274957 WHITE - CITV CLERK � - ('1}y���►y PINK - FINANCE � COUIICII � � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL �•+ B � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. s ' 'l Resolution - � . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of St. Paul approved and adopted the "Early Notification Policy" by C.F. #273465 on August 14, 1979; and WHEREAS, the decisions of the Board of Appeals and Review for Housing, Building, and Fire Prevention Codes regarding a code variance directly affect the tenants of any property for which a variance is being requested; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Section 7(d) of the Early Notification Policy be amended as follows: 7(d) Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building, and Fire Prevention Codes -- Affected C. P. Districts shall be notified 10 days in advance of public hearings on requested code variances. When last-minute requests are added, the Housing and Building Code Division staff will notify the affected District Community Organizer by telephone. A representative of the affected district may attend the meeting and request that discussion of these additions be held over to the next meeting. The Council Research Bureau will instruct the Finance Department to send notices to adjoining property owners of any request for variance which does any of the following: a) changes the occupancy load of the building; b) includes cellar units; c) includes shared baths; and d) affects the exterior appearance of the building. The person applying for a variance will include the name of tenants, if any, on the application. The Housing and Building Code Division staff will notify the affected tenants 10 days in advance of a public hearing requesting a code variance in the building occupied by these tenants. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Nozza � Hu"t [n Favor Levine Maddox Q B McMahon - __ Against Y — Showaiter Tedesco • — ��v �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C Date —�=�Mi-- Cer ed Passed C ncil Secretary BY . . By . Ap by ;Vlayor: �_r�AY � ` 1�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ – BY �� MpY 31 19�0 " _'�= � . ':,' �; �)�,��'..�i.:.:E; J:� r.l:._i:: :i;.'1.'_Y� L.:L%�1\C�C.1.� . �p � l, t � ` ii �/(a� �����_S� . .-:� � '� ��, _ . .°: -./`� D a � � : Mdy 15> 1980 . ,\, _ � --''--'`� . �} �� r� � a� ��� A � {� " R'-f r_ �-- �' '� `__ � _ _ (' � ..l � ;d 1 = { ��'i_.,� L-.� �" � �� '1�.. u� ) i � s � � Q , �ain� Pcti� i Ci i,� Cc�ur3Cit - s`' - €= �; Q �jj. = �Cl ii3 i7i i f i�� fl►l CITY DEVELOP�1ENT AND TRAPJSPORTATIOPd - . Leonard W. Levine x ���i�Ricri, ma�es the i`o11c�,�inc� _ . . rEpor� on C. F_ +L� Orclinar�ce � �XI �'esof�t'ci�»� - � _ . • �� O;tter _ .. � � � �-� � Resolution amend�ing C. F, #273465 pertaining to the Farl,y _ . - _ . � P�otification Policy by providing natice to tenants of a , code variance before the Board of Appeals�. � � � _ - 'fhe" Committee recommends that the following language be sul�stituted in - , � the Ear1y Notification Policy to cover notification by the �aard c�f . - Appea.ls and Review for the Housing, Building, and Fire Prevention Code: "The Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building , �n�l Fire - . Prevention"Code shall notify. CP Distri.cts 10 days in advance of its . .public hearings on requested code variances. tJhen last-minute requests - are added, the Housing and Building Code Division staff wilT rotify the - affected District Community Oryanizer by telephone. A represPntative . � of the affected district may attend the meeting and request that discussion of these additions be. heid over to the next meeting. � --_ , The Council Research Bureau wi11 7nstruct the Finance Department to sen� rotices to adjoininy property owners of any request for variance which - - _ does any of the following: a) changes the� occupancy 'load of the building; _ - b) incl�udes cellar units ; c) includes shared baths ; and d) affects the - _ � exierior appearance of the building. � . - The person applying for a variance will include the names of tenants, if any, on the application. The Housing and Building Code Division staff will notify the affected tenants 10 days in advance of a public hearing requesting a code variance in the buildinc� occupied by these tenants." � - � t_-._ .�. � �rr rr ���t� 5'�1��� F':��:1L_t �.�.t\t:i�J:�C_♦ S_>iij� �.� .t S��'. F._, 1�� i�Lf,• _. : � . � . < . . ; _ .. � . , � � �'` > • � ' � � .� ,.� ���`�� `-�� � � � � 495'7 *D. ., . . � , +`,.n. . .. . . . �+`� +�y.� ... • . . t�' � .. ... � / . .. �r�� � .���� _ . ; K ` ' � � ' . , � � � � - . ' �. ' .. % ' _ � . ( � N(8I'C�1 �� l.� . - _. \ �" � Councilman Leoaard Levine ` � , • Chairman, City Dev+elop�at �& Traneportation Committee . , • . . Room 718, City Hall , , St. Paul, Minnesota - - r Dear Councilman Levine: � " The City Council referred to the City�. Development � Transportation Committee, a reaolutfon emending C.F. No. 273�65 pertaining to the � Ear�y I�otification Policy by providing notice to tenants of a , code variance before the Board o! Appeala. - � • . \ - _ � Very truly yours, , _ ; . - . � . , , . � Rose Mix . _ s . . City Clerk . � . �-- . ' , , � . Attach. � , - _ \- , . ABO:la � � . . ,� �` � cc: PED, Community Developmeat�Divieion, • ; , I _ ` . , � , ! .� � . . . s . , � _ � , , � i ' , t . . � � : . . � . : . , , . � � � r.� � i ' � � . . � ,. . � � .. . . ��. , t4: . . ..- .. . : � � . . . � _ . . . � . . . . . . . . . �. .� .. � . , ' - '.� .� . �� . � � �. � � . . . - �. � , . � ' • - . �_ . � .. . .. • � � ` / , � . . . �t . , - ., . ���� � r. . . . . � . . � � � . . � . . , . .. . � ' � � � . . � ' . ,. . . ', � . , . . � . . . . i . .. . . � � . . - . . .. . . . . ..,.f. . . . . . , . . . � .. . . ,'3 . . -' . . l .. • , . . � � � . . � . . � . ' . . ' � . � . .. . . . . . ' . . ., . � � . � ' .' .. . . � . .�� . ' � ' . . '� .. . ' . . _ . . . , . . . � . _ j � � . , , . . . . . . . , .. ' . � � . .. � . \ � . . . . ,. � . . . . .. ... . I .. � : , . . ' . . . � . . � . . � � .. - � .. I . � .. ' . . . , . � .. � . i . , . � . , . �� '�� �� . , - � , i' . _ � '�iOUqC�t9 IAO�i"d LlY�DO � . � � , - #�al,re�n, C1ty D�wlopi�h� •��TraDSpol`ta�it�o C�1��'tes. � . , � � . , � �oe 718� ��► N�il , 8t. �+aul, �sots - �:; � Ditrr Coue�ailm�ca Lerv►it�s s � - - ; , ° �.City Cowiail rsfex�rad to t�s Ci� Dwrlc�pM�nt �4 Ta'aua�or�a�i� _ . t�i�t�� s resolt��+p�►, �s�nding C.t.,xo. 2T3�i� p�us`�ni�g �o 'tb� . { E�r],Y���itiQett�otl Foliqy' bY Pr6vid�g dq4loar �o t�itis�� c►! .a � aa4� va�lan��e b�la�t t�t Hoard ot Appeal�l. , � . , , � . . , , � ,; , v�'Y �'�' ��'�� . ; , . , � , : � , , r � : ` Af�M �7t . � , .� CiLr Glsx'lt' ' , � , � - � ,. , � ' Att,a�sb. � _ �, � " A80tla . � � , _ _ . ' Qe!! P1RD) Oo�nit�C Dl�d3.tapMIIt 1�l.t►lsiorl, . - ' s , ` ^ , • , � -: ' ' ' ; � ; r ,} l ,,.,. � , .,,. , , � , , " . 1� � , , � , , � _ `: i �;^ . � . ,_ ' , ;�s ` � i . ` �'�� � � �' t . �'�4�5� , �- 3/�� _ � � � n �-� _ . WH�TE *CITV C�ERK '1� 1 `f� �, ._. . .. . � :-...�_r. . .. '� PINK ' — FIIVANCE � � 2 � �� � '��G I T Y O F �►A I N T PA U L Council ��' � CANARV —DEPAi7TMEN�T � 1.�� � . File NO. BLUE —MAVOR � � ". � � - `,� '�°r' `� . ��'. �ouncil Resolution ;,r ,�,,,,- ' .. . '°�: - Presented By . � Referred To� Committee: Date y 0 t of Commi Q� BY ... . . _. _. , ,-, . ,, '' �, ,-D t�w . �_: ,. : A �'�.�.. ,..:.n�:. • ., -o . � .. �. . ' . ����i �, th� 1 0� t.� City of Sain Paoi agps+a�d sa� �#�d tlrt "ifrl �vtifi+�ttiv�► Polioy` C.�. 80. 3T3+�� on 71aq� 14, 1g'i i 1�tsR+�B, t1� �ai�i ot t�r Ho�rt t i�pp�ala a�d l�rviir �+�qat+diaq a aeod� tari�me� y att th� t�a�ts �►f a�Y , �Y t+�c rhie�h a tas is b�iaq t.�d. �t 't�tsto+s�, �O�d1E� l.bat S�ttio� T�d of EarlY 1latiliaa�ion 1'oliaY b� a� s►a tollae�ss: ��d) 8osrd o! app�is - a!►f! distrio�ai �d ��ctZ . o�rs Yithia 3�• of- pr� oMassts� r�stia� a ood�a �#Mt�ae� shsll bs ! 45�� dz�ra �at �'trar� of s �13� h�tsi�q s�qw�t a s�a��� t�t r , of aa� a �oo� � a a � , , ,� COUNCILMEN Yeas MCMAHON Nays Requested by Department of: � �_ [n Favor ����� �a �'� Hunt • � DOtiM�A .Q�'�1''t D���'Q�t Levine � -- Against BY . "`', `---�'~' — -- Maddox �' .�....= . Showalter ,. Tedesco MAR 1 g 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY : By Approved by idavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE •-C�TV CLERK ' CO1111C1I ���YY� PIIfK � - FINANCE ' G I Ty OF SA I NT �A U L CANARY - DEPARTMENT .9LUE� - W1A1'OR File NO• City Attny. CPC . . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ��g���y / WHEREAS, the uncil of the City of Saint Paul proved and adopted the "Ea Notification Policy" by C. . No. 273465 on August 14, 1979; a d WHEREAS, the decis ons of the Board of ppeals and Review regarding a code varianc directly affect e tenants of any property for which a vari ce is being r uested, now therefore, be it RESOLVED that Section 7 ) of e Early Notification Policy be amended as follows: 7 (d) Board of Appeals - Af cted districts and property owners within 350' of pr e y owner(s) requesting a code variance shall be tifi d 45 days in advance of a public hearing reque ting a ode variance. In addition, tenants of an ro e for whi h a code variance is bein re uested sha be noti s da s in advance of a ublic earin uestin a co variance. COUNCILMEN Yeas MC��ON Nays Requested by Department of: �r � [n Favor planni.n an E ��'"� Communit velop nt Division � Hunt ,� , Levine _�__ A gai n s t BY --� - Maddox Showalte $ 1(��� Te o MaR � Farm Approved by City Att ney Adopte y Coun ' Date � C �fied Pa: d by Co e re�ary BY Approved by �Navor. Date Ap oved b Ma or for S ission to Council By - — BY : _ _ _ — � - �-�-�,--,�.,_, _ 'NIi1�TE�- -rQITV C�ERK � , � � � y�` ; . , $�NK . ._ F�N�N�E �jITY OF SAINT PAI7L Filo�ncilNO: " ' ' ': =. ,. _. . GAAARV'- D P�ARTMEN7 �' �� l.UE -N�'FOR � a� �' `� Council �Zesolu�ion . � Pcesented By � Referred To Committee: . Date �.�_ � . 1�BRS1�8, Cc�uacil Qf tha City of Sain�t Paul rowd aacl adoptsd t�hs Iy �`otificatfon Polic3y' bp C.F. o. 213465 c�a 7�ugtxst 14, 1979 and � ��5, the sicuis of tha Board �i� 11p s as�d �vie�rr �arding � code� �ar es� dire�tlp aff� th� �a of aay , g�oparty for Mhf.ah a #.anas is beiaq , � th+trsfers, bs it RESO�VSD that Sscti 'i id) of the p �ot�.ili�atios Policy b� �sad�d as follo�s: ?�d) Hcard ot l�p�peals - toct�d strielts �! Pro��cty . . aeaers �►ithia 3S4' -og-g p r{�) reqnsst3a9 a ; cods variaac� shall be ao ti �t5 daps 3s� ad�� 0t ! a pvblic h�arinq r:c�tstin cvds vatiaaae�, Tit ad�dl��.,�, > i��ants of au ro fc�r hiah s co�e +rari """"`3's'� s as t a �ar tt a a �ar a�. � • i � . � � � 1 � .., ��.,. f :� . . . . .. , 1_. CQC(I,A��(�MEN Requested by Departmen of: Yeas . M ��� Nays B�� � � [n Favor H�� Gc�f, vel C DS�.�ti+r�t �r/� s; Levine � Against BY �. + Maddox _,�.�...�;r. : Showalter �n $ 1980 Tedesco i MR � Form Appr ved�y City Att ney � Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By� . - . A►pproved by Mavor: Date ' , Apptoved b Ma or for Su ission to Council B ` . �.��� •j�.�- By y ; . , . .y .. .. . 3' , ,s�`':...� �. . � . WMITE �—.CITY C�ERK COUI1C11 , PINK� �^ '— FINANCE , G I TY O��F �SeA I�T PA V L - Y�����. CATJqRV�— O�EPARTMENT LUE MpVOR _�jle NO. � `��' `� Council �solution � - R ...- Presented By ,.�`�/ -a �*''� ,-,f , , Referred To Committee: ` Date .� ,,.<�u.t �,f.CommEa�t�k.B�c.,.- �,s.�� ..�.:.. .v.,.M,,__ �..:. .�, �._.� ��w.w . , .x..;.. .�z.-. .� . . ..,� s'mi :'-V.�.+Y �..��-,'n 1�_ ; � - 11SBREi1s, th� � nnoil af 1:hs Citp of Safnt Pa�]. rovsd and a�bpt�d tl� " y �iotification Palicp' bp C,F. . 2�3465 aet Aaq�tst 14, 1379; �ISSR'B�S, ths d�cisi o! th� Board o! s a�►d lbs�►iNr reqarciing a code variaace ir�etly atl�at th� ants of aay �opsrty �os vhich a �ar is bsi�g , aew th�r�for�, b� it RS84Lt� that S�ctica 7(d� of t�u Sa y 2�otit�iwtio� Poliay b� � as lolio�rts 7 td� Hoard of �ig�pials - !►ffaat stri�ts a�d progsstp , awnezs �rithia 3S@' o! pr4p.artg �s� r�qn�stiaq a ct�ds wriaac's shall bs Actili isys in advanc� of a p�tblia h�►ariaq r�q�r�stiaq voda w�riaac�. Zn a�3diti� teasnts o� an for ch a �arian��' = a s cs ot a st a � d�. , COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �CMq��pN Nays PlBa�iaQ atui E�IIE�r�C D�V+s�O�elgt f• H�� In Favor ��� �4M1 t DiY3sfO8 �,/'."�� �,,,� vi L.evine �' -- Against gY _/ �-,�.."r•c� ,,.,r--'"..-- Maddox -�";'^` Showalter 1gao Tedesco M� '1 $ Form Apprpved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - - ,l , „ �: :. ,,, , ,. . -` C�• � � CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary ' BY f � �.�t �_ . By Approved by lVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY --- . ���;.%� ,. . y�� Y � '� . �L `�. . . `����� �/���� �� ,:t � '. . .��� .- , .. � EXP1.A�IATIOl+t t� �Q;IbT�'��Iki��Y� �R�;� � L 't ,K � . '.... 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'....-:. e......:......._.....��..s_..,. ..�..�:i��.. . ., s .,. ... .,. . ....._ ...�.�a............�... .......,.....,,....,e..w.....w.,N,+.......-..n.......,�-oa...o-.. .+.-1.:..we.«e.ww...,.....�.�.+..�..._.._.._. .. � � _ , . �4��3 - ......,,��-,: _,�ti��=Y ��:t�,; CITY OF SAINT PAUL -R� � ��i :o � �, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �;.� itFl�Ifi�li �=" �,�, EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,85. ;, ' 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 °� 612-29&5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR ������ March 10 , 1980 To: Jeri Jenkins From: Cheryl Coughlan �,�� Re: Early Notification Policy (ENP) Attached herewith for your signature, please find the Council Resolution authorizing the amendment of the ENP. Please forward to the Mayor's Office for signing. }�.E,C�IV�D C�;�.-� � G i9�0 GOMMUNp vDE��LOPMENT ����