274969 WNITE - C�TY CLERK ,COUIICIl ����.� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F� SA I NT PA LT L . CANARV - DEPARTMENT s BI.UE - MAVOR . Flle NO. Co�ncil Resolution Presented By LICERTSE COP�4ITTEE Joanne Showalter Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 't�SOLUED: That Application Qll�159 for the transfer of On Sale Ligzor License No. 9771, expiring January 31, 1981, AND Application Qll�160 for the transfer of the Sunday On Sa1e I.iquor License, expiring January 31, 1981, AT1D Application Q�.l.a.61 for the transfer of the Class C2-Restaurant and Cigarette I�i.cense, expiring Janua.ry 31, 1981, a11 issued to P�ANDD� Inc. at 1181 Clarence Street, doing business as the Parkside Lounge, be and the same are hereby trans�erred to Bravo, Inc. at the same address, doing business as the Parkside Lounge. COUNCILMEN Yeas N�ON Nays Requested by Department of: �-�ae�- � [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY �— Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Coun ' Date ��}�An Certified ssed Cou . 1 Secretary By B � App v vor. Da e _� . Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 1"IM� By _ BY � � �� MA`l 3 � 198 .. ,��Naaq ��y^T4�f-`1 � � �'��l�ru 3"� -_.`��rr���o:.,,'. _� ;,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� ~= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES _� iiu�iii°i �� "��' '�_� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,���Lii. ���• ''.im�������.�`P��`~ ROOT ZO9,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR t�1ay 21, 1980 �Iadam President and i�onoral�le i�Ier��b�rs of the City Council St. Pau1, :iinnesota T�iadar. �resident and �ionorable i'lenibers: l;�'d�D, lnc. and Bravo, Inc. request that the On Sale Liquor I�icense, :�unday Gn :;ale Liquo-r, Class C2- =�estaurant and Cigarette Licenses presently issued to I�'�T;�D, Inc. at 1181 Clarence Street be �ransferred to bravo, Inc. a� the sare address. Ttie officers of this corporation are T•�ichael _�. Stephens, President, ar,d Karen E. Stephens, Treasurer. They are also the stockholders. They will operate th__s business personally �.rld it will continue to be known as the �arkside Loun�;e. This application has been reviewed by the License and rermit lliv�sion and the City Attorney's off�ce. ihe re- com,-�endation _�s for approval. Ve ry trul ;-ours, . �� Joseph "r'. Ca,rchedi License lnspector �� ti �496� � , � . . . . , , - , . , , . . , , . � . � . . . . � . � . . . . �. 1 I�Jeq► lb� 1980 . . ' , . , , � , , - , , Hr, strd 2�t�a. Mf.ch�el R. St,spbsne �12$�Sarge�t ArRez�tws. . a. � st. Pan1, �ota 55105 , � r ., Dear Sir �d Muia�a: : . . ' •;` ,; : , , , . + ��fer of �n On Ssls I�qnor � _ � ; � . � ' , , , :_ , ; ., ',; H�y 21� 1980 ` . 1�:00 A.M. �noil Ch�b�re� third t'loor Cit�r,Ha11 , , � , r. � . �_ � � ' . ,_ , � - ,, , , ; � , � � ,, . . � ' . . - ' � � � 1. .H+ ,. . . � - � . y - . . �. . . . � ' ., . � . � . , . . . . � �:'1, . � . . . .. .. . _ ._ . � l . .... �� .a. �" . . . . .. . � . .�e . $ .�'Y�-�"