274806 WHI7E - CITV GLERK "���� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR , o ncil Resolution Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Public Stairway hereto maintained in Lots 3 and 4, Block 20, Bass' Rearrangement, was constructed to furnish access from CAPITOL HEIGHTS to Jackson St. , and WHEREAS, Maintenance of the stairway in a safe condition will require expensive reconstruction work, and WHEREAS, The stairway is little used, as buildings and residences from which pedestrian traffic formerly was generated are now removed and other routes are available, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the removal of said stairway is hereby authorized and the Director of Public Works is directed to dismantle and fill such portions of said stairway as necessary to prevent further use for public travel. COUNC[LMEN Yeas McMAHON Nays Requested by Depactment of: �'� � [n Favor Public Works Hozza Hunt ,,,J Levine �/ __ Against BY '� Maddox onald E. Ny ard, Director (REG Showalter Tedesco Form Approved b City ttorn Adopted ouncil: Date ��D `� d�— , C ified Passed o , cretary BY 5, App by iNavor: t APR 2 5 1950 App o by Mayor r ss� to Council gy B P�1W.iS�tED MAY 3 1980 . : ' , ;�"� � « O°� d s � ���� . THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION � T0: Allen J. Shetka Acting Maint�enance IIzgineer F�iOM: Robert H. Roettger LIATE: October 5, 1979 SUBJDCT: JACKSCJN STREE,,T S'I'EPS - Jackson Street to Capitol Heights Removal Last July the Bridge Maintenanoe people asked if these steps could be removed because they w�ere in need of major repairs. We have talked to the neighbors and have asked the District #7 Planning Council about the need for the st�eps. All report that the steps are little used and could just as well be taken out and save the City some mr�ney. Also, talked to Gary Griffenberg of the State Capitol Architect's Office. The state is developing a park area near the top of these steps and feel the steps wnuld be nice to keep, but are not absolutely necessary, and are probably not wr�rth the cost to rebuild. We rec�nd that th+ese steps be removed. They are no longer needed for pedestrian traffic. 4,fien you have all the legal things started and have scheduled this wnrk please call Gary Griffenberg, 296-7138, and let him knaw what is happening. RHR:CZT:�ed cc: Gary Griffenberg-Capitol Architects & Planning Board 400 S.W. State Office Building . ...�_ , �� ' ��� � � . � � . THOMAS - DALEIDISTRICT 7 PLANNING COUNCIL, INC. --� '10'10 University Avenue a St. Paul, Minnesota 55104�2J8 - 506e � � � August 17 , 1979 Robert H . Roettger City Traffic Engineer 2 3 4 C i ty H a 1 1 ----.--__- �.. St. Paul , Mn 55IO2 � � Re : Steps-Jackson to Capitol Heights � Dear Mr. Roettger : �.. ,� The District 7 Planning Council has revi-ewe your request to abandon and remove the steps described above. After viewing them our opinion is that they should be abandoned �and � be removed to no longer necessitate time from your department . They obviously are not used to any great extent , and because of the two types of construction and the condition of ���hem , we consider them unrepairable for future use for the proposed park planned by the CAAPB . If you deem it necessary , a pedestrian count might be interesting . Sincerely .��z--�-�, � � , Dale Busacker , President Thomas-Dale/District 7 Planning Council , Inc . cc : Gary Grefenberg { ;� ��� � � �9 �� ,� / ' 1� .l, � /'� � . , 1 �./`�" , - �'� ' , >,��` f AUG 24 1979 U!" t,�; !', �; ` � �,�` ' . � 9� ,� �� - ,, ,: I , �,,i; j ,,�.- ��Fp ^' 1C WORKS �„� ' T. OF PUu� .�, r . ,,;=� �p,, , f TRAFFIC BURE�(� , �' ,1 j � �, . , - . �d i , ,� r 'l. ��' ' �1 '�!/`,' ' ' ' I f V, .� � � '� i � � "�° /. �1�r . .l, - . � t r 1 "� �� � ��� ��r ��l�'_. 7 . � . ti` . �. 'l��' �1 1�,�-�. � ���\11i� • �, / � ��1TT V�'�:� . �� ` �° `,}.��`, !�TY OF SAINT PAUL ;�. ,,,; ` 'o� '� a< DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS , ;� iiiiiii�ii ~: %p �__��L' = DONALD E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR ���� � 234 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ,,:���,,,,.,.r°°`, GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4241 MAYOR � ' � �:��x a.r,�.� � �TUly 26� 1979 ''�. :'�in�?v r�arris - T:iomas-P��le/nistr.ict 7 Plann�nc� Coiu�cil 1010 i?niversitv Tvr_nue • �t. P�.�1,—T'.^1 - 55104__------- _ . _ _. '•'.�: r'T'�'►"' _ .7��c1�:��n "treet t� �'��:�it�l :7e'Rhts (i�:�st of ('niv�r.sity Tvern�) 1'�quest to ak���nc'on. • _ _ ___....__. __-- T�ar f•'s. r'orris: _.__ _ �"liese ste�s are in ne�c'. �f_ ex.ten�ive r.�pairs. `I'�e stens zpnear to l�e little usc�? anc� u�e have }_�en asked to eom*�ent on the possik�ilitv of a1-:anc�oning and rer*;ovinQ therr. '°:c �•�ill r��zlce � n�c'�stri�n co�t, h�.it �:e ��on't .f_cel t}1at ju�t ene or t-�ao counts �•,�ul.d cri�� ia� the ful.l pictur� ef }:cx�� tnese ste�s are u.�e�? (or not u,:�r) . It �•:oulc� �� extr.errly hnlnf:�_z] if you ���oulc� t;rinn t�;is matter k�efore your District ��uncil f_or tiieir ccr7r�ents anc� r�coriar�nc?ations. Ginc�rely, ti?n�:�er.t 'I. 1'.c�ettcer Gity Traffic mc;ineer r"I:�'.:CI,T:c�c1 • cc: Rov Griec?er . " �le:: Patric}. .�,�.s . , ._ , . . . OM O 1: 12/�.9 7 5 . Rev. : � , � ,� � ~ jE�FLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDE�S, � i RESOLUT�QI�S, :�;ND ;4RI7�P�As'�1C�S ' � , �t � � � � �1/ ED , AP�' 1 5 1980 � , Date:. April 9, !,19$0 MAYOR'S OFpC,� � , . � T0: MAYOR GEORGE. 'LATIMER . _ i , - � � FR: R. E. Gri�eder . �� Stairway ,between CAPITOL HEIGHTS and Jackson, approximately • 450' riorth of Uniuersity. . , - . ACTION REQUESTED: � � Process l�esolution. - � . • ,�-�i� �� � ' . � � : PURPOSE AND RAT�ONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � � These stz�irways are in need of. extensive rePairs to be in a safe con ition. Volume of traffic on stairs does not warrant cost of �epairs. . ,. i � � � , : ATTACHMENTS: Resolutialn. Copy of letter frorn Traffic Engineer to Sandy Morris dated 7-26-79. Copy of ]�etter from Dale Busaker to R. Roettger dat�d 8-17-79. Copy of ]�etter from R. Roettger to A. J. Shetka dated 10-5-79. REG/mp i � I