274805 WH17E - CITV CLERK ���� PINK - FINANCE GITY �OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � File N . _; ` o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Public Stairway hereto maintained in the section of COLLEGE STREET, adjacent to and southeast of the southwest approach to the bridge which carries College Street over Ninth Street, was built to furnish access from College 5treet to Ninth Street, and WHEREAS, The buildings and residences, from which pedestrians traffic formerly was generated, are now either removed or no longer used; and WHEREAS, Maintenance of the stairway in a safe condition will require expensive reconstruction work; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the removal of said stairway is hereby authorized and the Director of Public Works is directed to dismantle and fill such portions of said stairway as necessary to prevent further use; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That an adequate barricade be maintained, by said Director, at the College Street access to said stairway to the end that none of the same shall be available hereafter for public travel thereon. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �HON Nays publiC Wor'ks Hozza � In Favor Hunt !� �f Levine � _ Against BY �'�� Maddox onald E. ygaa , Directo REG� Showalter Tede a 4 19Rn Form Approv by 'ty Att rney Adopte � Council Date — � rtified Pas- by Co cil S cretary BY � w l' r /�1pp v by Mavor: e _ APR 2 5 �JBO A r y May r fo ub `ission to Council By B Puw..�SN�a MAY 3 1980 . � �` � ������ THE DEPARYMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE ; CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION � T0: Roy r. Grieder FR(�M: Robert H. Roettger L�ATE: January 31, 1980 SUPJDCT: STAIRG�I�� YS - College Rridge to Ninth Street anc'. 5�►ith Street. I can see no reason to keep these stairs. Traffic, parking, and pedestrian origins and destinations have chan_qec� ccm�letely in this area sa that the stairs are no lonaer necessary. '!'hey may he removed as far as we are concerned. The remains of a stairway about 40 feet east of the bridge was desicmec� to _qo up from College, but the lay of the land naw goes do�an - so might as well rerrove it also. RHR:CLT:ced .a.. ;,,, , ' � , OM Oi: I.2�1975 _ � . Rev. : 9/8/?6 � •� - . EXJ?LANATION OF ADMTNISTRATIVE ORDERS, � ' � RESOLUTIONS, AN� •QRD�NANCES ' , ��� � x � � �, ; � �tE � � � VED � Date: April 9. 1980 Ap� 1 � 1�8� � MAYOIYS O� � TO: MAYOR G�O��RGE LATIMER .. �`d��� � .. . . .� FRs , R. E. Grieder, Department of Public Works . . � RE: Stairway located adjacent tQ�.. ollege St. Bridge which , • furni�hes. access from C ge Street to Ninth Street. � - . . # � jt . � � . . . � . . . � } � � � - . � . . � . � � . . . . . f . . . . � � . -. � . .. � . . , . . . . ' ' . . . . . . t ACTION REQUESTEID: � : � Process I�esolution. � � � � � � ���� � � � � � � � � � � '' �� , - s a . _ � � . . . . � � . . .� . . . �� i . �� ,,15� ; � L} � ol� - : � : : ' PURPOSE AND RAT�ONALE F4R THIS ACTION: � � These stairways are in need of extensive repairs to be in a . _ safe condition. Buildings and residences, fxom which pedestrian � � traffic �enerated, have ,been removed, and the stairways are � no longer, used. � � , t . ', � � � . � • , . i ATTACHMENTS: , C ; Resolutian .. • t Copy of 1'�etter from` Traffic Engineer dated 1-31-84. � � � REG/mp