274804 WMITE — C�TV CLERK ����� PINK — FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT PA LI L Council ., CANqRV — OEPARTMENT File N�. BLUE — MAVOR . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , upon the recomrr�ndation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1972, 1974, 1976 and 1978 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council , are hereby further amended in the following particulars: ' CURREIVT AMENDED AMENDMENTS BALANCE CHANGE APPROPRIATION ✓93172-999 ' 72 Restricted Use Account 5,187.38 - 5,187.38 -0- ✓93074-999 '74 Restricted Use Account $ 3,063.79 - 3,063.79 -0- ✓93076-999 ' 76 Restricted Use Account $ 1 ,358.59 - 1 ,358.59 -0- ✓93074-007 City-Wide Bikeway System $92,126.75 -23;000.�00 $69,126.75 �93078-005 North Dale Sitework $40,000.00 +32,609.76 $72,609.76 'f'!�e St. Paul7� g-��n � : -,. i LOiS g? iC�`���..�:.. 1�.� �',•f�A>�h�� L7i.l�:�'.�.A.f C���I� '!3C�.r'c°�. �??��"�:L tl .. ... .r. .... � . tda¢�) �,�_..._.._ , ..__...,..__ ,�' � _..._. , - :_. .. . . �9.g�P�; _ . - �._ _ -_ _ _ _� �af�: C� ..��...,..._._..._..._. Approved as to funding: Approved: � . � � ��,-� Q`'jDi rector, Dept. of Fi nan e a� �a�� 6 dget Di re or Management Services ��t.r� � p COUNCILMEN lteas McMAHON Nays Requested by Department of: ��� �_ [n Favor Communit Services Hozza Hunt Levine _ � __ Against Maddox Showalter Tedesco aPR 2 t� �� Form Approved y Cit ttorn Adopted ouncil: Date C �fied Pas� y C ncil Secre�,ary BY � _ � APR � 'rJ �JSO Ap o by Mayor for S is on Council i' ' �1ppr by Mavor. e By — BY . Pu�t.tS�tED MAY 3 19$0 _ ,....�.� • Vi�, J... V1' �'✓1��1'�7A ����� . . '= QFFZCE O�'+' T�TD+ CS'�Y CQai�i�ZL r �� .t----� ; ��, „ � , ��;��;�s� — �:�s �,,� + �� a� .�.� �� ��'. _ = �,;,=, �..., , ,:ya- DOtP : Apz'i1 21 s ].9$0 ��_ �;;t' �� ..._.-�'` `i 11 �� lY6 i� i � G � � � � �� �' O : Soint Pou1 City Co�ancil ._ . ��1 't}� � COtT1iTf1��'£�' Oi'i J�'�I ANCE , M.F�NAGEMEPdT AND I?};FtS4NNEL �Q C� `, RUBY HUN�';"�heirmar�, mc�kes the �a[iowirlc� repart on C.�. � .� f�rdi�~3ance (4) [� Re��luti�r� �] 0ther T' t�"L E : The Finance Committee, at zts meeting of April 2I , 198u , . xecommende.d approval of the following: I. Resolution amendin,g 1972 , 1974 , 1976 and 1978 �apital Improvement �udgets to pravide funding 'for contract award for 1�178 G. I . k. Fxojec� C-37, North. Dale si.tework. (10867-H) . ' 2 . Resalution �ransferring $30, 000 from contingent reserve- in 1980 Budget to cov�r . costs of services of a utility rate consul�ant , who wi,l.l support the city' s position in nearzngs be�are the Fubli�c Service Gvmmiss,xor�. 3 . Res�luti.a� trans�erring ,$].1. , �l8 fron cantingent res�rve for func3- ing an Indarect Gos� Aa�countant to facilitate recovering of lndirect casts frt�m: Federal funds and Enterpxise Funzl.s- 4 . Resoluti.�n transferring $14, 619 from contingent res�rve ta add. a Budget Analyst to thc budget sta�f. �..,�,�'� �'L'`��.T � �.EVE�� �1.��:Z . St���� �:�l,T.�..y �FSL[i�'t��T� S�1Q� . . .:�:s='�.p'� . . . �F;j