D001085C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Approved Copies b; - City Cletk (Odginal) - Fi�ance DepG's Acwu�ng Division - Requesting Oept ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION 5,000 ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on fhe request of the Budget Director to amend the 1996 budget of the Special Projects General Govemment Fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said 6udget in the folbwing manner: DEPAR7MENT & DMSION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED FUND AND AGTVITY• BUOG T CHANGES BUOGET Government Responsiveness Progrem 050-30101-0299 Miscellaneous Services Special Events 050-30113-0299 Miscetlaneous Services Net budget change • 2,500 No: L�� DatC: pl' (2,500) 2,500 2,50D 5,000 0 A transfer of spending authority within the same fund and line item, but different activities, is needed. '�aJ� �J;j Iht�.�l . Prepared by: Date Requestetl by: OepartrnentDirector Date ��v�L-��^��Q Gi—Z����� App ov d by:�ayor Oate SainlPaul ButlgMOlfiu (N:WSER5IBUOGETI�EPT91FINlNCE�Q3W0 30t01) N/35M6 Budget O�ce Ron Kiine 266-8548 nfa # OF SIGATATURE PAGES 11/25/96 � GREEN SHEET � O DEPA&ThffNTDIItEG1V& w.MFxsroa � ClfYATIORNtY � � BUDGEI'DIRECTOR oFnm O MAYOR(ORAS56TAN1) ;LIP ALL LOCATIOPIS FOR SIG '�oio85 NO. 32603 O ��� 3� CIlS'CI,ERK �(� FW.&MGiSERVICESDIP � r � CII�FACCDUNTANT Approval and City Council review of the attached adminishative order implementing a budget transfer within the Special Projects Generai Covemment Fund. _PLANN¢�'GCOA4IISSIpN _QV�.SE2YlCECOMA4SSION _Cmmnfnnt� _ _w_srntr _ _D1S7RiLT COVRT _ _ _ _ l. Has this pecsodCirm ever workedu¢der a contract For chis de.paclwenc? YES NO 2. Has Lltis personl5rm ever beeu a ciTy employee? YES NO 3. Dces this petsonffum possess a s1a1I not �rommlly possessed by any cunem ciTy employeel Y£S NO IIATMG PRO6LEA� ISS[IE.OPPOAiUM'1Y (Vlho. WSat, Wheq Whcq W6Y) Additional spending authority is needed withi� the Special Events adiviry. There is authority in another activiry within this fund that can be transferred. iyANTAG&SQ�'APPROVEL A minor amount of budget authority will be transferred so that the special eJents program may continue to operate. None. g�ROVPn RECEIVED DEG 3 1996 CITY CL€RK The special events program wilf run short of authoriry with one month left in the year. OTAL AMOUNT OF TBANSACfION � INCSOORCE donations c�et 9J4'ORASA�IOPF(£YPLARi) COST/REVENUE 6UOGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACI'MTYRIJMBER V8f10115 � "° � SeirltPa41 BYtlpMO((re (H:IUSERSIBUWETOFPTSIFINANCEl123W0 30f01� 11/25/96