00-868Council Rile # p��(.�
Referred To
Aequested by Departrnent of:
WHEREAS, the Legislarive Hearing Officer recommends that license application
Bingo Hall License by RK Midway LLC, dba Midway Center Bingo, 1508 Unive
approved; /
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint
appiication. �
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Co leman
Har ris
Re iter
B o s irom
Green Sheet # 104014
# 20000003609) for a
Avenue West, be
approves this license
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified 6y�uncil Secretary
Appmved by May,6r: Date
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
NUMBER CX-00-1838
City Council Offices
Gerry Stxathman, 266-8560
September 27, 2000
00 . p�G p'
9-zo-z000 GREEN SHEET No 1 C�;� 0"1 4
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❑ d1YAiiOItlEY � tltYCliM
❑ w�wc4�m�xcrso.� ❑ w/.rcu�.aomKCro
� WYORI�I1t9RAMi1 ❑
Approving application for a Bingo Hall License by RK Midway LLC, DBA Midway Center Bingo,
1508 University Avenue West.
Has mis ae���m e.erwal�a undera co�nsa r«mis dePanmem7 .
tlas ttae c�eoM�m erer heen a dty empbyce9 .
YEg NO .
Doec this per�rm posBess a sidll not rannalrypossesseG by any curtmt dty employeel
k Mis persavTifm a tazgeted ventloYt
�„�,�g�t�i� a ?Ch GG, $�°Y
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AIUMBER CX-00.1838 ,
Monday, September 18, 2000
Room 330 Courthouse
Gerry Straflunan, Legislative Hearing Officer
Staff Present: Dave Nelmazk, License, Inspection, Environmental Protection (LIEP); Christine
Rozek, LIEP; Larry Zangs, LIEP
The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m.
Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is being held to heaz objections to a license by RK Midway
Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP, reported this is an application for RK Midway LLC,
doing business as Midway Bingo Center at 1508 University Avenue West in the Midway
Shopping Center. Licensing has approved the application. Fire inspection will approve this
upon final inspection. Zoning has questions about parking information.
Lany Zangs reported the parking looks fine, but he needs some explanaxion on some of the
numbers. He wiil defer his decision on the parking untii he hears from the applicant.
Ms. Rozek stated this bingo hali is within two miles of an existing bingo hall. There will need to
be a resolution to waive the two mile distance requirement. Also present is Dave Nelmazk who
deals with gambling licenses in case there are questions about the gambling aspect of the bingo
Don Ludemami, President of Snelling Hamline Community Council, 1573 Se1by Avenue #311,
appeared and stated neighbors have expressed some concerns. His understanding is the hearing
today only addresses the application by RK Midway to operate a bingo hall. He asked would
there be another hearing regarding the other four tenants because the letter he sent in objection
addressed the gambling licenses as we11. Gerry Strathman stated the fact that Mr. Ludemann was
objecting to the gamblang licenses got missed. Ae asked could the gambling license applications
be deait with this morning. Ms. Rozek responded present aze representatives from all the
organizations that intend to conduct charitable gambling.
Mr. Strathman stated he will deal with the bingo hall application and the gambling applicafions at
this meeting. The only people to come to these public hearings are interested parties and the
interested parties aze here.
Mr. Lademann stated it is a business friendly neighborhood. The community council was
notified in August when many residents were on vacation. Paula Maccabee offered to come to
their board meeting to help explain things, but the organization was unable to accommodate her.
The waiver requirement reads that a waiver will be granted when it will provide economic
development benefits without significant negative impact on residential or commercial uses. Mr.
NUMBER CX-00-1835
• � •s
MIDWAY CENT`ER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 2
Ludemann asked will that be a City Council issue. Mr. Strathman responded he would not hold a
legislafive hearing on the waiver issue; that would go directly to the City Council.
Mr. Ludemann stated University United is a group of district councils all along University
Avenue. The Midway Chamber of Commerce is also a member. They were involved i� the
development of two guidelines. One of those guidelines encourages vacant buildings to be
rebuilt and vacant lots to be redeveloped as quickly as possible so there is not an appearance of
neglect on the auenue; therefore, he is happy that RK Midway is going to fill some of the space.
One concem is the pazking in the south iot and that the bingo hall would get in the way of
redevelopment of that lot. Mr. Ludemann requested an annual renewal so that future
development of that lot would not be delayed. He asked does this license have a term, Ms.
Rozek responded it is renewable in two yeazs.
Mr. Ludemann wants to minimize massive asphalt in the parking lots. The design outlines
suggest trees should be planted in parking Iots: one tree per every 25 parking spots. He would
like RK Midway to consider landscaping to make St more aesthetically pleasing.
Mr. Ludemann is also concerned about people preying on the bingo players. He would like to
know the plans for security, cameras, lighting. Also, he is concerned about signage. He hopes it
does not add to the clutter of the signage on the avenue.
The following appeared: Paula Macaabee, consultant to RK Midway, and Joe Finley, attorney
and applicant. Ms. Maccabee stated the design guidelines encourage vacant buildings to be filled
to avoid the appeazance of neglect. The ordinance looks at the potential of waiver when it
provides economic benefit. The bingo hall is filling 2,000 square feet of space that was vacant
for 15 years. The current estimate of improvement to bring this properiy up to code is about
$700,000. According to the University design guidelines refened to by Mr. Ludemann, this part
of University is suppose to be a regional shopping center. This bingo hall will bring in about
15,000 customers a month, many of whom are middle class working people and many aze
women who will make a whole day of shopping or eating out.
Ms. Maccabee staxed this bingo ha11 is unlikely to have an impact an neighborhoods. It is more
than 75Q feet away from the nearest residence; therefore, some of the concerns that may apply in
other neighborhoods about tr�c, do not apply here. Also, it is tucked at the back of the center;
the concern about visibility and perception will not take piace here.
Potentiai redevelopment is a concern of the. developer also, stated Ms. Maccabee. RK Midway
has made significant inveshnents in lighting and in trees. The reason there is not a plan
submitted for landscaping is because it might interfere with potential redevelopment.
(Joe Finley gave Gerry Stratlunau the following: drawing of signage, zoning map azea, a
composite site p1an, parking calculations, a copy of the deed to prove they own the center,
certificate showing ownership, and the plat filed.)
NiJMBER CX-00-1838
C� C�-- �SC� �S
MIDWAY CENTER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 3
Joe Finley explained the location of the bingo hall in conjunction with other businesses in the
area. The bingo hall is not near any residential development. RK Midway had proposed several
things for the back lot, but there was a poilution issue there. Now the pollution has been
handied, and the back lot can be developed. They have run several pazking scenarios with a
bingo hall, hotel, and restaurant being built. They have also run the pazking figures and have
come up with 1,408. The existing lot has 1,396. Their goai is to redevelop the five acre piece of
Mr. Strathman stated the signage looks consistent with other signs on the building. Tom Bina,
contractor, responded it will be sunilar to other signage on the Midway Shopping Center.
Michael Michlitsch, 3870 Ef&ess Road, White Bear Lake, appeared and stated he is currently
representing the charities moving into the proposed site. The four chariries have been involved
for at least nine years, specifically in bingo and pull tabs: 1) Midway Training Services offers
services to people with developmental disabilities, 2) Midway Transportation provides
transportation to people with disabilities, 3) Church of the Holy Childhood, and 4) St. Mary's
Greek Orthodox Church. Thep currently all hold a Class A license at Midway Bingo Palace on
Le�ngton and University. AIl four organizations depend on the funds from charitable gambling.
Mr. Michlitsch assumes the security at 1508 University will be similar to the Lexington and
Universiry site in that it will have a uniform security person during the evening sessions to assist
any customers that would like to be walked to a vehicle. They have had few problems in the last
nine years. The bingo ha11 will also use a private securiry service and off duty Saint Paul Police
Officers. Midway Shopping Center also has security in a vehicle available in the evenings.
Mr. Ludemann stated this wili be an entirely different environment. There will be more traffic
and more crime. Mr. Finley responded he believes that most of the people in the Midway -
Shopping Center are good people and shoppers. Crimes of opportunity will d'ecrease because
there wiil be more witnesses. The bingo operation will be located in the center. This is a true
economic benefit to Midway 5hopping Center and the whole community. People who are
transportation disadvantaged can now make a trip to the bingo hall and go shopping. Mr. Finley
has represented the owner of the shopping center for yeus; if there is a problem, the owner will
address it.
Mr. Finley hopes Mr. Strathman will not lose sight of the fact that this is a permitted use. This
space is an eyesore right now and cannot be rented. It will be gutted, a new exterior added, and
new bathrooms.
Ms. Rozek asked about an on site manager of the facility. Mr. Michlitsch responded it has not
been decided who will be the manager, but there will be one.
Ms. Rozek asked about hours of operation. Mr. Michlitsch responded they propose to be open
seven days a week. Doors wouid open at noon, bingo would start at 1:Q0, and be over with at
4:00. Doors would reopen again at about 6:00 p.m. and bingo would start at 7:00 and again at
9:00. People will be out of the hall by 11:00 p.m. They have talked about having a late night
NIJMSER CX-00-1838
�� • •.
MIDWAX CENTER BINCzO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 4
session at 11:00 p.m. and people would be out by 1:00 a.m. However, they are limited to 21
sessions that they can be open in a week.
Ms. Rozek asked about lighting. Mr. Michlitsch responded there will be a new enirance with
sufficient lighting. Midway Bingo-will use 130 to 135 pazking spaces on their busiest night. He
would assume ail those people will park close to the building. At least 1/4 of the space is within
a short walking distance of the front door.
Mr. Bina stated the landlord has provided adequate lighting in the facility. There is pazking lot
lighting in the back right now, which should be adequate. The landlord is concerned about safety
also and said he would take any lighting and quadruple it.
Dave Nelmazk reported there aze no outstanding obligations against the four charities. They are
good citizens in the community.
Ellen Watters, President of Midway Chamber of Commerce, appeared to speak in support of the
license application. The neighborhood's concerns have been articulated and addressed. This
business will add to the potential of redevelopment. This location provides a good opportunity
for the continued health of the bingo hall users and the potential for redevelopment of the site.
The increased activity that the customers witl bring is a positive in terms of increased purchasing
and activity. As for crime prevention, the more people around, the more positive environment is
created. Lighting and security are nnportant. A beat cop is working from 10:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. If
crime becomes a huge problem, the Chamber of Commerce will be in line with the neighbors
saying this needs to be fixed.
Ms. Watters stated Midway Training Services is an important pariner in the continued health of
the Midway. They help the Chamber of Commerce pick up shopping carts in the azea and trash.
Mr. Strathman asked is the parking adequate. Mr. Zangs responded it is.
Gerry Strathman recommended approval of this license application. He understands a11 the
issues raised. It seems the applicant has satisfactorily addressed the issues. The signage seems
appropriate. The security plans seem reasonable. He understands the reticence about doing
landscaping in the pazking lot because of potendal development. Location makes pazking less of
a visual problem than in a more residential neighborhood. There is no reason to limit the 13cense
beyond the customary term of two yeazs. There will be another resolution for a variance from the
required two miles between bingo locations, but that wili be a public hearing before the City
The meeting was adjourued at 10:54 a.m.
(Note: Larry Zangs retained some of the items given to Gerry Strathman at this meeting.)
NUMBER CX-00-1838
Council File # O 0 — $'(�
Referred To
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application
Bingo Hall License by RK Midway LLC, dba Midway Center Bingo, 1508 Unive
approved; /
TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint
application. N
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Co leman
Haz ris
Be nanav
R e it er
Green Sheet # 104414
# 20000003609) for a
Avenue VJest, be
approves this license
Form Approved by City Attomey
Adopted by Council: Daze
Adoption Certified by uncil Secretary
Approved by Ma r: Date
Aequested by Department o£
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Ci�y Council Offices
Strathman, 266-$560
September 27, 2000
No1nr r:±�
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Approving application for a Bingo Hall License by RK Midway LLC, DBA Midway Center Bingo,
1508 University Avenue West.
Hes llue P�eoMrm everwarked untler a ca�6act Torthis depertm¢nl�
Flas thie RNeoMrm e�er been a cilY emWuYee4
Does ihis P�� D� a sidll r� namalbP� bY �Y cunent cdY emGbYee7
b Mis pereonlfirm a terpe[ed vendoY!
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Monday, September 18, 2000
Room 330 Courthouse
Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
Staff Present:. Dave Nelmazk, License, Inspecrion, Environmental Protection (LIEP); Christine
Rozek, LIEP; Latry Zangs, LIEP
The meeting was called to order at 10:02 am.
Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is beiug held to hear objections to a license by RK Midway
Cluistine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP, reported this is an application for RK Midway LLC,
doing business as Midway Bingo Center at 1508 University Avenue West in the Midway
Shopping Center. Licensing has approved the applicarion. Fire inspection will approve this
upon fmal inspection. Zoning has questions about pazking information.
Larry Zangs reported the pazking looks fine, but he needs some explanation on some of the
numbers. He will defer his decision on the pazking until he hears from the applicant.
Ms. Rozek stated this bingo hall is within two miles of an existing bingo hail. There will need to
be a resolution to waive the two mile distance requirement. Also present is Dave Nelmark wha
deals with gambling licenses in case there are questions about the gambling aspect of the bingo
Don Ludemann, President of Snelling Hamline Community Council, 1573 Selby Avenue #311,
appeazed and stated neighbors have expressed some concerns. His understanding is the hearing
today only addresses the application by RK Midway to operate a bingo hall. He asked would
there be another hearing regazding the other four tenants because the letter he sent in objecfion
addressed the gambling licenses as well. Gerry Strathman stated the fact that Mr. Ludemann was
objecting to the gambling licenses got missed. He asked could the gambling license applicalions
be dealt with this morning. Ms. Rozek responded present aze representatives from all the
organizations that intend to conduct charitable gambling.
NIr. Strathman stated he will deal with the bingo hail applicafion and the gambling applications at
this meeting. The only people to come to these public hearings are interested parties and the
interested parties are here.
Mr. Ludemann stated it is a business friendly neighborhood. The community council was
notified in August when many residents were on vacation. Paula Maccabee offered to come to
their boazd meeting to help explain things, but the organizarion was unable to accommodate her.
The waiver requirement reads that a waiver will be granted when it will provide economic
development benefits without significant negative impact on residential or commercial uses. Mr.
�+ .
� •:
MIDWAY CENTER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 2
Ludemanu asked will that be a City Council issue. Mr. Strathman responded he would not hold a
legislative hearing on the waiver issue; that would go directly to the City Council.
Mr. Ludemann stated University United is a group of district councils all along University
Avenue. The Midway Chamber of Commerce is also a member. They were involved in the
development of two guidelines. One of those guidelines encourages vacant buildings to be
rebuilt and vacant lots to be redeveloped as quickly as possible so there is not an appeazance of
neglect on the avenue; therefore, he is happy that RK Midway is going to fil1 some of the space.
One concern is the pazking in the south lot and that the bingo hall would get in the way of
redevelopment of that lot. Mr. Ludemann requested an annual renewal so that future
development of that lot would not be delayed. He asked does this license have a term. Ms.
Rozek responded it is renewable in two yeazs.
Mr. Ludemann wants to m;n;mize massive asphalt in the pazking lots. 'I'4ie design outlines
suggest trees should be planted in pazking lots: one tree per every 25 parking spots. He would
like RK Midway to consider landscaping to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
Mr. Ludemann is also concerned about people preying on the bingo players. He would like to
know the plans for security, cameras, lighting. A1so, he is concerned about signage. He hopes it
does not add to the ciutter of the signage on the avenue.
The following appeared: Paula Maccabee, consultant to RK Midway, and Joe Finley, attorney
and applicant. Ms. Maccabee stated the design guidelines encourage vacant buildings to be filled
to avoid the appearance of neglect. The ordinance looks at the potential of waiver when it
provides economic benefit. The bingo hali is filling 2,400 squaze feet of space that was vacant
for 15 years. The current estimate of unprovement to bring this property up to code is about
$700,000. According to the University design guidelines referred to by Mr. Ludemann, this part
of i3niversiry is suppose to be a regional shopping center. This bingo hall wili bring in about
15,000 customers a month, many of whom are middle class working people and many are
women who will make a whole day of shopping or eating out.
Ms. Maccabee stated this bingo hall is unlikely to have an impact on neighborhoods. It is more
than 750 feet away from the nearest residence; therefore, some of the concerns that may apply in
other neighborhoods about traffic, do not apply here. Aiso, it is tucked at the back of the center;
the concern about visibility and perception will not take place here.
Potential redevelopment is a concern of the, developer also, stated Ms. Maccabee. RK Midway
has made significant investments in light3ng and in trees. The reason there is not a plan
submitted for landscaping is because it might interfere with potential redevelopment.
(Joe Finley gave Gerry Strathman the following: drawing of signage, zoning map azea, a
composite site plan, pazking calculations, a copy of the deed to prove they own the center,
certificate showing ownership, and the plat filed.)
� L�--�S� �
MIDWAY CENTER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 3
Joe Finley eapiained the location of the bingo hall in conjunction with other businesses in the
azea. The bingo hall is not neaz any residenrial development. RK Midway had proposed several
things for the back lot, but there was a pollution issue there. Now the pollution has been
handled, and the back lot can be developed. They have run severai parking scenarios with a
bingo hall, hotel, and restaurant being built. They have also run the pazking figures and have
come up with 1,408. The e�sting lot has 1,396. Their goal is to redevelop the five acre piece of
Mr. Sirathman stated the signage looks consistent with other signs on the building. Tom Bina,
contractor, responded it will be similar to other signage on the Midway Shopping Center.
Michael Michiitsch, 3870 Ef&ess Road, White Bear Lake, appeazed and stated he is currently
representing the charities moving 'into the proposed site. The four charities have been involved
for at least nine yeazs, specifically in bingo and pull tabs: 1) Midway Training Services offers
services to people with developmental disabilities, 2) Midway Transportation provides
transportarion to people with disabilifies, 3) Church of the Holy Childhood, and 4) St. Mazy's
Greek Orthodox Church. They currently all hoid a Class A license at Midway Bingo Palace on
Lexington and University. All four organizafions depend on the funds from charitable gambling.
Mr. Michlitsch assumes the security at 1508 University wiil be similaz to the Lexington and
University site in that it will have a uniform security person during the evening sessions to assist
any customers that would like to be waiked to a vehicle. They have had few problems in the last
nine yeazs. The bingo hall wili also use a private security service and off duty Saint Paul Police
Officers. Midway Shopping Center also has security in a vehicle available in the evenings.
Mr. Ludemann stated this will be an entirely different environment. There will be more traffic
and more crime. Mr. Finley responded he believes that most of the people in the Midway
Shopping Center are good people and shoppers. Crimes of opportunity will decrease because
there will be more witnesses. The bingo operation will be located in the center. This is a true
economic benefit to Midway Shopping Center and the whole communiry. People who aze
transportation disadvantaged can now make a trip to the bingo hall and go shopping. Mr. Finley
has represented the owner of the shopping center for yeazs; if there is a problem, the owner will
address it.
Mr. Finley hopes Mr. Strathman wili not lose sight of the fact that this is a permitted use. This
space is an eyesore right now and cannot be rented. It will be gutted, a new exterior added, and
new bathrooms.
Ms. Rozek asked about an on site manager of the facility. Mr. Michlitsch responded it has not
been decided who wiil be the manager, but there will be one.
Ms. Rozek asked about hours of operation. Mr. Michlitsch responded they propose to be open
seven days a week. Doors would open at noon, bingo would start at 1:00, and be over with at
4:00. Doors would reopen again at about 6:00 p.m. and bingo would start at 7:00 and again at
9:00. People will be out of the hall by 11:00 p.m. They have talked about having a late night
�� � �
MIDWAY CENTER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 4
session at 11:00 p.m. and people would be out by 1:00 a.m. However, they aze limited to 21
sessions that they can be open in a week.
Ms. Rozek asked about lighting. Mr. Michlitsch responded there will be a new entrance with
sufficient lighting. Midway Bingo will use 130 to 135 pazking spaces on their busiest night. He
would assume all those people will pazk close to the building. At least 1/4 of the space is within
a short walking distance of the front door.
Mr. Bina stated the landlord has provided adequate lighting in the facility. There is pazking lot
lighting in the back right now, which should be adequate. The landlord is concerned about safety
also and said he would take any lighting and quadruple it.
Dave Nelmark reported there aze no outstanding obligations against the four charities. They are
good citizens in the community.
Ellen Watters, President of Midway Chamber of Commerce, appeazed to speak in support of the
license application. The neighborhood's concerns have been articulated and addressed. This
business will add to the potential of redevelopment. This location provides a good opportunity
for the continued health of the bingo hall users and the potential for redevelopment of the site.
The increased activiTy that the customers will bring is a positive in terms of increased purchasing
and activity. As for crirne prevention, the more peopie around, the more positive environment is
created. Lighting and security are unportant. A beat cop is working from 10:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. If
crime becomes a huge problem, the Chamber of Commerce will be in line with the neighbors
saying this needs to be fixed.
Ms. Watters stated Midway Training Services is an important partner in the continued health of
the Midway. They help the Chamber of Commerce pick up shopping carts in the area and trash.
Mr. Strathman asked is the parking adequaze. Mr. Zangs responded it is.
Gerry Strathman recommended approval of this license application. He understands ail the
issues raised. It seems the applicant has satisfactorily addressed the issues. The signage seems
appropriate. The security plans seem reasonable. He understands the reticence about doing
landscaping in the parking lot because of potential development. Location makes pazking less of
a visual problem than in a more residential neighborhood. T'here is no reason to limit the license
beyond the customary term of two yeazs. There will be another resolution for a variance from the
required two miles beriveen bingo locarions, but that wili be a public hearing before the City
The meeting was adjourned at 10:54 a.m.
(Note: Larry Zangs retained some of the items given to Gerry Strathman at tlus meeting.)
Council Rile # p��(.�
Referred To
Aequested by Departrnent of:
WHEREAS, the Legislarive Hearing Officer recommends that license application
Bingo Hall License by RK Midway LLC, dba Midway Center Bingo, 1508 Unive
approved; /
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint
appiication. �
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Co leman
Har ris
Re iter
B o s irom
Green Sheet # 104014
# 20000003609) for a
Avenue West, be
approves this license
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified 6y�uncil Secretary
Appmved by May,6r: Date
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
NUMBER CX-00-1838
City Council Offices
Gerry Stxathman, 266-8560
September 27, 2000
00 . p�G p'
9-zo-z000 GREEN SHEET No 1 C�;� 0"1 4
u �,..,.�*� u �,.� —
❑ d1YAiiOItlEY � tltYCliM
❑ w�wc4�m�xcrso.� ❑ w/.rcu�.aomKCro
� WYORI�I1t9RAMi1 ❑
Approving application for a Bingo Hall License by RK Midway LLC, DBA Midway Center Bingo,
1508 University Avenue West.
Has mis ae���m e.erwal�a undera co�nsa r«mis dePanmem7 .
tlas ttae c�eoM�m erer heen a dty empbyce9 .
YEg NO .
Doec this per�rm posBess a sidll not rannalrypossesseG by any curtmt dty employeel
k Mis persavTifm a tazgeted ventloYt
�„�,�g�t�i� a ?Ch GG, $�°Y
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couxa oF ArrEai,s
AIUMBER CX-00.1838 ,
Monday, September 18, 2000
Room 330 Courthouse
Gerry Straflunan, Legislative Hearing Officer
Staff Present: Dave Nelmazk, License, Inspection, Environmental Protection (LIEP); Christine
Rozek, LIEP; Larry Zangs, LIEP
The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m.
Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is being held to heaz objections to a license by RK Midway
Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP, reported this is an application for RK Midway LLC,
doing business as Midway Bingo Center at 1508 University Avenue West in the Midway
Shopping Center. Licensing has approved the application. Fire inspection will approve this
upon final inspection. Zoning has questions about parking information.
Lany Zangs reported the parking looks fine, but he needs some explanaxion on some of the
numbers. He wiil defer his decision on the parking untii he hears from the applicant.
Ms. Rozek stated this bingo hali is within two miles of an existing bingo hall. There will need to
be a resolution to waive the two mile distance requirement. Also present is Dave Nelmazk who
deals with gambling licenses in case there are questions about the gambling aspect of the bingo
Don Ludemami, President of Snelling Hamline Community Council, 1573 Se1by Avenue #311,
appeared and stated neighbors have expressed some concerns. His understanding is the hearing
today only addresses the application by RK Midway to operate a bingo hall. He asked would
there be another hearing regarding the other four tenants because the letter he sent in objection
addressed the gambling licenses as we11. Gerry Strathman stated the fact that Mr. Ludemann was
objecting to the gamblang licenses got missed. Ae asked could the gambling license applications
be deait with this morning. Ms. Rozek responded present aze representatives from all the
organizations that intend to conduct charitable gambling.
Mr. Strathman stated he will deal with the bingo hall application and the gambling applicafions at
this meeting. The only people to come to these public hearings are interested parties and the
interested parties aze here.
Mr. Lademann stated it is a business friendly neighborhood. The community council was
notified in August when many residents were on vacation. Paula Maccabee offered to come to
their board meeting to help explain things, but the organization was unable to accommodate her.
The waiver requirement reads that a waiver will be granted when it will provide economic
development benefits without significant negative impact on residential or commercial uses. Mr.
NUMBER CX-00-1835
• � •s
MIDWAY CENT`ER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 2
Ludemann asked will that be a City Council issue. Mr. Strathman responded he would not hold a
legislafive hearing on the waiver issue; that would go directly to the City Council.
Mr. Ludemann stated University United is a group of district councils all along University
Avenue. The Midway Chamber of Commerce is also a member. They were involved i� the
development of two guidelines. One of those guidelines encourages vacant buildings to be
rebuilt and vacant lots to be redeveloped as quickly as possible so there is not an appearance of
neglect on the auenue; therefore, he is happy that RK Midway is going to fill some of the space.
One concem is the pazking in the south iot and that the bingo hall would get in the way of
redevelopment of that lot. Mr. Ludemann requested an annual renewal so that future
development of that lot would not be delayed. He asked does this license have a term, Ms.
Rozek responded it is renewable in two yeazs.
Mr. Ludemann wants to minimize massive asphalt in the parking lots. The design outlines
suggest trees should be planted in parking Iots: one tree per every 25 parking spots. He would
like RK Midway to consider landscaping to make St more aesthetically pleasing.
Mr. Ludemann is also concerned about people preying on the bingo players. He would like to
know the plans for security, cameras, lighting. Also, he is concerned about signage. He hopes it
does not add to the clutter of the signage on the avenue.
The following appeared: Paula Macaabee, consultant to RK Midway, and Joe Finley, attorney
and applicant. Ms. Maccabee stated the design guidelines encourage vacant buildings to be filled
to avoid the appeazance of neglect. The ordinance looks at the potential of waiver when it
provides economic benefit. The bingo hall is filling 2,000 square feet of space that was vacant
for 15 years. The current estimate of improvement to bring this properiy up to code is about
$700,000. According to the University design guidelines refened to by Mr. Ludemann, this part
of University is suppose to be a regional shopping center. This bingo hall will bring in about
15,000 customers a month, many of whom are middle class working people and many aze
women who will make a whole day of shopping or eating out.
Ms. Maccabee staxed this bingo ha11 is unlikely to have an impact an neighborhoods. It is more
than 75Q feet away from the nearest residence; therefore, some of the concerns that may apply in
other neighborhoods about tr�c, do not apply here. Also, it is tucked at the back of the center;
the concern about visibility and perception will not take piace here.
Potentiai redevelopment is a concern of the. developer also, stated Ms. Maccabee. RK Midway
has made significant inveshnents in lighting and in trees. The reason there is not a plan
submitted for landscaping is because it might interfere with potential redevelopment.
(Joe Finley gave Gerry Stratlunau the following: drawing of signage, zoning map azea, a
composite site p1an, parking calculations, a copy of the deed to prove they own the center,
certificate showing ownership, and the plat filed.)
NiJMBER CX-00-1838
C� C�-- �SC� �S
MIDWAY CENTER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 3
Joe Finley explained the location of the bingo hall in conjunction with other businesses in the
area. The bingo hall is not near any residential development. RK Midway had proposed several
things for the back lot, but there was a poilution issue there. Now the pollution has been
handied, and the back lot can be developed. They have run several pazking scenarios with a
bingo hall, hotel, and restaurant being built. They have also run the pazking figures and have
come up with 1,408. The existing lot has 1,396. Their goai is to redevelop the five acre piece of
Mr. Strathman stated the signage looks consistent with other signs on the building. Tom Bina,
contractor, responded it will be sunilar to other signage on the Midway Shopping Center.
Michael Michlitsch, 3870 Ef&ess Road, White Bear Lake, appeared and stated he is currently
representing the charities moving into the proposed site. The four chariries have been involved
for at least nine years, specifically in bingo and pull tabs: 1) Midway Training Services offers
services to people with developmental disabilities, 2) Midway Transportation provides
transportation to people with disabilities, 3) Church of the Holy Childhood, and 4) St. Mary's
Greek Orthodox Church. Thep currently all hold a Class A license at Midway Bingo Palace on
Le�ngton and University. AIl four organizations depend on the funds from charitable gambling.
Mr. Michlitsch assumes the security at 1508 University will be similar to the Lexington and
Universiry site in that it will have a uniform security person during the evening sessions to assist
any customers that would like to be walked to a vehicle. They have had few problems in the last
nine years. The bingo ha11 will also use a private securiry service and off duty Saint Paul Police
Officers. Midway Shopping Center also has security in a vehicle available in the evenings.
Mr. Ludemann stated this wili be an entirely different environment. There will be more traffic
and more crime. Mr. Finley responded he believes that most of the people in the Midway -
Shopping Center are good people and shoppers. Crimes of opportunity will d'ecrease because
there wiil be more witnesses. The bingo operation will be located in the center. This is a true
economic benefit to Midway 5hopping Center and the whole community. People who are
transportation disadvantaged can now make a trip to the bingo hall and go shopping. Mr. Finley
has represented the owner of the shopping center for yeus; if there is a problem, the owner will
address it.
Mr. Finley hopes Mr. Strathman will not lose sight of the fact that this is a permitted use. This
space is an eyesore right now and cannot be rented. It will be gutted, a new exterior added, and
new bathrooms.
Ms. Rozek asked about an on site manager of the facility. Mr. Michlitsch responded it has not
been decided who will be the manager, but there will be one.
Ms. Rozek asked about hours of operation. Mr. Michlitsch responded they propose to be open
seven days a week. Doors wouid open at noon, bingo would start at 1:Q0, and be over with at
4:00. Doors would reopen again at about 6:00 p.m. and bingo would start at 7:00 and again at
9:00. People will be out of the hall by 11:00 p.m. They have talked about having a late night
NIJMSER CX-00-1838
�� • •.
MIDWAX CENTER BINCzO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 4
session at 11:00 p.m. and people would be out by 1:00 a.m. However, they are limited to 21
sessions that they can be open in a week.
Ms. Rozek asked about lighting. Mr. Michlitsch responded there will be a new enirance with
sufficient lighting. Midway Bingo-will use 130 to 135 pazking spaces on their busiest night. He
would assume ail those people will park close to the building. At least 1/4 of the space is within
a short walking distance of the front door.
Mr. Bina stated the landlord has provided adequate lighting in the facility. There is pazking lot
lighting in the back right now, which should be adequate. The landlord is concerned about safety
also and said he would take any lighting and quadruple it.
Dave Nelmazk reported there aze no outstanding obligations against the four charities. They are
good citizens in the community.
Ellen Watters, President of Midway Chamber of Commerce, appeared to speak in support of the
license application. The neighborhood's concerns have been articulated and addressed. This
business will add to the potential of redevelopment. This location provides a good opportunity
for the continued health of the bingo hall users and the potential for redevelopment of the site.
The increased activity that the customers witl bring is a positive in terms of increased purchasing
and activity. As for crime prevention, the more people around, the more positive environment is
created. Lighting and security are nnportant. A beat cop is working from 10:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. If
crime becomes a huge problem, the Chamber of Commerce will be in line with the neighbors
saying this needs to be fixed.
Ms. Watters stated Midway Training Services is an important pariner in the continued health of
the Midway. They help the Chamber of Commerce pick up shopping carts in the azea and trash.
Mr. Strathman asked is the parking adequate. Mr. Zangs responded it is.
Gerry Strathman recommended approval of this license application. He understands a11 the
issues raised. It seems the applicant has satisfactorily addressed the issues. The signage seems
appropriate. The security plans seem reasonable. He understands the reticence about doing
landscaping in the pazking lot because of potendal development. Location makes pazking less of
a visual problem than in a more residential neighborhood. There is no reason to limit the 13cense
beyond the customary term of two yeazs. There will be another resolution for a variance from the
required two miles between bingo locations, but that wili be a public hearing before the City
The meeting was adjourued at 10:54 a.m.
(Note: Larry Zangs retained some of the items given to Gerry Strathman at this meeting.)
NUMBER CX-00-1838
Council File # O 0 — $'(�
Referred To
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application
Bingo Hall License by RK Midway LLC, dba Midway Center Bingo, 1508 Unive
approved; /
TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint
application. N
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Haz ris
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R e it er
Green Sheet # 104414
# 20000003609) for a
Avenue VJest, be
approves this license
Form Approved by City Attomey
Adopted by Council: Daze
Adoption Certified by uncil Secretary
Approved by Ma r: Date
Aequested by Department o£
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Ci�y Council Offices
Strathman, 266-$560
September 27, 2000
No1nr r:±�
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Approving application for a Bingo Hall License by RK Midway LLC, DBA Midway Center Bingo,
1508 University Avenue West.
Hes llue P�eoMrm everwarked untler a ca�6act Torthis depertm¢nl�
Flas thie RNeoMrm e�er been a cilY emWuYee4
Does ihis P�� D� a sidll r� namalbP� bY �Y cunent cdY emGbYee7
b Mis pereonlfirm a terpe[ed vendoY!
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Monday, September 18, 2000
Room 330 Courthouse
Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
Staff Present:. Dave Nelmazk, License, Inspecrion, Environmental Protection (LIEP); Christine
Rozek, LIEP; Latry Zangs, LIEP
The meeting was called to order at 10:02 am.
Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is beiug held to hear objections to a license by RK Midway
Cluistine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP, reported this is an application for RK Midway LLC,
doing business as Midway Bingo Center at 1508 University Avenue West in the Midway
Shopping Center. Licensing has approved the applicarion. Fire inspection will approve this
upon fmal inspection. Zoning has questions about pazking information.
Larry Zangs reported the pazking looks fine, but he needs some explanation on some of the
numbers. He will defer his decision on the pazking until he hears from the applicant.
Ms. Rozek stated this bingo hall is within two miles of an existing bingo hail. There will need to
be a resolution to waive the two mile distance requirement. Also present is Dave Nelmark wha
deals with gambling licenses in case there are questions about the gambling aspect of the bingo
Don Ludemann, President of Snelling Hamline Community Council, 1573 Selby Avenue #311,
appeazed and stated neighbors have expressed some concerns. His understanding is the hearing
today only addresses the application by RK Midway to operate a bingo hall. He asked would
there be another hearing regazding the other four tenants because the letter he sent in objecfion
addressed the gambling licenses as well. Gerry Strathman stated the fact that Mr. Ludemann was
objecting to the gambling licenses got missed. He asked could the gambling license applicalions
be dealt with this morning. Ms. Rozek responded present aze representatives from all the
organizations that intend to conduct charitable gambling.
NIr. Strathman stated he will deal with the bingo hail applicafion and the gambling applications at
this meeting. The only people to come to these public hearings are interested parties and the
interested parties are here.
Mr. Ludemann stated it is a business friendly neighborhood. The community council was
notified in August when many residents were on vacation. Paula Maccabee offered to come to
their boazd meeting to help explain things, but the organizarion was unable to accommodate her.
The waiver requirement reads that a waiver will be granted when it will provide economic
development benefits without significant negative impact on residential or commercial uses. Mr.
�+ .
� •:
MIDWAY CENTER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 2
Ludemanu asked will that be a City Council issue. Mr. Strathman responded he would not hold a
legislative hearing on the waiver issue; that would go directly to the City Council.
Mr. Ludemann stated University United is a group of district councils all along University
Avenue. The Midway Chamber of Commerce is also a member. They were involved in the
development of two guidelines. One of those guidelines encourages vacant buildings to be
rebuilt and vacant lots to be redeveloped as quickly as possible so there is not an appeazance of
neglect on the avenue; therefore, he is happy that RK Midway is going to fil1 some of the space.
One concern is the pazking in the south lot and that the bingo hall would get in the way of
redevelopment of that lot. Mr. Ludemann requested an annual renewal so that future
development of that lot would not be delayed. He asked does this license have a term. Ms.
Rozek responded it is renewable in two yeazs.
Mr. Ludemann wants to m;n;mize massive asphalt in the pazking lots. 'I'4ie design outlines
suggest trees should be planted in pazking lots: one tree per every 25 parking spots. He would
like RK Midway to consider landscaping to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
Mr. Ludemann is also concerned about people preying on the bingo players. He would like to
know the plans for security, cameras, lighting. A1so, he is concerned about signage. He hopes it
does not add to the ciutter of the signage on the avenue.
The following appeared: Paula Maccabee, consultant to RK Midway, and Joe Finley, attorney
and applicant. Ms. Maccabee stated the design guidelines encourage vacant buildings to be filled
to avoid the appearance of neglect. The ordinance looks at the potential of waiver when it
provides economic benefit. The bingo hali is filling 2,400 squaze feet of space that was vacant
for 15 years. The current estimate of unprovement to bring this property up to code is about
$700,000. According to the University design guidelines referred to by Mr. Ludemann, this part
of i3niversiry is suppose to be a regional shopping center. This bingo hall wili bring in about
15,000 customers a month, many of whom are middle class working people and many are
women who will make a whole day of shopping or eating out.
Ms. Maccabee stated this bingo hall is unlikely to have an impact on neighborhoods. It is more
than 750 feet away from the nearest residence; therefore, some of the concerns that may apply in
other neighborhoods about traffic, do not apply here. Aiso, it is tucked at the back of the center;
the concern about visibility and perception will not take place here.
Potential redevelopment is a concern of the, developer also, stated Ms. Maccabee. RK Midway
has made significant investments in light3ng and in trees. The reason there is not a plan
submitted for landscaping is because it might interfere with potential redevelopment.
(Joe Finley gave Gerry Strathman the following: drawing of signage, zoning map azea, a
composite site plan, pazking calculations, a copy of the deed to prove they own the center,
certificate showing ownership, and the plat filed.)
� L�--�S� �
MIDWAY CENTER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 3
Joe Finley eapiained the location of the bingo hall in conjunction with other businesses in the
azea. The bingo hall is not neaz any residenrial development. RK Midway had proposed several
things for the back lot, but there was a pollution issue there. Now the pollution has been
handled, and the back lot can be developed. They have run severai parking scenarios with a
bingo hall, hotel, and restaurant being built. They have also run the pazking figures and have
come up with 1,408. The e�sting lot has 1,396. Their goal is to redevelop the five acre piece of
Mr. Sirathman stated the signage looks consistent with other signs on the building. Tom Bina,
contractor, responded it will be similar to other signage on the Midway Shopping Center.
Michael Michiitsch, 3870 Ef&ess Road, White Bear Lake, appeazed and stated he is currently
representing the charities moving 'into the proposed site. The four charities have been involved
for at least nine yeazs, specifically in bingo and pull tabs: 1) Midway Training Services offers
services to people with developmental disabilities, 2) Midway Transportation provides
transportarion to people with disabilifies, 3) Church of the Holy Childhood, and 4) St. Mazy's
Greek Orthodox Church. They currently all hoid a Class A license at Midway Bingo Palace on
Lexington and University. All four organizafions depend on the funds from charitable gambling.
Mr. Michlitsch assumes the security at 1508 University wiil be similaz to the Lexington and
University site in that it will have a uniform security person during the evening sessions to assist
any customers that would like to be waiked to a vehicle. They have had few problems in the last
nine yeazs. The bingo hall wili also use a private security service and off duty Saint Paul Police
Officers. Midway Shopping Center also has security in a vehicle available in the evenings.
Mr. Ludemann stated this will be an entirely different environment. There will be more traffic
and more crime. Mr. Finley responded he believes that most of the people in the Midway
Shopping Center are good people and shoppers. Crimes of opportunity will decrease because
there will be more witnesses. The bingo operation will be located in the center. This is a true
economic benefit to Midway Shopping Center and the whole communiry. People who aze
transportation disadvantaged can now make a trip to the bingo hall and go shopping. Mr. Finley
has represented the owner of the shopping center for yeazs; if there is a problem, the owner will
address it.
Mr. Finley hopes Mr. Strathman wili not lose sight of the fact that this is a permitted use. This
space is an eyesore right now and cannot be rented. It will be gutted, a new exterior added, and
new bathrooms.
Ms. Rozek asked about an on site manager of the facility. Mr. Michlitsch responded it has not
been decided who wiil be the manager, but there will be one.
Ms. Rozek asked about hours of operation. Mr. Michlitsch responded they propose to be open
seven days a week. Doors would open at noon, bingo would start at 1:00, and be over with at
4:00. Doors would reopen again at about 6:00 p.m. and bingo would start at 7:00 and again at
9:00. People will be out of the hall by 11:00 p.m. They have talked about having a late night
�� � �
MIDWAY CENTER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 4
session at 11:00 p.m. and people would be out by 1:00 a.m. However, they aze limited to 21
sessions that they can be open in a week.
Ms. Rozek asked about lighting. Mr. Michlitsch responded there will be a new entrance with
sufficient lighting. Midway Bingo will use 130 to 135 pazking spaces on their busiest night. He
would assume all those people will pazk close to the building. At least 1/4 of the space is within
a short walking distance of the front door.
Mr. Bina stated the landlord has provided adequate lighting in the facility. There is pazking lot
lighting in the back right now, which should be adequate. The landlord is concerned about safety
also and said he would take any lighting and quadruple it.
Dave Nelmark reported there aze no outstanding obligations against the four charities. They are
good citizens in the community.
Ellen Watters, President of Midway Chamber of Commerce, appeazed to speak in support of the
license application. The neighborhood's concerns have been articulated and addressed. This
business will add to the potential of redevelopment. This location provides a good opportunity
for the continued health of the bingo hall users and the potential for redevelopment of the site.
The increased activiTy that the customers will bring is a positive in terms of increased purchasing
and activity. As for crirne prevention, the more peopie around, the more positive environment is
created. Lighting and security are unportant. A beat cop is working from 10:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. If
crime becomes a huge problem, the Chamber of Commerce will be in line with the neighbors
saying this needs to be fixed.
Ms. Watters stated Midway Training Services is an important partner in the continued health of
the Midway. They help the Chamber of Commerce pick up shopping carts in the area and trash.
Mr. Strathman asked is the parking adequaze. Mr. Zangs responded it is.
Gerry Strathman recommended approval of this license application. He understands ail the
issues raised. It seems the applicant has satisfactorily addressed the issues. The signage seems
appropriate. The security plans seem reasonable. He understands the reticence about doing
landscaping in the parking lot because of potential development. Location makes pazking less of
a visual problem than in a more residential neighborhood. T'here is no reason to limit the license
beyond the customary term of two yeazs. There will be another resolution for a variance from the
required two miles beriveen bingo locarions, but that wili be a public hearing before the City
The meeting was adjourned at 10:54 a.m.
(Note: Larry Zangs retained some of the items given to Gerry Strathman at tlus meeting.)
Council Rile # p��(.�
Referred To
Aequested by Departrnent of:
WHEREAS, the Legislarive Hearing Officer recommends that license application
Bingo Hall License by RK Midway LLC, dba Midway Center Bingo, 1508 Unive
approved; /
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint
appiication. �
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Co leman
Har ris
Re iter
B o s irom
Green Sheet # 104014
# 20000003609) for a
Avenue West, be
approves this license
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified 6y�uncil Secretary
Appmved by May,6r: Date
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
NUMBER CX-00-1838
City Council Offices
Gerry Stxathman, 266-8560
September 27, 2000
00 . p�G p'
9-zo-z000 GREEN SHEET No 1 C�;� 0"1 4
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❑ w�wc4�m�xcrso.� ❑ w/.rcu�.aomKCro
� WYORI�I1t9RAMi1 ❑
Approving application for a Bingo Hall License by RK Midway LLC, DBA Midway Center Bingo,
1508 University Avenue West.
Has mis ae���m e.erwal�a undera co�nsa r«mis dePanmem7 .
tlas ttae c�eoM�m erer heen a dty empbyce9 .
YEg NO .
Doec this per�rm posBess a sidll not rannalrypossesseG by any curtmt dty employeel
k Mis persavTifm a tazgeted ventloYt
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AIUMBER CX-00.1838 ,
Monday, September 18, 2000
Room 330 Courthouse
Gerry Straflunan, Legislative Hearing Officer
Staff Present: Dave Nelmazk, License, Inspection, Environmental Protection (LIEP); Christine
Rozek, LIEP; Larry Zangs, LIEP
The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m.
Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is being held to heaz objections to a license by RK Midway
Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP, reported this is an application for RK Midway LLC,
doing business as Midway Bingo Center at 1508 University Avenue West in the Midway
Shopping Center. Licensing has approved the application. Fire inspection will approve this
upon final inspection. Zoning has questions about parking information.
Lany Zangs reported the parking looks fine, but he needs some explanaxion on some of the
numbers. He wiil defer his decision on the parking untii he hears from the applicant.
Ms. Rozek stated this bingo hali is within two miles of an existing bingo hall. There will need to
be a resolution to waive the two mile distance requirement. Also present is Dave Nelmazk who
deals with gambling licenses in case there are questions about the gambling aspect of the bingo
Don Ludemami, President of Snelling Hamline Community Council, 1573 Se1by Avenue #311,
appeared and stated neighbors have expressed some concerns. His understanding is the hearing
today only addresses the application by RK Midway to operate a bingo hall. He asked would
there be another hearing regarding the other four tenants because the letter he sent in objection
addressed the gambling licenses as we11. Gerry Strathman stated the fact that Mr. Ludemann was
objecting to the gamblang licenses got missed. Ae asked could the gambling license applications
be deait with this morning. Ms. Rozek responded present aze representatives from all the
organizations that intend to conduct charitable gambling.
Mr. Strathman stated he will deal with the bingo hall application and the gambling applicafions at
this meeting. The only people to come to these public hearings are interested parties and the
interested parties aze here.
Mr. Lademann stated it is a business friendly neighborhood. The community council was
notified in August when many residents were on vacation. Paula Maccabee offered to come to
their board meeting to help explain things, but the organization was unable to accommodate her.
The waiver requirement reads that a waiver will be granted when it will provide economic
development benefits without significant negative impact on residential or commercial uses. Mr.
NUMBER CX-00-1835
• � •s
MIDWAY CENT`ER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 2
Ludemann asked will that be a City Council issue. Mr. Strathman responded he would not hold a
legislafive hearing on the waiver issue; that would go directly to the City Council.
Mr. Ludemann stated University United is a group of district councils all along University
Avenue. The Midway Chamber of Commerce is also a member. They were involved i� the
development of two guidelines. One of those guidelines encourages vacant buildings to be
rebuilt and vacant lots to be redeveloped as quickly as possible so there is not an appearance of
neglect on the auenue; therefore, he is happy that RK Midway is going to fill some of the space.
One concem is the pazking in the south iot and that the bingo hall would get in the way of
redevelopment of that lot. Mr. Ludemann requested an annual renewal so that future
development of that lot would not be delayed. He asked does this license have a term, Ms.
Rozek responded it is renewable in two yeazs.
Mr. Ludemann wants to minimize massive asphalt in the parking lots. The design outlines
suggest trees should be planted in parking Iots: one tree per every 25 parking spots. He would
like RK Midway to consider landscaping to make St more aesthetically pleasing.
Mr. Ludemann is also concerned about people preying on the bingo players. He would like to
know the plans for security, cameras, lighting. Also, he is concerned about signage. He hopes it
does not add to the clutter of the signage on the avenue.
The following appeared: Paula Macaabee, consultant to RK Midway, and Joe Finley, attorney
and applicant. Ms. Maccabee stated the design guidelines encourage vacant buildings to be filled
to avoid the appeazance of neglect. The ordinance looks at the potential of waiver when it
provides economic benefit. The bingo hall is filling 2,000 square feet of space that was vacant
for 15 years. The current estimate of improvement to bring this properiy up to code is about
$700,000. According to the University design guidelines refened to by Mr. Ludemann, this part
of University is suppose to be a regional shopping center. This bingo hall will bring in about
15,000 customers a month, many of whom are middle class working people and many aze
women who will make a whole day of shopping or eating out.
Ms. Maccabee staxed this bingo ha11 is unlikely to have an impact an neighborhoods. It is more
than 75Q feet away from the nearest residence; therefore, some of the concerns that may apply in
other neighborhoods about tr�c, do not apply here. Also, it is tucked at the back of the center;
the concern about visibility and perception will not take piace here.
Potentiai redevelopment is a concern of the. developer also, stated Ms. Maccabee. RK Midway
has made significant inveshnents in lighting and in trees. The reason there is not a plan
submitted for landscaping is because it might interfere with potential redevelopment.
(Joe Finley gave Gerry Stratlunau the following: drawing of signage, zoning map azea, a
composite site p1an, parking calculations, a copy of the deed to prove they own the center,
certificate showing ownership, and the plat filed.)
NiJMBER CX-00-1838
C� C�-- �SC� �S
MIDWAY CENTER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 3
Joe Finley explained the location of the bingo hall in conjunction with other businesses in the
area. The bingo hall is not near any residential development. RK Midway had proposed several
things for the back lot, but there was a poilution issue there. Now the pollution has been
handied, and the back lot can be developed. They have run several pazking scenarios with a
bingo hall, hotel, and restaurant being built. They have also run the pazking figures and have
come up with 1,408. The existing lot has 1,396. Their goai is to redevelop the five acre piece of
Mr. Strathman stated the signage looks consistent with other signs on the building. Tom Bina,
contractor, responded it will be sunilar to other signage on the Midway Shopping Center.
Michael Michlitsch, 3870 Ef&ess Road, White Bear Lake, appeared and stated he is currently
representing the charities moving into the proposed site. The four chariries have been involved
for at least nine years, specifically in bingo and pull tabs: 1) Midway Training Services offers
services to people with developmental disabilities, 2) Midway Transportation provides
transportation to people with disabilities, 3) Church of the Holy Childhood, and 4) St. Mary's
Greek Orthodox Church. Thep currently all hold a Class A license at Midway Bingo Palace on
Le�ngton and University. AIl four organizations depend on the funds from charitable gambling.
Mr. Michlitsch assumes the security at 1508 University will be similar to the Lexington and
Universiry site in that it will have a uniform security person during the evening sessions to assist
any customers that would like to be walked to a vehicle. They have had few problems in the last
nine years. The bingo ha11 will also use a private securiry service and off duty Saint Paul Police
Officers. Midway Shopping Center also has security in a vehicle available in the evenings.
Mr. Ludemann stated this wili be an entirely different environment. There will be more traffic
and more crime. Mr. Finley responded he believes that most of the people in the Midway -
Shopping Center are good people and shoppers. Crimes of opportunity will d'ecrease because
there wiil be more witnesses. The bingo operation will be located in the center. This is a true
economic benefit to Midway 5hopping Center and the whole community. People who are
transportation disadvantaged can now make a trip to the bingo hall and go shopping. Mr. Finley
has represented the owner of the shopping center for yeus; if there is a problem, the owner will
address it.
Mr. Finley hopes Mr. Strathman will not lose sight of the fact that this is a permitted use. This
space is an eyesore right now and cannot be rented. It will be gutted, a new exterior added, and
new bathrooms.
Ms. Rozek asked about an on site manager of the facility. Mr. Michlitsch responded it has not
been decided who will be the manager, but there will be one.
Ms. Rozek asked about hours of operation. Mr. Michlitsch responded they propose to be open
seven days a week. Doors wouid open at noon, bingo would start at 1:Q0, and be over with at
4:00. Doors would reopen again at about 6:00 p.m. and bingo would start at 7:00 and again at
9:00. People will be out of the hall by 11:00 p.m. They have talked about having a late night
NIJMSER CX-00-1838
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MIDWAX CENTER BINCzO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 4
session at 11:00 p.m. and people would be out by 1:00 a.m. However, they are limited to 21
sessions that they can be open in a week.
Ms. Rozek asked about lighting. Mr. Michlitsch responded there will be a new enirance with
sufficient lighting. Midway Bingo-will use 130 to 135 pazking spaces on their busiest night. He
would assume ail those people will park close to the building. At least 1/4 of the space is within
a short walking distance of the front door.
Mr. Bina stated the landlord has provided adequate lighting in the facility. There is pazking lot
lighting in the back right now, which should be adequate. The landlord is concerned about safety
also and said he would take any lighting and quadruple it.
Dave Nelmazk reported there aze no outstanding obligations against the four charities. They are
good citizens in the community.
Ellen Watters, President of Midway Chamber of Commerce, appeared to speak in support of the
license application. The neighborhood's concerns have been articulated and addressed. This
business will add to the potential of redevelopment. This location provides a good opportunity
for the continued health of the bingo hall users and the potential for redevelopment of the site.
The increased activity that the customers witl bring is a positive in terms of increased purchasing
and activity. As for crime prevention, the more people around, the more positive environment is
created. Lighting and security are nnportant. A beat cop is working from 10:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. If
crime becomes a huge problem, the Chamber of Commerce will be in line with the neighbors
saying this needs to be fixed.
Ms. Watters stated Midway Training Services is an important pariner in the continued health of
the Midway. They help the Chamber of Commerce pick up shopping carts in the azea and trash.
Mr. Strathman asked is the parking adequate. Mr. Zangs responded it is.
Gerry Strathman recommended approval of this license application. He understands a11 the
issues raised. It seems the applicant has satisfactorily addressed the issues. The signage seems
appropriate. The security plans seem reasonable. He understands the reticence about doing
landscaping in the pazking lot because of potendal development. Location makes pazking less of
a visual problem than in a more residential neighborhood. There is no reason to limit the 13cense
beyond the customary term of two yeazs. There will be another resolution for a variance from the
required two miles between bingo locations, but that wili be a public hearing before the City
The meeting was adjourued at 10:54 a.m.
(Note: Larry Zangs retained some of the items given to Gerry Strathman at this meeting.)
NUMBER CX-00-1838
Council File # O 0 — $'(�
Referred To
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application
Bingo Hall License by RK Midway LLC, dba Midway Center Bingo, 1508 Unive
approved; /
TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint
application. N
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Green Sheet # 104414
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approves this license
Form Approved by City Attomey
Adopted by Council: Daze
Adoption Certified by uncil Secretary
Approved by Ma r: Date
Aequested by Department o£
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Ci�y Council Offices
Strathman, 266-$560
September 27, 2000
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Approving application for a Bingo Hall License by RK Midway LLC, DBA Midway Center Bingo,
1508 University Avenue West.
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Monday, September 18, 2000
Room 330 Courthouse
Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
Staff Present:. Dave Nelmazk, License, Inspecrion, Environmental Protection (LIEP); Christine
Rozek, LIEP; Latry Zangs, LIEP
The meeting was called to order at 10:02 am.
Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is beiug held to hear objections to a license by RK Midway
Cluistine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP, reported this is an application for RK Midway LLC,
doing business as Midway Bingo Center at 1508 University Avenue West in the Midway
Shopping Center. Licensing has approved the applicarion. Fire inspection will approve this
upon fmal inspection. Zoning has questions about pazking information.
Larry Zangs reported the pazking looks fine, but he needs some explanation on some of the
numbers. He will defer his decision on the pazking until he hears from the applicant.
Ms. Rozek stated this bingo hall is within two miles of an existing bingo hail. There will need to
be a resolution to waive the two mile distance requirement. Also present is Dave Nelmark wha
deals with gambling licenses in case there are questions about the gambling aspect of the bingo
Don Ludemann, President of Snelling Hamline Community Council, 1573 Selby Avenue #311,
appeazed and stated neighbors have expressed some concerns. His understanding is the hearing
today only addresses the application by RK Midway to operate a bingo hall. He asked would
there be another hearing regazding the other four tenants because the letter he sent in objecfion
addressed the gambling licenses as well. Gerry Strathman stated the fact that Mr. Ludemann was
objecting to the gambling licenses got missed. He asked could the gambling license applicalions
be dealt with this morning. Ms. Rozek responded present aze representatives from all the
organizations that intend to conduct charitable gambling.
NIr. Strathman stated he will deal with the bingo hail applicafion and the gambling applications at
this meeting. The only people to come to these public hearings are interested parties and the
interested parties are here.
Mr. Ludemann stated it is a business friendly neighborhood. The community council was
notified in August when many residents were on vacation. Paula Maccabee offered to come to
their boazd meeting to help explain things, but the organizarion was unable to accommodate her.
The waiver requirement reads that a waiver will be granted when it will provide economic
development benefits without significant negative impact on residential or commercial uses. Mr.
�+ .
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MIDWAY CENTER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 2
Ludemanu asked will that be a City Council issue. Mr. Strathman responded he would not hold a
legislative hearing on the waiver issue; that would go directly to the City Council.
Mr. Ludemann stated University United is a group of district councils all along University
Avenue. The Midway Chamber of Commerce is also a member. They were involved in the
development of two guidelines. One of those guidelines encourages vacant buildings to be
rebuilt and vacant lots to be redeveloped as quickly as possible so there is not an appeazance of
neglect on the avenue; therefore, he is happy that RK Midway is going to fil1 some of the space.
One concern is the pazking in the south lot and that the bingo hall would get in the way of
redevelopment of that lot. Mr. Ludemann requested an annual renewal so that future
development of that lot would not be delayed. He asked does this license have a term. Ms.
Rozek responded it is renewable in two yeazs.
Mr. Ludemann wants to m;n;mize massive asphalt in the pazking lots. 'I'4ie design outlines
suggest trees should be planted in pazking lots: one tree per every 25 parking spots. He would
like RK Midway to consider landscaping to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
Mr. Ludemann is also concerned about people preying on the bingo players. He would like to
know the plans for security, cameras, lighting. A1so, he is concerned about signage. He hopes it
does not add to the ciutter of the signage on the avenue.
The following appeared: Paula Maccabee, consultant to RK Midway, and Joe Finley, attorney
and applicant. Ms. Maccabee stated the design guidelines encourage vacant buildings to be filled
to avoid the appearance of neglect. The ordinance looks at the potential of waiver when it
provides economic benefit. The bingo hali is filling 2,400 squaze feet of space that was vacant
for 15 years. The current estimate of unprovement to bring this property up to code is about
$700,000. According to the University design guidelines referred to by Mr. Ludemann, this part
of i3niversiry is suppose to be a regional shopping center. This bingo hall wili bring in about
15,000 customers a month, many of whom are middle class working people and many are
women who will make a whole day of shopping or eating out.
Ms. Maccabee stated this bingo hall is unlikely to have an impact on neighborhoods. It is more
than 750 feet away from the nearest residence; therefore, some of the concerns that may apply in
other neighborhoods about traffic, do not apply here. Aiso, it is tucked at the back of the center;
the concern about visibility and perception will not take place here.
Potential redevelopment is a concern of the, developer also, stated Ms. Maccabee. RK Midway
has made significant investments in light3ng and in trees. The reason there is not a plan
submitted for landscaping is because it might interfere with potential redevelopment.
(Joe Finley gave Gerry Strathman the following: drawing of signage, zoning map azea, a
composite site plan, pazking calculations, a copy of the deed to prove they own the center,
certificate showing ownership, and the plat filed.)
� L�--�S� �
MIDWAY CENTER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 3
Joe Finley eapiained the location of the bingo hall in conjunction with other businesses in the
azea. The bingo hall is not neaz any residenrial development. RK Midway had proposed several
things for the back lot, but there was a pollution issue there. Now the pollution has been
handled, and the back lot can be developed. They have run severai parking scenarios with a
bingo hall, hotel, and restaurant being built. They have also run the pazking figures and have
come up with 1,408. The e�sting lot has 1,396. Their goal is to redevelop the five acre piece of
Mr. Sirathman stated the signage looks consistent with other signs on the building. Tom Bina,
contractor, responded it will be similar to other signage on the Midway Shopping Center.
Michael Michiitsch, 3870 Ef&ess Road, White Bear Lake, appeazed and stated he is currently
representing the charities moving 'into the proposed site. The four charities have been involved
for at least nine yeazs, specifically in bingo and pull tabs: 1) Midway Training Services offers
services to people with developmental disabilities, 2) Midway Transportation provides
transportarion to people with disabilifies, 3) Church of the Holy Childhood, and 4) St. Mazy's
Greek Orthodox Church. They currently all hoid a Class A license at Midway Bingo Palace on
Lexington and University. All four organizafions depend on the funds from charitable gambling.
Mr. Michlitsch assumes the security at 1508 University wiil be similaz to the Lexington and
University site in that it will have a uniform security person during the evening sessions to assist
any customers that would like to be waiked to a vehicle. They have had few problems in the last
nine yeazs. The bingo hall wili also use a private security service and off duty Saint Paul Police
Officers. Midway Shopping Center also has security in a vehicle available in the evenings.
Mr. Ludemann stated this will be an entirely different environment. There will be more traffic
and more crime. Mr. Finley responded he believes that most of the people in the Midway
Shopping Center are good people and shoppers. Crimes of opportunity will decrease because
there will be more witnesses. The bingo operation will be located in the center. This is a true
economic benefit to Midway Shopping Center and the whole communiry. People who aze
transportation disadvantaged can now make a trip to the bingo hall and go shopping. Mr. Finley
has represented the owner of the shopping center for yeazs; if there is a problem, the owner will
address it.
Mr. Finley hopes Mr. Strathman wili not lose sight of the fact that this is a permitted use. This
space is an eyesore right now and cannot be rented. It will be gutted, a new exterior added, and
new bathrooms.
Ms. Rozek asked about an on site manager of the facility. Mr. Michlitsch responded it has not
been decided who wiil be the manager, but there will be one.
Ms. Rozek asked about hours of operation. Mr. Michlitsch responded they propose to be open
seven days a week. Doors would open at noon, bingo would start at 1:00, and be over with at
4:00. Doors would reopen again at about 6:00 p.m. and bingo would start at 7:00 and again at
9:00. People will be out of the hall by 11:00 p.m. They have talked about having a late night
�� � �
MIDWAY CENTER BINGO, 1508 University Avenue West, 9-18-2000 Page 4
session at 11:00 p.m. and people would be out by 1:00 a.m. However, they aze limited to 21
sessions that they can be open in a week.
Ms. Rozek asked about lighting. Mr. Michlitsch responded there will be a new entrance with
sufficient lighting. Midway Bingo will use 130 to 135 pazking spaces on their busiest night. He
would assume all those people will pazk close to the building. At least 1/4 of the space is within
a short walking distance of the front door.
Mr. Bina stated the landlord has provided adequate lighting in the facility. There is pazking lot
lighting in the back right now, which should be adequate. The landlord is concerned about safety
also and said he would take any lighting and quadruple it.
Dave Nelmark reported there aze no outstanding obligations against the four charities. They are
good citizens in the community.
Ellen Watters, President of Midway Chamber of Commerce, appeazed to speak in support of the
license application. The neighborhood's concerns have been articulated and addressed. This
business will add to the potential of redevelopment. This location provides a good opportunity
for the continued health of the bingo hall users and the potential for redevelopment of the site.
The increased activiTy that the customers will bring is a positive in terms of increased purchasing
and activity. As for crirne prevention, the more peopie around, the more positive environment is
created. Lighting and security are unportant. A beat cop is working from 10:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. If
crime becomes a huge problem, the Chamber of Commerce will be in line with the neighbors
saying this needs to be fixed.
Ms. Watters stated Midway Training Services is an important partner in the continued health of
the Midway. They help the Chamber of Commerce pick up shopping carts in the area and trash.
Mr. Strathman asked is the parking adequaze. Mr. Zangs responded it is.
Gerry Strathman recommended approval of this license application. He understands ail the
issues raised. It seems the applicant has satisfactorily addressed the issues. The signage seems
appropriate. The security plans seem reasonable. He understands the reticence about doing
landscaping in the parking lot because of potential development. Location makes pazking less of
a visual problem than in a more residential neighborhood. T'here is no reason to limit the license
beyond the customary term of two yeazs. There will be another resolution for a variance from the
required two miles beriveen bingo locarions, but that wili be a public hearing before the City
The meeting was adjourned at 10:54 a.m.
(Note: Larry Zangs retained some of the items given to Gerry Strathman at tlus meeting.)