .. � __.., � .h . � ..� . . . "'. � ' ' '. . �' �� � - ' ,.4 ,,�: . . . .,.. . .�. ' -.. v ' . " . . .. . ., �._... :„,,.a .. :. , i:.. : . . . .. -�,.. . � '._� . . , � . � . �. �._... . ,. � ,. . . CP/kr : " _ > _ ,. . . . , __ '_' .'_ i,. � .�: ..� � ,. :-c�. .. . �.� ,_,,._. . .. ...::_� ._ ... .�-� . - _ — r. �" . `. , . .. ,.._. . _ . „� .�.i�y :�_.- . �....:. _ -_. i „ �._ . _ . . ,.__._ , , -' � � �1..� ..... :�_ .� -.._� . ..._ '. '.. . . .... . .__ . . , . . � . .:' . :.. , . . , . . . '_" f. � .f�. . � . . _ ..... .` . - ....__ — .,*^'x°'_ _ ^ .._ . :: ... .� . .. . . .. , .._ . �� . . .,, —. f.•_� �_ _...._ �r. . . . . ..:.. . . ..> -.«...... ....r:. _� £ .„ `. . . ...,.. . . . .. . . . ,.. . ... . .. . . _........ ..... .... __..._.. _ ... .....� . . .., .. . _ .........�. .._....� ... , �:„. ,,....,_... »..... T . . . � . . ' . � . � . .. . � . . 't . . �:' . .;i'�I � . . � . . _ - . . . .,.:�+: 4� ( �;�v� , �_ � � ,....� .. ,.Y t -:���'1TT o,..,:; CITY �OF SAINT PAU�L � s ., _4� �* ,. �.. 3� } DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMFNT �D � ~l^ J ;����� � ^ ..� ��_� � ' -- DIVISION OF PLANNING "'"�'•`'" 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55t02 GfORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR March 20, 1980 2����� Robert Janecek Yellow Cab Co. 1759 Selby Ave. St. Paul , MNo 55104 Dear Mr. Janecek: This is to inform you that an appeal for Administrative Review, signed by Ivan C. Zenker of 1758 Dayton, an behalf of a group of Merriam Park residents, was filed at the Zoning Administrator's office on March 11 , 198�. A public hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals is scheduled for April 8, 1980 to consider whether the Zoning Administrator erred in his decision to approve as a permitted use the Yellow Cab business you own and operate at 1759 Selby Avenue. Please be advised that I am the staff person handling this case (Zoning File #8609) . I will , undoubtedly, be calling you in the next few days to obtain more information about the operation of your business in prepara�Cion for the hearing. Sincerely, �' �(���il�� � Laurence J . Jung City Planner Zoning Office �_JJ/cc _.:,��,�T;°a; .. ����r o� s;=�.1N:T Pr�UL _ � . : ';~ ���;`-; DEPARTA�IENT OF COMMUNITY �tRVICE� �' +`�'�;i'i :` ;:. ,._i_1 . _ - ` • = diVi510N OF HCUS!NG AhD SUiLD}NG CCnE EtiFU�CEti1E�1T .... _ ,, .. 445 City Ha�l,St. Paul,hf:nnesota 557Q2 GEORGE LATIr.1ER 61?•:�E-a'1Z h1AYO+Z Februa_ry 29, 1930 `[e11oi,� Cab 1;59 Selby Ave. St. Pa�il, '~� 55I04 Re; Certifica.te of Cccu�a.iuy 1759 Yellaw Cab Garage Dear Sir: In connection with the required annual renewal of the Certificate of Occupancy on the above mentioned building , our inspectar reparts thA following items that are to be �orrected: 1. �'rovide ac�equate structural support �frr tirst floor joist in S.w. corncr. 2. F�ro:�ide ventilation for toilet roams. 3. First floor �oist in southwest secLion; provid� strinrer sL��ort. 4. Floors sh�uld drain to e.�ci.st{ng in��►r� wa�te trap. 5. Clean out inf3�amr�able wa.sts trap s� it f�uzc�ians properiy. Although `r��L'�a�t����'��f Occupa:�cy F�il:: be rcne-a�c� for o�e y��:r ccm,menc�r�g '�he pre�eding ite;ns a.re tc� b� cor�.^ected �i•t;�in a reasonaDie length cf t�i e to bring �;�e builcin� into ccmpl�te comp��ance . Please affix the enc?�sed gum.�ned sta�p en y�sr present Ce:tificate o� Occupancy. We will reinspect this building one year from this date and at that time , w� will expect to find these items corrected. Your truly , �i. • Glenn A. Erickson Supervisar of Code En.�orcement . GAE:GLK: jr � � a�;� ������ � � :��� CiTY OF SA1NT PA�_��. � ���� OIV1Si0N 0� HOJSIN� A;�i7 �;11LDi�f:s CO�� ENFO�+aEartlEtiT ! � + ����t ����� � d ���:����r:g��� � 5� Th�s is to certify that the structure ;�cated on L_ot N.�._______. _____--:___—_ __-_._ '�t OC�C �`I O. �--- -• �:ii�I t I�R �_____—��. �._�__�`.�_ Froparty Zoned__. -"-� _.._ is cl�ssif;e� ��s Leg�i - i.:�ga� rion-c�n#orrr,�,�tg c; r� zoning and the foilowing occupency is herec,y au'i�Qriz;�;: t: �:i c_ �...J.'.�..�_ . , � " ' � ..,. ....� � .-..; _'__—__------_.—"—___._.._..___�.-------'.—_..— :a-� . . 19 Y-�__�.�_ �:.� � , 19 BUILDI�vG OFFIC{a� � Z���iIr�G aD��,,;1STK,�T�,<. - =.XF!R4TIUN CATE — THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE POSTED AND PFR7AANENTLY MAiNTAiNED AND IN A CONS?ItUOUS PLACE AT OR CLOSE TO THE ENTRANCE OF TME BUILDING REFERREO Td Ai3OVE. . .---=� March 11 , 1980 Glenn Erickson Zoning Administrator 445 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Erickson : As an affected party by the recent location of the Yellow Cab Company, owned by Robert Janecex, at 175y Selby Avenue, we the undersigned request an administra- tive review of your interpretation� as Zoning Administra- tor, that a taxi-cab dispatch operation is a ' similar use' in this B-3 zone. Enclosed is a copy of the March 7 , 1980 opinion to which we are referring. Enclosed you will find the required $50 �oning Board of Appeals filing fee. Sincerely, / % ��� �L��✓ �� ��L G�2 G"�t,� C ti�vl L ' -�I C�.'-e� Ivan and Deb Zen?�er � 1758 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Enclosures ��� � ��? �r+s ��_��..� �e a v� � ��; � � �'�.�.: � �...,... � � _____ ---------°--`-- _ - 1 1' .� ;���'� cirY a� sA�rv�r � ^ �,,..::,�; au�. < a,\��,::;'s-��^. UEP.ARTML�iT OF CJMti1UNtTY SER�'ILES � �'"'J � DIVISIC):, r�F Fit�USlf�G ANt) EUI! s:itiG C:C)DE Etift)kCFME"�T �:ror�e Lahr�rr �_i�y Ifili j,rir.t Y'd�JI,M�n: o,.;�t.: 5510? M'�r,;r 612 lrb 411: ' r.i(!:;,.l�:i � `)� 1<)�'il�% - ��t': .�flf?C'�.�'� . �:�:�'- S��1uy Avenuc 5:ii�iL Fc�ul , :�iinn��;r•t.; 551�):' i'c: 1759 5�.by :1��.�n„�� �'e;.,r *tr. .!ant-��ek: Thi� ab�,v�• pro�,ertv i:. :<��:3tc�I in a B-"t '� li,;l`; llliy,S ) �i�r�(n-,� i�{ •1�Y1�'L di5 til!(�'v.;l C�fl f�;r .tLC:i�'�lv(1 'Zl�rlltl:' ;'!,1��, � l��� �utu repair staCi��„ iti �s k,,•rn,itC� �l n,�� ,,; z I}-3 - >:�,n�.�. 7'i :� :lr�i�ii t �r.,, c,(. aii _,�i�c> repair yratiun ir�,,;; �he 5t . 1 ;,,, 1 � '.�nin� U��linan<•�� i:= �s f�,Z lut:s: „A �.l.�ce> whc�re t h� ful1�>ving ��:rvi��es i,a_v be car rit��l �,;�� : K�iic•rai ilUCt) re��air, t?I:i�Illi• Cl'�Ullt�lpl{� CNf)111iC.�lf1� 02' I-l'� 1�+:.� 11 lO1lltlr 1)F m��tOt' Viht.:IC•:i; ri>( � i51i�t1 5�'CV1�'C� � � uch :ts b�ul;.�, . r �mr•, ur f� n,_1rt. �(.C,71!{fllt.'lllilt.; �!G:� I �_'`>:] LC� i�Vi�(,i� � ���3111Lititi :3(lt� Uf1[�� 1'� t� !I_ :Il;� i�( %1il�O::1Jf)L �CS. il7i' ticllt: l:� Cll�;llil' FUF'ly ���iy (iC 'R:1`' 1:��� li:i�i �'�L �:ICltt� 11fl, �� � :�il•'1,)��� ��(lU 11:3Ve. furr�,er C��l"S� 1('ll:i. 4) � .' !tiµ �`r�,R( .1♦:t [�fi1S 1'i ! ?i ��, ,?L,�i �.-�,� , : , r� , , +, � •_ . . .. . ✓ �'� _... --� . , . _ • . , ._.•:::� :+. Erick,i>n Zc�ii��5 admini.sr.rst��>r G:l�/��I�/eh cc: :�ddress �'lle :1� !:;c•�,rnrnt �. '� . . Y� :' � c'�> i,�� n .-. .., . _ _,_` ; _ "'•.• . .. -.iZS[O p � _ � '��w.. - � � �.�,�J. , . c i i Y UF !,l�IN i E�nt�i IN I I KI)i I'Ak i Ml N I/�l MLMOItANUl1M ,�1:��i:li 7, 1��iU '1�U: 13i11 l�oi•r��:ll � D]ayor•'s Cuiupla.int UCf� e . �"�Z: �i�CJUl �:I'1C�50I1 J�� „' `- ZOI1111� I�(�(i11T115L1':1LC lu:: Cla��iticat i�n ul }�i�ucc5scti u�c�l in CI;L't1I1C<<tiun of 1759 5�1by /lvenue A�i e.��,l�uiutiun �f tl��: pro�.es5es leaclin� t� certilyin� the building at 1759 Seiby rnay be in oraer. Originally, this proces5 was ccrtifying the builcling for eorr�liance with � •���uirements of the builaing cocle o►ily. Since 1975, LJFIICJI was ttie clate of the new ��.�;� � .+.a Ordinance, it has also been used to inclicate the zoning status of the building under certification. !n the building code �natter, since the "use grouE�" For the Yellow Cab Company is the sarue for building cocle purposes as the "use graup" wider the previow owner, ihe issu�ulce of the certificate inclicatinb structural s�itability, the exit facilities,� sv�itation facilities, etc. , shoulcl not be an issue in this case. An inspection was nwde and some very mii;or corrections have been askeil for and ttiey will be provided, hut esentially, the building was c�rtified far a B-2 builclino code occupancy beFore, and tliis certification coritinues for AB-2 builcling cocle occupancy group. . Tlie zoiii�i� status of th�s ��i•op�rty was i.rlvestibated by tlit staff of this Divisio[i. Ess�;r�tially , our fiiiclinbs are this: G0. 502 of thc Zonino Code defines "Principal Usc;s Permi tted. " 'f}�ese are all tl�o�e �rcvi ol�.s]y alloti�ed, or allowed tmder "Special Conditions'•' in OS-1, B-1, ancl ]3-2 llistricts, a�i�l 8 definecl allowable uses, plus the 5t;�ndard zaiin� reFerenc:e to ot.he�r ii��� s.inular to tlie al�ove use. !�.,_,��1 on thc: irivestlt;alic�i�, it �ti �{��1�;►i����t that the Y�llow Cab o�eration is not s:i�;ni- fi�,,r�tlti� a �liffer��nt ���,c th.u� thc �����ific�l u_,��� o( ��arcei d�livery, jaiiitorial service, al,tc� �����,�ii• st�atiul�, u5ecl car 5�ile:sc�ooii�, l�us p;.�s�t��i�ei• wtatioii, etc. Yo�.i << 15u a;�.i�c: thc� � �suc ut thc� �i51►at�liin� c�j�er�lClOt1. It is my opinion that thi_� is �lll "A�:CES�OI'y USC��, CUSt.CAl1�,11'L �y LflC:lclt;llt t0 above ��Permitted USes.�� Li addition, I }iave r�searched ti►e zoning established for this o�,mer at his pervious pla� of business at 400 Selby. Subsec{uent to hearings in front of the Planning Corrunission alicl City Courici 1, the 1975 ordinance establi�hecl a �-2 zoititig for the property formerly occup i e�l t�y thi5 use. ,z.., . n ;j wti !'.%r•� l�• 3 :1 ':..� A � O . `^ X !rr,��;er i: til @ 3 �v�M�:.� i:' oc �la.e �•7 , l�: l I I ,�� ���� l 1 -' Mur�l� 7 , I'�;sU � 2��J�5 '1�1���r�� i; n�� iii.li��:►tiuii ll��.it it w:i�; tiir ii�l��iit tu ni:�kc� thi� ��t'c����?r'ty a tton�ottfoi�.iin� uti�� ii� Thc: ���iiiii� ���;tul�li;l��•�l ;it tl�;�t tiiuc. 'I'hc� c�l,vic,►i5 �un��lu�ic�ii th�it I woul�l l;.i�� t�� clruw l�r�_,in tliiti �ti th,it iii l'.��i:; iT �,�a5 cli�� ii�t�•nt c�C thc� !'l:�uiin� (:ouuui�>ioit :iii�i i:it�� (;o�ui�i l to l�lanl.ut tlii� u:�c in �m .� l�-? °c�n��. �1� y�e,u ai�e awsr��, ��ii a��i•icv���l ����r�sc�n, ,�Cie��tt�cl hy ,-i �le�ision uf the Zoning AcLninistrator, Ill'c.i�� al�l�eal for an a�Lni n i St r�at i v�� i�cv i��ti� ��s spc�r i C i��� i i� Sect ior� b4.2U5 of the Zonin� Qra i�iance. (;.t1.li. :crli �� ��._____._.._------__._____._._ _w_�__,_ � r�-- � . � � _: . . :. � � ���.�._ '�iarch 17, 1�SO io whor� it �-.�r cor_cern: '1'he folLowing pa,�es of in�orr� tti�n reziardir_�� ��_r c�r.cerns of the zoning of a tagi—cab di�-�:.tch busiaess in o�:r i^reilj��'Jrll00/.�i. S•I.C'.rj ��uL li���e�:lnr ��i�y�l � ..� _Zv�r��.�.C. .7A� .. 1a:,ryer. :le 'aooe vou ,�rill find. this more det�►.ileo infar�r�=:t?��n 'o �e of a�sissta,nce 1T1 .your 7.I1VBS�..1���.-.t1�21 O`� t�21:� :::i:1Cf".':1• �?espjctfullp, / � (:�,,�.��" ;--.-�=�;-��- �1 . . , ,�:��� �� .��� � � � Iu•�a� ��.nd �eb ,en'_ser 175•3 �a:,�ton ';venue � �t. F'��.:lr i�:innesota 5;10� _.._----�^''.; � . _......_..----"".....-���+�� � ,�,_..,�_..._.._.--------''" :� � .9 \� ± �.f .. . ._ . . ". i.'.]..S! . ����---''__.._- __ . .. . ... ...� . • . - - .. _•.;�1 L� i�J L:L.�: . . .. .. . � �� �g� � � 1. �he cab ::usiness is not 1U JT��+C1��2[.- J�3 use. 2. 'he c�b business is siGnific��tly dif�erent �.n�� i� �ot si�nilar to snecified B-3 u�es. 3, ����e zonino administra.tor �oes not h�.ve the c-p�city to �etermine "similar u�es." 4, •lhe zonin; �dc�ini�trator erred in fi�.�:.ing t��e dispat�hinb oPera.ion of Yellot•r Cab to be a.n accessory use to a �ar.�itted 3-3 use. ;. `lhe zoning administrator erred in findir�; yello*� cab to be an �ato reoair station. 6. Since th? c�b business is not a specified B-3 u�e, it is subjeet to snecial conditions� and it still --4��?� =��� �'=�1�sY G� ,. �-3 usa. 7. `fellow Cab°s ouer3.tion in. a B-3 zone i� in ,.clear �.ac. ir�evo��.ble conflict *frith the intent and. purpose of the zoning Iz�'7• ;. Yello�r Cab is. in direct and co^�plets ui�I�ti�n �f ^onin� resuire- �ents `or off=street p:.rking. ;. ihe. zonin� adminisira.tor failed to consi��r t�:�t the nropert� . is .-st ' �.11 � �-3 �oned ��nd n^rti�.11.y '_�i-�. ^�:�e�. ^�d i^�t �::e _�reviou:> *� 1 :i � � + ���e :-?,s ^ non-conror,:�ing use in �:� 21-I �i:.4rie�. ihe �onin� of Yellow Cab is in co+�'??ete conflict =si �n the i ;�, - ;�istrict 13 Plan. 1�. The ^onina ad�ainistr?.tor' s ref�re::cs �a ;onin� of Ieli o:•r �abs' arevious location is impro�er, mislea�in�, -n�t irrelQv�t. 12. '{ellos•r C�b would not ce ?p�ropri�:.t�l.y ^onec? eVP+y in a �`-�+ districtt cut in �. 3-5 or I-1 �one. . _.._ _ _ _:is let�er i;, in rec=r�.n.e to o.�r -:.�:�e;_J. oF th� :.�:zi:�.: «�.�ini.;�r:_.�or' s 1 � �. .��jl�i �� �ul.,l��'l�e le1�Ji'� Ji'..7�� �)'..�.r:±10:1 '�li 11 /� '`'li,j�• L1.�_`tek .._1.0:9� 1:1 7L:t11:1� f'Ji�� �T'Q SO'^2 Or O:i LS�S f0?^ <1.7:1!?^1. _'ti11S 1� �JL - i.-1=�+..;:°C:. �0 .�� Pit�:?ei� ?n eRh�.�...�15t1':e :.l;��li1,=..• ,7�., °Y;•1_'UC1�.:VE '1:��"'.11���l�:l• . . _._ �0215 r0: "�O°?],i 1. ��e c�b business is no� a specifie� �-3 u:e. ;+o,•�here in the specified uses�of a B-3 zone is ? cab buciness li�t�d. Tee zoning ad�ini:.tr�tor has �one to conside.r�ble leng�i:s to avoid desi��tin� Yello:a Cab �.s w cab. business. ::e inste�d. zp�ears to co:�sider it to be an auto rep�ir business tirith a. disn�tcher. �lhis is 1::COi�'°Cj'.e ��hile no defiaition is stzted, it is appropriwte to d�Line t�.e cab business: :: licens�d co�amvn carrier op�ration for transporting of �erso:�s and items through the use of �. fleet of enoloyee—driven auto— ^�obiles. Ths onsra�ion o� such a business incZudes: ?�iring and super— v�sing driver—e:��i oyees� �ain�aining ar_d oper�tin�; cv�icles o.i a twentg— �'our b•�szs, distribution of vehicles, coll�etion `of f�.res, recei;�t of or�°rs a,.�.d dis�atch of orders to individual drivers, In ihe cwse of Y�llo;�r �ab� the business also inv�lves oneratin� a :les�ern linion office. �inca z c�,b_ business is not a saecified �=3 use, it sho;:ld not be pzr^��ttecl. 2. �ihe cao business is si�nificantl,y nifferent and i� not :�i:ril=:r to s-�eciried B-3 uses. �he „onin� administr?tor h�s justified 2i� c?etAr�~!in_�ion b� .:=;ri:�� t?���.t ''the `1211ow ::ab oaer-�tion is �ot a si�nific:�.�tl;�� differen� '�:s� ±�=:! t:�_ s�ecified uses of � �=�.rce1 deliv�ry, j�:.nitori?1 service, �u:o r��r.ir station, used c:: sa?esro��, bus �=.sse:��er st::�tion, etc." �'zi� in incorrect. in re�rerse ordQr� Yellow :�.b is dissimil��r from tne ;:bove uses in �r, i�i i o�-inb w,ys: ... ="sus �assenger �tati_•n. .. 'Uus �assen��r st=.�ior_ is a place ;�rh2^e �r;se�bers congre��,te to a,�rait a bus. tn e:t,_-np].e is an i•;�C shelter. J—`.'"_� ----------.- - � �. � M � i ' �s.. „ _� .. .._..YC._�Y O ,�----�._._ � •-��.._....��.�����_�. p�ge z _:� o^�r:_'��^ of � bus ��a:in��� i., _^.�� �. -�-�r:�i� r.ed ��—� u�� ^.n� yel�o;�r � �-:c bus:ness o�er�.ti �ns in nc ::�<< r�����%1° � �,a� ,- �.;en;;�;.. f: cili�y. 3. Use�. c�.r• s-lesroom. 1 u�ed. c�r :�l^,ro�:^ is r.o� �a-efined., but 1.'. ? :��.2.Cn '.;'!C'I'@ C�.TS 3T? StO:"c�.C. "::C c;Q1C� 'O �'i.'1'� �L:�J11C. �.C�ZO:•i .::�J o�eraZes .: fleet of vehicles c�:��in�a��:sly. 'io ve�i:1�� �re so?d to t:e nublic. 4 use� c�r s:^.l�sroo� o-�e�-�tes d�rin;; C.?;t1i~�e :?ours and. is aroaibited by l�.:a fr��;� oper:�in� o:� ;:znd?�ls. :�'��•r e:��lo;ree.� ��re ne�ded 1T1 c L1S2� Cfi S2.I.�ST'J�!;1 -..,:�. _�5t11�1i2V tT=r�1C ? �.0:�' 1S r;F-':IC.'='?�.ZJ' 1 1.0'•:• �'O�.lO:r ;��'0 1S 2101'. S1':ll�.^� t7 ". L1S°�i Cc�T 5��.�ST"J��i.l. �:. .�ll't4 re�^..ir St?i.lOTl. __i� _��O T07::,1T S�='.'�?�: lc C'fl:!��. �� ��=L �l�.ce :ahere t�e folio��rins se^vices ~:ay b� carried o�at: �en�ra2 4uto repair, en�ine rebuildin�, reouildi�.� or r�c�:<iitionin5 of mo�or vehicles, collision service, su�: a:- bow';�, fr=:�e► or r`'''-c�=r �t"�i;�;=�e:— 121� �1C1 repzir; 0J2i3�.1 �c7.:ltl:lg u'1d_ LiT1C�i•':"r,0��1:2� 7i ='z+.o�obiles. ����le sale of engine fuels may or �a:j =.ot also be c.�r=ied �n." 'lhe ope_�^,ti�a �f a fleet of ve�iicl�s such as �e11o:J C_�,b, is not si:�ilar to a:l �uto rea�ir station ?•rrich accepts vehicles for rep:ir �.:�. r°turns tne^t to the custo�er. �n auto re�air s�.=�i�n o�ar:..�e� in ��e da.z�i�e. '.i�ile �!:e operation ��f a cab busine�s anv. tieie�;^�.�r�business :�i��lt irclucze :he rep�iring of equipment used in t�e business�. just u� a:��f '�usiaess woul� nee�. to repair its ecuipment znd ve�icles, thea� oper4tions are cl°arly not the essence or even tre n�ture of the c=�b or tele�,raan - business. � Yello�r Cab o�er::tion is :�ot simil�•.r to �� auto rQpair sta�ion. �. Janitorial service. 1 j��itori�l service cle�..�s �f�`ices an.cz buildings. Ye11oT,� Cab in no v��y rese�ales a j_-:.ni�ori.1 service. �. Parcel deliver;�. Parce? �.eliver�� is a busines� �•�rvica �o *�ic'_. 'la �.nd d.eliver "�?.CV?.c�AS. Pc'..Y'C21 C�@].icer,;r IS _:. G�--.?Jt_"n S�T'V1C8i :'_O� 1„-•;�;7,�?J••f4L1T' ':20U2'S a da,y. �2.1"C2� C�?Zlt'@_^,-j �O^S '.^_O� i? ;'-i7.Z`� ?i:;j licensing a.d is ��ot a di�patch ser�:ice. Ye11ow ��b is a cit;—:�ic.e service to disseninate passen�ers on a t?,rant,y—fo�zr :�o ir b�sis. Yello',� �ab is not similar to parcei delivery. :��.zs Yellow Cab is no� si^�i1ar to other 3-3 us°s ana. �'�� ��nin� .�._._:^isir�.tor erred in his d.ecision. ----------.-._...�____. , _.._._..--_ _____--._ � ; - � . : ._ . � . ,: _$_G►C_?� � ; 3 P��e 3 ��. �ihe ��onin� a�'�i:�is+.ra.tor ���s :�o� z�.ve t�:a .,-�p:.cit,-f to c:e�?r:aine � "s��il�r uses." :�eCtl'�il O� Of 1i.�':@ _i0:111g QT'C'.2':2.::CZ S���.,`.°S: �r`P�C� Pla:�niiib �o�:::�ission sral� deterr^in.e if � use is si;ail .r �o o�'-:e- uae� ;��r,r,itte�? ir_ e�c� district." In co:zst�u��i^n o�' ?:n;��1,-:;�e, ;ectio;i o0. 300, i� is J�'�.��C� lII DO1Tlt � C� t112.t '�i�12 S�(0��. ���31311�� 2S fD�'1�1''i.0^,-�. . .�r Thus, the �onin�; �,d;nini�tr~tor c�uld not vwlidlJ d.eter::line that t�e oa��ration o�' ? cab business ��r�:s sinil?r ���e �ince onl.y the rZa.nnin� C�^��ission has that authority. � L�. `1'he zonin� adm�nistrator e'"2'BCj. 1T1 f7.:1C�.1.T2� t3'iC C71.3J2,tCRl.i'1� J�°Z'utI012 of Ye11oT,� �ab to be sn accessor;� use in�ident to �. �,�rr�it±ed �-3 use. �ven lf 3 C3.b ��2I`��l.�Tl ;•rere Sl."11�'.'_^ "G�J � ^°�:17.'f�2�. �23E'� ?•r:; G'� 2j is :Lot, dis�atchin� i� not an ''�.ccessory use," y71 "accessory �1S6�f 1S f�@f1riC'C� �uS: �t: i2S@ `.�i�11C'^ 1S C�.(':�13F incidental to, customarily found in connection :;ithr and...locwted_ in t?�� sL.�;�e zonin�s lot �s �he princiale use to :rhich ii is relatec_,'' �isp��ching c��s is the es��:��e �f �:e cwb ousi:ess. :'o ^���.ern dw;� c,::.� ':_�siness eoul� onerwte (exce�t in �`e�.r Yor?c '�it.y� :�;it�o,�t it. On the ��':�_r nand, a �is;�atchin� Orei.-.�1.0II is n�t i::cide�:t�I to or even custo^��ril�; use� bf a ous p�s�er,ger station, �. ja.�i�ori`I service, a use� c,--:r salesr��-�, an �ato ren�ir station, or ever_ � a�_rcel deliver;� servics. 1t is as a.bsu:d to call disoatc:�ing incident�.l �o jv.ni�o�ial �ervice �_s it is to c�nsi�'er �h� es�2nce of t�e ca.b business to be a�z:o rs�air or ���rcel delivery. Inc�^�d., there c.re literall.y hu:��red.� �f �ato ren�:ir J�:'.tr�on� in :�t. :�u2 a,�� d_isnatchir.� i.s not custo�arily incica:�t -;o tn�m, i��re �:re bu� a �'e;: ,�:.� ��e�.-,ti.ons =,nd. ais�:atc�ing i� �v:JJ��±i?1 �o �ae�. . _ile un�o��btedly diso.�.tc:in� ia �_ :�:ecess�.ry ��._t of Jn.e c �a �uusin�����T .:�= CB.b bilwi:leS° is :lot a s?zciiied. .:,-3 l;se. V?1 :^�0 O�il::r �I�:1�, G�iSJ2ZC.1iu.� is in no sense G.n accessory to �:e �er�i��ed �s-3 uses to .r�ich t�e zonin� w�-�inistr=.tor refers. �in�.11y, dispatching does not enco��ass the ful� sco�e of YelloT,� �?�' � business, as descrioec a'aove. �he :;oning a.draini;;tra.tar err�d in z.e'-r�^inin� thut the dispatc�in;� op�ra�i�n of �e14o�; '�o is =�� �cces;ory to � si�ilar permitted 3-3 use. � -----_ . . ., -A ��� y . - ... . .y:�� O p4<;e � _ '�t12 ='�::l-i;' �.���!1:]1S''i.Z':_'_OZ' °-.^2Gi 1:1 i'1.?r?lil� 1?ZZJ''? . , t`� �7? r^..Tl o�.�lt4 ' � ' _ . ' .: '_1?' 5�=:.t:O_'!. i^a2 'Orilili '_C�"11ri13''2' ,-i.OT' '��"1?�?.'=,l ,.j ���"�;�,,�� - il �•• ��'. r 3 1:1�0;1±1OII t0 � .°i,,.;-�° ?it �'GUbO ren�_ir �OL:�1:135`.�.�� Tt '_S ��`.�%!�'�S ._^�`: � '_2 `il].�. C�b �usi:�ess, ..��U'?l:lb L'ID1.0,'fp°_ su�ervi�ion, 2i;1^.�.�;Ir?g �J•2'::1C1@ tI':'.�iSf':=� `-�.la�:?�C}71?'lbf i?:-L2:":1 UIl].Ori OD2T%�t1071S� -��ne;T C7y�^C�tOr� '.-'e yJ�lrib done �'t i.:?7.S 1.0_C:LtlDY.. i'^is business is not, as �escribed. .�^s�i�r, -,n ;u�o re-�_�_ir st�tion, �.nd s'.ou.d. not be considered a per::�itted �--3 use. o. �ince th� c�b business is n�i a soeci�'�e�� :�-3 u:=e, it is subject to s-eci�l co:�ditions, and it still .rould no+, �u3lif.p �.s a �-3 ase. ror tne reaso:�s o�atlined above� Yellow Ja'o is �.ot: :�, a specified �-3 use B. similur ta a specified. 3-3 use Ther�fore, in order to operate at the 3elb.y lac�_tion, it 7ust fall �:ithin a use subject ta s�ecf�.l co�:d.itior.s, YelloT�r ::ab is not �ermitted �s a. B-3 r.rinciple u�e su�j'ct �o ��ecial co�.�ditions. If Iellow Cab trrere to be c�nsidered a �-3 -��z =�uoject �� ^a:�f3C1�1 con�'itions, it i�rould n��t cor�olJ. �ello�•f ��.b, �w�-ain, i� r,o+. -. s?°cified �-3 tsse even ,a.n�e� the speci�.l ��nditions sec+�o�_. If it c�.ere c�nstrued t,o '^e ^n;� of t�.e u�es it couln�jc�,?ly, ws ex�;�lain�:;. b°?o:a: :.. uuto service station: '�i'Ze ?ella:�r C:ab operation could r.ot r�eat t1.^�e :'eG'tll�@'!iBtltB f'�T' 212 ?.'1't0 �PTVICG' :��"'.�I'JII �'J@c�use t'2�2`C 1S ri0 �°Z: I7�+ bufler araa. to residenti�.l �_opert,y, ?:�d no �-:inimu*� lot are�, --°it!� ^.:nple veti�icle �aai�inG sn�.ce. �60. 03 poi�� ,�:' �nc�. 50.;;;+_': poi�t 'f' } . 11U�C�00I' VE.'111C�.o 32�.^.S: `�'he `L6110;•: ;?.i] ��ar,^�1�:� C��1��. ri'_�� �J° :ri �utroor ve,ziclz sal�_s or re:��?1 a,�=�-�� -� i� doQa :.�t 'n-.ve vc- ::c��].;�r �CC@SS u1Xt�� feet fr�� the inierj°:^•tlOri '".'L� bec��aae re�air :ror': 1:, �ein� done on tna lot. (G0.�0 �oint 'b' ) � C. Ot}.�r outd.o�r u�e: i�eli o��r Cab c�uZd not be unot 1�r outdoor use ^�aC3U52 ].1 COT2i��.1.Cf,S ?Jlt:'Cl t1:e O';P.r?�i.1 �II O° Qflr—:i;i.Z'°°� ?�:I''.lilp� Off� s�reet lo�.d,in� and TJA'J.P.:tri�:. �'lo��r, �.:��'. is no� �^.r�or.i �us caith 'dJ=�.cent uses. (60.�0 -»in� '�' ) i-------------- --- i _. . _ --- . L F � : � - -, p , _ �` 4 (�---V.,.1 - -- _ .. _..___.----_.ti ���° 5 7. Yel�o•,, ::,.b' s o-���•�tion s�ould r:oi %��v� be_�? -oner� �-� c_c:�:�se it iU i:� s . � i1 � ".Z' 2:1G� 1Z'^@VOC":J].E,' CO_1ZIiCt'. ;rolt.�l ±':� 1•�4pnt. .;n�: '):�_^�O:;F_' O_ �^° �0;22T1� 1="'.. i.:@ .^.O:ll;:f' Oi'�122�?.ZC@ 1:1 �JC.:7n :��r�'t,@S 1+S 1::�2.^.± :n ��-^;)O:�C.'. i':1�: ^o�:�in�; of �ello��� Cab is in conflict ��it^.. y�_eir r-� _�__���t�5, =.a d.efi�ec' �,�io>a: � =� .�r1-�O ;�ro�note ?_i1�. �t0 '"�T'O�PC't �i2U1.1C T^•�2�tl?� .,".I n�Jr� nrJ�_1.1�; �^.,'aG�. �ener�,l :��1�=xe of the co��unity." (poin� ' 1' j �he `Lellow Cab operati�n �is d�tri�e:�t�.l to t:ze ��.:�:��.�.nity' s h�alth, safety,. an� weliare: I� As a tFrenty-fo�ir hoar o�erzti��, loud voices, doors s1Gm-:in;r running vehic?es, interferes ��it:. �2S1C.a:1t i�.l n��lti2 za�c: ti:relf�.r� � by needs of� peace and .uiet, �-.2^uZCtAI�.7'il.:l in e-.^.l:' elo�zin� -.�o•,��. 2� 'Phe heavy increwse o� tr:�ffic zn� rec'_tless opar��.tian of vehicles interferes ��;ith t'�e safety of the co�:i,-�u.nit;j. . 3� The parking of vehicles ?� fire h,dr�.ts, intersections �nd other ic�permissible 1oc=:.+i�ns, ��.:��>>s �:� :,afe��,r �.�d :•elf�::re oi .the co^��uait,y. - Q.� 1�.1@ 21. Qt1S].lty ].S C 1"llril S'?���. �`C'.C?L138 Oi @::C@`_�1V�' Ca.t13�1S� r,.nd. as. such ha.mpers public ce�-�lth. - 5� Public hsalth is fu.�?�er in3ure� Dy n?ise �ollution. 6) ihe haza:d of a. fire, as de�:tOrts�rv��� c� ,-•ro fire �l�.rms in t«o :�rec�',cs, interferes :-;i.th aei�h�orl�o�c3. s=�.fAt�. 7) Comr�unit.p norals nave �een aj'j'er.d:c a.y vnrbaZ ?:�I��-.;ia�i�.IC__� U_� comoanj �ersonnel. �. tf'10 Ci�351f'S 2Z�. �i 0�2i t'i�t 1T1 Sll��"i _. !1=.r:12T' :� �7 Z'?��.°C: 1�'i.S peculiar ;�uitability �or ��r�icul�:.r us�s." ���int ' ?' j "io r2�ulate t?�e loc_�,tion, c��struction, reco.zs�ru�tio�, zlc�r- r ye- c�7• r c 3 � ;, n ' t �t � ��i on �.n_. use of buildin�,., uc�are.. ==.n�., .nc.. t poi:�� � . "�io. protect all 2.reas of t:.e city iro�n :�r~�fal �nro<::.�:ment b:� incomaatible uses." tnoint 'b' ) �s d.iscussed on a follo:•rin5 �oa, �istrict 13 Pl�..��nin� C��uncil saecific�.11y reco!��end?� that �r.is buil.d?:�� be re-:�v�d :.:�c'_ t"��t the ?revions w:�xeh�use use ,�ra� so inco�►�=�i�Ie •-i;.;z t::�� nei;nbor���?d - that tha business s'zould be re�oc^ted. �=?�e o�er�_ti�n of fello�•, �a.b i� in obvious cor_�r?.vention to the intent �f th� �oninU l�c�rs. ,-----__ �� ._.�. . . [�� .-. . _ _- '+ ' - . .. ...�r . ,� ' . , •-� �� p�;e 5 i i.� • t - �P� -, 'r .� ; .,�� i p y r . C. .� �_.sure :ic, u:t�. ii -n�,, ��ir� , r_��;_c;�, .. , co���_r.i•�nce o� • . - - ���cess �o �roDerty." �poiut '4' i 1; �el?^:,r .;aa' � ir.terr��^-:.ce ;�ith ��.1:�_�~- cr� ���.ed. ,��..'_fin� �'.t± -.:iS� ..'�1C!1 �.re _�.1?'E3' _" -*^ti.@ �)1'_'f'1�L:lt�'. ��'?�='�l_'C' �%iere ^I'@ :'!'J _11s�rs in �he area, interferes -•:ith th� co::veni-:�ce �f in�ivid_aal -.CCess to p�`OpeT't;�. 2) �ell��, Cab's c->r.,les� �-��r'-_?::; of t�e��ic_�s bloc:-:� resicents ; ucczss to rxiveia�,ys _�nd cus�o�ers zcces� to loc�1 b �sinesses. 3) Yellot•r �,abs re;;ul:r, use of resic�.e�ts �'_rive:r:.y� ir.tcr'eres wi�h nei�h'oorhood priv2.c�. ll. t'To conserve property valu�s." �point 'S' 1 1) '�he enroachment af Yell�:: `:ub u.n� t::e lac� �f off—s�reet parkin� °�r its errui�a.m-�nt is �. �;li,,-ht ��.r,�+ �?_�tri.-��nt �o ;!:� . nei�hborhoode 2) Ye11ow Cab is ,zot harm�ni�us -:i:.1 tae �enex�.11;� resi�.enti2.l— snall business character of t�e nei�h'�orhood. 3j These, and other f�.ctors ou�linek i:erein, serve to lo:�Ter nroperty values �nd. da�ea.n �he n�i��zboraooc.. 4) ��he operation of Yel'.o:�r ^-.b c�r_flicts :��i�� '.ai��ri^t 13 plans for t?�e area. � " �'. "^to lessen congestion in the public streets o;�r �rovi��ing ior off— street �ar'_�cin� of moTor ve'r_icles ���' f�r of�'—�treat lo�.�.�i:��; �r.d unloading of com�erci�.l vehicl�s." (goint '10' j 1) Yello.�r Cab has only on—street par'_{in,; :_�c: or,—s�reet l��:c�— 1Ylv� 7.TL G�.1�T'°C�'i COIlf'�.1Ct r.r7.�'G� �:? 2::�°�i?-t Jf �'t:C ".'J'.17.f� ';:.::. . 2) '�"ae ona�treet par'_:in� c�^`;e�:ts ar. �lre��.^.y con�•� yea wrea .:ith driver' s person^1 c:�rs ��<-'_ ;;i�h c -:��s. 3; 'he v�hiclzs bloc'_-: int?rsecti�n�, �ou-:;1� _ .._:., 'aioc'.= sid�— .��.I'.�s, block �ire %iyc.rz,nts a�:;. ��rk in o�e 1oc-�:ion �or extended (over tc�renty—four naurs) peri��s of tine, ucdin" to street c�n�•est i on. 4) 3esid.ents and busin�sses hwve Fa_.cec?. inrde�u�te ��rking due to the �per�:.tion of Yel?o:,� ��b. � . �---_-.-- --______�. . �Q�_._ � . g T ...._�__.�._�._��..��. . ...._._._...�._........� . . .��..�� _ -� . �_.`e ( • y.^� � "'_�.J 7r��,,1,:� f^Y. t'r.:, ��i _.'?A �1^,:' �f _70."1-C -:�i'�'_'r`li?1� DU11�1:1;'S ;.I7C} :±2'll:;tU?'�3 ..'1('l �0!' ti'.:. ��!I':::i'..? ..__ O° i10�-C^?':-�^"1?:.�, U:>8S Of 1-:..G�.�� ��01?7� � 1_� � 1 j .`.� i� ;.e�;crib�d. 1.�.:er, }?i-� �^�vious u:::� o� :,iis pro�aerty �rras non-co�for;ni:�g. 2 j 'i'he oper.tion or le_�.��.r ;-.b -��i11 -+er�s�u=_te a t�o:�- conformins use of a buildir.:; :~ contrave::ti^n t� the i:�t�:�t of �che �oning ordin�:ce. 3. Yello:•1 �ab saould not be n°r:�it�Pd at 1759 Selby bec?use its a�er���i-� is in direct �:nd co��lete vi�lation �= �~e �o:�ir.g r-�^:uire-�Ants for off- s�reet �_r:cing and load.in�. ihe zoninb ���.^�inistr.tar fril°d to consi;'.er tc!is re�uire,:ient. Section 62.10� Oi t�lE ::Ori1:1� Or�in�n�8 S�^�8S? ��C21 %:1e s�me _�re�:ises �,ith ever� buil�.ing, structure, or r. °rt �hereof, involvin� �he receipt or distrioution of vehicles, materials, �nerc���disef s�z��li�s or e�ui��ent �:12?'8 shall be orovi�ed and m�int`in��� o:� tY?� ,o:�in�; �o�, in addition to ;o�ino aff-�tr,eet parki�g re�uire;�e-:*.�, a�^.e-=u��e s�rce f�r ��:��uvering, st�.nding, iowdin�, Gn� unloadino in �::•::er t� �:vo�.d, undus inte:ference 471'tCl tihs �uulic use of dedicated rigc�s 7I :J=.;f. ::ach spac° s'��:11 b� provided ws follos�rs: A. (describes sp�.css omit�edj B. '.:o ofi-street loading sp�ce s��ll '�a loc=�tec2 ir_ -:.n:) t�=:rd. adjoining any residential use." Yello=r Cab is c?ewrl:; in t^.� �-a:-i:�sti of r'.i:��ri�?iti::,; �e��ic, .°^ ;T'1e;� e�•.:i�mer.t). It h�.s n� off-street n-,r:ri:�o. It h�_� r_o ofr-s�r�et lo-u?�!�. I= �,cr n-r'_:ing or lo�c��nU :re a..._ .� ��•�le, i1 �oes n^+ -��, ;ide s�:�c�s or ":%,-:°.UV^"_`. �:� S�__C°. _1S � conse�l:..-�.i1Cr 12�}O'. %P.,b is ;r��., 1!:t'Pi i^^�.',:1C2 1 ,.. �._ �'=e ri:�-.its of ,ray. In�eed., �:is is one of t'r.A ^os+, :�l�.ri:�� aeficie��.ies �T ±?�e ��r.ir.� a�?roval, a.nd. �f Ie1=o;< <:e,o' s use of �:?� 1j�9 �°l�y f�cilit.y. 9. The �oning ad�ninistr��tor failed to consic.er that t;�e prope�t,y is � M;i��.11y B-3 zoned anc3 �::'-'t i�.11� ?"_'-1 ��:�ec, ?r� th:��t t:�ce �revious use �r ±^O �TO�@_^t�f' ":y�3.S ZY1LtS u '1021-C�11:'�^!.^.1:1�? l2S@ 1T1 c'i .i'1-1 '".1��rict. ine P1'.,nning ComMission wa.s re�uired to �s-.ke findin�s tha.t t�e Iellot�r ::_:; ��se is e�ua11J aApropriate un�er 62.102 (�oint 'e' , step ' 3' ). In � ,_.,r.,_ ._ __ _ _. ._1 .._'__-. $���. I _ ____ ___ __ ___.____ _ E �� �e ; t �.r.�:�i on� tr� `Lello:�� C,-.b o^er..t i or. i:- :o� : _u:_11:/ %.?-,r��ri. �e o: �ore �.;;���ri :.�e ��:�W� th� ;�revi��-LS u�e. , • :'h� p_^,_'t'17US llSv"'- Of �`t,til.2 nI'O'�;Z't�� :�i�?S r7I' �_ Si'1:.:�1 '•7'.Z'c'?Y20;lSE? L.f%�i C�2 ";::� 7'?g^ O.UZ'1riE? :10:'f121 ;�orkin� ti171T'S. ;Cl? ./1�vV1J�1J O")2:"�.'].OT? ��_lft�'�I'�'c; 111 ti'18t it :�~.d a v�tstl,y smaller nu,,�ber of e�nnlo;fe�s, suf;icier_� n:.r=i:��, u.no�trusive _.�tivi-�y, as:d. non-inyerferin�; ��roric h��ars o.z �ner�+ions. Yel��� '�ab h:�.s none of these attribu1es w��. :�-�uld not b� A�ually or more ; ����opri�te use of the property. 'ihe zo�ing ad-;�:inistra.tor erred �roce�u��.11.y in r_ot referrinG this d.et�^min�.ti�r. to tne P14n,�ing �o;��ission a.nd erre� sub�t�ntively in ia.il- inG to consi�er the l�.c?c of ap�ro�ari=.teness of tr° use. `rhis is not only in contravention to the ordinance, but i;nores the s�-_�c�A intent of t�:e 1<<�r to e?izinwte non-conforni:�g 12�.es. 10. The zoninb ad�inistrwtor f�iled to consi�i°r the intent of the zonin� l�w or the planning of the areu. `1he zonino of felto:r ��=.b is in cor�plete co:�flict i•rith. the District 13 Plan �aept. I�'?"i j. =he intro�juction to the Plan has as its first recom�endation; "lhe �e?�:, zve�ue desi�n ��r_� use study should determine how to m�ke the ni_-.ture o�'`1�:nd u�es -�orz h��rmonious." tiore ir�gorta.ntly, in elaboratir.g on t�':is reco*:zraendation, the Plan refcrs directly to the building at 1759 :�elb;�. On �a�e �$, the Plan st��es: ":.t tae intersections �f ���heeler ar�d :ierschel streets (�nd Selby) there �re business?s that are incono�tible �•�ith ho�ssing• i�e :Yter�i�.m Pwrk Cor�-nuni�y Council has as�ed th� ir�^edi�te nei�hborheoc�. to decide >•:hether re�oc�.tion oi tre ti•ro busin°sses sY!ould �e n•�d.° ?. co�^un'it.Y conce�^n." y ^��p o� ��,�e 9 (S� m�.k°s cl�a= t'awt 1(�J :3:.lby is �ne oT t�e p^�cise r ±�16T1 b�'].Tl� OC^?�'�1�'�. �J,jT :�:2 G1�ZC�'1 1°i�: O�'?tY'Lt51V@ ac;c.r�s��s bein� re_�rred to. . . _ � �:1'Jll:i-C I7!,151�1°SS• ihe P1.°.11 :'?`=.u0?72C�. �'J=.U° ;='I,�?� � "�h° DL152:2E'SS@J �:�.V° ::'3��1ITIS i ,'} =�� i c� r ti?P1Z' CUS�'i.0[1@Z':.> �Z'C 0��.1'?' Cl`lsinesses OT' .�'..'_"@ �o 'o ;,_ h . _e l.,i�hbo_hood.. . -����le =ro;:� all over the ci��1. On-street g����cin�; is :,��en in�de�xu�.te. r�•:;ev::r ��el�.y :�venue and other si-�il�s streets h�.tie iae �otenti�l t� re�ain ��_�ir nistoriC�1 role as activity c^�t2rs f�r nA:t�rbQrhoor�." �e�►�hw�is .,,:'=��a-i • It is cle^^ tn�t Yello��� C�.b �er�etu��ed tci; nrobla� �-:�d de;e•^.ts bot� t�:� c.i�trict ola.n a::d t�e zonin� -�r{.�in�;:.r±ce in�entions. 1 ___�_ ____ _ __.__ . ; �,� : , : . S�a..� � �� 7 . ♦ �1 _ ♦v� lt^ T,OT� � i°_ :r�•�Q2 .J .:?'. '�'!_- .� �r - ,1 �• �:_'v� .� "�• - ..P ��.1�vi:) ..�.��.1:11 J� .. . ^ , = ��� .l .�i- - . - " _ _�J �.7v ".l 7� ZJ 1!1?r7•32�'� i��.J��:_�;.',..Z'.,u� -. �.. 1I + - �^-.. • . - ' " ' _J-n ��� i�.",li �:? '�1� �i. l.. �i7 .1 y� �? LP.1...7�V _ '1� ^.7 n.._ �.1.�i 11 n.1,J L r..�V:� ;l� . �� ;1 . .. 1.� _ . . `. . , 'p1 i�'(i° _7°lj:"- � ��� ..��� .T.'Ji S� :te5 -.� ,- �r�vious o�^��.tion at :���� � _'�,y�. �� - --� . ._� .� _ - l.• r� �„-� ;l`��;.1� �iZ_.l 1(� 1 �J'•' .�,`.�J �l�.j }i.0 .'��-,� �i�P. ��� �ejl�iZk�17n �l ��SZJ :�i �.'�i j .. . � l r. � ��•^ tiJl,'�Sli1n$.:�• �:��12� 1: '_lOf. ;,, -�er��..~�e�tly wnd iorever co�5ic�e_e� - c��_:olish�d b,-� tiie record. Hac. co�.:�icil or tce Ylan::ir� ;�� .ivsi�� in- t�nc:.�d f�r lello;a Cab ta be a B-2 business, th°y *.•r�ul�.. a�.ve so desi�-n�te: i�� _s a �ar�itted �-2 use. '�his �:ws aot c.one. It is obvious, therzfore, that t?�e ca.b bu�ines� '�'�'-�. 'Tn���.., '��.� '•nrP :�ti �o be consid?red permanezt B-2 uses. :iecor.dl;�, �he nei�hborho�d surT-'ot:ndinb �.OQ a°lb. :s of d_ifferent � that of 1759 ;a°i'�S• --� -`:�0 �.;e1�J� v"' ��t' _� .,�.s i:: �. ca-.^ac er tn.an c��n�?et� and solid several bloctcs of '�usir.ess us�.�e. .t 17;9 ::�elby, it ' :_� 40� �el'�:,r, Yello;� -::�1��S and bord?T'S OTl 3�.�. S1G�.8S resiG.�ri�',1c1. LLS?S• �/ �^ ^ cr � r � �J r..v' - ,_b 'r.�d �lle,y access and ap�arently o��-�t_eet p:::.r:i--� -,:. llities. =�t 17�� "'h rr 7+gr.� ZO �' '�i� �nr• -�--r{ij'Z�• _ 6 .>el�:�, there is no alley sp^ce �nd no o� �-st- �--- �.� ch�Ta,cter of the surrounding �.rea is .'�ite c_zyr'�r��-r, <-="-�'- is �_^_ot proauti�ce :� `='ello�J Cab's cor�patabilityf 2nd conior�i�y to .zoninj ie_:�isi±es �:t 17�� ;;e1'�,y• `ihe �oning administrator's refere _�ces to t°1-�'' ��b� g *�revious facility are irreleva.nt and not ��.orthy of c�:�s�=`.�r;=,tl7r 3s ��viae�ce. ?2. '�e1Zo,a Ca.b would not be ao�r�pri��el:r �or.ed even i:� s 3-�� aone, but i� _ �-� or �-1 zone. :�ven in the less res�•rictivA �-L �one, Yello••r :>�.� :;'�;%1� not -��� a v,rM �h t,. � °(�. a�E'�j yl.:1 J.- f..� ..��,. . _ i ��C'.Ci. '1S°. Z�'. 1S IlOj'i ? 1.1St.°C. 1;:�° �u.� • i_ 1S� ' -� " :'.'.i;'_'E-'1�;�' �+�U.JZ.L�JS' J1SSC` 1"2t?].1 L1S-^rS. �fi.? C't�'i O_�:":=;±?^�:1 '.•(J`.;��''1 ilOt - - ,�� �;_n u��s �_•c_:.:�e �_�;� cwuse _ 11.��: 7T . � - - -.r:1i � ��. �.�d.�_ speci=�.1 co::d.i�ions -+ ., � � } e t •�;t�=:, -, closec. �b;;�ctionable in�luences, �00.513 poi-�. '�' , ='•� tlo� . F� i� a r , �dd io r°t?iI fron����,e ;:�oir,� ' ` �-= �•�; ��a_;z� (point d �� do r.ot �. t � t }. ..� ..�; ie fr��-u�n� ve!�iculwr �Z'?,fr1C (-,ain, f . _ --� lcc:�e���. in a 'iello;r ;��' s oper�tions •.•roulo -nar� :��-:tropri:t�l.� . _. �� a I-1 cistrict. �oZZq.,J ��,b is more sinil�r to uses recited i:� .'--� �r 3-I. -- ------._,.. _ _�___ _.._ . � . � . _ _ - $Ga_� f :___ ___ ___. ___ _ _ _ __ _____._� --_'^°'�.-�..��"'*i ' t / �� �,_���.. � � `'°"l' . � Q' "j . � I ����� Q ;Q n �� .._,_ ; `�,\,� �'T►-�. �`"`"�o',--,,,.� `'t,�`'� V �,t; , � . , ; � � y � ; " � �O+ p; O;O;p �; . -, r I i � ' � .-�� . - � � ' ���-�l�� �� tC _ , � , f� ,, � • � � � i .o- � 1 ! � � �� Yr��i� �- c�; ¢I o � o�o�¢�o o � c� �O o� o 0 0!�0� J� � � ' ' � f 1� � ; ��. ,�� . IGLEHAR�T ' - �, �: � :;.�f , �.. 'e~� E= �• � i� �� •���'f_r�_i1i s.A !1. !1r,[� I � '��aa 7f� •s���s � , t• •������� �������i if,.'7�.^ n' . � � .�� r..E+,,. • . .t' 1 -�. s�O v • �` �' ��►�s��i ►s�a s��w `�i�f"";;ir.:,�' ,r*^"j.�.�'^r;. � � . � � ��s �f�M •� i. �• ,.. ♦ •�• •�• :�� . �►s�r�rs r��aO�.a �r ... . 1 , .. `.� . .. s'''... �" � � ?�' �«�y� ���-'.t •�� 1� o� �:��Ki�s�r• •���rir L•�.:rs.'1L:..�'a � .. ^ �tl . � ���.., r,.' r _.. . �z .'.<'i�:. �s , �.1 `.�i��.�' •� �'• s'"��.•J�a��• �� • •w I ri � „i-> ..-- `7"'"�� r �. . "ri'l r . .. a�s ,.\( 7• �_�• ��� •�•,��sts�• •� ���• � . y J ,. �., .}.ar.a�.��,r��l a -+C..l�a� . �i�'�� ,:,,�s .. 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I.. � Il_ _ 1�. _ . , .� , ��,�.,,ry..: � �l _. � . , . . .4 . ----�....�.._ . ._ � . - � ., -_ . � �, � _.J..i r --- f- - --� ---,�� r .. �� ,_� , y -r-- -'-,� , 1 .� 1�.o. ` - . .-:. � �x__-____.�.� _ _ _�� a�` � � .�.�� _�; ,:,�...... r, . ! . � _ � � �- - zvt . . . . . . __.� _, ; � . ._._ .... .. . .:�� � � _.--�--_ ._ _. _. . _. -., . _. �_�.-� �-- . .. . .... ._.. . . � . .. � �� � : I . . ' r..-�+a�� Ys'.�sss^! j r+'.,�`-�. � - - �.,r�� /, -,�.-- `1 � � �w �► ����±?cT::t! �4__ ra_^.� � � � � .. .,< .. � 1 1 ...�� r A a�T � X' } - ^ .�.��. .. . „ .- n .. ,.�._ _ -.__. � ,...i�ri r-..v� :� :_tr�v�VIfV�7 DvMAV ( r r.-a�.r.� � .---- . � �----� 1 _ � { _ �.. M:�z'rh 29, y 80 w�, the undersigned resid�r.±s, as ���igY<bors to 1759 Selby Avenue, City of St. Paul, Minnesota, ob�ect to i�he: loca�tion of the Yellow Cab busi�tess ai� �this site. A 24-hour taxi-cab dispat^hing op�ration at • 1759 sc�lby is no�t harmonious with the surra�.anc3incr �.r��a. Such a busi��e5s in a primarily residen-Lia1 ari�a raises conc�rns over person,�l safety, parkzng ��roblems, increasei� trat:fic fiow, and noise and air pollution, plus has a general c?et¢riorating effec�_ on i:he ne.��ghborhood. We requ�si: i�lzat the Board of lonincr Apj:�e�tls r.everse the Zoning Admi��istr_ator' s apinion t�iat trie c_tb business is �. ner*nissable "sii��i=1_ar use", �rid t:.hereby rule t.���:lt a 2_4-hour ta�ci-cab dispatching. operation i.s no� allowable at 175y Selby, Naliie 1�d�res s Phone , � / � �i.',..' 4.�.,L:�;;��'L�Z��fc... I�G % �CGs,,�4tt . G %L - s�G3 � �`-`—" z �9(,�-�- � �i�c`'�t l�c. � ' ,. — � --� � ��' � 3 ��� �''� .-t �, L ,l''' � < <y'�j �r� � � S / -�� 2 ' �� .� , � ,. ,. `� r�, �..� ,u: ���. � � /��4� �,.F��; �� _ 1 ,�;;_;__ � � i� S ` ,,;1 .: , _L .t .i — ', (`' !�( 1� , ;,! r ,r _ �/ � �...� �J���✓vC" �J ;1 tA.�� �.) �r � y... �: 7 -F. � ���.. � � �;-'�. -- ;' `�=�—z�--� �. 1_�„ __� d> .�-/f �� � ,; �'-y`';�. :,� r`�i—trz-�"�-- � , __� ` ' �_���� �_.. � � ; � ,_ � �� � ,r� t c << � � � ,� � id � ^�± . , ;-, � ,;�--��,.� ,� /��r �-� Y�1.::%� �.-, , -� G �(-�.� �;; r�,�,,�,_ ---�'- ,��! �:;. �� • r j' ;`�, . � �, . . ,�_._ ` ,_.. �-; ____„ , , -��-��, � -�' �=h .�.�-��-�'Z � .�, -' �.:� ��`�'�' � , . �? � '. � c ' . , . -�,,, � y�r - r.�iv � �3 _ � I`� � - � �� v�- � � �/�.-S-�Q �� ��� , � /(O lc � � t � , �7 ' � .,� , lf, : � � . . . . , . _ ._�. .,�n .��_,.:_ . �..�� . .n.a. _ �.�...�...�._�,�._.,.� � . - , . � �' � Marc11 29, 1980 � s6r u ���� Wc, t?Ze un�3ersic�n�d resi.dents, zs neiglibors to 1759 Selby Avenue, City o1 St. Pau�L, Minnesot-a, obj�ct to the location of 1_he Yellow C�b : busines� at this site. A 24-hour taxi=cab dispatching operation at 1759 Selby is not harrr�onious with the stirrounding area. Such a busiriess in a prirnarily residential area raises concerns over personal saFe�y, parking problems, increasecl tra�fic flow, and nois� and air , pollution, plus has a general dete�iora-ting effect on the neighboxhood. { , We request t.iat the Board of Zoning Appeals reverse �t��e Zoning Administru-tor' s opinion that the cab business is a permisa:�.i.;?:� ��511II:Ll�A.0 use", �.n�l tliereby rule tliat a 24-r�our �:axi-cab c�ispa-tching operation is not allowable at 1759 Selby. : N�e Acld res s y �?hone ---_�� . I 8 ,�j,—� _._._ r� � ��.-� za � �� i - z� � � �� � , - ZZ � � j 7 �� J ,�,,�_ ^ , �� �. C ��`� z3 ; ? �q � G��.�'���-/ .. :2y � r � ; � � � � /��3 � ���-��5-r Z� ' �-s�� -� 9��� 27 '� 17r 3 � � s - �P�3� �28 �c l�iu` ' / 7�3 � s - 3�/ 2q � � 7�7 , - 3 3 0 ' �'� � � o �yy ' 3� � ' � _ � � � / a � — 5�P°,� . � ar b 3� �' ` I$ o 3 0� o � Cv4 �-4no _ , . . _ _, . . _. . . . ....�._��.__w��..W....._.��_ _...., _ � . _ _._: . - , - �. :__� _�_ . .. _ .� _ ,__ x ,� . .. . :; , , P��z'ch 29, 1980 W,��. I.1«: ur�t:l�.i__�i��necl r�sident:s, as r�c:i�..;11',�urs to y759 �S�lby I�venue, Ci ty c��: S L. 1'au�, Minr:�eso�L-a, obj e�� tq �ire :Location of: th�. Ye:��ow Cab }�U57.�,�55 <<� this .�it.c. A 24-1-�our tax_i-ral� ���::;�atchinc� op�rltion at 175�� Se7_by is ric�t }iarnionious ��ith tiZe surrounclirig area. Su��n a busi.����� ii� a urim��ily re5i��ntial area ra:�ses cor:cerns over personal saF�l:y, �ar.-]cin:.� UL�k�lcii�s, increa.:,e�t t.ratiic i1ow, aric! nc,ise ana air polluti�n, plus i-�as a gener�.l detc�'riorating �Efect c_� �t'rie neighborhood. We request that the Boarci of Zonirs�r �=1pl�eals reverse the Zoning Adrninistrator ' s opinion th�t the cab :�us�_nc.ss is a permis:.able � "siiui.].ar us�", ar�<.I Ll�cr�}ay rul.c Ll�::�t a 24-}iour Laxi-c�il� �:�:is��atching operati�n is not alzowable at 175� S�L�V.. � Na�ne AddrF��s Phone ..�.� --_ �� �D 9 �A-�,v_����%�P �r��� :� ,c.��' �-�'�= � :� , ,, ,., ��? ' Y I � ���� �'--�`/' �`� 3'� , � � � C-� ,.� .�. � , 3�` �"� o� 1S8 _ � - - -- --�R9-gSb3 ' J�,�,� � �� � ��-v/o � :�y �' _ y� � ��ls� __ L�yS��v � n e t�sb' 2 �...,�cc�.�) �I/ �, t�S n �_-- � �a �S" . ��.� ��� ' Sr %0 3- yZ�� -- _ / i�. ..�., � � `/3 �f c :;�%✓� L =,�'f� �t �r. � � ' - --���=�—✓ y ' � -- s � �� � �_�.���,rr� ��f� �'3 \ � . _ - . := - , � March 29, 1980 We, the undersigned residents, as neic�hbors to 1759 Selby Avenue, City �f St. .P�.ul, Minnesota, object to_,the location of the Yellow Cab .- business at this site. A 24-hour taxi-cab dispatcning operation at 1759 Selby is not harmonious with �the surrounding area. Such a business in a primarily residential ar�a r�ises concerns over personal safety, parking problems, increased traffic flow, and noise and air pollution, plus has a general dete�riorating effect on the neighborhood. We request that the Iloard of Zoning Appeals .reverse the Zoning Administrator' s opinion that the cab busincss is a l�c�rmissable "similar use", and thereby rule that a 2�-hour taxi-cab dispatching � operation is not allowable at 1759 Se1by. N�� Address Phone /� � � � � � y.� � + ' �.�-�/ /.� , �'L�-ft�g-s i��/�� % .,,5", :✓, f`:��. ,��,v ,- � •,� j !/ C la �� ySo L ; ;r� , ' , - - t -- — _ � _ ~ f �i ✓� %: �f� /��S' ���B" a.�- � � 7- /� �� YS' �.� � �a�� 7_��r -4�'" � /��'�'. �\`\ . _ � ��F /���'' � � %7 ,- ' � �-� ,�' �� � �-a � �� �,� ' � �/� �� � ��`�'- ��1� , ���--- _-- �Z �m, l 7 y .� �;. ���>�`��'�` 33 •f ! 7 3 � ��.��'r� �-;�c�� � �7— /�7 2.., ,�y - � � � :� � � ��-- i� �a ., s� ` `- � �.� q 7���c.� �-� �'' � 3 a � ,�,�.. � ��'- �'� "-� � � - ^ .� ` � � .s f.�� � �=-�' � , � j �3� �' _ �. �t�s�-���� �- � r� ? � �, �� � �� .�� � �� � �=�-- , �o / � , � � �,, o -� '//1 v � / � �Y � —�:�3Z �F'� �.,.,... �t�- c:; � T-'`—c. - , • � � , March 29, 1980 We, the undersigned resicients, as neighbors t� 1759 Se�by Avenue, City of St. Paul, Minrieso-L-a, ol�jeet to thc location of the Yellow Cah business at this site. A 24-hour taxi-eab dispatching operation at 1759 Selby is not harmonious with the surrounding zr�u. Such a business in a primarily residential area raises concerns o�-��r personal safety, parking problems, incrc:�sed traffic flow, and noise and air pollution, pius has a g�neral deteriorating effect on the neighborhood_ � , We request that the Board of Zoning Appeals reverse the Zoning Administrator's opinion that the cab business is a permissable "similar use", and thereby rule that a 24-hour taxi-cab dispatchir.g operation is not allowable at 1759 Selby. Name Address Phone ' � 6 z �; ,� � f�°,cr✓� � 7 �5-- _ �� /" y� �o�G ;;� � , � , � . / �o� • ) %�. �7`--- t �j.:,�,.,.. : . 7C", �_�� ��L,�'I L�-���� ./��;� � +/`/��.�.� (� r '� � ,. t„ �y " ..� /7:5� �. -�a��'� � ,� , . . � � � �-� r �� !� _ i r � � � � , ;: �� �. M1 � �-� � , / -. . � tp �� �` � �� �� �-� t 3�-' �,�d� � . �� �� ��O�3 _ � __ __ _ � . _w��,.. .�.......�. a.�.,__�._ . ____ . ..��. , __ . .�,.....��:._,.... . _,.�. �._�. .� _�-- _ . _ ..�___... �.�,..: .. . _ r,�:?,�. .�,_� __�r�.�.a�..��,..��,. .�,.�,...� ' � March 29, 1980 � We, the undersigned residents, as neighbors to 17�9 Selby Avenue, City of St. Paul, Minnesota, object to the- location �f the Yellow Cab business at this site. � 24-hour taxi=cab dispatching operation at 1759 Selby is not harmonious with the sur�ounding �re�. Such a business in a primarily residential area raises concerns over personal safety, gar;ting problems, increased traffic flow, an� noise and air pollution, plus has a general dete�riora�ing effect on the neirhborhood. , We request that the Board of Zonina Ap�eals reverse the Zoning Administrator' s opinion that the cab business is a pprmissable "similar use", and thereby rule that a 24-hour t�i-cab dispatching operation is not allowable at 1759 Selby. Name Acldress Phone �g � ��so - �9� �9 3 � . � � S-�/ � �o � .�� 6 �`.-���� �i . ��f; � - �� �Z � � ,�..� , _ 73 �' � ��-- �� � i � 5 ' G���� 7� ,�. � ' � � _ � , � � 7�° -� r , a . �c����,�,r. � � � -Z. � � � � "' `� ° 0 7 �� � � -�" � �I�c�- � ca � 78" � � � / w �' �' �f� C..' �,"Cf 3 fi;, _.. _. _, ,__�... _ ._ _____ ' - - , , _ �.� ,.�.....-._-_:� _ .�._-_. _ . . _____ __ �._,�, . .h�„n--,�.....-...� ,�.,,�r.,..�. ....,k.Y�___.�..-.�.f...,..,�-_....�.,..,..__.�.�.�..�.�.......�- . March 29, 1980 We, the und�rsigiied residents, as nei�hbors to 1759 Selby Avenue, City of St. Paul, Minnesota, object to �thc location of the Yellow Cab business at this site. � 24-hour taxi-cab clispatcning operation at 1759 Selby is not harmonious with the surxounding area. Such a business in a primarily resiclential area r�.ises concerns over personal safety, parking problems, increased traff�_c flow, �nd noise and air pollution, plus �ias a general cleteriorat:ir�g effect on tlle neighborhood. We request that i_he noard of Zoning Appeals re�.re.rse the Zoning Administrator' s opinion that the cab busin�ss is �. pex'n:=ssable "similar use", and thereby rule that a 24-hour ta.�ci-cab dispatching operation is not allowable at 1759 Selby. Name Address Phone � ° � �� � y -yy �� 7� � ,�� � - - .. �D , `� ?�''! � 9 � ''�-� "` �. ,;- �.�, 5 ��;r� �� �: ��� � � � � �` - ' �� -- _:��� �1 S �'.i�-�,�, 17 �� ; -v� �z � . , ���- � 7 7 �" L� - �� g3 - :� i �7S , ; I � �1� � � w ,, � c, gy � S� � � _ 1 � !� �s� ` � lo� - �. g� �-�y� `' ��{! ' `��..a� �7 �,, � � � ! � 3 � I �.. ��-!� - C� ��1 8�' !� 3 - � . °��y�.yP.a (�/�/- 9n z g9 ' _ �1�� \ �,. _ : ..� � _ -- _ . -- . -_-�:_ ., : - = - - u-- - �_ __�. _ __.. _� __._ .� � . � _ ..._,_ , _._._,�.....�,....�.. _ _ . _.. .._ _ _ .��..�....�....� ��..K.�.. . . ._ . _ , , - .� � , _ . . . .__ � ' March 29, 1980 We, the undersigned residents, as neic�Yibors to 1759 Selby Avenue, ` �\ City of St. Paul, Minnesota, object to -the location of !-'r1�� Yellow Cab business at this site. A 24-hour taxi-cab dispatching opF�r.ation at 1759 Selby is not harmonious with �the surrounding area. Such z business in a prim=.rily residential area raises concerns over personal safety, parking problems, increased traffic flow, and noise and air pollution, plus has a general deteriorating effect on tize neighborhood. We request that the Board of Zoning 1lppeals reverse the Zoning Ad�inistrator' s opinion that the cab busir�ess is a permissabl.e "similar use", znd thc.reLy ru:Lc� t_t,a.t� �:� 24-h�ur L-a::i-cab dis�atching operation is not allowai�le a�t :(.759 Se1Uy. Name Address Phone ' �� �� '� U � � .� i - _,��3� ��! �z � 6. _s -y�.: . �n � -^ 1 � / , __ �Z ���: . � �:/C1-';� ���,�{�%t`�:�t� l �.�,ni=� [ � -��t: .�.1'�.., � l:..j��lc.`.�-�''-�,:_� /�l . `i L r . �3 �_ . '��- � �')„ �. , -'c--�; � ;, , , � � ,,` L C- � _ , . ; ,� / � � �. _� �" i,ti , -� , � =.r � �� ���L/<.•!-;.: ,i i L�2-L'��.v,--�-+;�, ( 7 .�•5...7 /�. C ��'� �.,'-C �- 7 7 ` L.' ` r S �l5 �;�� - �.�. "l� � 1-„�►ztit-� I '7 �--� �,<:,�,�,�i� (,����i- c� z. 7_3 �� ` � :�- � 7 �'`� ',C.� �1..� �`��-���1 q� � ���2�� ��% ( �/7. U�� I 0 , _ ' ' i' ' c L a,�, � 1� , - \ � '.:. . .. . ---- . . . �,,."-, _ ._ _.. . _.__ __ _-- _. .,_�, .. ._._� . �_ .-._ . M.,e..�,.. � � Nlarch 29, 19$0 We, the undersignecl residents, as neighbors to 1759 Selby Avenue, City of St. Paul, Minnesota, object �to the locz�tion of the Yellow Cab business at this si�tc. �1 2��-hour tali-cab clisgatching ��peration at 1759 �e1by is not h�rn,onious ���i�h tl-�e surroundizlg ar�a. Such. a business in a primarily residential ar��a raises conc�rns over personal safety, parkinc� x�robl�ms, increased trarfic tl.ow, and noise and air pollut�on, plus has � gen.eral deteriorating effect or. the neighborhood. ;�e request t:nat the Board of �onir�g �ppeal:� reverse the Zoning Adm�nis trator' s opinion that the c�b busiriess is a perm:ssai�le "sim:i�a.r use", arid thE�rek�y rule �tY�zt � ?�-hour taxi-cab dispatching operat�on- is not al�_owable at ��759 Se�by. Z�dd res s �'hone Name . _ . , F. ,� � y �� ' , � � ' � "" i � `� " , , , -7 �`,�. �op ► / �� �' � -C-C_j,� � . , � L- �C� � i-4 , �.2�,�,c� � �` � � � '' � � 7 � � r? ��C. i:, � �l �r" — ; , ; ,� ' 103 f�'`.; �. ;�, _ �i� � .l�, �S��� ._ � � � = :�"/,: . , : ,� , �._ � .�- -�.� , � � �- ��:,�_ ,��. . „ 1 D`f ;�� ' � � �,�.� .4„ � ^�,_£ t - .Y. ,.. ` ,t _�- ��, f p� ' � �-�.,� �D �C �, � `l-��...� l�'; � . , �, _ . . ,� �....-,,r �� *- - ~a� .. .�`� ,y � ! ;"�,� �.r"" .,�� F< fl�'wi-tr /p� �t � �,� -�:- ��S �2�{� � , /°g � ____�'� ���-.�B �____. � :.-�_wc'� 29, 1�,.-,,� �,�` � '' .:i �;�i ��'r-�.-.. ...,.�..��I ,... . �,-., ..... - . . ' -.1 ���, �:����C�) v�lr.tieJ .-_ ., � ..-.. ' .�,,. = � :� � � _. _..._ , �-. _ ... . . . , . , , . , �.1 - _.'. � ..... _.. . � ..-� _.� - . . _ ] . �' . . , . � �. - i'�� �� t `_ -_ . .��;�'..� . � ; ._ ..!:?r_ .,i.., ...... ,..,�.- ... .. . : _: � .._ _ `���'; " -�-}� .� '���.�� ���T L.�i� ,�..- '� ) - , _ __ . '._) f. _ Y -' -- ,,:-.�•,• - ' <. 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April 7, 1980 Board of Zonin� Appeals 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sirs: As a neighbor to the new Yellow Cab Business site at 1759 Selby Avenue, I would like to voice my strong objection to its presents there. The use of that site, as a twenty-four hourdispatching area is not a use which is harmonious with the adjacent neighborhood, and brings : excess traffic , to the eara. The facility has inadequate off street parking available and is, among other things, a hazordous eye sore which greatly depreciates the aesthetic value of the neighborhood. Sincerely, � � � �r; � ���, �c��.'., ,� �e.�-�� ,�ti� , Diane E.Flynn � 1750 DaXton St. Paul, Minn. 55104 ��,;in� ���� ��K.�r JZ�/��`�` fy"�/'z.�!J �, l 7��✓ (�7�% �--���'� . J�r��'/p /.:;'�l:!� _: ����� i 1 ' ; � � `� ' _ ��� �R� ��i�r�� _ . .__. . � . _ �� �r vt �� � � � �� ��G�,% �vY► r �i� IS (�lU�" _ , � ,���.`� ^ � ���'i 7�'l'� CFB Ci;�; PFiTL� 8us//'✓r��, (iv�?SC/i __ �FS R��c�-��f-� d�-- ���' � ���'�l/J� �%!� oJ2 � 9 {� � ' � � � � � f �� ,�vs�Z/'�1� /�/�� � � �� h�JO . � Ff�� �?��'i/✓S � � � C�F��: ;��f� Z/'✓ o�R �4!=�i �����.��� �RF�o %��- c�� , y f��-� �;��� �al�a���-- o-�-�' s����--� P��e�r�� �'�%�� _ ; �;G,�� Zs �'��1/��:� �'F�� �Fi�°K�� i9LG vv�k� �'�"� S'�R��� /�h'f��JG �T ��=r��I C v�T Fo� 7�'� �E�F�� _ _ �'u�{�? 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The cab operation has multiplied the parking problems at Selby and Wheeler, both north and south, and on Dayton. The people who drive the cabs leave their personal cars on the street and so the parking problem is not alleviated at any time during a 24-hour pericd. There is constant traffic -- adding to the pollution and noise problems. The area is basically residential and the safety ot the children is of concern to all parents. We trust that the Zoning Board of Appeals will listen to the residents and that we will not be as unsuccessful as in the attempt to block the rezoning at 1600 Iglehart where the City Council allowed Cooperative Platinq to expand its business and compound the pollution problems already evident in that area. Home owners must have a say in what changes are being made to their neighborhood and we need to know before the fact, not after: Very truly yours � �� ���� � � Lois H. Hansen ` ", / ;, � � �.z.,,�G-�.-.- �'�'��:L.�':�;2:..� � L �-�- � Margar t E. Wipperman� Forme�Resident Member Merriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services Board of Directors cc: Mayor George Latimer . � � ���,��� � . , � - � � .��� ..._ : ..�l � �,{�: _ ....-= !c:Z.r.�..'`-, .r�iL�- ' .�* ���. ` �'�� � ,� y �4� ,�� 1 t.�.����. ��^ _ = ��''-.��-�=.''`- j<��', >' r ` � ,:--- , . �.-��� L�.;�,-�:L�->-� '- �c� ��,�L:=��1'���- � v � ,r/ ; � - %' ."t./v . '7:.��.,,.;— L ��-' ,�LG�%l�-1-do L�K- t�--r�G-� �.r.--��u.�.� . . _ � �' 7 L�7�' �;e� �'> ��%'.z�,��. .!-�''��T < � , .� f� � � �, ` `r , / • �... , �ij.VL-C� L�t��' ..%���,--�, �.�G'% =�`% �� 7`�'� �'�'' �J , ;.��?`�o .�-'F' '.'-Ct,�-u-Lt""^�-f`., - . � r ._. ,� C�Z � �.y CZ j14�- [. G� ,, fisl�..� 4%.z� , , 'a2�-2�fiiZ.l�iY✓ f��' � c�%,-, 7 ��� � /'.1��"�c.a . . . ,�. 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Please be advised that I would like to go on record as being opposed to this zoning change, mainly because of parking facilities. There is virtually no "off street" parking in this area and i feel that Yellow Cab Company would cause too much congestion and too much traffic for the area. Sincerely, ° KI�I:C�Real ty, Inc. � ' i � , �:i����.�:���1_�r� Richard��G:�rner, Presictettt=� RUW/dkn �r_,�" /�.�7 .�P I�� ��. __ _ � MR, and MRS. WILLIAM O'ROURKE 1769 Hague Ave. _ . St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 , _ `► ,��` � � y%�`' r i •� , C�C�������.���c�, �,—�� Il��,-y�,.�, , � , ��L ,�l-'=„'L�-C�'�n� �`,v..�.� `_�! L�..ti ,�; �� l�� � �� � ; � �, �. . ��cL��tiL..�.. � .,:� _�� ��� a�, t� � �c� ,�.� �4-t �y ��,_ � ��1 � _ti .Q�,�� :r �,.�ti , �.�i � ��t.�, ��,�, ,�.� ��ti :- 1 �1,����kiY�v',�v�..�1�' ,� F.; s.�=� �-� � � ���� �(; '�'�. �.�'��U� i a � .� . � �� ^ � ��/�-�'� ,,' �`S'�'y.����-'• L,:�� „'1Y�-� �t.�=1'� , ��.)(� {,. K� %Vi'.,�L � � -_ _�. 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PAUL, MINN. 55104 Telephone 612-646-2618 Telex 29-70?5 April 4, 1980 Chairperson Gladys Morton Zoning Board of Appeals 11th Floor, City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St Paul, Minn. 55102 Subject : 1759 Selby Avenue Yellow Cab Company Dear Ms. Morton: As a small business renting an office at the above address I find the Zoning Commission' s � original decision to allow the Yellow Cab Company to move into the building at 1759 Selby Avenue to be very hard to understand. Since they have moved in there has been nothing but problems with the increase traffic congestion and the unbelievable parking problems. Most days there is no unused parking space on the streets in this area. If there are parking restrictions on apartment buildings why don't you have laws regulating the parking in a principally small, buiness and residential area such as this. I don't believe the numerous vehicles we now find in our neighborhood due to this one company conform to the present zoning restrictions. Since , � % p ;, 1 �,��, � rj�; � George T. Michel GTM:js � � 3 �y�'c� '1 � ; �j � � , ,-, I � I �/:� ��-�'{?;' ��' ,/� � `-- � J %�-l<�L/ ��` C.,z'���'l� ;� �� /;' L�%�, �'"-I :��t4='� /', �� ��,C.L-1. 1 ! � �, � � � '`'1_�t7` `-�� ��� � .T`� �'!-.:�� � � � i� , :_�� , _, �� , .y!�%�, l O�-c.�,� :��%�-r��� � ;, :�/c�.-. i r,, . ; �'�-,`'i i"i �' ` ;�c�"'f`: C; -t- f�,� ,���;-�� , ,���'G�--'—�:� �1 L.� 1 �`"- ! � . ,�._-_,� ' ' J �.(. .�''� f<.. 7C��'�..i .���f c�'' !,? ��L�.t� c.,, _;� L%-��'� �"�'�j�� C�`� L� � ,— ' , r, l% ; � ..,� ' G� "c� �--.c,c�.,'-�; ��-�' / '�� ���CC. �G'�� ��'`�', G�� /'.,'.�,�.- E'}=�:/"....�:: 5 e:% . ',-y� �/�� �:� �-"� ��'fc Cw��- L-'L��=�^ � �r_.� ��'1G�t"�,./?C-' �;�4, ����/G�'� ��� i�f �—'� � � � / �'�-f' ..i�.-C��-'='G"��3,,r.,��^� �.__ �, .�C._ L��,C--Ce-'�'l -�' G.'�'�-" ��, . ���y � : ..� _-( }��-��° �„}'�'.�.r�X�'�.��i �/l;' �i' /�'%l"Y.��''7L f -� ��'"�--C�_ C�- ; , _ ' C.� '� : . 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C�C.i-e., —�, �� C' ^ �.¢��_ �h.�..._ //.�-2_-4--�� �YI.c.-G�r�� Q--�--�.r,� , � t'..�...� �. �—���- l°�., ��.a2. � �c2� � ct�c� Lf�-.:..e.e..�2,�... .�G�a� U ' �-.�-�-�- ��..� �'�, -� � , �.�.; �,�, _,.�,.�� , �.� _�.� ��� �- .� �°�k �� � � a o ��..�..�.�..,, �� � G� �;- � � ..�..u--�..��- �,.., �--�,� f r���.'�.; .f �z�.�¢,_ �.� ' ��.,� ' { ;,, , r K"ar .� � �..�. . ,� `I y`�. �l���n �` �' iR ie`�" �/f� ,p ,� /� v �i� f-"'�%�� , �--�'�-2. �G..�C,�, ♦ '��i /�;� ,�, _ ��. ��.� �°�� E . � � � �_ . ' - ������ April 2 , 1980 Chairperson Gladys Morton Zoning Board of Appeals 25 West 4th Street St . Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms . Morton: I am a mother of a five year old child and a nine year old multiple handicapped child who attend a licensed day care home at the intersection of Dayton and Wheeler. I am writing to you to express my sincere concern regarding the Yellow Cab Dispatch business operating on Selby and Wheeler. I have been bringing my children to this same area for the past year but have noticed an extreme increase in traffic especially the last two months . My children are in day care at 1758 ��.yton and the traffic increase that I have seen in the last tv�o :nonths I fear is an extreme detriment to my child�en and other childrens ' safety . This is an excellent day care home where I feel confiden� my children are receiveing good care and I would be greatly disappointed if this day care home would be closed because of tnis heavy traffic problem. The Yell.ow Cab Dispatching cioes not sPem to be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Sincerely, �� � � � �o..��,�.�-,._ �..j.z`4._ 615 West Geranium St . Paul , P�linnesota 55117 j 7 �� _,��� ���, _ , �. .���� �����d �n�-��,....�z., �._ ss. a . ,� • `� ) � �� ,�j C� �`���� �� � v���;,k�.. s �. ���y 1=Yr-*'.�-�.�� ���a-i'-�',� � J`� �%, �/-z`'1 ����° ,��6'��w�', �-�'� ss-i�y 1� F % �=�-n� `�S G C� � ��-,.�-� s� - Z � 2' K= � � �?t�.. 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' r � � �n�] MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE u ��.fL 6 } 2 - 645-5841 ► � 1754 SELBY AVENUE SAINT PAUL, MINN.55104 spec�o.\t�es�-_ -- April 1, 1980 Chairperson Gladys Morton . ; Zoning Board of Appeals 11th Floor City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St Paul, Minn. 55102 � Subject: 1759 Selby Avenue Zoning File #8609 Zoning File Name: Zenker Dear Ms. Morton: I am the owner of the property on the southeast corner of Selby and Wheeler. The building consists of three business rental spaces plus two apartments. My own business occupies one of the rental spaces. . _ I have off-street parking for six cars - seven if all the drivers cooperate and park with as little waste space as possible. During the winter time the snow is pushed to one end of the lot and the available parking area decreases. There are periods during the day that the lot has insufficient space to handl.e the vehicles of all of the tenants and their employees and some on-street parking is necessary. Until the Yellow Cab Company moved inta 1759 Selby this seldom created any hardship for either ourselves or our neighbors. However, ��hen the cab company moved in the latter part of February the parking situation in this immediate area suddenly became literally "jar�uned" with vehicles - both cabs and vehicles of drivers on duty. This not only robs property owners of parking space that is rightfully theirs but frequent movement of this concentration of vehicles both day and night adds to the pollution and traffic congestion in the immediate area. Though the noise at night has not as yet become a factor my apartment tenants have already expressed concern that this will create a difficult situation for them in the surmnertime when they must have their windows open. Continued. . . . . . . . . . f r Page - 2 - April 1, 2980 This area consists of small business and residential property. As it is one of the older neighborhoods very few of the business properties have room for off-street parking and even some of the resiciential properties have limited off-street parking. Even so, until recently, there was seldom a serious traffic or parking problem. I ain sure you can appreciate that as a building owner with commercial space to rent this is a factor. In fact, this is one of the reasons I purchased the building a few years ago. In an attempt to keep the area from deteriorating neighborhood organizations have encouraged property owners to keep the pre�nises clean and to make necessary investments to upgrade both homes and business properties. The occupant of 1759 Selby and the problems related to their activity is bound to havF a detrimental effect on this immediate arLa that is contrary to the aims of those attempting to prevent this part of Selby Avenue from deteriorating as it has east of Hamline. Not only is this important to me as the owner of commercial property but it is even more important to those who own hornes and reside in the neighborhood. I am amazed and disturbed that the Zoning Coinmissicn failed to give concerned neighbors an opportunity to object prior to allowing the present tenant to occupy this property. The potential for the creation of the problems outlined above should have been obvious if �1.1 information as to the type of occupancy was accurately outlined on the application. Furthermore, it is my understanding t-.ris cab company is at present utilizing on�y on�half �f the licenses available to them and if they can meet certain stipulated conditions and regain the licenses currently under suspension the si.ze of their operation would double. Should this occur the property owners - the tax payers - in this immediate area will be faced with a situaticn that wil.l be absolutely unbearable. I trust the Zoning Commission will thoroughly review the occupancy of 1759 Selby Avenue and in light of the detrimental effect it is having on this i�nediate neighborhood seriously consider revoking the right of this company to conduct business they are at present conducting at this address. Very truly yours, -.� ,-. ,; '�` , �..__._ L, ���' _ ,�.,�-C� Z.� ,1'_yJ.� John C. �gl bretson JS tii' . Y' !'-'� ' /' _ � ��4 ,�� �, ! j;:i{�; ��','.;:�; "�{ .1:a,� , � ' � ,' � �`� � �'� s���,, � , � - /j%' ���1 e-��c--YL t` ; �' : `'1`� CC� .. _ c � .��--'�-t..z-' -' l �� (;' /,' .�r�� :�_ __ .s G ���;.�c.e,, 4 �- �'� C�% ,/�`-G.�-�'-y�..� ��'' ��f.�� i ��" ��.:- +� '' , � ,� . � r>� � , _-�. 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Zenker filed an Appeal for Administrative Review of said approval on March 11 , 1980, in accordance with pr�ovisions of Section 64.203(a) of the St. Paul Legislative Code (application for Administrative Review attached hereto as Exhibit Al; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on April 8, 1980, pursuant to said appeal in accordance w�th the require- ments of Section 64.205(a) of the Legislative Code as substantially reflected in the minutes attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appe��s , base� upon evidence presented at the public hearing determined that the Zonir�� Administrator erred in his judgement to issue the amended Certificate of Qccupancy to Robert Janecek by reason that the matter lies within the jurisdiction `o#' the Planning Commission under Section 62.114 as a Determination of Similar Use action; , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED, by the Saint i�aul Board af Zoning Appeals that the motion to uphold the appeal failed to receive the required four• affirmative votes as stipulated in Section 64.202 of the ��gislative Code, and therefore, the Zoning Administrator's decision to grant tt�e amended Certificate of Occupancy for 1759 Selby is upheld. m oved by Mr. Parrish ___ Decisions of the Board of Zoning Rppeals are final subject to appeal seconded by�W��ds _ _ to the Ci ty Counci 1 wi thi n 30 da,�s by anyone affectecl by tl�e decisian. i n favo r 5 agains� � __ ----1 ������ ' MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, APRIL 8, 1980 PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Summers ; �lessrs. Grais , Kirk, Parrish , Peterson a��d Wood�s of the Board of Zoning Appeals ; P•1r. Jerome Segal , Assistant Ci�y Attorney; his . Lane and P�r. Erickson of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforce�nent; Ms. Beseman and hlr. Jung of the Plannin� Oivision Staff. ASSENT: 0 The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, �hairman. IVAN C. ZENKER (�8609) : An Administrative Review appealing the Zoning Administrator's decision certifying zoning compliance for Yellow Cab operation in a B-3 General Business zone. Mr. Jung shawed slides of the site ar�d reviewed his staff report with a recommen- dation that the Zoning Administrator did not err in his interpretation of the intent of the Ordinance to permit this type of business to operate in a B-3 zone and recommended denial of the Administrative Review. Staff further recomrnended that the Board of Zoning Appeals should recommend, 6y resolution, to City Council that the portion of the propert�r described in the legal description lying .in the RT-1 zone should be changed to a B-3 zane. Sixteen letters were received in opposition from various residents in the area. A letter was received from the Merriam Park Community Council and from the Merriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services stating their support of the appeal . The main points of concer�n appeared to be with the numerous parking problems relating to Yellow Cab, increased traffic in the area and the fact that it is a 24-hour operation in a residential area. Dispatching also seemed to be a problem at this location. The Qistrict 13 Plan identifies ° this particular site as a problem area and shouid be further• studied. Mr. Jung stated that he did not think that a determinatian was ever made as to the exact use of this property at the time the Ordinance was passed. Mr. Segal reported that staff referred to Section 60.402 of the Zoning Ordinance involving errors due to the scale, lack of detaii , or illegibility of the zoning map in regards to the part of �he property that �s zonec! RT-l . The Zoning Code requires that there either be a written application or that the City Council on its own motion following review and recommendation by the 3oard of Zonin�� Appeals may be considered. He felt that what staff was suggesting did not fit with the exact wording of the Ordinance and that if the Board was to follow the recommen- dation of staff, the proper course would be to reeon�rnend tha� the City Council initiate that review on its own and then submit it back to the Board for consideration. He also mentioned there was some canfusion regarding the Zoning Code dealing with appeals in Section 64.203. This section provides that an appeal for Administrative Review may be taken by any person af�ected b,y the decision of the Zoning Administrator within 30 days after this decision has been rendered. Staff points out that there was a letter written by the Zoning Administrator on January 15, 1980. If this is the decision that is being appealed, the 30 days has expired. There was also a letter froni the Zoning Administrator, dated March 7th to the City's Information and Complaint Offic� and if this is the decision that is being appealed, the Board will have to determine whether that letter constitutes a decision of the Zoning Administrator whict� can be reviewed. ,.��=Io. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �;R0` 'a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � ���nt um ,� r un �� u � ,,,� ��� DIVISION OF PLANNING '�,,m ,... 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR �j:������ May 1 , 1980 `��° a '`'`'�"f Rose Mix, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zonin File No. 8609 - Ivan C. Zenker for City Counci Action 7:30 p.m. on May 7, 1980 Dear Madam: This is written in response to the appeal filed by Ivan C. Zenker of a decision b,y the Board of Zoning Appeals affecting property at 1759 Selby Avenue. The property is located at the northwest corner of Selby and l�Jheeler and is lec�ally described as: Except N. 67 feet of Lot 1 and all of Lot 28, Block 3, Skidmore and Cassedy's Addition. This matter was first heard by the Board of Zoning Appeals on April 8, 1980 as an appeal for Administrative Review to a decision by the Zoning Administrator who certified zoning compliance for an auto repair station at this location in a B-3 zone. Applicant contended the Zoning Administrator erred in his inter- pretation of Section 64.101 which authorizes the Zoning Administrator to certify compliance for uses not specifically mentioned in the B-3 zone, that the Planning Commission should have heard the matter as a "Determination of Similar Use" , and that a taxicab business is not similar to an auto repair station. Considerable neighborhood support for the appeal was present with 10 persons giving testimony. Sixteen letters were received by staff plus a letter by the Merriam Park Community Council and from the Merriam Park Neiqhborhood Housing Service all in support of the appeal . Main points of concern were that a taxicab business is not a specified use in a B-3 zone, traffic and parking problems relative to the business, and the fact that the operation is a 24-hour dispatching type business. The Zoning Administrator's position was that taxicab businesses were included as permitted uses in a B-2 zone under the 1975 Ordinance since they were automotive in nature but were not specifically mentioned as permitted uses in the Ordinance. It was not the intent of the 1975 Ordinance to make those existing cab businesses non- conforming uses; hence, any permitted use in a B-2 zone is automatically permitted in a B-3 zone. The motion to uphold the appellant's appeal was made because it was felt the matter should have been determined by the Planning Commission. The vote was 3 to 3 and, thus, the motion to uphold the appeal failed since 4 affirmative votes was not obtained. The Zoning Administrator's decision, therefore, was upheld granting certification of zoning compliance for this property to operate as Yellow Cab Business under an auto repair station. This matter is scheduled to be heard by City Council at 7:30 p.m. on May 7, 1980. Sincerely, �,.dUhQ(rtCQ �• JU.U�KU�. Laurence J. Jung attachments O � - : CITY QF SAftiT �At_,'L ��T, n;�.`., =�'` '•��' OFFICE OF TtiE ClTY CLERK _ � . �, .�; :� �: ��<i����,�� ,_ �. ` ���'�!"i" �� BUREAU O� �ECCaRDS : - - 386 City Half, Saint Paul. �1innF..,;r� �51p2 E•" _x� �_31 GEORGi: L-�TI;�tER '�^.A10R � �r'�6 ° :� fi.���� � April 10, 1980 2+i.r. Bernarrd Carlson Director, Finance & Manaoement Services Room 234, City xali St. Paul, ?�finnesota De ar S i.r: The City Council set a date of hearin; for M,3y 7th, 1930, at 7:3� P.M, in the City Council Cnambers to consider the appea� of Debra Ann and Ivan Zenker to a dec�sion of the Board of Zoning Appeals affectin� prooerty at 1759 Selby Avenue. (X2431) Will you please send notices to property owners as required by law? Very truly yours, �ose ?�!ix City Clerk ABO:la cc : •-'rl�nnin;; S�aff, Zoning S�ction Ti�lisi.^.� & Bld�. Code Enforcemer.t Div�s�on .��� . . / • i/; �' 1 � y f. .v r-: �l =� - /. �,� �, � _�� � ,��,�.;�' /�/�;�. _` t, � 1: �. , . ..% � . � .. . � . �_ ; �. � �..� J /r ��, �'% _ � - � � - �- �� v .� ` — �'° i� , �— —%��'�� — "��-- CZ�,9 .`` -'..Lc -� � �_ ��.' ��� �i_�/' � ' C',� / �r -� � i` ',,..' l��_ �-��w /�f,�_�� , j`--i ;� ,`� �"L� =;; C`j�,,�rt �.� _ � _ __f� � � � � � � � � , , `' ' `� r � ) , , . • / . � .. . , � � it� .. � �r ...�..,� -���C r�`:,✓ :��G`� .� t-L �—�.; l /.:�. -� <- "s'-'— �,�� �/-5� -ti,:..� %� r_i, - � , ✓ y , �� 1� - i! 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' . . ;' : � � : � -� , '_ ,- �/ � _.� � . - -� - — _ �_ ,. , . . 1; :'._.: -. ;: ;_ � .- - / / � _ �. � �._ �;: ., �, ,y � i'_ ,� �J` ! , � . , , � -- .--- . �- _ � . � _ _ . . - -. � �"� � �� ;� l=Y�.f � i' .. � � . _ .L � � �t, i - l � � � �_ �L.. _ " — � .-� � . ._ .' . . , . , • _ � . . /! � ' • . , % '�__ /� . - . � ,. , \ �,�� -� � .�-'� -L Jl=i'�^l._/.r�'.- . . . - - �- . . .,. . . /% . � - _�• � � �" f 1 ! � � cin o� s�r. PAUL �- DEPA6tTMENT tJE FINANCE A�it3 !�,�ANAGE�VIE?+1T SE�VICFS ASSESSMENT DiV�SION � ` 2,18 CITY HALL ST.PAUI,MINNESOU 5i102 April 18, 1980 ( ( File X 2431 Page Zoning File 8609 The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and .Court House (third floor) at 7:30 P.M. on May 7, 1980 on the: Appeal of Debra Ann and Ivan Zenker to a decision of the Board of Zon- ing Appeals affecting property at 1759 Selby Avenue. This property is located on the northwest corner of Selby Avenue and Wheeler Street be- ing legally described as: Except the North 67,.feet, Lot 1 and all of Lot 28, Block 3, Skidmore and Cassedy's Addition. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the Planning Board, Room 1202 City Hall Annex -- 298-4154. WhiZe the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvement Lhat could affect you or your com�unity. Therefore, I siacerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that Zou ca� make your views about it known to the City Cauncil, wnether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER 0 ZONING STAFF P,EPORT 8558 i . APPLICANT: IVAN C. ZENKER DATE OF HEARING 4/8/80 _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . '. CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZOP�IP�G APPEALS Rezoning ❑ Variance ❑ Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review Q Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ Other ❑ LOCATION: 1759 Selby (Northwest corner Selby and tdheeler} . . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Except N. 67' of Lot 1 and a11 of Lat 28, Block 3, Skidmore and Cassedy's Park Addition. . PRESENT ZONING: B-3 and RT-1 ZONING CODE REFEREPJCE: 64.205 . STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE �28/80 BY Laurence J. Junc� ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - .. PURPOSE: This is an Administrative Review of the Zoning Administrator's decision certifying zonina compliance for property at 1759 Selby as an auto repair station (see attached letter dated January 15, 1980) . Appellant contends that the Zoning Administrator erred in his interpretation of Section 64.101 which authorizes the Zoning Administrator to certify zoning compliance for uses not specifica�Ty mentioned in the B-3 zone; that the matter should have been reviewed by the Planning Commission under the "Determination of Similar Use" section; and, that the Zoning Administrator erred in certifying a taxi cab operation as an auto repair station. B. ZONING HISTORY: The Planning Commission, on December 28, 1979, denied a request for a proposed reuse of this property under the "Determination of Similar Use" section. The proposed use, to assemble glass doors, fireplace heaters and free-standing firepiaces, was requested by Heat-N-Glo on the basis that it was similar to the manufacturing of small precision goods such as dental , surgical , or aptical qoods, or electronic assemblies. The Planning Commission found that the proposed use closely resembled u.ses first permitted in the I-1 Industrial Zone dealing with fabrication or assem6ling af steel products. C. FRONTAGE & AREA: This rectangular site has 53 ft. frontage on Selby Avenue and 170 ft. rontage on Wheeler for a total area of approximately 9,010 sq. ft. �. SITE & AREA CONDITIONS: The site is occupied b,y an older, single-story, brick, commercial structure occupying neG�,ly the entire parcel . �rom the lard use map, there appears to be a narrow vacant space along the rear lot line that has been used for head-in parking for one or two vehicles. Al1 windows have long since been boarded. There are two large doors off Wheeler for vehicular access into the buildino. The only other access is via the front door on Selby. Peripheral land uses include: an unfenced fam�ly day care business in the two-family residence directly north and other residential uses aiong Dayton to the east and west; a single family structure on the west, and a mix of residential and commercial uses to the east, south and west fronting on Selby. There is no alley access on the block. A 7-unit apartment building is situated directly east across Wheeler in the B-3 zone. _ . APPEAL FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW: Section 64.205(a} empowers the Board of Zaning Appeals ' to ear and decide appea s w ere it is alleged by the appellant that there is an errar in any order, requirement, permit, decision, or refusal made by the Zoning Administrator and any other administrative official in carrying out or enforcing any provisions of this Ordinance or that there is an error in any fact or pracedure in any order, requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by the Planning Commission in carrying out or enforcing any provisions af this Ordinance." The appellant alleges that the Zoning Administrator erred in his interpreta��on of the intent of Section 64.101 authorizing the Zoning Administrator to certify zoning cQm- pliance for uses not specifically mentioned as permitted uses. The appellant further alleges that the certificate of occupancy issued for the property at 1759 Selby is not in fact for an auto repair station, a use permitted in the B-3 zone, and that the matter should have originally been filed with the Planning Commission to be heard under the orovisions of Section 62.114 "Determination of Similar Use." �iiJDI"'!;a�: 1 . Secti or� 04. �Ol defi nes the duti es ofi the Zoni nE� Admi n i strator as fo i ��„�:a� : " ihe Zoning administrator shall enforce the provisions of this Ordinance and any IVAN C. ZENKER (#8609) PAGE 2 F. FINDINGS CONT'D. amendment thereto and shall have the power to certify zoning compliance, to make inspections of buildings or premises necessary to carry out his duties in the enforcement of this Ordinance. It sha11 be unlawful for the Zoning Administrator to approve any site plans , as required in Section 64.102, or issue any permits for any excavation or construction until he has inspected such plans in detail and found them to conform with this Ordinance" . It further states in part that "the Zoning Administrator shall have no authority to change or to grant variances from the terms of this Ordinance in carrying out his duties as Zoning Administrator. Upon proper application, and a finding of compliance with the terms of this Ordinance by the Zoning Administrator, the Zoning Administrator shall issue the permit applied for." 2. Section 64.104 states that certificates of occupancy as required by the City Legislative Code shall also constitute certification of zoning compliance as required by this Ordinance. 3. The Zoning Administrator, in his letter to Bob Janecek, owner-operator of Yellowbird, Inc. dba Yellow Cab and dated January 15, 1980, stated that an auto repair station was a permitted use at 1759 Selby. Section 60.306 defines those activities permitted under a auto repair station. 4. In reply to a query from the Mayor's Complaint Office, dated March 7, 1980, the Zoning Administrator explains the process used to certify zoning compliance for this building and for the intended use as a taxi cab business. The Zoning Administrator states that staff from his division investigated the property and reasoned that all principal uses permitted and uses permitted subject to special conditions in the OS-1 , B-1 and B-2 are thereby permitted uses in the B-3 zone. 5. The Zoning Administrator also states in his letter to the Mayor's Complaint Office that research was done relative to the intent of the citywide rezoning that was recommended by the Planning Cammission and adopted by City Council in 1975. Taxi cab businesses that were in existence in 1975 at Selb,y near Dale and on Dale and Dayton were placed in the B-2 zone. It was also stated there was no indication or intent ta make 1;hese properties nonconforming uses in the zoning districts established at that time. 6. The Zoning Ordinance empowers the Zoning Administrator to make certain discretionary judgements or interpretations of the Ordinance in terms of permitted uses for zoning compliance. In this instance, the Zoning Administrator applied the principle that if a use is first permitted in a more restrictive zoning district, it is automatically permitted in a less restrictive zoning district. 7. The Ordinance empowers the Planning Commission, under Section 62.114, to make "Determination of Similar Use" when there is uncertainty as to what zoning district a proposed use would fit. In determining the proper use district, applicant must present evidence that the proposed use is similar to other permitted uses in the district applied for. In other words, the burden of proof rests with the applicant to provide sufficient evidence that the proposed use is not dis-similar with other permitted uses . In this instance, there apparently was no conflict with the intent of the Ordinance in the judgement of the Zoning Administrator to permit taxi cab businesses in the B-3 zone since they were judged to be first allowed in the B-2 zone. 8. Zoning staff conducted research relative to how taxi cab businesses are regulated in the City of Minneapolis. It was found that many more uses are listed as permitted uses for the various commercial districts. However, taxi cab businesses are not specifically mentioned. The Minneaplis Zoning Office indicates that such uses wouid be first allowed in the B3C zone (Community Commercial District) 4�if�ich is equiv?lent to th� g-3 zone in ±he City of St. Paul . Of the six known locations , one is in the B3S zone ';�ommunity Service District--equivalent ot the 8-2 zone; , ��ree are in the �3C zone, and two are in the M rManufacturing District) equivalent to the I or Industrial zone in St. Paul . IVAN C. ZENKER (#8609) PAGE 3 F. FINDINGS CONT'D. 9. The building was built in 1911 as a garage, according to Building Department records. More recently it was used as a bakery and then as an auto parts dealer--permitted as a wholesale establishment with no outside storage. 10. Much neiqhborhood opposition has surfaced regarding this property which is itemized in the letter documenting the appeal . Concern over crowded on- street parking, traffic hazards , 24-hour operation, and abuses of various types are mentioned among others. Upon inspection of the premises b,y staff, the following actions on the part of the taxi cab business appear to have been initiated to mitigate these problems. a. A notice has been posted warning drivers to be cautious regarding parking, speeding, loud noises , block h,ydrants and driveways, littering, etc. b. Only 10 to 15 vehicles are to be stationed in the premises of the 35 to 38 licensed cabs. The rest are now taken home by drivers who then stop b,y once a day to pick up trip sheets. c. Presently there are 3 to 4 employees at the site--at least two are part-time. Some personnel do not drive to the site. Future plans call for computerizing certain aspects of the operation thereby eliminating l or 2 positions. d. The Western Union part of the property is an agency operated by Yellow Cab but only functions after the main downtown offlce closes. This agency then operates form 6:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on weekdays. e. Mr. Janecek has expressed interest in attempting to secure angle parking on the Wheeler Street side adjacent to the building. If determined acceptable to the Traffic Engineer and Poli,�e Departments , this would help ease parking problems in the immediate neiqhborhood. f. There is no maintenance of vehicles at the site now nor is there desire to add this function to the property. This aspect is currently being handled at another garage location in a B-3 zone. a. No radio tower is �lanned to be added to the building for two-way radio. dispatching. This facility is at another location. h. The capacity of the $,000 sq. ft. building can accommodate up to about 37 vehicles. All vehicles when not in use are to be stored totally within the building. . 11 . Dispatching of vehicles from the premises seems• to be a problem with the neighborhood. The Zoning Administrator has determined this to be an "Accessory Use" which is incidental to the permitted use as an auto repair station, (or taxi cab business) . The question of whether or not this is a permitted accessory use appears to be a moot point since any private vehicle may have a CB set up or a two-way phone as an adjunct to their primary function for travel . 12. The taxi cab business , as indicated above, also is an agency doing other related business. The owner has indicated that parcel deTivery and other similar delivery services are performed. Parcel delivery is a specified permitted use in the B-3 zone. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: After considering above findings an� the fact that a taxi ca bus�ness is primarily automotive in nature, which is clearly allowed as a principal permitted use in a B-3 zone, and the fact that the 1975 rezoning of the City allowed existing cab businesses as not nonconforming uses in a B-2 zone, staff finds that the Zoning Administrator did nat err in his interpretation of the intent of the Ordinance to permit this type of business to ope�•ate in a 6-3 zone. Staff recommends denial of the Administrative Review. � H. u`�-"��:���' CONS?DERATIONS: � ; , ii�is p��operty has split zoning; the portion fronting on. Se1by is zoned B-3 ti��hile tne rear portion extends 53 feet narth from the mid-point of the block IVAN C. ZENKER (#8609) PAGE 4 H. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS CONT'D. into the RT-1 zone. This was a carry over from the 1922 Zoning Ordinance which also showed "Commercial " zoning up to mid-block and "B" Residence beyond. 2. This discrepancy in zoning may be handled in two ways : a. Under Nonconforming Use (Section 62.102(e)(3) ; or b. Under Section 60.402(f) permitting the Board of Zoning Appeals to make recommendation to City Council regarding zoning boundary conflictions. 3. No determinati��� can be made, based on building permit data, if the rear portion of the building was part of the original construction or was added after 1911 . In any case, it appears this portion of the building is at least 25 years old. 4. Section 64.206 empowers the Board of Zoning Appeals to modify orders , requirements , decisions or determinations appealed from and to make such order, requirement, decision or determination as ought to be made. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on numbers 2 through 4 above, the Board of Zoning Appeals should recommend, by resolution, to the City Council that .the portion of the parcel , described in the legal description above, lying in the RT-1 zone be changed to B-3 zoning. iA� �'� �R �� E t'` -. �ER��A PAR�4 :�, CC������"��f CC���I�1�., �r��. � � 645-0349 • WILDER AT SAINT ANTHOiVY . SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55104 8F �� 'TE.R P�A�� April 4, 1980 � f�1ember.s of the Board of Zoning Appeals 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File No. 8609 Zoning File Name: Zenker uear Cornmictee i°iem�ers: The h1erriam Park Community Gouncil has been informed on the present condition Yellow Cab Company poses to the residents surrounding 1759 Selby Avenue. I would like to reiterate the Council's support for the neighbors in areas of: 1) The numerous parking problems Yellow Cab creates - not only in lacking � parking spaces for its employees' cars, but also cab cars constantly parking in front of fire hydrants, bus shelters, and driveways. The cars cause an increase in traffic in an area where many young children play especially near the Licensed Day .Care Home directly behind the building. 2) That the Yellow Cab is a 24 fiour operation in a residential area. Resi- dents have stated that very late at night Yellow Cab cars create an enormous amount of noise and disturbance. 3) Nowhere does it state in the Zoning Ordinance text that a taxi cab oper- ation is allowed in a B-3 area. 4) That auto dispatching is Yellow Cab's main use, not an accessory use. 5) That the District 13 plans state that the Yellow Cab building business is incompatible with the housing and can affectDayton, Hague and Selby Avenues i.at tne time the plan was approved (1-ebruary 1978) the building was used as a motor craft warehouse) . The f�lerriam Park Community Council unanimously passed this motion at their Piarch 26th meeting: We, the members of the Merriam Park Community Council strongly support the residents in their request for an administrative review of the certification for occupancy of the Yellov Cab Company, 1759 Selby Avenue. � I!e hope that the Board votes in favor of the residents in this matter to request the administrative review of the situation. Sinc,erely,, � ' , i u�,�, Liz Kee�eJ C Community Organizer f�lerriam Park Community Co�ncil t _ _ _._._ _._____. � . ;+�,X,::; .:w�•'.: . _ ._ ...____ . __ ____w._.�...�,._ ._... . . .___:�..:�_..._ _._....._�.�.u:,,..... .. � ,.�.._.. ..; _ . _ ....�,..:. .. � : �`��--4 ��� ' �-- ,,,- , �_ '� '�"��`�„s �C p'r���^ .�O, , C �A � �:rF C ° ��' ��(�� i' �.��' ��4C ' 1� ��'�_�_��__�� � `���� .�� �_�_--� ������� ���� ������������ 612-645-9I64 �+ , - ������� ��a���C��is)� ��"�, � ,J . , � , y.- _ V „ ._ 1589 Selby Ave., St. Paul, :l�In. 55104 ;:,� _ � - _ ,—; , . . ,. , ,,. , ..• - - � '.; =' � April 4, 1980 .., : . �- • Y . ,, ��� s+ , �i � �` '+ • -. �,�;r TO THE l�MBERS OF THE ST. PAUL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CITY OF ST. PAtTL, MINNESOTA .. _ . The Merriam Park� Nei�hborhood Housing Services, a non-profit, privately financed partnership of residents, lenders and government representatives, is an organization whose purpose is.to aid in.�the revitalizaeion of the Merriam Park area of St. Faul. A major impediment.:to these efforts is when the Zoning Ordinance is interpreted ia such a way as to allow a business based on autanobile usage to be located in a primarily residPntial area,_ thus:disrupting the neighborhood is various ways. � _..,,: .,. ,. _�,_;> . ._ Such a situation,has occurred�at 1759 Selby Avenue, with the recent move of the " � Yellow Cab taxi business. The use of this location grimarily as a dispatching sight, not an auto-repair station, has significantly increased the area's parking problems, traffic flow, noise and air pollution. Residents are concerned about the detrimental effect this 24-hour business has on their personal safety and on the revital.ized rt nature of their. neighborhood. � - : , : x , �.:,. : ..._�. _, .. .A�4 +r t,s y. � . �„ Neighbors are appealing to �the�Board of Zoning Appeals, challenging the Zoning Ad- r '.: ministrator's opinion� that'this :taxi-cab business is "a "similar use" in a B-3 zane - and is therefore permissable at' this location. - - -.. - . ,., . �. - The Merriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services board of directors voted at their March 18th meeting, to-join, the Mezriam Park Cvrc�munity Couacil in supporting the residents appeal arguing that the Ye11ow Cab 24-hour dispatching operation shou}:d " ` not be an allowable use at the 1759 Selby Avenue location. Respectfully submitted, - � � < . -., : . .v' � � �����_ Carl E. Peterson _ _.___ �..,. - _ _ , President, Board of Directors ` . � . Merriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. -� , :,; ,; � , �. . a .: ._��. �.;. ..� :. ,, _ _�_._� _ _ ;-�. . -. -. , f. � _ ,_ � _ ,, ,� _- � , � _- � . , . _ , �, ,., ., , CP/kr _,_ _ � : _ ,� -- N};� - � -� 4;, _ --_ - - , - - - t� - �� . - ' `_ '� ' i (_.: . . . _ . . : . `,� i-. '_ )r; _ 4t.�_ �. � . � . .. .....�=.r.� . _,:. . .� � ..'�.. . .. -.. . .. . . -.:. . . . _�....,.. .; ..'. .:. . . . . . . - �0 . . . . . . , � .. . i .:. , . . . ., . . . _..... ..:..�.w.r+w ' .^ .. �� ..._� ,�.� ,s ' a�y.n� '�.4 '. . � ... � �...- 1-- - � . . F..._ ... ... . __.i w.... p-' .. � . y_..�� '"__ " . .. � r_ -. ..::. " •'� ��. [ �!"f 1 �' . „ __ . ._ � •---� .... ... .-_ 4fk3.�. �. ..� �. «�. , . . " - . s .. . . . . . :.'.�. . '. .. -. ... . _,.".. -. . . .... . . .. .i g. �... . �. . � .�� , �:� . , ." ._.. - _ . .-: � . . ' �.� . . . . . . . . . . _ :.. °`. .. .:'r..a' . . �:: . . •' r.+u.in,.�..: .._ . -:�_ _._ .._�. :.. . .._.__ .. .:.. :. T . � .� . . . . . . . . � . ... .. R.: . . .. -. . . . ::� -_�.. - ^ ' "��-- . � . '�- �c°'��"� ,' . . . ';Oa''iT �_ ! o��/ �y��Tu� �=°-- CITY OF SA1NT PAUL r i� a � , : 4 RT 7 r�'_ =o �:: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNlNG AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ����� ,� �� ,�������� �-- ' -- DIVi510N OF PL?±NNtIVG ��e��'`` 25 West fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesnta, 551Q1 GEORGE LATIMER � 612-298-4�i1 MAYOR ������� March 20, 1980 Robert Janecek Yellow Cab Co. 1759 Selby Ave. St. Paul , MN. 55104 Dear Mr. Janecek: This is to inform you that an appea�l for Administrative Review, signed by Ivan C. Zenker of 1758 Dayton , on behalf of a group of Merriam Park residents, was filed at the Zoning Administrator's office on March 11 , 1980. A public hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals is scheduled for April 8, 1980 to consider whether the Zoning Administrator erred in his decision to approve as a permitted use the Yellow Cab business you own and operate at 1759 Selby Avenue. Please be advised that I am the staff person handling this case (Zoning File �8609� , I will , undoubtedly, be calling you in the next few days to obtain more information about the operation of your business in preparation for the hearing. Sincerely, , � :����✓�l.� '�f � � Laurence J . Jung City Planner Zoning Office �JJ/cc _ ����T* �: .. �iT� �� s�t�v�r ��u� :.• . ' 4 7 �'. =; s'� ;; DEP,�ZTMfi�T OF CC3MMt�N(TY ��l?VICE� >'� ,��ii i t;!u �: � ;n�����.�1�, „ � `�' = DlVISION OF �-!C`US!yG .AND BUI�DIN(; C(7DE E`�FURt:Eti1ENT '�, ,... ' ,. . 4�5('�ty H:�.1, St. Pau{, At:�nc,c;a SS'.C3 GEORGE l^iIt,1ER 61:-:9$--�21"1 MAYOR Febniary 29, i9ao Yel?�t; i,r;b 1;�9 S��by Ave. St. I'a-i1, I;� 55104 Re: Certificate of Oa�icy I?59 Yellvw Cab Garage De�r Sir: In connection with the required ann�sal renewal of th� Certificate ef Occupancy on the above men�tioned building , our inspecto„ reparts th� following items that are to be corrected: 1. Provide aciec�uate stYUCtural support d�r tirst floor jois� in S.Zti'. cQrr.cr. 2. Pro��ide ventilation far toilet roor�s. 3. First floor �oist in sout''u�rest s�ct{an; prov3cla strin�er s��rt. 4. :lo�rs shQUld drain to exist;ng ir!�:� z��aJte tra;�. 5. Clean out inf�a.�:�abl� waste �p sa it functions p�rorerlv, Alth�augh ���L���t�#���'��bf Occupancy wi11 be *��^�-•r�� far one year ccr^.�nen�in� , the preceding i+0�:�s are ta be c�r�ecteci W�-t;��ri a reas�nai�ie iength c.� time to brin� �::e buil.c?^� �nto cc�gl<<te com���ance . Pleas� affix the �nc���ed �urnr,ed �t�:r� en ���r �resent Ce��ificate of Occupancy. , We will reinspect thi3 buiJ.din� one year from this �ate and at t�tat time , we will expe�t to find these items corrected. Your truly , / �• • Glenn A. Erickson Supervisor o` Code Enforcemer.t , �AE:GLK: jr _ y a_„�`a'�°� ClTY OF SAlNT r���:. � ���� DlVISION 0� HOUSIN� Ail�7 �ii1IL�lPI�a CO�i �NF�S�.iP�tEPiT . . ���"�� I����' � ���:���'�.�"-���"� . �._ . .. _ _ __ __. This is to certify that the struct;;r� I - �Ca1°d Ofl LC� ��J• _..____._ ��o c k tv o. '"_ _ A u d�t i o n �___.s...w_- ��__.___-- --__ ��:,perty Zoned ---.i is class�f;�� �s �.eg�i — s"�gsi r�e;n-c�_�forr::::rg �s to zoning ana the following occupcncy is h�•reoy cu!hcr:_e:': . . , 4.::11 �.. ._..i _.�_ ._ _..._.__'_"__.___�_..__.__.._.r.,"'___�'_.-_...._ - _.__ �....: :'.. . 19 �:�,; B y -----------------_ ___--------- ----__ : ,-� ��:,:t � , 19 -� BUILGING 0�FiCIAL k �_���JirJ� a,Uhl�i;iSTt�:AI�O�C . ��=:*:GN CATE THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE POSTED AND PER+�AI�ENTLY MAfNTAtNED AND !r: A CONS?ICUOUS P�kC� AT 0� CLOSE TO THE ENTRANCE OF TME BUILDING REF�=:REO TO As30vE. ', ������ I�2arch 11, 1980 Glenn Erickson Zoning Administrator 445 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Erickson : As an affected party by the recent location of the Yellow Cab Company, owned by Robert Janecex , at 175y Selby Avenue, we the undersigned request an administra- tive review of your interpretation, as Zoning Administra- tor, that a taxi-cab dispatch operation is a 'simiiar use' in this B-3 zone. Enclosed is a copy of the March 7 , 1980 opinion to which we are referring. Enclosed you will find the required $50 Zoning ' Board of Appeals filing fee. Sincerely, � ���^ iL�+.i �,, ��,F�� . . ��� ct.l,2 G'`�a.. �7 r��- .�-��uE�h.� Ivan and Deb ZenKer 1758 Dayton Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Enclosures ''��r R` e 1� �, �r7 �7 � C�' _'��--Mli--"rT �9 Ci,,�> . ':;; � �'t...j � . .�..:. .___.._.._-._._.--------...�-- l�� 1�vf ���, ;r�,-,;,. ��� CITY Of= SAfN�T PAl!(. , �=_,,4`'-:.�::'r-��, UEPAkTMC!�i T CF L��,+I�,il,'NlTY SER1�'ILES � � D1�,iSIC�:; ��F H(JUS!�tG ANU i?U�! �ItiG CUDE EtiFOkCt:ME`�i �:rc,r�r !.�rimcr . t_irr H�U S.�in� Pa,;l,Minr c.;�t.: SS10Z M�y�.r 612 PiA�d'1T[ ,!-�r�;l.:�'�' � `i� �( . . )�I,'� �3�'�� .itlile'Cri: �:`.i�; S��l�y �vei�ur �:iint Pc�ul , Minnc:,r•ta 551�).' �:c : 1159 5�Iby .1����uu�, '�e�,r "tr. _!:�n����ek: �i(Il' abnvc• F,ro��ert�' i.`. �(i��1Ll'l� lll �l• R� � (i� l.`,►11� St� l .'.�.��ij��.• i �, � � C�fl i;ir eCC:I�'�ir.(j 'lUfl�ll�:' :i,.11t, . . �; :CY7.'L 615 ti.,i�'v.,.t �1l1 .lUCO repair StidC Li�i) !ti i! �),•YOI1CCt'�� Utit'. ��l : f}—,3 i:vlli.'. �'� ;� ;�;,� Ili] .'. i�• � i ��f� an ���t�� re�»ir sratii��� lr�n;; t1�e Sr , 1 � <<;, l ,'.��nir�� UC.�;inan<•F� i :• as f•.�Il���.:s: ��t� I�i.acE, where th�r full��wink� s.�rvi�•es i,ay he �ar�ric��; �,:it : vc:��,:�ral e�i,ec� repair, ei:�,in;� rcrbuilJin�;, r�biiiidir:�; or r��� ����.±ii ic;ninr ��f (i1��C(.��• VE:IIli'IE'S� l'�1 � � iSl/�il 5l'TVlI'�'� �;i1C�1 :lti h��(j�•� � C%1RIf•. �)Y (i ��r?i.i. '>� r�1k;f1�i'[1111�.; .!liC� Ii'�>7lI'� ��V�•(,i� � ���lLlliiflt, :�[l(� UI!(:�_ 1'�'t� �7 :i1,� ���� � ;1!�co:nuhiles. ':'i�r• tialc� u► e�irii��• fue�l� n�ay ��r ma�� ❑��; � .;,: he �:rri�d �n. " . :�ho,ilrl ��c,u i�r3v�. Eurt 'r�f,r yu�>s � ' , t i;�n:,, ,� . i�-.r n�.,�.:t tf�is r� .+ i, t�. •>�.�:`F� t,lv, , . f1 ' � �: � �_ , . . , . , ',. �r� • -/��--C. .., ,._ _ .• ,:c•::;t ��. Eri��ktion !��=+�inK rldministrati�r �:+�i wI./eh c�: Ac!drtss F'lle :1t t:���hment ""' ' ro a -- _ _ t � `.K'___ `�a � -• � . .. � �:� ��1.._ i � � . ., _' � . . .�„�, � i �.����: c i i r� c�t tinirv i i�n��i � ' IN I t KI)t I';�k I�'�1l.N Il�I MLMUIZANUUM �1:��..1� 7, 1�)�U , '1'U: lii l l l��rnull � n�yor��5 Cu�n��laint UIF� e � , Fl�: G7crui F.ricksal ��" �"��'� Zonin� Acimirii�ti•atc ft1:: Clarilicat iun ul ��i�uce5ses utic�l in C:ltt't1�1C�lt1UR uf 1759 5clby llvenue ��� cxpl�u�ation of tl�e f,i•cx.es5e5 leacliii� tu certiryitig t}ie building at 1759 Selby rnay be in order. �ri�inally, this proeess was certifyirig tlie builcling for cor�pli�ulce with ��• ��luirements of the builaing cocle only. Since 1�75, which was the date of the new Lti�;� � .�o Ordinance, it has also been usc�i tc� inclicate the zoning statu5 of the building under certification. in the building cocle i��atter, since t}ie "use group" £or the Yellow Cab Comgany is the sa�ne fur buildii►g cocle purpose� as t}ie "use grou}�" wider the previocu owner, the issuance of the certificate indicating structural s�xitability, the exit facilities,� sv�itation facilities, etc. , shoulcl not be an issue in this case. An inspection was � made and some very mi��or corrections have been askea for and tliey will be provided, hut esentially, the building was certified for a B-2 builciino code occupancy before, and ttiis certification coritiriue� for /113-2 builcling code occupancy group. . Ttie zoJiin� status of ttii� ��rop�rty was investi�ated by t}lt staff of this Divisioii. Esser�tiall�, our F111CIlI1bS ai•e this: 60. 502 oL th�; Zoning Code defines "Principal Us�� Permitted." 'Iliese are all tl�o5e prcviot451y allowed, or allowed imder "Special Co►idition�'•' in OS-1, 13-1, ari�l 13-2 llistricts, a�i�l 8 definecl allowable wes, plus the stur�dard zoniri� rcf��rcncc to ot.hc�r tises sinul�lr to t}le al�ove u�e. �i.��;,��1 i��► tlic: iiives t i t�at i ui�, i t i� �i��l�;�r�>>t th�it t}le Yt�l.low C;ii� operation is not si�;ni- fi�antl�• a �liffer��nt ii�,�� th.iu thc -,1,���iCi���1 u_,�5 <�( jrir�el ciclivety, ja,ii.torial service, autu rc�,iir statiun, u;ccl c-ar �,�1��5ruo,n, htas pu�s��n�c:r 5tatiu�i, et�. You ��lso t�a.i��: thc� i �,suc ut ttic� �li,l�at�hin�; C)OCI'i1t1U11. It is niy O��lI11U11 thai: thi.. is illl ��Aece55ocy Use", CUSt.UIT1:11'Ll�/ llll:LCll;llt t0 i]�OVe ��I'ennitted Uses.�� I�i addition, I have r�searched ttie zanin� established for tliis owner at his perviaus pla of business at 40U Selby. Subseclilent to liearin�s it► front of ttle Planning Co�nission aricl City Council, ttie 1975 ordirt�n�e establishe�t a B-2 zoriirig for the property formerly occupie�l by this us�:. ------ --_ ---._._.____ _ I ►c•. Z..�_ � n �� r., p �r;. . .`_N..j_.��_`... _._� � _..._.�� 6 rr O � frr��a� i: �til d �}�H�.:�1 LL d '�.�►ae . �il i ; I �rllit'� � � ���„���� h1:1C'l.�l � � ��Ji��) l�i�� � �� i; i�u iii�l�i��:it i�,ii tl�:it it ��a�, th�� iiitriit� tu ucikc�� thi� j�ru��ct�ty ;:i non�unfi�tmiti� u;�� iii il�� ::uniii�; ���;t:il�l i;l����l ;it riiat ti�n��. 'I'I��� ��I�,vi��u5 con��lu�i��n that I woul�! h�i��:� t�, �li��iw Ci�uin tlii � i� tlr.,t� in I'.)75 iT ��;�� tlic iiii��ut of Thu !'l;.uu�inb (:onuuis�ion � �ulci t:ity Co�uicil to E�l.ai�kut tliis u��� ii� cm a B-2 zc�r�c. :1� ��uu at�� awat'�, ��n �a��;riuv��.l ��rr�c�n, aClectcc] by .i cic�i�ion uF the Zotlin� A��iinistrator, inay �il���ea1 for an a�lin i i�i 5 t r•at i vc� �ruv i c�� :a s � 5pe�i f i�.cl i il Se�t i on 6-�. 2U5 of ttie Zoliing Orcl i�iaiice. G.f�.li. :ul� \ ���__..,._.._.----��------_�---- - � �::_ _. ; � .. . .' ' .� Q�!.��.._._ , ' ��'����� '.iarch 17, 19�0 io whom it m��y concern: � �!he fol'o;ring p?.�,es of inforr�: �.ti�n re��.rc:i-!� ��_-� cor_cerns of the zoning of a taxi—car -}i��:_tch business in ��:r i181��1tiJOTilO�J� c•1°T° ?7Llf t0�'<,'2f.�'1°_!' `.l:�}'1 � ., :1.`',�.'.___= Or . la:,ryer. ;le ;iooe rou :rill fi:�d_ this �ore det�.ilen i»�or.:,-�_t� �:� �'o JE.' Of a�sisstance lII }/OL:T 1T1VPS±1�»tl'J21 Oc yt,C:2:i =::..C`'":1• Zesp�ctfully, ; ' � `�'�� -�--•�..,f � �y� � f / , . ,�%c'.l'�� �� ��' �.-�� � � Iv:.n r�n�' �e�a �en'_ter 17�3 L�;,rt�n :tivenue " 3t. Fxsl, :r:innesota 5�lOC� _..�..-----.'.� .�......--�----�_'.Y � _- - _. ..-..r----''�C�.1Z-X-f'"' ,i . - .�.. ..� '} ., ':�:: . ..:� •�• _.. ._.__.. �___---------""° �� .....:�� o� :��L;�,. : .. _S� d_�s � � 1. �he cab ':�usiness is not a snecifi�4. °-3 use. �. �he c�b business is significantly diifere�t �n�� is not si:nilar to s�ecified B-3 uses. 3, ���:�e zonin; administra.tor does not .r_?.ve the capacit� to determine "similar uses." 4, �ihe �onin� adMinistrator erred in find.ing tae dis��tohing operati�.^. �f Yellot•r Cab to be �..n accessory u�e to a �er:�itted 3-3 use. ;. The zoning administrator erred in find.i-.^.L yellow c�b to be an �.ata reoair station. 6. Since the cab business is not a sp�cified �3-3 u�e, it i� subject to special conditions, and it still - ould not qualiry �,s .� �-3 usa. 7. `:elloca C�b's operat ion in a B-3 zone �is in ,clear anc�- irrevo�uble conflict with the intent z.nd. purpose af �he zonin�; 1?c�r. ;. Yello:�r C�.ab is in direct a.nd co�plete violatian of ^oning re�uire— �ents ror off—street p�.rking. , . �'he zoning administrator failer? to consid?r th�t the Pronert� is �-.rtiall.y B-3 zoned :,.r:d n=:rti�.11.y :�T-1 zo:�ed. �nd. t::�:t �he �revi�u�_, u�e .;�s ^. non—confor�ir�� use in z:� '3T-1 d.i�.:�rict. 1:i. ine -:onin� of `lellow Cab is in co^�lete conflic� c-ri ;:� the Jistrict 13 Pla.n. 1?. The ^oninp ad�iinistr?.tor's r�ference ta �or�ing of "Iello;�r �abs` previous location is ir�proper, misl�ac.i�g, nd irrelev�t. 1?. '�ellosa Cab would not be ?.p�ropri�:.t�l.y ^oned ever. in a �—�+ district, cut in �. �-5 or I-1 zone. v _°'.:i� let�er i� :n ref:ren.e to our �-:.n^c.��. �f t�.e .._:i:�� u��ini�tr:.�or' s • i:. : .=:�10: t0 ?U�f10'_'1:'.E Yellor� �2.��� O:C�.I':�:lO:l :t 17JJ ��'�-"�U��• L1��etA '.°1o:r, in ��:tline for�, wre so�e of o�r �=.s�s f�r ap-�e�_:1. _:�is i: not � in=»:i�c. to b� eit^er �n e:�'nausti�re ,�istins� or ^:Ta�u�ti:re e,;;l.�,n�.:io:�. ,?.-��on� �'or ���sal: 1, i�e c�b business is nfl� a s�eci�'ie� B-3 use. P1o;•rhere in the specified uses �of a B-3 �one is -- cab buciness liated. Tne zoning 2d:�ini�trator h�s �one to co�si�er�ble le7gths tc avoid designating Yello:� Cab �.s w cao business. ::e i-�ate.�d. �,��ears to consider it to be 2n auto rep�,ir business with a diso_�cner. 'lhis is 1:2COi 2'?Ct• ilhile no definiti�n is stated, it is a;��ropriate to de�ine ��,e cab bus?ness: :: licensed cor.lmon car:ier operati�n for trans��rting of persons and items throu�h the use of �. fleet of employes-�riven auto- r�ooiles. Ths op�ration of such a busin�ss ineludes: '�irin� and s�aper- vising driver-e:�nloyees, :naintaining �r.d �pzr��in� c�:ic�es oa a twenty- f�ur b�,sis' distribution of vehicles, coll�etion �or" fares� receipt of oTd-°:s 2nd �.is�atca of orders to individual driv�rs, In �he cwse of Y�llo;�r �ab� the business also inv�lves operating a �:lestern linion office. .:ince a cab: business is not a s�eeiiie3 �=3 use, it s��;:ld not be per^�itted. 2. The cab business is significantl.y d.ifferer.t �.nd i� ?^_4'� :31f.R11-',I' �o 5?'3@Clfl.@CZ '�L'—� U.S@S. �ihe ^onzng administrator h�s justiiie� nis c?_etQr�in��ion by S=;%1T1�' ��'T.c?.t ��t'(1@ �t21�.dSJ v3b o�er-yt10:1 IS :10�". ct S1`5'211i1C'w':�i;y G�.lYf�?�2Ti� u�� ';�-.� t%.e s?ecified u�es of � ���xcel delivery, j-�.nitori�l ssrvica, a�.�;o r�:�r.ir st�tion, used c�: salesro�n, bus ��.s:;en;;?r �t:��ion� e�c." '�'hi� in incorrect. in reverse order, Yellow �ab is dissinilar fro�n tae �;.bove uses in t?:? follo:�in� :�ays: y. :jus �assenger stati��n. � :;us passen��r �4 ;i�r. i� a �1�ce whe?^e �-�,se��ers congreoyte to a�frait a bus. yn e:carnple is an i•:TC shelter. �".-'-----------___— ---- �:a .,., � , _ --�---._._...._ + ' __. � , > : ,, . .� .... .; _._.Q�� . __ .._.._.___.,._________,_ ���e 2 _:�e ��T�r�.i�:: o: a bus busines� iti n�+ �. �=�r^it-.ed ..-_ U::: 2nr! Yel?��s ^1; � ^°i�'' i n;iE?^I(il? =? 1)�1:� ��'���F?!1'� i Z C21.1��'. , , , bu�:n.,ss o. - .�,i •ns in no ..�y - ,,�: 3. US2Ci C='.I' s� lesro��n. :f U:BC C?i S�l_^�Z'O`J:'1 13 '."J� �-^'r=?22Ci-t b12t 1'�. .� "�12,C° '-''?°I'@ C32'S ?T? StO='vC. "�:C 301C j0 �`.1�' �U�11C. �.`��ZO[f .:;.tJ o�er��es � fle�t of v�hicles c�n,inu�usl;. _:o ��%:; �1�s �re sold ta �:e nublic. ; use�. car �.^lnsroo� o;-�e��_:��s d�rin� d.a:�±i:�e :�!aus 4..nd. is �ro�ibited by 1�.•:� fron oo°�^� �in.� on �:znd�:l:;. :�'��•r �iTi:J�.O;��Z@3 �re ne�Ged in a used. c�r sal�sr��.^.i ..:^� ^�sul�in�; tr=f-ic �'lo:•- is �e:�erall,;r lo:•�. I:ello:� �ao is not si�il�r to :, used car s�lesr�?�. C. .?uto rea:ir st��ion. __n �.:�o :e��:.ir st •.+i �:� i:- c��fi�ea as �`=� pl�.ce :.�here the follo:�ring JP�V�ces :�a.y� be carried out: �en�r�I �.uto repair� en�;ine rebuildi.ng� rebuildir.� �r rec�r:diti�ning of mQ�or i y..�.- r--� 1.�. _• i vehic2es, collision service, su�:: a:: oo:.�l, � � :_�e, OT' _`'.1G.�� s�,_:.�;�:�e�— ing and repGir; overall ��intin� �.nd 1andaro�wtin� or �uto�abiles. `�'he sale of en�;ine fuels may or �a:� :�ot also be carrieci �n." �he o�e_•.�ti�a of a fleet of ve�iicl�s such aa �el?ow C_�b, is not si:�il3r to z.� �uto repair station =.�rrich acceots venicles fo� ren:ir =:d returns tner.t �. y ' �..-: C G 1 '�,S -r to �he custo�er. an auto repa�r s�-��i�n o���_.._t,,. in �he d�,,�-4ime. '.�ai e . the operation ��f a cab business an�. tiele:?r�.� 'business :-i--fit inaluae the repairing o� equipnen-t used in tae buaine�s,. just a� an�j '��a.siness would need to repair its equipr�ant a.nd venicl.es, theae operwtions wre clearly not the essence or even t!�e nature of tihe c=�b or tela�ram _ business. y Yello�r Cab o�er::tion is :�ot sinil��.r to ��� auto repair statioa. �. JanitoriaZ service. � j�..nitori�l service cZe•:.ns af:ices s.nci buildings. Yello,� Cab in no v��y rese�bles a j�.nitori��l serviee. �. Parcel delivery. Parcel �.eliver�� is � b��sines� ::�rvice to aic'_: i1D a.nd d.eliver '�?C1:a,P�BS. P2.2^C2�. (3.°liver:,� 1S _: C�-�?jt:'"? 5?rVI.C8� 220t �:•1°ri�}T�four :10U.Z'S �u. Cld,�. �Sl"C2�. C�°�.lt'@_^:� r»OE'.S ^0� Z'c�':'�i rn �r J lzcensin� anci is r:ot a dispatch ser�rice. ''eilot�r C�.b is � cit:,—:�ide service to disse::�inate nassen�ers on a tcaent,y—foar :�o_�r b>ais. ��Ilo�r �ab is not similar to parcel delivery. ;'hus Ye11o��r Cab is not si^�ilar to other 3-3 uses ?.rl�. �?�� �oni:25 �.�'.��:^_is�r�.tor erred in his d.ec�sion. , ----------..�.__. _ __ .__.____ _.___..____. . - . . � : - _ ;. $��� � ,3 ___..__------- ___----___ � � _.__-------- -------__,._ �. pa�e 3 _:• 1'!:2 `.'.OI11:I;� c�.4�^.11:1:StT'3�0�` �'�C'S :'i0� ?'i=.J° �.... ��T�::.CI �,-j t0 C_E.'i.?T';:12:1@ •'S.'11�..'�� USZS.'� �ecti�n 62.11� of �he �o�ing Or:'.in�.::ce st�..�ns: "`I'�e P1��r.i::b �o-::~ission shall �e+err�i;�e �f -� use is si�il _r i1 o�%:er u��� p°T`T1'tt@'�. ir. e�ca district." In co.zst^uc�i�n o�' L:n�uc:.;e, sec+.ion b0.300, i� is 5�=?.��CI 2II D011lt �C� t�12,t ni�]2 t40.G�_ ��313�.111 1S ^1�57'.�1i0^:�. . •�� Thus, the :oning �cxminis�r=_t�r co��ld not v=�idly deter�ine t�at t�e O��"_''.�7.071 Of ? C�b business ?�I�.S S7.f,111?: �138 37.RCE' O?21y ��'1@ riznnin� Cor��ission has that authority. � 4. 'the zoning administra�or er:ed in findir;; the di�p2.tchinG o�erztion of Yello:r �ab to be a.n accessor:� use incident to a ��-rr�itted a-3 use. �ven if a cab o�erati.�n ;�rere si^�il�*° tio a, ��rrni�4ec use, ;:�c?� :.1 is c.ot, dis�atchin� is not �n "accessory use." �n ^accessory use�' is defined zs: ": u_e ��r�ic'� is cle:rly incidental to, custom�rily foi:zid in connection :.ith� and. ..locw�ed_ in the s.�me zonin.�s lot �s ��e princiale use to �•rhic'� ii is, rel=ted.." �ispatching c��s is the es:�nce �f t::e cwb ausi�ess. :To ��dern duf �,..� ',:isiness could onerate �e:�ce�t ir. :'e�•� Yo^:c Cii=l) :•,it�o�it i�. On the o�'.z�_r iland� a Zis�atchinb o�er:tion is not i:�cids:�+,uZ to o; even custo;��ril;; use� by a ous passer.ger st�.tion, a j�ni�orial service, a use� c,�r salesr���, an �uto rena�ir station, or even � p_.^cel deliver;� service. 1t is as a.l�surd to c:ll disoato�2in; incident?1 �o j�,.*:2torial service �_s it is to consi�?er tae essa�ce a° ��e cab business to be a_�;o rs�a.ir or �-�.rce1 delivery. Incleed., the*_^e �-.re literall.y hu_^�.rea.: �f �.ato ren-�.ir :t<.:tions �n :�t. F�.ul ?nci dis�atchin� is not cus�omarily incic.a:�t, -;o ta�m. •�h�re �.re but �_ �'e:•� ,_.a ��e_=�:t i �ns =.nd. d.isp�tching is nvJJ�^�i�l �o iae�. i'-ile und���btecily disoa.tc::ing ia �� �ece�sar-,� �a.rt oi �iie c; �a busin�s:;T �!:� �ab �usines� is not a specif�ed �-3 use. Cn tze o�aer 'a�::��_, �is�azc.zin� is in no sense a.�� accessory to �ae �+?.�it�e� :3-3 ;zses +o .r�ich �he zonin� ' , �r�inistr�tor refers. ?in�.11y, dispa+ching does not enco*��ass the full sco�e of r:ellow �a^' s business, as descripe�' �:bove. `�he zoniag a�_ninistrator erred in z.e�/'1,�^inin� thwt t�ie dispatcain� operati�n of 'Lel_ow 'ao is �� :,cces�ory to -. si�ilar permitted 3-3 use. �----------- _ . _ _ _ __ _..____— .•. . -. .� $b� � , . - __ . . ,;_, , _ ___. __._._.______ _ i ��r..� � , �'he ��:i�� �����inis�r::..�r e_ ^e� i:� 'i:c•..n� i::ll�-. � �• t� be �..n �.:to - �_ . .. �;.ir st�.+:o�. ; �. ,-4 ,.,i-„ -:;-.;-�v�,a , i �.. ;z. ' s i:�te:i�:ion to ='h2 :o:��n� :d:�inis� �or ��i,�; . _ „ . - - � c� vf n }, .,, Ty :` �^�-;,,:; �.z� ;�_-�- - ,a �,.11 c�b :;usi�:JJ� 1..�.T?.�c. �11 "C^.�.i;'J re��-_ir �Il.:J1a1'�J�� L J� ... � ._ • ; r:cluding e��lo�re° su�exvi�ion, e��l�:;-ee �r�:_icle tr,.:.s:�==, �'.is?'�chinb, ��? a ;?�ne ��t ��is loc:,.tior,. e:=�ern Union oper-::tions, ��ne�r c�ll^c"�ior., ..-e "� - T"is business is not, as rescribed. ��.�li�r} •,n -uto rer-.ir station, ��d s'�.ou�c_ not be cor.sidered a per�ittery J-3 u`=°• �. 3ince th� c�b busir.ess is :��� a speci��e��. :�-3 u�,e, it is subject to s-�eciul conditions, a.nd it still irould no+, �-�u3lify as a 3-3 ase. ror tae reasons o�atlined above, Ye11o�•� �.�'o is �ot: �1. a specified B-3 use B. similar to a specificd: 3-3 use Ther?fore, in order to oper?te at the �elb.y loc�.�ion, it nust fall �•:ithin a use subject to s�ecial c��:d.itior.se Yelloc•r :;ab is not �ermi�ted ws a B-3 r.rinci:�le u�e su�ject to a�ecial co_�dition�. If �ello�•r ';ab were to be c�nsi�.ere�. � 3-3 --'�z =-�:'o j°ct �� s:�ecz�l conditions, it ��rould n�t cor,tpl.y. Yello�� ::�b, �;�=iiz, i� r.ot �. s?°Cified E-3 nse ever. ��n�e:^ tne speci:�,l con�.itions �ee+io�:. If it c�,ere c�nstrued c` to ^e ^n;� of t?�e uses it coulnRc��a1��, ws ex:al�.in��_ belo�r: :�. ::uto service st�.tion: "'Le �ello:•r t%ab oper:�ion coulo. r.ot rte�t tre ��+ion bee�use +�.°re is �a ��r: i�'.t re�.uirements for �n wuto �°rvice s•�_.-,. buffer area to resic.ential -�ro�ert,-1, ��id no �-:ini^sum lot tre2 -�•it� i .L t`1 � Qri ny t rt � �.��le vet:icle wai�inG :�pwce. (00. 03 �oi�±,, � �>'�d 5�,-�., . Pei._� _ 1 '. C,u�do�r ve'�icle ;�a.l��s: `.'he `te1L�:�: J�=,-a �-�erw�i�n c�u?d n�� be "n �atcioor ve�licle sal��s or re��?1 o�c�.�x-_e i;. �o°a ..ot �Z�,ve ve�_�c��1wr �uCC°S3 S1Xj'.�,� feet f:0'1 ttl@ li:�GBT'S°.^.�'.20:E .:^?2� b�'C�;13@ re�air :�or'� 1S bein� dor.s on tize Iot. (60.�0 �oir_t 'b` ) ;� Ot�:�r o?�tdo�r u�e: �ello;�! C�.b c�uld :��t oe �.�ot��r out�a�r use D2C31Se 11 i-O:1i�11Ct.S !dlt'Cl t�iP Q7`'.T'^�-^,TL Oi O�_°�;i�T'°°y �u.T'_:Iil�� Off� 5�TA°� 1'�a.G_121� c1-21C�. J°�.2.'+i.2'1�.^. ��.OiJ� =lZ.�. I."a 210� �1-,••••�•�:''1�US [1It21 � adJ_:cent uses. (60.�03 -»int '�' / i--------.._._._..___ _ ----- t -� . . , . : . -- - _ -� $�_ ; . � . �= . _ _ _. -- _ ._ ______._.�_� �_^_:�°- j 7• Y�l�O'. ::�.�J� S O�!?:'::t1022 j�'Jll1C. .;OZ ?:�Vq �p_�l -.p:^.��(?. .�_.-._ u� .:'.LS@ 1� i.. 11 _ � �i^'.i 2;1.'�,, liI'?VOC._:J�@ CO_1ZI.iCt, �lt.f? L;�•� j;':tpri}, .�nr, ')'�.. �0::=' O- �^� Z�:11:15 1=_... i�._2 .^,0:21;:i' OT'�ln=nce 1;1 50. _7� � ,:'�E'S itS 1^t2^� _r ' "";•�OSG'. i'lf3 �o�in� of `lello��r Cab is in conflict �:rit^� L'.^ir ;-� _, __;+. �s, -=.a d.efi�ec; �;,eloa: , � :��i�o ?rom�te and to �rotect nublic h��alth� ��.,°�;T, �-!or:1� «.nc'. gener�.l �.��1��re of the co^�^�unity." (poin� ' I' j , �he `1e11o:J Cab oper�tion is detri,�e:�ta.l to t:ze ���:�:�.�ity' s health, safety,. and weli�re: 1� !iS a, tVrenty-fO�ir hoar 0�2�2.�1'Jil� loud VOlC�S� G^.?OiS 31G.W..�?:2t�7 running vehicles' interferes �rith rasieenti=.1 a��ltr� a�z�;. ti�relf�rs by needs of� peace a.nd :7uiet, ��rticul��ril:l in r-�.^1•; rT�^:zi.2� ::����. 2) �1he heavy increase of tr�ffic a_nd :ec'_{less oper�.tion of vehicles interferes ��;ith t;�e safety of the corn�-:unit;�. . 3) ihe par'.�cing of vehicles a� fire �;*dra:.ts, inte�sections znd other ic�per�nissible loc=:.+.ions, d�^�a;es �:� �.�fe�:,r ��d :�.eli�:re of the co��unit�r. 4) lhe ai; qua.lity is c.ir.�inis'�e�. �c�ca�a:,e o� e..ce�:�ive e��sust .�d. as. such hzmpers public ceal�r. 5� Public hea?th is furt?�er injure�. by naise �ollu�iQn. 6� ��.e hazard �f a. fire, as �.errtons�r�t�d 'c,-� �,-�ro fire �2�.r^�s in t�,ro :�e�ks, in+erferes ��rith seif;:�'corhooa. safety. 7� Co;nnunity r�orals nwve been o.'�'end.c� b,y V°?".'.':.�. �':�.r���.�;�e::t b:� compan:� personnel. -�" • i}'r0 G1�JSI�� Z.�� aio�ert�r 121 SllC�l __ Rl_II�.E'i ?..� �O 2'@��_°C; I+i.3 a°Clll.l%.Z' suitabili�y iOZ' b�T'ti.1C11.cT Ut>t�S.�r ��01:1� � _� J "":o ra:7ulate the locati�n, c�_lstruction, recozs�ra�i�on,. z.l��r– �,�1011 ?,:1�. US2 O� tiJLllltl.l;l;.v� SL_T'�1C�'12^c�S =.:lt� �:.riG�.. ' ��Q1:I: � 3� � � "':o orotect all areas of t�te city from �s:r�ful �n:o�w�:ment b;j incom��tible uses." �noint '6' ) As d.iscussed on a fo?lo:�;ir.g �oe, �i;;trict 13 i'l��ning C�u�cil speciric�lly reco��nende� t�1at �r.is bui1�?in:� be r4-:�����c �__:�c? t�at t'ne �:evioas �.aren�use use t•ras so in�o��=�ib1P •.i�'z t':? nei�hbor`����� �hat t�a business s'�ould 'oe reloc�ted. �'he o�e��::ti�n of Iello��r ��.b i� in obvious cor.�ravention to t;�e intent �f ths :,onin; 1�ws. ,--�...__..___.._.._ , a� ..� -`—�'__._..._ y ' � -� .. ,. � '... ' � . ._ . 'w, n /,�� w v ,��.�e b C. "�o iT.sure 3d?-u��te i t �i -..�' �:en; -� " _ i -n , •�ir, �_ �::cf, co:� nce or _ \ _�ccess ,o �rone.�ty." �noiiiZ '4' ; �.j :EZ�^W .c U� 3 1T'itC!'i r?I^i'•:1CC �'.1�'. c".1�'n:.r'- C:'� 'C.@G_ )�,i�':121` �'.t',± -_:1:3� ..'''11CC1 aI'@ _�,].rg,."' ��<iZ ��1"_'T1Ct:i'; �•��_ 'a_'^ �'Zere <^..I'f.' :77 :�.11e;�s in �?�� .a.rea,, interferes ••rit� t?^,� c�:���~i :nce o�' in�ividual ^.ccess to arop?rty. � 2� �@].10�•i �:e.b�S C%.Z'B�.CS'-, p;.'I'r:I:;� .�F V@^:C, °ti �ZO�.:: T�S1C.c::1�S i nCCBSS t0 r.rivec�ra�S :';1G CUStO!'t@S'S ^CCE'-S: �O �O:"�. �0'15121@Sti@S. 3) Yello:•r :::bs re�ul.r1 use of resiC.e��:� �ri-re:�wys ir.terieres :�rith nei�h�orhood priv�.c:�. ll. "To conserve property values." � �oint '5' 1 1) The enro�,c'ament of Yell��:: �:ub u.n� t;e l�.c� �f o�'f—:..treet parkin� for its e�iuipment is a, i:?i:�?�t �.... �_�tr�:��:�t -::o t�:e nei�hborhood. 2) Ye11ow Cab is �zot har^:�onious -�it'z �'ne bener^.11:�t resid.enti�l— small business cha.racter of t?�e nei=h:.�rhood. 3J i'hese, and other fa.ctors outlina� 'r.erein, serve to lo��rer nrooerty v�,?ues ano. dene�.n �he :�i�;�Lbor�oo�.. 4) �he operation of Yel?.o:a "=.� c�:�!flic�s :�-i�': '.)i�:ri��t 13 pl:ns fo* t?�e �,rea. � � �'. "io lessen congestion in the pu�Iic street� b,y �?^OVi��.i71� ior off— street par'�tin� of notor veY�icles ���' f�r of�—a�^ez� loa�iin�; �•.nd unloading of co�nmercial vehicl�s.". (poi�.� 'Ib' j 7 � Yello.,r Cab has only on—street oar'_tir.� _:�r cr,—:����ee+ lo:d— in�, in G�.1I'°Ct CflTif7.1C� �-rith t:? i::�e::+ �f y:,e -o�.irU _�..... 2J `��•ne OTl-3treet �2.T'�C1T1; CO^;;P_`�tg �n ;,�Z•°�n.�* �p;1:_;�..ted �rea ::i�h driver' s person�.l c_�rs ��o_ .:i��^ c cs. 3; �'he vehicles bloc'-: iny?rsecui���:�� u��1�::1s _ „r=., tiloc?: ::�ide— .�.^.1'_�s, block fire �i;�dra.nts an;:. ��r� in o�:e loc-,.�ior_ ?or extended (over twenty—four aours) peri�ds af �ine, �_cd:r:,; to street con�estion. 4� 3esid.ents and businesses hwre f�cec?_ ir.ade�u�tp �=�rking du= ta the operwtion of Yello:,r ��b. � _ _..._ _._.._---._____._.___. ; : - . :- , . : $.���_ I � ____ ________ .__ ____ ____ ___ _ � _ � � �.T.�.�.""�...,,�,�.�, �.:..`�"^..:.`�� t: • � `. A �_'�+ 1'�4, .� � 'L.'1' " /I � � �±� �'�i ,`� n .,� '-, ','\j� "---- ,F � ` `'�y y��,,,�'° �•-+..._ _.-..�, _ ;� �/� ��A. 1 , '7' I ' � �ivt � � , O � �, , �'� i �� ' � � Q'p,.{3 „ ,, � _ + `---� I � ` '� ' _ - '�. � , ���//�(�,� t� i _ i 1�� ,, � �.�" I ` ! i {} � I i ': � I � ��1 Y�.�1� , , �' � o 0 0�¢�0�0 � o b 'o� , ! o� ;�� "� � � � � , �o'o o �, � , : IGL�� AF�T : �. � .-;���; �y� ��c � ��' � o � ,a+ �o�o�o; r � , ; � �� i �j ��' � � �j � �� I I I ���� ��:�I�� ��O �n n�r, � _ I � 6��''1 /�,A����� 1?:.�f' 1 f.. . __ . ._ :_�;j .: f.1�,'):"1-., '-'' ''" ..::� '0�;�.11.(=1:1.,'S ,, , .ri;'., r,r t'; _ ,,, ; ..,;n :�1�. � � M. �, o ?� �r �.�r �^"=�°-'-"�� u=ew of - ��;r.::�� ; �„ .-� - - ;.:c� . `ru:;+,u,.�� ..����_ ."or ti.. . -- , i:���." ���int ` 1%' j ,. _, 1� _>s i4 .;.ez;cr�bed. �-_.yer, �'z� -�...,vious u..� o: .al� JT'O�PTtJ Li2S T10'•'L�CO211'Oi T1:1o. ..�� ,�ill �e��°-u=-�° a. non- 2 j i'he OJ�T�tlOTl or le_'.��„ '�� ' . � th� .ntent �i confo:ming use of a buildin�; i� coatrave�t i�:� � � of i�:e zoning ordina�ce. , , Q a•P ' �J@Z}JV u°C2,U3° 2tS �;'}°Y".�1�:1 �. Yel_o�:r �ab s�ou_d not be n.,r�it ,,..r. �.t 1759 ��r Off- is in di.rect �:nd co�►�lete vi�l�tion o1 ��"z -�oninti re��,uire-^°nts ,] M ., �:'.:�inis�r:_tor �'�i'��d �a consi�{,r S vT�GO't .'�wrtG�ng �:..`1�J. ZOC�G�.ZiZj• 1'�e' uOAlTlrj t��s re�uire�ent. ��p� ;�e s^�e _:re�^ises Section 62.105 ar the �onin� Or�in:.n�e s:���e�; ��r o t or � structuret or ��°rt ±her2o£, involvi:�:� recei� �rith every buil�ino, �` �r e�ru1��PI„t� :Tlp'.v�.i:.nr�].�ef .`�7�.'.��11�..� . distrioution of vehicles, materials, y } .� i� �adition ta �.,zre shall be Arovided ar_d m:int�in�>�c'. o:^, ��'° �o�in=; ��� ' ��P r,i��e s;�=�ce f�r •::-�.��uverin�� � �s �r re�*uire^�en��t µ��.,�__- .- ;onino ofi-��reet p• r_.l:lb - ' o nt�,ference 4ritn _ 5tanciing, lo�ding, �..nd unloadino ir_ ��•�e: t� �-:vo?��, undu., l.. _ ,, , `,. :;ac' ;;pace sa=:11 ba �rovidad z'r.° �u'olic use of d.edicated ri�'r.�s �� �►-.., • as follo:�rs s A. 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Ln� ;.flni�g ad;ninistr:tor f�.iled to consi•�er th�_ + �.'�� 1 S � �;i -.11y 3-3 :�oned �.nd �:�?'t i�.11;r 31'-1 ��nec., ?:�� �L�� t;ze �r?vious use �° ±�e r • •:yas thu� a :�or.-cnn�o� in use in �.z _ci-1 .�.i��ric+ T ,^m„ o 7.^'J?E3_t.f iil? Pl:.,.n:1in�', ComMission wa•s re�uired to ��-..1e findings th;t't'�ie I�llo�� l , � step 3 )• ��';, -�-e i s e�ually anproori at e un�er 62,102 (^oin� e � _ _ �.._ . _-- -- -_....----�--�-_--- r �__� ___.. _ : : - : _��.�_�__. � � ; V � ,.,�.�.. � � r...� r`�:.�•sv�iru Ovr.nv � : ::-;'..:::;� . _._ `. y 4 � I _ _ —. ��, .. ; - - --. — � ��—`�.�c MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, APRIL 8, 1980 PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Summers; Messrs. Grais, Kirk, Parrish, Peterson and Woods of the Board of Zoning Appeals; P7r. Jerome Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane and Mr. Erickson of the Division of Housing and ' Building Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman and Mr. Jung of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: 0 - The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairman. IVAN C. ZENKER (#8609) : An Administrative Review appealing the Zoning Administrator's decision certifying zoning compliance for Yellow Cab operation in a B-3 General Business zone. Mr. Jung showed slides of the site and reviewed his staff report with a recommen- dation that the Zoning Administrator did not err in his interpretation of the intent of the Ordinance to permit this type of business to operate in a B-3 zone and recor�nended denial of the Administrative Review. Staff further recommended that the Board of Zoning Appeals should recormnend, by resolution, to City Council that the portion of the property described in the legal description lying in the RT-1 zone should be changed to a B-3 zone. Sixteen letters were received in opposition from various residents in the area. A letter was received from the Merriam Park Corr�nunity Council and from the Merriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services stating their support of the appeal . The main points of concern appeared to be with the numerous parking problems relating to Yellow Cab, increased traffic in the area and the fact that it is a 24-hour operation in a residentiai area. Dispatching also seemed to be a problem at this location. The District 13 Plan identifies this particular site as a problem area and should be further studied, Mr. Jung stated that he did not think that a determination was ever made as to the exact use of this property at the time the Ordinance was passed. Mr. Segal reported that staff referred to Section 60.402 of the Zoning Ordinance involving errors due to the scale, lack of detail , or illegibility of the zoning map in regards to the part of the property that is zoned RT-1 . The Zoning Code requires that there either be a written application or that the City Council on its own motion following review and recommendation b,y the Board of Zoning Appeals may be considered. He felt that what staff was suggesting did not fit with the exact wording of the Ordinance and that if the Board was to follow the recommen- dation of staff, the proper course would be to recorr�nend that the City Council initiate that review on its own and then submit it back to the Board for consideration. He also mentioned there was some confusion regarding the Zoning Code dealing with appeals in Sec�ion 64.203. This section provides that an appeal for Administrative Review may be taken by any person affected by the decision of the Zoning Administrator within 30 days after this decision has been rendered. , Staff points out that there was a letter written by the Zoning Administrator on January 15, 1980. If this is the decision that �s being appealed, the 30 days has expired. There was also a letter from the Zoning Administrator, dated March 7th to the City's Information and Complaint Office and if this is the decision that is being appealed, the Board will have to determine whether that letter constitutes a decision of the Zoning Administrator which can be reviewed. � •IVAN C. ZENKER �#8609) Page 2 He reported that the Board does not have jurisdication to review any decisions involving application of the Building Code, they are limited to review application of the Zoning Code only. Glenn Erickson, Zoning Administrator, reported that an amended Certifica�e ofi - Occupancy dated February 29 from the Division of Housing and Building Code Enfor;.ement was sent to the Yellow Cab Company extending their Certificate of Occupancy to September 20, 1980. On March 11 action was taken and the appeal was filed. - Mr. Segal corr�nented that if the Board were to decide that the Zoning Administrator was incorrect and they overruled his decision, the matter should then be referred to the Planning Commission for a Determination of Similar Use because that is their � function in the Zoning Code. He said the other issue before the Board may involve the nonconforming use in the RT-] . The Board could review that portion of the Zoning Administrator's decision and either confirm, modify or overturn that portion of the decision as to whether a permitted use is a nonconforming use. Debbie Zenker, 1758 Dayton Avenue, presented a petition signed by 116 area residents opposing the location of the Yellow Cab business at this site. The petition stated that a 24-hour taxicab dispatching operation at 1759 Selby was not harmonious with the surrounding area. This type of business in a residential area raises concerns over personal safety, parking problems, increased traffic flow, noise, air pollution and has a general deteriorating effect on the neighborhood. The petition requested that the Board reverse the Zoning Administrator's opinion by ru�ing that a 24-hour taxicab dispatching operation is not allowable at thi.s location. She also presented to the Board pictures showing cabs parked on area streets. She stated that the residents in the area compiled a list of concerns and complaints and this list was presented to the Board. The increase in the number of vehicles parked around her home has been a source of frustration for mothers of her day care operation and for the bus driver of the handicapped child she cares for. They have expressed concerns about their children remaining in her day care because of the increased traffic hazard. Because of her desire to continue to do day care and because of their concern for their own 19 month old son, they are having a $745 fence installed around their home which they cannot affard. She said she was told by experienced sources that the Zoning Appeals Board deals with technicalities while the City Council deals with the more personal human aspect of the concerns and asked that the Board listen with their hearts ta the concerns of the residents. Ivan Zenker, 1758 Dayton Avenue, spoke saying that he briefly wanted to go through the zoning staff report which he felt overlooked some of the complaints they had. He questioned when the report was done, how accurate it was done and how quickly it was done. Under "Site & Area Conditions" he commented that his house, the house next door to them and the house directly across the street from the cab company are single family homes and not two-family homes as shown on the zoning map. In reference to the 7-unit apartment building directly east across Wheeler, it was his understanding that the owner of that building had to secure a lot on Wheeler and Selby to create parking for a new building to meet the zoning laws. He stated that an error in fact may have been done by the Planning Corr�nission or staff because of the failure to do an objective case study. He said one of the two major points in the last paragraph on what they (the appellants) alleged is in error since this is not an auto repair station. In reference to "F" , �10 there is no maintenance of vehicles at the site now nor is there a desire to add this function to the property: This aspect is currently being hand7ed in another � • IVAN C. ZENKE.R (�8609) Page 3 garage located in a B-3 zone. The Certificate of Occupancy applied for was for an auto repair station. He said the Zoning Administrator refers to the 1975 Zoning Ordinance permitting taxicabs in a B-2 zone and questioned who put them in a B-2 zone. If the Zoning Administrator made the decision and he is using that as a basis for his decision now, he felt this was circular logic. He also - questioned when they rezoned the entire city, how carefully did they look at every business to certify whether it was nonconfor���ing. Under #8, he questioned why they didn't go to Chicago or Tokyo because he felt using Minneapolis' Ordinance as a reference did not apply. If it did, it would mean that St. Paul - is nothing more than a suburb of Minneapolis. In reference to #10 of the staff - report, the things Mr. Janecek was doing to correct the situation was mentioned. A sign was posted but this did not correct the situation, the things still go on. He also mentioned that on weekends when the cabs aren' t used as much, there are a lot of them parked out on the street. Under "E" , he hoped that the angle parking was not approved because there is not enough room to angle park unless they would block the sidewalks or stick out in the street. Under "H" , the vehicles are not inside the building. l,ihen you walk by the building you don't see that many cabs insid�, they are on the streets. Under Finding 11 , the Zoning Administrator has determined that dispatching in a cab business was an accessory use to an auto repair station. He challenged this , because Mr. Janecek has already stated he is not going to repair any cabs at this location so he felt any reference to auto repair station was null and void. He also stated that parcel deliveries do not operate 24-hours a day. Under the staff recorr�nendation, he questioned who made that determination and when and how it was done and what the procedure was. The old location at 400 Selb,y cannot be compared to this location because there is .:no residential area around. He felt that the Zoning Administrator surpassed his authority and should have passed the matter onto the Zoning Committee to study under Determination of Similar Use. His logic and authority is based upon perhaps some of his own � decisions. He again said he did not feel the zoning staff report was objective. Ms. Morton asked the appellant if the basis for his appeal is that it is not the right business for a B-3 district? Mr. Zenker replied that was correct and also the fact that it was not handled in the proper manner by the Zoning Administrator. Ms. Morton asked the Zoning Administrator, Glenn Erickson, what kind of businesses are allowed in a B-3 District and he quoted from the Ordinance the section pertaining to B-3 General Business Districts. Susan Ode, 1752 Dayton, stated that when Mr. Janeeek knew that city officials would be in the neighborhood to review his business, the neighbarhood was cleaned up; there was not a cab in sight. When the city officials left, so did that cosmetic change. Irrnnediately all the problems which the residents talked about reappeared and stayed. She mentioned that the only action taken to alleviate their problems was the posting of a sign inside a building which had no effect. They have very narrow streets, there is no off-street parking and there is no � way to alleviate the problems of a taxicab business in this neiqhborhood. She said a cab business needs maneuvering space and proximity to a front door and none of these things are available in this neighborhood. She reminded the Board that the intent of the Ordinance is to promote to protect public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community and that allowing a 24-hour a day, 7 days a week cab bsuiness with no automative amenities violates all the intentions of the Ordinance. _ __ , .. __ ..__:___ __.r.,_ .._r.. �.__.__ _ __ _ . _ ... , -IVAN C. ZENKER (#8609) Page 4 Jeanette McDonough, 1765 Selby, stated that since the cab company moved into the neighborhood, they have had continuous sleepless nights. Cabs park in front of their house leaving motors running, use their driveway to back around in which causes their dog to start barking and also leaves tire imprints in their lawn. She also reported that cabs change their oil in the streets. - Cindy Cooper, 1758 S�lby, spoke addressing some of the technical aspects of the appeal . She urged the Board to reject the Zoning Administrator's decision and did not feel that a remand would be proper. The zoning was first approved as - a auto repair station as a specified B-3 use. She said it became clear that - that business is no longer being maintained. It has been stated by staff that it is not used as an auto repair station so there is no question that it is not a specified B-3 use. When there is not a specified B-3 use, it could be a- similar use but the Zoning Administrator does not have the power to determine that. The least that could be done is a remand to the Planning Commission but under the circumstances felt the Zoning Administrator's decision should be rejected. She said a second issue is the nonconforming use. If this was to be passed onto City Council to be approved as a permanent nonconforming use, the Board could not do it. It has to be done b,v the City Council . Under the Zoning law no building once it was used as a nonconforming use can ever be used for a lesser or worse use. On that basis she felt the Board need not remand the decision but could reject it. The third and most important basis for their appeal , which was not considered in the zoning report and was not mentioned by the City Attorney, is the fact that the zoning requirements for off-street parking and loading are in direct and complete violation to the zoning require- ments. She referred to Section 62.105 of the Zoning ,Ordinance which she stated is the crux of the problems that the area residents have been stating. The cab company does not have adequate loading and off-street loading, parking, maneuvering and urged the Board to reject the application on this basis. At this time the Board asked Cindy Cooper to clarify what the previous use for the site was. Ms. Cooper stated that the previous use was 'a motor craft warehouse operation and was basically the storage of parts there. There was absolutely no intrusion in the sense that it was not a 24-hour operation, it did not have excessive parking needs, it did not have excessive loading and unloading needs. Ms. Summers cor�nented that when the Current Planning and Zoning Corrrnittee previously held a "Determination of Similar Use" public hearing for a metal fabricating business, the use that was in there was a warehouse for auto parts. Paul Zapata, member of the Board of the Merriam Park Community Council , referred to parking under the District 13 Plan which specified under Snelling/Selby businesses that parking is insufficient or inconvenient. This is a clear top priority issue in the Plan. The Plan also recor�rtends that two particular businesses be relocated to a more appropriate location one of which was the motor craft warehouse. It was found to be incompatible with the neighborhood. He also referred to parking restrictions under the City of St. Paul various amendments 144.03, .04, .12 and .17, and felt that they were veing violated. Ms. Morton asked Mr. Zapata if they had ever contacted the Police Department? Mr. Zapata said they have had�several meetings with the Police Department, they have been notified of all the violations, but as they stated, it is a low priority ' - IVAN C. ZENKER (#8609) Page 5 item as far as parking violations and they do not have the manpower to quickly enforce it around the clock. George Scholler, 1747 Selby, spoke on the parking problems in the area. Kenneth Freiberg, 1769 Selby, commented that the cab company should have enough property to house all their cabs and their business and felt that it would deteriorate the neighborhood if allowed to stay at that location. Judy Drews, 1777 Laurel , Vice-President and resident member of the Merriam • Park Neighborhood Housing Services Board of Directors, reported that a lot of money has been reinvested in the area and the investment dollars come from private and public funds which the city has made a major contribution to in the form of street improvements along Laurel , Hague and Dayton. Many of the residents feel that their investment of time, energy and money is being threatened b,y the presence of undesirable businesses on Selby Avenue in the form of Yellow Cab. Steve Cooper, 1758 Selby, felt that the zoning law was not complied with. He said Yellow Cab does not have off-street parking facilities, is not an auto repair business, it is illegal and should not be allowed. Bob Janecek, owner of the Yellow Cab Company, stated that he supported the Zoning Administrator's decision. He said they were an auto repair station and that he agreed not to repair vehicles at this location to help the situation of traffic. They have been reducing their business drastically. In December of 1980 they intend to own only 15 vehicles. This is being done through an independent ownership plan they have with people who drive their vehicles. Twenty-five of their 38 vehicles now are privately owned or in the process of being privately owned and stated that 18 of these 25 have not seen their garage more than 10 times in the last week at any given time for any reason. In response to angle parking, he said this was an idea he felt might help the neiqhborhood. As far as illegal parking, to thP best of his knowledge they have had only 2 parking tickets since the first of February for any type of illegal parking. He also mentioned that if he caught anyone changing oil in the streets, he would take disciplinary action. He said he would like to ask the resident what they would like to have there because it is basically a commercial building. He mentioned that the former owners indicated they also had problems with the residents because of their trucks and things of that sort. He did not feel that the building should stand vacant to satisfy neigh- borhood residents. No where in the Zoning Ordinance does it say anything against operating an auto repair station 24-hours a day. He did not actually intend to do this, but if he cannot use it as a taxicab garage then he would be more than happy to make it an auto repair station. He felt there were some misconceptions of how vehicles are dispatched. They are dispatched b,y radio and when they receive a call from the telephone for a specific location, a cab is not dispatched from the garage, it is dispatched by radia from the closest location to where the call comes from. Some of the dr�vers do change shifts at this location but they are trying to alleviate this altogether. Mr. Parrish asked how many cars could conveniently be parked inside the garage? Mr. Janecek replied that at the time he took over the building, the doors toward the rear precluded them from parking as many cars as might be put in. If a single garage door opening were made, the building could accommodate up to ' • IVAN C. ZENKER (#8609) Page 6 37 to 38 cars. However, he would like to add another door at another location � so cars could pass through. Mr. Parrish commented that the greatest single complaint seemed to center around parking. He asked Mr. Janecek if he had considered the possibility of requiring � all his vehicles being brought inside the structure? Mr. Janecek answered this is one of the reasons he wanted to get the other door in operation because with the two doors they could come in one door and out the - other. He has not followed through with this because of the opposition that - has surfaced. Mr. Woods asked Mr. Janecek if he owned the property or was leasing it? Mr. Janecek replied that he was leasing the property and represented the owner who is his father. He said they had considered other sites but found nothing could fit the size of their business and was within their financial means. At this time Mr. Grais asked permission from the Chairman to be excused. Mr. Jung clarified a point brought outin testimony regarding an existing building not having to comply with off-street parking and loading and cited Section 62.105 and Section 60.302(g) and (i� of the Ordinance. He also commented that when he visited the site there were no cabs on the street, he could not account for it, it was not a prearranged visit. He did visit the site a week later and did not see any cabs on the streets at that time. He also responded to the fact that someone mentioned that the land use map was incorrect. The land use map is from 1974 and it is not their intent to update the area map, it is for reference � purposes only. Mr. Parrish asked the City Attorney if the Board could put special conditions on ' the use of this property and was informed that they could only do that in considering variances. There was discussion among the Board with Mr. Segal as to what course of action the Board could take. Mr. Peterson made a motion to uphold the appellant's appeal since he felt the matter should have been under the jurisdication of the Planning Commission as a "Determination of Similar Use" and therefore the Zoning Administrator erred in his interpretation of the intent of the Ordinance to permit this type of business to operate in a B-3 zone. Ms. Summers seconded the motion. The motion failed on a roll call vote of 3 to 3 since 4 affirmative votes for the motion was not obtained. Those voting against the appeal were Parrish, Kirk and Morton. The appeal was denied. Submitted by: Approved by: �� � � ' Laurence J. Jung Gladys M ton, Chairman , ._,�...�..._._. + -___._..,...�....,......._�...�__ ..___ _ ,.._�,.-...�..�_p.,...�,.._�,.�_. ...�...:�..�_�.�.,._ ._...,m�.�.�.�.>,.. ��;��;.,,.,,..�,��...,r. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 21$ CITY HALL 5T.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 Ayw��^�� �� ! \P April 18, 1980 City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul MN 55102 , File X 2431 Page 1 Zoning File 8609 The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 7:3t1 P.M. on May 7, 1980 on the: Appeal of Debra Ann and Ivan Zenker to a decision of the Board of Zon- ing Appeals affecting property at 1759 Selby Avenue. This property is located on the northwest corner of Selby Avenue and Wheeler Street be- ing legally described as: Except the North 67 feet, Lot 1 and all of Lot 28, Block 3, Skidmore and Cassedy's Addition. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the Planning Board, Room 1202 City Hall Annex -- 298-4154. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvement that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. � J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER ,, , ; . . , �. , r, _ ..� . � , _ ' . _ . � ' , . . � - , r , . ' � � . ' � ' . j . . � . . . . , .. ' . . . . �� , ' ' . . . . � . ' � , �.� . � . ., ��t .I . . . - . , � � . � � . � � . � � � � � 1� � . . . . � . ._ - .. . ., . . . ' . ' . ' ' , i I ' .. . . . . . . - . . . . � . . I . . � . . . . . . ( .. . ' . . . . � . , , ,. . � . . . . .. • . . . . . 1 .. . / ' . ' .. , . , _ � . . . � . , i .. ,'.%' . . � 1� . � �. . . . � . . . . � - . � � � � . . - � � . �.\ ;I�.. .. .. . . . �. . � � � . , � ' i - � . � �. . . . . . ._ . •. � - � � - . • ' . � � � 1� �. I i F . � ! �. • � , � • .;. " _ • , f � �'• ��� r��'� � � �!'��'� � .� �II�`i �!2'V�O�� ' \ . ' �� �r CitY'I�al�. ' , . � � � 8�. Pwl. l�lim�sota . � � - , , r � , ' . , Deor Sir s ` �- � , . . !f� Cit,,y t�vuacil set a d��e of btirii4g !or Myr' ?'W�, 198�, at _ � - 7t30 F.l[. ib tl� City �cil C6s�xs to 000�tl�4i►r t� apyeal ' - ; of Zf�bi�a Ann �1 Ivaa ?�talafr to a �C�.irios'o�,.#.l� Board ot _ ," , ` , �ning Ap�eals atfectiog. prop�rty st Z?59 8�►1bJ►�Av��. - . (7�431) 'Will you pl�se �nd n�ti�d�� to �rop�s�qr a�r� aa ', � nqnZralt bY ].a�T . . ' , , - . , . , �l�+' �`�D►' 3►��� ' >, . ) _ � . . , , ° ' Rose 1!�Lz � , � i . t"iitiJ/ .t'1.I�r1[ fj . _ ;� - � , ' � _ . � �.. r � ,l' - �_� - , , . . �. +. - . - c�: rlams.e�c st�►n� �ns�g s.c�io�i : , . . 8otuie� d� �1d8. CloBe, Ralorr�t Divia�an � - � , , . - � ; ':� • - • , ` ; ,, . ' . � , , . . . , - , , � � - ;�� � � � � , � - � � � � � , . . � , - , .. „ , . , , , • , , , , _ � . , - . . ,r � , , � � � _ � � � ., � � � /��d ����� � ,,:�� ��� � �� �',�. .� �`� ��� �e � �� ,- � � �9��' �� ��,�{� ������ �S� C - - ��T �'��:f�.���i3�f�.. '/�i�_ L'� � .�e �... �,�.� . ^ �� ��,� � /�� C�-e-� * �� ��� - GY��c� / ,�� ,-�-� �'� -� �. i�s� �..� �- ,c�t�- .���%�- � - �� -� ' _� � � ��� � ��� ��- ,:-�- ��e � �� � - ��e � .- /. ;�-��;�-�'� �'d -��-� �� .�� - _ ' ���� � 1 ��� �� � ��. � � �� �;� ���� . � �- ��� � � � �� �°`�� �. ,�� oa� � ..'j,�C�- y % _ �C G�-L�t� , .��`��'� � / � / � � � �' ��}�'�'�/(� 1� ll�; �`� �� �?, � �l t,l� � 0��� �:�/l� `I . �U'� � '�-t, r� �;- �/� � X ���� � � ` _ ` r2 � � �j ✓�� �. . ` ' March 29, i9 0 ������� t�l�, the undersigned resid�nt;, as n�ighbors to 1759 S�lby Avenue, City oi St. Paul, Minnesota, ob;ect ±��� -L-he 1oca�tion of the 'Yellow Cab busi��ess ai: this site. A 24-hour 1_aX1—C�b dispat^hing operation at • 175�� Selby is not hax7nanious with the suz•roundinq �zrea. Such a busi.��ess in a primarily resideri:i�i_� ar��a raises conc�rns over personal safe ty, parkzng z�roblerr�s, increased tr��.f=�_i.c flow, and noise and air polluL-ion, p�us tias a general deteriorat�ng eifec+. on ��h.e ne�ghborhood. We requ�st that the I3oard of loniny l�pl�eals rev�rse the Zoning Admi��i5trator' s upinion that �Lhe c:ib bt.is-�ness is �: perm:�ssak�le "Silt�llar use", ar►d t:hereby rule t' .tt a �4-hour taxi-cab ciispatching o�eration is no�_ allowable at 175y Se�}�y. Na�l'e 1���res s Phone l 7 � ��r.!::��i�L:�..,��"?7.��i.�L t.,. I/G � �,`�—G-.s�si..�."��L. Ls' �G _.S/�,l/_� J -- ) l Z �;'i.,.cv , .�,�'`4.`, � � r, — - � 3 . ����- 1 ..�'�'=�'l� l � G-� c/ ,l'i1-� �//�t��� G� t/ 5"/-,� . �, `� � � � ,{�t`�/l, ` . - � . . . ; ry _ . ; 11, :.:_Z,'u� „�''��,a. � /`/`��"� --�'4�=�,�� Y� , �! _ ;<Y'i_,_ , � � . ---- y _� � ,.!.: • _C - 1� � c' ' � , •` ' '` – ;' ' ' � �� �,� ;� a :� � r �� �( �' , i�'��� vJ J � �J 4: ...-+,. J ...� . . . � ;. ,� � ,, -�,---L�..-C �. �� �� ��f � � 7 �\ � ` _ t � ;�� �` '=y`'.�." :s r ��--'t-��/1�- � � k , ___�__... — .� . � � � . ��� ..� � ,r- 1 ( �' � � � " � � �� _ -- � -.---? , /� ,(/, � ..---�._ ,. J ' � 'I"l "7f1 '�`" � ' ��,_/ � , . � 7' .. /7 ti � ��, i__ ��1 IO �_. t . /' /` �sE-t-','�i�.�� /�:'../ � ' �� ..L'L �'�' • �,_i 4.- ,� ..% . �J; � �� �'� . _ � �' /���r_�-!�;.� i�' �'�.�� ��--�/i%��i ��`_ ` �/ � /� (,1 h � ,, �� �� �.� ` � ,� C (� , r,�,, (� y�/ - ,sj.s/U � 13 _ � �� ` / 7 �� �- � f� ���5`% � ��;,� � 1� cc � � � � t , �� � - � . , ,f , ; ; � o . _. .r�... ._. __. .. . . .. . �_ _ . _._,_._._.��__ .,_ . � �;� , � • f . M��Cn ?9, i�ao . We, the undersi�r�ud residents, as rie�ghbors to 1759 Selby Avenue, City of St. P�.L�l, Minnesoj�a, ok�ject to th� location o� 1_he Yellow Cab }JL1Slllf?SS a�t �his site. A 2�-hour taxi-cab dispatchinc� opera�tion at 1759 Selby is not ha.r��onious witn the surrounding �rea. Stich a busiriess in a primarily residential area raises concerns over personal safe�y, parkincr pro:bl�ms, increased traffic flow, and noi�e and air pollution, plus has a general deteriora��.ing effect on the neighborhood. We request that the Board of Zoning 1�ppeals reverse �th� Zoning 1�dministrator' s opinion that the �ab business is a nermis�,:1��� "similar' us�" , .::�n,1 �l�ereby rulc tliat a 24-iivur tax:i.-cab �lispatching operation is not a?lowable at 1759 Selby. N�e , 1lddress ! ??hone ---,� I B .5 l ____. �y � G� za � �� � z� .� �,; � _ , � z z � �: . �� � � -� � .�-. �� � �" r ��� � �-���- � 2.� � �q � �1��- '�p-1 �. . ... . -. . r , zy � , z� � ' /��3 � ���-��s^/ , ' Z� �O-s/� -� 9��f � � -� »r3 � s C�33� Z� �c l�iu`�' / 7�-3 � S — 33� 2�t � � 7 8"7 , - 3 30 � /'�� � -o �yy , � 3� _� • � _ � � � % o � — 5��°�G . 3 3 ttr b 3� �' ` l$ 0 3 ��: o � . Cv4 �-4�0 , . �� : . / _. _._.. .: ..._h_. . . _. �._�.._.�...r _ .�..._ _ _. __. . . . .___� ._.�.�... - _. ___.__ .._._.. ��__.__ _ �_- ., _ - ��� _ _. . _, ... .. .�.. __ __. .� _ . _ .�,..�.,.�.. ...�....� • I i4�r�h '?9, 1980 ; , �y���'�� � �„�,�, I_l�e un�:l�:r_5i��n�cl re�ic:lerit�>, as r��:i�;iibors to 1759 Selby Avenue, Ci�y ._��_ :-�L. l�au�, Mir�r��so-�a, objecL- to �fi:he :Location of thc Ye�low Ca� vusi.�:�s5 at thi5 SiLc. A 24-1�our taxi-c.ab cti:���atching operation at 1759 �cJ_by is nc�t liarmoniaus ��rith the surrounc�ing area. Su-�n a busi��u�� i?i �� prim�.rily resider�tial area -raises concern� over personal suF�l�y, �ar]ciilcJ ,Ur�bleius, il�c:rea.�c,e.l trati:i� i1ow, anc:l ncise ancl air p�lluti.c.>n, ��lus i���� a gc�neral deterioratin; eFfect c=� the neighborhood. t�de rec�uest �hat the Boarci of Zonina� �-�l�l�eals reverse the Zoning Adrniiiist.rZ�ur ' S ��;:�inion that the c:�b businc�ss is a perinis�able "::_��u i.l.a� u�c::�� � a���_l ����x��i�y rul.� Ll�:.�t a 24-��our taxi-c�i1� �li.spatching oper���i�n is r�c�� al�ow�ble at 175� Sel`:,���. • Na.in�: ILddre�:�s Phone � __ ��,��� ���� � ,v �� s��P 6s�f—s�-j� � r(.�d�Ct� Q.u�.;e.e-e- � - � _ __ .;:� �f t ___._._��. . � , �L�' �-�-/` ; � � 3'7 ���'� %� � C.� '`� .G�! ,� , � ' � �`� o��f 15 g _ ` S�' ,�%'� � J�,��� �� � � !v�o �y , � y� � ��1 S� � �-- C��.��/D �' e►� �� ��--ti��) �/ �t�l ���_ti� _�—y�1- �a�S yZ�� ,,- - � / /� ..2., �..�5=/� 3— � �� � �� �� � y3 �� ;�;i'� .�� /�t , �y, -, ���i�-�--/.� � � �Y � L . � y�,C " ✓� " �� � ' ' � March 29, 1980 We, the undersigned residents, as neighbors to 1759 Selby Avenue, City �f St. Paul, Minnesota, object to the location of the YEllow Cab business at this site. A 24-hour taxi-cab dispatching operation at 1759 Selby is not harmonious with �the su:rrounding area. Such a business in a prima�ily reszdential area r�ises concerns over personal safety, parlcing problems, increas`d tra�fic flow, and noise and air ' - pollution, plus has a g�neral deteriorating effect on the neighborhood. We request that the Doard of Zoning Appe�ls reverse the Zoning Administrator' s opinion that the cab business is a ;3ermissable "similar use", and thereby rule that a 24-hour tax�-cab dispatching " operation is not allowable at 1759 SelUy. �� Name Acldress Phone � �� � � � �v-n-�'-�:� • L / `7 ,;" ' �L'�. �,..c. , ,�" ��•s �l? �� �Sa L (y ��" -i� " �:. ~ t - -- — - `' - �- y� i���- ���.. � ��- ��.�� y8' r..�� � �a�'�. 7_3�� 4�- �r ���'� ,,\ �,y %7 �G ��" /���'' �-o ' � 7�� ,S` ��`� � �"� • a� ' � � �/�-�'-�--����- �= � ��- ���� �-- .��� �Z ���,�., �., l J � � � . ����s� .�3 ! ` � � 7 3 � ��.,����, .=j��� G ��- i�7 z-- .,y � � � �:� � �1�� a� �� . s3 " / �� 9 ���� . , �� ` 3 � � ,�.. � �-�- g'�: -,� ,�? - �, .�� � � .�=�' � ' � % �3� �� ;� d�s���d�� � ��' - � �c� d f� .T b' �'-�c�^ '� � �l �0 � � �` j � �. a �f �f��C� �I •.. �M � � � 7 �.--� . �,Y s _.�--'�- . . . ,_ ... .. _ __:� , , March 29, 1980 We, the undersigned resicients, as neighbors to 1759 Selby Avenue, City of St. Paul, Minnesoi.a, ol�ject to the location of �the Yellow Cab business at this site. A 24-hour taxi-cab dispatching operation at 1759 Selby is not harmonious with �the surrounding area. Such a business in a primarily residential area raises concerns o�er personal safety, parking problems, increased traffic flow, and nosse and air pollution, plus has a g�neral deteriorating effect on the neighborhood. We request that the Board of Zoning Appeals reverse the Zoning Administrator' s opinion that the cab business is a permissable "similar use", and thereby rule that a 24-hour taxi-cab dispatching operation is not allowa.ble at 1759 Selby. Name Address Phone ` c 6Z , �: �: � � ��� 1 7 3S- .�; �� Y�� ��c� 6 3 � � , ,'' _�, r .___ . ��� ��G /' t J v� � , ��, � C ��'�i�,l-.r.l� S 7/!�^ �� J � �y - � � .� /7� � � ,� �.���f' , - � 's" � � ? � i ' ,'�� , / ( � / / L �� � � / Cp - �� � �� � �-� t 3 �� � � �, �� ,�o r3 . . . - - M_�.,..,�.�. �...��..,�._._�.�..�__�_,...,.�.;..�.�,:..��-;:...w _ � �.._. ...r� �.� ....�.w _�..�„_..,.�.. � .�;�,�,_ . . , , _ . �.,.:�. --� �,,._ . . __�.....; �,,.�,. �..,�,.. � � March 29, 1980 �t..���p� �d We, the undersigned residents, as neighbors to 1759 Selby Avenue, City of St. Paul, Minnesota, object to the location of the Yellow Cab business at this site. A 24-hour taxi-cab ciispatching operation at 1759 Selby is not harmonious with the surrounding area. Such a business in a primarily residential area raises conce.rns over personal safety, parking problems, increased trai'fic flow, an� noise and air pollution, plus has a general deteriorating effect on the nei;hborhood. We request that the Board of Zoning Appeals reverse the Zoning Administrator' s opinion that the cab business is a permissable "similar use", an� thereby rule }�hat a 24-hour taxi-cab dispatching operation is not allowable at 1759 5elby. Name Acldress Phone �g � ���o - �9� �9 3 � � S-�/�� � . �o � ' ��� 6 v�`--��,�a �/ � . ",2 �� � �� .: 7Z j , 73 � _ � �� _ � - 7� ~ ` 5 �O G �G��� 7.� • ' � -,.. � ; _ , 7cv ,, � • , , a. , � � � 'r� ,1. � t�' cL �— 5'�- ° 0 7 �� � � � �_ y � a � 78' ��' �' 7.5'� � L�`f�—`t 3 ,,, .�2 �� .>„ r�; . _ :_ . ::�:::.: - - _ _ .. ...� . _ : .. .��.�..,_ __ - _.: -__�_ �._ _.�______ ,...�_.._.. _ .__ ___ .._:_..��_.� ._� ,,.,,�,. March 29, 1980 , , We, the undersigned residents, as neighbors to 1759 Selby Avenue, City of St. Paul, Minnesota, ol�ject to -the location of the Yellow Cab business at this site. A 24-hour taxi-cab clispatching operation at 1759 Selby is not harmonious with �th� surr.ounding area. Such a business in a primarily residentizl area r�S_ses concerns over personal safety, parking problems, increased tra£fic flow, anc� noise and air pollution, plus 2ias a g�neral deterioratir�g �ffect on the neighborhood. We request that the Board of Goninc.� Appeals reT✓erse the Zoning Administrator' s opinion that the cab busin�ss is a pe.rr.:�ssable "similar use", and thereby rule that a 24-hour ta.�i-cab dispatching operation is not allowable at 1759 Selby. Name Address Phone � �� , �;u.�.,, r �7 _ � y:�-yy �,� � � ti� ! � ` �' ( s-_ /.�', .�_s - �� �y � / y_ �"����� �. _7 . � � S �`� � � 17 ��� ��_� " -�� � � � � � �Z , ���,- � 7 7 — L� - '�� �_ ; � �� . , � j ,^, � - � g3 � , �� gy �� � � � , � - � � ��{ ' ' �' �� - � s� °�c��v�, � - �f�a� �� �, ► � 3 � .� � , ��� - � ��1 8g' < � ��' 3 — � - _ °�iY�.rPaG �/ 90 z �r�� (,`� - , \ . : f -_ �_ :_ - - . _..__.�r..,.. __ _ . _ _ . . � v._.t...�._�� _ ___�__._ -- ..__�.. --- � _.4__._. . ��- ..�.. . _ ._ _ _._ . _ _ _ __.�.-.,�..��._..�..�,._,.� ..._.A..a.�..�....._� w._...�Y._.....�.....� ,..�_ ��.�;��-. �.�fir.��_-.-,�.,-.- . w . ' � March 29, 1980 We, the undersigned residents, as neighbors to 1759 Selby Avenue, �\ City of St. Paul, Minnesota, object to the location of �tiv� Yellow Cab business at this site. A 24-hour taxi-cab dispatching operation at 1759 Selby is not haz-rrionious with �the surrounding ar�a. Such a business in a primarily residential area ra� �es concerns over personal safety, parking problems, increased traffic flow, and noise and air pollution, plus has a general det�riorating effect on the neighborhood. We request that the Board of Zoning Appeals reverse the Zoning Ad�inistrator' s opinion that the cab busir�ess is a permissable "similar use", anci the;rcby ru_l� iYiat a 24-haur taxi-cab dispatching operation is not allowaAle at 175� Selby. Name Address Phone ' q� ;�� � _�3 0,� �'/ ,z � � s -y��. 2 , � � �_ ,�. ; . i -` i � k.�t'� "�:� '` =,r• '• �%�`' ... ``jCi�- �-_ ,'� , ;';� C '�.: �:'.� l� -���• � '� .!' � �i �i .�' _ , i'�; .�.�� ; i r �„` !� �-;� .L' �- ;,� :' ! , .-� : -�. ,r� , -7� :( - <� ; � � u�j .;�; �, � - � _ i Q`� �°��1��-�. t.' ��-t.�—.�:�.� 1 7 �S�7 �.:C�C��� /�<<.-c , � i�-fi'— �c'��:. ! � � cl5 : ' - � 1 z -�.,, . '7 � ���� �y�- C ;�. �_3 ;. i j� �� ` / ;�1 L f 7 ���i lj.,,,� 6�17-G�2.l q� � .U�� 7� � `l7. U�-�- ; � � �18' � < < .�L � i . . . ._. .. _ � �:�.- . _ . _. __. ..�.� � _ . _ March 29, I.980 l�le, the undersigned residents, as neighbors to 1759 Selby Avenue, City of St. Paul, Minnesota, object �ta the location of the Yellow Cala b�lsiness at this si�te. � 24-hour tzxi-cab dispatching operation at � 1759 Selby is not harr.lanious with tr�e surroLtnding area. Such. a business in a primarily residential area raises concerns over persona]. safety, parking problams, increased trat�ic flow, and noise and air pollution, plus has a general dPt�riorating effect or_ the neighborhood. We request that the Board of Zoni�g �ppeal:� reverse the Zoning Administrator' s opinion that the cab busiriess is a permissu:�le "similar use", and thereby rulc that a 24-hour ta.�i.-cab dispatching operation- is not allowable at 1759 Selby. Nama , Address T_'hone . �R� � i ,�,,,� " r i � - / � ' � / ���/ ' / J 00 �, �t....L. � � � � lOt � � � _S� ,-, � � r i +� �,D� ,`:. y i � �� - . .f 7 103 �i�� _�'r�� r� �y'�-� - � ` -- ,�'/,� . . . r� � i - "� _�/ 4 ,i,, � F l�,,,, r � . ��,,�'a_ ,,,,�-�`Z-" : • . � : ; ��T. ',.i't • '.�� ' c ,.: ..,Lr'#��`�+r�..s` i�: �_ ,..�:. r _ r `''+°t !�5 . �t.�'; lrn� a � � � ` s�� � �..��L 7��3 f f"�� " ' `'' ' - •° � ;_; ,�,. �— rr< �y� �';• ! 1'�1P '' ` fl.� ' ` _ s�"'"^ �'��-�, , , . t""�. -�=' w%�' '. � ,:�,.. ..,,. - !D? 1 ° �- - � �,�5 �2�{� � � �� /oS � � � �' �, �-1, l� C, . ___v_ � � _����,�n 2�, i�fl� 'v`.�C'� t�i�lE'_ l::=C.''.._ ,. � '��.,r' '_f._' ._' !� _. �._ _ ,._.. •`_O _lJ�� �' -,l,��y �IVCi'.L1E'•� !��1:�J C)� �.�i. .P:1'_ r ._ �, 1�_�;Qj�.l_� G;_;- � .. .- , . -." . _ .. _..:�?� (lf ��1::? 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G�. �,cs�t`� L1�,��dce�.: �r►S� ����_�..wc'��r� c� -LE•.�:.:.` Cl.�cr,.�� � ► �`. t-'_}�C r_'.i5i�i� L��i_5 C=�V\1�j C7vL:.L �CC`��t�'}C� � �� � I � • �GL!{r}�. �, �`-°t �c.. �L �.�1�3�' � �� , ` c� .�"�.� � � � ���y�~�/ ` ` �, -� � .��a--�. ,�` �� � ; � April 7, I980 Board of ZoninP Appeals 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 551Q2 ' Dear Sirs: As a neighbor to the new Yellow Cab Business site at 1759 Selby Avenue, I would like to voice my strong objection to its presents there. The use of that site, as a twenty-four hourdispatching area is not a use which is harmonious with the adjacent neighborhood, and brings excess traffic �� to the eara. The facility has inadequate off street parking available and is, among other things, a hazordous eye sore which greatly depreciates the aesthetic value of the neighborhood. Sincerely, � �/��z•Z.'t%���L���' �V�-._ � ✓� Diane E,Flynn 1750 Dayton St. Paul, Minn. 55104 {���rn�� h%�u ���..�r �z�l�l� /`Y�'R,ZL.I /, ! 7�� r�7� ���U� � �� i;�►,� � �t�✓ %��: .��1�y ' . � _ _ � '=�R �RS _ Q�2�7��,1 , _ . _ _ _ __ -- __---- ___ _ (l(lE /� v� � l 7 7� f-��c��� w�► ��� Is �N�- _ _ _ , „�I�� c � �or� 7`�� C��3 01'S �F Tc"�l BUSI/'�rSS, wh�ch _ . ; /��s R�-�c�-�� b�-- ��� o �,e���-��� jC� oc�2 _ � L �/ t� /� f � _ _ /(/��� /i 66R /1 voG�. YI/� fIR� �I��'�';�/s� �'� 6USzi/��s 9 �����i�✓� .Z/'� oUR �4!=s i ������I�� �'RF�. %�� c�v � f�lo� �FU� �4c��av��- o-� s���--� P�R1�'�� �'i/1/G �-�;�,�� zs �/��y� ���.s PFi�K�D F./.� dv���. -ff�� �R��� /�f��JG �T Q����4 C v�T F"of� T1�E PE��r_C - _ _ t�e�� G/�E l�� Tf� F��� ?�� ��r°✓G� ,�` ����'�✓�; �P�� � ��R��_ h�/'� F�!s0 /��r�!��: C�' �%../'�/���� � h � � _ . _ . - _ ��-- ti� h���ho6� ��,�r ��% ���- �������,��%--� ��.��J� _ _ � , . �'�` �h'-�'�jL� O� ?����� G�1���P��/ 1/�J i2�'.�f��',��_ . , "r� �� �'/l�'C/���;"',��� �'.� .0 . _ . _ /i/ l��/� �r`�T�/�� y�/�/ ��� ��� /`/�� _ ,� �%� P��c� � �-- oP������ �i� �'���-- o� �,��e�;� �iU� ��ts� G�i�r.�l� ��� ��?�.� � ��� _ _ _ _ , _ ,.1��T f�� <?���/�1��'H/1!��►� �� __��"' %�" �� r rr� .�o I�_ _ _ ; f�� � /� ����� �f ���'� //���� ���,�� �/�/���t��.� T���1� Q� r �v.Z��w___ _ _ , �/�� ,�/� ,�'%} _ _ __ _ _ _- - - _�_,.�!'GCa�''�'' G _ __. __-- ---- - . _._ _____. --- _ __---- __ _ ---__- -- _ _-- .. _ . ___ _ _ _ � � f ,., , , . �i�i'.�.�B''�. � ...� ��, - -�� ��! -- _ _ � � 1791 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 April 4, 1980 ,� , � � - - _. Chairperson Gladys Morton Zoning Board of Appeals : llth Floor, City Hall Annex 25 West 4th Street - St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 % Dear Ms. Morton: As home owners in the Merriam Park area, we are very concerned about the operation of a taxicab business in the neighborhood. The cab operation has multiplied the parking problems at Selby and Wheeler, both north ar�d south, and on Dayton. The people who drive the cabs leave their gersonal cars on the street and so the parking problem is not alleviated at any time during a 24-hour period. There is constant traffic -- adding to the pollution and noise problems. The area is basically residential and the safety of the children is of concern� to all parents. We trust that the Zoning Board of Appeal5 will Iisten to the residents and that we will not be as unsuccessful as in the attempt to block the rezoning at 1600 Iglehart where the City Council allowed Cooperative Plating to expand its business and compound the pollution problems already evident in that area. Home owners must have a say in what changes are being made to their neighborhood and we need to know before the fact, not after: Very truly yours _ ,� . ' . ' �- � �"� � Lois H. Hansen , ` ", - �` ,- � }���-,�— _..�y�-v�,�,�t..� � C Margar t E. Wipperman� Forme�Resident Member Merriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services Board of Directors cc: Mayor George Latimer `������ , . � _ _ . � � �, � .� , �-, � ��� { _ � -�� . ;���. ��..- � . .�. .�. , ,�.`i/f-�-� y � � �c> �� . - i; �.� � �Q�''' � %L�LGL��22i1'E'�d'`... _ _ L--= J, L���-� t�� ���Ul�'-�'-y,�-�f� , �. 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K�ng Realty, inc. 450 Southview Blvd. � , South St. Paul, MN 55075 March 31 , 1980 �,����:-� .� , ; � Soard of Zoning Appeals 25 W. Fourth St. St. Paul , Mn 55102 Re: File No. 8609 File Name: Zenker Gen tl emen: We are in receipt of the Public Hearing Notice regarding the captioned file. Please be advised that I would like to go on record as being opposed to this zoning change, mainly because of parking facilities. There is virtually no "off street" parking in this area and i feel that Yellow Cab Company would cause too much congestion and too much traffic for the area. Sincerely, - - KI�Real ty, Inc. ' ��/G�-�c�c-.���'`_���-�.;� Ri ciiard��G:�rner, Pres i ctett�a RGW/dkn ��-` l 7� � .SP/�ff �. � MR. and MRS. WILLIAM O'ROURKE 1769 Hague Ave, • - . _ St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 �� �C�� �. � -1�_ � - � � �����`T ��.�.--a�., ���, � �.�1����,, � � � , (���� ( � �� �� ; �� �:�v..�.`= r�1 ��-v�C;� �-���,� c�vv�.�- � � ��� ��� o--'�� 1� b�� �� �� `. i�_. � � � ,�v .�,� _ �.., � . , �.� Q ��� ���� �-ti� 1 � y p' � � 1 �'�" �' 1��� � � �� U 'J � - �`�`'' , . �\`l�'� `s�,p"b� �- c,'!�-� L�:������ , �NQ (7.-�� Ivi•--aLl, �'' { ' � C�tiGr��-Y�;.�Q .--�.�.�-�>�,..�t�Q•„ C���ti� C� r- � ,QIJ� �'Lt!M��e. / }./Y l�a.��..� � \ ^)� �� �`�'Y� C`j� � C }�I .1 . /� V �J `-'C.� . � ?�� � �r � � y � �� (� � `� o�- S � �t�. ,� �-- � -� `� .�-�t ���. �� �`�'��M � l.L:li � � ' r' . �l.t'� �-�`.-l'l�s�'�..:� � .y��-�c:,E....�E; � � ,� f �t � ,(� 1 ' �y hr` � C� '_�=;�t��,, � '���.,..� '-� �.� 1 , � , �-c;-����s' � , � � � �� _ ��-�c � . � c�-��� C �vs.,� �- �L�c� ��- YL�-t:��< �--v�� � ' ` � � � 1 �� � \1 E �, V �(�! ; , �, / c`u��,�,�\-�,�`` `_ _ - ��"� `C�-' ('. i�-1�.,�c �- ^ � -c _.�-t•� •�'rt� :f } ` 1 (i I � , ( , '�l'"!'.��C`i-.�,. , �C �` � � � �� �' ,/� J —7 T{ rt" G )1C1 �l l �, �,.�.4I`-=e�=.,� (.;'�► � ,-'�tii.r l Z� ���� � � , �t) ����-�- ��..-,�-�- �--�-��� _ ,�.�-�.�� --�� � r��� . � � � + �` � � �- � �� � �� � L-CL^I-��/ �C L-� �{ � ��'b�.�L.�C"�.�/ �`'} � "! ., � �� . ��,�.� -� 1..�� � r , �-r.� �c��c-� .��..��ltik�, �:�.. l.� „��-�� _.�"�```� � � C"��k�=-� ��'� h 1"-S, Ci.�`O► . ��,'In��_) . (� � ' 'J r� �"-��-�'-�-c'� ,,'�C-��=t �� C�`"'v i,i ...,1 L��..^-�� . , � �� � � � ��) �l �:�.L +<=cc .�s_.. ` � Lt � �•�, � , L` � C` � �'t��� � � �,(',Ca,s:.�a/ . �'� �`� h r � C,� �9 �j^ ' � [1 � - �'C.`LJ �t.�.lt,-,'1S%-�'1 / ` � ,J � 7. -.. � t.a.. 6 I.�f" t.. L>�'y�-�` �' � � .__��v� �,1 C�-�,k-�-k- ►, !� � t"� C1�-�Y t�--�.t��:- ��..;� v�o�� , , ` �� .� Yv:�,:�' ` , Yll-��L ' . � ���'�' � ���`��►�� � �.� f_�(� �� 7 ��:cti�-� � � � (�., � � � ���� �=c�ti�._1-ti��2� C�'� 1 �� � � „�- �-. ) . � �.' �� �f /� fF. � \ _. � . . . .. . . . . . . �. f�+ � ! � � G T M GEO. T. MI�HEL CO. Manufacturers Representative 1754 SELBY AVENUE � ST. PALTL, MINN. 55104 Telephone 612-646-2618 - Telex 29-7075 ` ' Apz'l l �+, 19$� . Chairperson Gladys Morton Zoning Board of Appeals 11th Floor, City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St Paul, Ntinn. 55102 Subject : 1759 Selby Avenue Yellow Cab Company Dear Ms. Morton: As a. small business renting an office at the above address I find the Zoning Commission's original decision to allow the Yellow Cab Company to move into the building at 1759 Selby Avenue to be very hard to understand. Since they have moved in there has been nothing but problems with the increase traffic congestion and the unbelievable parking problems. Most days there is no unused parking space on the streets in this area. If there are parking restrictions on apartment buildings why don't you have laws regulating the parking in a principally small buiness and residential area such as this. I don't believe the numerous vehicles we now find in our neighborhood due to this one company conform to the present zoning restrictions. Since , ; ; � . � R � � ��/ / �4, � . . George T. Michel GTM:js � �� ���� ��; ��� _ ,� c I `�� ���- � C�'_ , , �-- � '', , : ,. . „ �_�-t-7� � , /-����',�.�L/ �' `� (J�_�i�� �;� J ( / " f , J _" _:,� 7- !'��'-E�-[/` <`� '�/ .-}�--� >�� �-� ��1`�7�, `'�-j 1��C< ��.�, ��'� i C�<1;f rl � � , . ' � / i !�/C.�t��� . . .. ..-�:� %�, ��J/..(!� — ) -: �/��- , r' � f���i f�� - ��'�-� ,��=?�`�`"'; C-�;��L,f;�-�--�����.. / f i ; ; , I �,� � �� ��... � .����.��- r� � ����.� �,�,z � r � ��' � .� ��, � �C,�'�i ��,,,�,� 's ��cc� �c��� a�� � 7 � �>� - ,@ _ ,p '/',�' � � �.�% /�,'s?/I �, Cc'�cn..ti��f;-k%� �'L��' ����/?c'" �i.r�' ���G��G��� -� � 4�._� ✓ � C/-�'� �2L U� �� -� ��,��'��' '-�- ��-t�� ....-'�-C��;-!.�'-���.:.{���. � / ''y .: � ��al ��:��-�°.�-��~�� �{2.�` �t'.r`r�C.t%�?� �l --�`�'��-�--�t_' � _ 4 y �� �� G� , , �c:%.��-�' ��./Yt'ts,.�l'� � a, �9 0_�� ��%�.<-.�C.s� ��� �-�- -�J �� '�� :��'L� �? - ` �� J ��. 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I have been bringing my children to this same area for the past year but have noticed an extreme increase in traffic especially the last two months . My children are in day care at 1758 Dayton and the traffic increase that I have see.n in the last two :nonths I fear is an extreme detriment to my children and other childrens ' safety. This is an excellent day care home where I feel confident my children are receiveing good care and I would be greatly disappointed if this day care home would be closed because of this heavy traffic problem. The Yellow Cab Dispatching d�es rot seem to be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Sincerely, � �_ �U �fJJ�= r�„V1_ �i�.�'h._ 615 West Geranium St . Paul , Minnesota 55117 f 7 �� :,��G� ���� �/L ' �L�GL�� �nl.Lrrv�w�`Z'- 5��� / . ` ��� � i ����� .� , ������� ��� ���. � , � ���y ��� ��,� � �� � s ��, y�r ��,.,� ��6'�z�, di�-u=.,---�--ti� ss`�o�. , ; I�i F % � `�-8 G� � ��-,�,`� �'�'"` — Z F � K�= R f9 �. 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Zoning File #8609 Zoning File Name: Zenker Dear Ms. Morton: I am the owner of the property on the southeast corner of Selby and Wheeler. The building consists of three business rental spaces plus two apartments. My own business occupies one of the rental spaces. I have off-street parking for six cars - seven if all the clrivers cooperate and park with as little waste space as possible. During the winter time the snow is pushed to one end of the lot and the available parking area decreases. There are periods during the day that the lot has ir�sufficient sp�.ce to handle the vehicles of all of the tenants and their employees and some on-street parking is necessary. Until the Yellow Cab Company moved into 1759 Selby this seldom created any hardship for either ourselves or our neighbors. However, tahen the cab company moved in the latter part of February the parking situation in this immediate area suddenly became literally "jammed" with vehicles - both cabs and vehicles of drivers on duty. This not only robs property owners of parking space that is rightfully theirs but frequent movement of this concentration of vehicles both day and night adds to the pollution and traffic congestion in the immediate area. Though the noise at night has not as yet become a factor my apartment tenants have already expressed concern that this will create a difficult situation for them in the summertime when they must have their windows open. Continued. . . . . . . . . . � Page - 2 - April 1, 1980 This area consists of small business and residential property. As it is one of the older neighborhoods very few of the business properties have room for off-street parking and even � some of the residential properties have li.�iited off-street parking. Even so, until recently, there was seldorn a serious traffic or parking problem. I am sure you can appreciate that as a building owner with commercial space to rent this is a factor. In fact, this is one of the reasons I purchased the building a few years ago. In an attempt to keep the area from deteriorating neighborhood organizations have encouraged property owners to keep the premises clean and to make necessary investments to upgrade both homes and business properties. The occupant of 1759 Selby and the problems related to their activity is bound to havE a detrimental effect on this immediate ar�a that is contrary to the aims of those attempting to prevent this part of Selby Avenue from deteriorating as it has east of Hamline. Not only is this important to me as the owner of commercial property but it is even more important to those who own homes and reside in the neighborhood. I am amazed and disturbed that the Zoning Commissicn failed to give concerned neighbors an opportunity to object prior to allowing the present tenant to occupy this property. The potential for the creation of the problems outlined above should have been obvious if 41.1 information as to the type of occupancy was accurately outlined on the application. Furthermore, it is my understanding t.ris cab coinpany is at present utilizing only orae�half o� th� 7_icenses available to them and if they can meet certain stipulated conditions and regain the licenses currently under suspension the size of their operation would double. Should this occur the property owners - the tax payers - in this immediate area will be faced with a situaticn that wil.l be absolutely unbearable. I trust the Zoning Commission will thoroughly review the occupar�cy of 1759 Selby Avenue and in light of the detrimental effect it is having on this immediate neighborhood seriously consider revoking the right of this company to conduct business they are at present conducting at this address. Very truly yours, A �` C � , L ��'�; _ -� ��-'�� f�.� John C. Engl bretson �_ JS �,% . _ _ . ._ c . ������ �. `" + � }.� ;: F-�� ; : ;s�l�. . j�, +� ., �. �, ,;�� . ;��;� �.. �,� _ ;1 { r ':� i� �. ��, 1 i. ` � "'' `�.�/ �i J�'(,,.�`7'l•' (\ r. /' � `� r,sj ! rf -�.�,.�\. C.����'�j ,.�f..� .'.`.� L�-Z:�?/'-�f' L�. ��./ �.)-'C.Ci . f `, �t �. �� , � L�-' �; ��_r��'` �",• � � l ��%�js ����� �: `� , t ��,��. �-�, �� �-�.��- �.. � .��v' � - . / ` � �— .s! `-C� ��� .�i�.t:.,L.c-�°�i�t..,� p,_ t�. ��/' .�� ,�, � � ,/�.��'`''—°?c.� �,��?�L�e'?+�L:-�J,.:;, //?�= � , �, . � -�� ' . _ , , � . ; � .r.. �.�..� x t_- . � .� "� /' l'= �� �"r � f�' �-:� , %, K � ; CL .w��! !-�'�'���, -��?� �%'C,.�' �. 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