D001084CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 1. City Cierk � 2. Finance ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: ����4 _ 3. PED - Grants Management BUDGET REVISION Date i2 -� �- � ADM/NISTF2ATNE ORDER, Consisfenf with the aufhorify granfed to fhe Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Depa�tment of Planning & Econamic Development, to amend fhe 6udgef of the Community Deve%pment 8/ock Grant (CDBG) fund. The Director of the Department of Finance and Management Seivices is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner.� • CJ i ' t `:` ;-;<:�i� -�'.;::�� ' . � -.: :... �::: ':'.>: ; .�:;..: � �'� .' :...:..: ....::�.:::;,.:.:.,-::..;.:,: ...�: .. .,, '::.'<:�'::'<;.,.�i. :......:.....::.�..::,-<r;..;:..::..::<::,.::..<..::�: ,.,,...;�:.:,...�».::..�:.�<,<:.. :, . . . , . , . ,.,,,� M: �. ��`3�1+� ?€��I�`< F�E�"�3��ci� :': , $i����� .._: , �[1���t-', �. �1t���;; ; <,` Citizen Participation P6-100-37816-0547-61013 247,577.94 150,000.00 397,577.94 P6-100-37817-0547-61013 930,881.72 (150,000.00) 780,881.72 General Administration P6-100-37802-0558-61179 250,000.00 100,000.00 350,000.00 P6-100-37816-0558-61179 1,950,000.00 150,000.00 2,100,000.00 P6-10U-37817-0558-61179 5,305,512.00 (250,OQ0.000) 5,055,512.00 North End Partnership (URAP) P6-100-37808-0547-61303 34,589.00 (1,430.00) 33,159.00 Rice Recreation Center P6-100-37803-0565-61342 117,500.00 (4,390.00} 113,110.00 Lower Bluff Revitalization (URAP) P6-100-37801-0547-61349 386,025.13 57.95 386,083.08 Sherburne {nitiative 11 (URAP) P6-100-37801-0547-61398 140,000.00 (140,000.00) 0.00 P6-100-37812-0547-61398 197,500.00 140,000.00 337,500.00 Goose Aliey Improvements {NPP) P6-100-37812-0547-61422 96,200.00 (18,322.28) 77,877.72 ConcordlCongress/Wabasha Imp. (NPP) P6-100-37812-0547-61429 43,000.00 (99.11) 42,900.89 Western Hazel Park imp. (NPP) P6-100-37812-0547-61431 140,884.94 (10,090.16) 130,794.78 University-Raymond Gateway (NPP) P6-100-37812-0547-61467 36,250.00 (16,408.16) 19,841.84 Neighborhood I.D. & Rehab (NPP) P6-100-37812-0547-61469 102,250.00 (247.07) 102,002,93 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 1. City Clerk � y oO f � � 2. Finance ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: � o 3. PED - Grants Management BUDGET REVISION Date• � '� g • West Side Drug Free Zone (NPP) P6-100-37805-0547-61470 5'1,250.00 (8,524.80) 42,725.20 Uppertown Exterior Restoration (NPP) P6-100-37812-0547-61472 106,250.00 (17,829.27) 88,420.73 Sylvan Play Area P6-100-37803-0565-61480 109,300.00 (464.55) 108,835.45 So. St Anthony Play Equipment P6-100-37803-U565-61481 65,UQ0.00 (1,204.49) 63,795.51 Rice/Marion Residents Library (NPP) P6-100-37805-0547-61506 26,100.00 (90.02) 26,009.98 Get The Lead Out (NPP) P6-100-37805-0547-61507 0.00 82,700.00 82,700.00 P6-100-37812-0547-61507 82,700.00 (82,700.00) 0.00 Adopt A Block Beautification (NPP) P6-100-37805-0547-61509 16,100 (32.51) 16,067.49 Headstart Program P6-100-37803-0565-61517 247,500.00 6,916.77 254,416.77 Safe City P6-100-37805-0547-61551 125,000.00 125,000.00 250,000.00 Crime Prevention P6-100-37805-0547-61336 1,061,665.00 (125,000.00) 936,665.00 Unspecified Contingency P6-100-37818-0558-61999 820,671.33 72,157.00 892,829.03 TOTALS 12,689,707.06 0.00 12,689,707.06 � ��f�'`�` t� `�' YY�- ' `,�`_`'/ Approved by: Mayor l��a� � �� ate , �t 1 i N(A TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1-7-96 � GREEN � DEPARTMENT �IRECTOR f u CITY COl1NGL � GT'ATTORNEV � CfTY CLEflK FOA � BUDGET OIflECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SE � � MAYOR (OA A591S7ANn � V CO ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREJ 3��7� INRIAVDME Approval of the attached Administrative order, which revises the budgets of CDBG funded projects. _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ _ STAFP _ _ DISTqICTCAURT _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM, iSSUE, OPPORTUNITV iW�� �at YVnen, PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this personftirm ever worked untler a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personttirm e�er been a city e`mployee? YES NO 3. Does this personAirm possess a skill na normalry possessad by any cunent city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on aeparate sheet and attaeh to green shaet Wh»: - A number of projects have been completed, but have not expended all of their funding. These balances will be transferred to the contingency fund. - A number of projects have �unding in ti�e wrc�ag acti�.*ity code. Thi� rQVision moves the fuading to the correct activity cede. - The unexpended funds will be moved from the completed projects to the contingency fund. - The active projects will have funding in the correct activitiy codes. None RECEfVED DEG 2 9996 CITY CLERK - The unexpended funds will renain in the budgets o� the completed projects, and the projects will not be able to be closed out. - The active projects will not have funding in the correct activity codes. � fOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIQNS� COST/REVENUEBUOGE7Ep(CIRCLEONE� YES NO �UNDItdGSOURCE CDBG ACTIVITYNUMBER P6-100-37818-0558-61999 'INANCIAL INFORffiA710N. (EXPLAIN) �� A 1 ��U