274873 WHITE - CITV CLERK ���^�� PINK - FINANGE �� CANARV - OEPAR7MENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL �� Council v BIUE - MAVOR File N . Council Resolution Presented By ISCEPdSE CONIl�;IiT� � �I�nINC S P�DW/`}l_��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 1�ESOLV�: That Applicataon Q ]1.�601 for the transfer of the On Sale Liquor License, expiring January 31, 1981, issued to Arthur 1�lair at 520 rlississippi Street (inactive), be �`��- and the same is hereby trsnsferred to Esteban�s On Grand, Inc. azd Saji-Ya, Inc. at 695 Grand Avenue, AND Application Q ].l�602 for Sunday On Sa1e Liquor (New), AR� Application � 11�603 for Class C2-�staurant License (IJew) applied for by Esteban's On Grand, Inc. and Saji-Ya, Inc. at 695 Grand Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. COUNCILMEN Requested by Depactment of: Yeas �t}e�,e. Nays � �_�;� [n Favor MaAdox McMahon _�___ Against BY Showalter Tedesco P � 7 � Form Approved by City Attorney Ado ted � Council: Date C ified P� � y uncil Secr�tary BY gy, /�"�--- � � � ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council t�p r v d by Mavor: at • — B _ By rU�i.tsx�0 MAY 1 ? 1980 ! � ��',��„,� /�����$J A ��.. W . + {"i.� :i �t..�.::.iw.� 7s �.� ..,.�����an,� =:�``T* °';�., CITY OF SAINT PAUL _� ,,,, '� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ',,� i ii�i n i A�� `�• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �°'���,m,',,;��`�� Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR April 16, 1980 Madam President and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Madam President and Honorable Members: Arthur F. Blair and the combined Esteban's On Grand, Inc. and Saji-Ya, Inc. request that the On Sale Liquor License issued to Arthur F. Blair (formerly located at 520 Mississippi St.) be transferred to Esteban's On Grand, Inc. and Saji-Ya, Inc. at 695 Grand Av. They also make application for Class C2-Restaurant and Sunday On Sale Liquor licenses. The officers of Esteban's On Grand, Inc. are, Richard S. Tanner, President; Patrick L. Halliday, Vice President and Judith L. Tanner, Secretary. The stockholders are Richard S. Tanner, Patrick L. Halliday, Judith L. Tanner, Lawrence R. Smith and Diane T. Smith. The officers of Saji-Ya, Inc. are, Tatsuya Saji, President, Myron P. Strand, Vice President and Joyce Saji, Secretary-Treas- urer. The stockholders are Tatsuya Saji and Myron P. Strand. This application has been reviewed by the License and Permit Divi- sion and the City Attorney's office. The recommendation is for approval. Very truly yours, . Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/rlt � �O � I +""f�' � '�3�`'�'� . _ , , � �:� � �::.:� :� ;:� :`G�*Y"���1� . _-� ;,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� ni�li�ii �' ��`��° �c` DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,JI�G����1T����'��` Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR February 20, 1980 _, I�iadam President and �ionorable 2�lembers of the City C ouncil Saint Paul� i`�linnesota f�a.dam President and honorable Members: Arthur F. Blair and the combined r�steban's On Grand, Inc. and Saji-Ya, Inc. request that the On Sale Liquor License issued to Arthur F. Blair (formerly located at 520 i�ississippi Street) be transferred to Esteban's on Grand, Inc. and Saji-Ya, Inc. at 695 Grand Avenue. They also make application for a Class C2-�estaurant License and a Sunday On S�e Liquor License. The officers of �steban�s Un Grand, Inc. are :iichard S. Tanner, President; Patrick L. Halliday, Vice President and Judith L. Tanner, Secretary. The stockholders are :�.ichard S. Tanner� �'atrick L. Halliday, Judith L. Tanner, I,awrence R. Smith and Diane 7'. Smith. The officers of Saji-Ya, Inc. are Tatsuya Saji, President, Myron P. Strand, Vice President and Joyce Saji, Secretary-Treasurer. The stockholders are Tatsuya Saji and Myron P. Strand. They request that the public hearing on their request for transfer be set for April 16, 1980. Very truly yours, � , � v ° /'l°.�it� Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector �O . � ,�,� .�����;� c'�.� � � p 4 ��� � � UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Scandinavian TWIN CITIES 210 Folweli Hall 9 Pleasant Street S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 �Y� SO. ca't• �l�..bElCl� st. pau1., Minn. 55105 April 16, 1980 To t Me n�bc rs of the S t. Paul C i ty C ounc i 1 Sin�e I arn unabl� to attend the public hearing today, I wish to register �ay opinion on the the matter of the liquor licen�e f'or two rer�- t��ra�nts at 69� Grand Avenue. I ar� oppo�s�d to the grs.ntin� of liquor lieeneea to the�e reata��- a.nt� beeauae I believe we already hr�.ve ample reaources of re�tanrants with either full licenses or wine and beer lie�nses in the neighborhood. Ir� fact, within a two or three blaek area there are two full licenaea and three vrine and beer lic�a�e�. While more licenaes �ay brin� in ■ore people to eat on Grand Avenue, this becotea � problem for the home-o�rnera, who atter �11 have to live here. There i� alao s� concern about parkin� faeilities at 695 Gr�.nd A�rer�ue. Since I live acro�s the atre�t� I need to be abl� to park an the stres t, �nd the parking lot ad�acent to the rea tauranta is clearly ir�adeq�ate to aeco- aaodate all the pa�rons� who will be eating and drinkir►� there. I re�,li�� th�t the pro�eet i� in an ndv�.nced state now, but we have not be�n congulted previously, another watter oi irrit�.tion When one hasr put a lot of ti�� �.nd r�oney into reatorin� one �s �ouae and neighborhood, one feels that one should have a gay in the de�elopwent of that r��ighborhood. I hope that you will seriou�ly consider the ia�plication� 0f gra�ntin� the liqo�er licenees for the inhabitants af the araa, and ur�e the develvp- er to chanMel his ener�ies elaewhere. He ha� put the proverbial �a�rt before �he l�arae this ti�d, 5 t we.t.re.�.y � . K.0.n,ww. � I.u.t �..�,e __ _ _ _. _ _ _ __ _ _ _. _ _ . . . . M .... Y,�. � • _ ~ • � � ��,`��� " CiTY Of ST. PAUL �' �" � "� � DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERYICES ASSfSSMfNT DIVIStON 113 C(fY HALL ST.PAUt,MINNf50TA 55702 i � March 14, 1980 � City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul MN 55102 � � • � File g 2478 Page . 1 The Covatil of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council � Chambers oi the City Hall and Court House (third floor) � � at I0:00 A:M. on �ril 16, 1980 on the:. - " Apnlication of Arthur F. Blair, On Sale Liquor Licensee, to transfer his lic�se from 520 Mississippi Street to Estebans Oq Grand, Inc. and. Saji-Ya, . Inc. , located at 695 Grand Avenue, being legally described as: Lots 25 . through 30, Block 6, Summit Park Addition. This propertq is located on the northwest corner of St. Albans Street an,d Grand Avenue. . . . _ . _ , � - � If you vould like further information about this hearing, contact the License and Permit Registration, 209 City FIall, or telephone 298 5056. • While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the heari.ng, we want to help yon to learn fully about any action that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I siacerely hope you can attend this hearing so that you can make your views-about it known to the Citp Council, whether for or against.. . � J. WILI.IAM DONOVAN VALIIATION �AND AS5ES51yfENT EAIGINEER I . . . - . .