274964 N�HITE - CITV CLERK 2'�496� -
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has applied to the Commissioner of
Transportation fo r a grant from the Minnesota Laws 1979, Ca. 333
Section 31 , Subdivision 11 , fo r the development of amenity projects
under the Great River Road Program (adjacent to historic Irvine Park
o� Exchange Street and Chestnut Street).
WHEREAS, the amount of the grant has been determined to be $78,450.00
by reason of the engineering estimate.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the City of Saint Paul , dces hereby
affirm that any cost of the amenity project in excess of the grant will
be the responsibility of the City of Saint Paul , and that any grant
monies appropriated for the said project but not required, based on the
final estimate, shall be returned to the Minnesota Depa�tment of
The proper City officials are hereby authorized to sign and execute on
behalf of the City of Saint Paul , County of Ramsey, Grant Aggreement
Number LCMR-80-2, with the State of Minnesota, a copy of which was
before the Saint Paul City Council.
Yeas HOZZa Nays Requested by Department oE:
Shawal ter � In Favor Publ i c r s ^ (JFK
Tedesco '
Hunt _ G __ Against BY �
McMahon �
Levi ne
Maddox Form Approved by ' y torne
Adopted b uncil: Date MAV 7 (1 �_
Cert ed Yas- y ouncil S�,cretar BY
� _�1AY 2 � �� App o by Mayor r , sio�t to Council
t�ppro � avor. Dat
By — By �"
' M,Iiia,tSttE�D MAY 3 1 1980
r Mn/Q07 TP 29241-01
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No.1.�MB-8_ -Q 2____
Trn. N�, .qccount I.D. Urganization F.Y, Requisition No. Vendor PJumber Type Terms Source 5. Act Task S. Task
:; -5 ' � o r° o v /.�� �a�G 1/
Cost, Job or Client Code Amount Suff ix Qbject
� ' �II� SEND
TYPE OF TRANSACTION �� ��y°� ��� ��U�C1
A40 A41 Date Nur be�i r - Entered by � ��p
� � � Entered by
A44 A45 A46 Date IVumber
Note: If encumbrance is to a specific vendor, print vendor name and address as shown into vendor file.
Vendor name
T�IS A�E�FP�IEON7"i�rpede,b�U�d between the State of Minnesota,acting by and thru the Minnesota Departmeot of Transportation(State)and
h8 I y t T t�
WHEREAS the State,pursuant to Aqinn. Laws 197n,ch.333,Section 31,Subdivision 11,is authorized to provide financial assistance to local units of
government that qualify for funding of amenity projects under the federai Great River Road Program.
WHEREAS the Recipient has applied for such state financial assistance in addition to such federal funding and LheState has determined that the Recipient
and its ame�ity project identified below are eligib�e to receive such a sta;e grant.
1. The project,for which partial financial assistance is to be civen,is id=ntified as S.P.�64'�8�—�2 GR 5018(7?
located ad_iacent to Hi stori c t rvi ne Park Gn�xcharigeF St.' P�oject No. r
and Ches nu r, eet.
2. The amenity project,will b?contractually administered in stages. These contract documents are identified as follows:
A. ''..::..:eano+�^_
�*�� There is no exhibit ho. I . �
B. The Ib�r�n�g9ja Department of Transportati Age cy reement(pursuant to Minn.Ctat.Section 161.361 with the
r of �''t. �'a u�
,which is incorporated herein try reference and attached as Exhibit
These incorporated contrect documents set forth the duties and responsibilities of the parties as to this amenity project.
� ��
3. The State,to further this amenity project,agrees as follows:
B• T�fur)d'eiigi}�le construction costs as set forth in the Great River Road Guidelines which are attached as Exhibit No.3.,in the amount of
7ti 4�U as determined by the engineer's estimate,or not more than fift
non-federal share as determined by the final contract voucher,whichever is less. The Reci ient a Y�rcent(50%)of the matching
tion which are not funded with either state or federal monies. Any state tinancial assistance monies adva ced to fund this project butc f
not used,shall be returned to the State for iu use.
Copy t Finance Dept.
2 Local unit of government
3 Agency Accounting Unit '
4 Technical Services Division i
5 District State Aid Engineer
6 Work copy ;
� - ,
" ' GPANTAGREEMENT �tl ����;$ �
4. The Recipient agrees to operate and maintain the co�structed facility for the benefit of the public after its completion and without further �
cost to the State. The Recipient further agrees to monitor and to enforce all rights and restrictions of any scenic easemenu acquired by it for i
the project. �
5. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing.
6. Before this agreement shall become binding and effective,it shall be approved by resolution of the C�"f�/ COUf1C I � �
(county board or city council) �
of S'f'. Pa u I and shalt also receive the approval of such state officers as the Iaw may provide. �
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,The parties have duly executed this agreemen;by their duly authorized officers.
{N WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties k�ave caused this agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby.
As to form and execution by the
BY: BY: ' �
Authorized Signature Authorized Signature
gY: Authorized Signature �
Authorized Signature DATE:
TITLE:_Di rector, Department of Pubt ic Wo�ks COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE:
Authorized Signature BY: i
Authorized Signature
TITLE: Di rector
Author�zed Signature . •
TITLE: Assistant City Attorney .
Copy t Finance Dept. �
2 Local unit or government •
3 Agency Accounting Unit
4 Technical Services Division
5 District State Aid Engineer
6 Work Copy
• a�cv • . i� v� � v
� P:�O GT`.7'JS, ��:D ORDI�iA;.�iCE:S
• . .
. . . ��� . ��
Date: May 5, 1980. ,
FR: rn�s Kuhfeld, Departa�ent of Public Works �
�, irvine Park - Additional Grant (P-0745) ' � , • �
• . . . RECE_iV� p
_ . . ' �.• � � � . . . . . . , �M1.`t .
� _ _ �Ir��i (`j - ��Qn�
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. ._. ' a►YOR�s ���
Approval of the attached Councit Resolution which�authoriaes the Mayor to sign
. an agreement with the State whereby they wiil give us an- addi.tionaT $78,4g0.Q0
for I rvi ne Park st reet and .l.i.ght i ng work. � . _
Great River Road funds will pay 76.73$ of. the constructi:a� costs for street
and 1 ighting work around 1 wine .Park. The State has. agreed to Ray hal f. of thc '
� • local share through a special G�ant. This project �has been appro.ved by the City Council ,
the Stata,'-and the Federal Hi-ghway Administrazion. � A Bid, opening is scheduled for
May 21, •1980. For more infqrmation contact Thanas K4hfel�d at �292-l��77. • .
, - .
ATT�CFiI�iEN^S: . .
Resolution� � � .
Copy of agreement � � "
• . • _ . ... .. . . . . ..� ._.,.. .: ...... . .
Mn/llOT 3078 (Revi��d 5-78) � �
�O��NNESpT�yo �
� �
D � Minnesota Department of Trans ortation ' �
,� Q P / �
� �
O� Transportation Buiiding, St. Paul, MN 55155
3��T ��Q
March qrBT'1980
. Phone 296-9874
Richard Wheeler
St. Paul Dept. of Public Works In reply refer to: 608
Room 234 - City Hall S.P. 164-080-02, GR 5018(7)
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 CITY OF ST. PAUL
Dear Sir:
We are forwarding to you today four copies of the Proposal for the above
noted project(s) , for which arrangements are being made to call for bids.
Three sets of prints of the Plans are being forwarded under separate
cover. Additional plans and proposals will be sent to you when an award
of contract is made.
If these Proposals are satisfactory, kindly indicate your approval on
the set provided for that purpose and return it to this office. Your
acknowledgement of receipt of the Proposals and Plans is required, there-
fore, an additional copy of this letter is enclosed for completion by you
and return to this office. It is desireable that we have an approved
_ copy of said Proposal in our files before we release the authorization
-� for gui�.ication of the advertisement for bids.
A copy of the Plans and Proposal must be on file in the ���z��
� City Clerk's office from the f irst publication date�of sdvertisement '
until bids have been taken. It is requested that you place this data on
file with your � City Clerk as soon as you r�ceive same.
The other copies of the Plans and Proposal are for your files.
,A2C�L ���� ��Ck, � �
� 1< �� .
Director, Office of Sta�te Aid
T0: State Aid Division
Proposal and Plan for S.P. 164-080-02 have been received
and copies of same have been filed with the �gx�nc�x City Clerk.
. Signed����,���L.��x,,.�j, Date � .Zs �J
� City Engineer
cc: File - 420
D.E. - D.S.A.E. Doug Differt - Elmer Morris
�axx�o� City Engineer (2)
Dist. Materials Lab.
Leo Warren - 132 �aR 1� ��$Q
An Equal Opportunity Employer
e mf ��- �������������� ���I il��ESUTA DE�a�T��1E�dT OF TRI�i�1SF0�i,�T I Oi� �#��'��####�°.�.�
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� AND P•1A I i��TEid::^!CE ?RflJ�CTS ';J I TH.
N.A3L 21, 1980 AT ST. PAiTrL
� � .
PROPOSAL OF� � , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �
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�A�1�E�� B E U S ��Q �
STATE PROJECT N0. 164-�80-02 (Irvine Park)
LOCATI�N: Adjacent to Historic Irvine Park on Exchange between Chestnut and
� Elm, on Chestnut between Exchange and Ryan in St. Paul in Ramsey
� County.
TYPE OF WORK: Grade, Concrete Base, Plant Mixed Bituminous Base, Plant Mixed
� Bituminous Surface, Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter, Lighting, Storm
� Se�wer and Landscaping
, �
� � ME OR U�dD�F ��iY DI;�CT SU�ERVISIO;J A�dD T�{.�,T I
AM A rtEG i :,TErcED F:=O�=ESS I OiJAL E�lG I idEc� �J�'..u�R
THE LA1+1S QF iHE S i r+i E OF �tilI�1NE�0 t A�
. � � _� � . _
• RL-G � hU, ,�� DATE __���-�• 2Q��
� L:� / �Y�
To the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of `linnesota: .
Sir: In accordance with the advertisement of the Commissioner of Transportation invitin;
. proposals for the improvement of the section of hi�htivav hereinbetore named, and in conrormity
. with the Contr�t, Plans, Specifications and �pecial Provi�ions pertainin� thereto, all on file in
the office of the Commis:ioner of Transportation: �
(I)(�Ve) hereby certify that (I)(Ne)(am)(are) the only person . . . . . interested in thi;
ptoposal as principal . . . . .; that this proposal is made and �ubmitted �vithout fraud �r collusion .
with any other person, firm or corporation �vhatsoever; that an examination has been made of
� the site of the �vork and the Contract form, together with the Plans, �pecificarions and �pecial
� � Provisions for the improvement. �
� _ (I)(1Ye) understand that the quantitie� oi �vork shown herein are approsimate only and are
subject to increase or decrease; that aIl quantities of �vork, �vhether increased or decrea�ed within
the limits specified in 1903 of the Specifications, are to be performed at the unit prices �hown
on the attached schedule, and that, at the time of openin� bids, totals onl}' w-ill be read, but that
eomparison of bids will be based on the correci summation of item total� obtained from the
unit prices bid, as provided in 1301 of the Specificadons. .
(I)(tiYe) propo�e to furni:h all necessarw machiner�, equipment, tools, labor and other means
of construction and to furni:h all materials specified, in the manner and at the rime prescribed,
all in �ccordance �vith the terms of the Contraet and the Plan:, Specifications, -nd tne �pecial
Ptovisions forming a part thereof.
� (I)(We) further propose to do all Extra Nork �vtiich mav be required to complete the
eontemplated impro�•ement, at unit prices�or lump �ums to be agreed upon in �vritina priur to •
starting such �vork, or if such prices or sums cannot be a�reed upon, to perform �uch �vork on a
� "Force �lccount" basis, all as provided in 1904 of the Specifications. �
(I)(Ne) further propose to execute the form of Contract within 10 days afte: receivina
written notice of a�vard, as provided in 1306 of the Specifications.
._. (I)(We) further propo�e to furnish a Contract Bond in the amount of the Contract, a�
"' seeucity for the construction and complerion of the improvement in accordance with the Plsns, -
Specificarions and �peci:�l Provisions, as provided in 1305 of the Specificarions.
, (I)(Ne) further propo�e �to perform all work in accordance �vith the Plans, �pecifications
: artd Special Pro�isions and in a �ood and �vorkmanlike manner, and to renetiv or repair any
: work �vhich mav be rejected due to defective materiaL or �vorkmanshin, prior to final com-
• . pletion and acceptance of the project by the Commi_-sioner of Transportation.
� (I)(tiYe) a�ee to all provisions of �Iinnesota Statutes 19�6, Srction 181.39.
(I)(Ne) further propo�e to be;in �vork and to pro�ecute and complete the same in accord-
anct with the time schedule set forth in the �pecial Provisions for the improvement.
.1 .
� . ,
SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
Section Division A Pa e
A-1 Governing Specifications 1-A
A-2 Labor Provisions 1-A
Division B
B-1 Corrections and Changes to 1978 Edition of the "Standard Speci- 1-B
. fications"
Division S
S-1 (1101) ABBREVIATIONS - 1-S
S-14 (1803) PROSECUTION OF WORK 11-5
S-21 (2201) CONCRETE BASE 15-S
S-22 (2211) AGGREGATE BASE 16-5
' S-27 (2503) PIPE SEWERS � 18-S
5-28 (0504) WATER SYSTEM 24-5
S-30 (2521) WALKS 26-S
S-37 (1906) PARTIAL PAYMENTS 40-5
Attached: 1. Special Equal Employment Opportunity Provisions.
2. Minority Business Enterprise.
3. "Required Contract Provisions - Federal Aid Construction Contracts"
Form PR 1273.
4. Bid Bond Form No. 21816. �
� . � � . . . ,
: _ , . . - - � . . _ .
A-1 GOVERNII�G SPECIFICATIONS Section 1'_' of the Fcdcr�l Aid Hi�hw���� ,1ct of 1968 to
The State of I►finncsota Dep�rtmcnt of Trans- those prc�ailin_ un �he s:,mc n�ne ��t ��•o;k ��n sirnil:,r con-
portation "Stand�rd Spccifications for Hi�l��vay Con- scru�ti�m in tiic immc�i:,t� Ic>�alit�� in .�:�ur�l�n�e ��•�th chz
struction", 1975 £dition, shall apply on this Contract t��t oC �u��ust �U. I�)��, knu���n :,s U�c lla��is•l3�con Act
� except as modified or altered in the following Special (40 U.S.C.. Sectiun �;G-11. ur in �crur��nce ���ith the
Provisions. scheciule cunt�ined in the �1;�_e It�tes det�nntnati�m bV the
� � � 1�linnesut� State C'ummissi��ncr u( Lsbur :�rd Industry, at-
- t��hed hcreto. rursu�nt to Ch!pter %'-1. El.i�. No. 13�,
. Laws of 197:. nhiche��er is the hi_hcr r�te ot� w�aRes in
A-2 LABOR PROVISIONS eacl�classification.
- In addition to the "Required Contract Provisions— During the period from the time an hourly em-
Federal-Aid Construction Contracts", the following pro- � ployee is required to report for duty at the site of the work
visions shall apply to all laborers aad mechanics employed until such time that he is released or permitted to leave the
by contractors on the work embraced by the Contract. ; site of the �vork, no deduction shall be made from his time
The contractor shall ha�-e copies of these Labor Pro- for any del�ys of less than 30 consecutive minutes.
visions on file at his local job headquarters and shall post a ; In the event the Contractor employees apprentice
. notice, approved by the En�ineer,in a conspicuous place at . workmen under the occupational training program of the
the site of the work, informing his employees that these State of?�iinnesota,Department of Education,or under the
provisions are available for tlieir inspection.Copies of these ; Division of Voluntary Apprenticeship oi the State of hiin-
provisions can be secured from the State without charge. + nesota, Department of I.abor and Industry, or under the
� Veterans Trainin; Pro�am of the U.S. Veterans Adminis-
- A-2.1 LABOR INFOR.�IATION I tration, he may pay wa?es to such apprentice workman at
In the selection of labor, the Contractor may avail � hourly rates approved by the appropriate governmental
himself of the ser�ices of the 1linnesota State Employment � agency reeardless of the minimum hourly rates specified in
- Service. � the Schedule of Wages to be paid to any classification of
' q-2.2 MINI�IU�1��:aGE RATES . The followino tabulation shows the minimumhourly
The minimum hourl�� races of«ra�es required to be � wages to be paid in accordance with the «'a;e Determina-
paid tu the various labor:r and T.��:.i�anics emnlo��ed by tion decision of the Secretary of Labor gi��en for this
. contractors and suoconiractors on the construction work project.
embraced by th� concract �ha:! b� in accord:,nce_wich the Nhea submitting payrolls it will be necessary to .
4,.� schedule containcd in �Le 11;,_: ll=,er:nin�tion decision uf report the numerical code that describes the applicab:e
���:'. � .. .tl�e secrztary of La�»r a�ta.:.e;i l:.,c'iv. [JlZSZ rates h�vin� class of labor as set forth in the- •"Code of :laster Job-
been determined b�� �he ��e,e�ar� ot Labor pursuant to Classifications"contained in this Proposal.
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� DIVISI0►1 �3
g-1 The t•sinnesota Departnent of Transportation Standard
� Specifications for �iighway Construction, 197a Edition, shall
apply as aniended by the follo�•�ing corrections and changes:
' 74 In 1902 , last paragraph, Sth line, change the word
"incident" to read "incidental"
75 In 1903 , last paragrapn, lst line, cnange the word
� "mobiligation" to read "mo�ilization"
106 In 2104 . 5, Sth paragraph, 2nd line, change the word
"pavement" to read "payraent
, 159 . In 2211.2A, last paragraph,"last line, change "2111. 3F"
to read "2211. 3F"
166 In Schedule 2211-1, lst line, for n40 sieve, 5ore-
- duction column, cnange the "9 .0-9 .0" range value �
to read "9. 0-9 . 9"
200 In 2301. 5, 2nd paragraph, change the "$0. 22" price
in both sub-paragrapns (1) and (2� to read "$0. 022"
210 In 2331.2A, under riineral Aggregate, cnange Base
"Coarse" Mixture to read Base "Course° i�iixture
2Z2 In 2331. 3F2, last paragraph, 2nd line, change "before -
delivery" to read "after delivery"
227 In the Quality Level equation following the 3r3
•paragraph of 2331.3H1c, change tne multiplication
factor "60" to read " . 60"
• � 24g In 2371. 2A, 4t� and 5th lines , change the words
• "crushed 3141 material" to read "crushed 3141
_ Class A and D T•4aterial
249 In 2371.3E2 , Gradation Schedule, lst line under
Sieve Size, change "3/4 Inch" to read "3/8 incn"
251 In 2401. 2H, add a reference to 3917 for Concrete
Treating Oil
251 In 2401.1, 2nd paragraph, 3rd line, change the word
• "ony" to read "only"
255 In 2401. 3B3 , 2nd paragraph, 4th line, change the
�•� word "resersed" to read "reversed" . ,.. � . .' i..�. .
��• �' •- � 25g � In 2401.3B6, 9tn paragrapn, 2nd line, change th�:.'�:...�:�.:�..` .:�
word "supproted" to read "su��orted"
271 In 2401. 3F3b (2} , 3rd paragrapn, 5t;z line, change
the word "screed" to read "screeced"
2�77 In 2401. 3G, 9th paragraph, 9th and ?Oth lines ,
delete repetitious arording reading "The conven-
� tional curing material can be placed. " �
2g7 In 2403. 3E, 4th line of paragraph, change the word
"preservations" to read "�reservative"
315 � In 2413. 3E, lst paragraph, �lst line, change the
word "contractor" to read "contract"
321� In 2433 .3G, 3rd paragraph, changz entire 5th line
• �to read "compatible oreservativ� material nieeting
the requirer.:cnts ot ��:�JP: Stand�rd :•:_ , tollo:��ed
� 359 In the Aiinimum Cement Conten� scnedule� or 2�61. 3C, •
change the values for the 2 Inch Slump mix as
follows ":�=615 , Y=570, A=530 , B=490 , and C=�20
. . ' . '�
• 1-B . . .
411 �In 2971 .3J4d, lst �azagraph, 3rd l�ne, change the
word "providing" to read "provided"
427 In .2476. 3D3 , lst paragraph, 2nd line, change the
tr�ord "every" to read "even"
' 434 ?n 2477. 3D3, 3rd paragraph, lst line, change the
t�rord "rebunding" to read "rebounding"
ggp In 2554 .3C, 3rd paragraph, 4th line, change the
word "botl" to read "bolt"
507 In 2564 . 4D1, lst paragraph, 2nd line, change the
words "Trusses of" to read "Trusses for"
508 In 2564 .4F, 3rd line, change the caords "post of
mounting" to' read "post. or mounting"
524 In 2565.3H1 (b) , lst paragraph, 2nci line, change
the words "pole standards" to read "�ole standard
572 In 3149.2H, Gradation Schedule, for 3/8 inch sieve
si2e, change the "36-60" values to read "30-60"
57g In 3226. 2E, lst paragraph, 6th line, change "B&B"
to read "B&S"
624 In 3352. 2A4b, lst line of paragraph, change the
word "surfaces" to read "surfaced"
� 655 In the note follo�•ring the 2nd paragraph of 3426. 3A, .
include the Standard Grading P.ules for Southern Pine
of the Soutnern Pin� ��ns:�ection �ureau
657 Zn 3462. 3 , 3rd paragra�il, 2nd line, change "1-3/4
inches" to read "1-1/2"
662 In 3491.3A4 , 2nd paragraph, 3rd line, change the words
� "resistance to" to read "resistance-tv�e"
•663 In Table 3491-1, change �he title to read "i•iinimum
Preservative Retention Reauirements (Lbs/Cu. Ft. of •
663 . In Table 3491-1, change the "08.0" retention value
' for CCA used on Piles (lst line) to read "0 . 80"
664 In 3491.4 , last paragraph, last line, after (hj'7P8)
add "or other aaency �roviding a sinilar Qualitv
� assurance nrorra:� a��roved bv the .Iateriuls Enqineer
�y w�ll b� acceptabie. " ,� ,_. . ,
��-y � ' 673 • In 3505.2D, for Distillation End Temperature, °C,max.•,... .
• _ � .. . . . . .. •....... _....:....... _.
change "100" to read "120"
684 In 3525.2 , following "Heaciing A" , insert the missing
subsection heading "B-Co:�position of Paint"
- � 685 In 3526.2G, change the "03075" Viscosity value to
read "63-75"
687 In 3528 .2E, change the weight Per Gallon value "7-8"
to read "7. 8" � �
688 In 3529. 28, for Vinyl Resin (Note 1, la) , change
� "84.2" under Type I to read "87. 2"
694 In 3571.2B, change "Color 17875" on last line to
read "Color 27075"
699 In 3612.2A, ior Average of 5 (Flatwise) , change �
"250 psi" to read "2500 psi"
. � 731 In 3507, 2nd •paragraph, 2nd line, change the word .
"won" to read "oc�n"
731 In 3808, last paragraph, last line, change the word
"Ot}lenv'1G�e" to read "Otherwi.se" _
751 In 3SS2, fo'r Type 4 rlulch, bth line, change "100"
. to read "20° ' . ��
. . 2_B , .
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
. . September 18, 1979
s-� . (iiol) n33��viaTlo�:s
All references to A.�.S.H.O. or A.A.S.H.T.O. publications as con-
- Cained anywhere in the Contract Documents shall be construed to mean
. the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
publications as referenced.
S-2 51208) PROPOSAL GUAR�'�iTY
Attached to this proposal is a copy of a bid bond from which has
been approved for use and meets the minimum requirements of Specifica-
tion 1208. No proposal will be considered unless it is accompanied by
a guaranty complying with these requirements and providing a penal svm
at least equal to 5 percent of the total aiaount of the bid (under all
circumstances and without exception) as provided in Specif ication 1208.
The provisions ot 13G2 are hereby supplemented by the following:
As a condition precedent to the award of contract, the bidder shall
furnish proof that he is i.n compliance with Minnesota Statutes Szction
363, as amended by Laws oi 1969, i�plementing the rules and reoulations
of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights.
S-3.1 The first paragraph of 1302 is hereby changed to read as follows:
The award of contract, if it be awarded, will be made within 30
Calendar Days after the opening of proposals to the lowest responsible
bidder who complies with all prescribed requirements.
The provisions of 130� are hereby supplemented by the following:
- S-4.1 Insurance and' Indemnification �
(a) General
Unless otherwise provided by the Mayor of the City of St. Paul,
the Contractor, in all cases, stiall carry insurance of the kinds and in
the amounts hereinafter specified. The Contractor shall not commence work
under the Contract until he has obtained all the insurance required by
these speciticati.ons and until such insurance has been approved by the
� City Attorney of the City of St. Paul; nor shall the ConCractor allow
any sub-contractor to commence work on his sub-contract until all sim-
ilar insurance required of the sub-contractor shall have been obtained
and approved. The Contractor' s attention is specifically directed to
� any special provision in his individual Contract demanding additional
� 1-S
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
(b) Compensati.on and F.r��lover's Liabilitv Insurance
The Contr3ctor shail take out and maintain 4Joricmen's Compen-
sation Insurance and Employer' s Public Liability Insurance for all per-
sons employed by him in the performaance of the work contemplated by the
Contract, and insuring said Contractor against all obligations arising
out of the Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota. In any
case where work is sublet, the Contractor shall require each sub-contrac-
tor to insure himself in like manner.
� (c) Public Liability Insurance
The Contractor siiall take out and maintain during the life of
the Contract, Comprehensive Protective Public Liability Insurance for
' and in behalf of himself and the City as joint-insured, and using a
cross-liability endorsement, protect the City and the Contractor iron
claims for damages and bodily injuries, including accidental death, as
well as frcm claims for property damage which may arise from operations
under the Contract includinb coverage for damage caused by blasting or
explosion, collapse or structural injury to buildings or structures,
or both, and damage to underground facilities of any kind, whether such
operations be by the Contractor or by any sub-contractor or by any one
directly or indirectly imployed by either of them. The minimum amounts
of such Public Liability Insurance shall be as follows:
�(1) Bodily injury insurance (including death) in an amount
� not less than $500,000 for all damages arising out of
bodi.ly injuries to or death of one person, and subjec't
to the same li.mit for each person, further subject to
� a total amount of not less tha.n $1,000,000 on account
of any one accident.
(2) Property damage insurance in an amount of noC less than
$500,000 for aIl danages to or destruction of property
� in any one accident, and subject to that limit per ac-
cident, further subject to a total amount of not less
than $1,OOO,G00 for all damages to or destruction of
property during the policy period.
(d) Comprehensive Owners Protection Insurance
In lieu of being named as joint-insured with the Contractor
on such policy, and in lieu of the cross-liability endoresement, *he
- City will accept Comprehensive Owners Protection Insurance issued in
the name of the City and paid for on behalf of the City by the Contrac-
tor, which insurance shall be subject to the same limits and insure
• the same risks as the Public Liability Insurance hereinabove set forth.
(e) Automobile Insurance
The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of
the Contract, Comp�-e}�ensive Automobile Liability Insurance, insuring
said Contractor IlOt only for the operation of vehicles owned or used
by him, but also vet�icles• hired or leased by him. Such Automobile Lia-
bility Insurance s}iall contain bodily injury insurance including death,
in the amount of $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident, property
damage insurance in an amount of not less than $50,000 per accident and
non-ownership coverage as respects automobiles of employees.
, •
L �' L
� S.P. 164-03J--02 (�ai?e�Par.,; f
September 18, 1979
(f) Sub-Contractors Insurance
. In the event any worlc contemplated by the Contract is sublet,
the Contractor shall be responsible to see that the sub-contractors
provfde insurance in accord with the minimum requiresents hereinabove
imposed on the Contractor.
. (g) Builder's Risk Insurance
In any case where the Contract contemplates the building,
construction, remodeling or rehabilitation of any building or struc-
� ture, the Contractor shall procure and maintain Builder's Risk Insur-
ance with the City named as an additional insured in the amounts as
- (1) New Construction -� When the Contract contenplates the
construction or building of any new buildir.gs or
structure, the ar�ount of insurance shall, at all times,
- be equal to 100% of the Contract Amount.
(2) Remodeling or Rehabilitation - When the Contract con-
templates the remodeling or rehabilitation of an exist-
ing �building or structure, the amount of insurance
shall be $10,000 or twice the Contract amount, which-
ever is the greater. •
(h) Contractual Liabilitv Insurance
The Contractor shall provide, either by a separate policy of
insurance or by an endorsement to the insurance herein required, Con-
tractual Liability Insurance in such amounts and of such kinds as re-
' quired for Comprehensive Protective Public Liability Insurance. Any
addiCional amouats of Pui�lic Liability Insurance which may be dema�:ded
by the City, in specified cases, shall be accompanied by a parallel and
eorresponding increase, in an equal amount, in the caverage aff orded by
the Contractual Liability Insurance. -Such Contractual Liability shall
� shall be in such a form as to expressly include all sub-contractors
who may be employed to perform part or parts of the Contract.
(i) Proof of Insurance '
The Contractor shall not proceed with the work contemplated
in this Contract until he has furnished the Purchasing Agent of the �
, , City of St. Paul with satisfactory proof of the existence and carriage
of insurance of the- kinds and in the amounts above specified. The
' proof of insurance shall be in such form as the City Attorney say re-
quire, and unless othezwise provided by the City in writing, the proof
- of insurance shall consist of- certified speciiaen copies of the insur-
ance policy or policies, which specimen copies have been approved by
the City Attorney and f iles with the City.
All such proof of insurance required herein shall state that
thirty days written notice shall be given to the City, by service of
such notice upon the City Attorney, before any �insurance is changed or
cancelled. In the absence oi written consent by the City, the Contr�c-
tor shall not proceed with the G�ork contemplated by the Contract be�ond
the period of coverage afforded by a cancelled insurance policy until
the required insurance coverage has been procured, approved and filed
with the City as a replacement for such cancelled insurance coverage-
S.P. 164-080-02 {Irvine Park)
Se?ten:es 18, 1979
(j) Indemnification .
The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the City
and all of its officers, agents and employees from all suits, actions
or claims of any character, name and description brought for or on
account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any per-
son, persons or property, by or from the act or acts of said Contrac-
tor, or by or in consequence of any negligence in safeguarding the
work, or through the use of unacceptable materials in constructing
the work, or by or on account of any act or omission, neglect of mis-�
conduct of said Contractor, or from any claims or amounts arising or
recovered under the Workmen`s Compensation Law or an}* other lay, by-
� . law, ordinance, order or decree, and so much of the .noney due the
Contractor under an3 b� virtue of this Contract, as shall be cor.sidered
necessary by the City, may be retained for the use of the City or, in
case no money is due, his Surety shall be held until such suit or suits,
. action or actions, clain or clains, for injuries or damages, as afore-
said, shall have been settled and suitable evidence to that effect
furnished to the City. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harm-
less the City from any and all losses caused by or on account of any
claims or amounts recovered for any infringement of patent, trade-mark
or copyright. The unauthorized use by the Contractor of public or pri-
vate property for any purpose may be considered an injury or damage to
the property so used.
(k) Duty to Defend �
Where the City is joined as a party defendant in any afore-
said suit or suits, action or actions on account of any aforesaid claim
or claims for any such injuries or da�ages arising therefrom or con-
nected with the work, the Contractor shall be obligated to fully ir.-
demnify and hold harmless the City fron all liability therein and fur-
ther, to accept Che tender of the defense or any such suit or suits,
action or actions, at the Contractor's own separate cost and expense.
If the Contractor, in any such instance or instances, shall unduly
fail or refuse, upon due notice and demand as the same may be given
by the City, to assume the defense of the City therein, and ttie City
itself shall supply such defense, then and thereupon the Contractor
shall, on such account, and in addition to all other liability of the �
Contractor to the City in the premises, pay to the City the following
• sum on account and as and for reimbursement for tl�e City's costs and
expenses in providing such defense, compiled and set forth herein as
follows: .
(1) Reasonable attorney`s fees for any appearance in court
• in each instance where the City is made a party to an
action or is brouoht into a pending action as an addi-
tional party or third-parth defendant.
(2) All actual costs incurred by the City is participating
in such action, includino specifically investigative
expenses and any costs of the City by reason of any
, discovery procedures undertaken in such action.
(3) Reasonable attorney's fees for any appearance in court.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
The City may retain any amount due under .the Contract or any
amount which shall become due under the Contract in satisfaction of
any costs or charges incurred by the City in accordance with the fore-
going schedule of charges when the City is required to participate in
any tawsuiL 'dS nereinoelore �LOV1Ubu dL15111g vUL vi vl �nu�cu ao n �� - -
sult of the operations of the Contractor done in the perfornance of the
Contract. , .
(1) Dutv to Notify City
The Contractor shall notify the City in writing immediately,
. by service of notice upon the Office of the City Attorney, of the ex-
= istence of any claims, other than those arising under the Worlanen's
� Com�er_satien Act, or possi.ble claims e�thzr because of personal injury
or property darsage, which clai.ns arise as a result of his (the Con-
� tractor's or sub-contractor's) operations in the perfor�ance of the
Contract. �
Traffic shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of
1404 except as modified below.
S-5.1 The requirements of Section E are hereby deleted- and the follow-
ing substituted therefor:
The Contractor shall be held fully responsible to prevent and
eliminate any dust nuisance occasioned by and during construction,
until the project has been compieted and accepted. Such dust con-
trol measures may include sweeping, water sprinkling, calcium chlor-
ide applications, treatment with bituminous materials or any other
methods, as directed by the Engineer, which will provide and maintain
dust-free conditions on the project.
All such dust control work shall be classed as Incidental Work.
S-5.2 The following paragraph is hereby added to Section G :
However, where the winter suspension results from an extension �
of the Contract time due to fault or ne�li�ence on the part of the
� Contractor, the operations or restoring the roadbed to a condition
equivalent to that whi.ch existed prior to suspension will be classed
as Incidental Work. -
The provisions of 1507 are supplemented as follows:
S-6.1 Utilities which are shown have been located in the Plans as accur- .
ately as possible. However, the City does not guarantee that all util-
� ities are shoc,m, or if sl�own, are in the exact locations indicated in
the Plans. �It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to notify
owners of known utilities and others, if there is reason to believe
• others may exist, a mini.mum of two wor'�cing days before starting con-
struction in a given area, requesting location in the field, as exact
� as possible, of utilities which may be affected by construction. The
Contractor shall provide for a continuat��e of flow of existing sewers
and other facilities interrupted by or on account of the work.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
S-6.2 The following sentence shall be added to the end of the sixth
� paragraph of 1507:
- However, no compensation will be made for construction down time
or delays arising out of or occasioned by such underground utility '
S-6.3 At locations where a proposed sewer crosses other existing secvers
or utility installations, the Engineer may require the Contractor to
make exploratory excavations shortly ahead of se�aer construction to
� determine if potential grade conflicts exists. It may then be possible
- for the Engineer to make minor changes in sewer grade or alignment to
avoid conflicts or, in the alternative, the conflicting utility may be
offset to help avoid delays in the sewer construction operation. Such
exploratory excavation done by the Contractor shall be:classed as Inci-
dental Work. '
S-6.4 All additions, repairs, alterations and relocations of existing
water and gas service lines, gower and telephone poles and their ap-
purtenances, except water gate valve housings, shall be done by the
various utility companies.
- The provisions of 1508 shall govern as amended helow.
_ 5-7.1 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer a minimum of 24 hours in
advance of his need for construction stakes or other survey work.
5-7�2 The Contractor shall furnisn such assistance as iaay be required
by the Engineer to check forms. From �he control hubs, monuments s�ad
bench marks estsblished by the City, the Cantractor shall complete the
layout of the �aork and shall be responsible for all measurements that
are required for the execution of the work to the limits as specif ied
in the Contract documents or any �eodifications specified by the Engineer.
All such work as above described shall be classed as Incidental Work.
The provisions of 1601 are supplemented as follows:
S-S.1 � The Contractor will ::e expected ta furnish and use only materials
- manufactured in the United States in executing the work under the Con-
tract, in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 583 of .4innesota
Session Laws of 1978 (Buy American Act), and except for the follo�aing
materials which are hereby e.xempted: (a) petroleum producted, (b) .
portland cement, (c) bridbe expansion joint devices, (d) steel pile
shells (for concrete piling), (e) prestressing tendons (for conc�rete
beams), and (f) high strength structural steel bolts.
Except for the material exemptions specifically allowed, and in
aecordance with the intent that preference be given to the use of mat-
erials manufactured in the United States to the extent that additional
eosts are not considered unreasonablP, no consideration will be given
to any bid proposais for furnishing other naterials not manufactured
in the United States unless the Contract includes altern�te bid items
- S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
The provisions of Mn/DOT Specification 1710 shall govern as
amended below.
S-9.1 Sections A, B, C and D shall be deleted and the following sub-
� stituted therefor: .
All traffic control devices and methods shall conform to the
requirements of the riinnesota �ianual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (1`L�IUTCD) , rSinnesota Standard Signs Manuals, Fart 1 and 11
and Specifications 3352 and 3353.
� The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the
safety of the public and pro�ection of the work. At all hazardous
_ locations, obstructions to traffic and at E:ach end of all areas not
open to traffic, the Contractor shall furnish, and maintain barri-
eades in accordance with the general specifications and standards
set forth in Part Vl of the :fanusl on Uniform Traffic Control De-
vices for Streets and Highways of the State of Minnesota. Type 111 �
(3 plank) barricades shall be used exclusively, except where the
use of another type barricade or auailiary barriers (cones, drums,
sand bags, etc.) are authorized by the Engineer as being equally ef-
fective for excluding traff ic.
At each barricade and at any other obstructions to traffic, the
Contractor shall provide and maintain suitable and sufficient warn-
ing lights from 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise and
at any other time the Engineer deems necessary. One or two warning
lights shall be mounted on or placed at each barricade as required
by the Engineer, in a �anner that no part of the barricade will act
as background for the lights. The type and illumination features of
the lighting units to be used shall be satisfactory to the Engineer.
Flasher tvpe warnin� liQhts shall have amber Ienses with reflective
area no less than 5 inches in diameter and shall be capable of main-
tainitig full brightness at an acceptable dwell interval.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain all barricades as re-
quired by tlie Engineer in advance of the work as necessary to alert
pubZic traffic to the obstructions ahead and which are necessary to
eontrol and direct public tra�f ic through the project and all detours.
� The City will provide and maintain ail si�ns and markings including
"No Parking" signs required an detour routes. The Contractor shall
exercise all reasonable care against damage to or loss of signs fur-
� n�.shed by the City.
S-.9�.Z �Tke following sentence -is hereby added to Part E:
Should the Contractor fail to perform any of the work required
for such protection, the Department reserves the right to perform
that which is essential to traff ic safety and deduct its costs f rom
any moneys due or coming due the Contractor.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
S-9.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for the immediate repair
or replacement of all barricades that become damaged, moved or de-
" stroyed; of all the lights that cease to function properly; and of
all barricade weights that are da�aged, destroyed or otherwise fail
to stabilize the barricades. The Contractor shall furnish names,
addresses and phone numbers of at least t�ao individuals responsible
for barricades, light and weight placement.
S��9�.4 No measurement will be made of the individual items required
for traffic control. The furnishing, installation, naintenance and
removal of all traffic control devices required for this Contract
wi11 be considered incidental to other items and no direct payment
� will be made.
The provisions oi 1711 shall govern as amended below.
No use of explosives will be permitted by the Contractor without
• the Engineer's written approval. Should approval be given, the Con-
tractor will be required to obtain a Permit for Blasting at the De-
partment of Public :�orks-Service Desk, 234 City Hall and shall comply
with all provisions of the applicable City Ordinance.
The provisions of 1712 shall govern as amended below.
, Before work on thi.s project is started, the Contractor shall
arrange to meet the City Forester or his designated representative,
. and ttiey shall jointly inspect the project site to determine and
mark any trees within the street right-of-way which may be trimmed
or removed before censLruction commences. After completion of con-
struction, the Contractor shall notify the City Forester of any trees
whicli n�y have been damaged during construction. All post-construc-
tion trimm�ng shall be done by the City Forester at the e�-pense of
the Contractor.
S-�2 (1717) ItIP� �'u�D ?7'��:.T? POLLCTT_n�J -
PoZlu°�ion of natur�l .-e�c�::ces oi air, land ar:d crater by operations
undei• �;his co:�tract �ti�a?1 be ^r�vented, ccntrolled, a.^.d abated in accor-
dance ���ith the ru1e:, :e�ulat:cns �nd st�ndar�s ado��e3 ��ci es�abl�shee by
the ?::inn��ota Pol1u�1C21 Contrcl r�ency, and in accor�a.*�ce vrith tt.e pro-
visions of 1717 as r��odified belo�::
• 5-12.1 Temporar,- Pollut�cn Ccntrcl �
The Contracior ::r.al� :�•::;s� r.;a��rial, Iabor a.*�d e�uip:�:ent for ter�porary
' control r�easures as sro;.n in the Pl�:�s or ordered by the E.ng�r.eer ar.d
' shall provide for the accep�ablc? I^2iI.��::^nce tn�reof du.rin� t'r.e life of
. the Contract, to eifectively �reven� ::ater gollution t�xough the use of
berms, dikes, dar;�s, sedir:e.^.t ��si:�s, fiber �^�wts, ne�ti:�g, gravel, mulches,
. grasses, slope drains, ar.d oth�r eros:.on cant:ol devices or r;.ethods.
Temporary pollutio�l con�ro2 may ir.clude censtruction rrork outside the
Right of �7ay t:rere such �•;ory is necessary as a result of borrc;� pit oper-
ations, haul road co:�s�ruction, equip�.:ent storage, and plant or ��.�aste
disposal sites. •
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
' � The temporary pollution ccntrol provisions contained herein shall be
� eoordinated ��ith the per:::anen� erosic� control features specif�ed else:�:here
. in the Contract to �ne eVten+ practicai to assure econo�:LLcal, effec�ive,
and eontinuous erosion ccntrol tru eu�r�ut the construeticn a.nd post-con-
• strur..tion period. �
� At the preconstruction carSerence, or prior to the start of the ap-
. plicable construction, tre Cor.�racicr s�:all sub^!it for accep���ce his
proposed sc'r.edules fOT' SCCO:"?iiSr�°_^.� Gi t?::'.�0:'�T�j 2.'1; ��Z':::2-^.°:� e:OS�021
' eontrol ;rork, as are a��licaole i or clear�n7 a:.d grubbir.�; orzd�r.g, con-
. struction O:� brid�eS �riG� Ot;12� S�T'liC�122'°S 8� i'.atercourSeS� �3't'i:l�� °�.":.^.
miscellaneous cor.structio::. i?e s'r.ail also su�:_�i� fcr accep�anc° his pro-
� . posed method o: erosion ccr,�rol on r.z�.�? roads �zd at bo:ro:� piLS and 'r�is
plans for dis�osal of :��asze �.a�eri��. 1�io crork s�,all be stzrted untiZ the
- applicable erosion ccntrol sciled�.1°s and �ethods of operation rave been
accepted by the Engineer. .
Naterials for Ter;�or?r�; Cor.trol
- a 1.iulciies rrsy be �av, s��az:, i i��er r�ats, netting, ti��ood cellulose, corn
or tobacco stal?:s, bark, corn cobs, r:ood c�:ips, or other sui�able
material acceptable to the Er:�ir.eer ar:�? snall be reasonably free of
noxious �veeds and other deieterious �aiter.
. (b) Slope drains may be constructed af pipe, fiber r^,ats, rubble, portland
eement concrete, bitu;�znoLS concre�e, glastic sheets, or other suit-
able msterial acceptable to the t'��.gi.neer. �
• � (e) Grass shsll be quic:� gro�ring species (such as rye or cereal grasses) -
� suitable to the area, that :vill p:ovide a te;nporary cover r:hich �:ill
not later compete �•rith tre g:asses so,�n fcr pei•,:anent cover.
.(d) Fertili�ers and soil con3itioners sr�all be a standard cor^�:ercial grade
acceptable to the i..n�ineer.
(e) Othcr materials as approved fa�r use by the �hgineer.
g.,..12,2 Construction Penuirer.^.ents
The Isi�;ineer �i.zll 'r.ave au�nority to li:ut the surface area of erodible
earth material e�os�d by clearin� ar.d �rubbin�, excavaticn, borre:v 2.^.d
fi7.l operations and to �irect the Coatr��t�rs to pro�ic� i;_^:ediate �rnr;;�,_
nent or te;:rorary co�trol ^easures to prevent cor�twmina�;o:i o� ad j acent
streams and other �•rater courses, iakes, pc�:ds, and areas of �::a�er iT�ou:.�d-
- ment. Cut slopes st:all be seeded ar.d ^u�c:ed as th° e:�a•ratior. proceeds
to the extent considered desirable a:d practicable.
The Contractor crill be required to ir.corporate all perr.i3Tent ero�ion
� control featu:es into the pro,ject at t2:e e�rliest prac��cable ti:�e as out-
' lined in his accept�s�? schedules. Te^�o=ar^,� pollution c�ntrol reasures
will be used to co^rect coaditi�ons �r�� develop curi:g co^struc�ion that
� � were not forese�n duri�� the design state; thzt are necced prior to installation
of permane:lt eresien cont:ol features; or t�:at are needed te�:�orarily to
eontrol erosion that develops durir.� r.�r-�.al cor.structicr. pract�ces, bu�
� are not associated ��ith the per:::ane:�t control features en tne project.
' S.P. 164-080-02 (Irving Park)
September 18, 1979
' The Engineer ���ill lir�it the area of excavation, borror7 ar.d e*�,bzn�.�ent
. operations in pro�ress co�ensuraie ���ith �he Cor.tractor's capability and
' progress in keepir:; the finish ;radinb, ;�•,�lcnin_, seedir.�, and other such
permanent erosicn con�rol r^easures CL'2'I'2:1� in accordance ,ritr. tY:e accepted
schedules. Should seasonal 1�^utaticns :r.�::e sucn coorC�r.�tion ur_realis�ic,
• temporary erosion cont,ol �easures shall be taren immediately to the
� � extent feasible and justified.
• In the event of conflict bet;�een these requirer�en�s and any pollution
• � eontrol la�°rs, rules, or reoulatior.s of other Federal and State or local
� . agencies, the more restrictive require^:enLS shall apply. ,
� S- J.2:3 Measure�?ent and P�.�r^ent �
� All tempora_;�and per:-.sr.en� eresion a.-�d pollution control r��°asuyTes
necessitated by the Cont:ac+or' s o�er?tions outside th� Right cf ';:ay, and
� - all teMporary eresicn ar.d pollution cc:.t:ol measu_res necessitat°d by t�^.e
Contractor's neglib�:1C°� carelPSST:2SS� OT 2311ll:° t0 p;•operly coord�na�e
the installation o: ger�^.anent controls as part of the �•:or� scheduled
� within the Right of '.�'ay, shall be perfor.*.:ed as ordered by the �;ir.eer at
the Contractor's o:�� expense. •
In case of failure on the part of the Cor.tractor to control erosion,
pollution, and si?�aticn as ordered, the �par�:;°nt reserves ;.rz rig'�t �o
employ outside ass�stsnce or to use its orm forces to provide the necessar;,�
Corrective t�,easures. All expenses so incurred by the �epar�r:ent, incluai.^.7
its engineerin� costs, tha� are c?:argeable to the Contractor as his obli7a-
tion and e:�pense, �vill be deducted i ro:.� ar�y r�onies due or cor.u.ng due the
• Where the� F��i.neer orders installation of either ter�porary or addition-
al permanent erosion or pollution control r;easures, in the absence of ar;j
negligence, carelessr.�ss, or failur^ or. tY.e Contractor's part io prope:ly
� schedule and carry out the measures pr�vided :or in the Contract, a.zd
�except for such �^ork �vhich is necessi�ated by tl:e Contr::ctor's cpe:aticr.s
outside the Ri�ht of ',�ay, the rYork �hall be perforr:ed st �he Departrr.e�t's
� expense nnd pay.nent eriil be made tt:eret'ore at appropriate Contract bid -
prices foi• like ��:or.'c, or as Extra i:'ork if there is no co:�parable iter� of
work in the Contract, __
The last sentence of the second paragraph of Section (a) is hereby
� deleted, and the following is added thereto:
"An amount equal to 45 percent of the sum of the above labor wage
items will be paid to the Contractor as full compensation for overhead
addz.tional bond, properL-y danage and liability insurance, worlc�en's
compensation insurance prer�iums, unemployment insurance contributions,
employer social securit}� taxes, and other indirect labor force costs.
Also, when the force account work involves steel er.ection or painting
of inetal structures, an additional amount equal to 14 percent and 23
percent, respectively, of the basic labor rates for these two classi-
fications will be paid to the Contractor for the hours worked as full
compensation for the higher workmen's compensation rates paid by the
. Contractor for these two labor classes.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
S-14 �1803) PROSECUTIOV OF j�'ORK .
The provisions of 1803 shall govern as amended below:
S-14.1 The first sentence of 1803.1, Progress Schedule, is deleted and
the following substituted thereof: .
Before work is started on this project, the Contractor and other
jnterested parties shall attend a pre-construction conference sched-
uled by the Engineer to review the Plans, Specifications and the Con-
tractor`s Progress Schedule. Such Progress Schedule shall be submit-
• ted to the Engineer at least five days prior to the pre-construction
. conference.
_ � Paragraph VI of Form PR-1273, Required Contract Provisions for
Federal-Aid Construction Contracts, which is attached to this proposal
shall not apply on projects valued at under five-hundred thousand
dollars ($500,000.00).
The Contract time will be determined in accordance with- the pro--
visions of 1806 and the following:
S-16.1 Construction operations shall be started S��.thin 8 Calendar Days after
notice of approval of contract.
S-16.2 All work required under this Contract, except maintenance work and
Final Clean Up shall be completed within 75 Working Days.
The provisions of 2031, shall govern as amended below.
� S-17.1 The Field Office shall be Type D service.
5-17.2 The Field Office shall contain telephone service 50 mile radius
on calls for the private use of the Engineer at all times. The in-•
stallation of the telephone shall be classed as incidental work.
S-17.3 Each unit shall be equipped with two 30 gallon trash barrels or
equivalent. Trash shall be removed from the premises on a regular
_ basis, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The furnishing of
trash barrels and trash removal shall be classed as incidental work.
• 5-17.4 Delete the requirements of 2031.3C3, Electrically Powered Mech-
anical Sieving Apparatus in its entirety.
Removing miscellaneous structures shall be performed in accord--
ance with the provisions of 2104, except as modified below.
S-18.1 All sawcutting of asphalt or concrete where shown in the Plans
or as directed by the Engineer, will be classed as incidental work.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
S-18.2 Paragraph 14 of 2104.3B is hereby deleted and the following sub-
stituted therefor:
Pipe sewers and drainage pipes which are to be abandoned shall
he bulkheaded with brick or concrete block masonry at all upstream
ends, at downstream ends that connect to catch basins, manholes or
pipe 36 inches or greater in diameter and at locations directed by
the Engineer. The construction of bulkheads shall be classed as in-
cidental work.
S-18.3 The curbs that ring the Park and the curb on Walnut Street from
the Park to Exchange Street are granite and this curb shall be sal-
' vaged and reset as directed by the Engineer.
S-18.4 Materials which can be reused, such as manhole frames and covers,
catch basin frames and covers, etc. , and are not needed in the work
under construction, shall be salvaged by the Contractor and delivered
to the City on the Project. .
S-18.5 Concrete sidewalk tile that is not broken shall be stack�d on
the boulevard for use by the area residents.
S-18.6 Remove Concrete Walk or Driveway Pavement shall be construed to
nean the removal of monolithically poured concrete or driveway only.
All other sidewalk or driveway removal will be classed as incidental
S-18.? Remove Concrete Curb shall be construed to mean concrete, sand-
stone curb or concrete curb and gutter that is poured integrally,
including bituminous material on the gutter section. Also included
under this removal item is granite curb that is not be be salvaged.
S-18.8 Any concrete curb or gutter not shown i.n the Plans, but removed
in order to construct the project, will be measured and paid for as
Item No. 2104.501 (Remove Concrete Curb), providing it is called to
the Engineer's attention and measured prior to removal.
S-18.9 Payment for Item No. 2104.521 (Salvage Granite Curb), sha.11 be
compensation in full for all costs of removing, cleaning and storing
the useable granite curb.
5-18.10 Integral curb radii removed in conjunction with concrete drive-
way removal, shall be considered to be part of the driveway and will
. be measured and paid for as Item No. 2104.503 (Remove Concrete Walk
and Driveway Pavement).
S-18.11 The use of equipment which breaks pavement shall be limited to
the type of machine which is equipped with a p�wer stroke hammer un-
less otherwise approved by the Engineer.
S-18.I2 Removal of pavement to facilitate construction of new curb will
be measured and paid for as Remove Pavement.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
S-18.13 Removal of integral curb and walk shall be classed as walk re-
moval. The area shall be measured from face of curb to back of walk
and payment made under Item No. 2104.503 (Remove Concrete Walk.and
Driveway Pavement). No additional payment shall be made for the re-
moval of the curb portion.
S-18.14 Catch basins shall be removed to at least three feet below the
bottom of the base course construction.
5-18.15 Remove side inlets shall be construed to mean the complete re-
moval of the side inlet structure, side inlet lead and bulkheading
, the inlet opening in the connecting catch basin. These bulkheads
will be classed as incidental work.
S-18.16 The removal of pipe sewers, stone gutters, brick surfacing,
oiled roadways or bit�inous pavement, shall be classed as incidental
5-18.17 Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of 2104.3C2 are hereby deleted. All dis-
posal must be made outside the right of way as provided in 2104.3C3.
The provisions of 2105, shall govern as amended below.
S-19.1 Excavation limits and com�utations of quantities are as follows:
As a basis for the computation of volumes, it is assumed that
the new final roadway elevation is to be the same as the existing
roadway elevation.
Excavation shall be to a depth of 12 inches below the botton of
the proposed bituminous base material and to the same elevation under
the proposed curb and gutter. The width of excavation shall be to a
point one foot back from the gutter line and then at a 1/2 to 1 slope
up to the existing ground elevation.
Excavation above the bottom of the proposed bituminous base course
and curb and gutter shall be classed as Item No. 2105.501 (Common Ex-
_ Excavation below the bottom of the proposed bituminous base course
and curb and gutter shall be classed as Item No. 2105.507 (Subgrade
S-19.2 Excavation shall proceed as follows:
The Contractor shall remove the existing roadway surface down to
the elevation of the bottom of the proposed bituminous base course
and curb and gutter. The Engineer shall then examine the subgrade.
Based upon his visual observation and/or the results of soil borings,
he may elect to decrease or increase the depth of subgrade excavation.
The decision to adjust the depth of subgrade excavation shall be solely
that of the Engineer. Appropriate adjustments in the plan quantity
of subgrade excavation shall then be made.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
S-19.3 Payment for Item No. 2105.501 (Conmmon Excavation), sha.11 be made
on the quantity of common excavation shown in the Schedule of Prices.
Said payment shall be compensation in full for all costs of excavation,
including dispasal of unsuitable or excess material on or off the pro-
�ect limits.
S-19.4 Payment for Item No. 2105.509 (Subgrade Excavation), shall be
made on the quantity of subgrade excavation as shown in the Schedule
of Prices, subject to the adjustments described herein. Said payment
shall be compensatiori in full for all costs of excavation, including
disposal of unsuitable or excess material on or off the project limits.
S-19.5 Excavation shall be disposed of as follows:
Oiled roadway surface, organic soils and any other excavation that
the Engineer may designate, shall be removed and disposed off the pro-
�ect site. A sufficient quantity of the remaining suitable excavation
shall be retained, thoroughly mixed for consistency, and placed in the
immediate 12 inches below the proposed bituminous base material (and
areas of adjustments as described herein. Any additional excavation
shall then be removed and disposed off the project site.
S-19.6 The Engineer shall have complete control over the disposition of
all common excavation material and the determination of adjustments
as described in herein.
S-19.7 The Contractor shall indicate to and obtain approval from the
Engineer of his intended method to be used to obtain consistent mi.x-
ing of the excavation which will be used for placement under the
bituminous base material.
5-19.8 If insufficient suitable excavation exists on the project, the
� Contractor shall fill the excavated areas with Item No. 2105.521
(Granular Borrow, L.V.).
S-19.9 The Engineer may vary the line and grade of roadway construction
at construction time for various reasons. No additional compensation
or adjustment in excavation plan quantities shall be made for these
_ 5-19.10 Measurement and payment for Item No. 2105.521 (Granular Borrow),
shall be on the basis of actual loose volume which may be hauled to
and used on the Project. Said payment shall be compensation in full
- for all costs involved in the purchase, hauling, placing and compacting
all granular borrow materials.
S-19.11 Upon completion of all excavation and/or backf illing, the sur-
face shall be shaped and compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Shaping and compaction shall be classif ied as incidental work.
S-19.12 All compaction shall be by the Specified Density Method to not
less than 98 percent of the maximum density.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
S-19.13 Adding water to or drying out of material to obtain maximum den-
sity when required, will be considered incidental.
S-19.14 No direct compensation shall be made for any excavation or back-
fill necessary for the laying o� sewer pipe nor for the removal of
excess material due to pipe displacement.
S-19.15 Trees which are not to be removed shall be protected from damage
due to construction operations. Excavation materials shall not be
piled around the trees. Heavy equipment shall be operated in a manner
that will not injure the trees and shall not be parked near the treas.
S-19.16 No direct compensation shall be made for any excavation beyond
the roadway limits described herein. All cutting, filling, shaping,
_ compacting, grooming, etc. , necessary for sidewalk, driveway, top-
soil or sod placement shall be classed as incidental work.
S-19.17 Any excavation required to facilitate taking of density tests
shall be done by and at the expense of the Contractor.
S-19.18 Generally, it is estimated that the textural classification of
the soil material is a silty sand and sand with slabs of limestone.
For the Contractor`s information, there is on file in the Department
of Public Works a copy of the soil borings in the general area of
Irvine Park.
S-19.19 Rock removal limits shall be based on the trench area. for storm
sewer construction. The trench area is taken as the depth of the
pipe multiplied by the pipe diameter, plus two feet, with an additional
0.5' over break allowed. Any rock removed beyond these limits shall
be classed as incidental. Slabs of limestone ha.ving a volume of one
cubic yard or more will be included for payment as Rock Excavation.
5-19.20 The .rock removed for the storm sewer shall be paid for under
Item No. 2105.503 (Rock Excavation). Al1 other excavation for the
storm sewer is incidental to storm sewer pay items.
S-19.21 Payment for rock excavation shall be at the contract price per
cubic yard on the basis of the amount actually removed, and shall
be compensation in full for all costs of excavation, including the
_ removal and disposal outside the project limits.
• Application of water shall be placed in accordance with the pro-
visions of 2130, except as modified below.
S-20.1 Ttem No: 2130.501 (Water), shall be construed to mean only water
, as ordered by the Engineer for the specific purpose of controlling
The provisions of 2201, shall govern as amended below.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
5-21.1 Delete words "for final brooming to roughen the surface and" from
paragraph 2 of 2201.3B.
S-21.2 Concrete mix shall be 3B42HE.
S-21.3 Concrete base shall be construced on a six inch layer of Aggre-
gate Base, Class 5. The construction of the aggregate base shall be
classed as incidental work.
5-21.4 Concrete base shall be poured to the elevation of the e�cisting
concrete base.
' 5-21.5 The requirements of 2201.2D are hereby deleted and the following
substituted therefor:
The concrete base shall be cured by the use of curing paper or
plastic sheeting as provided in 2301.3M.
S-21.6 All labor, materials and costs necessary for the installation and
filling of joints, additional material required for thickened slabs,
curing, fine grading and all work directly connected with the placing
of concrete base shall be classed as incidental.
5-21.7 The provisions of 2201.4 "Method of Measurement" and 2201.5 "Basis
of Payment" are deleted and the following substituted therefore:
Concrete base shall be 6" thick and will be measured by area in
square yards, including regular and irregular shapes and widths. Pay-
ment for concrete base under Item No. 2201.503 are provided for in the
Contract, and at the contract bid price per square yard, shall be com-
pensation in full for all costs of constructing the base as specified,
including costs incidental to pavement construction, the volume of
� concrete used and/or additional cenent added for high early strength.
Aggregate base shall be constructed in accordance with the pro-
visions of 2211, except as modified below.
S-22.1 Compaction Requirements - the aggregate base shall be compacted
to not less than 98 percent of maximum density in accordance with the
Specified Density Method.
S-22.2 No direct compensation will be made for placement of aggregate
. base. All aggregate base construction necessary for sidewalk, drive-
way or crosswalk, shall be classed as incidental work.
Bituminous base and leveling course mixtures shall be constructed
in accordance with the provisions of 2331, except as modified below.
S-23.1 Bituminous material for mixture shall be asphalt cement (120/150
S-23.2 Compaction shall be obtained by the ordinary compaction method.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
S-23.3 Pneumatic-Tired Rollers shall be self propelled and shall be
equipped with high pressure tires loaded so that a contact pressure
range of 75 to 80 pounds per square inch will be obtained. When re-
quested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish manufacturer's
data on the contact area and contact pressures for the full range of
tire loadings for the type and size tire on the pneumatic roller.
Bituminous mixture for wearing course shall be constructed in
accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT Specification 2341, except
as modified below.
� S-24.1 Bituminous material for mixture shall be asphalt cement.
S-24.2 Compaction shall be obtained by the ordinary compaction method.
S-24.3 Pneumatic-Tired Rollers shall be self propelled and shall be
equipped with high pressure tires loaded so that a contact pressure
range of 75 to 80 pounds per square inch will be obtained. When
requested by the Engineer, the Contractor sha.11 furnish manufacturer's
data on the contact area and contact pressures for the full range of
tire loadings for the type and size tire on the pneuma.tic roller.
Bituminous tack coat shall be placed in accordance with the pro-
visions of Mn/DOT Specification 2357, except as modified below.
S-25.1 Bituminous material for tack coats sha.11 be Anionic Aspha.lt Emu-
lsion, Type SS-1, or Cationic Aspha.lt Emulsion Type CRS1, CRS 2 or
S-25.2 This emulsion shall be diluted with water as directed by the
� Engineer to provide a thin and uniform tack coat.
S-25.3 The Engineer shall determine the necessity of placing tack coats
between the various bituminous layers.
Asphaltic concrete wearing course shall be constructed in accord-
ance with the provisions of 2361, except as modified below.
S-26.1 Steel slag shall be permitted for use as aggregate.
- 5-26.2 The quantity shown in the Plans for Item No. 2361.508 (Wearing
Course Mixture) is based on the use of Class A or Class D Aggregates
or Taconite Tailings. If steel slag aggregate is used, the weight
of the steel slag aggregate will be reduced by 12 1/2 percent for
S-26.3 Compaction shall be obtained by the ordinary compaction method.
S-26.4 Pneumatic tired rollers shall be used if so required by the
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
S-27 (2503) PIP� SEW�'RS
Pipe sewers sliall be constructed in accord�nce :�ith 250:i, exceFt
as modified below:
S-27.1 All rei.nforced concrete pipe sewer joints shal.l h�ive pr:,vision
for and shall be sealed with elastic joint sealer meeting the re-
quirements of 3726 and ir. accordance �aith Standard Plate 3006C.
Gasket joints will be cons.i�lerecl to be incidental to Item No. 2500.508
(12" RC Pipe Sewer, Cl.ass IV) and Item No. 25U6.508 (12" RC Pipe
Sewer, Class V) and no direct compensation will be made therefor.
S-27.2 Where materials from the trench excavation will not meet t1iF re-
yuirements for granular backfill, suitable mater�al, to tne extent
required, shall be furnished irom other sources by the Contractor.
. Basis for payment wi1l be under Iter� No. 2105.521, Granular Borrow
(L.V.) by the cubic yard. �
5-27.3 During tl�e entire course of the construction operations, tl�e Cen-
tractor shall coordinate his activitics to provide tt�e uti.lity owners
an opportunity to inspect their facilities. Each utility line expos��c?
during constructio:i will be inspected by the autherized representativc
of the utility prior to backfilling.
S-27.4 While the centerline af the sewer ha� been cteterminad wit}: r�..sot�--
able accuracy, the City reserves the right to make minor adjustmeats
in sewer and manhole locations.
A generous collar of Class 3A46 concrete stiall be constructr-3
around the new se;aer pipe at al.l connections to structures or other
S-27.5 Pipc InstalZation
Excavation - A1J. installations 5l�.all be accemplished by open
trench construction ��xc�pt for short tunnel sections approved by ttic
Engineer and except that boring, jacking or tuniiel construction met-
hods shall be ea�p.loyed where so specifically required by the Plans
or Special Provisions. Installation of pipe through tunnel excava-
tions will be allowed only where the surface structure can be properl:,
supported and the backfill restored to the satisfaction of the EngineE�r.
Excavating operations shall pruceed only so far in advance of
_ pipe laying as will satisfy the r.eecis for coordination of work and
permit advance verification of unobstructed line and grade as plannc•d.
Wtiere interference with exiating structures is possible or in any w�:y
indicated, and where necessary to establish elevati.on or direction
for connections to inplace structures, the excavating sti:ill be done
' at those locations in advance of the rsain operation so actual condi-
tions will be exposed in sufficient time to make adjustments withou.t
resorting to extra work or ur.necessary delay.
The excavating operations shall be conducted so as to car�full��
expose all inplace undergruund structures without damage. Wherever
the excavation extends under or approaches su close to an existin�
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
strucCure as to en�an�er it in any Na.v, precauCions and pru[ective
measures shall ue taken as necessary to preserve t'�e struc*urF� <_ ,u
provide tenporary support. Hund mettiods of escav�itin� shall be
utilized to probe for anu expose sucii critical or hazardou� install-�
aticns as Ras, �aater and s�wer main� and services; and power, tele-
phone, street lighting and traffic si;nal cables and conduits.
Excavated materials w:ll be classified far payment only to the
extent that the remcval of materiais c?assified by the Engineer as
rock, will be paid for separately i°om other unclassified riateria'_s
as Extra Giork. Al1 other materials encountered in the e�cavations,
with the esception of items classici�d for payment as structur.e re-
' movals, will be considered as Unclassifieci Excavation. Unclassified
materials shall include muck, rubble, wood debris and bo�:lder stone,
masonry or concrete fragments less than one-half cubic yard in vol-
tune, together with other Miscellaneous matter that can be renoved
etfectively with ��:.*er operated exc�vators without resorting tc� dr�llin..
and blasting. Excavatien of all such unclassified material will be
classed as Incidental Work.
Rock e.�ccavation shall be defined to include all hard solid rec:c
in ledge formation; bedded deposits and unstratified roasses; all n�.t-
ural conglomerate deposits so firmly cenented as to present all the
characteristics of solid rock; and any boulder stone, mascnry or ccn--
crete fragment� exceeding one=ha�i cubic �4rd in vol.�.�mc�. Materials
such as shale, har3 Fan, soft or ::isintegrated rock which can be dis-
].odged with a hand pick or renoved u ith a power operr:ted e�:cavator
will not be classified as Rock Lxcavation.
The Contractor shall thoroughly familiarize himself with all f;!:,at�:
and Federal regulations governin3 4YCavation. The sides uf the trerc.i,
shall be sloped and/o-r t�raced as nccessary tc� a�sure the saiety of tt::
workers. The r_rench side slopes ai.d the� trench wl.dth at the top of. '"��.•'
excavation will vary depending u�on the depth oz the trench, the s�.z �.
of the pipe and the nriture of L'.�e material enco�,ntered. Ho�aevtr, 2-h��
width of tiie trench shail �e k�pt at a mir.i.mum to prevent exces.. r��-
moval or d�struction of the existinb surface.
•The equipment used for surfacinb retnoval, excavr.tion and pip�
placement shal? be of such sizes and types as to adequately perror�
_ the in*_ended operations. However, such equipment si1a11 not be so
operated or of a �ize or typ�: as to itself cause a greater trench
width than that minimally required for a safe opera�ion. If, at ai?y
� time, the trench becomes wider than required for a reasonable and
safe operation, the Engineer in liis judgment, may direct that the
�Contractor change his equipment or methods of oper�tion in order t�>
narrow the trench to a reasonzble width at the top of the excavation.
All work must be confined to within the limits of the construc--
tion easements or public right-of-way indicated in the Plans. To
comply with tiiis requireaient in th� various pipe depth-locaticn-soiJ_
condition combinations,� ttie Contractor shatl install an� necessary
sheeting, br.;cing or trench boxing at his own expe.nse.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
The sides of trenches shall be securely braced ur sheet�d wi,en
necessary to prevent caving. '�he Fn�:ineer may order such braciu:;
as he deems necessary ;or the prote�tion of life �r pro�erty, but
such order will not rcli:�ve tiie Contractor of hi� respu.�sibilit�• f�:��
the conduct of the woi•k or th� con�,ec;ueiices thereof. i�o a�.3d:.ti.c�n.+1
compensation will be �laJe for any :�I�e`�ii:� or brzcing .re�uired. or
so ordered by the Engi�eer. Ho��:2vE�i , if sheetin� is order�ci left i.n-�
place by the: rn�ineer, pa,^nent wil: b�� made for ttie :��tc:ria's as
F.�:tra Work.
That portion of the excavatio�7 wiiich is belcw an elevat� .%n on�
• foot above the top of tne pipe shall liave side slopes as nearly veeti-
cal as practicable. Trench widtn iu this area of the excavatic.n shal :
allow for a 12" ninimun to 18" maximum space between the trench wa�ls
� or sheeting and the outside di.ameter oi the sewer.
The ma:cimum allowable trench �Jidth at the level of the tope oi
pipe may be exceeded only b� approv�l o£ the Engineer, after his con-
sideration of pipe strength and loading relationships.
In case the maximiun width is exceeded, the Contractor may be re-
quired to provide a higher class of bedding, a higher strengL:i af piFe
or both, as determined by the Engineer, without additional compersati^��.
All excavations bele�a grade shall be to a minimuu: widt�� equal t�
the outside pipe diameter plus two ieet. Rock shall be remove�i tu suc`�
additional Y:orizontal dimensions as will provide a mini.m•.:m clearance
of six inches on all sidas of 'such ap�:urtenant structures as m�nhcle
and catch basins.
All excavated materials shall be piled in a manner that will n:�t
endanger the work or obstruct f ire hydrants. Gutters shall be kept
clear or other satisfactory provisions made for street drainage at all
S-27.6 Foundation - Care must be taken to acvoid over excavation at pipe
grade. Where the e.�isting material at pipe grade is loose or where
material is placed due to over excavation, mechanical corapation of
such material. will be required in order tu achieve a density of 90i,
_ as determined by the Standard Proctor riethod. The finished pipe grade
shall be prepared accurately, in every instance, by sliaping with hanu
tools as required to provide the class of bedding specified.
Where ruck (as previously defined) is encountered at pipe grad��,
it sha11 be removed to a depth of at least 6 inches, but not more that.
12 inches below the outside bottom ot the pipe barrel and below the
lowest projection of joint huba. Where oCher unclassitied material
encountered at pipe grade is, in the Engineer's judgmetlt, unsuitablc
for pipe foundation, the sub�rade sha11 be excavated below the gipe
to stable material, as directed by the Engineer. F.xcavation and �jis-
posal of such unsuitsble, unclassified materials shall be classed as
Incidental work.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
The Contractor shall be fully r�.sponsible to kecp the trertr.iies
free of water by sucti means as will preserve the structural stabi? it}�
of the trench bottom and sides, and provide a dry trench for the in-
stallation of the pipe. '1'tie discharf;e of tr�ncl� dewaterin�; pum,:�s
shall be directed to naturul draina;;� channels or storm se;aers. It
shall not be allowed to run into sanitary or combined sewers, unless
the F.ngineer so permits in writing. IE the trench bottom is other-
wise suitable firm material, but becowes soft and muddy due to ti�e
presence of water, through no fault or negligency of the Contractor,
the soft material shall be removed to firm natural soil or as the
Engineers directs. Such excavation and dis�osal of soft material
shall be classed as Incidental tJork.
In excavations made below pipe grade to remove rock or unstable
materials, backfillino to grade shnll be made witli such suitable
- materiGls which are available frou� thz trench excavation and anproved
by the Engineer, unless placement oF granular foundation naterial is
ordered by the Engineer as Extra Work. Such granular four.daticn shal.l
consist of material meeting the requi.rements of AS'I'�i Spc�:.ificaticn
Designation D-4�8, Size Nc�. 4, or such otner c�arse agoreoate as may
be ordered or approved by the Ln�ineer. Placen►ent of the tounuatic,n
backfill :;hall be ir. relat�vely unif.��rm layers not eaceeding fi" in
loose thickness. Eacti la�•er of backlill sha11 be compacted thorought�.�•,
by means of anproved mechanical co�p..�c*ion eqt:ipmenr_, as will produ�E.
unifarm p3.�e support throughuut the full pipe len�tl� <�ncl facilitate ����.� -
per shaping of the pipe bed.
S-��:y Bedding - Unless othezwise noted in the Plans, the pipe bedding
shall be Class "C" bedding.
Pipe bedding will be construed as that part of the trench backE"i1'
below a plane one foot above the top of the outside of the pipe. Clas�:
� "C" bedding material shall be selected granular or clay material, frE�
from stones or organic n�.iterial, which can be placed and tiioroughly
compacted around th? pipe. Bedding -�aterial shall be selected from
the trench excavation and shall be segregated and stockpiled for that
purpose when necessary. If approved material is available fram th�
excavation, but is not utilized for bedding purposes, the Ccntractor
shall provide approved granular material for beddinb as specified be!c� :.
at his own expense.
' In some instances, naf.ural, su:itable beddin� m.�terial ma}' not b.•
encountered 3uring the normal excav:►tion of the trench. kfien tiie
material encountered is determined by the Engine�:r as unsuitable t,:e
Contractor st�all provide and place a;�pruved beddin�; from aurplu�. r.�.:��-
erial stockpiled from previous excav<ition or othE:r exc.avution th::� t��
pro�ress on the project, at no additional compeusatic�:1.
If approved, surplus bedding m:�terial is n�t: available, throii;?i
no fault of the Cutitractor, the Ek�ineer may order thc� Contrac:or t��
furnish aud place, as Eatra Work, granular becldLng material m���tina,
the requirements of 5pc.c�iEication 3149.2F or 3149.2K.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
Pipe bedding shall be compacted to a density of not less thac�
92 percent of ma::imum density, as determi.ned by t.he S�anuard Proctc�r
Method, with approved, h:ind operattcl, mechanical equipment coithout
damage to the sewer or u;.ility instailations.
S-27.8 Laying Pipe - Pipe shall be carefully handled to avoid any Cam-
age in trans:it, unloading, distribution and laying. PrefabricaCe�
joint material on pipes shall be protected from dirt and cleforma[ior�.
Equipment used for laying pipe shall be of adequate size and prapei�iv
equipped to lay the pipe.
Proper implements, tools and facilities satisfactory tv the
' Engineer shall be provides and used by the Contractor for the safe
and convenient protection of the work. _
Seforc being lower.ecl into the trench and wliile suspencle3, the .
pipe shall be inspecte.d f��r defects. An}• defective, damaged or un-
sound pipe shall be rejected.
All £orej.gn matter or dirt sttil.l be removed from the inside oi
the pipe before it is lowered into its position in the treiich, and
all pipe shall be '.�cept clean by approveci rseans dt�ring and arter layi,���.
All open�ngs along ttie line of the sewer shall Ue securely closed a.:
directed and. in the sus�ansion oi :rork at any time, suitable stonper.,
shall be placed Co prevent eartli, otlier substance:�. or r_hildre�i fr_r�m
entering the sewer. Pipe once laid sh311 be protect�d from injury ��T�
disturbance of any kind.
Pipe laying shall proceed upstream at the line and grade as sho:���
in the Plans and as staked by City Surveyors. Bell or grcoved ends
shall be laid facing upgrade. The grade board m�tl�ud or laser beam
method shall be used for line'and grade on all mainline sewer. HoleS
shall be excavated for bells so that the barrel of the pipe is sup��orteci
uniformly on a firm foundatica. The pipe being laid shall be b�oubht
into position and the joint closezi by such means as will accomplish
the work without damage or distrubance to any part of the inplace p<�e
line. As each length of pipe is properly laid and jointed, the beddinf;
material s:�all be placed and compacted at least to the spring line so
that there will be no displacement of inplace pipes during the �ipe
laying operation. '
No pipe shall be laid in water or where the trench conditio�s
are unsuitable for such woric, except by written permi.ssion of the
- I:ngineer.
Joints shall be m.ide :�aterti�ht. The interior of tl►e pipe liue
shall be uniformly sr�ootli throughout and true to 1ic;e and �rade wit.h
, no projecLions or steps at the joints.
S- 27.9 Backfilling - Backfill will include placement rind c.ompaccion of
material in the tzench frum the top of the bedding ko ttie bottor,� oi:
the street surfacing. Backfill sha11 be placed and compact::d so t}•-+•
�a uniform density of 95 percent of thF inaximum dens�.ty, as deter�.inej
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
by the Standard Proctor Method, is obtained except for tlie t�nper tt:r�_t•
feet of the trench backiill which shall be compacted to 98 p�rcent ar
the maximum deiisity. Ttie methods and equipment used by the Contrac�����
for backfil.ling and compacting shall be such as to cause no damage t�
any of the sewers, water mains, utility installatioas, structures,
etc. , in the street or to any building or structure alono t:he stree.t.
Special attention shall be given to work around utility installations,
water main�, manholes, etc. , to insure_ adequate compaction of the
fill under and adjacent to these installations in order to mai.ntai�i
their stability and that of the street surface. The Engineer may
require the Contractor to change his method or equipment used foY
compaction if, in his opinion, there is a possiU.ility of damabe tc�
� any installation in the street or to nearby structures.
_ Suitable backfill material shall be defined as a mineral soil
free of foreign materials, (rubbisi�, debris, etc.), frozen clu�ps, �
oversized stone, rocic, concrete or bituminous chunks and other un-
suitable materials wYiose presence in the backfill in the opinion oE
the Engineer may damage the pipe installation, prevent thorough com-
paction, or increase tiie risks of after settlement unnecessarily.
Backfil.l materials shall be carefu2ly placed in relatively uni-
form depth layers spread over the full wid[h and length of the tre_�ch
section and as will provide simultaneous support on both s:ides of ,.he
The use of heavy roller type compa�tion equigment shall be li.uli�eci to
safe pipe loadin�;.
The maxi.mum loose thickness of each backfill layer shall be 1�"
except that, in consideration of the dcmonstrated capabilities of
special type vibrating, cempactors, the maximum depth may be increase�3
at the Engineer's discretion.
Until final acceptance of the project, the Contractor shall as-
sume full responsibility and expense for all backfill settlement ancl
shall refill and restore the work�as directed to maintain an acceptat�i ;
surface c_ondition.
The Engineer may require samplin.g and testin�; of the soils tliat
are to be used for bedding and backi i11 to dr-.termine the maximu.^� den��` t �,
and may perfor�n �ensity tests on the compacted bedd:ing und backfil_1.
_ Any e�ccavati.on required to facilita�� soil sampling or testiug shal�
be done by and at the expense o� the Contractor, as directed b� th�s
Engineer. It will be thc Contractor' s responsiUility to compact or
- recouq�act the backfill until sper,it� ed requirements are a�.et. The Cc�r_°
trrictor wi11 be required to correct <3ny deficiencies indicated bv
failing tests at his uwu expense.
, After the Contractor completes the sewer installation and tie::cl�
b:�ckfill compaction aiid priur to f iiial acceptance of the k�rk, ttie
City reserves the ri�ht to inspect atl sewer lines, usiu� T� caneras
to establish the structural conditiun of the pipes. No charge will
be made against the Contractor for tne cust ot the TV inspcction.
However, the Contractor will be fully responsible to correct at nu
cost to the City any defects in the r.iains recorded by the TV cameras.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
S-28 (0504) WATER SYSTEM
Before the project is started, the Contractor, along with a re-
presentative of the Water Utility, shall inspect the Project as per-
tains to Water Utility facilities. If the Project is not inspected
prior to the construction, any facilities found to be damaged or
broken within the construction area shall be assumed to have been
damaged by the Contractor and all labor and material needed for re-
pair shall be charged to the Contractor.
S-28.1 In The Roadbed Area
• This work shall consist of adjusting water gate valve housings
. to a prescribed elevation as directed by the Engineer. If broken or
damaged water gate valve housings or other items are found, a note
will be made for the Water Utility to supply materials to repair the
Adjustment of water gate valves shall proceed as follows:
Water gate valve housings shall be rotated to the elevation of
the subgrade prior to placing the bituminous material. Material a-
round the gate valve shall be excavated as necessary to loosen the
housing for adjustment.
The exposed top of the gate valve housing shall be protected
from direct contact with bituminous material in a manner approved
by the Engineer.
Prior to placement of the wearing course, a sufficient area of
asphalt shall be removed to allow the rotation of the housing to the
final roadway elevation.
Bituminous material shall be replaced to the top of the base
course by mechanically compacting the material to the density of
the surrounding material. The wearing course mixture shall then
be placed to the final roadway elevation. Care shall be taken to
prevent extraneous material from entering the housing.
The Contractor shall have the option of using concrete base
material, in lieu of asphalt, in resotring the roadway to the bottom
� of the wearing course as described above.
_ Adjust valve box will be measured as a complete unit for valve
boxes adjusted in the roadbed area only.
Payment at the bid prices for Item No. 0504.602 (ADJUST VALVE
BOX) , will be compensation in full for all labor, equipment and
' materials necessary to complete the work as specified.
S-28.2 In The Boulevard and Sidewalk Areas
Prior to start of construction, the Water Utility will attempt
to repair and adjust to existing ground line all water valve housing
in the boulevard and sidewalk areas. After the Contract is awarded,
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to maintain these facili-
ties during construction. Housings located in areas where changes in
the original grade are made, shall be adjusted by the Contractor as
directed by the Engineer, and this adjustment shall be classed as in-
cidental work.
Broken or damaged valve housing not repaired prior to start of
construction, which are noted duri.ng initial inspection, should not
be repaired by the Contractor unless authorized by the Water Utility
representative. If the Contractor is authorized to repair these
facilities, a cost estimate must be presented to the Water Utility
for approval prior to commencing this work.
Manholes and catch basins shall be constructed in accordance
with the provisions of 2506, except as modified below.
S-29.1 Concrete for the const�uction of catch basins and construction �
of manholes shall be Mix No. 3A46 or 3A36.
S-29.2 Inlet and outlet pipes shall extend throught the walls of the
structure being connected to and shall be trimmed flush with the in-
side wall or as otherwise directed.
S-29.3 Castings for new and existing manholes on streets to be constructed
of bituminous ma.terial shall be adjusted as follows:
The castings shall be removed from structures prior to the paving
operation. Resultant structure openings shall then be temporarily
covered with rigid steel plates. After the base course is placed and
compacted, a sufficient area of asphalt shall be removed to tacilitate
setting the castings in m4rtar to the f inal roadway elevation. Bitu-
minous material shall be replaced to the top of the base course by
mechanically compacting the material to the density of the surrounding
mat. The wearing course mixture shall then be placed to the final
roadway elevation. All structures shall then be cleaned of debris
resulting from the above operations.
S-29.4 The Contractor shall have the option of using concrete base mat-
erial, in lieu of asphalt, in restoring the roadway to the top of
the base course as described above.
S-29.5 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer if during his adjustment
_ operation he discovers any manhole castings that are unsuitable for
reuse. The City will furnish a replacement free of charge to the Con-
tractor on the Project.
S-29.6 Payment for Item No. 2506.522 (Adjust Frame and Ring Castings),
at the Contract price, shall be construed to be compensation in full
for all costs of the work and material necessary to excavate around
the casting, clean the casting, adjust the structure, place concrete,
reinstall the frame a�d ring casting to grade and the disposal of all
unsuitable material.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
S-29.7 Castings and other materials removed from existing structures
which are reusable but not needed for this project shall be salvaged
by the Contractor and delivered to the City on the Project, unless
otherwise directed by the Engineer.
S-29.8 Private utility company manholes, where encountered, will be ad-�
3usted to grade by the appropriate utility company. The Contractor
shall allow the utility company access to the Project and time to do
this adjustment.
S-29.9 Any pipes to be abandoned which leave a structure that will not
be abandoned, shall be permanently plugged with a brick and mortar
� bulkhead at both ends.
, S-29.10 Payment for Item No. 2506.509 (Construct Catch Basin, Design
Special 17) or (Construct Catch Basin, Design Special 2), shall be
compensation in full for all costs incurred, including the curb opening.
5-29.11 Item No. 0506.602 (Construct Side Inlet), shall be construed
to mean the construction of a side inlet plus a side inlet opening
as shown in the Plans.
Payment for Item No. 0506.602 (Construct Side Inlet), shall be
compensation in full for all costs incurred, including the curb
opening and adjusting the catch basin that the side inlet drains
5-29.12 Item No. 0506.602 (Construct Side Inlet Opening), shall be con-
strued to mean the construction of a side inlet opening as shown on
Detail No. 3103 in the Plans. Payment for Item No. 0506.602 (Construct
Side Inlet Opening) at the contract unit price for each opening
shall be compensation in full for all costs incidental thereto.
S-30 �2521) WALKS
Walks shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of
2521, except as modified below.
S-30.1 Standard walks shall be constructed on Chestnut Street south of
Ryan Street.
S-30.2 Concrete for standard walks shall be Mix No. 3A32.
5-30.3 Expansion joint filler material shall be one-half inch in thick-
� ness and shall meet the requirements of ASTM Designation D-1751. It
shall be the full depth and width of the concrete slab except that
the top of the joint material shall be one-quarter inch below the
finished surface of the slab. In all cases, the expension joints
shall be formed by placing the filler material in the forms before
the concrete is poured.
5-30.4 Expansion �oints shall be installed where the sidewalk abuts
curbings, intersection sidewalks and driveways, street lighting and
traffic signal pole foundations, fire hydrants, or any other struc-
��� �� �
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvin Park)
September 18, 1979
tures within or abutting the sidewalk. In all cases, expansion joints
shall be formed by placing material in the forms before the concrete
is poured.
S-30.5 For standard walk construction, transverse expansion joints shall
be installed at regular intervals not exceeding 30 feet throughout the
entire length of the sidewalk. The edges of the slabs at all joints
as well as the outer edges, shall be rounded to one-quarter inch radius.
S-30.6 All concrete standard sidewalk shall be constructed with a steel
trowel f inish.
' S-30.7 All concrete standard sidewalk shall be constructed 4" thick.
S-30.8 Payment for Item No. 2521.501 (4" Concrete Walk), at the appro-
priate contract price per square foot shall be compensation in full
for all work and materials involved in constructing said walk, in-
cluding but not limited to all necessary excavation, foundation pre-
paration, Class 5 Aggregate Base, expansion joint fillers, concrete
treating oil, backfilling and disposing of surplus excavated materials.
5-30.9 Aggregate Base, Class 5, shall be placed to a depth of 4" under
all new sidewalk construction where none previously existed. The
furnishing and placement of said aggregate base shall be classed as
incidental to sidewalk constru::tion.
5-30.10 The Contractor's attention is called to the newly constructed
stonework around the perimeter of Irvine Park Proper and he shall use
extreme care in his construction procedures so as not to damage this
new stonework.
S-30.11 All work in this section shall be as designated, Bomanite Tile
(or Brick, Cobblestone, Random Stone, Tile, etc.) in the Plans. The
work shall include all labor, material, equipment and transportation
required to install Bomanite. The Contractor for this work shall be
licensed, tooled and trained by Comanite Corporation to utilize the
Bomanite process and tools. The Contractor shall be required to
provide a foreman or supervisor who has done at least three Bomanite
installations of high quality.
S-30.12 Concrete for Bomanite Sidewalks shall be Mix No. 3A32. The mix
shall have the following integral color C-37 Lajollan Brown Admigture
(L.M. Schofield Co.).
S-30.13 Expansion joint filler material shall be one-half inch in thick-
ness and shall meet the requirements of ASTM Designation D-1751. It
shall be the full depth and width of the concrete slab except that
the top of the joint material shall be one-quarter inch below the
finished surface of the slab. In all cases, the expansion joints
shall be formed by placing the filler material in the forms before
the concrete is poured.
S-30.14 Expansion joints shall be installed where the sidewalk abuts
curbing, intersection sidewalks and driveways, street lighting and
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
and traffic signal pole foundations, fire hydrants, or any other struc-
tures within or abutting the sidewalk. In all cases, expansion joints
shall be formed by placing material in the forms before the concrete
is poured.
S-30.15 Transverse e}rpansion joints shall be installed at regular inter-
vals not exceeding 30 feet throughout the entire length of the side-
walk. The edges of the slabs at all joints, as well as the other
edges, shall be rounded to one-quarter inch radius.
5-30.16 All Bomanite concrete sidewalk shall be constructed 4" thick,
with the followi.ng exception:
Pedestrian curb ramps shall be constructed as shown in the Plans
or as directed by the Engineer. No additional compensation will be
made for constructing said ramps. Measurement and payment for curb
and/or sidewalk construction shall be continuous thru ramps. The
walk that is in the driveway area shall be of the same thickness as
the adjacent driveway. No extra compensation will be made for this
extra work.
S-30.17 Payment for Item No. 0521.602 (4" Colored Pattern Concrete Walk)
at the appropriate contract price per square foot shall be compensat-
ion in full for all work and materials involved in constructing said
�aalk, including but not limited to all necessary excavation, founda-
tion preparation, Class 5 Aggregate Base, expansion joint fillers,
concrete treating oil, furnishing and applying Bomanite stamping
tools, Bomanite color hardener, Bomanite color curing compound, back-
filling and disposing of surplus excavated materials.
S-30.18 Seven inch crosswalks will be constructed in two stages. The
upper 2" shall be poured within two hours of the lower 5" pour.
� The lower 5" of the crosswalk need not be colored.
S-30.19 Payment for Item No. 0521.602 (7" Crosswalk), shall be compen-
sation in full for all work and materials involved in constructing said
driveway, including but not limited to excavation, foundation prepara-
tion, Class 5 Aggregate, concrete, expansion joint fillers, concrete
treating oil, furnishing and applying Bomanite stampi.ng tools, Bomanite
color hardener, Bomanite color curing compound, backfilling and dis-
posing of surplus materials.
S-30.20 Aggregate Base, Class 5, shall be placed to a depth of 4" under
_ all new sidewalk construction where none previously existed. The
furnishing and placement of said aggregate base shall be classed as
incidental to sidewalk construction.
S-30.21 Concrete outwalks shall be constructed at every residence and
where existing on side lots. They shall extend from the public side-
walk to the new curb and gutter and shall be a width of two hexagonal
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
� September 18, 1979
S-30.22 Payment for outwalk construction will be ma.de as Item No. 0521.602
(Colored Pattern Concrete Walk), and shall meet all requirements previously
described for thi� item.
S-30.23 Pedestrian curb ramps shall be constructed in accordance with Stand-
ard Plat No. 7036B.
The provisions of 2531, shall govern as amended below.
S-31.1 All work in this section shall be as designated Bomanite in the
' Plans. The work shall include all labor, material, equipment and
transportation required to install Bomanite. The Contractor for this
work shall be licensed, tooled and trained by Bomanite Corporation to
� utilize the Bomanite process and tools. The Contractor shall be re-
quired to provide a foreman or supervisor who has done at least three
Bomanite installations of high quality.
S-31.2 Concrete for all curbs, curb and gutters, gutters, crosswalks
and driveway pavements shall be Mix No. 3A32. The mix shall have
the following integral color admi.xture CROMIX C-37 LaJollan Brown
(L.M. Scofield Co.) . Stamped gutters and crosswalks shall be treated
with EMERCHROME hardener (heavy duty) color C-37, LaJollan Brown
(L.M. Scof ield).
S-31.3 Six �nch of Aggregate Base, Class 5, shall be placed under all
driveway construction. The furnishing and placement of said aggregate
base shall be classed as incidental work.
S-31.4 The gutter portion of Type 1 Concrete Driveways shall be of the
same shape and dimensions as the gutter portion of curb and gutter.
S-31.5 The gutter portion of Type 1 Concrete Driveways as shown in the
Plans shall be measured and paid for under Item No. 2531.507 (6" or
7" Concrete Driveway Pavement).
S-31.6 The portion of driveway concrete which may be poured in the 5
foot wide sidewalk area shall be the same thickness as the driveway,
but it shall be measured and paid for under Item No. 2521.501 (4"
Concrete Walk) . •
S-31.7 Type 6 Curb and B-624 Curb and Gutter, shall be colored, but
., shall not be stamped. Cross-walks and gutters poured adjacent to
reset granite curb shall be colored, stamped and grouted.
S-31.8 No additional payment will be made for the "Rolled" portion of
S-31.9 Measurement and payment for Itesn No. 2531.501 (Concrete Curb
and Gutter, Design B-624), shall not include the portion constructed
for driveways.
__ 29-S
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
S-31.10 Measurement and Payment for Item No. 0531.607 (Concrete Gutter,
Design Special), shall be coninuous thru new catch basin construction.
Where radius returns abut Bomanite crosswalks, the curbs will be mea-
sured and paid for as Type 6 Curb. Where catch basins abut granite
curb, the Contractor shall cons*_ruct curbing as necessary to match in.
This will be measured and paid for as Type 6 Curb.
S-31.11 Payment f or Item No. 0531.607 (Concrete Gutter, Design Special),
shall be compensation in full for all work and materials involved in
constructing said gutter, including but not limited to excavation,
foundation preparation, Class 5 Aggregate, concrete, expansion joint
fillers, concrete treating oil, furnishing and applying Boma.nite
' stamping tools, Bomanite color hardener, Bomanite color curing com-
pound, backfilling and disposing of surplus materials.
S-31.12 Concrete driveways shall be colored with CHROMIX Admixture C-37
LaJollan Brown (L.M. Schofield), but will not be stamped or grouted.
S-31.13 Measurement and Payment for Iteln No. 0531.603 (Install Granite
Curb) shall be payment in full for excavation, soil cement base set-
ting the curb and backfilling. Payment for concrete steps shall be
compensation in full for all work and material necessary to con-
struct the steps as detailed, including the abutting special curb.
The provisions of 2545 shall govern as amended below. ,
S-32.1 Excavation and Backfill
A. Where conduit installation will be below an existing pave-
ment, driveway, sidewalk or other permanent surface, the
Contractor shall have the option of trenching, augering or
�acking the conduit in place. He shall obtain approval
from the Engineer for the method used prior to com�encing
work. -
B. Where the trenching method for installing conduit below
existing surfaces is used, the Contractor shall cut the
area that is to be removed with suitable pneumatic tools
or saw in a manner so as not to damage the pavement that
is to remain in place. The Contractor shall indicate
his method of cutting and obtain approval from the Engineer
ptior to starting work.
C. Trench bottoms shall be graded to provide uniform support
to the conduit and also to avoid pocketing of internal
moisture. Stones or other objects that could form rigid
points of support or stress shall be.removed before con-
� duit is laid.
D. When backfilling trenches, the Contractor shall firmely
compact under, around and over the conduit a minimum of
' S inches of sand or similar granular material. The re-
��y9G y
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
maining depth of trench may be backfilled with the regular
run of excavated material provided stones 2 inches in dia-
meter and larger are removed. Thorough compaction to the
satisfaction of the Engineer is required.
E. The trench shall be restored in kind or equvalence to the
pre-existing conditions.
F. All areas, other than an existing pavement, driveway, side-
walk or other permanent surface, which are disturbed by the
Contractor shall be resodded. Areas where the e�cisting
turf condition does not justify sodding will be identified
• on the Plans. In these cases, top soil borruw and seeding
or no turf establishment may be specified.
" G. All sod shall be placed on four inches of top soil borrow.
Where new sod will abut e.xisting turf, it shall be "cut-in"
so as to provide a flush surface with the existing turf.
S-32.2 Conduit and Fittings
A. Conduit shall be placed as shown in the Plans.
B. Conduit to be placed behind new curb shall be placed after
forms are removed and before backfilling occurs.
C. Conduit to be placed in areas where curb is to be reset,
shall be placed directly behind the curb. Some hand
digging may be required.
D. Conduit to be placed withi.n new roadways shall be placed
after grading of aggregate base and before placement of
bituminous base or concrete pavement.
E. All new PVC conduit shall be Type 40.
F. All new RMC conduit shall be rigid steel conduit and shall
be galvanized.
G. All new PVC and/or RMC conduit from the feed cabinet to the
first pole base or pullbox shall be two inch. A11 other
" new PVC and/or RMC conduit shall be one and one-half inch
unless otherwise indicated on the Plan sheets.
H. Conduit ends in pole bases shall be sealed with an approved
insulating compound after cables have been pulled.
I. Each joint in the PVC conduit shall be fastened with PVC
solvent cement.
J. RMC conduit threads need not be painted as indicated with
2545.3C, Paragraph 6.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
K. Some conduit runs may exceed the 270 degree limitation of
Specification 2545.3C, Paragraph 8. No additional compen-
sation shall be made for pulling wire in these runs.
5-32.3 Concrete Foundat�ion and Pullboxes
A. Concrete foundations shall be as shown in the Plans.
B. � Concrete shall be 3Y36C conforming to the requirements of
2461. Concrete shall be poured in forms approved by the
Engineer for a minimum of the top 12 inches. That portion
of the base which is more than 12 inches below the finished
- surface need not be formed provided the holes are augered
and full diameter is provided full length.
� C. The Contractor shall contact the Public Works Chief Surveyor
(298-4275) if he requires information regarding elevations.
D. Concrete pouring may be done in freezing weather and adequate
precautions shall be taken to prevent frost damage during the
curing period. In order to minimize air exposure around the
form, the excavations shall be done by auger rather than by
hand digging. Fiber molds shall be used to form the concrete
base full length. Frozen ground shall not contact the form
and removal of such materials shall be sufficient to provide
space for proper insulation above the frost line. The insul-
ating material shall be of a type and thickness which will
provide a minimum thermal resistance, "R" (thickness in
inches time 1/K) of 7. It shall be kept moisture-free during
the curing period through the use of a sealed, water-proof
covering which shall be maintained by patching or replacing
areas as they appear. Upon request, the Contractor shall
� furnish samples of the insulating material for testing by
the City of St. Paul`s Department of Public Works.
E. Concrete pullboxes shall be installed as shown in the Plans.
The exact location of the pullboxes shall be determined by
the Engineer in the field. The concrete for the pullbox
walls and covers shall be 3Y36C, conforming to the require-
ments of 2461.
" F. Where pullboxes are to be installed in earth, they shall be
Type A or C, as shown in the Plans.
G. Where pullboxes are to be installed in monolithic concrete
sidewalk, they shall be Type D or E as shown in the Plans.
fl. The Contractor shall clean existing pullboxes in such a
manner that there is at least two inches clear from the
bottom of the lowest conduit entrance to the bottom of
the pullbox.
I. All conduit entrances into the pullbox shall be grouted
�-' around the conduit.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
J. All monolithic concrete sidewalk and/or driveways removed
and/or damaged by the Contractor must be replaced with Class
3Y36C concrete in accordance with Mn/DOT Specif ication 2521.
Work shall be done by a licensed and bonded sidewalk con—
tractor who has obtained the necessary permit. The Contrar
tor may obtain a list of licensed sidewalk contractors from
the Sidewalk Bureau, Department of Public Works, 800 City
. Hall Annex.
K. The Engineer shall mark the desired locations for foundations,
in the field prior to construction. This location marking
shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to lo-
� cate all underground utilities prior to excavating foundation
holes. If the Contractor finds the location marks placed by
. the Engineer conflict with utilities, he shall notify the
Engineer immediately. Arrangements shall then be made to
relocate the utility and/or the foundation.
S-32.4 Circuits
A. Electrical power shall be as shown in the Plans.
B. All components shall be mounted in the locations shown on
the Standa;d Plate.
C. Electrical power shall be 120/240 Volts supplied by overhead
N.S.P. feedlines. The taps to N.S.P. lines shall be done by
the Contractor. Following inspection and approval of the
electrical feedcabinet the City of St. Paul will notify
Northern States Power Company. N.S.P. crews will provide
power hookup.
D. From the top of the cabinet the two inch galvanized rigid
steel conduit shall extend up the pole to a point designated
by the N.S.P. Engineers. The Contractor shall request N.S.P.
Engineers to designate this point and, if, N.S.P. Engineers
have not made this designation within a reasonable period
of time, the Contractor shall terminate it between 1 and 1/2
feet below the point of connection to the 120/240 volt sup-
ply wires.
E. The cabinets shall be mounted on N.S.P. feeder poles on the
quadrant designated by the Engineer.
F. Immediately upon erection of the feedcabinets, the Engineer
shall apply a padlock. The Contractor shall be given a key
to this padlock for his use during construction. Upon com-
pletion of the Project, the Contractor shall return the key
to the Engineer.
G. The Light Sensitive Control Device shall meet the design
and requirements specified in the latest revisions of
EEI/NEMA Publication TDJ-146 with the following additons
or modifications.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
1. Both the photoelectric control and its socket shall be
the 3-terminal, polarized twist-lock type.
2. The voltage rating of control device at 50/60 hertz shall
be (single voltage) 120 volts.
3. The control device shall be equipped with an expulsion
type arrester.
4. A three second minimum time delay shall be provided to
eliminate false operations due to lighting or stray passing
5. The turn on level control shall be set for 1.0 foot can-
dle minimum to 2.0 foot candles maximum. The turn off
level shall be set for 3.0 foot candles minimum to 5.0 .
foot candles maximum.
6. The light supply must remain "on" if control circuit fails.
7. Light sensitive control devices shall be :
G.E. C402G401
� Fisher Pierce 6600 Series
American Electric
Ripley 6146 and 6172
or approved equa.l.
H. The circuit breaker shall be 70 amp, 240 volt, 2 pole with
molded case.
I. The reversing relay shall be 25 A.M.P. , 120 Volt cofl, wired
normally closed.
J. Circuit relays shall be single pole, 60 amp, 240 volt,
normally closed, with 120 volt coil and a water tight
case complete with lighting anestor.
K. If the circuit relays are fused, the fuse shall be removed
and bypassed.
S-32.5 Wiring, Conductors and Grounds_ �
A. From the line side of the circuit breaker in the feedpoint
� cabinet, two insulated energized conductors and one insul-
ated neutral conductor shall extend to the top of the pole
via the two inch rigid steel conduit. Sufficient lengths
shall be allowed for drip loop and final connection to the
N.S.P. lines. Wire sizes shall be No. 4 A.W.G.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
B. 1�ao insulated energized conductors shall extend from the load
side of the circuit breaker, through the relays and fuse re-
ceptacles to the light standards. One insulated neutral con-
ductor and one No. 8 bare ground wire shall extend from the
feedpoint to the light standards. The size of each conductor
shall be No. 6.
C. Three No. 12 insulated conductors (control circuit) shall ex-
� tend from the relays in the feedpoint cabinet to the photo-
electric control socket via the 3/4 inch rigid steel conduit.
D. No. 6 bare copper wire shall be used from a ground rod clamp
• on the system ground to the ground lug in the feedcabinet.
E. All wires shall be cdlor coded; one energized conductor shall
� be red, the other energized conductor shall be black or blue,
and the neutral shall be white.
F. All bare No. 8 wire shall be soft drawn copper.
G. All No. 6 (A.W.G.) insulated conductors shall be stranded 600
Volt, soft drawn copper, Types RHW, XHHW, THWN, UF or USE.
H. All No. 12 insulated conductors shall be stranded 600 Volt,
Type THHN soft drawn copper.
I. At each Light Standard base, provisions shall be made for
convenient sectionalizing of the circuits. This shall be
done by providing ample length of conductor ends and securing
them with split-bolt pressure connectors or compression "C"
taps approved by the Engineer.
� J. At each lighting standard, two color-coded insulated No. 12
wire shall be extended from the sectionalizing connections to
the lamp ballasts in the luminaires. In the energized con-
ductor there shall be installed an inline fuseholder "TYPE
FNM" complete with S Ampere, 240 Volt fusetron or approved
equal. Sufficient wire slack will be provided to facilitate
fuse replacement.
K. The sectionalized connections shall be sealed against mois-
" ture by the following process:
a. The individual conductors at their terminals shall be
wrapped with an approved electrical insulating putty.
b. The individual conductors shall then be suitably wrapped
an approved electrical tape, around approximately one
inch of the end of the cable jacketing and continuing
for approximately one inch around the group of bared
conductors and connector.
c. Moisture resistant compound shall then be thoroughtly
painted or sprayed over the tape and into all crevices.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
L. Equipment ground shall also be provided by the installation
of ground rods at the light standard footing where indicated
in the Lighting Plans. The ground rod shall be 5/8 inch by
10 foot copperweld rod. It shall be centered in the anchor
bolt circle and driven in place prior to pouring and concrete
for the light standard footing. The ground rod shall extend
two or three inches above the top of the footing.
M. The new light standards shall be provided with a grounding
attachment. No. 8 (A.W.G.) bare copper wire shall connect
from the ground rod and/or grounding wire to this attachment.
. S-32.6 Lighting Standards
A. The lighting standards under this Contract shall be located
- as shown in the LighLing Plans subject to field adjustments
by the Engineer.
B. Anchor bolts shall be furnished with all new light standards.
These anchor bolts shall be galvanized on the upper 12 inches
after threading. The Contractor shall provide two galvanized
nuts per anchor bolt.
C. Plumbing of the standards shall be done by placing the poles
on carefully leveled bottom anchor bolt nuts and securing
with the upper nuts. After erection of the standards, any
necessary plumbing shall be done by adjustment of the anchor
bolt nuts. A vertical clearance of one inch shall remain
between the standard base and the concrete foundation after
erection of the standard.
D. Before and after standards are erected, the foundation bolts
shall be given a thorough application of rust inhibitor.
E. Light standards for Units No. 7 and 8, shall be fabricated
according to Millerbernd Drawing 100B7, or approved equal,
except that all of the following requirements shall be met.
1. Poles shall be 25 feet from the foundation level to the
luminaire and shall have a 4 foot arm. Standards shall
have an "H" base with an anchor bolt circle_diameter of
- nine and one-half inches.
2. Poles shall be fabricated of sheet or strip eleven gauge
- having a guaranteed minimum yield strength of 48,000
P.S.I. They shall have a longitudinal electrically
welded joint and shall have no horizontal joints or
welds except those necessary to fasten the base and the
arm-shaft junction.
3. Poles shall be fabricated from one piece of steel in order
that the taper will be smooth and continuous from the base
to the slipf itter.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
4. Poles shall exhibit a cross-section that is octognal.
The arm shall have the same type of cross-section as
the top portion of the shaf t.
5. The arm of these standards shall be an integral part
of the shaft after the junction weld is finished. A
wire guard shall be included to prevent chafing of the
wire insulation on the weld section. The arm shall
� exhibit a three degree rise from the horizontal when
the pole is installed in a plumb position. A two inch
slipfitter (2-3/8 O.D. x 7-1/2 long) shall be installed
on the centerline of the arm.
6. Poles shall include a reinforced opening and flush
mounted eover on the "house" side of the "H" base.
' This opening shall be of sufficient size to permit
convenient leveling of the standard and sectionalizing
of wires. A ground lug attachment shall be made in-
side each "H" base near the opening.
7. All poles shall be fabricated from self-weatheri.ng
steel, meeting the requirements of Mn/DOT 5pecifi-
cation 3309.
F. Light standards for Units No. 1 thru 6 and 9 thru 33, shall
be Welsbach Lighting Products Company, Inc. , Model No. 640-
Baltimore Fluted or approved equal, except that all of the
following requirements shall be met.
a. Poles shall be fabricated from cast iron.
b. Poles shall be of the bolt down type.
c. Poles shall be supplied with a flat black lacquer finish.
d. Poles shall have a fluted extender to the shaft such that
the height from foundation to bottom of luminaire shall
be a minimum of 10 feet.
G. The Contractor shall furnish 34 light standards as described
above. Thirty-one standards shall be installed as shown in
• the Plans. The remaining three standards shall be delivered
to the St. Paul Lighting Maintenance facilities, 899 North
Dale Street. .
5-32.7 Luminaires
A. All new luminaires shall be designed and connected for 120
Volt, 60 hertz operation. They shall be designed for -20
degree Fahrenheit starting of the lamps and shall exhibit
high power factor.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
B. The Contractor shall furnish photometric data on the luminaires
he proposes to furnish. If requested by the Engineer, this
photometric data shall be furnished by an Independent Testing
Laboratory. Any costs incurred in obtaining this photometric
data shall be paid by the Contractor.
C. New luminaires for Units No. 7 and 8 shall be Holophane Series
200, McGraw Edison "Resilite" or approved equal. Luminaires
shall be designed to side-mount on a two inch (2-3/8" O.D.)
round slipfitter or an adaptor, approved by the Engineer, shall
be furnished to accomplish this mounting. Luminaires shall
have an aluminum housing, one piece borosilicate glass refractor.
` Units shall be designed for and complete with a 100 watt, high
pressure sodium vapor lamp designed for base up operation.
, This lamp shall be a Sylvania LU-100, General Electric Catalog
No. Lu-100Bu, Westinghouse C-100 or approved equal.
D. New luminaires for-Units No. "`7 thru 6 and 9 thru 33, shall be
Hadco Division of Craftlite, 'inc. , Old Boston Model or approved
equal. Luminaires shall be designed for and complete with a
70 watt high pressure sodium vapor lamp. The refractor shall
be IES Type 11. Body panels shall be polycarbonate and lumi-
naire finish shall be black.
E. The Contractor shall "urnish 34 luminaires as described above.
Thirty-one luminaires shall be installecl as shown on the Plans.
The remaining three luminaires shall be delivered to the St.
Faul Lighting Maintenance facilities, 899 North Dale Street.
F. All new lamps shall be dated.
G. A metal shroud shall be furnished and installed on each lumi-
naire. These shrouds shall be self-saeathering steel meeting
the requirements of 3309, fabricated to mount on the type of
luminaire furnished by the Contractor.
H. Following erection, the luminaires and shrouds shall be
leveled as directed by the Engineer.
S-32.8 Electrical System Testin� and Activating
� All lighting standards shall have a measured resistance of twenty-
f ive ohms or less to the surrounding soil.
� S-32.9 Basic of Payment
The provisions of 2545.5, shall govern as amended below.
Payment for Item 130. 2545.501 (Electric Lighting System), at the
Contract price shall be construed to be compensation in full for all
costs of the work and materials necessary to furnish and install
light standards, including but not limited to, all associated founda-
tions, conduits, ground restoration, cables, lamps, luminaires and
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
and controls necessary to form the complete ornamental street light-
ing system as shown in the Lighting Plans Sheets, and described in
S-32.10 Manufacturers' Drawings, Details, Catalog References and Specifi-
The provisions of 2565.2A2, shall govern as amended below.
The successful low bidder shall furnish two sets of drawing, etc. ,
for use by the Engineer, plus additional sets that he desires, approved
and returned for his use.
Turf establishment shall be performed in accordance with the pro-
" visions of 2575, except as modified below. .
S-33.1 It is intended to landscape boulevard areas so the end result will
produce a uniform transverse grade from top of sidewalk to top of curb.
Where trees exist, the boulevard area shall be contoured to produce a
grade that is aesthetically pleasing and easily ma.intained. Roots from
trees that have been previously removed, shall be cut to provide the a-
forementioned grade with allowance for topsoil cover as required by the
Typical Sections shown in the Plans.
S-33.2 After the new curb is constructed and it is determined there is
existing turf that meets the grade standards and is of a condition
that cannot be improved upon by resodding, it shall be left in place
and preserved.
S-33.3 If the boulevard areas do not meet the grade requirements described
above, the Contractor shall excavate or place common borrow as needed to
obtain the proper grade. Such earthwork shall be classed as incidental
S-33.4 The Contractor sha.11 notify the Engineer at least 15 days in ad-
vance of hauling topsoil borrow to the job site so that the topsoil
may be visually inspected and sampled for testing if deemed necessary
by the Engineer.
S-33.5 The Engineer shall be notified of the sod source at least five
• days in advance of cutting. Inspection shall be ma.de of sod at the
source, but only to approve or reject the sod with respect to its
condition prior to cutting.
S-33.6 Where new sod will abut existing turf, it shall be "cut-in" so
as to produce a flush surface with the existing turf.
' S-33.7 All areas to be sodded shall be fertilized with a 12-12-12 or
comparable fertilizer at the rate of 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet.
This is classed as incidental to turf establishment.
S.P. 164-080-02 (Irvine Park)
September 18, 1979
5-34 50503.605) INSULATION BOARD (Polystyrene)
Insulation shall be placed where catch basins or catch basin leads
are inclose provimity to water hydrants or water lines.
S-34.1 Placement of locations shall be determined by the Engineer in the
S-34.2 Insulation board shall meet the requirements of 3760 and will be
measured and paid for as Item No. 0503.605 (4" INSULATION).
The third and fourth paragraphs under 3236.2A are deleted and the
• following substituted therefore:
"Portland cement shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M85..
" Cement substitutions and the use of admixtures in accordance with the
provisions of 2461.3D and 2461.3E will be permitted except that the
calendar date restrictions on their use shall not apply.
The provisions of 3321.2A are .modif ied as follows:
3321.2A(2) is revised to read:.
"Class 35B, or better, shall be furnished for all bridge rail
posts, light standard bases and other casti.ngs subject to vehicle
3321.2A(3) is revised to read:
"Class 30B, or better, shall be furnished for all drainage cast-
ings, including manhole castings, and for all other castings subject
� to vehicle loading."
Partial payments will be processed as provided in 1906 except as
modified below:
S-37.1 The second sentence of the second paragraph is hereby deleted and
the following substituted therefor:
" Materials which have not been delivered to the Project site or ad-
�acent thereto will be eligible for partial payment only if they were specially
manufactured or produced for the specific Project and then only if the
Contractor furnishes satisfactory evidence of payment and irrevocable
assignment to the Contract. The required documents shall contain complete
materi$1 description and identification data. Raw materials stockpiled at
production plants and fabrication sites must be stored separately to qualify
for partial payment and they shall be used only for the assigned contract.
S-37.2 The third and fourth paragraphs are hereby deleted and the following
substituted therefor:
From the total of the amounts ascertained as payable on each partial
estimate, nothing will be retained except for such amounts as may b , con-
sidered necessary to protect the Department's interests in consideration of
charges or assessments against the Contractor.
40-S .
, I
. , _
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exeenpt frorte ch� provisions ui c.'u Ee{ua10p- 4��� noc co discns:simsce and ro tsice �eiluwiag acuoas ihal!be:skea as a nsininsum: '
porsunie7r.lzuse. at$ranaw acaon co axsure acuaiensoiuymeat i 1� Pe:todic rneenngs oi suprr-
(b) Biddert ue cautioaed u ''ol- a?��+ri' u reouiral 'oy Esecssave Orde: visor�• ind prssortnu oitice :mptuye�s ;hzi!
loaa: By sig�s chis bi� *.as biddar wUi be 'll.:b and Esacuiive Ocder 1137� are sec be ;:onducsed bsiore che scar. ui woric usd
dse�sud:o �.ive sianed snd;�eed co chr ero- :acth in R�uirad Contr.tcs P-ocisions �Fucrrt �� rtoc tas oi:e� c.i�n ance avery sL�c
' visioas of.hs"Cettui�uon�i\aasecregised PR-f_?3 or 13I6. ss aDprooeisce) znd �he�e r.ioncl-s.ac•�Ftic.4 utas che CORLZC:oi s aqual
Facliaes" ia t3tis oropaaal.Thit 'srat�c¢uoa Specia/ Peohsions wisich ue intposed �ur• emnloymeat oopoRwuty poiic?r aad •.ts irn-
?reqidss chu the bzd3az does aai t!:sianen or ruaat co Sserioa 1�t�0 or T'icls 23. �SC. zs pietsteatauo4 w�1! be ceviewed:nd axoLliaad.
�vids ioe his amptov� iaatitus whic.4 ste n� by Saetion 2:oi cht Fedar�t-�lid '�e meedasp shal!be canduc::d�Y che EEO
sr�mytted aa � �s oi:=cs.ctx�coior ot ��y .acs ot 1968. The requicements sec OfScrr oc oc�se: Rnuwied�eabb cacssoaay oi-
�atatai origla. arhsther such ;�ities sn for.h in '*:sae Speci�l Pro�isions �hnil �oa- tical.
sesse+�acsd bY Citsesive u�oa a ds iacco bans. sutuce che spedtic aifirmau:a ar.ion requue- �_� ,,��ew snxrvisorv or aerson-
�ia�arnt3ncioa alw?rovxirs:hzs the biQdar m+aa tor pr��ect scimcies uade:slt�scoacr.�: nei oftTce emoioyees shall b•�avea a chcrouaa
aNli aot msiiseaut suca sssreraud cac;utia. saa supplesnenc cha tqual e:s►ntoymerst �o- ;n�c:nnauan by �he EEO Ott:cer or oeiier
!c) Biddezs rece:ws Feder�,!-aid P�r�cy r_quur:neau us •'orih in ��c �Ze-
`��Y ��on cont:..ct awsrds �x- 4�++����ns�Pbnsiora. • :caowie¢s�esbte corrtpany oi!icisi �overing ati
zIQ.000 ��hicie ue aoe ese ib) The cantrsctor si�a{1 woric aric:� che �ya: aspses ui ;ne .oauac.ar's :qusi :m-
'xedin; ', atpt i:om �toy�eat 0000ctunicy obiiasnons Lvrt::in
t:ss grovuiorts oi :~e �qwzt Oonar.unin �?s��t oi Tnsueor.arion:.:.d cne r:ders! :,,y,y �y.s ioilow�n cheu-eoorun
c:au�e. antl be requirc �e �rovide :or �ha WYet��t in carrysng ouc :auai a:npluy S g:or�ucy
`orwatding o!cha ioilov�nn`aoaee co prosnx- �t ooiiestions ind' in cheu rrvuw ui vs `.`t��e consr=r.or.
x�nnes under che contrse;. (>> .�111 emFiovees aa�¢ed in ctte
nve suDeaeslZr.oa ior.onsttuc:ion coam�7s direct recrutuneac oi a:noloyees :or che pro7-
aad nsatetial suaolien whd;t�he subcontrc:s �cJ The concractot �d ail his�her sub- ��;hail be instructed by �:te EEO Of�cer or
or matesui suopiy a,geessteacs atcmad Si0.OQ0 ��tcacioa aoldissg subcontnc:s. not includ- 1�?roprate carrt�uty �i�3ctai �n ;tse consr_c-
z�sd ire aot aremoc :iom �ae prov�siunx ot �� �tnn�l suopiinrs. or �10.t1J0 oc more .�r•, �rocedurea ;ar locaciag saC zuing
• �he Equal Opporcuatry ciause. sh�LL �omeiy •xuh :he :oilo�ving musimusa
so�cific reqqiretneac acrniries oi equai em- ��oricr r*oup emoioye�es.
'•!tOTICE TO P•^,USP£CT1VE SLBCON• P�QYme�st apportunuy. ITha aousl er.sotoy- �'bi in urdei co make che contrac:or's
TRaC;ORS .a.YD �1aTER1.�� St,�Pt1ERS m�t oppottunicy requireaunu oi E.�ecurne ��e:npioyrneat aoporcuniry poiicy kaown
OF RFal�1RE.1lEVT FOR CE�ZTIFtC.a?10:� Ordsr 11:�6. as ssc iorch in Voiunse b. co :Jl e�ployess. prosoes:YVe a:nnioyeas aad
Chantar �. Secuon 1. Subsecsion l oi :he ?aLeacisl sources ui ersoioyaes, i.a.,s::zools.
OF YOYSEGREGArED F:�CIL,iTIES' e:�ptoymaac z�eu�es. lsbor unweu �wisere
FKSteral-�id Highway PraQrsat �t�ual. are
(al '.�i Cersiticauon ut Vonse�s- �?P�d� to rttatsrsal suapiiaa as weti as =PPropnatef. c�Ue•3e oi�r_ztea: oiti�roa. a:e..
conteuzors and subcontrsctors.i The cane:ac- ;he canuactot stL^LL uLa t::e�oUonina acdorts:
�ted Fscilitias is :eou�red bv :he :,taY 9• i!) Youces �ud p���ers sesnng
1967. Ordsr oi chs S�eer►nrv ai I3boc �3: �or shall inciude clu3e reauu�ements ia evary �a� �e cortcracsor's uti cm luymeat u
F.R i+39, �izy I9. 1967) on Eiimtmcion o[ subcontrsct oi S1U.000 or cnocs wuh ;uch � P P'
• Segeated Faciliva whuh is iac:uded in :he ��n�rion oi tutzssa¢e zs is nacenary :o Porcua�cy policy siwll be cu�:ed in ue:u
• prooesai. ar attached hr.eca. .nusc ba sub-
�aica�ha�bindinY on cae suoeanc.�accor. ��Y ���s�b4e co er..vluyee�. �eoiic�ncs
m:tied S�r rsetr subconcr_c:or aad maca-::u ior e�oioymeac snd poceaLt�i ar.setovecs.
mo lirz '. �:) 1'•3aconcrc:ur's�uw;trmatuy-
p �rior ;o �he l�vard oi :hr su6con- EQval EmPloymeat Opportuniry Poiicy
crsct or .oesusn�uon oi 1 .T.1tCtlSl �uavw �'� �oncncsor snall accepc ls :us uoerasusx ��n: �oportuntty poti�:• :r.d :2:e proccu�re�
- igitement if s�ch subcoem_ct ur ���ret:atat Pa«�' �� 'a��a�ng itscemeat �.vhic:� s ,fe- �o imple:nenc suc.'� policy ziuil bu b-ouL^t:o
excends SIU.00U aad 13 ROt :'CClS7(7t fIOR1 �he �+!�� �o �uRher che c+ronslon ol equ:a! am- • �'�C �Li2lS[iJR oi :rr.ptoyr_s by mesns �t
provisions ot t�e Equa! Oopottum[y c'�uae." pioymeat 0000ttunuy to sU c�rsons w�chuuc ��f�n�s• tmotuyces i�.:ndbouRS. �� JLL1Cf
�b) Suhcon2ractors itsd matrzial ��d w [heu rzu. color. :+efiipoa. sas. or �APropnace means.
sunpuecs ue cautwned aa toilov►Y: dy�i�nsus¢ �uonal orian. ind co promote :hr iull
1sE iubcontrac: or eatenn. inse a afaun:f �+�snon �i ecual emvtvymrat u000ttusntY -• ���t
suapty srtr�mestt. :he suocuntractor or ;na- t:stouqn::po��ccva connnuinti proLim: ` �i� �Y1+en sdvartuins :or e-aol�iyecs.
�einl supQtinc �h{t 5q 1�emrd ;o have c�c-r.d It is :he poiicy oC thu Comoany co �� contrsccar sh��l mct�uln in .1! ldvnres.�-
�nd aernd :o che pmvi��ons oi tha"Cerntic.- auure chat scpiicants are emptoyrd. menu ior emoioyres:r.c auueiun: ":�n Euuai
rion ui �JftSCQiGt.^�LGd F�c:iities" in �he suo- and ettat emnioyees ace [rate�l du�nr Oppotrua�c7i �:ifpioyrs.' .Ul ;u�:� zdv�zcise-
contres or maccrssl ,uppi}• axreemesst. 1''�iY emoioymrat, withuuc Kratu ro che:z 'nents sh:iil be puoii�ncd ir. eew:m�oea. or
crrttticatiun orondas ,h�t ;he .ub�'��nc.ctur ��C- ���+ttun: �c�, c:c�lur, or T32WR:lI othe� ?ubiiw:ions ha�mti a ll:.c .ttc_iauun
. ar �+a:�n:�l .unplier durs nu� r,s_inecin �,r orsem. �uch lctiun �h:iil irtc!ud�� :m- amons m►nort[, _:uut+.m �ne lre::tru�:i wr.�ca
lug�ncnt. .urn_.r[unL. :�¢�aottun. ut �hr ;ro��ct •.�vck !'�rce •.�c.ulu ::urm:�ily o
prov�dr i�r hts aapiuyrns iuuiur.z �xnica P ;lcr»•�d. �
ite ieire�ateu ��n ;!�� ba.,i. uf r_cc. c:e:tii. . [ranat�z: ;rcrui�r.fcat �x ro.:uum�nc i�) �;e C�ntrscto� <haiL unlchs �re-
color or utwrtai ���iem. �checher �uclt t:iciii- :dvc:tfsmeG 1�}�u�t�r trrr.unlnon:r::tcs �!uded by a �alid bans:un�ne __re.me�t. wn-
:ia are sc_ns.�atcd by �lirecs�v� ��r un 1 a� ,�t pny„r uclicr:,�rms��(c�,mpcn.ati,�rt:
' :nC �r:rccwn ;ur ;r�mmt. inc:uutn_ �u�c �y.tcr.slc�c .inil c1ir��c �cc:ui;me^t
tacto b:u�x. Thc rrrntic::ewn :i.0 pru.•�dcs �nruuch public :nd nrn•�ee rmi+iu�•.e :c:.rr�l
that !hr ,ubcu�tr.:ctur ,�r mltcztll �uc�pi�c• +pprerit�cewnt{�,pre::ppreatue�hie.�ad.' ,outr_s ukc=v tu v�cid ;;uxwicd '�munn•
�naLL not ;naint::an �uc:t ,�LrrL_t�u :.uiui�s." �t on-th�yub�rn�r.ing. � ,
3toup rppl�csn�s. incluJin;. �uc nut cimucu
, EEO-1
to, Stste empioyment agencies, s�:houls, lbi Consistent w�ch his contractocs znd �hese special provisions. �uc� �ontrsc;or
colle�es and minoriry group ur�r��z:ations.To work force requuements and zs pe:missibla shall immedi¢teiy notiiy �ke Departmeat ei
maes t1�is requirerneni, the corttrac:or shall. undar Federsl and Stare reeulaei�ns, the con- Transoorta�ion.
througn tus EEO Otfices.idenu(y iJUfCCS Jt �ractot shall make full use of :rinin¢ pro- �
potenral minoricy _oup ampluyers. snd �ams, i.e., zpp:enciceshtp, and ort-the job 9. Subcontncting
atab4sh with sucr identitied �ources pro- tnining progrzms fur .ha�eoeraphicai srea of la) Ttie contractor sh:ill ust his txst
cedures whereby minoricy ;roup appiicants cont:sct pe:iomance_ efforts to soiicit bids trom �nd to utiliza
may be relerred to chr contnctoc fo� am- .tiVhere fe�sibie. 'S pereent of sq- minority group subcontrac:ors or subcon-
ployment consideracion. prentices ur trainers ir. each occuQanon shall cra�cors �vith meaningtul minori�}• ysouo �r.d
[n the event the cor.trac:or ha.s a oe in their tint yrlr of aoorenticeshio or �zm�e representacion amon�chcir amolo}•e:s.
valid bar�►ining asgeement prociding for ax- crainin¢. (n;hr avenc �ne trauiing speci�l oro- Cont;actors shall obcain liscs oi
ctusir•e iuring hall refenals. he is C�pected to ��ision is pro��idrd under this conr.act, chis mino�ity-ou•ned conscruction tirms from che
observe rha provisions oi chac asre:sr.enc to subpars�raph �.vill be sueeneded ss indicaced. Drparcmanc ot Trsnsporsation prnonnel.
the extent that .he system permics the con- �c) The contrac;or shall ad��isa am- �bl Tha contractor shall use his hrsc
4-actor's compliance �vith che aqual amp(oy- playees artd applicancs tor emoloyment of effores to assure subeoncrac:or comotiince
ment opportunicy concract pravisions. IThe �Yailablr craining pro,aams and encrance re- u+i:h cheir rqu:il ampioymenc uppoituni;;:
U.S. Dzpar!ment of Labor h�s held �hst q�temeats iur each. abtigations.
a•here irnpiementacion of such a�eemencs id1 The contnctor shall periodic311y
have the'tifect oP discrimin�ting s�inst ceview chr training ar.d promocion potent�al 10. Records and Reports _
minorisirs or tivomen, or ootisaces �he con- of minoricy group emoluyaes and shall ea- (a) The concractor shall Geep �uch
cractor to do che same.such i�mplementation courasre rlinble ampiuyees co apply for such records as are necrssuy co 3etrrmi:;e :om- �
violacas Erocucive Order 11Z;6 as�mended. ��l�d promotion. pliance wich [he concrecor's eyual rmpto�•-
(cl The contractor shall encourage his - ment opportuairy obii�tions. The :ecor�
present empioyees ro reier cnmoncy�roup S• Unions ' keat by che concrsccor shall be dzsigned co
appiicanu :or_moioyment by postinz appro- It' che concractor relies in whole or in out indicace: -
priate nonces or bullr:ins in a:eas access�6ie upon uaions u i souree oi his uork ioree he (L) The number oP minoricy ar.d
to sll sucii empio}•aes. (n addition, intorma- ��ll �� �rher best aifocts co obt:un rhe nonminvrisy group memoea and�vomen a::s-
aon ind procedures wicls regud to reierring �oopezaaon ot such uaions co inc:ease minor P�oYed in each work ctassicicacion on ,4e
minority �ouQ aQpiicants shalt be discussed icy grouQ upportunities within th� unions. P�oJ��-
_ with ampioyees. and .o effect refetr.�ls by such unions oi 1'_} 'ihe pragresa and eiioru being
miaocity giouo empluyaes. .actions by the �ade in cooperation with uni��ns ;o inc:s:ese
6. PersonnN acdons coatractor. aicher directl} or chrou_h y con• employmenc ooportunicias ror muorities ?nd
(y) �Vaces. �xocking cond`.:ions. and Qactor's association 1CLIRQ 3S I133 1YDtit,ihall ���men �apoiicabi�e orsly co concractars �cho
emaio�•ets benents shaii be ascablished and in�iude�ho pcocedures se[tonh oeto�v: rely in�vhaie or irt oart on uniocu ss a source
�dminutered. ind penonnei utions oi avery �al T;�e connacsor shall use his best ot cheu work iorcel.
type,;acfuding huing. uo�adina,oromocion, aiforts to deveioQ. in coopecacion wich che l3) The orogzeu and aiforts being
transier. decnocion. iayoif. and terminacioa, unians,joinc tnimng oro�sms umed coward '�� �n locacin¢, hirin¢, tryisinY, aualii}•ing
:ha:i be caken �vithout re�eud :o race.color. q'�alifying �nora mir.onty sroup caaab�srs tor 1nd upgrsdiag miaoriry and fam:ilt empioyees.
*eli�on.se.�,or r.acional orirn. The ioUowvtg :�ambe:shio in �ha u�ions znd incressing :he ta1 The progrrss ar.d eiforts bein=
psoceaeros shall be ioiioa•ed: sRills of minority groap emoloyees so thac �de in seeitutg che services oi mino.^.:y
f 1) The contrae.or shafl conduet :hey may qualiiy for hi3Eier payina empioy- ecaup subcontrseson or iuocont:sccors �ti�ca
periodic inspections oi oroiect sites tu ensure meas. mesrun¢iu! minor:ty �nd iemsi= reoresea.a-
• Ssat_worxir.g condicions and empiuyee taciii- Ib) The corttractor shali use hu besc �un among cheir zmployees.
-aa do noc indicate Ciscriminatory crrstmeat efforts to incorporate an equai employneat �bl .all such :ecords mus: be retained
ot projec:site penonnei. ogpomiaitq cl�use into :il! union aQreemeats ��t a period of three yaan ioilowin¢comflte-
(Z) The contrsctor,shall period- to the tnd �hst such anions wiil be con- �ion ot ,he conmet work and sha!!be sca:i-
icaily eraluate:he soresd nf wages paid withut *.nc:ually bound co reiet applicsnts wichout 1b1a at reasonabte rimes artd ptaced ior ins�ec-
zach c:sui:icauon to de:ermi:.e any evidsnce reaa,d to cheu :ace, color, retisrion, sex, or 'ion by authori�ed repcesensacives oi :,`.:
ut disc.r.iinstory•.vage pnctices. aauoaal ori�n. Department ot T:ansoottation and the Fedeni �
�31 The contr�ctor shali eriod- �c) The concrsctor is :o ubtans infor- ��w��•;���scra:ion.
icaily reriew salec:ed P � mation as to the reie:rzl pracrices and poiicies �c) The contnctor shail iubmit to :.'�e
penonne! �c:ions �n a� the labor uniort exce t tnat ro the axtent �epat;ment ut T!1�SSCOC�i10II 1 mon[hi�• :=-
depcn ;a de.ers�ine :vhe�hrr :herr is�vidence p orc on Fum PR-1�9l. "F�d�:a�-.aid Hi�':-
of :iscrtimsnation. t�here e�ideace is ioand. +uch inioct:fa[ion is �rrh�n cne exciusivr pos- ?
the conrractor shall prompdy take correc:ive sesswn o! the tabor urtion znd such lnboc w�Y' Construction Cunc�ccor's `.ioi,hly Ei0
action. [f ,he revie�v indicacas cnat �he cii•r union :eiuses to furnish sucn iniormacion ro Repor.", ior che ,inc chree aionths :icer
mminstion m5y zxcend beyond :he ac:ions th�s contrsctar, che contraccor snaU so ceruiy co�suur.ion begins snd snnuail}• tor che last
teneuad. such correcnve acnon stui! include to che Deoutmmt oi Trsnsponstion and payroq period during�vhich work is pertormed
all�ifectad oenons. skall set furth what rfiotts have been m:xla rach luly for �he duration oi�he project. in-
i�) Tho cantnctor shali ?romptly to obtain suca intormaaun. dicating che number oi miaoncy. u�omen::r.d
investigsca sl! compL,ines oi alleged Sucrimi• «1 [n che evant rrte union is uaable co non-minoncy gruuo rmpioyzes currantl}� a.^,-
nacion made ro the contractor in connection Ptovi�ie the contractor with a teasonrbie �►ged in rsch work �l�sitic�tion ce4uired 'o��
Wnth his obiiastions under this contrac:.shail tlow uf minoncy znd �vomen reierrais �vithin chr concrsct work. Tha iorm i� ro be tiiad
attempc ro raotve such complaints,snd shail �0 t�e limic set forsh in �he coilectiv� bar- �nth 2he Eaanenr no later cn:sa �he !ench�'a�
take iporoori�ee conretive lctiort. If �he in- 81ining agreement. chn contrac�or shall. ot[he month Cotlo�vine the moath foc �vhicl:
vesti¢ation indic:itas thac che dixrimies:ition �hreu¢ii independent recruitment etfor.s, iiU ceporcing. Cumptiancn �ti[h [he icaro�_��ir.s
may aitect penons ocher [han the com- the employment vauncies w�thou[ re�rd �o requuements iur timely.;iline ui ;he re�ers
plainmst. such corncciva ::ction shsll inriude =1�e, colur. relisaon. stx, or n�ciona! oriYin. "i�Y oe 1 condicion nreces�nt :o �ne pre�es-
such o[.4rt ?�rsons. C on compi�ciun�i�acn making �ull ttforts to obtaia pu:alitied anci;or sinY znd paymenc ot p�rtinl _nd tinal ps�--
investicstion the con[rac:or snail incorm every 9ulltublt mlr.ont� �ouo enrsonsnndwomrn. ��n�s. �
com iatnant ot;�i!u[i:is avenues u[1 nsi. �The l,.S. Dapsrttner.t .�i Labor has heid chac
Q pP it shsll he ao excuse �hac the union wi[h tiOTE: :111 or�he specisic.au:il�maluymeac
wttich the contractor h:v a collrctiti•e bar2�ain- oopurtunicp rc�sponsioiiir.es is ��•
7. Tnining and Promouun �E a�ymesft pro�•idim_ Cur e�ctusivc reterrsl ior:n in the foregoin¢ :�rn >ppti�coi_
(a► The concracwr shsll ass�st in locat- fail�d !o :eier minunry empluyees.l in .he to the Coil�wing:
intt, qunlifying and incrrssin� che skills ui tver.t the uniun re(crr:il practice prcvenes �he �ll \li contrscu, rertdla�s oi dol-
minont�• _nuup .mpiu�•ees and applican�s for �onttscwr from meecims ;hc ��blig.;ions pur- lar voiume.
empioqmant. suant to Execueivr Ordtr [13�6,as amendnd ��) �1! suoconttacts axceedin¢ �en
thousand doilan i 5 I u.UUO).
���19� �
;�01ZCE QF �:.{�'Ci3�iJ'i :�R ?,r;L�.'_�=I'�
AC:ZCN i0 G:�iS'JRE �Q(1.�I. �:+?�C`�'.'fE:�'i
C:.�C�'rZ�T OFtDE3 112!�0)
1. '*�e Of:�r�r's or. 3iddar's actentiea _s calied co t:�e "�quai 'cc^spla?rWeaz
C�swe" sad t�e. "Staadar3 Federal ��ua? �ploy�ea= Oopertuai� Const:uctioa
Cant:act Speci�:cazion9" set forth nerai:..
Z. The goala ar.d ti.�etabLes :or �incri�;r and fe=ale par_ici�acion, s:cprzssed
� i.a �erceataga ta�s :ar ths Canz:actor's aggregata :aa�;�azcs ia eacz craaa an
a11 eaas trucZ:.aa �.�rs i.a �e covered araa, aze. aa :o Il ows:
Ti�aatables Goa1� for �inority Gc:ls 'or ��al.�
partici�s=:oa �a: pzztici�acian :z �
. esah trade eac:� crade
April. I, I9i8 tc �ar=h 3L, I979 Yct �1pplzcacl� 3.I�
april 1, Ig79 ca vsre� 3I, 1°80 Yve �nplicac.a 5.0�
apri.i Z, 198a t� �.arez 3i, i981 vae �ppL1C3DL_ 6.3:
'��ae gcal.s ara �plicable co all t�e Caatrae:or's caasr_-�ction �or'.;
(c�ec::er or �et i= is rederaZ or :edar:ll? aasistea) ges_'orsed i� �:�e caver��
area. �
ihe Ceatzac_or's cra�Liaite$ vit� �e =.:acuc�ve O:�er a=td �:.e regula__:.as
i.a 4L c.:3 Part 6�-� shal.i 6e �ased ca :_s iaalz�entat?o� a� ��e °qual Qppe:-
:vait� Clauae, szeei:ie a'==�ative �c�;aa ebli3�c:oas :saui:s�± cv _�e spec�
_°icat'_aas set ��rt� :� �+1 C`'3 oQ-4.3(a) ,. �� i�s __'=:.�s �a =esc r::e goa?s
eatablished `�r �.e gse�a-;saicat area ��er� �ae coatrac= resu__'_:.3 `_� �.::s
salieitat:oa is ca be Ferfa^red. i'�se tteurs c= �i.or:_;r aaa ?�ale a�alay�snt
aad t:a��:g �c Se sucscaatzal.iy aai�o� t:�rcu3izout c:� lea3t: az t�e cca-
traet, aad ia eac: trade, aad t.i+ e cactractor saall aaice a gaod :ai� ef:�r�
ta �plop �:aorities aad :�ss evealp cs eacs of its projects. '�?;e c:aas:ar
ai miaoritp ar :emala empleyeaa or traiaees ..°:cs caacrac_or t� caatraczar or
f:� prvjee� �o praject ar t�� sele pur�oas o= aaeLi� =ae caac:�c_or's
goals saall ba a Qiotatioa of C�e cs�at.ac=, :�e �ezsive Qrcer aad �:�e :�g��-
12tians ia �I C:� Part bQ-4. Ca��Iiaaee wz��t �e goaLi ai1l �e �+easur�i
agaisst the cotal .torr� �ours. gar:or�ed. '
3. The Coacrac�or s�all �r9vi3e :rriCZea zeti�:.cat��n c� ::�e D.i_ec=ar of _�e
Ofs:ce of e'edarai Cantrae= CompLiaacz ?-ograms .-i��ia i0 �orisiag da;�s o�
- auard of aaq casstr�ctian subccnt=ac: ia a.tc�es a= S:O,OOQ at aay cier 'ar
eanaC�:ion vor� uncer w e coazrac� resuici:3 �_^a c:�is seiici_atio�s. T:a
aotisicacica 3haL1 Iisc c.�te ��e, adc:ess and csleonoAe c:umaer o= ::�e sub-
caatractor; eaplever ideazi=ica=ion ass�cer; est_aca: daI'ar amouat ei �':e
' subeonzract; esti�ate� start=ng aad ec,apletion eacea o= t?�e succaacrac.; ar.d
tse geo�apnicaZ ara :n :�ciica� C:e caacrac� is to be per:or.sed.
�►.� !ls usa� ia t�is vacice, aad ia cae eor�crac� reaultiag :_� c::is saiic�ca- �
=iaa, t3:e "caverzd area" is `!?�AeQCL3. �
S"'i.��IL`A3D e��E:nL �+7liAL r:!FL�JV'.:'�.'� C°T�03�"1?i:_^:
CI3NSiRUC:'IQN C0;1':'��,� 5?°_CiriC?,TIOYS •
C=.�rIIT�:E QRD�3 II_�b)
1. �,s us�a ia t::ese s�eci:?caticns:
d. ��C.�VE�I°_� 3:°_3�� .=EdL1S C�Z2 �°_'�Sra�R�C2? 3�°3 C�O4G �D°_� I= �:�e°i Si���C�'�
t3CSOII TMrZII wFI2C:i C.�S1S GIILIt�3C� L'°_$t1ZL8a�
b. "Diree�or" �eans Director, Q.:�ce o= 'e�eral C��t.act Cc�nl:aace
P.ograas, Usitad Statas De?ar�ar.t ac Lsbor, or aap person �o :�tcm t:e
Di:actor delegatzs ant:�arit�; �
c. "E�plover ldeatificatian ;n�ber" means t::e ?ederal Sociab Secs::�
aumber us�d ca ��e �alover`' Quartariq =e3ezal T�c �et:ar�, G.S. '::easur7
7epaz'�ent Fara 941. •
d. ":siaari�?" iac 1 ud e s:
Ci) 3lac�c (aLI �arsaAS aaviag or-�3i�3 ia a:rr oL t'se B1aci{ �.:::caa
raciaZ grauas acc cf �ispsaic ar�g:a) ; - '
(ii) �ispanic (alI perivns ef `!esicaa, ?��erto ?:.can, Cub2a, Caatral
or Sont� �merican or ct�e_ Scaaish C::Iture cr crigia, r�gar�Iass c=
' raea) ; • �
(iii)?,siaa aad ?aci`ic IsLaades Ca11 ?e-soas :�avi� ar�:ss i� asi-r
a� t�e or:giaai ?eeplas cz t::e '� _ast, Saut�essz asia, t::a I�dian
Svbcoati.a:at, or c:t� 2aciiic isl�ads) ; aad
(i�) �aszicaa _�diaa er :�laskaa :�ative (a1� perscas �savz.a� cr:g=:s
ia �p o= �e a�:.3i-al :eop�as �i :.a�� :y.e.ica aad �aia�a:��s �ca^.�i::-
able t=:3al af:iliazicas t::r�c:� �e�cersai� aad �a:_ic'_�a_i� or c W-
a�it-r ideat�:icacioa) .
2. '�.'tseacver w e Caa_,3c:ar, cr aa;� �ubcant_accer at aav ::ar, subca�crac_s s
por':ica ef ��� :�vr:; i.:vei��iag anv c�r�s�=r.c=ion �ade, == shal? ?r-rsicaZip
iaelude :a eacs suacQaC.ac= i:. �cesa oz �LO,QOfl t::e �rrv;sio�s cf �':e�e
s��c::'_catioas aIId :i:2 Vati=_ :-i�ica caats=.:s c�e apoi:_aei3 �3C2LS =�r �i�o:-
itp aad i�lBle putici�acioa aaa �;cs zs sac :or_� ia �::e sa?ic=_atioas =-�
viiiciz c;�is ccatract :�suLt�.
3. I= t�e C.znt=aetar is ga�:ici�at�-g• Cpursusat _n �I C:3 5�7-�.3; i� a
Ro�et� ?Iaa aoornv_,c bv tne U.3. De�ar�eac o= Labo: � t'�e c�verzd area
sit�er i.:.ai-ridual:y ar t:zr�u3z an asseciati�n, i�3 as���aci•�e ac:'_oa oc-
Iigatioai aa aiZ War'� iz c:�e ??aa area ( iaelr.diag goa?s aad t:�etao 1es) saa?�
be ia accarciaace tiric� :�ac ?I.� :3: �`sasa trades �i:� have� c�ions 3ar.:c:-
aa�ting ia t�e ?La.. Cect.�ccar9 aust �e aclz ta d�aoast_az_ �:�eir �ar_:ci-
patiaa i.a aad cc�cLiaaca .rich �::e prcvisions ei a� suc: ?omet�va ?lar.. 'zac�
C�atrac�er ar �ubcuatrae�ar partici�aci� � aa a�orflved ?Iaa :s iac�r:cual:�
:aaui=�d a cc�ply wzt:� :CS obLi�ac'_ons :�d�r cae ��Q clause, aaci t� �ake a •
good 'ai� at:ar: ca �c:si�va eacit goal ��der cae .?'_� i� eacz t-�ae �� ,�ic::
i� ha3 apia�ees. �e overai? �ood :ai::: :er?o:aar.ce �� oc�e: C�ac.-ac_crs e_
Sabeont_ac�ars .avar� a ;oal ia aa approved ?laa dce� -at a-seuse any covere�' '
Ceat:aetar's or SubcanLractor' s :ai?ure to. caic� gcod :a=_� e:=c::s c� ac=isv�
C'�e ?Iaa gaals and _�ecaol_s.
� 4, '�ie Conc:ac:or shai? iapie:aessc t:�e sceci:ic a=:;�at:�e ac_iaa standar�s
pravided in paragrapiss ia c::rougtr p oz caese s�es::ic3=ians. '�:1e goa.s set
°ar_� ia che selicitatioa ��a �ic:s t'�is concrac: rssul:� are =�c�ressec as
per_eatage� of c�te :aca1 acLrs o: ?�elavrtte:t= and �.aia:ag o= aizor:t� ane
�e:aale ucilz�at:oa _i:e C�n:-ac_or saeui� :ease.^.ab?� be 3DL2 _� acttieve _.
. eac?� conscruc�:on traae ia :+�ic:s i.: has am?Lov?e� ia t�e c�vered 'or°35. �e
C�nt_ac_ar is e.Ypec.e� to �ake substaaciali,� �i=o� ?r�gr°ss _�•�arc _�s
gaals ::s eac:s c_af� dur=a� c`:_ per�od s�ec:_:N..
S. Neither ��e �rovisiaas c� any collecti�e barSaia��g ag-�a::ent, nar ��e
:ailure by a unicn wi�� :rizam t:se C�ntrac�or ias a callecti-re �argai..i-g
ag;e�eat t� =s:er eit:�er aiaaritiss or waea si�all �xcuse e::e Cor.t=act�r' s
obligatier.3 �sacer C;2se speci�icacions, �xecu:.i•�e Q.-der iZ2�6, or t�e regu-
I=tiona pramalgacett cnrauaaz theraca.
6. Ia order� �or t?�e noa-•rar�c:ag t:ai:ti�g hours o: appreatic_s aAd trai�_•s
ta be cauat� ia �eetiag t�e goals, such aporeatices aad traiaeas �sss� oe
emplo�ed bv che �aatr2ctor du:iag t:�e training ge:zod, ar.d t�e C�atrac_�r
muar h=ve mada a c�irrsea= to a�plop t::e apore:t�ices aac ::=iaea� ac ::se
� campletioa a� t�eir traiaiag, subjec� co c:�e availability of e�aloysaenc
opoortuaicies. Traiaess �at be t:aiaed pursuaaL t� c.aia:.�g �ragr�s
approve+d bp ttta Q.S. Deoar;�astt cf Labor.
� 7. Z�te Csatractor ahaZl take epecizic a�:izaative� ac�iona co easure eetul �
e:plogtaeat aagertuait-f. ?he evaluatiou of =Se C�ctrae�ar's cceapl:aaca �ri=�
t�ese speei�catiens shalr be based ugoa i�s af�or: co ac�:.ave =ax_�
rssulGs �cm its u;ioas. 'L'�e Cant=ac�cr shall dac:��nL ��gse e::�::s :L;I�,
• iad shs11 i.�pi�aeat a��r�zeiva aetiaa ac�p� at Leaat as e.et_asi�- as c�e :aI-
a. ?ai�a= ar.d �:.,�taia a saori�iag �avir�s�en= �ae a� aarassme�=, iz:
�:sidat:an, sr.� caerciea zt aZZ t:.�s, aad i.a ail :ac_===_ea at .�ii::.�.
Coatractar' s s:t�Iovess ars ass:3aed �o �ri;. '�;e C�atrac�or, :.zere _oss:�?a,
wil2 zsszga �.� or aors va�ea .a eacs cans,:r�c_:aa proj�:. �e C�at:act�r
sfnz.11 speci::ca1.?;s eaaurs ��at 31L arMa�, su�e:�taacz^.cs, ar.a at-ar
aa-siz� su�erri,sarr �rso,aae? arg ava:e o� aad car_; rout �we Caa._acc,r' s
obligatioa co ui.rtaia suca a :�vr'�i�s ��;:ares�, :ri`� s�ec=f=c az�a^ti�a co
a�or=�y cr z�aia iadi7icuais »or;c=;.3 ac ;uc: s=_es �r ?a sLC:�:aeiii;:�ss.
3- _stabiisi� aaa aaiaraia a rsr:�nt iis� ai �i�oric� aad :�ale =a-
c^sit�eat saur�es, prcv'_ce �-eiL�e.z aoz==�cat?oa =� az_c:it7 aa� ===a?=
rnt=�i�aat seureaa �td ca e�ssai�? araa:zac:oas -,�ea t�e G:atractar o; :�s
uaioaa have aaFiaptaent oQpar+_uaitie� available, aac aaia=ai:. a r��ars o� �e
cr'aanizacicns' renpoases.
c. �aiataia a r.rr��t �ile of r.�e n�es, addre�ies ar.ci r8t 2�lIQlSG au�ers �
af e$ch miaari=� aas3 fr�ala of--t�te-streec aapLie�t aad aiaa:�cv cr :=ale
=ererrai �aa a uxtiaa, a =ezrsit�eaz saurca o£ c�.^�zm:ctq cz�aaizat:�rt asd a=
- �at aetiaa :�as tad�s az�it reapeet ca eaca suc� iadividual. I: suc:s
individual :�as sea� to t:se vaien hirir.g ia.l1 for rei_r-al ax:c� •as zoc
- :a=ezrnd 'oack co c::e Ccntractor Sq t::e ua?oa ar, ?,. _�_z:-=�, �_ �aiovec by
. ��e Caacractor, t�:s aasLZ be d�cs�aenced in t�e °i.e :rit� �:�e reason
c�erz:ar, aiaag :rit.'� :�iiatnver a.�ditioaal actiorsa t�e C.�II�r�c_�r �ap �ave
� d� ?�ranide i�ediata vri���n aotir:cat:ess co ��e 7i_ec_or �i;ea c:e
caiea cr uu:ens •ri�:t :�isic.�s c::e Conc_actar �zas a coLlec�i•�e oargai�i^3
agra�eac aas Zet r�i�rr� t� �:te Caatrac_or a �i�oric� person or :�o�aa se��
. 3y c�e Cancraetor, or �itea ,�e Caatractar has �c�er �:�r...acien .::at c�:ac
caiaa :eie^al prverss 4as i�pecad t:�e C�ntrac�or ef_ar�s c3 ,:ea= i=s o01'_-
gaticna. .
� ��-5
' a. �evelop cis-t�e-jac t�aiai�g oopor_sn:��es ar.d/or rar:icipate i�
training progra�a for t�e area :rnic� expresslq incZuca �:.o:icies and :raaen,
iaeludiag uagradia3 prvgraas and apprentices:�i� and trainee progra�s r�Ievanc
ta �he Conc_zc_or' s ��lapseac aesds, e.��eciallv thase pro3rams :snded or
8ADlCVEt�, �V ��:� De�a�t,:,BLC 0� .t.4�JCr. ?;12 C�EL�ac�or 51121� �CV1.Q2 AOC�C8 4S
th�ase prog:arss co :::n soure�s ecmp lied uader iS above.
f. Disse�iaat� ��te Ceatrac�or's �0 pol:cp bp providi�g aotice of t�e
polic� to uaioas ' aru� t_aiai� grog=-a�.s aad requestiag t.�eir cooperat�en :n
assistiAg tke Cont=ac_or i,a zeetiag i:s �'0 cbLigations; �o i�cli:di:tg i� ia .
say Policy �aai,uL aad c�Ilecti•�e bargzi�i� ag:eesaent; by pubiici�ing it :a
t�e ea�paap BE'TiiS�7iDlr� aaaual report, etc. ; bp sFeci=ic rwie•� a� �:�e �elicy �
.rits a�1 �aaagc�eat �ersertael anc� -�it� aIl �iaori�� aad :e�al� A�pLcye_s at
Ieast once a year; aad 3p pcst:ag t�se camaanp �'0 pol:cp on bulie�ia boards _
=e=s�siale ta sil �cpioyees at eac� locacioa ar�ere coascructaa �sar� is per '
� g. ?eviev, at Ieast aaauallp, tae ccmpanp' s �0 poiicp aad a==�r3ative
aeti.an ooligations uacer t�:se sBeci'icat:.ons .it:� a1Z �pl�qe�3 aavi�g aay
r�ipoasibi;i�p _`or iirzag, a�sigr�eat, Tapa�::, ts�i�a�_oa ar at»�r ��Io;r-
3sat dez?sicrts :�cis3i� so�ei°ic r�*�i.e� o= _::esa ic� vi_� erssi.c� sc3e:--
viscr�► parsaa�aL suc� as �n�eriataadeats, GaaeraZ ?or�aea, etc., Yr=er to t�e
initiatiaa oi ccastr:.c�ian var'� at anp Zob sita. �i �,ri_�ea recc:.: saaZi �e
�ade aad aa:ata:�ss idnnti�ag c�e t�e and �lace a: c:��se �eeti�gs, rersar.s
a=testai�g, �uc;ec_ .:.Ztter discusse�, aad disBOSiti.,�a af ::e 3ui�:at= aat�er.
h. �issaminata t'�e Csn�rsc_�r' s �J rol:cp es_e^=lIv by i.:cl•:c_:s -=
� aa;s ae-rerisi� i.a t�:e aewa� aedia, spesi�icalip �c?ud_�.3 aiacr:_;r aasi
f�aZe aes:s aed:a, 3xtd prwi�iag wti�_�a r.eti�catian co aad discussi�� t::�
Caatrae_�r's a'Tr0 paiie� ait� �t�er C�sz_ac.or3 az►� �uccaa:_�ct�ss w:-r: :rac�
t3e Cant,ac��r �aes ar aacici�acas doi.zg bu3iaeas.
i.. Diret� its :nc:siGe�t e=ier:s,• �ec.�s oral aad srit=en, :o �iao�=?,
f�aaia aad c��zic� or�aai:ations, to sc?:oals .�i.�� �aori�� a�� _��a1.z
stndea=a a�d to azaorit;r aad :emaLe rezruic�ent aad traiai:3 a:gaaiz.at:aaa
serqiag :�� Cca�.ac_ar' s r�c:ssit�eat arza aad eapl�eat ae�e�es. *icc Latar
t�aa aue �ont� pricr co tae dats ��r t�e ac_aptanca af aaplicati�ns :or
anprentics�ai� c: ot�er C:aiaiag bv aag ret�s��eat saurea, t�e Canc_ac_or
sisall sead vri�_aa soc�.ieatioa to orgaaizaeians suca as t�e acove desc=zbiag
tt�e opeaiags, scrsaaiag prvc�urea, aad tssts co ae used i: t'�e selec_icn
prncass. '
,�. EneQUrage �reisac ;aiaeri�y aad F�a1.e zspicyeea ta rec:site oc::e:
�iaorit? persons ar.d Womea and, s»-iiere rzasaaabla, :rov:�e ai�ar SC11qCI,
summ,er aAd vacat+aa 2�DLOqtLBAG to �iaoritq aad faaie ;rout:� bet� ea c:�e s�_e
aad ia et�er ar�as a= a C�n=ractor's .�ar'.c=orca.
, k. Qal:dace aLI tests and ot:�er selee�ioa requir�ents :asere t::ere is
aa obligat:oa ca da so uader '+1 Cc"3 2art 50-3.
.I. C.�ndue�, at Ieast annua?Iy, aa i-.:veator;� aaci evaivac?oa az ?east o=
aII �inorit� aad :�a1e �ersamiel. �or promocienai oeoortsaities aad eacourage
Cfll�! eS'(J�CV�!4 CO StZ�C Or CD �:t°D3r° iIIr� C�:OLL�12' dDDrGDr:aC_ ::3i��«7��
• 2CC.� dtiCZ OOQOl't•1AlC�c.']. •
�. Fasure c3at se�zcritp practicea, jcb cLassi:icatians, var!c assigrscents
- and ot:�er oerscnnel practicas, dc r.ot have a disc:iminac�ry ef:act by
caat�uail� coaitoriag all cersa�nel aad aployment re?atad ac:ivities to
easure that c`�e Er0 policp aad the Ccntractor' s ool:gatians uacer theae
. �petz=icaticns ar� �eiag car_i�d aut.
� s. �asure Chat aII 6acilicies a�d cclnpaay ac�i�ities are r.onseg_egat_d
exce�t ::sat separat¢ or singie-esses cailet aad aecnasarq c:�aagiag :acilit:es
ai�all be grovided �o �s�e pri�ac� be::reea ci�e seses. . .
a. Doeusaaar aad �iatain a rncx� of al? aolicitatiatss of oifess �or
" anbcr�nc.ae�s :��a saiaorit� aad fa�alz caastructioa coritrae�ors aad sunpliers,
inclndi.ag circulation oi salicitatinas tn ai,aor?t7 ar.d Le�sale caatr�c.ars
, assaeiaticas aud ot'aer busiaQSS assaciations.
p. Coa�ucL a Mriev, st Izaat aaau�Ip, c� al2 super�aisars' adhar�ace to
• aad perfo asaace uadsr t�e Cantrae_ar's �0 rolicies aad affi�acive accioa
8. Coatract�rs ar� eaceuras;e� tn par�ieinate i.a volcu:tar� asseciaz�ons �ic�
aisist ia _`uliill.ing aisa er mors a= t'.te�r af�iz�scive ac�iaa abiigat:ons (7a
• t3treaga p) . 'Lhe es�ar=s of a ccatractor aaaaciacio�, ;oi.zt eant=act�—ua�cA,
canGraet�r-ecmmuaity, ar ot�er �i�i�sr granp o� s�tica t�e c�ntrac�:.r is a
�a�tr aad �arz?ci�aat, aap oe assertaa as �ul�illi� anv oae or �ara cL :�s
obLigatieas uadsr 7a thrvu� p a� t�ese spe_ificati��s grov:�e� t:.ac cue
castrac�or ac.ivei� pa�ici�ac�s :a .�e grou�, �.akes �se� af;a:t cn assu_e
.hat c�se g:cua aaa a pesi�:ve �r�act ou t�e �spioviasnt ot =i:.ari�:as aad
�sea ia t�e i.adust�, eas�es t�aL t�� coacrate beae:izs a: t�a pr.g:� a�a
�fleeted ia c�e Centractor's �iaeritp arid ��ale :�r'.c;�rca D2rLic'_�ac:aa,
�akea a �cad ?a=_+� e?:cr� �� �e_ its :�dz���CUal goaLs aac t:�e=ablas, aar.
caa prav�e acc�ss ca decs�enzatioa w-itic:t �e�oastrat�s r.':� a-=_c�_7easss o=
act�aas takea ac 3eaa1� af t:�e C.:a�rsetor. 'iae cbiigacicn �a c�piv, how-
, aves, is t�e C�a�ac:or' s aa� :ailure of such a ;cua :o �sl.:i+� aa ccli�a-
tiaa ai�all �oc be a defsaae �r :�e Ceaz:ac_or' s aaaeaaaliaace.
9. A siagie goal �cr �iacrities aad a saparatn sizgZe goal °ar �ea :�ave
besa est2olished. '�e Caatractar, hov�ver, is rsqu::ad t� �rovide eqt:al
eaDlcv�eaz� ccpertuaitq aad ta cake af:i:�at:�e actiaa f�r a11 �iaar�ty
�cu�s, bct� m�I� aad fz�Le., aad alI c�aea, bcth ai:or:cq aad aon-�zzoric;r.
Caetsequesttly, tye C�acsacter. rsay be ia vialation af t::e 'caecstive or�er °_= a
, parrzc�Iar 3_aup is �spLoped ia a substaaziallv d:saarate �aaner ( ��r �-
aple, evea c'.:ou�ts che Coat:actar '�as achieved :_s �oal.s E�r :�ea geaeraLlv,
� tae Cant:ac�ar �v oe ia vzolatzoa o= c:�e =.Yec::ci�e Qr�er i: a saec���c
• ainor::p gr�ua of .mm�n is uaaaru=ilizea) .
Io. �e Canz_ac�ar sisall not u3e t�e 3ea1s aad c::�etablea or a:::�at:ve
ae�ioa standards co discr�iaata agaiast anq ?erscn �ecausa af :ac�, caler,
reiigion, sex, ar aat:aaal crigin.
11. '�e Canc.ae�er snal� aee eaLar iat� aaq Subcanzrae: •ri.c:� any persoa or
fi:� debarred ::ca t�e Governaeac con=rac�s pursuanc ta 3aecst:ve or�?er
11246. ,
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�i�ac:ar saa1: zracaaa :r ae:or3aaca :ri_:t j. �3 5�1-�.3.
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{ Page in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants.for
� I. Application ______ 1 employment, notices to be provided by the State highway degart-
II. Equal Opportunity _______________ 1 ment aetting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause.
III. Nonsegregated Facilities ____________________________ 2 b. The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for
IV. Payment of Predetermined Minimum Wages __________ 2 employees placed by or on behalf of th� contractor, state that all
qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment
. V. Statements and Payrolls _____________________________ 3 without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
VI. Record of Materials, Supplies and Labor _____________ 3 c. The contractor will send to each Iabor union or representative
' VII. Subletting or Assigning the Contract _________________ 4 of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or
• VIII. Safety; Accident Prevention ________________________ 4 other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided by the
I?�. False Statemenu Concerning Highway Projects________ 5 State highway department advising the said Iabor union or work-
X. Implementation of Clean Air Act and Federal Water ers' representative of the contractors commitments under this sec• I
Polluuon Control Act _______________________________ ( tion II-2 and shall post copies of the nodce in conspicuous places
availabie to employees and applicants for employment
.I. APPLICATION d. The contraetor will comply with all provisions of Execuuve
Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations
1. These contact provisions shall apply to all work performed (41 CFR, Part 60) and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor.
on the contract by the contractor with his own organizaion and e. The contractor will furnish all information and reports re- i
with the assistance of workmen under his immediate superintend• Quired by Executive Order 11296 of September 24, 1965, and by
ence and to all work performed on the contract by piecework, rules, reguladons and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pur- li
station work or by subcontracG suant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records and '
�. The contractor shall insert in each of his subcontracts all accounts by the Federal Highway Administration and the Secre-
of the stipulations contained in these Required Contract Provi- tary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance
sions and also a clause requiring his subcontractors to include with such rules, regulations and orders.
these Required Contract Provisions in any lower tier subcon- ,
tracts which they raay enter into, together with a clause requir- f. In the event of the contractor s noncompliance with the non-
ing the inclusion of these provisions in any further subcontracts discrimination clauses of this contract or with any of the said I,
that may in turn be made. The Required Contract Provisions rules, regulations or orders, this contract may be canceled, termi-
skall in no instance be incorporated by reference. nated or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be
declared ineligible for further Government contrects or Federally-
3. A breach of any of the stipulations contained in these assisted construction contracts in accordance with prncedures I
Required Contract Provisions may be grounds for termination authorized in Executive Order 11296 of September 24, 196, and '
of the contract such other sanetions may be imposed and remedies invoked as '
4. A breach of the following clauses may also be grounds for Provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by
debarment as provided in 29 CFR 5.6(b): rule, regulation or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as other j
wise provided by law. ,,
Section 1, paragraph 2; g, 1']le contractor will include the pmvisions of this Section II-2 '
Section N, paragraphs 1, 2,3, S and 7;
Section V, paragraphs 1, Sa, Sb, and 5d, in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules,
regulations or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant w
section 204 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, so
IL EQUAL OPPORTUNITY that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or
1. Seleetion of Labor: vendor. The contracwr will take such action with respect to any il
subcontract or purchase order as the State highway department or ,
During the performance of this contract, the contractor shall the Federal Highway Administration may direct as a means of en-
� not discriminate against labor from uny other State, possession or forcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance:
territory of the United States. Provided,however, that in the event a contractor becomes involved
, 2. Employment Practiees: in, or in threatened with litigation with a subcontractor or vendor
as a result of such direction by the Federal Highway Administra-
During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees tion, the contractor may request the United States to enter into '
as follows: such litigation to protect the interests of the United Statea 'I,
a. The contracror will not discriminate against any employee or 3. Selection of Subcontractors, Proeurement of Materials, I
applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or and Leasing of Equipment:
national origin. The contract will�take affirmative action to en- During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for
sure that applicanLs are employed, and that employees are treated
during employment without regard to their ruce, color, religion, �«If, its assignees and successors in interest (hereinafter referred _
sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be lim- �O ��e "contractor") agrees as follows:
ited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or trans- a. Compliance With Regulations: The contractor shall comply j�
fer, recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoffs or termination; with the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally- '
rates of pay or other forms of c�mpensation; and selection for assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, Title 49,
, training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, as they may be amended
Form PR-1273—Previous editions are obsolete. Pgge 1 II
(Rev. �75)
IMinnesota Department of Transportation p�� /���
� Mn/OOT 21816 Hpnd No.
I as Principal, end
; as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (and
'� county of ), as Obligee, in the sum of
, fiv� p�rcent (5%)of tl�e totol amount of bid. (S ) DOI.LARS.
THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION I3 $IICH, that if the principal shall be awarded a contract,
� � upon the accompanying proposal dated for the performance of
and shall within the time stated in the proposul enter into a contract for the performance of the
work and give bond as required by law; Lhen this obligatio�� ehall be void; otherwise, the Principal
� and 3urety shcll pay unto the Obligee the amount oP this bond, not as a penalty, but as liquidated
! damages sustained by the Obligee aa the result oP such faiiure on the part oP the Principal to
execute saiQ contract and bond.
Dated thie day oP , 19_. ' "
' B7(:
I� Attorney-in-Pect
I ss.
; CONTRACTOR�S SIONATURE On this_day of , 19._, before
_ ; STATE OF 1[INNE80�A me personally appeared
' ss. to ne personally lmown, who being by me duly
� COUNTY OF sworn did say that they are respecLively
• On thie_day oP , 19_, bePore �
me personally appeared of ,
a corporation; that the seal aPPixed to the
i to we personally lmown to be the person_ de- foregoing instruwent is the corporate seal oP
� scribed in and Mho executed the foregoin6 con- the corporation, and that said inste�anent Mas
executed in behalP of the corporation by au-
� tract and ac{moMledged that _he_ , executed thority of its Board of Directors; and they
i aclmowledged said instnnaent to be the Pree act
i the seme as free act end deed. and deed of the corporation.
� °�°O
Notary Seal Notary Seal
On this day , 19_, before �e personally ca�e
to be Imown to be an Attorney-in-Fact oP
, the corporation descriDed in the Mithin
instrument, and he aclmowledged that he executed the within instnm�ent as the act of the said
in accordance with authority duly conPerred upon hia by said �
Coepeny. r
Notary Pnblic
NOTICE TO CORPORATE SURETIES: This bond will not be accepted unless executed or countersigned
by a Yinnesota agent, resident officers, or attorney-in-Pact whose na�ae and address s►ust be noted in
the space hereinafter provided.
FL11 Name of Surety Co.
Hoine Office Address
Name of Attorney-in-Pact '
Name of Local Agency
Address of Local Agency
If this bond ia executed outside oP the State of ![inIIesota it must be countersiB►ed by a Yinne- I
sota Resident Agent of Lhe 3urety Compeny.
Neme of Agent affixing countersignature
� .
r� ����
SCHEDULE OF PRICES v� /Nh+/�orsn-2(�-�s)
MOTICE TO BIDDERS �f��r1y21344)
Particwiar note should be made in regard to the clarity of numerals (figures) and to the procedure for
alterations and the required certificate as directed�by Section 1301.
The following abreviations may be used in item description and unit of ineasure in the Schedule of Prices.
A Arch JA Jacked
A-S Mtiseepage LIN FT Linear Feet
AB Asbestos Bonded LG Long
ACT Actuated MAINT Maintenance
AGG Aggregate MATL Material
ALUM Aluminum MBM 1000 Board Feet
ASB Asbestos MET Metal
ASPH Asphaltic MOD Modification
. ASSY Assemblies MPA Metal Pipe Arch
B+B Balled & Burlapped MTD Mounted
BC Bituminous Coated NON MET Non Metallic
' BIT Bituminous NON PERF Non-Perforated
BLDG Building - NON REINF Non-Reinforced
BR Bridge OH Overhead
CAL Caliper P-A Pipe-Arch
CB Catch Basin PAVT Pavement
CEM Cement PERF Perforated �
C and G Curb and Gutter PL Plate
CI Cast Iron PNEUM Pneumatic
C-I-P Cast-in-Place PREC Precast
CL Class PREST Prestressed
COMM Commercial PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
CONC Concrete RCPA Reinforced Concrete Pipe Arch
COND Conductor REINF Reinforced
CONN Connection RELO Relocation
CONST C�struct RESTOR Restoration
CON7 Continuoualy RMC Rigid Metallic Conduit
CP Cattle Pcss RNMC Rigid Non MeMllic Conduit
�TD Cooted RDWY Roadway
CU FT Cubic Feet S-G Sand � Gravel
CU YD Cubic Yard SIG Signel
CULV Culvert SPE Special
CWT Hundred Wei�t SQ FT Square Feet
DES Desic,� SQ YD Square Yard
DBL Double STA Stction
DI Drop Inlet STD Standard ;
DIAM Dianeter STL Steel
DRWY Driveway STKPL Srockpile
� EKC Excavation STR Shength '
EXP Expansion $TRUCT Structura) �
FAB Fabric SPPA Structurol Plate Pipe Arch
- FE Fence SYS System
FERT Fertilizer T Traffic
F+I Furnish 8 lnstpll TBR Timber
FOUND Foundation TEMP Temporory
fT LG Feet Long THERMO Thermoplastic
FURN FumisFi TRTD Treated
GA Gauge UNDfRGRD Underyround
GRAN Granular UNTRTD U�treated
HI High VAR VaricMe
tNP ln Place YM Vehicular Mensure
. INST Mstatl .WEAR Wearing
Pdge i
S C H E D U L E 0 F P R I C E S
ITEM N0. 1 AND UNIT DF MEASUF,E IQUANTITIESI -----------1----______
I � I ��S$5.00001 $$bS�$.00
2Q21.5Q11 LUMP SUM I .871 • I •
--------+------------------ -------------+----------+=----------�----------
- 2031 .5�:11 EACH { .87I • I .
--------+---------------------------- ---+----------�r-----------�----------
2104.5:11 L I N F T � 707.00 I • I •�
2104.5t;31 SQ FT � 7857.OQ) . 1 •
--------+----------------------------------+---------+-------- �----------
21�J4.5::51 SQ YD � 146.00� . I •
--------+----------------------------------+----------+-------- J----------
21C4.5J��) EACH � 1.00) • I •
--------�----------------------------------+----------+-------- �----------
21C4 .5Q9� EAGH � 14.00� . I •
--------+---------------------------- ---+----------+---- ---�----------
21�4.5J9� EACH I 5.04� . I •
21J4.521) LIN FT I 2777.00J . I •
--------+-----------------------------------+----------+-----------� -------
21�5.5011 CU YD � Z893.00� . I •
21Q5.5?31 - CU YD 1 500.(301 • I •
--------+---------------------------------+----------+-------- �----------
21 C5.5!J71 C U YD I 3336.t�0! • 1 •
--------+------------------------ - ---+----------+-----------�----------
2105.5211 CU YD I 1167.001 • I •
� 21�5.5251 CU YO 1 358.001 • I •
--------+----------------------------------+----------+-----r_ ��._._------
15 I wAT ER I I I
213C.5�11 M GAL I 50.00� . 1 •
--------+------------------- ------------+----------+-----------�----------
22u1 .5v^3I S9 YD ' 146.00I • I •
--------+------------------------�� r-+----------+-----------� ----------
PAGE N0. 2
S C H E D U L E 0 F P R I G E S
ITEM NO.) AND UNI7 UF N�EASURE �QUAtvTI7IES�-----------I--°------
I I I 3EStE.0040� ��b���.00
2331 .5^4i TON ( 55.00J . I •
--------+----------------------------------+----------+---- -----�rr------
' 2331 .512) TON I 12.00I • I •
--------+----------------------------------+----------+----- ---�----------
2331 .5141 TON � I352.001 • I •
--------+----------------------------------+----------+--- -----� --------
2341 .5�41 TON I 36.00j . I •
--------+-----------------------------------+----------+------. ---�----------
2341 .508! TCN 1 650.00� . i •
--------+----------------------------------+----------+-----------� -------_
2357.5C2) GAILON � 392.t�0� . I •
2411 .507) EACH I 1.001 • I •
--------+----------------------------------+ -------+-----------�----------
25�3.5111 lIN FT � 855.001 • I •
25�3.5111 LIN FT I 238.J0) • 1 •
25�J3.5111 LIN FT I b88.001 • I •
27 I 21" RC PIPE SE1vER � I I
25�3.511) � lIN FT I 8.001 • 1 •
" 28 I 24" RC PIPE SEr�ER I I I
25:3.511 ) liN FT � 1068.00� . I •
--------�----------- ----------=---------+----------+-----------�---------
29 � 4" 1NSULATION I I I
Q503.6Q5� SQ YD I 10.001 • I •
Q5J4.bU21 EACH � 11.00� . 1 •
--------+----------------------------------+----------+------ -�----------
25C6.5Q8� EACH I 1.001 • i •
25QG.508� EACN � 18.00� . � •
PAGE N0. 3
S C H E D U L E 0 F P R I C E S
ST�1TE PRGJECT NUt%+BER 164-08C}-02 IRViNE Pt►r2K
ITEM NO.I AND UIdIT OF MEASURE �CrUANTITIESJ-----------� -----------
I I I 5����.00001 �$��$E.00
2506.5�9� EACH � 2.00� . j .
--------+------------------------ -------+----------+----------�
� 25t?6.5C9I EACH � 23.0�� . � .
--------+----------------------------------+----------+-------- �-----------
+ 25C6.5221 EAGH � 12.04� . � .
--------+------------------------------- +----------+------------� ----------
C5C6.6C21 EACH � 1.00� . { .
--------+- ------------------------------+----------+-----------�----------
37 � 4" CONCRETE WALK � � j
2521.5C11 SQ FT � 1945.00I • � .
38 I 7�� CROSSWALK � � �
0521.602I SQ FT � 4440.00� . � .
--------+------------------------- ------+----------+-- -----�----------
39 � 4" G�IORED PA7TERN GONC 1�ALK � � �
Q521 .6C21 S6� FT J 25817.OQ( . { .
4� I GONC C A�iO G DESIGN 5624 (MOD) � � j
2531 .5�1i LIN FT � 1480.001 • 1 .
--------t------------------------ -------+----------+-------- �__--------
2531.5C2� lIN FT � 403.00� . � .
2531 .5C7) SQ YD � 297.001 . I •
43 ( 7�' CGNC DRIVEk"AY PAVEMENT � � �
2531 .5C7) - S9 YD � 34.00� . � .
C531 .6J31 LIN FT I 2371.Q01 • I .
0531 .6�3� tIN FT � 2157.U01 • I •
' 2545.5�1) LUMP SUH � .7t71 . � •
47 I GRN A1TN SUGAR MAPLE 4"-4 1/2"GALBB � �
2571 .5021 TREE � 50.Q01 • i •
--------+----------------------- --------+----------+-----------�----------
48 I PIN CAK 4n-4 1/2" CAL B8 � � �
2571 . 502) TREE � 36.00� . � .
--------+------------------- ------------+----------+-----------�----------
PAGE N0. 4
S C H E D U L E 0 F P R I C E S
I I I $$g��•00001 E��$S$•OG
--------+----------------------------------+----------+---- ----�----------
2575.5C51 SQ YD J 3277.00� . I •
5�J I SUBTOTAI A FGR S.P. N0. 1b4C80-C2 � 1
I I ! • i •
2C21.5011 IUMP SUM i .071 • I •
2�31 .5G1� EACH 1 .07� . 1 •
--------+------------ ---------- -------+----------+------ �----------
2104.5:i11 LIN FT I 1068.001 • I •
2IG4 .5i3I SQ FT � 2470.00� . 1 •
21�4.5::5� SQ YD I 87.00) . I •
--------+------------------------ - -+----------+----�r�-�----------
21�4.5 J5� S�i YD � 76.00 I • I •
. --------+----------------------------- --+----------+-----------� --------
21�4.5Q9� EACN I 2.00� . I •
--------+----------------------------------+----------+------ ---� --------
2104.5�J9� EACH � 6.00� . I •
21�5.5C11 CU YD I 148.00I • I •
21Q5.525J CU YD I 117.001 • I •
- --------+------------------------=--- ---�----------+-----------�----------
2331 .5121 T ON 1 8.00 I . I •
2351.5021 GALLGN 1 248.00� . 1 •
--------+------------------------------ -+----------+-------- �----------
2361 .SC41 TON I 15.001 • I •
2361 .508� TON � 218.001 • I •
--------+----------------------------------+----------+------- �----------
PAGE N0. 5
S C H E D U L E 0 F P R I C E S
ITEM �:U.) A(vD UNIT OF M`ASURE �QUANTIT I ES� ----------_� __________
1 I I �b���.0000I 5$�$S$.00
--------+------------------------------ -+----------+--------�_���------
25C6 .5211 EACN � 1.OaI • I .
' 2506.522� EACH � B.00I • � •
05Ub.6�21 EACN I 2.001 • I •
--------+------------------------ -------+------- +----------�----------
Q506 .6^21 EACH I 1.O�J . 1 .
--------+----------------------------- --+--------�+-----------�----------
(35C6.6C21 EACH I 1.001 • I •
--------�------------------------���----+----------+-------- �----------
C521 .GQ21 Sbi FT I 7078.001 • I •
--------+----------------------------------+----------+-------- �-- -----
2531.5�2I lIN FT � 980.00� . � .
--------+------------------------ -------+---------+-------- j----------
2531 .5C71 SQ YO � i3.00� . � .
--------+----------------------- --------+----------+-----�-----� ----------
2531 .5�7� S4 YO � 53.d301 • 1 •
2545.5C311 IUMP SUM � .301 . I •
75 I SQDDING � � �
2575.5�5( � SQ YD f 1065.001 • � •
--------+-----------------------------------+----------+----- �_��.�------
' 76 � SUBTtITAL B FQR S.P. N0. 164d80—C2 { �
I I I • I •
_ --------+----------------------------------t----------t-----------�----------
77 � 1�1D8IlIZATION � � �
2''21 .5�1 I LUMP SUM � .Ob I • i •
--------+------------------- -- -------+----------+-----------�----------
2C31 .5�1i EACH � .Ob� . � .
2104.5011 . lIN FT � 1I4.00� . I •
21u4. 5C31 SQ F7 ( 2359.QC` . � .
--------+----------------------------------+----------+-------- �----------
� PAGE N0. 6
S C H E D U L E 0 F P k I C E S
ITcM N0.1 ANO UNIT GF MEASURE �QUANTITIESI-----------1 ----___�_
� � � ES�b�.00001 bg�$$S.00
--------+------------------------ ------+ -------+-----------�----------
21�5.5C1I CU YD � 2b.0UI • 1 •
" 2105.525! CU YD I 21.001 • 1 •
--------+----------------------------------+----------+-------- �----------
C521 .602� SQ FT I 1505.00) . I •
--------+------------------------ -------+----------+-----------�----------
2531 .5��21 LIN FT � 12.001 • I •
--------+------------------------- ------+----------+-----------�----------
2531 .5071 SQ YD � 80.00) • I •
--------+---------------- --------------+----------+-------- �----------
86 I SODDING 1 1 I
2575.5051 _ SQ_YO 1 188.001 • 1 •
--------+----------- --------- ----+----------+-------- �----------
87 ( SUSTOTAI C FQR S.P. N0. 1b408C—Q2 ) J
� � � . I .
--------+------------------------ -------+----------+-------- � ------
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--------+------------------------- ------+----------+-------- I----------
PAGE N0. 7
S C H E 0 U L E 0 F P R I C E S
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PAGE N0. 8
I��orm 21126D (Rcv.11-"l6) ,
Sta�e Project tio. � ���� '��/� ����� �/r��` .
� GI�:.iD iCTAL �
PRCPOSAT, C.'7'��".`.I"'I r��uired bv 12C�� of the �nec�fic�tior.s: �
"A (certified chec:t�(bond�, prepared as required by 1203 of the Specifications und p�yable
to the Com�-r.issio:�er o� Transportation, in a.� a�ount equal �o at least 5� o£ tre total �ou�:.
of tY:e bid as co�nputed i.-� accord�nce vrith 1��1 of tY:° �recificatior:s is su�~�itted here��ith
as a proposal �uara::��. (See attached ccp�� of a�proved �id �or_d �'or~1 '_10. 2?�slo� .
, , It is agreed by tY:e under�igned t?�at this Proposal Guarar.t� �rill be forfei�ed as provided
r `h 542cifica�ior_s ir. t:�e eve�t this pr000sal is accepted ana tre grescrioed
in 1307 c� � e
"non-collusion ai�idavit" (as described in 1302 of tY:e Specifications�� the �ontract zr�d
the Co:�t:act �ond are not executed." .
R�:�';IP"' 0? �_��,.?�r`". �^ TE'QU2?^C(� tl,�• 1210 of �rA Snec�Ficz+i�^s: �
, lhe L:T1C:E:TS1�'.1e(: ..2:°�y' �:.C-�:O'�ileC1�;2S TEC�1F� Ci :iQ7cT1QU: _:O. Dated
Addend•a:�� :+o. �a�ed �ur?endu:a i:c. Dated .'ldden3;;�:. '_`;o. Dated
� Signed
�Ex.�c���rT��� 0� ��Q�S�?, as requi�zd 'c•� 120b of t�,e Srec�_�.:a�icr_s:
: This proposai dated tY:e day of � � 19
Si r.ed• � P.O. Addmss � as an indivicual.
� . .
Sigr.e�• , P.O. iddre�s as a.n in�?��ridual.
doing blzsiness ur,der t2:e n2�e a:�d st;�le of -
Si�;ne3• � for a n4rt:�ership.
jy*A;� BUSIi;:,SS 1�.7I`�:t:SS
. Si�ned: � , for a ccrporation�
i.ncorporated under the lav:s of the State o�
i�ar�,e of President t'�siness r_d3�ess � �
1��e of `:ice-President Business Address
Nu�e of Sccretary Ausine�s Address -
tiai�ie of Treasurer �3usir.ess Addr•ess '
�NOTI:: Si�natures st�all cowply vrith 1206 of the Specificr�tions.�
. . . � . ATTRCH�;ENT
CM 32-37+. March 26, 1;�,
The bidder hereby certifies that he has , has not , participated in
a previous contract or subcontract subject to the equal opportunity clause�
as required by Executive Orders 10925, 11114, or 11246, and that he has ,
has not , filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the
Office of Federal Contract Cor�pliance, a Federal Government contracting
or, administering agency, or the former President's Committee on Equal
. �nployment Opportunity, all reports due under the applicable filing re- •
Company -
. By.
Ti tle
Date: `
� Note: The above certification is required by the Equal E:nployment Oopor-
tunity Regulations of the Secretary of Labor (41 CFR 60-1.7(b)(1)), and
must be submitted by bidders and proposed subcontractors only in con-
� nection with contracts and subcontracts which are subject to the equal
opportunity clause. Contracts and subcontracts which are exer.:pt fro^� ,� : �
,. 4..: •• �� . -
`�� a the equal opportunity clause are set forth in 41 CFR 60-1.5. .(Generally,, .,;,,,,';,,;,:;_ �.- -
. _ .. .
only contracts or subcontracts of $10,000 or under are exenpt.)
Currently, Standard Form 100 (EEO-1) is the only report required by the
. Executive Orders or their impler.►enting regulations.
Proposed prime contractors and subcontractors who have participated in
� a previous contract or subcontract subject to the Executive Orders and �
have not filed the required reports should note that 41 CFR 60-1.?(b)�1)
prevents the �ward of contract� and suUcontrlcts unless such contractor
submits a report coverin� the delinquent period or such other period �
specified by the Federal Iiighway Ad^�inistration or by the Director, Office
of Federal Contract Compliance, U.S. Departnent of I.abor.
. . : � 7��� y
. - . ;
. � �
. � � �:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19, � . � �
COHTRACTOR� � . � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � . � . � � � � „ � . i
. . �
� ' ADDRESS� � . � � . � � � � � � � . � � . � � � . . � � . � . � � � . � i
. ,.
� � �
. STATE PROJECT N0. � . � � � . . � � � � . � � � < < � � � . ;
. �.
: �
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