274921 �NH17E - CITV CLERK (������ PINK - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII ' � BLUE� - MAY'OR File NO. � - Council Resolution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07 .4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 Budget: Transfer From To City Council 00001-111 City Council Administration 10 ,344 -113 7,119 -114 6 ,959 00002-111 Council Research 4,2b0 09060-536 Contingent Reserve 28,682 Mayor 00100-111 Mayor' s Administration 30,692 -112 21,788 -113 1,559 -114 18 ,927 . -132 456 -141 1,891 00103-111 Information and Complaint 2,522 -112 14 , 828 -114 18 ,015 -121 2 ,206 -132 1,748 00115-111 Data Processing 3,824 -121 1,047 00150-111 Human Rights 79 ,a37 -112 62, 862 -114 163 00151-111 Affirmative Action 3 ,455 -112 60 (continued) COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor __ Against BY -- Form Approved by ity A orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY By� _ Approved by Mayor: Date _ App by Mayor for S b sion to Council BY - — By �� , . - ��;s�� � Page 2 Transfer From To 00155-111 Personnel 30 ,284 -114 2 ,987 -121 6 ,684 -132 1,910 -141 699 00157-111 Training and Development 2,039 09060-536 Contingent Reserve 83,737 Attorney 00200-111 Attorney 10 ,018 -114 14,189 09060-536 Contingent Reserve 24 ,207 City Clerk 00250-111 City Clerk 5,625 -114 2 ,011 -121 1 ,365 00260-111 Voter Registration 6,819 00266-111 Elections 4,607 -121 809 -131 1,404 -132 702 -141 922 09060-536 24 ,264 Finance 01001-111 Administration 1,418 -114 5,145 01050-111 Property Management 1,808 01150-111 Accounting 8 ,854 -112 9,404 -121 12,441 -132 5,585 -141 206 01200-111 Cashier 5,582 01201-111 Meter Collectors 3 ,927 01202-111 Meter Monitors 4,047 01210-111 Debt Service 1,717 01300-111 Assessments 30,955 01350-111 License and Permits 13,287 -132 576 -141 1,020 09060-536 Contingent Reserve 88 ,734 Public Works 02000-111 Office of the Director 2,997 -114 3,678 02010-111 Office Engineer 8 ,257 -132 6 ,000 -141 200 02020-111 Accounting 9 ,561 -141 434 � �a e 3 ����fi��. g Transfer From To 02100-111 Assistant Engineer, Design 1,630 02150-111 Street Engineering 2,937 -132 2,000 02170-111 Bridge Engineering 4,902 02180-111 Construction 3,232 02190-111 Survey 5,865 02160-111 Sewer Engineering 7 ,120 -132 200 02155-111 Traffic Engineering 14 ,870 -132 100 -141 200 02200-111 Assistant Engineer Operations 1,082 02270-111 Street and Sewer Administration 1,679 02271-111 Winter Street Maintenance 26,503 -132 15,000 02272-111 Snow Removal 1,633 -132 271 -141 1,362 02273-111 Bridge, Fence & Stairway 9 ,369 -132 1,697 02280-111 Traffic Bureau 7 ,468 -122 1,500 -132 500 -141 500 02281-111 Traffic Maintenance 28,069 -132 1,000 -141 1,000 02282-111 Signal Maintenance 18 ,306 -132 1,360 -141 1,000 02283-111 Lighting Maintenance 27,294 -122 1,000 -132 6 ,000 09060-536 Contingent Reserve 224,510 Community Services 03000--111 Administration 4 ,804 -112 6 ,080 -114 3 ,376 03100-111 Parks Administration 14 ,248 �-121 132 -141 330 03120-111 Conservatory 7 ,114 -121 2 ,112 -141 640 03122-111 Zoo 17 ,022 -121 739 �141 345 03170-111 Recreation Programming 70 ,674 -121 8 ,622 -122 28 ,947 -141 19 � j�^; � , �������age 4 Transfer From To 03174-111 Municipal Athletics 5 ,524 -131 455 -132 1 ,815 03176-111 Special Recreation Account 930 03177-111 Special Recreation Program 2,010 -121 6 ,641 03104-111 Vehicle Maintenance 9,836 -141 404 03124-111 Zoo Heating 6 ,434 -131 2,812 -141 4,554 03130-111 Parks Watchznen 637 -141 715 03132-111 Parks Maintenance 19,722 -121 580 -131 8,737 -132 672 -141 155 � 03172-111 Recreation Center Maintenance 41,632 03180-111 Swimming 9 ,735 -141 1,044 03181-111 Oxford Pool 4 ,891 -121 635 -122 743 03102-111 Building Maintenance 9 ,718 -112 847 -131 311 -141 287 03200-111 Health Administration 2 ,383 -112 14 ,962 -121 546 -132 1,915 03202-111 Building Maintenance 1,701 -112 4 ,959 -132 4,959 03204-111 Health Laboratory 4 ,933 -112 4,261 03206-111 Vital Statistics 6 ,3�30 -141 66 03208-111 Maternal and Child Health 8 ,724 03210-111 Dental Health 5 ,495 -121 694 03212-111 Food Regulation 17 ,562 -141 90 03213-111 Environmental Sanitation 7 ,132 -141 132 03215-111 Clinical Programs 14,540 -112 5 ,081 -121 997 -132 162 � . Page' 5 ������� Transfer , k'rom' To 03216-111 Adult Health 7 ,537 -112 17,229 -121 12,416 -122 11,157 -132 784 03218-111 Canine Control 7 ,507 -112 11,575 -132 1,080 -141 591 03220-111 OSHA 2,945 -114 2 ,147 -141 90 03300-111 Housing Administration 16,750 -112 349 -141 4,896 03305-111 Housing Inspection 28 ,839 -112 14 ,553 -141 4 ,000 03310-111 Building Inspection 54 ,595 -141 56 03315-111 Building Design 8,821 -112 2,738 -141 1 ,353 03320-111 Plan Examination 4 ,099 -141 2 ,648 03335-111 Truth in Housing 4 ,240 03400-111 Library Adzninistration 59 ,145 -121 5 ,661 -132 10,022 -141 1,360 03402-111 Building Maintenance 52 ,431 -121 3,218 03404-111 Extension Services 79,962 -112 4 ,854 -132 5 ,310 -141 2 ,246 09060-536 Contingent Reserve 699 ,724 Police 04000-111 Administration 28,086 -114 2 ,915 -141 295 04100-111 Patrol 415 ,538 -141 13 ,450 04200-111 Investigation 36 ,931 -112 731 -121 7 ,200 -132 195 -141 3 ,080 . � _ � , �'�;�;'r , � '�.ax�,•�.. •�age 6 Transfer From� To 04300-111 Technical 18 ,125 -121 585 -112 50,931 -122 3,965 -132 4 ,688 -141 430 04301-111 Records and Tdentification 7 ,304 -112 53 ,902 -121 8,459 -122 6 ,943 -141 556 04302-111 Communication Center 72 ,629 -112 976 -141 1, 347 04303-111 Training 11,384 -112 53 ,528 -141 353 04304-111 Volunteer Services 857 -112 804 -141 74 04305-111 Central Supply 12 ,418 -121 246 -132 12 -141 74 04306-111 Crime Lab 11,544 -112 638 -132 663 -141 132 04307-111 Transportation 415 -112 13,276 -141 154 04308-111 Radio Maintenance 4 ,534 -141 52 04340-111 Building Maintenance 7 ,705 -112 6 ,605 -132 1,558 -141 280 04341-111 Annex Maintenance 1,945 -132 56 -141 630 09060-536 Contingent Reserve 807 ,030 Fire 05001-111 Administration 6 ,346 -114 7 ,800 -141 �� 05050-111 Station Maintenance 7,639 -141 2 ,450 05100-111 Training 5 ,410 -141 140 05110-111 Prevention 27 ,115 WH17E - CITV CLERK - PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUIICII a CANARV - DEPARTMENT �� .4(��� BLUE -`MAVOR [K�� File N ,� ^ . � s Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � Page 7 Transfer From To 05120-111 Fire Fighting 617 ,011 -141 - 20,954 05140-111 Communications 5,799 -141 560 09060-536 Contingent Reserve 593,558 General Government 09001-111 Employee Insurance 4,300 09070-111 Tort Liability 2 ,182 -114 295 09147-111 Appeals Board 1,351 -122 3,538 09090-111 Urban Corps 1 ,740 09060-536 Contingent Reserve 12,816 The total needs from the Contingent Reserve to provide funding for � salary costs for General Fund activities through December 31, 1980 are $2,587,262 . Approved as to Funding • Approved: ' �� . Director, Fin M t�,./$ ervices Bu get Dire tor C'�-m s/�/�o ��.s/ ��p ��MEN Yeas �� Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt � [n Favor_ � Maddox �('�- B McMahon __ Against Y — Showalter �!lSL� � Adopted by Council: Date —� � � `9�U Form Approved by ity ttorne . Certified ssed by Counci cretar BY By � � , App ved by ;Vlavor: Date1' _��L19 1980 Appro y Mayor for b ' s Ccxu�cil � By sy r�as�m MaY 2 4 �9so .1....,� CI�Y OF �A,.3:NT ��.U3:. ,�� ,��'*�`';- ' � � �� � . ,, ,�� ` OF`FIt;E OF THF CITY CaIINCIL :�� � °,�' � .•�� LL� 11!9r�ly� . . •MUYlQQi�j��L N� ' . . . �' ��-41�..1~� . ' . . Date ; May 12 , 1980 ca � �n �-r� � E � E � o �� T 0 : Sainf Pau! Gity Councii F R Q M � Committee on�INANCE , MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNE L RUBY HUNT "; chaifman, makes the fol Iowing reporf on G. F. � Ordin�nce (3) []X Resolution � Other Ti7 �� : � The Finance Committee, at its meeting of May 12 , 1980, recommended \ approval of the following: _ 1 . Resolution transferring funds for salary adjustments per negotiated contracts . _ 2 . Resolution transferring $39, 805 from General Government Accounts- Contingent Reserve to Personnel Office. 3 . Resolution for budget amendments of CD Year- III program. ::[TY HALL SEVENTH FLO�R 3AiNT PAUL, MINNES(3TA 5`,10? :s�X�,`, �� � , �- - �, .;, �� � i ���",� � . ,x. rt' „ � ���$`�1� ' � � ,`�'�� �l;�fi97� � �-� ��tr ':` �`�/�� ` r :_ �� � _ - � �' • ;`�� . , ; .. k ff�� � . z Y , ji '; � Y �j!y!:•I ',, K 3 � ' �� ;�I�/Y�R��,�������Y ���F f4 . � i� '�" � � �4 .,�� c i F�Y� 4� �' � � ,. � � ..n", 4.;� . .' / t � :h.�� '��'�' � � �t r ,� _ t� � �:r ,cy � ` '* 3 � ' �. �: � �s. � -.: .��.� - ,}� 4�A; �s . ,. . � � `� �`' � f1������� ' � �'�L �,�',�','�� ..�i��yi"'' � � + ��x, ��� '�''. ; i^ `r , ':� �. +«� �� � ���� � � Mr f y � J5 . ��.;' � � j ;�.�� ��', b�lf4������GB ���i ���t. 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