274973 WHIT£ - CITY �LERK COUnCIl /_.� Lj��� PINK � FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L� � C�NARV - 7EP4RTMENT }� BLUE -�AVOR File � NO. C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RFSOLUTION APPROVING INCLUSION OF "PARI'fY LOANS" IN THE BELOW MARKET IN'fEREST � RATE PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, (a) The City has issued its $50,000,000 Homeownership Mortgage Revenue Bonds, dated as of April 1, 1979 (the "Bonds") for the purpose of financing the Below Market Interest Rate Program (the "BMIR Program"); and (b) The staff of the Department of Planning and Economic Development, Renewal Division, and First Grand Avenue State Bank and Western State Bank of St. Paul have proposed that certain Bond proceeds be combined with conventional funds provided by said banks for the purpose of making mortgage loans (hereinafter referred to as "Pazity Loans") with respect to real properties located in Redevelopment Areas within the City; and (c) The Council has been advised that inclusion of Parity Loans in the BMIR Program will not lower the rating originally given the Bonds by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. and that inclusion of Parity Loans in the BMIR Program is permitted and authorized by Chapter 260, Laws of Minnesota for 1975, Chapter 72, St. Paul, Minnesota, Administrative Code, and by the Indenture of 'frust, dated as of April 1, 1979, as supplemented, entered into between the City and Ficst Trust Company of Saint Paul, as trustee (the "Trustee"), pursuant to which the Bonds were issued. COU[VCILMEN Requested b partm f: Yeas Nays In Favor _ Against BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By B�' �� L Approved by 17ayor. Date App�Y Mayor for Subm s ion o Council By _ B� �"�4�'73 NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The following documents, including the exhibits referred to therein and all to be dated as of June 1, 1980 unless otherwise noted, have been submitted to the Council for approval: a. Supplemental Indenture of Trust, by and between the City and the Trustee; b. An Amendment to Program Administration Agreement, by and between the City and Banco Mortgage Company, as Program Administrator (the "Program Administrator") and accepted by the Trustee; c. An Amendment to Seller's Agreement, by and between the City, the Program Administrator and Western State Bank of St. Paul ("Western State"), as Seller, and accepted by the Trustee; d. An Amendment to Mortgage Servicing Agreement, by and between the Trustee, the Program Administrator and Western State, as Servicer, and accepted by the City; and e. A Mortgagee Agreement, by and between the Trustee, Western State and First Grand Avenue State Bank, and accepted by the City. 2. It is hereby found, determined and declared that inclusion of Parity Loans in the BMIR Program on the terms and conditions set forth in the Supplemental Indenture of Trust, Amendment to Program Administration Agreement, Amendment to Seller's Agreement, Amendment to Mortgage Servicing Agreement and Mortgagee Agreement will further the purposes of the BMIR Program by: a. Promoting the public welfare by maintaining, providing and preserving an adequate housing stock within the City; b. Rehabilitating and improving various blighted residential areas and preventing or slowing the development of blighted areas; and c. Making available mortgage credit for new construction, and by making available mortgage credit for would be purchasers of housing units upon terms and conditions not otherwise affordable to such would be purchasers upon the terms and conditions available in the private mortgage credit market. 3. It is further found, determined and declared that: a. The inclusion of Parity Loans in the BMIR Program is consistent with, and in furtherance of, the provisions of Chapter 260, Laws of Minnesota for 1975, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462A, and Chapter 72, St. Paul, Minnesota, Administrative Code. b. The inclusion of Parity Loans in the BMIR Program will not diminish or reduce the right of the Holders of the Bonds to the payment of principal, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds. WHITE - CITV CLERK ���� /� PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl � I C/RJA.Ry -�DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4. Subject to the approval of the City Attorney, the forms of the Supplemental Indenture of Trust, Amendment to Program Administration Agreement, Amendment to Seller's Agreement, Amendment to Mortgage Servicing Agreement and Mortgagee Agreement, are directed to be executed or accepted in the name and on behalf of the City by the Mayor, Director of Planning and Economic Development, Director of Finance and Management Services and the City Clerk, as appropriate, upon execution thereof by the Trustee, Program Administrator, Western State and First Grand Avenue State Bank. Copies of all the documents necessary to the transactions therein described shall be delivered, filed and recorded as provided therein. 5. The Mayor and City Clerk and other officers of the City are authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to Bond Counsel, the Trustee, and other parties as approved by the City Attorney, when issued, certified copies of all proceedings and records of the City relating to the documents described in paragraph 1 hereof, and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the facts relating to such documents as such facts appear from the books and records in said officers' custody and control or otherwise known to them; and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore fumished, shall constitute representations of the City as to the truth of all statements made by the City and contained therein. COUNCILMEN Request by D art of: Yeas Nays �r MC����n In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco MqY 2 Adopted by uncil Date � 19� Form Approve y City Attorn : Cerlifi Pas• by ou '1 ecretary BY t#ppr e b INavor. _ MAY ,`J,, 7 �980 A ro e by Mayor for Sub i s on to Council R 1 B - Vy � �;IRUSH�D MAY 3 1 1980 . ` 2`���'7� RHM: 3/31/80; 4/8/80; 4/24/80; 5/19/80 CITY OF SAINT PAUL RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA TO FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, AS TRUSTEE SUPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE OF TRUST DATE D AS OF 1, 19 8 0 $50,000,000 HOME CJWNERSHIP MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS This Instrument Drafted By: Briggs and Morgan Professional Association 2200 First National Bank Building Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 SIIPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE OF TRUST • � THIS StJPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE OF TRUST, dated as of 1, 1980, is made and entere�3 into by and between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") , a municipal corporation organized and exi'sting under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and First Trust Company of Saint Paul, Saint Paul, Minnesota, a corporation duly organized, existing and authorized to accept and execute trusts of the character herein set out under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota, with its principal office located in Saint Paul., Minnesota, as Trustee ( the "Trustee" ) . WITNESSETH: RECITALS . WHEREAS, Chapter 260 of the Minnesota Laws of 1975 (the "Act") provides that preservation of the quality of life in a major metrapolitan city is dependent upon the maintenance, provision and preservation of an adequate housing stock and that accamplishing this ob�ective is a public purpose; and WSEREAS, the Act provides that would-be purchasers or providers of housing units in the City are either unable to afford mortgage credit at market rate of interest or obtain mortgage credit because the mortgage credit mar3set is severely restricted; and . WHEREAS, the Act provides that the City may develop and administer a program to make or purchase below market interest rate mortgage loans to finance or refinance the purchase of housing units intended for use as a principal place of residence located anywhere within its boundaries, for occupancy primarily by persons of low and moderate income to achieve such purpose; and WHEREAS, the Act requires that in developing such a program the City consider, among other things, the need for rehabilitating housing units and the need for additional mortgage credit to encourage the purchase of housing units which are located on property which governmental bodies or agencies have acquired and made suitable for housing construction; and WHEREAS, the City and the Trustee entered into an Indenture of Trust dated as of April 1, 1979 (the "Indenture") , with respect to the City's $50,000,000 Home Ownership Mortgage Revenue Bonds as part of the Program (as defined in the Indenture) which was established to meet the needs described in the Act; and WHEREAS, the City and the Trustee now wish to enter into this Supplemental Indenture of Trust (the "Supplem�ntal Indenture") to meet the needs described in the Act and to make certain changes which are not to the prejudice of the bondholders, as authorized by Section 10-1 of the Indenture; 2 WHEREAS, the Program is being administered on behalf of the City and Trustee by Banco Mortgage Company, an Iowa corporation (the "Program Administrator") , pursuant to an agreement ( the "Program Administration Agreement") by and between the City, the Trustee and the Program Administrator; and the proceeds from the sale of Bonds by the City are being used to carry out the Program by acquiring mortgage loans ("Mortgage Loans") to be originated and sold to the City by various lending institutions pursuant to mortgage loan selling agreements (the "Seller's Agreements") by and between each lending institution, the City, the Program Administrator and the Trustee and serviced by various financial institutions pursuant to mortgage loan servicing agreements ( the "Servicing Agreements") by and between each financial institution, the City, the Program Administrator and the Trustee; and said agreements (collectively the "Agreements") have all been duly executed by the parties thereto; and WHEREAS, the parties to said Agreements have entered into and executed amendments to said Agreements in connection with this Supplemental Indenture; and WHEREAS, the execution, delivery and performance of this Supplemental Indenture and the amendmerits to the Agreements outlined above have been duly authorized by the City pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the City Council on , 1980, and approved by the Mayor of the City, and all conditions, acts and things necessary and required by the 3 laws of the State of Minnesota or otherwise to exist, to have happened, or to have been performed precedent to and in the execution and delivery of this Supplemental Indenture have happened and have been performed in regular form, time and manner; and � WHEREAS, the Trustee has power to enter into this Supplemental Indenture and said amended Agreements and has accepted the rights, functions and obligations of the Trustee under said amended Agreements and in evidence thereof has joined in the execution hereof: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual agreements hereinafter contained, the City and the Trustee agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS Words and terms capitalized but not otherwise defined herein shall have the same meanings ascribed to them in the Inden ture as the same may be from time to time amended or supplemented in accordance with the terms thereof, unless the context or use indicates a different meaning or intent. - ARTICLE 2 AMENDMENT OF PROVISIONS OF INDENTURE Section 2-1. Amendment to Definition of "Mortgage Loan" in Section 1-1 of the Indenture. The definition of 4 "Mortgage Loan" in Section 1-1 of the Indenture is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: Mortgage Loan: An interest bearing loan to a Mortgagor, funded in whole or in part from Bond proceeds, secured by a Mortgage, evidenced by one or more Mortgage Loan Notes, and purchased in whole or part by the City, and, with respect to that portion of the Mortgage Loan funded with Bond proceeds, recorded in the name of the Trustee under this Indenture; Section 2-2. Amendment to Definition of "Mortgage Pool Insurance Policy" in Section 1-1 of the Indenture. The definition of "Mortgage Pool Insurance Policy" in Section 1-1 of the Indenture is amended in its entirety to read as follows: Mortgage Pool Insurance Policy: A mortgage insurance policy subject to the Pool Limit and carried by a Qualified Insurer providing insurance covering 100$ of all losses (after payment under any primary mortgage insurance or guaranty, and then only with respect to � the in teres t of the Ci ty in the Mortgage Loans) by reason of defaults on Mortgage Loans; 5 Section 2-3 . Amendment of Definition of "Revenues" � in Section 1-1 of the Indenture. The definition of "Revenues in Section 1-1 of the Indenture is hereby amended by addition thereto of the following: provided, however, that Revenues shall not include amounts otherwise included in this definition, but attributable, pursuant to any mortgagee agreement entered into by the Trustee, to a Mortgage Loan Note purchased by a financial institution for its own account and no t for the accoun t of the Ci ty; Section 2-4. Amendment to Section 4-7 of the � Indenture. Section 4-7 of the Indenture is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: Section 4-7. Possession and Inspection of Mortgage Notes. The Trustee shall retain possession of the Mortgage Loan Notes purchased by the City and release them only in accordance with the provisions of this Indenture and the Agreements. The City and the Trustee covenant and agree that all books and documents in their possession relating to the Mortgage Loan receipts and to the distribution of proceeds thereof shall at all times be open to inspection by such 6 accountants or other agencies as the other party may fram time to time designate. Section 2-5. Amendment to Section 4-11 of the Indenture. Section 4-11 of the Indenture is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: � Section 4-11. Mortgage Pool Insurance and Special Hazard Insurance. The City � covenants that on or before delivery of the Bonds hereunder, it will obtain and deliver to the Trustee a Mortgage Pool Ins.urance Policy and Special Hazard Insurance Policy, which policies shall be in full force and effect. 7.'he Trustee covenants that it shall maintain said insurance policies in full force and effect until such time as this Indenture is discharged as provided in Article VII hereof. In the event either of such insurance policies should be cancelled or terniinated, or the carriers thereof cease to be Qualified Insurers, the Trustee covenants that it shall exercise its best efforts to obtain another policy with coanparable protection from such other Qualified Insurer as it shall select to the end that a Mortgage Pool Insurance Policy and 7 Special Hazard Insurance Policy are continuously in f ull force and effect; provided that the Trustee shall determine that the premium therefor will be affordable in light of projected cash flow to and available sums in the Funds and Accounts as set forth in an Accountant's Certificate; and provided further that the Pool Limit on the Mortgage Pool Insurance Policy and Special Hazard Insurance Policy may be based on the remaining principal amount of the Mortgage Loans, or portions thereof purchased by the City, then outstanding. Section 2-6. Amendment to Section 4-12(A) of the Indenture. Section 4-12(A) of the Indenture is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: (A) Each Mortgage Loan to be purchased, from the proceeds of Bonds and any Commitment Fees and Builder-Developer Fees shall conform to the terms, conditions, provisions and limitations stated in this Section 4-12 except to the extent, � if any, that a variation therefrom is required by any PMI or agency or instrumentality of the United States 8 guaranteeing or insuring or otherwise assisting in the payment of the Mortgage Loan. Section 2-7. Amendment to Section 4-12(H) of the Indenture. Section 4-12(H) of the Indenture is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: (H) No Mortgage Loan, or any portion there- of, shall be purchased from the proceeds of the Bonds, unless the rate of in- terest per annum on the Mortgage Loan, or the portion thereof purchased from Bond proceeds, is at least eight and one-fourth percent (8-1/4$ ) , and the purchase price of that portion of the Mortgage Loan to be funded from Bond proceeds is no greater than one hundred percent (100$) of the outstanding principal amount thereof to be purchased from Bond proceeds plus or minus accrued interest attributable to that portion of the Mortgage Loan to be purchasec3 from Bond proceeds to the date of purchase plus one percent (1$) of the original principal amount of the Mortgage Loan to be purchased from Bond proceeds. 9 ARTICLE 3 MISCELLANEOUS Section 3-1. Counterparts. This Supplemental In- denture may be executed in counterparts, and each executed counterpart shall constitute an original instrument, but all such counterparts shall constitute but one and the same instrument. 3-2.. Appli�cabilitv of Indenture. Except as supplemented by this Supplemental Indenture, all of the pro- visions of the Indenture shall remain in full force and effect fro�n and af ter the ef fect ive date set forth above of this Supplemental Indenture. .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Trustee have • caused this Supplemental Indenture� of Trust to be executed on their behalf by their duly authorized officers and their � corporate seals to be hereunto affixed and duly attested, all as of the day and year first above written. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Mayor (S EAL) BY - Director of Finance and Management Services ATTEST: By gy City Clerk Director of Planning and Econaanic Development APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Assistant City Attorney 10 FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL as Trustee (SEAL) By Vice President ATTEST: By - Assistant Secretary 11 . , RHM: 3/31/80; 4/8/80; 4/24/80; 5/19/80 ����"7� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AND BANCO MORTGAGE COMPANY, as Program Administrator AND FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, as Trustee AMENDMENT TO PROGRAM AIk�tINISTRATION AGREEMENT Dated as of 1, 1980 Relating to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota $50,000,000 Home Owner Mortgage Revenue Bonds AMENLMENT TO PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT TO PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT, dated as of , 1980, is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipality (the "City" ) , and Banco Mortgage Company, a � � corporation organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, as Program Administrator (the "Program Administrator" ) and is accepted by First Trust Company of Saint Paul, as Trustee (the "Trustee" ) under that certain Indenture of Trust, dated as of Apzil 1, 1979 by and between. the City and Trustee (the "Indenture" ) . � WHEREAS, the City and Program Administrator entered. into a Program Administration Agreement dated as• of March 12, � 1979 (the "Program Administration Agreement") , pursuant to which the Program. Administrator is performing certain duties which respect to the origination and servicing of Mortgage � Loans (as defined therein) purchased from the proceeds of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, $50, 000, 000 Home Ownership Mortgage Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds" ) ; and WHEREP,S, the City now wishes to include Parity Loans (as hereinafter defined) in the Below Market Interest Rate Program (the "BMIR Proyram" ) financed by the Bonds ; and WHEREAS, the City, the Program Administrator and the Trustee wish to enter into this Amendment to Program Administration Agreement in connection with said Parity Loans; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS Words and terms capitalized but not otherwise defined herein, or in the Program Administration Agreement, or any supplements or amendments thereto, shall have the same meanings ascribed to them in the Indenture when used herein, unless the context or use indicates a different meaning or intent. ARTICLE II - AMENDMENT OF PROVISIONS OF PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT Section 2.01. Amendment to Definition of "Indenture" in Section 1.01 of the Proqram Administration Agreement. The definition of "Indenture" in Sectio� 1.01 of the Program Admin- istration Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: Indenture: That certain Indenture of Trust dated as of April 1, 1979, by and between the City and the Trustee, pertaining to the Bonds, as the same may be fram time to time supplemented in accordance wi th the terms thereof; Section 2.02. Amendment to Definition of "Mortgage Loan" in Section 1.01 of the Program Administration Aqreement. The definition of "Mortgage Loan" in Section 1.01 of the Program Administration Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: 2 Mort a e Loan: An interest bearing loan inc u ing a Parity Loan) to a Mortgagor, funded in whole or part from Bond proceeds, secured by a Mortgage and evidenced by one or more Mortgage Loan Notes; Section 2.03. Amendment of Section 1.01 of the Program Administration Agreement. Section 1.01 of the Program Administration Agreement is amended by addition of the following definition of "Parity Loan" and "Parity Lender" . Parity Loan: A Mortgage Loan evidenced by more than one Mortgage Loan Note, one of which Mortgage Loan Notes is purchased by the City and recorded in the name of the Trustee; provided however, that no Mortgage Loan Note evidencing a Parity Loan shall be purchased by the City if the effect thereof would be to create, or to permit the creatron of, a charge or lien on Revenues (as � defined in the Indenture) in violation of Section 2-13 of the Indenture; Parity Lender: A financial institution purchasing a Mortgage Loan Note evidencing, in part, a Parity Loan, for its own account and not for the account of the Ci ty; Section 2.04. Amendment to Definition of "Purchase Price" in Section 1.01 of the Program Administration Agreement. The definition of "Purchase Price" in Section 1.01 of the Program Administration Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: Purchase Price: As to any particular Eligible Mortgage Loan, the amount set forth in Section 3.05 (h) ; Section 2.05. Amendment to DefinYtion of "Purchased Mortgage Loan" in Section . o t e Program A ministration Agreement. The definition of "Purchased Mortgage Loan" in Section 1.01 of the Program Administration Agreement is hereby amended in its e;itirety as follows: 3 Purchased Mortgage Loan: A Mortgage Loan purchased by the City and recorded in the name of the Trustee under the Indenture; or a Parity Loan purchased by the City and a Parity Lender and recorded in the names of the Trustee and the Parity Lender, as their interests may appear, under the Indenture and the applicable mortgagee agreemen t; Section 2.06. Amendment to Section 3 .05 of the Program Administration Agreement. Section 3.0 , sub-sections 3.05 (a) and 3.05 (h) , are hereby amended in their entirety to read as follows: (a) Each Mortgage Loan to be purchased, in whole or in part, from the proceeds of Bonds and any Commitment Fees and Builder-Developer Fees shall conform to the terms, conditions, provisions and limitation stated in this � Section 3.05 except to the extent, if any, that a variation therefrom is required by any PMI or agency or instrumentality of the United- States guaranteeing or insuring or otherwise assisting in the payment of the Mortgage Loan. (h) No Mortgage Loan, or any portion thereof, shall be purchased f rom the proceeds of the Bonds, unless the rate of interest per annum on the Mortgage Loan, or the portion thereof purchased from Bond proceeds, is at least eight and one-fourth percent (8-1/4$) , and the pu�chase price of that portion of the Mortgage Loan to be funded from Bond proceeds is no greater than one hundred percent (100$) of the outstanding principal amount thereof to be purchased from Bond proceeds plus or minus accrued interest attributable to that portion of the Mortgage Loan to be purchased from Bond proceeds to the date of purchase plus one percent (1$) of the original principal amount of the Mortgage Loan to be purchased from Bond proceeds Section 2.07. Amendment to Section 3 .12 of the Program Administration Agreement. Section 3.12 of the Program Administration Agreement in amended in its entirety to read as follows: 4 3.12. Compensation. The Program Administrator shall receive: (a) as an origination fee 3/8 of one percent (1$) of the principal amount of Bond proceeds used to purchase each Mortgage Loans at the time said Mortgage Loans is purchased by the City, such origination fee to be paid solely fram the Cost of Issuance Fund; and (b) shall receive, monthly as its continuing fee, 1/12 of 1/8 of one percent (1$) of the principal balance of the Purchased Mortgage Loans then outstanding, and attributable to the interest of the City, such continuing fee payments to be made solely from the Revenue Fund and in the manner set forth in Section 5-8 of the Indenture. Section 2. 08. Amendment of Article III of the Program Administration Agreement. Article III of the Program Administration Agreement is hereby amended by addition of the following Section 3.15. 3.15. Special Provisions for Parity Loans. (a) The Program Administrator shall not do any act, or omit to do any act, nor shall it a11ow any Seller or Servicer to do any act, or omit to do any act, which would cause any interest in a Parity Loan held by any other person or financial institution to become a charge or lien on Revenues (as defined in the Indenture) in violation of Section 2-13 of the Indenture; (b) Subject to (a) , above, the Program Administrator shall undertake and perform with respect to Parity Loans, all those duties and responsibilities provided for in this Agreement except only as such duties and responsibilities may be varied by reason of a mortgagee agreement entered into by the Trustee relating to Parity Loans. ARTICLE III - MISCELLANEOUS Section 3.01. Counterparts. This Amendment to Program Adminsitration Agreement may be executed in several counterparts and each executed counterpart shall constitute an original instrument, but all such counterparts shall constitute but one and the same instrument. 5 Section 3.02. Applicability of Program Adminis- tration Agreement. Except as supplemented and amended by this Amendment to Program Administration Agreement, all of the provisions of the Program Administration Agreement shall remain in f ull force and effect and from and after the effective date of this Amendment to Program Administration Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Program Administrator have caused these presents to be signed in their � name and on their behalf by their respective officers and their corporate seals to be hereunto affixed and attested all as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL By (SEAL George Lattimer Its Mayor Attest: By Bernard J. Carlson Director of Finance and Management City Clerk By Approved as to form: Gary Stout Director of Planning and Economic Development Assistant City Attorney 6 BANCO MORTGAGE COMPANY By . Its Vice President By I ts � ACCEPTANCE First Trust Company of Saint Paul, the Trustee referred to herein, hereby accepts the terms, provisions, and conditions of this Amendment to Program Administration Agreement on this day of , 1980. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL By Its Vice President By � Its Assistant Secretary 8 RAM: 3/31/80,•- 4/8/80; 4/24/80; 5/19/80 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AND BANCO MORTGAGE COMPANY, as Program Administrator AND FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, as Trustee AMENDMENT TO PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT Da ted as of 1, 1980 Relating to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota $50,000,000 Home Owner Mortgage Revenue Bonds . �`�����'�� RH: 3/31/80/ 4/8/80; 4/24/80; 5/19/80 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AND BANCO MORTGAGE COMPANY, as Program Administrator AND WESTERN STATE BANK OF SAINT PAUL, as Seller AND FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, as Trustee AMENDMENT TO SELLER'S AGREEMENT Dated as of 1, 1980 Relating to the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA $50,000,000 HOME OWNERSHIP MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS AMENDMENT TO SELLER'S AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT TO SELLER'S AGREEMENT, dated as of 1, 1980 is entered into by and between the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipality ( the "City") , Banco Mortgage Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, as Program Administrator (the "Program Administrator"� and Western State Bank of St. Paul, a state chartered financial institution (the "Seller") , and accepted by First Trust Company of St. Paul, as trustee ( the "Trustee") under that certain Indenture of Trust, dated as of April 1, 1979 by and between the City and First Trust Company of St. Paul ( the "Indenture") . WHEREAS, City, Program Administrator and Seller entered into a Seller's Agreement dated as of April 1, 1979 ( the "Seller's Agreement") for the purpose of providing for the origination of Mortgage Loans (as defined therein) pursuant to the City's program ( the "Program" ) o£ purchasinq Qualified Mortgage Loans (as defined therein) from the proceeds of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota $50,000,000 Home Ownership Mortgage Revenue Bonds ( the "Bonds") as more fully set forth in that certain Indenture of Trust, c3ated as of April 1, 1979, by and between the City and the Trustee (the "Inc7enture" ) ; and WHEREAS; the City, Program Administrator and Western State now desire to enter into this Amendment to Seller's • • Agreement for the purpose of clarifying the inclusion of Parity Loans (as hereinafter defined) in the Program; NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Words and terms capitalized but not otherwise defined herein shall have the same meanings subscribed to them in the Seller's Agreement (as the same may be from time to time supplemented or amended in accordance with the terms thereof, when used herein) unless the context or use indicates a different meaning or intent. ARTICLE II AMENDMENT OF PROVISIONS OF SELLER'S AGREEMENT Section 2.01. Amendment of Definition to "Commitment Fee" in Section 1.1 of the Seller's Agreement. The definition of "Commitment Fee" in Section 1.1 of the Seller's Agreement is amended in its entirety as follows: Commitment Fee shall mean the amount deposited by the Seller with the City pursuant to this Agreement, equal to: one percent (1$) of the principal amount of Qualified Mortgage Loans to be originated and 2 sold by the Seller under this Agreement; or, in the case of Parity Loans, one percent (1�) of that portion of the principal amount of Qualified Mortgage Loans to be originated by the Seller and sold to the Ci ty under this Agreement; Section 2.02. Amendment to Definition of "Indenture" in Section 1.1 of the Seller's Agreement. The definition of "Indenture" in Section 1.1 of the of the Seller's Agreement is hereby amended in its entirey as follows: Indenture: that certain Indenture of Trust dated as of April 1, 1979, by and between the City and the Trustee, pertaining to the Bonds, as the same may be from time to time supplemented in accordance with the terms thereof; Section 2.03. Amendment to Definition of "Mortgage Loan" in Section 1.1 of the Seller's Aqreement. The definition of "Mortgage Loan" in Section 1.1 of the Seller's Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: . Mortgage Loan shall mean an interest bearing loan ( including a Parity Loan) to a Mortgagor, funded in whole or part from Bond proceeds, secured by a Mortgage and evidenced by one or more Mortgage Loan Notes; 3 Section 2.04. Amendment of Section 1.1 of the Seller's Agreement. Section 1.1 of the Seller's Agreement is hereby amended by addition of the following definition of "Mortgage Loan Note. " Mortgage Loan Note: a promissory note evidencing, in whole or in part, a Mortgage Loan; Section 2. 05. Amendment of Section 1.1 of the Seller's Agreement. Section 1.1 of the Seller's Agreement is hereby amended by addition of the following definitions of "Parity Loan" and "Parity Lender" . Parity Loan: means a Mortgage Loan evidenced by more than one Mortgage Loan Note, one of which Mortgage Loan Notes is purchased by the City and recorded in the name of the Trustee; provided however, that no Mortgage Loan Note evidencing a Parity Loan shall be purchased by the City if the effect thereof will be to create, or permit the creation of, a charge or lien on Revenues (as defined in the Indenture) in violation of Section 2-13 of the Indenture; Parity Lender: means a financial institution purchasing a Mortgage Loan Note evidencing, in part, a Parity Loan, for its own account and not for the account of the City; 4 Section 2.06. Amendment to Definition of "Permitted Encumbrances" in Section 1.1 of the Seller's A reement. The definition of "Permitted Encumbrances" in Section 1.1 of the Seller's Agreement is hereby amended by addition thereto of the following subparagraph: (v) the lien securing a Mortgage Loan Note evidencing that portion of a Parity Loan purchased by a Parity Lender. Section 2.07. Amendment to Definition of "Purchased Mortgage Loan" in Section 1.1 of the Seller's A reement. The definition of "Purchased Mortgage Loan" in Section 1.1 of the _ Seller's Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: Purchased Mort aqe Loans: a Mortgage Loan purchased by the Ci ty and recorded in the name of the Trustee under the Indenture; or a Parity Loan purchased by the City and a Parity Lender and recorded in the names of the Trustee and the Parity Lender, as their interests may appear, under the Indenture and the applicable mortgagee agreement; Section 2.08. Amendment to Definition of "Redevelopment Areas" in Section 1.1 of the Seller's A reement. The definition of "Redevelopment Areas" in Section 1.1 of the Seller's Agreement is amended in its entirety as follows: 5 ' Redevelopment Areas shall mean those areas of the City designated as such for the Program by the City and which meet the criteria for a redevelopment project area under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462, as amended; Section 2. 09. Amendment of Section 3.6 of the Seller's Agreement. Section 3.6 of the Seller's Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: Section 3.6. Purchase Price. The City will purchase each Qualified Mortgage Loan, or the portion thereof to be purchased from Bond proceeds, from the Seller for the amount set forth in Section 4-12(H) of the Indenture. Section 2.10. Amendment to Article VI of the Seller's Agreement. Article VI of the Seller's Agreement is hereby amended by addition of the following Section 6.13: Section 6.13. �ecial provisions for Parity Loans. Parity Loans may be made pursuant to the Program upon the following terms and conditions: (a. ) A mortgagee's agreement, in form and substance acceptable to the Trustee, must have been en tered in to by and be tween the � Trustee, the Seller of such Parity Loans, the 6 Servicer of such Parity Loans, and the Parity Lender and such mortgagee's agreement must have been accepted by the City; (b. ) The interest of the Parity Lender must be evidenced by a Mortgage Loan Note, in form and substance acceptable to the Trustee, which Mortgage Loan Note must identify the Parity Lender, the amount of the Mortgage Loan Note, in dollars, and the interest rate per annum thereon. (c. ) At such time as the Seller presents a Mortgage Loan Note evidencing a portion of a Parity Loan to the City for purchase, the Seller shall certify to the City the following: � ( i) The identity of all Parity Lenders purchasing Mortgage Loan Notes evidencing part of the Parity Loan; � (ii) The amount of the Parity Loan and the portion of the Parity Loan, by percentage of the total principal amount thereof, represen ted by the Mor tgage Loan No te to be purchased by the City and represented by all other Mortgage Loan Note (s) evidencing any � portion of the same Parity Loan, , repsectxvely; and 7 (iii) That the Parity Loan complies with . the terms of the applicable mortgagee agreement entered into pursuant to Section 6.13 (a) ; (d. ) The Mortgage Loan Note purchased by the City shall be purchased at the purchase price specified in Section 3.6; (e. ) Except as specified in this Section 6.13, each Parity Loan shall be originated pursuant to the terms and condi- tions of this Seller' s Agreement, and shall be serviced pursuant to the terms and conditions of a Mortgage Servicing Agreement; (f. ) The calculations set forth in (ii) of Section 4.6 of this Seller's Agreement shall be made on the basis of the entire principal amount of the Parity Loan; and (g. ) The Mortgage Loan Note purchased by the City shall bear interest at the rate of eight and one-quarter percent (8-1/4�) per annum and the Mortgage Loan Note purchased by the Parity Lender shall bear interest at the rate specified therein; Section 2.11. Amendment to Section 7.2 of the Seller's Agreement. Sections 7.2(7) and 7.2(9) are hereby amended in their entirety as follows: 8 (7) The original Mortgage Loan Note, or the original Mortgage Loan Note evidencing that portion of a Parity Loan to be purchased by the City, in the standard FHA or VA form or the standard FNMA/FHLMC Form for Conventional Mortgage Loans, bearing an endorsement by the Seller, "Pay to the order of First Trust Company of Saint Paul, as Trustee under an Indenture of Trust dated as of April l, 1979 between the City of St. Paul, Minnesota and such Trustee, without Recourse"; (9) The duly executed and properly recorded Assignment of Mortgage to the Trustee in the standard Minnesota form in the form set forth as Exhibit D hereto, or, in the case of a Parity Loan, the duly executed and properly recorded Assignment of Mortgage to the Trustee and the Parity Lender, as their interests may appear, in form and substance acceptable to the Program Administrator; ARTICLE III MISCELLANEOUS Section 3. 01. Counterparts. This Amendment to Seller's Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, and 9 each executed counterpart shall constitute an original instru- ment, but all such counterparts shall constitute but one and the same instrument. Section 3.02. Applicabilityo uf Seller's A reement. Except as supplemented and amended by this Amendment to Seller's Agreement, all of the provisions of the Seller's Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from and after the effective date of this Amendment to Seller's Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City, the Seller, the Program Administrator and the Trustee have caused their names to be signed hereto by the respective officers thereunto duly author- ized and their respective seals to be hereunto affixed and attested, all as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL (SEAL) gy Its Mayor � Attest By City Clerk Its Director of Finance and Management Services Approved as to form: By Assistant City Attorney Its Director of Planning and Economic Development 10 .- .. + BANCO MORTGAGE COMPANY, as Program Administrator By Its BY Its WESTERN STATE BANK OF SAINT PAUL, as Seller � . By Its � Accepted By: . FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, as Trustee By ts By . - Its 11 . . �����'�� RHM: 3/31/80; 4/8/80; 4/24/80; 5/19/80 FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL AS TRUSTEE FIRST GRAND AVENUE STATE BANK OF SAINT PAUL AND WESTERN STATE BANK OF ST. PAUL MORTGAGEE AGREEMENT Dated as of June 1 , 1980 relating to the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA $50,000,000 HOME OWNERSHIP MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS TAIS AGREEMENT is made as of the lst day of June � 1980, by and between FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, as Trustee ( the "Trustee") , FIRST GRAND AVENUE STATE BANK, a state chartered financial institution ( "First Grand") , and WESTERN STATE BANR OF ST. PAUL, a state chartered financial institution (°Western State") and accepted by the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a municipal corporation ( the "City" ) . WHEREAS, the City has issued its $50,000,000 Home Ownership Mortgage Revenue Bonds, dated as of April 1, 1979 (the "Bonds") , pursuant to an Indenture of Trust, also dated as of April 1, 1979, by and between the City and the Trustee (which Indenture of Trust, as supplemented shall be referred . herein as the "Indenture") ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Indenture, the proceeds of the Bonds are being used for the City's program of providing below market interest mortgage loans primarily to persons to low and moderate income ( the "Program" ) ; and WHEREAS, the Mortgage Loans are originated under the Program pursuant to a Seller's Agreement, dated as of April 1, 1979 by and between the City, Banco Mortgage Company, as Program Administrator ( the "Program Administrator") and various mortgage lenders (including Western State) , as sellers, and accepted by the Trustee as the same may be from time to time supplemented or amended in accordance with the terms thereof ( the "Seller's Agreement") ; and such Mortgage Loans are serviced pursuant to a. Mortgage Servicing Agreement by and between the Trustee, the Program Administrator and various • • mortgage lenders ( including Western State) , as servicers, and accepted by the City as the same may be from time to time supplemented or amended in accordance with the terms thereof (the "Mortgage Servicing Agreement") ; and WHEREAS, First Grand, Western State and the City desire to use funds provided by First Grand and Western State, together with Bond proceeds, to make Mortgage Loans under the � Progra�; NOW, THEREFORE, the Trustee, First Grand and Western State hereby agree as follows: 1. Definitions. All terms capitalized but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms in the Indenture, unless the context indicates a different meaning or intent. 2. Origination of Paritv Loans. All loans originated hereunder ( "Parity Loans") shall be originated by Western State pursuant to a Seller' s Agreement in conformance with all the terms and provisions thereof except that the por- tion of such Parity Loan to be purchased from Bond proceeds shall be evidenced by a Mortgage Loan Note ( the "BMIR Note") bearing interest at the rate of eight and one-quarter percent (8 1/4$) per annum, and the portion of such Parity Loan to be purchased from other than Bond proceeds shall be evidenced by a Mortgage Loan Note (the "Conventional Note") bearing interest 2 • . at the rate not to exceed fourteen percent (14$ ) per annum. The Parity Loans may be Conventional Mortgage Loans (as defined in the Seller's Agreement) , FHA insured or VA guaranteed. The BMIR Note shall be delivered to the Trustee pursuant to the Seller's Agreement. The Conventional Note shall be delivered to Western State or First Grand (the "Parity Lenders") as appropriate, pursuant to this agreement. The Mortgage securing each Parity Loan shall be assigned of record to the Trustee and either Western State or First Grand, as their interests may appear pursuant to Section 7.2(9) of the Seller's Agreement. 3. Servicinq. All Parity Loans shall be serviced by Western State pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement in accordance with all the terms and provisions thereof except that all amounts received on account of a Parity Loan, except amounts to be deposited in ttie Escrow Account, shall be deposited in the Suspense Account or Hazard Insurance Account and held therein for the joint benefit of the Trustee and First Grand or Western State. Western State shall be entitled to a Servicing Fee on the entire outstanding _principal amount of both the BMIR Note and the Conventional Note, in the amount and on the terms and conditions set forth in such Mortgage Servicing Agreement. 4. Purchase of Parity Loan Notes. The Trustee hereby agrees to purchase, on behalf of the City, BMIR Notes provided that the entire Parity Loan evidenced in part by each BMIR Note must be a Qualified Mortgage Loan (as defined in the Seller's Agreement) , and provided further that the Trustee' s agreement hereunder is subject to the availability of funds 3 in the Mortgage Loan Fund. Western State and First Grand hereby agree to purchase Conventional Notes, provided that: each Conventional Note shall represent not less than twenty-six percent (26$) of the aggregate principal balance of the related Parity Loan; the original principal amounts of the BMIR Note and the Conventional Note shall be adjusted so that the aggregate original principal amount of the Parity Loan shall bear a combined interest rate not to exceed nine and three-quarters percent (9 3/4$) per annum; each Conventional Note shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed fourteen percent (14$) per annum; each BMIR Note shall bear interest at eight and one-quarter percent (8 1/4$) per annum; and . ( i) Western State shall not be obligated to purchase Conventional Notes in an aggregate principal amount greater than $175,000 and ( ii) First Grand shall not be obligated to purchase Conventional Notes on an aggregate p�incipal amount greater than $275,000. 5. Remittances. On the 25th day of each month, or on the 5th and 25th day of each month, at the option of the Servicer, the Servicer shall pay to the First Grand or Western State and the Trustee, from the Suspense Account, the Parity Loan repayment attributable to the BMIR Note and the Conventional Note, respectively. The rights of Western State, First Grand and the Trustee with respect to amounts received by them with respect to a Parity Loan that would be "Revenues" if the Parity Loan were purchased entirely by the Trustee shall be, and such amounts shall be deemed attributable to the BMIR Note and Conventional Note, as follows: 4 a. With respect to payments of principal and interest, the interests of the Trustee and the Parity Lender shall be proportionate to the Monthly Payment provided in the BMIR Note and Conventional Note, respectively. b. With respect to Prepayments and any Hazard Insurance Proceeds or condemnation awards or other amounts which are applied against the principal balance of the Parity Loan as a prepayment prior to maturity of the regularly scheduled Monthly Payments pursuant to the Mortgage Servicing Agreement, the interests of the Trustee and the Parity Lender shall be proportionate to the principal portions of the Monthly Payments on the BMIR Note and , Conventional Note, respectively, next to mature, so that the final maturity date of the BMIR Note and Conventional Note remain the same. c. With respect to Default Proceeds, the interests of the Trustee and the Parity Lender shall be proportionate to the then total balance of principal and accrued interest of the BMIR No te and Conventional Note, respectively. 5 " d. Commitment Fees paid by an Builder-Developer, shall belong to the person or entity to which the Builder-Developer agreed to pay the fee. e. Commitment Fees paid by Western State as Seller to the Trustee shall belong to the Trustee, but subject to repayment to Western State as part of the Purchase Price pursuant to Section 3. 6 of the Seller's Agreement. f. Origination fees paid by a Parity Lender shall belong to Western State. g. The repurchase price paid by a Seller to the Trustee for the portion of a defective Parity Loan represented by a BMIR Note shall belong to the Trustee. Amounts held by the Servicer for the joint benefit of the Trustee and the Parity Lender shall be held in a Suspense Account or a Hazard Insurance Account, as required by the Mortgage Servicing Agreement. 6. Enforcement and Foreclosure; Expenses. Western State shall enforce, by foreclosure or otherwise, the obligation evidenced by the BMIR Notes and Conventional Notes, and the related Mortgage securing said promissory notes, 6 in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Mortgage Servicing Agreement. In the event the Trustee sends to Western State a Mortgage and related BMIR Note pursuant to Section 5.7 of the Mortgage Servicing Agreement, First Grand or Western State shall promptly furnish the related Conventional Note to the appropriate persons. Subject to paragraph 7 hereof, the expenses of collection, enforcement, foreclosure, maintenance of the property and similar expenses recoverable by Western State, as Servicer, under the Mortgage Servicing Agreement, shall be borne by Western State or First Grand and the Trustee in proportion to the outstanding principal balance, and interest thereon, of the related Conventional Note and related BMIR Note, respectively. With respect to the Parity Lender, such payment shall be an absolute obligation and not payable from any� specific fund or account. 7. Waiver of Certain Rights. First Grand and Western State hereby agree and acknowledge that notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Mortgagee's Agreement, or any other document or instrument, the Conventional Notes shall not be construed or asserted as an additional indebtedness secured by a charge or lien on Revenues (as defined in the Indenture) or payable from any fund or account created or established pursuant to the Indenture;. and in furtherance thereof, First Grand and Western State hereby waive any right either of them may have, or hereafter acquire, at law or in equity, to assert or enforce. such a charge or lien against Revenues (as defined in the Indenture) . 7 8. Assignments of Conventional Notes. First Grand and Western State shall not assign or transfer, in whole or in part, without the Trustee's prior written consent, any interest in any Conventional Note which is the subject of this Mortgagee 's Agreement. Trustee hereby agrees that it will promptly respond to a request from First Grand or Western State to assign or transfer a Conventional Note and that the Trustee will not unreasonably withhold its consent. The Trustee may, for all purposes, regard First Grand or Western State as holders of the Conventional Notes subject to this Mortgagee's Agreement until it has been provided with an executed assignment of � the Conventional Note verified to the Trustee's satisfaction. 9. Certifications of First Grand and Western State. To induce Trustee to enter into this Mortgagee's Agreement, First Grand and Western State hereby certify to Trustee that: a. The purchase of the Conventional Notes is authorized by the laws and regulations applicable respectively to First Grand and Western State; b. First Grand and Western State are legally constituted and validly existing, qualified to do business in the State of Minnesota, and with adequate power to enter into 8 , and perform this Mortgagee' s Agreement, and have authority to execute any other instrument or documents required to be executed in connection therewith; c. No approval or prior review was required from any public regulatory body with respect to First Grand and Western State entering into or performing this Mortagee's Agreement; d. The consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Mortgagee's Agreement and the fulfillment of the terms thereof, will not con- flict with any present order, rule or regulation applicable to First Grand and Western State of any court or of any federal or state regulatory body or administrative agency or other governmental agency having jurisdiction over First Grand and Western State; e . First Grand and Western State are sufficiently knowledgable and experienced in financial and business matters, including the pur- chase and ownership of mortgage loan notes, to be able to evaluate the risks and merits of the investment represented by the purchase of the Conventional Notes and they are aware of the intended use of the proceeds of the Parity Loans and the risks involved therein; 9 f. In addition to the waiver provided in paragraph 7 hereof, First Grand and Western State further understand and agree that the Parity Loans are not secured by any pledge of any monies recei�ed or to be received from taxation by the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision or taxing district thereof, including without limitation, the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and that the Parity Loans will never represent or constitute a general obligation, debt or bonded indebtedness of the City, the State of Minnesota, or any political subdivision thereof, and that no right will exist to have taxes levied by the City, the State of Minnesota, or any political subdivision thereof, for the payment of principal or interest on the Parity Loans. 10. Successors and Assiqns. This Mortgagee's Agree- . ment and the obligations which it secures shall be binding upon the parties, their executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns. 11. Governing Law. This Mortgagee's Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the S ta te of Minneso ta. 10 12. Severability. If any provision of this Mortqagee's Agreement shall be held or deemed to be or shall, in fact, be inoperative or unenforceable in any particular case in any jurisdiction or jurisdictions because it conflicts with any provisions of the Indenture or any constitution or statute or rule of public policy, or for any other reason, such circum- stances shall not have the effect of rendering the provisions in question inoperative or unenforceable in any other case or circumstance or rendering any other provisions herein contained invalid, inoperative or unenforceable to any extent whatever. The invalidity of any one or more phrases, sentences, clauses or paragraphs in this Mortgagee Agreement shall not effect the remaining portions of this Agreement or any part thereof. 13. Notices. All notices, certificates, or other communications hereunder shall be sufficiently given and shall be deemed given when mailed by first class mail, postage pre- paid, with proper addresses as indicated below. Any party hereto may, by written notice given by each to the others, designate any address or addresses to which notices, certifi- cates or other communications to them shall be sent when re- . quired as contemplated by this Mortgagee Agreement. Until otherwise provided by the respective parties, all notices, certificates and communications to each of them shall be addressed as follows: 11 To the Trustee: First Trust Company of Saint Paul 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Attn: Corporate Trust Dept. To First Grand: First Grand Avenue State Bank 1071 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota Attn: Mr. Jerry Welle To Western State: Western State Bank of St. Paul 663 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota Attn: Mr. Stephen Erdall 14. Counterparts. This Mortgagee's Agreement may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original, and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. 15. Possession and Inspection of Parity Loan Files. The City, the Trustee, First Grand and Western State covenant and agree that all books and documents in their possession relating to the Parity Loan receipts and to the distribution of proceeds thereof shall at all times be open to inspection by such accountants or other agencies as any other party may from time designate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First Trust Company of Saint Paul, First Grand Avenue State Bank, Western State Bank of St. Paul and the City of Saint Paul have caused these presents to 12 be execu ted in the ir respec tive names and on the ir behal f by officers duly authorized, and their corporate seals to be here- unto affixed and attesked, all as of the day and year first above written. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL (SEAL) By I ts By Its 13 FIRST GRAND AVENUE STATE BANR (SEAL) By Its WESTERN STATE BANK OF ST. PAUL (SEAL) By Its Accepted by: CITY OF SAINT PAUL (SEAL) By Its Mayor Attest: By City Clerk Its Director of Finance and Management Services Approved as to form: By Assistant City Attorney Its Director of Planning and Economic Development 14 . RHM: 3/31/80; 4/8/80; 4/24/80; 5/19/80 ������� FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL as Trustee BANCO MORTGAGE COMPANY as Program Administrator WESTERN STATE BANK OF SAINT PAUL as Servicer AN D CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AMENDMENT TO MORTGAGE SERVICING AGREEMENT Dated as of l, 1980 Relating to the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA $50,000,000 HOME OWNERSHIP MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS AMENDMENT OF MORTGAGE SERVICING AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT TO MORTGAGE SERVICING AGREEMENT, dated as of 1, 1980, is between First Trust Company of Saint Paul, as Trustee ( the "Trustee") , Banco Mortgage Company, as Program Administrator (the "Program Administrator") and Western State Bank of Saint Paul, state chartered financial institution (the "Servicer") and accepted by the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ( the "City") . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City has issued its $50,000,000 Home Ownership Mortgage Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds") pursuant to the City's program of purchasing newly originated mortgage loans made primarily to persons and families of low to moderate income to finance the purchase of existing or newly constructed or substantially rehabilitated housing located within the City ( the "Program") ; and WHEREAS, in order to implement the Program, the City and Program Administrator have entered into various Seller's Agreements with various financial institutions pursuant to which the Sellers will originate, and the City will purchase, the Mortgage Loans (as defined therein) ; and WHEREAS, such Mortgage Loans will be recorded in the name of the Seller and assigned of record to the Trustee; and WHEREAS, the City, Trustee, Program Administrator, Servicer and First Grand Avenue State Bank, a state chartered financial institution, have entered into a mortgagee agreement � with respect to Parity Loans (as hereinafter defined) ; and WHEREAS, the City and Trustee desire to have an experienced financial institution service such Parity Loans; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agree- ments hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Words and terms capitalized but not otherwise defined herein shall have the same meanings subscribed to them in the Mortgage Servicing Agreement dated as of April 1, 1979 entered into by and between the Trustee, Program Administrator, Servicer and the City as the same may be from time to time supplemented or amended in accordance with the terms thereof � ( the "Mortgage Servicing Agreement") when used herein, unless the context or use indicates a different meaning or intent. ARTICLE II AMENDMENTS OF PROVISIONS OF MORTGAGE SERVICING AGREEMENT Section 2 .01. Amendment to Definition of "Mortgage Loan" in Section 1.1 of the Mortgage Servicinq Agreement. The 2 definition of "Mortgage Loan" in Section 1.1 of the Morkgage Servicinq Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: Mortgage Loan shall mean an interest bearing loan (including Parity Loans) to a Mortgagor, funded in whole or part from Bond proceeds, secured by a Mortgage and evidenced by one or more Mortgage Loan Notes, required to be serviced by the Servicer pu.rsuant to this Agreement and listed from time to time on Exhibit A hereto, subject to Section 2.1 hereof. . Section 2.02. Amendment of Section 1.1 of the Servicing Agreement. Section 1.1 of the Mortgage Agreement is hereby amended by addition of the following definition of "Mortgage Loan Note." Mortgage Loan Note means a promissory note evidencing, in whole or in part, a Mortgage Loan; Section 2.03. Amendment to Section 1.1 of the Mort- gage Servicing Agreement. Section 1.1 of the Mortgage Servic- ing Agreement is hereby amended by addition thereto of the following definitions of "Parity Loan" .and "Parity Lender" : 3 Parity Loans means a Mortgage Loan, including a Purchased Mortgage Loan, evidenced by more than one Mortgage Loan Note, one of which Mortgage Loan Notes is purchased by the City and recorded in the name of the Trustee; provided however, that no Mortgage Loan Note evidencing a Parity Loan shall be purchased by the City if the effect thereof would be to create, or to permit the creation of, a charge or lien on Revenues {as defined in the Indenture) in violation of Section 2-13 of the Indenture; Parity Lender means a financial institution purchasing a Mortgage Loan Note evidencing, in part, a Parity Loan for its own account and not for the account of the City; Section 2.04. Amendment to Definition of "Purchased Mortgage Loan' in Section 1.1 of the Mortgage Servicing Agreement. The definition of "Purchased Mortgage Loan" in Section 1 .1 of the Mortgage Servicing Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: . Purchased Mortgage Loan shall mean a Mortgage Loan purchased by the City and recorded in the name of the Trustee under the Indenture and a Seller's Agreement; or a Parity Loan 4 purchased by the City and a Parity Lender and recorded in the names of the Trustee and the Parity Lender, as their interests may appear, under the Indenture, a Seller's Agreement and the applicable Mortgagee Agreement; Section 2. 05. Amendment to Section 3.1 (a) of the Mortgage Servicing Agreement. Section 3.1 (a) of the Mortgage Servicing Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: (a) The Servicer shall deliver to each Mortgagor, annually, a mortgage payment book for the following year, or alternatively, a billing for monthly statements. To the extent permitted by law, the Servicer may charge monthly payments with respect to Parity Loans to a checking account maintained by the Mortgagor with Servicer, provided that Servicer shall provide each such Mortgagor, not less than annually, a full, accurate and complete accounting of all amounts withdrawn from such checking accounts on account of each Mortgage Loan Note evidencing the Parity Loan. The book or statement, as the case may be, shall set forth the amount of Monthly Payment due and the due date, and shall designate the portions 5 thereof which are applicable to Principal and Interest, and to anticipated taxes, special � assessments and insurance premiums, and shall otherwise conform to law. The Servicer shall establish and maintain for each Mortgage Loan Serviced hereunder an Escrow Account, into which shall be deposited all Escrow Payments made by the Mortgagor. The Servicer shall analyze all Escrow Accounts at least once each year and ascertain the annual amount of real estate taxes, special assess- ments, Hazard Insurance and flood insurance premiums and Mortgage Insurance premiums that will become due and payable, to assure that the monthly Escrow Payments to be made by each Mortgagor will be sufficient to pay all such charges as and when they become due and payable. The Servicer shall be responsible to the extent provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) below for the timely payment of all such taxes, special assessments and insurance premiums � ( including premium for mortgage insurance, Standard Hazard Insurance and flood insurance, if any) prior to any applicable penalty or termination date for the - payment thereof. 6 � Section 2.06. Amendment to Article IV of the Mort- qage Servicina A reement. Article IV of the Mortgage Servicing Agreement is hereby amended by the addition thereto of the following Section 4.9: Section 4.9. Special Provisions for Parity Loans. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Mortgage Servicing Agreement, the following provisions shall apply to all Parity Loans: (a) Pursuant to Section 2.1 hereof, the Servicer shall service, for the joint benefit of the Trustee and the Parity Lender, all Parity Loans which are the subject of a mortgagee agreement among the Trustee, Servicer and a Parity Lender and which have been purchased by the City and Parity Lenders; (b) Revenues on deposit from time to time in the Suspense Account and Hazard Insurance Account with respect to Parity Loans shall be held for the joint benefit of the Trustee and the Parity Lender as provided in the applicable mortgagee agreement. On the 5th and 25th day of each month, or on the 7 _th day of each month, at the option of the Servicer, the Servicer shall withdraw all amounts then on deposit in the Suspense Account or Hazard Insurance Account with respect to Parity Loans together with income from the investment of such amounts, if any, and transfer the same to the Trustee and the Parity Lender pursuant to the terms of the applicable mortgagee's agreement. All such transfers from the Suspense Account or Hazard Insurance Account shall be accompanied by a report by the Servicer, in the form set forth as Exhibit B-1 hereto, listing (i) the various sources of all such Reveriues, (ii) that portion of the Revenues constituting Principal, Interest and Prepayments, ( iii) the amount of Revenues attributable to the interest of the Trustee, and (iv) the Revenues attributable to the interest of the Parity Lender pursuant to the terms of the applicable mortgagee agreement; (c) The Trustee shall pay, pursuant to Section �.2, that portion of the Service Fee attributable to that portion of the Mortgage 8 Loan purchased by the City, but only from the Funds and Accounts provided therefor, and the Parity Lender shall be responsible for the Service Fee attributable to that portion of the Mortgage Loan purchased by the Parity Lender; (d) The Servicers shall receive reimbursement for Advances made pursuant to this Agreement from the Trustee and the Parity Lender in proportion to �the interest in the Parity Loan owned by the City and the __ Parity Lender at the time of the Advance; provided that reimbursement from the Trustee shall be only from the f unds and accounts available for that purpose, and then only upon the terms and conditions elsewhere in this Agreement relating thereto. ARTICLE III � MISCELLANEOUS Section 3.01. Counterparts. This Amendment to . Mortgage Servicing Agreement may be executed in several counter- parts and each executed counterpart shall constitute an original instrument, but all such counterparts shall constitute but one and the same instrument. 9 Section 3.02. Applicability of Mortgage Servicing Agreement. Except as supplemented and amended by this Amendment to Mortgage Servicing Agreement, all of the provisions of the Mortgage Servicing Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from and af ter the effective date of this Amendment to Mortgage Servicing Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the trustee, the Servicer, the Program Administrator and the City have caused their names to be signed hereto by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized and their respective seals, duly attested, to be hereunto affixed, all as of the day and year first above written. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, as Trustee By Its BANCO MORTGAGE COMPANY, as Program Administrator By Its By Its 10 t � ' . WESTERN STATE BANK OF SAINT PAUL, as Servicer By Its By Its Accepted by: CITY OF SAINT PAUL , (SEAL) By Its Mayor ATTEST: By City Clerk Its Director of Finance and Management Servicer Approved as to form: By Asistant City Attorney Its Director of Planning and Economic Development 11