00-855OR1Gl�fAL Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, M COUNCILFILE# �..�'SC GREENSHEET# ]OIZOR Commtitee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Charitable Gambling Fund was established to disburse proceeds from charitable gambling 2 organizarions to eligible community based non-profit organizaUOns which have been screened by the Youth 3 Programs Fund Advisory Boud. 5 WF3EREAS, the charitable gambling donarions to Fund 399 increased during 1999, we aze requesring a$30,000 6 increase in spending authority in order to provide additional funding for youth programs for the duration of 7 the yeaz. 9 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.2 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 10 there aze available for appropriation, funds of $30,000 in excess of those esrimated in the 2000 budget; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addirions be made to the 2000 budget: 13 14 FINANCING PLAN: 15 399 - Charitable Gambling 16 33179 - Charitable Gambling Distributions 17 9830 Use of Fund 18 19 CURRCNT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 30,000 30,000 0 3Q000 30,000 20 SPEIVDING PLAN: 21 399 - Charitable Gambling 22 331'74 - Charitable Gambling Contributions 23 0545 - City Contributions to Outside Agency 74,O�Q 30,OQ0 1U4,00Q 24 74,000 30,000 104,000 25 26 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 27 2000 Budget. Adopted by Council: Date: �„ �-y �,, ���,� �s� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By� J � ��--� Approved by Mayor: Date: ��?�� B y� C ����� ��� � Requested by: of Pazks � � Approval Recommended by Fi�ancial Services D"uector: �. ` � BY _ �1 i•�'�+ - Form Approved by City o ey BY� ccQ��-1 .-+^vl Approved Mayor for Submission to Council By �� G:�F'IvnWP�Fund399Resol.wb3 Page 1 tj UEPqftTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET ,^ S� NO. IOIZOS • Parks artd Recreation 08/'I8/00 � CONTACT PEFSON AND PHONE INITALIDATE INITIAUDA7E Vic Wittgenstein � OEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 CITYCOUNdL ASSIGN NJMeEfl F �CITY ATTORNE'! ,CITY CLERK MUST 3E ON COUNCIL AGENDA 6Y (DATE1 Q ��NG 2 FINANCIALSERVICESOIR. B FlNANQALSEFiV/ACCTG 4 MAYOR IOfl ASASTANT) _. TOTAL i Oi SIGNATUFE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCAT10N5 FOR SIGNNTUfEI kCT10N REQUESTm: Approval of the attached Councii Resolution which is establishing a spending plan for the additional funding for youth programs. RECOMMENDATIDNS: ApprovelAlorRe�ectlR) P6tSONAL56tNCECONiRACT5MU5TqN5W0tTHEFUILOWINGQVF5T10N5: __PLANNING COMMISSION __GNIL SERNCE CO1JMt551pN �, Has this penon/Lrm ever wwked ueMer e wMrac[ for [hia tlepartmeerc? CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A$TAFF -- 2. Has this penoNfnm ever been a axy emoloyee> — — YES NO D�STRICT COUNCII _ 3. Oces this persaNfirm oaess a skll nut normall possesud b anY current at p y y y employee> SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQL OBJECTIVP YES NO 6plein ell yea erewers on aeDemte sheet eM etmcn ro qrren aheec. iNITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY ryVho, Whe4 Whsn. Where, WM1yI: Charitable gambling donations to the fund increased in 1999. Approval is requested to increase spending authority bY 530,000 in order to provide additional funding tor youth programs for the duration of this year. AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This will allow eligible applicants a better opportunity to receive tfie ful{ amount per granS csquest, and wil! also atlow an opportunity for more etigihle applicants to receive grant awards substantially higher than the minimum. P,pS6t'tC� �6S9r�i C�1 �Eti#2f DISADVANTAGES If APPROVED: ��� 1 � 2aaa None. � ��I V � DISAOVANTA6ESIFN�THPPROVEO. SE� V P �EiCt[8 Poor quality youth programs. p�l��> A�To�S��� V f 1 i TOTNL AMOUNT OP TRANSAC�ION .� 30.000 COST6iEVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONEI YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE ACTIVITVNUM66t 399-33779 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: IESPLAIN) OR1Gl�fAL Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, M COUNCILFILE# �..�'SC GREENSHEET# ]OIZOR Commtitee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Charitable Gambling Fund was established to disburse proceeds from charitable gambling 2 organizarions to eligible community based non-profit organizaUOns which have been screened by the Youth 3 Programs Fund Advisory Boud. 5 WF3EREAS, the charitable gambling donarions to Fund 399 increased during 1999, we aze requesring a$30,000 6 increase in spending authority in order to provide additional funding for youth programs for the duration of 7 the yeaz. 9 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.2 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 10 there aze available for appropriation, funds of $30,000 in excess of those esrimated in the 2000 budget; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addirions be made to the 2000 budget: 13 14 FINANCING PLAN: 15 399 - Charitable Gambling 16 33179 - Charitable Gambling Distributions 17 9830 Use of Fund 18 19 CURRCNT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 30,000 30,000 0 3Q000 30,000 20 SPEIVDING PLAN: 21 399 - Charitable Gambling 22 331'74 - Charitable Gambling Contributions 23 0545 - City Contributions to Outside Agency 74,O�Q 30,OQ0 1U4,00Q 24 74,000 30,000 104,000 25 26 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 27 2000 Budget. Adopted by Council: Date: �„ �-y �,, ���,� �s� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By� J � ��--� Approved by Mayor: Date: ��?�� B y� C ����� ��� � Requested by: of Pazks � � Approval Recommended by Fi�ancial Services D"uector: �. ` � BY _ �1 i•�'�+ - Form Approved by City o ey BY� ccQ��-1 .-+^vl Approved Mayor for Submission to Council By �� G:�F'IvnWP�Fund399Resol.wb3 Page 1 tj UEPqftTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET ,^ S� NO. IOIZOS • Parks artd Recreation 08/'I8/00 � CONTACT PEFSON AND PHONE INITALIDATE INITIAUDA7E Vic Wittgenstein � OEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 CITYCOUNdL ASSIGN NJMeEfl F �CITY ATTORNE'! ,CITY CLERK MUST 3E ON COUNCIL AGENDA 6Y (DATE1 Q ��NG 2 FINANCIALSERVICESOIR. B FlNANQALSEFiV/ACCTG 4 MAYOR IOfl ASASTANT) _. TOTAL i Oi SIGNATUFE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCAT10N5 FOR SIGNNTUfEI kCT10N REQUESTm: Approval of the attached Councii Resolution which is establishing a spending plan for the additional funding for youth programs. RECOMMENDATIDNS: ApprovelAlorRe�ectlR) P6tSONAL56tNCECONiRACT5MU5TqN5W0tTHEFUILOWINGQVF5T10N5: __PLANNING COMMISSION __GNIL SERNCE CO1JMt551pN �, Has this penon/Lrm ever wwked ueMer e wMrac[ for [hia tlepartmeerc? CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A$TAFF -- 2. Has this penoNfnm ever been a axy emoloyee> — — YES NO D�STRICT COUNCII _ 3. Oces this persaNfirm oaess a skll nut normall possesud b anY current at p y y y employee> SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQL OBJECTIVP YES NO 6plein ell yea erewers on aeDemte sheet eM etmcn ro qrren aheec. iNITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY ryVho, Whe4 Whsn. Where, WM1yI: Charitable gambling donations to the fund increased in 1999. Approval is requested to increase spending authority bY 530,000 in order to provide additional funding tor youth programs for the duration of this year. AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This will allow eligible applicants a better opportunity to receive tfie ful{ amount per granS csquest, and wil! also atlow an opportunity for more etigihle applicants to receive grant awards substantially higher than the minimum. P,pS6t'tC� �6S9r�i C�1 �Eti#2f DISADVANTAGES If APPROVED: ��� 1 � 2aaa None. � ��I V � DISAOVANTA6ESIFN�THPPROVEO. SE� V P �EiCt[8 Poor quality youth programs. p�l��> A�To�S��� V f 1 i TOTNL AMOUNT OP TRANSAC�ION .� 30.000 COST6iEVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONEI YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE ACTIVITVNUM66t 399-33779 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: IESPLAIN) OR1Gl�fAL Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, M COUNCILFILE# �..�'SC GREENSHEET# ]OIZOR Commtitee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Charitable Gambling Fund was established to disburse proceeds from charitable gambling 2 organizarions to eligible community based non-profit organizaUOns which have been screened by the Youth 3 Programs Fund Advisory Boud. 5 WF3EREAS, the charitable gambling donarions to Fund 399 increased during 1999, we aze requesring a$30,000 6 increase in spending authority in order to provide additional funding for youth programs for the duration of 7 the yeaz. 9 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.2 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 10 there aze available for appropriation, funds of $30,000 in excess of those esrimated in the 2000 budget; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addirions be made to the 2000 budget: 13 14 FINANCING PLAN: 15 399 - Charitable Gambling 16 33179 - Charitable Gambling Distributions 17 9830 Use of Fund 18 19 CURRCNT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 30,000 30,000 0 3Q000 30,000 20 SPEIVDING PLAN: 21 399 - Charitable Gambling 22 331'74 - Charitable Gambling Contributions 23 0545 - City Contributions to Outside Agency 74,O�Q 30,OQ0 1U4,00Q 24 74,000 30,000 104,000 25 26 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 27 2000 Budget. Adopted by Council: Date: �„ �-y �,, ���,� �s� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By� J � ��--� Approved by Mayor: Date: ��?�� B y� C ����� ��� � Requested by: of Pazks � � Approval Recommended by Fi�ancial Services D"uector: �. ` � BY _ �1 i•�'�+ - Form Approved by City o ey BY� ccQ��-1 .-+^vl Approved Mayor for Submission to Council By �� G:�F'IvnWP�Fund399Resol.wb3 Page 1 tj UEPqftTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET ,^ S� NO. IOIZOS • Parks artd Recreation 08/'I8/00 � CONTACT PEFSON AND PHONE INITALIDATE INITIAUDA7E Vic Wittgenstein � OEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 CITYCOUNdL ASSIGN NJMeEfl F �CITY ATTORNE'! ,CITY CLERK MUST 3E ON COUNCIL AGENDA 6Y (DATE1 Q ��NG 2 FINANCIALSERVICESOIR. B FlNANQALSEFiV/ACCTG 4 MAYOR IOfl ASASTANT) _. TOTAL i Oi SIGNATUFE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCAT10N5 FOR SIGNNTUfEI kCT10N REQUESTm: Approval of the attached Councii Resolution which is establishing a spending plan for the additional funding for youth programs. RECOMMENDATIDNS: ApprovelAlorRe�ectlR) P6tSONAL56tNCECONiRACT5MU5TqN5W0tTHEFUILOWINGQVF5T10N5: __PLANNING COMMISSION __GNIL SERNCE CO1JMt551pN �, Has this penon/Lrm ever wwked ueMer e wMrac[ for [hia tlepartmeerc? CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A$TAFF -- 2. Has this penoNfnm ever been a axy emoloyee> — — YES NO D�STRICT COUNCII _ 3. Oces this persaNfirm oaess a skll nut normall possesud b anY current at p y y y employee> SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQL OBJECTIVP YES NO 6plein ell yea erewers on aeDemte sheet eM etmcn ro qrren aheec. iNITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY ryVho, Whe4 Whsn. Where, WM1yI: Charitable gambling donations to the fund increased in 1999. Approval is requested to increase spending authority bY 530,000 in order to provide additional funding tor youth programs for the duration of this year. AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This will allow eligible applicants a better opportunity to receive tfie ful{ amount per granS csquest, and wil! also atlow an opportunity for more etigihle applicants to receive grant awards substantially higher than the minimum. P,pS6t'tC� �6S9r�i C�1 �Eti#2f DISADVANTAGES If APPROVED: ��� 1 � 2aaa None. � ��I V � DISAOVANTA6ESIFN�THPPROVEO. SE� V P �EiCt[8 Poor quality youth programs. p�l��> A�To�S��� V f 1 i TOTNL AMOUNT OP TRANSAC�ION .� 30.000 COST6iEVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONEI YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE ACTIVITVNUM66t 399-33779 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: IESPLAIN)