274878 WMITE - CITV CLERK COUIICIl ��'8�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANA�RV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution revising the minimum qualifications in the Class Specification for the title of Fire Captain in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking from Section 32 the Class Specification for the title of Fire Captain, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached Class Specification for the title of Fire Captain. Approved; . Chai man � , ,� Civil Service Com ssion COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: MC AHON PERSO OFFIC �'� Hozza —� In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY � Maddox Showa Te co M�/ g �9a0 For Approved y ity At "' Adopte y Counc' . Date H� � 4 ` Ce �fied P� ed by uncil Secretary BY _ � t#p d by ;Navor. _ �nv �1-� 1qQ� AP by Mayor r bmission to Council B � BY ,,rtl�t.tskED MAY 1 7 t9�` � ����� Title of class: FIRE CAPTAIN � Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, to be in responsible command of a fire company on an assigned shift; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To respond to fire alarms and emergency ambulance runs with the company and to ass�mme command until relieved by a superior officer. To direct the placement of the company's apparatus. To lead Fire Fighters and direct them in extfnguishing fires, saving life and property, and on emergency ambulance runs. To be responsible for a fire station and its apparatus and equipment. To maintain discipline. To instruct the men in the latest methods of fighting fires and saving life and property. To enforce rules and regulations of the department. To assign the men to duties in quarters. To inspect buildings in his district and report on fire hazards. To keep records and make reports. Minimimm qualifications: Five years' experience in the position and holding the title of Fire Fighter, Fire Engineer or Fire Equipment Operator in the St. Paul Fire Department and campletion of the first unit of the Teacher Training curriculum as administered by St. Paul Technical and Vocational Institute, or an equivalent course of study approved by the Personnel Office, after taking the examination for Fire Captain. Tbe second unit of this Teacher Training course to be completed before the completion of the probationary period. (No substitution for the second unit.) r�'' �S /� J�y �q /� T�- y �53�� �.., 'LJ�3 �� �.i�� l�.r�.l.��r3 _,v._�J_-1. tJ 3� �:��,. i.n, * 'a � i v�-, � . -r-•t .� f'` . . .� �.� ;� o�.F z�_.{, �� Trr.� r�i_L� c�:?r�;c�i. � ����� � � � � � ;. , 1;: �„ ... ' ;:�, �` '_ - ' ` `� � _ ���. , �,�� nc�te ; April 28 , 1980 t<.�� x �'. ;�, � J�9 � � t� � G ��� � � �:. � � ..'. � � �� �' TQ : Sain� f��cc�I Gii�t �c���resl � 1� 0 � � C(� t�"il3'+�I'��'€'E' C)Ei FINANCE , MANAGEMEN'T AND PERSONNEL RUBY HUNT �C,� , chairrnc?n, mc��;�� the i c>I lo+n+ing repc}r�� oc� C. F. ��� <)i�ciinanc� (8) [�� t�esolufion �_....i �)t f�e r Ti°� �.� : The riiiance Committee , at its meeting of Apri� 28 , 1980 , recommen�;,d agproval ` of the following : 1 . P,esolution revising minimum c�ualifications for Pire Captairi to rec�uire completion of a teachi;r trai��ing course �vithin the one year p.r�bationary period and to specify experience cannot be substituted for ..both sections of the course. (10852-Rfi) 2 . Resolutzon revising class specs for Gardener to bettex describe duties and respo�isibility of position and revise minimum. c�ualific;ations to specify "commercial" experience and to allow educatior� in horticultur.e . No change in rate of pay. (10853-RH) 3 . Resolution revising class specs for titles of Custodian Lngineer I F� II - Libra.ry. Major difierence is di.stinction between small and large branch libraries . (10855-F�II) 4 . Resolution establishing title of Custodian Engineer III-Lib.rary and a class specification . This class defines duties and responsibilities of the position which supervise.s the maintenance of the Central Library. ; facility. (10854-RH} S . Resolution establishing rate of pay of $8 . 45 for first 6 months , and $8. 91 after 6 months for title of Custodian-Engineer-III -Library. Same rate of. pay given to Custodian Engineer III . (10856-ARt-I) 6 . Resolution tivill revise class specs for title of Building hlaintenance Supervisor- Libraries to describe more accurately duties and responsi- bilities of the position . (10856-RH) (CONTINUED) CIT`..' ?3AZ.L SEV::NTH k�L'JOR SAIN i P:1UL, ti•�ZNN��UTA »iU2 � .._, _. . � � Title of class: FIRE CAPTAIN Dutie s and re sponsibilitie s: Under direction, to be in responsible command of a fire company on an assigned shift; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To respond to fire alarms and emergency ambulance runs with the company and to assume command until relieved by a superior officer. To direct the placement of the company's apparatus. To lead Fire Fighters and direct them in extinguishing fires, saving life and property, and on emergency ambulance runs. To be responsible for a.fire station and its apparatus and equigrnent. To maintain discipline. To instruct the men in the latest methods of fighting fires and saving life and property. To enforce rules and regulations of the department. - To assign the men to duties in quarters. To inspect buildings in his district and report on fire hazards. To keep records and make reports. � Minimum qualifications: Five years' experience in the position and holding the title of Fire Fighter, Fire Engineer or Fire.Equipment Operator in the St. Paul Fire Department and completion of the first unit of the Teacher Training curriculum as administered by St. Paul Technical and Vocational Institute, or an equivalent course of study approved by the Civil Service Office, after taking the � examination for Fire Captain. The second unit of this Teacher Training course to be completed after appointment as Fire C aptain. � Effective February I1, 1974 ,-� .�- ' Do not detach this memorandum from the resa!ut�on so,that this information will be ��4��� available to the City Council. EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: March 20, 1980 ,�, ��; E � v E � APR 16 1980 TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER _I L� "'�b �Y�'� � FR: Personnel Office �� � � RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution will revise the minimum qualifications for Fire Captain to require completion of a teacher training course within the one-year probationary period and to specify that experience ca.nnot be substituted for both sections of the course. Presently there is no time limit for taking the course. ATTACHI�ENTS: Resolution and copy for City Clerk.