274705 WH17E - CiTV CLERK ���^� . PINK - FINANCE � COIlI1C1I ��r� B'�ERV=�I�AYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � vv • O��LZ1ZCIIZCP. Ordinance NO. ���P�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 425 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. - THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. Section 425. 01 Subd B of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: � 425.01 Subd B (4) -- Assault Weapon. Shall mean any weapon other than a firearm or military type weapon having the de�tgned personal assault char- acteristics of any e�age�e�;-e���k=-st��ette;-s��tehb�ae�e �n��e;-sgrtng-b�ede-3sn��e;-gttsh-bt�tten-i�n�€ey sap, num- chucks, blackjack, slungshot, slingshot, a sand club, chain club, metal knuckles, shurikens, or yawara stick. 425.01 Subd B (6) -- Secured Container. _ �� Shall mean a locked case legibly marked u�trearmu "weapon" having no mechanical features designed for immediate weapons removal or use and containing no other non-related objects; except that a "secured con- tainer" for a rifle or shotgun may mean a weapon case, such as leather, fibre, canvas or plastic, secured with a zipper, clasp, buckle,or ties. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza � Hunt /�g'�"� Levine Against By �i/% Maddox Showalter TedesCO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date A d by Mayor r S mission to Council By B WHITE — CITV CLERK 1 PINK — FINANCE COl1RCI1 w�bdy/�.�-- CANARV —D,EPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � � •� ��� B L!!`E �M A V O R I J �I C Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. ���Q.J� Presented By Referred To Committee: •Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. 425.01 Subd B (7) -- Kriife. Shall mean dirk; dagger; stiletto; switchblade knife; spring blade knife; push button knife; a folding knife with a blade in excess of four (4) inches; a machete; a bayonet; or any fixed bladed knife carried in a con- cealed manner or within reach of an erson in a motor ve icle. 425. 01 Subd B (8) -- Concealed Manner. Shall mean having the object on the person in such a manner so that it is not completely visible to any other person. Having a knife in a sheath shall be con- sidered as having the knife concealed, irrespective of �osition of the sheath on the person. 425. 01 Subd B (9) -- Numchucks. Shall mean any device constructed of two solid cylindrical objects joined together on one end by a chain, rope, thon , or other such material. 425.D1 Subd B (10) -- Shurikens. Shall mean anv metal device which has the shape of a multiple pointed star, each point being sharpened and �rimarily designed to be thrown. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays G���J Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt L.evine Against BY —� — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date A r v by Mayor for mis to Council By By WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council '������ CANARV - D�EPARTMENT BLITE •MAVOR File � NO. Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. `�ll�_J� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. 425. 01 Subd B (11) -- Yawara Stick. Shall mean any cylindrical shaped object which has spheres on both ends and measures less than ten (10) inches in length. 425.01 Subd B (12) -- Officiallv Recognized Competition. Shall mean all competitions held under the sponsorship of a bona fide target shooting or sportsmen's club or bona fide educational institution. Section 2. Section 425. 04 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 425.04 -- Weapons Prohibited. No person shall e�rn; keep, carry, or have in his possession any�here on any public street or being a trespasser upon the premises of another or in a public lace, in the City of Saint Paul any military type weapons, or any assault weapon, or any stolen weapon, or any knife, except military personnel or peace offi- . cers engaged in the course of their duties, unless he holds a permit to possess the same as collector's items or for use in officially recognized competition. uA���- ete��p-reeee�ntzed-eemgettttenu-�ne�r�eles-a��-eextpett- tzona-ne�d-nnder-the-aponaershtp-e�-a-�egtste�eel-te��et COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays . Butler G��� Hozza In Favor Hunt /,Q,�`���I' Levine Against BY -��� �`� Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Ap ro ed by Mayor for S b 'ssi to uncil By By WHITE - CITV CLERK A� +��� PINK - FINANCE 1 f 1 A CANARV - QEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL CO1171C11 � t3 BLt/E _ •MAVOR File NO• . � 0 rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. ��`� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 4. ai�oottng-er-�pert�m�.n'-�-e�t�b-�l��ek-�s-e�t��p-at�ti�e��zee� te-abtatn-€treer�ta-er-e.�t�ntt�er�-��e�t-t�ie-Hr��ted-6tate9.- Section 3. Section 425.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 425. 05 -- Transportation of Firearms, Assault Weapons, or Knives. Ftreerxqs-�rhese-pesse�s4en-ta-net-prehtbtted-�p-th�s ordznecnee-or-bp-�aw-�te�-be-t�anspe�ted-�n-6a�nt-�aa� in-the-fe��eartng-metnne�-ane�-net-etl�er�r��e� �s.---�n-ee-meter-�rehte�e;-an�p-��-tke-���ea��t-ts-t�n- �eaaed-end-p�e�eee�-tn-a-'eenreel-eenta�ne�-e�-�eeateel-�n ti�e-tran3e-ef-the-t�ehre�e1-exeegt-a��-ha�dgr�r�s-�t�t9t-be tn-ee-�eet�red-eentatner-and-�eeated-�n-t�.e-t��n3�-e�-�� there-ta-ne-trt�nk-�n-tl�e-�artke�t-�ea�-pe9�t�e�-e�-t3�e *ae�i�e�e.- H.---Pdot-tn-n-mater-vehie�e;-en�p-��-the-���ea��t-�9 nn�oaded;-p�need-tn-a-see�ree�-eenta�ne�=-and-�g-be��g eerrsea—�fC't1ACCri-the-heme-e�—I9ii9�i'!l.°99-9�-ti�e-e�ar�e�-ane�.-a tneter-�tehse�e;-ganam�th;-gnn-dea�e�;-�e�nt�ne�-a�eaT-e� aeti�itp-pe�mtttee�-b�*-6eetien-4�5.-83.- It shall be a misdemeanor to transport firearms, assault weapons, or knives in any manner other than enumerated herein: COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor �U`�'�� Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY � Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date A d by Mayor for S b is 'on�to Council By M�HITE - CITV CLERK 2►�4��� PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAITL Cauncil CANqRY -+DEPARTMENT BLU�'- �'- MAVOR File� NO. ` Ordindnce OrdinanceNO. ����� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �age 5. A. Firearms 1. In a motor vehicle only if the firearm is unloaded and placed in a secured container or the trunk o the vehicle; except if there is no trunk the firearm must be unloaded, placed in a secured container, and in the arthest rear portion of the vehicle. 2. Not in a motor vehicle onl if the firearm is unloa ed and placed in a secured container and is bein carrie etween the home or business of the owner and a motor vehicle, gun smith, gun dealer, hunting area, or activity permitted by 5ection 425.03. B. Assault Weapons and Knives 1. In a motor vehicle onl if the assault wea on or kni e is placed in a secured container or located in the trunk of the vehicle; except if there is no trunk e assault weapon or knife must be placed in a secured ee�ta�ne� and placed in the farthest rear portion of the vehicle. The provisions of this section shall not apply to transport by persons lawfully engaged in the business of making, selling, or repairing firearms, nor to persons holding per- mits to carry a firearm pursuant to Section 425.03-1 while carrying on their occupations, nor to military personnel in the course of their duties or to peace officers. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) da a� r ' o a ub i ation. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department f: Yeas �CMAHON Nays / �� O,�`� Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine Against BY � � 'u'�"�, Maddox Showalter Tedesco Adopted by Co�: Date APR 2 9 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified"�Passed%by ouncil Sec�ta BY � �''�Y2 , � MAY 2 1980 ~ Approved by r: Date Ap e by Mayor for i o to Council By �/ — , v�"� By r�iINNJStiED M AY 1 0 1980 � � 9 f T �� \`�\�\\1t'•,1•�I�. ����'. - Fa�p1TY oF,, . ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;; � y:; OFFI�E OF THE CITY ATTORN�Y `;� iiii'i ii�ii, �� < � _ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY , �as. , � 647 City Hail,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-51z1 MAYOR � : �by � �,J� � � M�� � � ���e March 31, 19 8 0 �v�'S ��� MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor George Latimer FROM: Thomas J. Weyandt, Assistant City Attorney '� � RE: Amendments to Weapons Ordinance At the request of the police department, I have prepared amendments to our weapons ordinance. The changes basically outlaw public possession of knives and various devices used in the martial arts. In the �ast, numerous charges had to be dismissed because the ordinance did not cover these devices. Often, we had cases where individuals were seen with bayonets. or large hunting knives in public places and the police were power- less to act. The amendments also tighten up the transportation of weapons and firearms. The weapons will have to be in the trunk of a motor vehicle or in a locked box out of reach of the driver. Mark Vaught provided some of the impetus for these changes and indicated to me recently that Councilman McMahon would like to sponsor the ordinance. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. TJ'W: aar 1 � � / � L/ �k?�Ea�a�S�J _ lo � 1 s r `-- %' , . _ . � Lnd 3rd `' _ Adopted �1 ��./_� � Yeas :�ays HOZZA � HUNT LEVINE MADDOX ��L� ��� - McMAHON � TIDESCO PRESIDENT (SHOWALTER) '