� PINK - FINANCE �����'�
�-�LUE - MAVOR Flle NO.
� Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED, Tha.t the Crn.mcil of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies
and approv�es the actian of tl�e City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review�
pertaining to the following listed praperty and as shawn by the Excerpted Minutes
of said Board of Appeals and Review, da.ted April 8, 1980, and marked EXEiIBTT A,
and atta.ch�ed hereto and ma.de a part hereof by reference:
�°�' 4/8/�0 08-80-H 177 W. Winifred �.._�A Paul and Lois Ma.teyka
' ' (four tmits)
' BOARD AGTION: _ Granted waiv�er of St. Paul Legislativ+e Code, Section 54.10, per-
ta'n'� to wall repaix, as designated in Ite�n ��5 of 2/21/80
Stiirvey Letter, and granted extension of time to October 8, 19��,
to co�lete re�nainin,g wnrk recruired in said Surv+ey Letter.
;�:�Praperty Descriptian: �Rc�bertsan's Add.itian, Blocks 100 thru 199 Ex. N. 37 Ft.
and W. 15 Ft, of I,ot 19 an.d �. N. 37 Ft. , Lot 20,
Block 156
4/8/80 09-80-H 226 Marsha.11 Ave. James L. Crockarell
(five Lmi.ts)
' ;BOARD ACTION: '--�ranted extension of time to correct varidus code viola.tians, as
' ci�esignated in Survey Letter of 3/13/80, according to the follawing
time schedule:
Pt (1) Giv�e 30-days notice to vaca.te to te�nant of base�n.t ia�.it
and discantiniae use of tmi.t after tenant mr�ves.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
[n Favor
__ Against BY — _
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date --
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary $��� -GL �� '�'Zv `�-S �`t�C.1
—�� ,
Approved by 1�layor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ _ BY
M�HITE - CITV CLERK ['�►.y���
�qLUE - MAVOR File NO.
� r Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
� (2) Within 30 days: replace fuses in electrica.l service with
fusta.ts, replace clefective fixtures, cover pla.tes where
lacking, an.d re�nove all extensian cords.
f (3) Within 60 da.ys: properly install sprinkler systen and
`� enclose heating plant with approved fire-retardant materials,
secure c1efective floor drain, repair leaking drains in
Apt. ��1, an.d replace broksn windaw pane in Apt. ��3.
, (4) Within ane year: rewire entire buildin�.
-�' (5) Within twc� years: correct all r��r�rg violatian.s.
' Property Descriptian: : Uaytan and Irv�ne's Additian, Block 69, 71 thna. 82, 84, 85,
part of Blocks 70, 83, and 87, I�t 9, Block 82
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Hozza NaYs � t
Hunt In Favor
Mc�M�� _ � __ Against BY — .
Adopted by Council: Date
Mq�r 1 3 19�n _ Form Approved by City Attorney
CertiEied P• -s d b Council Secretary '�J` ���" ��`� �`��")
By, _ � _ �
' MAY 16 1980
Approved May r: D t Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY - –�� — BY
,�RUSEtED MAY 2 4 �984
' ' � - 3- 4/8/80 - Meeting No. 160
�'j��" �
� � r����Rt.�
J9- 80-H 226 Marshall Ave . James L. Crockarell
(five units)
SUBJECT : Reauest extension of time to complete extensive repairs , as
designated in Certificate of Occupancy letter of 3/13/80 , beyand the 60
days allotted, because work will require more time than given, and 1Qan
money is difficult to obtain at this time .
APPEARANCE : James L. Crockarell
Alice Bijjani
' -4- 4/8/80 - Meeting No. 160
PROCEEDINGS :� Chairman Wozniak asked Mr. Crockarell if it was his ultimate
intention to properly correct all the violations , but that he needed maxe
time than the city had allowed.
Mr. Crockarell said that was correct. He had awned the building less
than a year and was well aware that it needed a great deal of work, new
wiring, a substantial amount of plumbing work, new roof, and much general
renovation. At current interest rates of 20 to 25% , he felt it was
unfeasible to do the work immeaiately. He wanted to complete the project
with a one-time concerted effort over a 2Z to 3 year time periad as soon
as federal or city money for rehabilitation of rental property became
available or when interest rates came down.
Alice Bijjani stated that her department was especially concerned over
an illegal basement unit , which Mr. Crockarell had not addressed in his
appeal. She said she would like a firm commitment as to when the elect-
rical work would be done. She asked if Mr. Crockarell had applied recently
for rehabilitation money under programs currently available.
Mr. Crockarell answered that he had applied last fa11 but had been turned
down. As a contract purchaser, it was almost impossible to c{ualify, but
even when the fee title holder agreed to join in , the application was
rejected. It would have been necessary to displace the tenants to do the
ne cessary work an d that was against the intent of the bond issue. As an
investor he felt there were only two choices , either complete the project
all at once with the help of a government lending program or over a two
or three year period, whichever method was most constrtzctive for the
tenants and for his pocketbook.
Mr. Tieso pointed out that extensive electrical work was urgently needed.
He asked if Mr. Crockarell could spend the $4 ,000 or more needed for that
p art of the work right now.
Mr. Crockarell replied that he would probably put the building on the
market before doing the electrical work and leaving the rest as it was .
He said he would like a six-month period to decide whether to proceed
with the electrical work or to sell the building. He said three of his
tenants had lived in the building for over ten years and the other one
for more than three . A11 units are between 1400-1500 sq. ft. , two bed-
rooms , dining room, living room, kitchen, porch and bath, each renting
for $200 per month. Tenants pay their own electricity, but all ather
utilities are paid by the landlord.
Chairman Wozniak asked Mr. Crockarell to outline a schedule for completing
the required improvements .
Mr. Crockarell said he would like a year for the electrical work, although
he would do it sooner if money becomes available. Next in urgency was
the need for a new roof.
Alice Bijjani said she sensed a lack of commitment on Mr. Crockarell' s
part and would like to see some work actually started, particularly the
electrical tivork, before he set up a schedule that might allow for a year's
delay in doing any work at all. She mentioned the enclosure of the heat-
ing plant and proper installation of sprinklers as other items that
should not be long delayed.
Mr. Crockarell said he would commit immediately to c.omplete the instal-
-5- 4/8/80 - Meeting No. 160
lation of the� sprinkler system and to vacate the basement unit. He said
he would get the electrical work and the roof work done within one year,
and all rem�aining items within two ye ars .
Mr. Tieso stated that he would like to require a change of a11 fusing to
fustats and adapters immediately, and the removal of a_ll extension cords .
Mr. Crockarell agreed to this proposal.
Mr. Naibi recommended that Mr. Crockarell investigate on more the possi-
bility of oUtaining some type of government-backed rehabilitation 1oa�.
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved to grant extensions of time to complete
code work required by the city according to the following time schedule :
(1) Discontinue the use of the basement unit at earliest possible date ,
giving tenant the usual 30-days notice.
(2) Within 30 days , make electrical changes suggested by Mr. Tieso
(replace present overfusing with fustats , replace defective fix-
tures , cover plates , and remove all extension cords) .
(3) Within 60 days , properly install sprinkler system and enclose heat-
ing plant with approved fire retardant materials , secure a defective
floor drain, rep air leaking toilet and handsink drains in A;�t. #1
and replace broken window pane in Ant. #3.
(4) Within one year, rewire entire building.
- (S}- Within two years , complete all remaining items . _
THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nayes - 1 (Naibi) Abstentions - 1 (Reiter)
Chairman jVozniak asked Ms . Bijjani to have the property inspected at the
end of the 30-day period and the 60-day period, ancl to report on progress
to th� board.
Ms . Bijjani requested Nir. Crockarell to advise her department if he should
decide to sell the building, because it would be necessary to discuss -
plans of the new owner.
Mr. Tieso said the electrician Mr. Crockarell hires should check with
the city' s electrical inspection departinent to be certain he understands
what is reauired and within specific time limits given.
� 4J8/80 - Meeting No. I:60 • ,
Tuesday, Apri1 8, 1980
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Cour.t House -
1030 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: D. D. �Yozniak, Chairman
Arthur Tiesa
Ron Glassman
A. Wali Naibi
Thomas Reiter
Glen Gausman
Estyr Peake
AGEN CIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing and
Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bijjani
Dick Lippert
" Planning and Economic Development Dept . - PTanning
Division (City)
Jan Pelletier
Planning and Economic Development Dept. - �ommunity
� Development
Jerry Jenkins
Council Research Center
John W. Connelly
Lynn McDaniel
Sharon Muj amato
James L. Crockarell
Liz Keefe �
Mary Pat Lee
STAFF PRESENT: Nancy Aziderson
Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1 : 35 p.m.
Minutes of the meeting of March 11 , 1980 , were approved as distributed
to members .
• � � -2- 4/8/80 - Meeting No. 160
. � EXNI13 �T. f� �'� �� + ,
r�. ���
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� �
08- 80-H 177 W. Winifred Pau1 and Lois Mateyka
(four units)
SUBJECT: Request waiver of Section 13. 06 , pertaining to enclosure of
ea�i g plant area with fire rated materials or, in lieu of such enclosure ,
the installation of sprinkler heads over the area. A1so, request ivaivexs
of Section 54. 09 , pertaining to exterior repairs , and Section 54. 1U , per-
tainin g to miscellaneous plaster repairs , as designated in letter of
2/21/80 , because "these things listed are not a fire hazard to tenants ."
APPF.ARANCE : Paul Mateyka
Alice Bijjani
Dick Lippert
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Mateyka stated that he was appealing everything lzsted
iri�ie 2 Z1 80 letter except the '�dead-bolt locks required for each apart-
ment. He felt that the heating plant area presented na hazard, and that
the installation of a sprinkling system and enclosure of the area with
fire-rated materials were unnecessary. He said his insurance carrier
rated the building No. 1, Class A, confirming his belief_ that the area
was safe from the danger of fire. In addition, he contended that the
interior and exterior wall repairs required. by the city were not needed
because they did not involve life safety. He said the building was about
55 years old and there were a few cracks in it , but nothing so severe that
there was a danger to tenants .
Alice Bijjani stated that the building had been inspected for the first
time for a Certificate of Occupancy on January 30 , 1980 , by Inspector
Dick Lippert. She felt that Mr. Mateyka did not understand that the
housing code applied to all residential units in the city and did not
address itself only to fire safety items , but to many other considera-
tions , including proper maintenance. The cost of repairing plaster
cracks was not a large expense , and �ahile they were not a ser.ious matter,
they were violations that needed to be corrected.
- 3- 4/8/80 - Meeting No. 160
. " �
Mr. Naibi inquired as to the rental income from the building. Mr. Mateyka
replied that h.e was renting each uni,t �ox $185 � with the tenants p aying
for their own heat, which he felt was very xeasonable for a two-bedraom
unit with a dining room. '
Chairman Wozniak asked Ms . Bijjani if Mre i�iateyka had the option a� put-
ting in a sprinkling system in lieu of a fire-rated ceiling over the
furnace area.
Mr. Bijjani said ordinarily this would be true , but she had checked with
the city' s �Vater Dept. and had learned that the water service to the
building was only 3/4- inch, which was small for a four-plex and inadequate
if a sprinkling system were to be added. Therefore , it would be necessary
to sheetrock the ceiling. Fire-rated walls and doors were a separate
Mr. Mateyka objected to replacing three missing tiles in the front stair
tower, noting that the area had been fxeshly painted, and new light fix-
tures and carpet had been installed. He felt his building was in very
good condition. He said it was impossible to match the tile .
Mr. Naibi said he could not understand why Mr. �Iateyka abjected so strongly _
to making the minor wall repairs , since he was able to do the work him-
self and the cost of materials was sma11. He felt Mr. Mateyka should
have greater concern for upgrading his building and making it more pleas-
ant and attractive for his tenants .
BOARD ACTION : Mr. Naibi moved to deny the appeal. Mr. Reiter seconded.
Mr. Glassman asked Mr. Naibi if he would consider an amendment to his
motion, to allow a w aiver of the item concerning tile replacement. Mr..
Naibi agreed. Chairman Wozniak asked if Mr. Naibi would also accept an
amendment to grant an extension of time for completing alI the remaining
work required in the 2/21/80 letter to October 8 , 198� . Mr. Naibi agreed
to this stipulatiori. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED.
TF�E VOTE: Ayes - 7 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0
Cnairman l�'ozniak advised Mr. I��ateyka to contact Inspector Lippert regard-
ing the work required in the furnace area, how it could be done mast
efficiently and a�C the least cost.
4/8/80 - Meeting No. 160
Tuesday, Apri1 8 , 1980
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: D. D. Wozniak, Chairman
Arthur Tieso
Ron Glassman �
A. Wali Naibi
Thomas Reiter
Glen Gausman
Estyr Peake
AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept . - Ditrision of Housing and
Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bijjani
Dick Lippert
Planning and Economic Development Dept • = Plannin�
Division (City)
Jan Pelletier
Plannin and Economic Development Dept. ° Commuziity
Jerry Jenkins
Council Research Center
John W. Connelly
Lynn McDaniel
Sharon Muj amato
James L. Crockarell
Liz Keefe
Mary Pat Lee
STAFF PRE5ENT: Nancy Anderson
Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1 : 35 p.m.
Minutes of the meeting of March 11 , 1980 , were approved as distributed
to members .
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705�1 Citv Hall
St. Paul , T7innesota 55102
(612) 298- 4163
T0: Walter Bowser. _
Assistant City Attorney -
FROM: Pat Moxness �
Appeals Board Secretary ;
DATE: April 30 , 1980 �
. SUBJECT : Draft Resolution - Board Actions Taken at Meeting
of April 8, 1980 �
Attached is a draft resolution and excerpted minutes dated
April 8, 1980 , pertaining to the following cases :
08- 80-H 177 W. Winifred Pau1 and Lois Mateyka �
(four units)
09- 80-H 226 Marshall Ave . James L. Crockare7_1
(five units)
If you have any questions , please call me on 4163.