274907 WNITE - CITV CLERK COI111C1I �t�(j�o e PINK - - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL 'J CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Gouncil of the City of 'Saint Paul hereby concurs in and approves the appointment, by the Mayor, of Leila Masquot, 589 Arundel Street, Saint Paul 55103, to serve on the Advisory Committee on Native American Affairs, said appointment to fill the unexpired term of Charles Bugg, which term expires November 1, 1981. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � � McMahon [n Favor Hozza Hunt � L.evine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter - � For Approved b City ttor Adopted by Council: Date M� '� `� �QQ� Certified Pa•_ d b Council , cretar BY � g�, �,.���v�'r'"v -� � �lpproved by avo te_ �INY � 6 �9W! Ap o by�Mayor for m' ' n to Council BY - —�=--� BY �iRl.t�IFD MAY 2 4 1980 , , � ��S•� � CaTY o�° SA��� �a�.v� �g°��������� J 4 dtTf 0� /.�p �!� y.I ;•' 'y�� OFFIC� o� a$� ���v�� : °�i' ;" - 9� �� ... � . . . i B ,•e� 347 CITY BASb (3E0$dE LATIME� SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTilw S�tf?f� . DdAYO$ (�1�) Q98-�b3�3 �o Council Presiclen� �o�.nr�+� ,Showa�.t�� ancl Mem2aers of �he City Couneil F��il°s �CZy�� \3�.����o L�l����t . . D�TE s �iay a B 1.9�0 S��CTe �ppointtaen�k � P,dvi.sory ��mmitt� ��. Na.ta.ve American Af�airs 1�ttac�ed for your consideration ar�►c� aFgs��r��. is a� resolution appointing Leila Masc�uc��:� 5S� I�r�a:dtel� Sto Paul, 55103, ta serve on the Ac���.��rx�,r �aiaan�.���� on Na�iv� American Affairs, =_.. Sh� ��I��, b� �x���ng � the �expired .term of Chaxles Buc�c�� �uc2� �e�a t,a `: eacpir� on Ncavember 1,, 1981e ..,�. � � � , I,�ila was �aken from the "eligil�I.� ��st�' in �a.ne w�i�h � one a� the. revi�ioas af the open ap�cai.ritn�nta �rra�s�s�» : whick� prcawides fcor filling va�ancies cause►d k�y resignation� wifil�in one year of apgairitment. vait�.attt acivertising. Lei1.a vaas one o� �� app�.iGari�� �a file far a� position on thi� coir�ni���e w�ea� -it �as adver�i�ed la�t fal.l. Cha�le.�_Bugg resic�� �xit.lYi..n one Xear of his� aggoiri�trnent. �,ei],a 8� �res� i� at�ached. Thanl� �au. � . GI,/l,m a�tachment . , , _ .. ' .�.�- ` �