274959 WHITE - CITV CLERK CQU(�C11 2"7495�
� nci Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, in May, 1975 the Minnesota Office of Local and Urban Affairs approved
a combination Land and Water Conservation (LAWCON�/Legislative Commission on
Minnesota Resources (LCMR} grant for acquisition of the upstream one-third of Navy
Island; and _
WHEREAS, the project has been extended three (3� times to permit the city time
to complete the acquisition of the property; and
WHEREAS, the city has not been able to work out the details of acquisition with
the owner and tenant of the property, the Minnesota Boat Club; and
WHEREAS, a number of issues about the acquisition remain to be resolved; and
WHEREAS, the LAWCON/LCMR funding is only a small portion of the total funds
required for acquisition and devel:opment of the Boat Club property for recreational
purpose; and
WHEREAS, the use of LAWCON/LCMR funding will require that two (2) sets of rules
and regulations will be applied to this entire project, limiting the development of
options available to the city; and
WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the city could spend more than $40,500 attempting
to comply with the regulations required by LAWCON/LCMR funding; now, therfore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council a.uthorizes the proper city
officials to terminate the LAI�ON/LCMR Grant for acquisi�tion of Navy Island
(Project No. 27-00686).
Yeas MCMAHON Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza [n Favor
Levine �__ Against
Tedesco Form A ove by 'ty tt y
Adopted ouncil: Date 1�IdY 7 n t980
rtified Pas• b�pua il Secret BY
t� pr v d by Mavor: _"�_���_ Appr d y Mayor f Sub s n�o Councit
�,IW.1�ltEp MAY 3 1 1980
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• `'CounCixe�sa Leonard �,evit�e "
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�` T�t CaW�rsil re!'trred �o t.fi�! C�l�r D,ev�apesbt�i Trs�u�pvststioo � ,� ;
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;sutxwrisiqg texa�i.ita��.oa of a .LA�/I�Qt Grs�L ;lar ac+�irlitioti'. , .
i� i'o!'�avy I�l.md far t.be� H�at Club, _l , . ` '
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� �-: .:._. �f._�:; . Da� e : May 15, 1980 .
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. —p p , �Qi�t'i Pnul Ci i�� C�t�i��it � - _,� .
� �' � {� l;j : C O i i i i7l I"i i�: O il CITY DEVELOPh1E�lT AND TRAPISPORTATION • ,
, Leonard W. Levine e ch�+irrricn, makes fihe folic�,�ting - �
repo��f on �. F_ � Ordinance
� � Re�a�u�io�z� � .
� � • �� C��r�Qr �
! �^1 L.� e Resolution authorizing termination of a LAI�CON/LCMR . � .
Grant for acquisition of Navy Island far the Boat Club.
� 7he Committee recommends approval . �
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�•• 545 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
George Latimer
R � � � � �
December 20, 1979 � � �
���� � 1 ig79
T0: �Idyor George k.a�imer MAIYQ��� �
FROM: R�bert P. Pi a
SUBJECT: LAWOON/LCMR Gran� for Acquisition of Navy Tsland
In May, 1975, the Minnesota Office of Local and Urban Affairs approved
a com6ination Land and Water Conservation (LAWCON)/Legislative Comn-
ission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR) grant for acquisition of the up-
stream one-tfiird of Navy Is1and. The City's position has been not to
condemn the property nor to evict the Boat Club; until we can work out
the details of acquisition with the Minnesota Boat Club, the owner arid
tenant of the property, we cannot spend the grant funds. The project
has been extended twice and is present1y scheduled to expire on Decem-
ber 31 , 1979, un1ess another extension is approved.
In Augus�, 1979, the acquisition of the Boat Club property was further
complicated when the Boa� Glub building was determined to be el�gible .
for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. There are
now two sets �if ru1es and regu1ations to be applied to the project--
LAWCON regulations and Historic Designation considerations. Both are
administered by the Dept. of Interior, Heritage Conservation and Rec-
reation Service (HCRS). Among the major limitations imposed are:
1 . The ma�or use of the building must be for outdoor recreat�on
purposes. (LAWCON)
2. The building must principally be open to the general public
for public use (whatever that means--no one has been able to
clearly define what this means). (LAWCON)
3. The bui1ding may not be used for profit-making endeavors. (LAWCON)
4. Because the bui1ding is e1igible for inclusion in the National
Historic Register, it must be treated as though it has already
been accepted for inclusion. This means that a11 rules and reg-
u1�tions associated with the inclusion of a building in the National
Register app1y. (HCRS)
.. . ' ' ;
Mayor George Latimer
December 20, 1979
Page two
If we acquire the So�t Club building using LAWCON funds, we might be
permitted to:1ease the 6uild�'ng 6ack to the Boat Club. However, any
1ease wi;th the Boat Club must be approved by the HCRS under the terms
of any agreement. The Boat C1u6 must provide an outdoor recreation ser-
vice, it must be open to the public, and there can be no profit-making
ventures in the buildings. The Boat C1ub's and the City'.s ability to
sublet or use the upper floor of the building is severely restricted
by these terms.
The $40,500 in LAWCON/LCMR funds is only a small portion of the total
funds required for acquisition and development of the Boat Club property
for recreational purposes. The costs of maintaining the structure as re-
quired if we use LAWCON/LCMR funds has not been estimated at this time
but wi11 be a substantial commitment over a period of years. Any work
which is done must conform to HCRS regulations for Historic places,
rules which are particularly restrictive with regard to the exterior of
the bui1ding.
Tn addition, the options available to the City for development of Navy
Tsland would be severe7y limited by both the LAWCON funding and the site`s
historic designation. It is my opinion that the availability of LAWCON
grant funds should not dictate the City's decision to acquire the prop-
erty. The primary consideration should be the cost to the City for develop-
ment and maintenance of the property over the years, and the options avail-
able through other grant programs. It is our position that the City cou'!d
spend considerably more than $40,500 attempt�ng to comply with the regulations
imposed by HCRS.
We would, therefore, recommend that the City request a termination of the
LAWCON/LCMR grant. A number of issues about the acqu�sition of this prop-
erty remain to be resolved. The primary issues involve, 1 ) whether the
City will be required to provide a new bridge for access to the Boat Club
property if the property is not acquired, 2) whether acquisition of the
property wi11 e1iminate the need for the costly access bridge, and 3) how
the property shou1d be developed for recreational purposes. If the City
wishes to acquire the Boat C1ub property, the use of a local funding source
would remove the restrictions imposed under the LAWCON program and allow
the City more flexibility in the development of the property.
R.P.P. �
cc: Thomas J. Kelley
•vNITE - CITY CIENK • ' ��,fi+���f,
i'IN'!C �- +INANCE • � i' L`'� � n 1 C011llCil �V��
C.�.'NARY'�DEPAfiTMENT - I 1 Y Oi� ►J� I N 1 1 L1U� File � NO. R�
BI_UE - M:.VO'W '
� � nc 'l Resolution
Presented By
� Referred To Commi ttee: Date
� .
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The Land and Water Consezvation Fund Act and �
tha State Natural Resources Fund provides for the �makinq
of gra�r�ta to assist local publ�c bodiea in the acquisition
� and development of outdoor recreation projects.
wHSREAS, the City of Saint Paul desires to acquire , �
certain land known as Navy Island-Harriet Island, which �
land ia to be held and used for pemmanent parka, recreatib� �
- .and open space purposes.
WHE�S, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
P.L. 88-354 (1964} and of the regulationa promulqated pursuant
to suclz Act by the Secretary of the Interior and� contained � -�
ia 43 CBF.R. 17, effectuatinq that tit2e, providea that.ao �" - '
person. shall ba discrimiriated against because of r�ce, . color, � _.
or national origin in the use of the larid acquired and/or " . " '
developed. ' _ . .
� WHEREAS,. it ia estimated that the cost of acquirinq
. � 8aid intereat(a� shall be $70,000.
� � 80W, THER�FORS, Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Saint Paul: � � �
. 1. Tbat an application be made to ths Office of LocaY and � �
" °� Urban Affairs of the S�ate Planning Aqency for a grant �
�from �the Land and Water Conservation Fund as ameaded in
� �1965 for an ar�ount presently estimate8 to be $35,000 ' � .
, and the applicaat �+i.11 pay the balance of the cost fr�n
other fuad9 availa.ble to tt.
. . COUKC[LMEI�T. . . .: , . - - - •
Yeas Nays . � � - ' " • - Requested by Department of:_ . _, _ , �
Christensen � tlrif � C �
Hozza In Favor ,
Levine '
Rcedler Against BY
Sylveste�r � - „ �
Tedesco ' � , .
President Hunt • � ' •
Adopted by.Council• Date . • Form Approved by City Attorney
Cer''`�ed Passed by.Council Secretary BY �`'���� .
oy ' ' .
Approved by Mayor• Date 'Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By sy
HITE� - CtTV CIEHK � ' ,
CANAFY •�OEP H1'MENT • � � � � COURCII ������ t f
8��E - MA�aR ITY OF' �A I Y'r � :�U File NO.�`'�1�,a
� � �� � Coun�il Resolution .
� ,.;-f� ,�: y.��f l `�f . .
Presented By .�, • =�,�=•.. / �-'--•- - � ' •
� Referred To ~ '� . Committee: Date .
Out of Committee By Date
� 2. That an application be made tv the Office of Local and � ^ ��
IIrban Affaira of the State Planning Agency for a qrant � �
from the Naturai Resource Fnnd iMinnesota) Laws 1973, �
` Chapter 720, :Section 43 or Subdivision 2, per � (g) or (h} _ �
for an amouat presently estimated to be $].7,500 and the
applicant will pay the balaace of the coat fran other '
� funds available to it. ' �
� , � 3. That the Mayor ia hereby authori�ed and �directed to '
� execute and to file such applicatioa with the State of
.�Minnesota Office of Local and tJrban Affairs.of 'the State
• Planning Agency and to provide additicnal information ,
. and to furnish such documents as may be requi#e�: by said
�� . . Agency and to act as the authorized correspondent og .
• the Applicant. . -
, ,
4. That the proposed ac�qisition is it� accordance with plans
for the allocation of land for open space uses, and that � �
� ahonld said grant be made, the applicant wi�l acquire ,
and 'and retain safd Iand for use(s) designateS in s$i►d
� . applicatioa and approved by the� Office of Local and IIrban
Affairs and the Bureaa ot Outdoor Recreation. '�
5. That the IInited stateso of America and the State of � .
Minnes,ota he, aad they bereby are, assured of full
� . � coa►plfance by the applicant aith the requlations of the � . •
.Department of the Interior, effectuating Title VI of� •
' the Civil Rights Act of 1964. , � .
• � ....
Yeas Nays ' � Requested by Department of: __ _:
�hs'stclt�en~ . . , • _
Hozza - [n Favor . � _
Levine � _ •
Rcedler � Against � -
Sylvester . , • . .
Tedesco , , .
President Hunt ' . � . '
' D E C 2 4 1974 Focm Approved by City,Attorney
•Adopted by Council: Date .... , �/'�
�...--• ; . _ ,.e vC�
Cr '�ied Passed�by Council Secretary , . ' • � BY ,
l�y ,� �,� ,- /r ��
Approved by Mayor• Date Q � ?' ? 197`t _ APProved by Mayor for Submission to Council
{ � ��� ' � � � � � � 2"�49��
. ., . . , . .
-� � o� a�: ���
� �av. : 9/8/76
� Ltrr=oNS. � oRa vcES- RE�EIVE
���i��r�i �
� � . APR 319�
Data: March 20 , 1980 � i � J . �,� � � A ��
\ ? � ��$e ClTY AT i G�ovEY
. AP�� .
so: r�oa �c� r�n�a M�A�� �-� �
. X �� � � o
�_,r.��... ._. .
Authorization for pr�per city officials to 'terminate LAWCON/LCMR
G�ant for acquisition•of Navy Island from �the Minnesota Boat Clu�.
The original gr.ant was approved in May, 1975 . It has been extended .
three times to permit the city to negotia-�e for acq�isition of the
property. There are now two sets of rules and regulations which cover
the proj�ct and which will severely limit the city�s options in �
developing and maintaining the property. The cost of acquisition now
exceeds the $99 ,000 estimated in 1978 and the $40 ,500 is only a small
portion of the total acquisition and development expenses.
Further background is provided in the attached memorandum.
Couneil Resolution,
Memorandum (December 20 , 1980) � • •