274725 WH17E - CITV CLERK - ������ .... . PINK F�JAN�CE GITY OF SAINT� PALTL Council �� C4NE,EtV �DEPARTMENT B*'UE� - MAYOR � F112 N O. 0 rdin�nce � Ordinance N 0. ���.�� Presented By • � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By `� flate An ordinance amending Chapter 502 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 502.05 of the Saint Paul Legrslative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: - 502.05--During the term of the franchise hereby granted, the Company shal��pay into the treasury of the City of ' Saint Paul a yearly franchise fee of 8'�, the monetary amount of which is to be measured by the Company�":�_ gross _,,�- _ earnings during 1975 and each of tYie su�sequent years, and the payment of such amount shall be in the fallowir�g manner: (a) In quarterly installments on or before the 30th day of April, July and October of years 1975-19�� and 30th day of April and July, 1980, and on or befor� the 30th day of December of years 1975-1979 so tha� the April 30 payment of the franchise fee shall be 8% of the gross earnings of the Company during the three month period of January, February and March of years 1975-1980. The July 30 payment of the franchise fee shall be 8'� of the amount of the gross earnings of the Company during the three month per,iod of April, May and June of years 1975- 1980; the October 30 payment of the franchise fee COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays -'� Requested by Department of: In Favor — Against By Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: D�fe Certified Passed by Council Seeretary By �• ` �O�I�� By � Approved by Mayor. Date App ov y Mayor for Su io �o �uncil By BY 4 '" , . � '�-l�U:� 2�7���`c� z. shall be 8/ of the amount of gross earnings of the Company during the three month period of July, August and September of years 1975-1979; and the December 30 payment of the franchise fee for years 1975-1979 shall, if necessary, be based on a reasonable estimate of the gross earnings of the Company during the period from October 1 through December 31 of years 1975-1979, and shall be appropriately adjusted by an addi- tional payment by the Company or a refund by the City of Saint Paul when actual gross earnings for such period have been determined by the Company; (b) In monthly installments commencing July, 1980, and continuing through the term of the franchise. '�' p yment for each month shall be ,�:.� The installment a due on ar before the last day of the following month. The Company' s payment obligation shall be met if payment is mailed and postmarked on or be- fore the due date. The amount of the franchise fee shall be allowed as an op- erating expense to the Company attributable solely to the Company'�s operations within the City of Saint Paul, and in calculating such amount, "gross earnings" shall be held to mean and include all sums receivable by the Company from the sale of steam distributed and used within the city limits of the City of Saint Paul. In no event shall the Company be required to pay a franchise fee in excess of the amount which it can legally collect from its customers in the City by means of a surcharge on its rate schedules for the purpose of collecting the franchise fee. � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINIS •*F6NANCE GITY O�F SAINT� PALIL Council �"�����.�` CQ.NARY-- DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � � Ordin�nce ordinance N�. �151�� Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after the public hearing prescribed by law and thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication and upon its acceptance as pro- vided in Section 502.17 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hozza Nunt [n Favor — Levine � Maddox �_ Against BY McMahon � Tede M� � 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopt y Coun . Date ' rtified se Council8e tary BY ' ������0 t Approved by Mayor: D e Ap e by Mayor for Su ' si to Council By � By ,l� i`� � � r � ���`1��1�"� 1980 . , . :_ , , . . . ; _ .t � ,. . .. ... . 7. .�. ; � � .. ' � - , - , :y . _��.. , . . .. ` .. . . . . . . . . , � � . . . � . ' r ��, . 1 . , . . - . . , . � � . . - � . � . , . .. . .. .. � ;f � , _ � Ir •� , � , , ,:�� - � - ; � � � , ' � 1 �� � . � ii . .` ' . ,��.. . . .. .. � .� . � .. • 2;;.� 1 t � � . � .. . . . � " . �I . . . . � . � . , , . . �.. . . . � � . , � � ' ,' �II . . . . �. . .. ' . , _ .m .{ ,. . . ,� ' • . . � - . . _ . .� I� , � . � ' . � � , . � - .� . i �,,. . . . ' � . . ..I . - . . �. . . � . . . ' . �7� . ;�[ . . . . II.. . . . . . . .. . _. . . . , . .. �i .. .. . .' .. . � ' / � � �II ... . ' ' . .. � , � ��t • ' �� April l, 1980 � d ��. , % ' , _ � ' , .� Mr. Ed 3tarr � . ��� _ " .1City Attornery - . � � � � y�.. . . . . . . . . � 'z ' . R�ooat' 647, :ity Ft�11 _ - � � , , $t. PaW., Minnesot,a , i . �,�-, - : _ �= D�sr 3ir: ,' .+�`. � . _ �. � ' T�e_ City Council troday, aPter publfe t�a,ria8, �QP'� s a�tic►n ' ; �. f.o apprbve a prapoaal fcr amer�nt to.83P traaehise ordi�aances �"� �; to parmit payment o� franchia! f�e ort �a me�at2ily bs�ais. ' . � � ,�; , ' l - Ve�, ��y y�, �; ;` � . - _ , � . � , � Rc>se 1liz �. ' . , . , . Ci�y Cl.arric , � � . , , - �� ABd:let . " r . - � , � . . , . , . , , . � /_ � ' � , � � . � . . , \ _ � ' . ` . �, . ' • � i � ; , � , , ' � ' : f � � ` ,.,,. ,- � , a , , , . f , , , : — � ' ' i ' , ' . � �� �� y�o�� ��f� �� � � , �-7 �-- �� t � , `��� E I i�if� ��f i.,��� , I , : , , ''I �. I'� ����� x � r� �.. `4!�'��� ��. s.;'.� d r����' '_.. , . � . . � � � �d ��. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBI,ICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY Geri Corrigan , being duly sworn on oath, says: that he is, and during all times herein stated has been, Clerk of the �r �n c Northwest Publications, Inc., publisher of the '�UBLw "�'� GY�; newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. c� Paul Pioneer Press, St. Paul Sunday Pioneer �'�.� y Press, a newspaper of general circulation within �� �n the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey. "` ` " That the Notice hereto attached was cut from Nthe columns of said newspaper and was printed s and published therein on the following dates: �,,� ; �— day of Mareh , 19 �fL y- �• day of , 19 f a ,� �` day of , 19 v�euc �tT�t��K Y - day of , 19 DI�r 01 no 71��6.F9t0 Prlu day of , 19 day of , 19 day of , 19 \ \ "`"�O�\ � � V���� Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1� day �►f Mareh 19 80 , Notar�• Public Ramsey County, Minnesota My commission expires Mareh 1� 19 � � �.�...>•�..�,�.�,.. � r {°t4 �� `�C.s:J +_.. :1a��F�,�1�J( . f t�!�.., Y . OiJ: / ,I �!:_..' NOTARY r�UoUC i,;�tJthF.SP"fA� Mr COMM�fi310N EXPtYlES A':a�i. 13, 18;i. V'�r'b.iY.Ikya"Oi°V" �'I lf fIl 2�1 _ , :.. � 7 �/ ?� �..- � ; ,� H bK�lR /� Tit y FRR � µ. �Y1 ' > % Tnat pupljc` crnp,: 1h• •E �{�1 s1dQr amertdl p*. men�s M o�4 t r. �. A: � �f_; C •+, DsNtl:fepruary Ta,19ap DNp Mar Ol no 776 _ � � ', . �� L( ��� �- E , :� .� -,;.,���:! . , � -�-:.,, �� ���', � 3w�� y �.Ayt�,�h ] r4 .¢a. 3 �.< � ��,�1 pl �� �I '� f J 1F � }n � .�`' �;�'. J e� . "'i i,� �-. , '� +V� . �� {�r �f_'�... . : " .:',ar , wNITE � CITV tIERK �_ .. . � � � ��—� ��� � •� " ' �� y / � �.. c�iNK — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L Council �� � � �pNqRV — DEPARTMENT BLUE —'�MAYOR File N . C �ncil Resolution Presented By �' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLIC HEARING ON AMENDMINT OF NORTHERN STATES P.OWER COMPANY FRANGHISE ORDINANCES TO PERMIT " PAYMENT OF FRANCHISE FEE ON MONTHLY BASIS RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that a public hearing be held in the Council Chambers, City Hall and Courthouse, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on the 13th day of Ntarch� 1980, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. , upon the amendment of Northern 5tates Power Company franchise ordinances to permit payment of the franchise fee to the City of Saint Paul on a monthly basis; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk shall cause published notice of said public hearing to be given in a newspaper of g e n er al circulation in the Cit y of Saint Paul at least once, not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of said hearing. . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt L�.vine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approv d by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date � %�, . ���f1� ������C, B C� � 1�� � � ,. Cert�f�ed Yassed by Council Secretary Y � B� � .�.pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approv d by Ma r r Submis 'o o Council BS' --- - - -- BY . . : : ���� �a�.— � NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to resolution and motion of the Council of the City of Saint Paul that a PUBLIC HEARING on the amendment of franchise held by Northern States Power Company will be held by and before the Council of the City of . Saint Paul in Council Chambers in the City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on Thursday, the 13TH DAY OF MARCH, 1980, AT 10 O'CLOCK A.M. , upon the proposed AMENDMENT OF NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS TO REQUIRE PAYMENT OF FRANCHISE FEE Ii�T MONTHLY INSTALLMEPdTS. That upon said public hearing, the Council shall consider amending the franchise agreements which now require payment of the franchise fee to the City of Saint Paul on a quarterly basis to require that said franchise fee be paid on a monthly basis. Al1 persons interested or concerned in said matters shalZ be given a full opportunity to be heard thereon at said public hearing. ROSE MIX CITY CLERK Dated: ��=,s��fi�Y .:L� I �j �� _ � �. . . � � ��� S-� STATEMENT - COUNCILMAN GEORGE McMAF-ION April l, 1980 Several. months ago, Greg Blees of the Mayor' s Offic.e informed me that if the proceeds from the f_ranchise agreemen-� collected as a part of NSP utility bills were paid to the cit� on a monthly basis rather than on a quarterly basis, the city would realize an additional $100, 000 of revenue £rom investment of the proceedso T am pleased ta be able ta �ay taday that this public hearing has been called to consider such an amendment ta the franchise agreem�n.t. Anci� I am extremely pleased to say that NSP has agreed tca go alang with this change. There is, in addition, one slight Ghange to the 3gr2ement , adding a reference to a specific statute whicr� postdates th� agreem�nt, laut whi.ch nonetheless applies �.o the operation of the franchise. With res�e�:t �o earlier payment of the franchise fees, I wish ta commend the Compan� for -�his example of respons�ble corporate citizei�ship. Ron Vannelli and Ha.rold Bagley of the Company were extremely helpful during the course of the negotiations, and Greg Bistram, Assistant City Attorney, representing the city side of the issue, is to be commendec�.. Most of all, I think a debt of qrati�ude on the part of the city and its taxpayers is owed to Gr.eg Blees, without whose diligence and inquisitiveness we wouZd not be here discussing this issue today. # # # � ��7 4 -7�� xsp N O R T H E R N S T AT E S P O W E R C O M P A N Y May 23 , 1980 c> �- c. � � �,-c --1 n � -Q r T To the Honorable Mayor and �� ..-- r� — i- 3c u' � ° Members of the City Council ��, ,r.�, z� � r Saint Paul, Minnesota " rn � 0 Subject: Steam Franchise Gentlemen: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 274725, being Ordinance No. 16653 , adopted by the Council on May l, 1980. � . NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY By �i�� � \ General Manager And � � � c Assistant Secret�— APPFZOVF.S AS TO FORM: City to ey