274798 N�HITE - GTY CLERK � COI1QC11 ����� �
Co�ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date �
Out of Committee By Date
An administrative Resolution revising tlze class specifica-
tions for the titles of Fire Prevention Technician II, Fire
Prevention Technician III, Fire Prevention Inspector, and
Fire Investigator, in the Civil Service Rules.
RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended i,n 5ection 32
th.ereof by striking out the class specifications for the titles of Fire
Prevention Technician II, Fire Prevention Technician III, Fire Prevention
Inspector, and Fire Investigator; and by substituting in lieu thereof, in
proper alphabetical order, t,he attached class specifications for Fire
Prevention Technician II/Fire Prevention Inspector and Fire Prevention
Technician III/Fire Investigator.
Civil Service Commission
Yeas McMAHON Nays Requested by Department of:
� � In Favor F'E ONNEL O ICE
Hunt '�
Ixvine � __ Against BY �
Maddox l
Te o Form prove tor
Adopte y Counci Date IIDD � d �Q�n �
C ified Va� d Council Si�ecret By
App by 1Navor. at � — � A pro ed by Mayor for ub ssion to Council
By — BY
eu�uSx� MAY 3 1980
� ' �
Title of class: �+�����
General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work in supervising
the fire prevention activities of a fire inspection district; conducts
difficult fire prevention inspections and tests; and performs related
duties as required.
Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head.
Supervision Exercised: Fxercises within the unit close technical supervision
over lower level Fire Technicians and Aides.
The listed examples may not include all duties perform.ed by all positions in
this class.
Supervises fire technicians and sides in conducting fire prevention
inspections of buildings and handling fire hazard complaints within an
assigned district.
Directs team fire inspection surveys in assigned fire inspection district.
Inspects buildings in the fire prevention district that have moderate to
severe fire safety problems such as schools, day care centers, hotels/
motels, and industrial facilities.
Issues tags for violations of fire protection regulations.
Prepares and presents fire prevention cases to the Appeals Board.
Reviews glans of Fire Department standpipe systems for compliance with
Inspects all fla�nable liquid storage rooms and paint spray booths.
Tests and evaluates fire hydrants to determine if water flow is adequate
for specific buildings.
Inspects buildings under construction to determine whether fire protection
systems are being installed according to plan.
Determines occupancy limits of places of assembly.
Determines proper storage of explosives and blasting agents.
Investigates applications for fireworks displays for safety and compliance
with regulations.
Reviews, evaluates, and revises fire inspection occupancy forms.
Meets with building owners and occupants to discuss fire code regulations.
Prepares and presents fire safety programs.
Prepares reports and maintains records of inspection activities.
Considerable knowledge of fire laws, ordinances, and rules and regulations.
(continued on reverse side)
. . ' ..
Considerable ability to deal effectively with building owners, department
personnel and the general public.
Considerable knowledge of fire prevention principles, techniques and
Working knowledge of the design and operation of fire detection and alarm
Working knowledge of the proper storage and handling of flammable materials
and explosives.
Working ability to plan, organize, and direct the work o€ others.
Working ability to apply fire safety concepts to the design, construction,
materials, and use of complex buildings and facilities or buildings with
considerable human risk potential.
An associate degree in fire science (certain courses may be substituted for
those required for the fire science associate degree; a list of such
substitute courses is maintained in the Personnel Office); or, a certifi-
cate in fire protection and two years' experience as a Fire Technician I
assigned to the Fire Prevention Office or equivalent; or, two years' �
experience in a position equivalent to Fire Prevention Technician II; or,
completion of the Fire Fighter apprenticeship program or equivalent. Each
additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for eight credit
hours. Must have a Minnesota driver's license.
� � Title of__class: �
��� �
General Statement of Duties: Performs highly skilled technical work in
supervising and conducting the most technical and difficult inspections
of buildings and grounds for the purpose of enforcing laws, ordinances,
and rules and regulations relating to fire hazards; reviews and interprets
fire codes and regulations; determines the cause of fires and evaluates
fire losses; and performs related duties as required.
Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head.
Supervision F.�cercised: Exercises within the unit general supervision over
lower level fire prevention inspection employees.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Conducts very difficult or technical fire inspectioas including buildings
that contain hazardous processes and/or have complicated fire protection
Conducts inspections of buildings classed as target hazards such as hospitals,
nursing homes, bulk oil storage facilities, and buildings storing hazardous
Surveys buildings and properties to designate the types and numbers of fire
protection equipment required.
Determines the type of fire alarm and fire detection systems required for
large buildings.
Investigates and determines the cause, origin and circumstances of fires which
damage property; files a timely written report stating the facts as to
cause, extent of damage, insurance covered and related data.
Assists authorities in criminal investigations and prosecutions in fires of
suspicious origin; testifies in court as an expert witness.
Testifies before the City License Committee regarding the fire prevention
status of licensed establishments and testifies as an expert witness in
fire protection hearings.
Researches, interprets, and evaluates regulations in the fire code and
provides information to architeets, engineers and property owners
regarding its application and enforcement.
Reviews plans of existing and proposed automatic sprinkler systems and fire
pumps for thoroughness and accuracy.
Tests and evaluates performance of fire pumps.
Evaluates the effectiveness of fire evacuation plans as designed for specific
Reviews plans for and makes on-site inspections of LPG installations, flam-
mable liquid tanks, and cryogenic fluids for compliance with the fire code.
Evaluates the storage of compressed gases for compliance with fire protection
Develops and presents technical fire safety programs to specified audiences.
Issues tags for violations of fire protection regulations.
Prepares reports and maintains records of inspection activities.
(continued on reverse side)
Thorough knowledge of fire laws, ordinances, and rules and regulations.
Considerable ability to deal effectively with architects, engineers, building
owners, department personnel, and the general public.
Thorough knowledge of fire prevention principles, techniques, and equipment.
Considerable knowledge of the design and operation of fire detection and alarm .
Considerable knowledge of the proper storage and haadling of flammable materials
and �explosives.
Considerable ability to apply fire safety concepts to the design, construction,
materials, and use of highly complex buildings and facilities or those
buildings and facilities with most human risk potential.
Considerable ability to review plans for buildings, hazardous storage facilities,
alarm and suppression systems, and fire evacuation plans.
Considerable ability to investigate and make a determination of the cause
of fires. �
Co],lege graduation with a degree in fire science, architecture, structural
engineering, mechanical engineering, fire protection engineering o�
equivalent (no substitution for education); �
Two years' experience as a Fire Prevention Technician II or equivalent and
an associate degree in fire science (no substitution for education);
T�wo years' experience as a Fire Prevention Inspector in the Saint Paul
Fire Department and a certificate in fire science (no substitution for
certificate in fire science);
Holding the title of Fire Captain in the Saint Paui Fire Department and
a certificate in fire science (no substitution for certificate in
fire science) .
Must have a Minnesota driver��s license.
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T O : Saint PQUI Ci�ty Coun��i
RUBY HUNT , aiFinan, makes fihe foilowing
report on C.F. [� �)rdinance
(9) X� Resolution .
� Other
The Finance Commi�tee, at its meeting �f Apri1 14 , 1980 ,recommended approval
of the following:
- 1 . Resolution replacing class titles and specs . for Fire Prevention Aide I
� and II and Fire Prevention Technician I with ti�tles and sp•�cs for Fire
Aide I , Fire Aide II and Fire Technician I , respectively. - No .ehanges
in grades . (10805-RH) . .
\2 . Resolution revising class specs for titles of Fire Prevention Techni-
cian II and III and titles of Fire Prevention Inspector and Fire Invest-
igator. This change will result in two class specs as follows : Fire _
Prevention Technician IIJFire Prevention Inspector, and Fire Prevention
Technician III/Fire Investigator. (10807-RH) .
3 . Resolution e�tablishing titles and specs for Fire Communications Oper-
ator I and II , also revising class specs for Fire Alarm Disgatcher I
and II . This change .will result in two class specs as follaws: Fire
Communications Operator I/Fire Alarm DispatcherI , and Fire Communications.�::
Operator II/Fire Alarm Dispatcher II . (10804-RH) . -_
4 . Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resalution to ' '
increase rates of pay for title of Library Aide at this time and again
on January 10, 1981 . (10808-RH) .
5 . This resolution, as required ir. the agree�nent between the City and Old
Town Restorations , Inc. , will eliminate the loan portion of this project
and reallocate those £unds to the development portion of the groject.
6. Resolution providing funds for City Hall and Court House remodeling and
regairi.ng-- City ' s share (�103 , 946) to come from two sources : $23, 500
from the $100, 000 in Community Development funds that was budgeted for
"Handicapped Accessibility to City Buildings/Services" and the balance
of $80, 446 from the fund balance in the City Hall and Court House
account . ;� (�ONTINUED)
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We rccca�end yo�r app�pval and submission of this Resnlutio� to tivs- Citp���i]::. �`
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Thi�� �e+�Ft]ut�.on rev�.ees the p �►
` Pre'�eat�udn Technicia�, II and Fire Preveatian'Tec}�tuci.aeu � ia Grades��,���� :, ; ��.
a�ac�, 38 �=Secti.on 3.L (Technical-Graded) of the G�.�ral Ser+vic� �,e�, �td � ;`"-::
the �].e��af Fire Prev+eati.on Inspector and Fire 7�rit�kaatti:gs�t�crr in #'a't�d'es;� , ��
, arrid 37 a}f S�ectioa 3.E (1) (Fire N'on-Snsp�rvisory - �rade�d�. �
'I'�a.e cta�s specificatioas combine thc titl�+� so t�ha� t�tere now-w311 be t�par � �.
c3ass �cxficati.ons as follows: Fire 1�'reveution Technici.�.'II/Fi��
�'re�reat�ion Inspector and Fire Prevention Teekiaici�a ]II�Fi.re �'�:s�,���'. `
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Considerable ability to deal effectively with building owners, department
personnel and the general public. ,
Considerable knowledge of fire prevention priaciples, techniques and
Workiug knowledge of the desiga and operation of fire detection and alarm
Working kaowledge o� the proper storage and handling of flammable �aterisls
and explosives.
Working ability to plaa, organize, aad direct the work of others.
Workiag ability to apply fire safety concepts to the design, construction,
materials, and use of complex buildings and facilities or buildings with
coasiderable human risk potential.
Aa associate degree in fire science (certain courses may be substituted for
tbose required for the fixe science associate degree; a list of such _
substitute courses is maintained in the Personnel Office); or, a certifi—
ca�e in fire protection and two years' experience as a Fire Prevention
Techaician I or equivalent; or, two gears' experience in a position equiv—
alent to Fire Prevention Technician II; or, two years' exp�rience in the �
position aaad holding the title of Fire Fighter in the Saint Paul Fire
Department. Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted
for eight credit houzs. Must have a Minnesota driver's license.
' 1 . � . f � �
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� Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work in supervising
the fire preveation activities of a fire inspection district; conducts
difficult fire prevention inspections and tests; and performs related
duties as requiredo
Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head.
Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit close technical supervision
over lower level Fire Prevention Technicians and Aides.
The listed examp�es may aot include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Supervises fire prevention technicia�s and aides in conducting fire prevention
inspections of buildings and haadling fire hazard complaints within an
assigaed district.
Directs team fire inspection surveys in assigned fire iaspection district.
� Inspects buildi.ags in the fire prevention district that have moderate to
severe fire safety problems such as schools, day care centers, hotels/
motels, and industrial facilities.
Issues tags for niolations of fire portection regulations.
Prepares and presents fire prevention cases to the Appeals Board.
Reviews plans of Fire Department standpipe systems for compliance with
regulationse .
Inspects all flammable liquid storage rooms and paint spray booths.
Tests and evaluates fire hydrants to determine if water flow is adequate
for specific buildings.
Inspects buildings under construction to determine whether fire protection
systems are being installed according to plan.
Determines occupancy limits of places of assembly.
Determines proper storage of explosives and blasting agents.
Tnvestigates applications for fireworks displays for safety and compliance
with regulationso
Reviews, evaluates, and revises fire inspection accupancy forms.
Meets with building owners and occupants to discuss fire code regulations.
Prepares and presents fire safety programs.
Prepares reports and maintains records of inspection activities.
Considerable knowledge of fire laws, ordinances, and rules and regulations.
� (continued on reverse side)
Effective September 8, 1979
� Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Performs highly skilled technical work in
supernisiag and conducting the most technical and difficult inspectioas
of buildings aad grounds for the purpose of enforcing laws, ordinances,
and rules and regulations relating to fire hazards; reviews and interprets
fire codes and regulations; and performs related duties as required.
Superv�ision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head.
Supervision Eu�rcised: Exercises withia the unit general supervision over
lower level fire prevention inspection employees.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by �all positions in
this class.
Conducts very difficult or technical fire inspections including buildings
' that contain hazardous grocesses aad/or have complicated fire protection
� Conducts inapections of buildings classed as target hazards such as hospitals,
aursing homes, bulk oil storage facilities, and buildings storing hazardous
Surveys buildings and� properties to designate the types and numbers of fire
protectioa equipment required.
Determines the type of fire alarm and fire detection systems required for
large buildiags. .
Testifies before the City License Committee regarding the fire prevenGion
status of licensed establishments and testifies as an expert witness in
fire protection hearings.
Researchea, interprets, and evaluates regulations in the ffre code and
provides information to architects, engineers and property owners
regarding its application and enforcement.
Reviews plans of existing and proposed automatic sprinkler systems and fire '
pumps for thoroughness and accuracy.
Tests and evaluates performance of fire pumps.
Evaluates the effectiveness of fire evacuation plans as designed for specific
Reviews plans for and makes on-site inspections of LPG installations, flam-
mable liquid tanks, and cryogenic fluids for compliance with the fire code.
Evaluates the storage of compressed gases for compliance with fire protection
Develops and presents technical fire safety programs to specified audiences.
Issues tags for violations of fire protection regulations.
Prepares reports and maintains records of inspection activities.
(continued on reverse side)
Effective September 8, 1979
Thorough knowledge of fire laws, ordinances, and rules and regulations.
Considerable abilftq to deal effectfvely with architects, engineers, buflding
owners, department personnel, and the general public.
Thorough kaowledge of fire prevention principles, techniques, and equipment.
Considerabl� kaowledge of the design and operation of fire detection and alarm
Considerable kaowledge of the proper storage and handling of flammable materials
and explosives. .
Considerable ability to apply fire eafety concepts to the design, construction,
maCerials, and use of highly complex buildings and facilities or those
buildings and facilities with most human risk potent3ala
Considerable ability to review plans for buildings, hazardous storage facilities,
alarm aad suppressioa systems, and fire evacuation plans.
College graduation with a degree in fire science, architecture, structura�
e�girieering, mechauical engineering, fire protection engineering or equiv-
alent; or, two qears' experieace as a Fire Prevention Technician II or equiv- �
alent aad an associate degree in fire science; or, two years' experieace as
a Fire Prenention Inspector in the Saint Paul Fire Departmeat and a certifi-
cate in fire sc3eace (ao substitution for education); or, holdiug the title
of Fire Captain ia the Saint Paul Fire Department. Must have a Minnesota
driver's license.
, �'
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Title of class: �
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to make inspections of buildings and grounds
for the purpose of enforcing laws, �rdinances, rules, and �
. regulations relating to fire �azards; to determine the causes � -
of fires; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed: .
To inspect buildings�and grounds for the purpose of eliminating �
fire• dangers and ta insure compliance with fire regulations. �
To note condition of fire alarm boxes and .material stored in and
around buildiugs, and to xeport unsatisfactory or dangerous
To inspect premises where oils or other inflammable goods are
handled, stored or sold, and to inspect fire escapes.
To test•fire hoses and fire-fighting appliances used in theaters
and other large buildiags, and to inspe,ct autamatic sprinkler
systems and test-valves.
To give advice and instruction to owners and occupants of buildings.
: To keep records and make reports.
� Minimum qualifications: �
High school graduation and two years' experience in the position
� and holding the title of Fire Fighter in the St. Paui Fire �
Department. .
� •
Effective Fe�ruary 7, 1906
` ( . - ^
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Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to enforce all laws, ordinances, rules and
regitlations relating to fire hazards; to determine the cause
of fires and to evaluate fire losses; and to perform related
work as assigned. -
Examples of work perfarmed:
To investigate the cause, origin, and circumstances of every
fire occurring in the city in which property has been
destroyed or damaged.
To determine, if poasible, whether the fire is the result of
carelessness or design. � -
To conduct such investigation immediately upon the occurrence
of such fire.
If the fire is of a suspicious origin, to take immediate charge of
a12 evidence, notify the proper authorities of the facts,
cooperate with the authorities in the collection of further
evidence and in the prosecution of those responsible, and �
� ta testify relative to his findings in court when required.
To make a report, in writing, to the Bureau of Fire Prevention
upon every fire within two days of the date of such fire, stating
all facts relative ta the cause of such fire, the extent of damage, �
the amount of insurance upon such property and such other
information as may be required.
To inspect buildings and grounds for the purpose of eliminating
fire dangers and insure compliance with fire regulations. .
To give advice and instructions to owners and occupants of buildings
relative to safety from fire and accidents.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and five years' experience in the Uniforrn
Division of the St. Paul Department o� Fire and Safety Services.
Effective June 14, 1976