274960 WHITE - CITV CLERK ���.�1i PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has adopted a local public improvement special assessment policy for all improvements of the City of Saint Paul, including construction of water mains; and WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul has recommended that the City assessment policy for water mains be changed to provide for 100% assessment rate for first time construction for all properties; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in the recommendations of the Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul public improvement special assessment policy as adopted by this Council in Resolution C.F. 268302 be and is hereby amended so as to provide that assessments for water mains for first time construction for all properties shall be at a rate of 100%. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED� That the 100% assessment rate shall be in effect for all water main installations having final orders approved by the City Council on or after December 1� 1980. COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas -. HQN Nays � � Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY �� Maddox General �anager Showalter Ted Adopt y Counci Date �Y 2 0 198Q Form Approved �+y,City torney �.r ertified _ •ed by o il Secreta BY B �/ f; /\pp d by A7avor: D ` e _ VIrV 7 ? �9a� Appr y Ma i/for S is i Council �� . BY — BY � �US�EO M A`! 31 19$Q � } �� � ° CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ — � OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ������] �� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �fl= �� 3O� Z�AQ COMMISSIONER - DATE RE�� WHEREAS� A�ninistrative Ordinance No. 15941 provides that the Board of Wat�r Commis- sioners recommend to the Ci�q Covncil the amount of asseasment to be made agsinst all benefited property because of the conatruction and installation of water pipes; and WHEREAS, The Board of Water Ccxnmisgion�xs r�cagnizes that a12 benefited properties must share ia the cost of said water pipe inata�Iation in proportion to the ben�- fit received; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RBSOLVED� That the Board af Water Ca�nmissiariers recocoa►ends to the City Couacil that the Local Pubiic Improvement Sp�cial A�aes�ment Policq foz the Citq of Ssint Paul be amanded as follows: (a) SECTION 2t DEFINITIONS of the City of Saint Paul Local Publfc Special A�ses�nent Folicy dated Segtember 1� 1976i r�vised November 3� 1976 and February 15� 1977 be amended to delete a de• finition (1.) as follaws: 1. Aas�dow�#a�►*�F�t•pv��q�•Owa-�el-wrs-�w���w��wtiit. (b) 3ECTION 4a ASSESSMBNT RATES of the City of Saint Paul Local Pubiic Special Assess�ent Policy datec3 S�pt�ber 1� 1976� revised November 3, 3976 and February I5� 1977, be �nended a� followst TAB� LE I SPECIAL ASSESSMENT RATE3 Percent of Pr�ject Cas�inanced bq Assessment Imnrovement Firat Time Construction Recor►st�ruction . . . . . . Water Mains iQO� 0% R�s�is�tii�ir �3�� 0� 1[titii�i•�t�iiy-i�w�iri�8! G�a�i��-eu��-i�s�i�s�x�t�r �GA� 9�, . . . Water Commissioners • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ — OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - DATE RESOLVED BE IT FURTHF,R RF«SOLVED� That the 100°� assessment rate ahall be in effect for all water main installations having final orders approv�d by the City Council on or after December 1, 1980. Water Com�nissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas �h�h Nays Maddoa April 30 x80 I Vice—PresiBent Thompaon — 19_ Preaident Leeine In favor � Opposed � . � _�r �SECY. ,��. � � r ' , ' f ,� � � �;. ,��'1�'` "� . ` • F '" � ��' . , . � . r t r k� r a ;f' .. . �.. � � . _:t `�- �:�... t t� a� �� � . �s A'1'I� C��' ��EP�I'.a`�r`��T`Z� l� ,�s � �,��,� ,�� . . . ��:� �,. IONS� AI�I1 ORDTNANC� � ���� X � ,. �� .�. � �n � , �.� �� s � : �� � . � , , t; �� � _ � � �. ,, ���: � �, �qs�� �►�� '� �� � �' E�` ��ur�� � y � . � 'a , . . . .l { ��i$l ��` �_� .. .�. . . . . � ° �`taa �iY'f3R tn��7i� L�ZMEYt � , ZM �- �" a�: � '�, � , ��F ;�R� °. •� �..H�ET,�' ���Lillt, Hf�1�!►G�� S�T� P1� W�]�R U'�IL�G s � ,; .; ' , , , � ` ���; � : ,: �:, E ��: ��" ����C�N .TO CI�.`3�"OF ST. 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