274884 Ni1iITE - CITV CLERK (���/� e PINK - FINANCE COUflC1I "�� � ��r� CANARV - OEPARTMENT Communit GITY OF SAINT PALTL � a 0`a �,���E ��v1AVOR y File N0. d Development) Council Resolution Page 1 of 2 Pages Presented By ° Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the . City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the following transfer of Corrmunity Development Block Grant Year IV and V funds; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the budgets provided by the City to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for implementation of a portion of the City's Community Development Year IV and V Programs are hereby revised as indicated below: Year IV Current Increase Revised Bud et (Decrease) Budget South of Front Acquisition 399,073 (75,273) 323,800 Public Improvements 72,000 (72,000) -0- Site Clearance 46,224 (12,050) 34,174 Relocation 355,741 (143,318) 212,423 Selective Clearance 50,000 143,800, � ' 193,800 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By tlpproved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approve or for Submis ' Council BY - - BY � WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COURCII Q A BL�ERV �MAYORTMENT �CO�un�'t\/ G I TY O� SA I NT PAUL . File �0. ����" ` Development) , , Council Resolution Page 2 of 2 Pages Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Year V Current Increase Revised Budget (Decrease) Budget South of Front Acquisition 604,000 75,273 679,273 Public Improvements -0- 72,000 72,000 Site Clearance 60,000 12,050 72,050 Relocation 358,000 143,318 501 ,318 Revenue• Program Income: Dedicated per 143,800 (143,800) -Q- CR#272842 TOTALS: YEAR'S IV & V 2,088,838 -0- 2,088,838 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: � � r rnard J. Carlson, Director hard E. chroeder Department of Finance & Management Budget Director COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �HON PED: Community Development Division Hozza In Favor Hunt �� Levine _ � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Te o M� $ �� Form Appro City A orn Adopt y Coun 1: Date � r rtified Y- ed Council Sec ary BY . !�p by Mavor: Dat _���(~� 2+ 1980 APprov d Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY �G `'_�E � MAY 1 ? 1980t � � � � � � � ' �x�WU�� �������� ��T.�� RECEIVED CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM APR 141980 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT April 11, 1980 DIVISION T0: Bob Kessler FROM: Tom Meyer '"��"`" T RE: South of Front Budget Amendment Request - Year IV and Year V Per our conversation of yesterday, we wish to make the following request for a �CDBG Budget amendment. Current Requested Revised South of Front Year IV Bud�et Revision Budget Acquisition $399,073 $ (75,273) $323,800 Public Improvements 72,000 (72,000) -0- Site Clearance 46,224 (12,050) 34,174 Relocation 355,741 (143,318) 212y423 $873,038 $ (302,641) $570,397 South of Front Year V Acquisition $604,000 $ 75,273 $679,273 Public Improvements -0- 72,000 72,000 Site Clearance 60,000 12,050 72,050 Relocation 358,000 143,318 501y318 $1,022,000 $ 302,641 $1,324,641 Total South of Front - Year IV and V $1,895,038 $ -0- $1 895,038 �� The above figures represent HRA-PED budget appropriations only. They do not include Public Works appropriations for South of Front. The result of this amendment will be to close out CD Year IV and charge all future expenditures to CL� Year V - effective immediately. Existing CD Year IV commitments will be transferred to CD Year V and payments against these commit- ments will be charged to CD Year V - effective immediately, �6���r� Bob Kessler Page 2, April 11, 1980 The reason for the request is to eliminate some of the confusion between years and avoid budget overruns in the Year V, _ Please let me know if there are any questions. jz cc: Corrine Haas Ken Gauthier Irene Karner Sheri Pemberton w.�111 . . . , CLEHK �'�L�•• / � � � l . \ [ P�NK - F�NANCE p C� I TY O1', �....='+1 1 �� 1 i,� L} L ���lflCll ����� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BIUE - MAYOH File NO. � �� Cou�zcil �Zesolution � �����;� .1 ' � ; —�`� . �esented By ��` ' J Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By Date RESOLYED, that upon the recc�endation af the Mayor, the Council of th� City of Saint Paul does tx�reby approve the folZowing transfer of Cc�+Unity Develo�ent Block Graat Year II, III, ar�d IV funds; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the agrear�r�t betv�er� the Ci�y af Saint Pau1 and the Housing and Redeve]opment Authority uf the City of Saint Paul for i�ple�entation of a Tportton of the Co�n3ty Devela�nt Year II, III. and IV Programs are hereby amended in accordance witfi t� b�dget transfers indicated beiaw: � Comuauni� Deveiopm�nt Year II , , Current Increase Revised Pro ect Sud et (Decrease) Bu�,d ,et Rice-Mar�on Phase II A�c{�isition (1) . $208,Qa0 $191,714 �337,087 Improvements {2) 38,OOU � - (�13) Clearance (4) 23,0�0 (17,40I) . 5,599 Relocatian {i2) 173,4Q� �173,4aQ) . �42,40fl Project Totals ����40Q �CommunitY Development Year IIi Acquisition in Five ITA's AcquiSltiOn ('i) 56,670 -0- 56,670 Ctearance (2) . �0,0�0 -0- 20,000 Relocation (12) 150,000 {120,OQ0} 30 O(i4 Project Tota'ts 26,fi70 �0� Selective Clearance Re1ocation (TZy 3��saoo (s�Q,�00} 165,00a COUNGLMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays� Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — --- Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form A ppioved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � �ified Yassed by Council Secretary BY � � 't- °-. �- By� ' I�pproved by Ylavor: Date _ Approved,by Mayor for Submission to Council By - — BY, .. r ...�I 11 . � Cl_EHK • . �'INK - i INANCE - \ (\ ( �7 � . CANAR� � C�E�PAHTMENT (� I 'I,Y (��• �. ,� I :V T 1jL� t} L <'UliYli:ll BLUE - MAVOF: File NO. , � • Cou�cil �esolution �'������ �sented f3y _ � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 Coam�unity Oevelopment Year IU Carrent Ir�creass Revi sed Pro ect Bud �t (I?�crease Sudget _— Selective Clearance Relocation (12) $300,000 (�250,004) � 50,000 , Rice-Marion Phase II A�cquisiticM �i} 340,OQ0 777,375 1,117,375 Clear�nce (4) 60,000 42,625 _ 't02,625 Relocatfon (12} 304,000 (300,QQ4� -�- PRaJECT �t3TAL 700,000 ��220�00a and be it � - fINALLY RESOLVED, that upon the recomeaendation of the Mayor, th� Council of the City of Saint Paut does also apprave the utilizatiom of land disposit9on proceeds to be received from the resale of the Ric�-Marion Phase II properties to replace a portion � of the funds taken frora the CD Year IY Sel�ctive Clearance program. Said land - disposftion proceeds are est�imated to be at ]east $150,Q00, and it is anttcipated that the City a�tll receive these funds before the end af i979, at �rhich time he aill be added to the Selc�ctive Clearanr,� Year IV budget. Sach transactio� wili require 1n further City Coemc9i action. , �� APPROVED AS TO Flf�iDS: APPROVED: �t:�l,(� 1'J�jGf. ��=�'-c,'i. � .. -�-''"�y'� ' . �.� V" !y rna . Ca�r son, �irector ��J�' ' Richard E. Sc roeder Departmertt ot finance & �lanagerr�nt ���,� Budget Director COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays" Requested by Department of: � Butler PE�--Cocmiunity �evelopment Division _�� [n Favor � Hunt Q �. �' `� y-"'" �,��/ �^; '' Levine _ __ Against By i =-�r:; � Maddox Showalter Tedesco ApR 2 6 1979 Focm A�pptoved,by City Attorney � -, t Adopted by Council: Date _ r �,' �, a� r� �''r j�� , ,._...�_......� ..,.. �fied Yassed by Council Secretary By�`� - l � _ ' ' � /{ ' _ 1 6y '� /' .�l t�pproved by 1�lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , , , .,/ �� BY - – — BY • `�._. '� �I nl'Y ��+` ►.���'�.����'"'.� ��.U7U -�� � . s= ":- � g . �"''' 03+-`l�+ C� 0�+� THE CITY f;OIIIYCIL ��.`r..� �''`'4 jf��jyJ,'�y��'t;��, � ' 3l/�iiif�'^ � ���yf V �' ��R�1��`KJ;y�� ��;�, � � wiV��� . ��.r� ._ _ ''r,. f f..., � . . ``�Ss. � 4 .x-. Ddte : May S , 1980 - .. ,_� :� � Q � � ���E � � � � � ��� TO : Saint Rau[ Cii� CQUr��i1 � F�O �+OI � COd'�iTT1i�`�L� � INANCE , b9ANAGEP�IENT AND PERSONNEL � ' •o! lowin RUBY HUNT � , chairman, makes the f g repart on �:. F. [� CJrdinunc:e ( ) [�X F7esolufion �] Other � ����� � The Finance Committee, at its meeting of May 5, 1980, . recommended approval of the following: _ �• 1 . Resolution establishing title of Emergency Preparedness �Coardinator in Grade 37 of Section 3. E (Fire Non-Supv. Group) of the Civil Service Rules and also establishing class specs for this title in Sect�.on ?Z of the Civil Service Rules . 2 . Resolution pertaining ta filling the Property Manager .posi.tion be forwarded directly to the City Council after �:t has beeri passed by the Civil Service Commission. � . 3 . Resolution authorizing ad�a.nistration to negotiate leasing _of space in City �Iall Annex. 4 . Resolution providing budget amendments in CD Year IV and V. -. :s_:=� S . ResoJ.utions approving joint mortgage financing undertaking with , � the City of Minneapolis and the McKnight Foundation . (resolutions will be forwarded later) . �iTY �iALL SEVBNTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, bfIN��OTA S�IO2 �' ..� .. . . ._ ..._ ...,.... ..r .._.a�.�.._.r _ _ . __..,_. . ...�... _ _ � i��s�� T��`���� �` � 5' y�;. �fx_ a • ��"ir�'1� • ����K J-r � . �, „ tra- � t ��. . ... � . . � oatn�b '�'�,�.. � . ��P'l.;A�1�lTlt�t �F A�!li�t� T ? �'I#I� R5, �r ; 6 4' q ;fa�o� . . ' � ��� + a . 3 � . ����i� �� f, , �. � , .. .. .� Z/++'.���� �����r (. I��'�e`'� �"it =�1, ���fl ' ��'�����"� ��,,w� . _ r � -. t�'^ ' MAX � �� ���* � 5 ' - �� .���; �: � .f .: � z , � � i , . - �� � ` �"��� �� `� � ?fl..: l�AYElti :��t?RGE 1,.A7IN�R ,. , �, , ����� , � _� ;':�• ' � �t: "I�.L�1MM" Q. PA�"�0�'1�� ti ♦ i 7k �'7 ��`:��N�� t4 �W� '`C�l�fI1"Y ��YEL(��'f`BL�K. ��';���; I�t � � �: � ' �� � � �� t � :� f: � � �" �"" � �"` ; � �:,� ,� � , . . � � : . _ ��, :� �, � � .. � . . - . .. �T�� ; � � ri� . � j �'� 'k � �� ..��� �". f � �.���i�„� ��E�i ApproYd� o�F 19UUtfg@t �i11�a1+�'ntS.a�S l isted• #�► ,�" . ,, �y,�/�, � It ' � f: . . � .. � . . . .� . . • . . � r ��' }� � -�{M } ,��, . � . . . � , . ,. � ;IR�� t �t 'z r � ' . .. ' . . �.'. Y ���J �, . . . � . . � .� i � � . � . . . . � Y '�7 .. . � � � . . � A '. . ... . . . . . .. � � r" � Yn' �„ ���. �, . „ :, . ,L ! n �. , . .�' : . . . .' '.. :. .� !:. .' t /��. r. � .. . . �. . . . . . . . . � S " ,. . � �.. �' . . . . '. . . � ..--:. � f . . . . ' .. . . . .. �' . . .. � . . . . . . . . . y + .�+'; 1 . . . .. . . ' . . �: . . " � - - � y� 1 y�"-- . . . . . . . . � S'� ` � �. . . . . . E . '��. ; ,�i . � . . � . . . � �d �� ��� ' � i�' � � . . +' � ' t � x x ^xr i � ' � � 'r ,:.� ,`����.G ��R �iJ ��r�i�: ��� A�#�V"'u� �� .�ir��S� ��7���!�� ��'. c '�"� `� � .:'.. � �. � , '.. . : . .. . . ,k.,_ `�E ,: � . . .. . �. . . � . �. .� ��� .. ._ ` . � S� 4 i ,,, , �� u���'� :�e �ou�� a� f'r�ntf r.o�rr�ty D�Yea+�i� Ysrxrr IV. ����.,,: �;�f� . � �` '`;�� . a „ , F i. �f . . . . .�.. . . .. .� , .. . . ,�.:� . _� �. : '��i �a �*� ? {� �:�r �:,..,� �� ���i`i�nsf+er tv Co�nnu�ity De+relapmen� Year IV �1eet�v� �1�earar��"f� ����I'�. �� i � � �` � : �. . �. . �. . � � 4 .� �4�r , . , ... . : �. . �.. . ; � �.. � � � r�eatul��g �a �e re�l� af R�ce-Mar�c�n II pro�e�rt3�s in a��e��� ��t� a �$; ,��,�.y�� ' � w� �s����l�r1 t+�. 2728�Z. ' ���� � 5 �; s � � r . , J �. �, tv > ""4;x � f �� . _ . .. .. , . . , . , . . � . . .. .� ���:ae' r rE . � , ,. x r, � +; �. : , . - .. . . . ,,: ,r � .� . _ .. . . � . � . . , �� ;. �_ � ,� �. .. .'� . . . . �. . r ' .' ,. . ,.,.:�. r �:.' , � k . . . .. . . . L � �.3., `" , . � .. � ��P R 4� .<. . �� � �. . -.. .. . -�.. : � � ��:i r. . ... . �. .. . . . . .. . ' . � ;� .:. :��., .`' yt A i ���l,�! �� ,�'������in��� Resalu�3�� x: � :� , �` '� , �,� ���i f� � M�,irer �� .�i Kes��er^ ,y , r -i � � f �a � �t C�t�e#�.�!l�tJ'1 u���tt, Nq. �'l�2$42 �' .�` `� � � a a 4� � ;� � �� � � _.s � � � : � � �� � �� � �� S� . _ 4, . . � ' � � . , , , ; �.� .-F . � , . ... .. ; : ' •� , :_ . � �� �. , .. . , � � � - '��� :� � � - - ._ .,.. __.,..���`