274828 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICII �4��$ �N'�R„ = o P RCTMENT CITY OF SAINT PALTL �� BI.UE - MAVOR - Fl1E NO• uncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO 1979 AND 1980 CAPITAL IMPROVENIENT BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS TO THE "THOMAS-DALE SEWER" (The Saint Anthony Hill Sewer Rehabilitation Project) RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1979 and 1980 Capital Improvement Budgets, as each heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: Reappropriations Log Fund Appropriation Appropriation No. Project Name Source From Project To Project 1) Amendments to the 1980 Capital Improvement Bud et - - .� 5-6616 Storm Water Ponding Acquisitions 80 WPAB 100,000 S-0703 SAHSR Project-Phase III (Western Tunnel) 80 WPAB 197,635 5-0702 SAHSR Project-Phase II - ' � (St. Albans Open Cuts) 80 WPAB 297,635 5-0703 SAHSR Project-Phase III (Western Tunnel) 80 WPAB Round-off 38,000 2) Amendments to the 1979 Capital Improvement Budget1 .. 5-31 St. Albans Tunnel (SAHSR Project- Phase I) �'ZO�- bl� 79 CIB � 1,229,959 80 WPAB 1,229,959 �... - : : COUNCIL-�4EPI . ,_, . Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �ntler McMahon In Favo[ Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by it Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY sy � t�pproved by 1�lavor: Date Appr v by Mayor for Su ss on Council By — Bv WHITE - CITV CLERK , PINK�. - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANA�Eiv�- DLPARTMENT File N�O. ���� � BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 R-35 Downtown People Mover ����-oo/ 79 CIB 709,959 5-35 Fairview-North Relief System �?5�-�79 CIB 345,000 C-10 Harriet Island Marina �jQ�q�pp3 79 CIB 175,000 • Project Funding Status Lo5 Appropriation Amended No. Project Name As of 2/29/80 Change Appropriation C-10 Harriet Island Marina 25,000 +175,000• 200,000 5-35 Fairview-No"rth Relief System 75,000 +345,000 420,000 R-35 Downtown People Mover 108,541 +709,959 818,500 5-6616 Storm Water Pond Acquisitions 100,000 -100,000 -0- 5-0703 SAHSR III 200,000 + 38,000 -197,635 40,365 5-0702 SAHSR II 3,662,000 +297,635 3,959,635 APPROVED AS F DING: .�ppRpVED; � �� �,�� �ii���: �� BERNARD J. A SON, Director ����Q��� ��� A �4:AY,�� Financ�� 1�� g� Serv�es � t Director �"Z ��/ �1`r% ti��#e . 4:� ;����r�::�.�.,��g l __._...,,, , . _ ---,..,_-_... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Reg�� d y Depar f:.Q' �'�j l y' � �/ �� McMahon [n Favor Hozza Hunt • Levine _ �__ Against BY — Maddox Skeava�ter Te ��v� Form Approved by Cit Attor y Adopte y Counci Date d'�� C ified P• • by C ncil�ecretar BY �lpproved by iNavor: Date ��— Ap ro e by Mayor for Sub si t ouncil sy _ - B� �1.lSH�A MAY 1 0 1980 � �� � ��'.�''� ���.�' ���_�:�Tl�` ��f�.��T�=a ,� � K '�� �,` �. . " r.'i �, O��'=E'ICF �3� !1'�I .J'+� t�ITY �GC�IIi�l'Ci.Y� T `'', �� � � �.� ��.��8 �,, . ,. �� c „ �,�a •;� ,. `���•,�..�;;,:+ �. _ -- , 5�:;: Dd�e : Apr. il 28, 1980 :_..,i,y f. ,h 1 r �Az�?'� >.,c � � ' � � ia�� �'� ���,.g�LL � � i� � �-' � gi � TC� : ��iref �r�9 Gi`�� CQUrj�il F � O �� � Ca��o��si�°�'�.�� c�� , ch�irmar�, rr,u4;es fhe following repart ar� �. F. L� Orclir�csrce � R25UIutio�'t �� Other � j� �.� . (Continued from other Page) � 7. Resolution ertainin to 1979 and 1980 Ca ital Im rovement _Budge-L- p g P P , Appropriations to the "Thomas-Dala Sewe-r" . (10857-RH) of $2 , 500 8. Resolution transferring funds/from Contingency Reserve-Gene�ral to llepartment of Public �Vorks , Division of Operations , Traffic D4ainten- ance to finance staff time in the process of determining first the feasibility of contraflow bus lanes on downtown streets , and then if feasible, the design of the system. (10842-RH) CITY HAI_L SEVE;Y7Y IZOOR SAT�iT PAUL, 1�1I�iNc�O�i_�. �5102