274799 WHITE - CiTY CLERK COUIICII ������ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L . CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE � - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution adjusting the rate of pay for the title of Library Aide in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section II B thereof, under the headi.ng "Special Employments", be striking out the following: "Library Aide 1 st year of employment 2. 60 an hour 2nd year of employment 2. 85 an hour 3rd year of employment 3. 10 an hour 4th year of employment and thereafter 3. 35 an hour" and by substituti.ng in lieu thereof the following: "Library Aide 1 st year of employment 3. 00 an hour 2nd year of employment 3. 25 an hour 3rd year of employment�` 3. 50 an hour 4th year of employment 3. 75 an hour Effective �anuary 10, 1981 - 1 st year of em.ployment 3. 30 an hour 2nd year of employment 3. 55 an. hour 3rd year�f employment'� 3. 80 an hour 4th year of employment 4. 05 an hour � High 5chool Graduates are appointed at t�he third year rate. " COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas M��� Nays PER NNE OFF CE � � [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY � ' Maddox Showalt T co Form pprove to Adopt y Council- Date —�-- C C rtified P• • d by C uncil Seccetary BY � _ � � 5 �9oU App o e by Mayor fo � i �fion to Council !�p by ;4lavor: ate ___ By - B �S��ED MA`l 3 1980 <�•-, . _� , cI'�Y ��' �.�-13I�''� �AU�., ,,;. , . �_� :'-� �` �,, OI'FIC�: Oi' THE �ZZ'Y COI7��ZL ` � '������ , � ��,,,-�::y , l."�_ .17�`1 iG �.i . . . - �*1!.:�b... � . . . . �,�, F> Date ; April 14 , 1980 <:�,� . "'�," cor� � ��-�� � � � � � �� - , T O : Saint Paul Ci�y Council FROM = Commi��ee O�1 TNANCE , MANAGEMENT F� PERSONNEL RUBY HUNT , , aiFinan, makes fihe following report on C. F. ❑ �3rdinance (9) X� Resalution � C7ther TiTLE : The Finance Committee, at its meeting of April 14 , 1980, recommended approva2 of the following: 1 . Resolution replacing class titles and specs fQr Fi•re Prevention Aide .I � and II and Fire Prevention Techn.ician I with tities and specs for Fire Aide I , Fire Aide II and Fire Technician � , resgectively. - No changes in grades . �10805-RH) . 2 . Resolution revising class specs for titles of Fire Prevention Techni- cian II and III and titles of Fire Prevention Inspect�or and Fire Invest- igator. This change will result in two class specs as follows : Fire Prevention Technician II/Fire Prevention Inspector, and Fire Prevention TechniGian III%Fire Investigator . (10807-RH) . 3. ?tesolution establishing titles and specs for Fire Communications Oper- ator I and II , also revising class specs for Fire Alarm Dispatcher I and II . This cha.nge will xesult in two class specs as follows : Fire Communications Operator I/Fire Alarm DispatcherI , and Fire Cammunicatiaizs:�. Operator II/Fire Alarm Dispatcher II . (10804-RH) . 4. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution to ' increase rates of pay for title of Library Aide at this time and again on January 10, 1981 . (10808-RH) . 5 . This resolution, as required in the agreement between the City and Old Town Restorations , Inc. , will eliminate the loan portion of this project and reallocate those funds to the development portian of the project . 6. Resolution providing funds for City Hall and Court House remodeling and repairing-- City' s share ($103, 946) to come from two sources : $23, 500 from the $100, 000 in Community Development funds that was budgeted for "Handicapped Accessibility to City Buildings/Servi.ces" and the balance CiTY HALL SEVENT�-? FLOOR SAINT PALJL, P�?ti\FSOT:� SSI02 of $80, 446 from the fund balance in the City Hall and Court House _^.�;,� accoun� . ,,� (CONTINU�D) • Lo r��t cl�tach this memorandum from �he . � resolution �o that this information wilf be �vallable to the City Council. EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, � ���� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: March 27, i9so R E C E 1 V E D AP R,� - 1980 11Ap��5 � T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ' - FRi Personnel Office RE: Resolution fvr submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution amends the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution to i.ncrease the rates of pay for the title of Library Aide at this time and again on January 1C�j 1981. These increases are necessary to recruit and retai.n employees in this classification. Pre sent Pay Rate s (Effective 1-27-?9) Propos�d, 1g80 Proposed, 1981 lst Year $2. 60 $3. 00 $3. 30 2nd Year 2• 85 3. 25 3. 55 3rd Year�` 3. 10 3. 50 3. 80 4th Year 3. 35 3. ?5 4. 05 * High School Graduates are appointed at the third year rate. ATTACHI�ENT S: Resolution and c�py for the City Clerk.