00-856S v,.�os �; �-�..��. - s �p �. a.�, ao c fl CounCil File # CC � gS� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WFiEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (the City) has awarded a cable franchise to MediaOne, Inc, and the cable 2 franchise requires that MediaOne provide capital funding for PEG access and community prograinming; and 3 WHEREAS, MediaOne is to provide an aanual $50,000 gant for PEG access capital equipment purposes in 1997 4 dollars by July 31, the anniversary date of the renewal franchise; and 5 WHEREAS, these funds have been received by the City in the amount of $52,426 and are being held by the City in 6 an account (166-31125-6910) for the Designated Entity, pending City Council approval for the payment of the 7 funds to the Designated Entity; and 8 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN) is the City's Designated Entity, and the City and 9 SPNN have entered into a Performance Agzeement approved by the Saint Paul City Council as Council File #QQ- 10 614; and i l WHEREAS, SPNN needs ongoing equipment replacements and upgrades to fulfill its programm;ng mission and 12 the terms of its Perfonnauce Agreement with the City; and 13 WHEREAS, the City's Cable Communications Officer has reviewed SPNN's ten-year and FY 2001 equipment 14 plans and recommends the City release the $52,426 equipment grant to SPNN; and 15 WHEREAS, SPNN agrees to provide an accounting to the City of the actual expenditure of these funds; now, 16 therefore, be it 17 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify thaC there are funds 18 of $52,426 available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2000 Budget; and 19 WHEREAS, the Mayar recommends the following changes to the 2000 budget; 20 Current 21 FiNANCING PLAN Budeet Chanees 22 Cable Communications 23 166 - 31125 - 6910 PEG grant 0 $52,426 24 All Other Activity Financang 0 - 25 Total Financing 0 52 426 26 SPENDING PLAN 27 Cable Communications 28 166 - 31125 - 0545 Pmt to outside agency 29 All Other Activity Spending 3Q Total Spending Green Sheet # Cj� 7 0 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 1 $52,426 52 426 Amended Budeet $52,426 0 52 426 $52,426 0 52 426 oo-��� BE IT RFSOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2000 budget. Adoption CerCified by Council Secretary By: Requested by Department of: Technolo s& Mana ement Services BMa� � Approved By: � Form App� By: � Financial Services ._ �� • by City Attorney � � �/�'��^-7_�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date �sv�� Council ^ �f p � / �/ L By: v` 1l�/lM„/T �L�I/LL6�� By: C�U�.�i3� /`�aF07 — Adopted by Council: Date � 2.e,��c,r, Office of Cable Communications �� ��� - �� a �„� �.���Q-��� $�31r�000 GREEN SHEET Noj a3481 V ogywyarow�saa �� • • � a�rcawra _ 4l� /} /�� � OIVAii01StY '� Y � � ♦ ❑ tl1YClifK � wu�cLLmixttso�t� ❑ wuwcw.aav�cr¢ I'/IwroRCaRwrasr�xn ❑ T (CLlP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) TOTAL # OF S{GNATURE PAGES appmval of resolution approving payment of an annuai MediaOne capital eq� �� �e Paul Neighborhoal :(SPNI� for implementation of its annual equipment replacement plan. V 1� V SEP 0 6 2000 GITY ATTOfiNE1� PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMM{TfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION ���������a��w��� VES NO H� mia pe�soNfim+rm eea+a cAy empbyee4 YES NO Ocesthie PersoNfirtn P�sess a sltiU Mt namallYD�� b'! �Y aureM cilY �pbYce? YES NO Is this paraonrfirm a feryeted veMOr1 YES NO '. The City's cable francluse with MediaOne requires that MediaOne provide an annual $50,000 gant in 1997 dollars for PEG access capital equipment purposes. SPNN is the City's Designated Entity for PEG access and has entered into a Performance Ageement with the City. SPN1V needs ongoing equipment replaceiueats and upgrades to fiilfil] its pmgramming mission and meet the tem�s of the Perfomiance Ageement. SPNN's ten-year and annual equipment replacement plan will not be interrupted and SPNN will be able to ensure fiilSllment of the tenns of its Perfoimance Agreement with the City and meet its programnun� mission: None. �a�n��a�.egie.�s Ia its�te�n yeaz educationai progcawcning will decre $_` roru aenour�r oF rwwsacrwn S_ 16631125-6910 FUNDIN650URCE ' =1NANCNL INFORMATION (EXPWN) i FY 2001 equipment replacement plans. As a result, reliability and service quatity levels of com and SPNN will be unable to satisfactorily fiilfill all the temis of its Perfoimance Agreement with COET/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� ..nuu� YE3 31125 wo f �RIGINAI RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul {the City) has awarded a cable franclvse to 1 2 requ"ues that MediaOne provide capital funding for PEG access and community 3 WI�ItEAS, MediaOne is to provide an annual $50,000 grant for FEG 4 dollazs by 7uly 31, the anniversary date of ihe renewal francluse; and 5 WfiEREAS, these funds have been received by the City in the amount 6 accowrt (? ll-50041-9531) for the Designated Enrity, pending City C� 7 Designated Entity; and � Council Fiie # O d • �`S Green Sheet # � O 5 Z � Date Inq and the cable francluse in�: and equipment purposes in 1997 2,426 and aze being heid by the City in an approval for the payment of the funds to the 8 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNI� is t� City's Designated Entity, and the City and SPNN 9 have entered into a Perfonnauce Agreement approved by the S�Pfnt Paul City Council as Council File #00-614; and 10 WHEREAS, SPNN needs ongoing equipment replacen 11 terms of its Performance Agreement with the City; and 12 WHEREAS, the City's Cable Communications 13 and recommends the City release the $52,426 e� 14 WHEREAS, SPNN agrees to provide an 15 be it 16 RESOLVED, that the aforementioned upgrades to fulfill its prograuuning mission and the has reviewed SPNN's ten-year and F'I' 2001 equipment plans t grant to SPNN; and to the City of the actual expenditure of these funds; now, therefore, be paid to SPNN out of the City account #711-50041-9531. Requested by Depaztment of: Benanav Bostrom Coleman Harris Iantry Reiter Adopted by Adoption C By: � Date by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date Techna�gement rvices By: ` Form �pg • ved by Ciry Attorn r p By: - Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl $y. V � � u � � ���� ,.��,�•,� OROH( TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET Oo — PSb No 103532 �'O�fAilqeEY_�_ ❑CrtYUOR ❑ At�11q4Li9NCClGR ❑ HIWC4Li9NKCi6 �rra¢pewaaourtl ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Commcil approval of resolution apptoving payment of an anuual MediaOne capital equipment gant from ihe City to the Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNI� for implementation of its annual equipment ieplacement plan. f' �, �.�NK� R859u7fG�1 E'i°�1+�( SEP 112640 PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMffTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION �m���� VES NO Fles tlie Pe�eaNfirtn eva YES DcesMic pa YES NO Htluspe1saUfi 818fg YES MO ��a�����rt��z a aty emqov�e9 �m�bDOCCaseU by anY aneM d�' emPbYe�'-? The Cily's cable fisncluse with MediaOne requires ihai MediaOne provide an ann $SO,OQO grant in 199'7 dollars for PEG access capital equipment putposes. SPNN is the City's Designated Entity for PEG access and has entered ' o a Perfocn�auce Agreement with the City. SPNN needs ongoing equipment replacements and upgrades to fulfill its progrnn¢ning mission and m t ihe fernas of the Perfonnance Agreement. SPNN's ten-year and annual equipment replacement plan will not be ' errupted and SPNN will be able to eiuure fuiSllment of the terms of its Perfoimance Agreement with the City and meet its progLUmning mi ion. , ���� V �� IF �v�am �a�st�n�a �,� �a� � FY 2001 equipment replaceroent plans. As a re SPNN will be unable to satisfactorily fiilfill all ..-• -••-••----e..._.v._... $52,426 711-50041-4531 sou� iNFOw.unora �ocPwN) �ITY AT�C7FiN�Y equipmeut replacement designed to meet the goals and strategies laid out in its ten-year an� ty and seivice qualiTy le�eis of community and educational progiammiug will decrease and its Perfonnance Ageement with the-City. _ COET/REVENUE BUD6ETID (pRCLE ON� YES NO J3ECEILtEB+RrHw+e�e SEP 0 5 2�00 �� ��� ���°��ch Ge^��� MAYOR'S OFFICE sr mA� � k '-. S v,.�os �; �-�..��. - s �p �. a.�, ao c fl CounCil File # CC � gS� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WFiEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (the City) has awarded a cable franchise to MediaOne, Inc, and the cable 2 franchise requires that MediaOne provide capital funding for PEG access and community prograinming; and 3 WHEREAS, MediaOne is to provide an aanual $50,000 gant for PEG access capital equipment purposes in 1997 4 dollars by July 31, the anniversary date of the renewal franchise; and 5 WHEREAS, these funds have been received by the City in the amount of $52,426 and are being held by the City in 6 an account (166-31125-6910) for the Designated Entity, pending City Council approval for the payment of the 7 funds to the Designated Entity; and 8 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN) is the City's Designated Entity, and the City and 9 SPNN have entered into a Performance Agzeement approved by the Saint Paul City Council as Council File #QQ- 10 614; and i l WHEREAS, SPNN needs ongoing equipment replacements and upgrades to fulfill its programm;ng mission and 12 the terms of its Perfonnauce Agreement with the City; and 13 WHEREAS, the City's Cable Communications Officer has reviewed SPNN's ten-year and FY 2001 equipment 14 plans and recommends the City release the $52,426 equipment grant to SPNN; and 15 WHEREAS, SPNN agrees to provide an accounting to the City of the actual expenditure of these funds; now, 16 therefore, be it 17 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify thaC there are funds 18 of $52,426 available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2000 Budget; and 19 WHEREAS, the Mayar recommends the following changes to the 2000 budget; 20 Current 21 FiNANCING PLAN Budeet Chanees 22 Cable Communications 23 166 - 31125 - 6910 PEG grant 0 $52,426 24 All Other Activity Financang 0 - 25 Total Financing 0 52 426 26 SPENDING PLAN 27 Cable Communications 28 166 - 31125 - 0545 Pmt to outside agency 29 All Other Activity Spending 3Q Total Spending Green Sheet # Cj� 7 0 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 1 $52,426 52 426 Amended Budeet $52,426 0 52 426 $52,426 0 52 426 oo-��� BE IT RFSOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2000 budget. Adoption CerCified by Council Secretary By: Requested by Department of: Technolo s& Mana ement Services BMa� � Approved By: � Form App� By: � Financial Services ._ �� • by City Attorney � � �/�'��^-7_�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date �sv�� Council ^ �f p � / �/ L By: v` 1l�/lM„/T �L�I/LL6�� By: C�U�.�i3� /`�aF07 — Adopted by Council: Date � 2.e,��c,r, Office of Cable Communications �� ��� - �� a �„� �.���Q-��� $�31r�000 GREEN SHEET Noj a3481 V ogywyarow�saa �� • • � a�rcawra _ 4l� /} /�� � OIVAii01StY '� Y � � ♦ ❑ tl1YClifK � wu�cLLmixttso�t� ❑ wuwcw.aav�cr¢ I'/IwroRCaRwrasr�xn ❑ T (CLlP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) TOTAL # OF S{GNATURE PAGES appmval of resolution approving payment of an annuai MediaOne capital eq� �� �e Paul Neighborhoal :(SPNI� for implementation of its annual equipment replacement plan. V 1� V SEP 0 6 2000 GITY ATTOfiNE1� PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMM{TfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION ���������a��w��� VES NO H� mia pe�soNfim+rm eea+a cAy empbyee4 YES NO Ocesthie PersoNfirtn P�sess a sltiU Mt namallYD�� b'! �Y aureM cilY �pbYce? YES NO Is this paraonrfirm a feryeted veMOr1 YES NO '. The City's cable francluse with MediaOne requires that MediaOne provide an annual $50,000 gant in 1997 dollars for PEG access capital equipment purposes. SPNN is the City's Designated Entity for PEG access and has entered into a Performance Ageement with the City. SPN1V needs ongoing equipment replaceiueats and upgrades to fiilfil] its pmgramming mission and meet the tem�s of the Perfomiance Ageement. SPNN's ten-year and annual equipment replacement plan will not be interrupted and SPNN will be able to ensure fiilSllment of the tenns of its Perfoimance Agreement with the City and meet its programnun� mission: None. �a�n��a�.egie.�s Ia its�te�n yeaz educationai progcawcning will decre $_` roru aenour�r oF rwwsacrwn S_ 16631125-6910 FUNDIN650URCE ' =1NANCNL INFORMATION (EXPWN) i FY 2001 equipment replacement plans. As a result, reliability and service quatity levels of com and SPNN will be unable to satisfactorily fiilfill all the temis of its Perfoimance Agreement with COET/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� ..nuu� YE3 31125 wo f �RIGINAI RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul {the City) has awarded a cable franclvse to 1 2 requ"ues that MediaOne provide capital funding for PEG access and community 3 WI�ItEAS, MediaOne is to provide an annual $50,000 grant for FEG 4 dollazs by 7uly 31, the anniversary date of ihe renewal francluse; and 5 WfiEREAS, these funds have been received by the City in the amount 6 accowrt (? ll-50041-9531) for the Designated Enrity, pending City C� 7 Designated Entity; and � Council Fiie # O d • �`S Green Sheet # � O 5 Z � Date Inq and the cable francluse in�: and equipment purposes in 1997 2,426 and aze being heid by the City in an approval for the payment of the funds to the 8 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNI� is t� City's Designated Entity, and the City and SPNN 9 have entered into a Perfonnauce Agreement approved by the S�Pfnt Paul City Council as Council File #00-614; and 10 WHEREAS, SPNN needs ongoing equipment replacen 11 terms of its Performance Agreement with the City; and 12 WHEREAS, the City's Cable Communications 13 and recommends the City release the $52,426 e� 14 WHEREAS, SPNN agrees to provide an 15 be it 16 RESOLVED, that the aforementioned upgrades to fulfill its prograuuning mission and the has reviewed SPNN's ten-year and F'I' 2001 equipment plans t grant to SPNN; and to the City of the actual expenditure of these funds; now, therefore, be paid to SPNN out of the City account #711-50041-9531. Requested by Depaztment of: Benanav Bostrom Coleman Harris Iantry Reiter Adopted by Adoption C By: � Date by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date Techna�gement rvices By: ` Form �pg • ved by Ciry Attorn r p By: - Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl $y. V � � u � � ���� ,.��,�•,� OROH( TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET Oo — PSb No 103532 �'O�fAilqeEY_�_ ❑CrtYUOR ❑ At�11q4Li9NCClGR ❑ HIWC4Li9NKCi6 �rra¢pewaaourtl ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Commcil approval of resolution apptoving payment of an anuual MediaOne capital equipment gant from ihe City to the Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNI� for implementation of its annual equipment ieplacement plan. f' �, �.�NK� R859u7fG�1 E'i°�1+�( SEP 112640 PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMffTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION �m���� VES NO Fles tlie Pe�eaNfirtn eva YES DcesMic pa YES NO Htluspe1saUfi 818fg YES MO ��a�����rt��z a aty emqov�e9 �m�bDOCCaseU by anY aneM d�' emPbYe�'-? The Cily's cable fisncluse with MediaOne requires ihai MediaOne provide an ann $SO,OQO grant in 199'7 dollars for PEG access capital equipment putposes. SPNN is the City's Designated Entity for PEG access and has entered ' o a Perfocn�auce Agreement with the City. SPNN needs ongoing equipment replacements and upgrades to fulfill its progrnn¢ning mission and m t ihe fernas of the Perfonnance Agreement. SPNN's ten-year and annual equipment replacement plan will not be ' errupted and SPNN will be able to eiuure fuiSllment of the terms of its Perfoimance Agreement with the City and meet its progLUmning mi ion. , ���� V �� IF �v�am �a�st�n�a �,� �a� � FY 2001 equipment replaceroent plans. As a re SPNN will be unable to satisfactorily fiilfill all ..-• -••-••----e..._.v._... $52,426 711-50041-4531 sou� iNFOw.unora �ocPwN) �ITY AT�C7FiN�Y equipmeut replacement designed to meet the goals and strategies laid out in its ten-year an� ty and seivice qualiTy le�eis of community and educational progiammiug will decrease and its Perfonnance Ageement with the-City. _ COET/REVENUE BUD6ETID (pRCLE ON� YES NO J3ECEILtEB+RrHw+e�e SEP 0 5 2�00 �� ��� ���°��ch Ge^��� MAYOR'S OFFICE sr mA� � k '-. S v,.�os �; �-�..��. - s �p �. a.�, ao c fl CounCil File # CC � gS� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WFiEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (the City) has awarded a cable franchise to MediaOne, Inc, and the cable 2 franchise requires that MediaOne provide capital funding for PEG access and community prograinming; and 3 WHEREAS, MediaOne is to provide an aanual $50,000 gant for PEG access capital equipment purposes in 1997 4 dollars by July 31, the anniversary date of the renewal franchise; and 5 WHEREAS, these funds have been received by the City in the amount of $52,426 and are being held by the City in 6 an account (166-31125-6910) for the Designated Entity, pending City Council approval for the payment of the 7 funds to the Designated Entity; and 8 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN) is the City's Designated Entity, and the City and 9 SPNN have entered into a Performance Agzeement approved by the Saint Paul City Council as Council File #QQ- 10 614; and i l WHEREAS, SPNN needs ongoing equipment replacements and upgrades to fulfill its programm;ng mission and 12 the terms of its Perfonnauce Agreement with the City; and 13 WHEREAS, the City's Cable Communications Officer has reviewed SPNN's ten-year and FY 2001 equipment 14 plans and recommends the City release the $52,426 equipment grant to SPNN; and 15 WHEREAS, SPNN agrees to provide an accounting to the City of the actual expenditure of these funds; now, 16 therefore, be it 17 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify thaC there are funds 18 of $52,426 available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2000 Budget; and 19 WHEREAS, the Mayar recommends the following changes to the 2000 budget; 20 Current 21 FiNANCING PLAN Budeet Chanees 22 Cable Communications 23 166 - 31125 - 6910 PEG grant 0 $52,426 24 All Other Activity Financang 0 - 25 Total Financing 0 52 426 26 SPENDING PLAN 27 Cable Communications 28 166 - 31125 - 0545 Pmt to outside agency 29 All Other Activity Spending 3Q Total Spending Green Sheet # Cj� 7 0 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 1 $52,426 52 426 Amended Budeet $52,426 0 52 426 $52,426 0 52 426 oo-��� BE IT RFSOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2000 budget. Adoption CerCified by Council Secretary By: Requested by Department of: Technolo s& Mana ement Services BMa� � Approved By: � Form App� By: � Financial Services ._ �� • by City Attorney � � �/�'��^-7_�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date �sv�� Council ^ �f p � / �/ L By: v` 1l�/lM„/T �L�I/LL6�� By: C�U�.�i3� /`�aF07 — Adopted by Council: Date � 2.e,��c,r, Office of Cable Communications �� ��� - �� a �„� �.���Q-��� $�31r�000 GREEN SHEET Noj a3481 V ogywyarow�saa �� • • � a�rcawra _ 4l� /} /�� � OIVAii01StY '� Y � � ♦ ❑ tl1YClifK � wu�cLLmixttso�t� ❑ wuwcw.aav�cr¢ I'/IwroRCaRwrasr�xn ❑ T (CLlP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) TOTAL # OF S{GNATURE PAGES appmval of resolution approving payment of an annuai MediaOne capital eq� �� �e Paul Neighborhoal :(SPNI� for implementation of its annual equipment replacement plan. V 1� V SEP 0 6 2000 GITY ATTOfiNE1� PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMM{TfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION ���������a��w��� VES NO H� mia pe�soNfim+rm eea+a cAy empbyee4 YES NO Ocesthie PersoNfirtn P�sess a sltiU Mt namallYD�� b'! �Y aureM cilY �pbYce? YES NO Is this paraonrfirm a feryeted veMOr1 YES NO '. The City's cable francluse with MediaOne requires that MediaOne provide an annual $50,000 gant in 1997 dollars for PEG access capital equipment purposes. SPNN is the City's Designated Entity for PEG access and has entered into a Performance Ageement with the City. SPN1V needs ongoing equipment replaceiueats and upgrades to fiilfil] its pmgramming mission and meet the tem�s of the Perfomiance Ageement. SPNN's ten-year and annual equipment replacement plan will not be interrupted and SPNN will be able to ensure fiilSllment of the tenns of its Perfoimance Agreement with the City and meet its programnun� mission: None. �a�n��a�.egie.�s Ia its�te�n yeaz educationai progcawcning will decre $_` roru aenour�r oF rwwsacrwn S_ 16631125-6910 FUNDIN650URCE ' =1NANCNL INFORMATION (EXPWN) i FY 2001 equipment replacement plans. As a result, reliability and service quatity levels of com and SPNN will be unable to satisfactorily fiilfill all the temis of its Perfoimance Agreement with COET/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� ..nuu� YE3 31125 wo f �RIGINAI RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul {the City) has awarded a cable franclvse to 1 2 requ"ues that MediaOne provide capital funding for PEG access and community 3 WI�ItEAS, MediaOne is to provide an annual $50,000 grant for FEG 4 dollazs by 7uly 31, the anniversary date of ihe renewal francluse; and 5 WfiEREAS, these funds have been received by the City in the amount 6 accowrt (? ll-50041-9531) for the Designated Enrity, pending City C� 7 Designated Entity; and � Council Fiie # O d • �`S Green Sheet # � O 5 Z � Date Inq and the cable francluse in�: and equipment purposes in 1997 2,426 and aze being heid by the City in an approval for the payment of the funds to the 8 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNI� is t� City's Designated Entity, and the City and SPNN 9 have entered into a Perfonnauce Agreement approved by the S�Pfnt Paul City Council as Council File #00-614; and 10 WHEREAS, SPNN needs ongoing equipment replacen 11 terms of its Performance Agreement with the City; and 12 WHEREAS, the City's Cable Communications 13 and recommends the City release the $52,426 e� 14 WHEREAS, SPNN agrees to provide an 15 be it 16 RESOLVED, that the aforementioned upgrades to fulfill its prograuuning mission and the has reviewed SPNN's ten-year and F'I' 2001 equipment plans t grant to SPNN; and to the City of the actual expenditure of these funds; now, therefore, be paid to SPNN out of the City account #711-50041-9531. Requested by Depaztment of: Benanav Bostrom Coleman Harris Iantry Reiter Adopted by Adoption C By: � Date by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date Techna�gement rvices By: ` Form �pg • ved by Ciry Attorn r p By: - Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl $y. V � � u � � ���� ,.��,�•,� OROH( TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET Oo — PSb No 103532 �'O�fAilqeEY_�_ ❑CrtYUOR ❑ At�11q4Li9NCClGR ❑ HIWC4Li9NKCi6 �rra¢pewaaourtl ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Commcil approval of resolution apptoving payment of an anuual MediaOne capital equipment gant from ihe City to the Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNI� for implementation of its annual equipment ieplacement plan. f' �, �.�NK� R859u7fG�1 E'i°�1+�( SEP 112640 PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMffTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION �m���� VES NO Fles tlie Pe�eaNfirtn eva YES DcesMic pa YES NO Htluspe1saUfi 818fg YES MO ��a�����rt��z a aty emqov�e9 �m�bDOCCaseU by anY aneM d�' emPbYe�'-? The Cily's cable fisncluse with MediaOne requires ihai MediaOne provide an ann $SO,OQO grant in 199'7 dollars for PEG access capital equipment putposes. SPNN is the City's Designated Entity for PEG access and has entered ' o a Perfocn�auce Agreement with the City. SPNN needs ongoing equipment replacements and upgrades to fulfill its progrnn¢ning mission and m t ihe fernas of the Perfonnance Agreement. SPNN's ten-year and annual equipment replacement plan will not be ' errupted and SPNN will be able to eiuure fuiSllment of the terms of its Perfoimance Agreement with the City and meet its progLUmning mi ion. , ���� V �� IF �v�am �a�st�n�a �,� �a� � FY 2001 equipment replaceroent plans. As a re SPNN will be unable to satisfactorily fiilfill all ..-• -••-••----e..._.v._... $52,426 711-50041-4531 sou� iNFOw.unora �ocPwN) �ITY AT�C7FiN�Y equipmeut replacement designed to meet the goals and strategies laid out in its ten-year an� ty and seivice qualiTy le�eis of community and educational progiammiug will decrease and its Perfonnance Ageement with the-City. _ COET/REVENUE BUD6ETID (pRCLE ON� YES NO J3ECEILtEB+RrHw+e�e SEP 0 5 2�00 �� ��� ���°��ch Ge^��� MAYOR'S OFFICE sr mA� � k '-.