274807 �MHITE - CITV CLERK �y�{��� PINK - FINANCE COIlIICll �J CANARV - DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT PAUL BI.UE - MAVOR - File N 0. � C ncil Resolution Presented By _�. r Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF�A5`, the Commissior�er of Transportation for the Stat�e of Mi.nnesota has prepared: p]�ans, special �rovisions, ar�d specificaticns for tl�e i�xvve- ment of Trunk Highway Nos. 104 & 392, rernat�ered as ZY�mk Highway Nos. 5 & 94, within the oorporate limits of the City of St. Paul, ic�entified as S.P. 6218-05-07 (5=104) and S.P. 6283-62080 (94=392) ; ar�d seeks the ap�rova]_ thereof: 1�7W, TF�I, BE IT �LUID, that sai.d plans and special provisioazs for the i�rov�nent of said TrLmk Highways �within said oorporate limits of tl�e City, be and hereby are approved includixig the elevatioris and grad�s as showri and c�sent is hereby giv�n t,o any and all chsnges in grade oocasioned by said oo�.structiari. BE IT FU� RE90LUID, that the City c'lpes hereby agree to require tY�e parking of all vehicles, if such parking is permitted within the �rporat7e �;m;ts of said City, � said Tnmk Highways, to be parallel with tl�e curb adjavent to the highway, aiyd at least 20 fe�t fro�n any crosswalks � all public streets intersecting said tnuilc highway. COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: J�dY� Yeas MCMAHON Nays af �� � In Favor �lic Works (Traffic-RfiR) Hozza ��, Hunt i�"/� � /` � �/yr l.�i fl. ,�iL- �_ /�� ZC �� .�-� /"�i Levine _ __ Against BY - — Maddox i Showalter �' '._/ Tedesc Adopted ouncil: Date APR 2 4 1980 Form Approv d b C' ttorney i' � C ified Passed un Secretary� BY v �/ � APR 2 5 1980 Appr v d by Ma r bmission to Council App d by lNavor. te By _ — B �.►sH�u MAY 3 t98 OM OI: 12/19 � R�v: 9/8/7 ��I�t�l�]2�!T2(�`� GI'' ?1_TV�'[IJ`TI:�`ITf��7'7t1?C OF.DFRS� � RL'SOT�C?'_"IC;�;�, I�'ZL? Oi��I�'•;�'�s?C".I?fi � ____ �.te: r��n is, i9so . j� E �: E � a/ E D : � , J �� ,i APf' 1 7?9�4 � AP ' .�. � T0: MAYOR G�O� LI�TIlKEI2 MAYOR�S OFFICE . Y �; Donald E. Nygaard, Direct�or, Public Works Departm�.nt . �; Revonstxuction of Kellogg Boulevard Bridg�e. pECEIVED �Brick�e approaches, lighting syst�m, ai�d traffic �trol signal a!L" Kellegg Boulevard and Mrnux'is B�ulevard. �. I� -`�� APR 15198i10 � K � � TY AT�ORNEY CI ��z� ��: � Appraval of the attached Ornmcil Resoluticaai, PURFC)..rE ArII? P,ATI�.AT� FOR Tf?IS ACTIO�T: Wbrk is t�o begin in Jime 1980 and is to be va�,�leted within 280 wnrking days , Zt�e entire roadway wil,l be closed between Pine Street and Kellog�g �o�ul.evard.� Z#�ere will be .vehicular access t�o the Stawoo Building and the Diesel Electxic Servive fram Cam�ercial Street and vacated Cane1 Street by way of Matuids Blvd. � Zt�e Oonntractor will be requi.red to provic�e ac�c�ess to other adjaaent praperty including the Joh� Street Parking lot. AZTAC'ffi�: �cil Resolutiari �fiR:fi�:ced s