CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. u - �"���
Co�ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Administrative Resolution revising the Class
Specifications for the titles of Custo.dian Engineer I --
Library and Custodian Engineer II-Library in the
Civil Service Rules.
RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking
from Section 32 the Class Specifications for the titles of Custodian Engineer I--
Library and Custodian Engineer II--Library, and by substituting in lieu thereof,
the attached Class Specifications for the titles of Custodian Engineer I-..Library
and Custodian Engineer II--Library. �
� .,
Civil Service Commission
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas ��M�NaP! Nays
Hozza In Favor
Hunt � '�
Levine __ Against BY '
Ted MAY 8 1980 Fo� Approved y Ci A y
Adopted Counc' : Date
Ce fied Pa- d by C ncil Secretar BY
Ap o by ;Navor: at �v � h 14A� Ap o e by Mayor f b to Council
BY - B
!'U�l.tS�tED MAY 1 7 19��
Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Performs and directs the performance of
semi-skilled work in the cleaning and routine maintenance of the interior
and grounds of a large branch library agency with a climate control system;
and performs related duties as required.
Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative
supervision of the Building Maintenance Supervisor; may receive some
administrative supervision from a library agency supervisor.
Supervision Exercised: Exercises i�nediate technical supervision directly
over lower level custodial staff.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Assigns, directs and reviews the work of a custodial staff.
Demonstrates work practices and use of equipment.
Enforces employee safety regulations and housekeeping rules. .
Initiates requests for assistance on special projects.
Greases, oils and tends mechanical equipment related to a heating plant and
air conditioning system; cleans and lays up boiler and air conditioner.
Cleans fans and fan housings, related equipment and ducts; oils fan bearings;
adjusts tension and changes belts on fans; cleans and/or changes air
filters; cleans motors and changes oil.
Monitors automatic controls on boilers and in air conditioning equipment and
sets switches for day and night operations; reports malfunctions to higher
antfiority; takes immediate action to correct or shut down boiler during
hazardous or improper operation.
Mops, strips, seals and waxes floors; operates industrial type buffers and
scrnbbing machines; vacuums and shampoos carpet using powered cleaning
eqnipment; sets up and takes down tables and chairs for special events.
Removes ice and snow from sidewalks and other paved surfaces using hand
and powered equipment, mows and trims grassy area surrounding building
using hand and powered lawn mowing equipment.
Prepares reports and maintains records on fuel consumption, vandalism, time
sheets, equipment repairs and services.
Orders necessary maintenance supplies.
Performs light preventive maintenance work on powered mechanical equipment.
Working knowledge of hot air gas furnace and hot water low pressure boiler
Considerable ability to interpret temperature and pressure gauges and
to take appropriate corrective action.
Working knowledge of air conditioning systems.
Working knowledge of general housekeeping and cleaning materials, equipment
and methods.
Working ability to follow detailed oral and written instructions and to keep
simple records.
(continued on reverse side)
Same knowledge of safe and eff ective use of powered mechanical equipment
including lawn mowers, snow blowers, scrubbers and buffers, compressors
� and hand maintenance equipment including mops, rakes and shovels.
The ability to perform physical labor over extended periods of time in
adverse weather conditions.
Some ability to supervise the work of custodial employees.
The ability to work nights, weekends and holidays and to respond to
emergencies on short notice.
Ttao years' experience as a Custodian Engineer I or equivalent; or one year'S
e�cperience as a Custodian Engineer I or equivalent and a certificate in basic
refrigeration from TVI or equivalent. Must possess a Second C1ass Engineer,
Grade C license.
Title of class: �ry�� �
General Statement of Duties: Performs semi-skilled work in the cleaning
and routine maintenance of the interior, grounds and heating plant of a
library building or facility; under supervision, may assist with the
maintenance and operation of a large heating, ventilation and air
conditioning system; and performs related duties as required.
Supervision Received: Works under the close technical and general adminis-
trative supervision of the Building Maintenance Supervisor or a higher
level custodian engineer; may receive some administrative supervision from
a library agency supervisor.
Supervision Exercised: May exercise immediate supervision over lower level
custodial staff.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Greases, oils and tends mechanical equipment related to a heating plant;
cleans and lays up boiler. .
Performs minor repair and maintenance of building, sidewalks and yard.
Cleans fans and fan housings, related equipment and ducts; oils fan
bearings; ad�usts tension and changes belts on fans; cleans and/or
changes air filters; cleans motors and changes oil.
Monitors automatic controls on boilers and sets switches for day and
night operations; reports malfunctions to higher authority; takes
immediate action to correct or shut down boiler during hazardous
or improper operation.
Mops, strips, seals and waxes floors; operates industrial type buffer and
scrubbing machines; vacuums and shampoos carpet using powered cleaning
equipment; sets up and takes down tables and chairs for special events.
Removes ice and snow from sidewalks and other paved surfaces using hand
and powered snow equipment; mows and trims grassy area surrounding
building using hand and powered lawn mowing equipment.
Prepares reports and maintains records on fuel consumption, vandalism, time
sFieets, equipment repairs and service.
Orders necessary maintenance supplies.
Performs light preventive maintenance work on powered mechanical equipiaent.
Working knowledge of hot air gas furnance and hot water low pressure boiler
Working ability to interpret temperature and pressure gauges and to take
appropriate corrective action.
Working knowledge of general housekeeping and cleaning materials, equipment
and methods.
'The ability to follow detailed oral and written instructions and to keep
sfmple records.
Same knowledge of safe and effective use of powered iaechanical equipment
including lawn mowers, snow blowers, scrubbers and buffers, compressors
and hand maintenance equipment including mops, rakes and shovels.
(continued on reverse side)
The ability to perform physical labor over extended periods of time in
adverse weather conditions. �
The ability to work nights, weekends and holidays and to respond to emergencies
on short notice.
Must possess a Fourth Class Engineer, Grade C license.
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� '� f)Ute ; A ril 28 , 1980
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. TO : Sc�an� ���1 Ci��d �Q���ci �
F i� C� � � CO�i i�'it��'�'� �E`E FINANCE , AIANAGENIEI�'T AND PERSO�.'I�EL
RUBY HUNT ��,j� , chc�irrr;c+?�, ma�cc�s fihe i���l iowing
repcsrf an C. �. �~� C�i�ciina�c�
(8) �� t�esolufion
;�_� C)ther
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The Finance Committee , at its meeting of Apr. il 28 , 1980 , recommended appro�jal
of the following:
- 1 . Resolution revising minimum c{ualifications for Fire Captairi to rec�uire
completio�l of a teacher training course within the one y.ear probationary
period and to specify experience cannot be substituted for .both sections
of the course. (10852-RH)
2 . Resolutzon revising class specs for Gardener to better descYibe duties
and responsibility of position and revise nrinimum. c{uali,fications to.
specify "commercial" experience and to allow educatior� _in horticulture .
\ No change in rate of pay . (10853-RH)
3 . Resolution revising class specs for titles of Custodian Engineer I F TI-
Library. Major difference is distinction between small and Iarge branch
libraries . (10855-RH)
4 . Resolution establishing title of Custodian Engineer III-Library and a
class specificatio3� . This class defines duties and responsibilities
of the position which supervises the maintenance of the Central Library
facility . (10854-RH)
5 . Resolution establishing rate of. pay of $8 . 45 for first 6 months , and
$8 . 91 after 6 months for title of Custodian-Engineer-III -Library.
Same rate of pay given to Custociian Engineer III . (10856=ARH)
6. Resolution wi11 revise class specs for title of Building A4aintena�lce
Supervisor- Libraries to describe more accurately duties and responsi-
bilities of the position. (1085G-RH)
:IT". ?l'_AT.L SE�/ENTI-I FLD�R SAI�1'I' PAUL, :I�IN;YESOT:� S5i02
.� .._� _.
�- � Do not detach this memorandum from the
resolutian so that this informatian wi11 be
available to the City Council. 2"�L���,�
Date: March 20, 1980 � � C E � V E D
APR 16 f980
�IA-� �
TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER 1 � � I� -.- �� '
FR: Personnel Office �
� � v'
RE: Resolution for submission to City Council
We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council.
This Resolution revises the class specifications for the titles of Custodian Engineer I--
Li�nrary and Custodian Engineer II--Li.�rary. The major difference is that the revised
speci.fications provides a distinction between small and large branch libraries with
custodians of larger branches classified as a Custodian Engineer Ii--Library.
Resolution and copy for City Clerk.
• Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to supervise and perform work in the
maintenance and operation of buildings in the Bureau of
Libraries; and to perform related work as assigned. (Em-
ployees under this title will be required to take turns working
on night shifts and on Sundays and Holidays as required. )
Examples of work performed:
To sweep, dust and mop wood, tile, terrazzo and other type
floor s.
To re seal and to wax floor s.
To clean windows, walls, and woodwork.
To dust, wash and polish furniture.
To vacuum rugs and carpets.
To wash light globes.
To wash urixials, bowls, sinks and drinking fountains.
To empty waste paper baskets,
To mow lawns, trim hedges, and keep surround.ing grounds
ne�.t and clean,
• To clean sidewalks.
To sand sid.ewalks and to remove ice and snow.
To open up the building and to see that d.00rs are loeked at
the end of the day.
To close windows, and put out lights and adjust shad.es.
To move furniture, desks and equipment.
To replenish towels, toilet paper, soap, etc.
To replace light bulbs, fuses and washers and to make other
minor repairs.
To unplug toilets and sinks.
To grease, oil and tend mechanical and electrical equipment.
To take necessary steps to protect the build.ing from damage
in case of emergency,
To make minor emergen�y repairs and to report needed. repairs
or maintenance work to proper authorities.
To report fuel, gas, power and. water consumption.
To operate, anaintain and repair the heating, ventilating, lighting,
power, and elevator facilities.
To supervise the performance of the above duties.
Minimum qualifications:
Eighth-grade education. Must furnish the proper Grade C license
required to operate the boiler,
Effective December 17, 1973
� -
� Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform and to be responsible for the work
of maintaining the main library building; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To sweep, dust and mop wood, tile, terrazzo and other type floors.
To reseal and to wax floors.
To clean windows, walls, and woodwork.
To dust, wash and polish furniture.
To vacuum rugs and carpets.
To wash light globes.
To wash urinals, bowls, sinks and drinking fountains.
To empty waste paper baskets.
To mow lawns, trim hedges, and keep surrounding grounds neat
and clean.
To clean sidewalks.
To sand sidewalks and to remove ice and snow.
To open up the building and to see that doors are locked at the
� end of the day.
To close windows, and put out lights and adjust shades.
To move furniture and equipment.
To replenish towels, toilet paper, soap, etc.
To replace light bulbs, fuses and washers and to make other
minor repairs.
To unplug toilets and sinks.
To grease, oil and tend mechanical and electrical equipment.
To take necessary steps to protect the building from damage
in case of emergency.
To make minor emergency repairs and to report needed repairs
or maintenance work to proper authorities.
To report fuel, gas, power and water consumption.
To assign and direct the work of all custodial employees.
To aupervise the maintenance of the branch library buildings
and mobile system in the absence of the Custodian-Engineer
tLibrary Buildings).
To receive and to distribute all supplies.
Minimum qualifications:
Two years' experience as a Custodian-Engineer I in the library '
Effective October 10, 1966