274794 WHITE - CITV CLE�7K COUIICII ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT . PALTL - CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �cil Resolution - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, A municipality may, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.353, carry on comprehensive municipal planning activ- ities for guiding the future development and improvements of the municipality; and WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul may, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.355, Subdivision 3, adopt or amend a comprehensive plan or portion thereof after a recommenda- tion by the Planning Commission; and , WHEREAS, The Planning Commission has in substantial part rec- ommended adoption of a plan for District 15 as a part of the City comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, The following action by the Council of the City of Saint Paul is not an implicit adoption of a comprehensive plan of 1963 or other portions thereof recommended by the Planning Com- mission; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the plan and comments of the Planning Commission thereto for District 15 (a copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhib it A) , subject to such review b� the Nletropolitan Council as may be required by law. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �CMAHON Nays � � In Favor Hunt L,evine _ __ Against BY Maddox Sho er edesco APR 2 4 �g84 Form Ap � ved by Cit Attorne Ado ed by Council: Date ertified by ouncil Se�retary By \ �� App by 1+lavor: t _ APR `�� 19SQ Appro by or for Subi ' Ion to Council g _. BY �,t�u� M AY 3 19 f � w ♦ • � ... , " . Y ''�}..s� . CIT1' OF S��INT P��LL �; ��' o��rrcE or z�iE �����or. r- � �IS�i311:tf:, . �Illi I' '1�.. , � ����'� � f "' 347 CITY f711i,L GEOI:C;P. L_1TI�IE$ SAZ2�T YAiTL,�II.\'�TESOT� �:�102 DL�10X (Efl?) 298-43?3 February 12, 1980 Councii President Joann� Showalter and members of the City Council . City Hall , Seventh Floor � , St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re; Transmittal of the District 15 Pian to the City Council Dear Council President Showalter and members of the City Council : On February 8, 1980, after holding a:public hearing, the Planning Commi.ssion certified the District 15 Plan. District Plans are propased amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, and must be adopted by the City Council before they come into legal effect. "Certification" by the Planning Comnission represent their recommendation to the Mayor and the City Council :that the plan should be adopted. I am distributing to you copies of the plan for review preparatory to your public hearing in the District. � The District 15 Plan has already undergone an extensive review process. It was approved by District 15 Pianning Corrunittee. It was circulated by the Piann�ng Commission to City departments and agencies, both as a preliminary plan and in its present form. It was also circulated to� all ,adjacent districts. � Mr. Bellus, in his letter to me, made a special comment on the District i5 Plan, , The Planning Commission did not certify the District 15 position on notif�cation of proposed zoning matters, corr�nunity recreation centers, I-35E, multi-service centers, and education. The most important conflict is the distr�ct's recommendation to complete Interstate Highway 35E in its proposed location and to designate the Short Line Road as an arterial street between 35E and the Midway. The Planning Commission will not certify the recormnnendation on 35E and the Short Line unti7 the h1etropolitan .Council comple•tes the Environmenta7 Impact Statement for the 35E corridor. The • district's proposal is on page 13 of their plan. The district's position are left in the report exactly as it was adopted by the community council ; but the Planning Commissions explanation of why it did not certify these dis.trict recommendations are on colored tabs inserted into the Plan, The Planning Commission recommends that you adopt the plan in this same manner, so that the district's position will be shown in the report but will not he adopted as policy in the Comprehensive Plan of the City, I am impressed by the understanding of city issues and the dedication of the resi� dents toward their own communities. I am pleased to transmit their District 15 Plan to you. Sincerely, � a mer�yor , . ' ,� � �.... , � ,: � � ' � � f . ' . , � _ � . �� b, '19� � : ' , , , , _ l�h�. Bi� Patton . : � ` \ ' ' Cosom#��1► Ds��loq�4� ]�p�'t�osat 14th F3odr� Ciqr Aall Ant�c , , � � . - � : Dsar 8i��: ; ; , , . . �. The C#t�► Covacil toda`y eet a dat,� bf Lyr� f� J►u�►s� 27'�b, . , lq�: aL 10 sOG A�.M. Sa t!� �7auiaai� �r �o oonurid�rr r�c�,qpi� _ tian of tl� D3s�rlc� 1� Ooa�sim��,y Ooanail� Will_�roa pl�an t� � - ' , tir �se�aesary �'Gep� to D��a4 Pr'oP� �1f1oat3�n to irrte���t� pw�sats• � \' - ; . �'`�,Y ��s , , � , . ` _ t � . Al.bart B.�•Olson . , C1�►iC"l.er�t� ' , � . ' �80 sla , _ , , ' Y . , � , . , • , . ' , , , - � , , . . � � . }� � ,. � , 4 ' ; - , , l y� a�,'N"y�.�•��.�:/ � � L� ��� Y • • E•' �uuiiie ;� . . . . .. . �•"^ac;,'„�`..�c. . . . . . .. . _ . CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM .. _ . � � _, . - To: Council President Ron Maddox and Members of the City Council From: Mayor George Latimer / �- �/ Date: July 28, 1981 Re: Recognition of the SWAD Council (District 15, Highland area) Attached is the report and recommendation of the Community Development Division regarding recognition of residents in the Highland neighborhood as the SWAD C�uncil . This report should prove useful in the Council public hearing for recognition of District 15. If you have any questions, please contact N�r. William Q. Patton directly. GL/sd Attachment :,.- cc: A1 Olson v � Jim Sellus ., � U � w. � /� .� �•111��� ,. . � .. . • ° ' ��•�111 . � . �� r � �`°"�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �`� • I�ITERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Ma or Geor e�Latimer Y 9 From: William Q. Patton�Z.� ��� Date: July 28, 1981 Re: Recognition of the Southwest Area District Council as the General District Council for Distric� 15 Background D�stricts 14 and 15 were part of an umbrella organiiation, SWADC, which was recognized May 1978. A group of citizens in District 14 petitioned the City Council to form a separate District 14 Community Council , April 1981. On June 2, 1981 following a public hearing, the City Counci� supported the formation of two separate district organizations, Districts 14 and 15. One of the actions taken by. the City Council was to appoint those District I5 citizens holding elective office in the Southwest Area District Councii as the working committee for District 15 to proceed with the steps to recognition contained in CF #266179. This working committee has taken a11 necessary steps to proceed to recognition. There have been twc� public meetings held at Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church, 2149 Edgcumbe Road, on July 13 and 20, 1981 to discuss, revise and amend bylaws for SWADC. The amended bylaws were adopted at the community meeting July 20, 1981. Membership is open to residents, organizations and commercial interests of the District 15 community. Work �rcgram _ The SWADC will pursue both short-term and long-term planning activities, participate in the CIB process, increase and broaden citizen participation and will establish task forces appropriate to address the concerns and issues of the District 15 neighborhood. Bylaws SWADC bylaws were ratified as amended at the July 20, 1981 community meeting held at Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church. Announcement of the public meetings was carried in an ad in the Highland Villager, July 83 1981. This neighborhood newspaper issue also carried a news story on the front page and the regular SWADC column. Budget The attached budget request is for July 1, 1981 through June 30, 1982. We recommend $12,500 be allocated beginning September l,, 1981 through June 30, 1982 (this figure is based upon a $15,000 - 12-month budget). , . . �;��; 6 � f il!'�n� : ,� . . .. . . . . ._ _ . ���4�.l��= � . . . CtTY OF SAINT PAUL � INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM To; Council President Ron Maddox and htembers af the City Council From: Mayor George Latimer Date: July 28, 1981 �. Re: Recognitian of the SWAD Council (District 15, Highland area) Attached is the report and recommendation of the Community Development Division regarding recognitian of residents �in the � Highl�nd neighborhood as the SWAD Council . This report should prove useful in the Council public hearing for recognition of District 15. If you have any questions, please contact h1r. William Q. Patton directiy. GL/sd Attachment � cc: A1 Olson Jim Bellus � .,•::==;",,, ' • ' , , �:.���, ;� ml_Y � ��� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Mayor George Latimer . From: William Q. Patton`Z� •�� Date: July 28, 1981 � Re: Recognition of the Southwest ArSa District Council as the General D�strict Council for D�strict 1 Background Districts 14 and 15 were part of an umbrella organization, S4lADC, which was recognized May 1978. A group of citizens in liistrict 14 petitioned the City Council to form a separate District 14 ComhenCit. CCounci1 supported�the0n June 2, 1981 following a public hear�ng, t y formation of ta�o separate district organiza'tions, ��1����hose4District �5ne of the actions taken by. the City Council �uas t4 a�p citizens holding elective office in the Southwest Area District Council as the working committee for District 15 to proceed with the steps to recognition contained in CF #266179. This warking committee has taken all necessary steps to proceed to recognition. There have been two public meetings held at Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church, 2I49 Edgcumbe Road, on July 13 and 20, 1981 to discuss, revise and amend bylaws for SWADC. ; _ _---- --- The amended bylaws were adopted at the community �meeting Jaly 20, 1981. Member�ship is open to residents, organizatians and commercial interests of the District 15 community. ;lork Pro�m � . The SWADC will pursue both short-term and �anbroadenpcitizen participation participate in the CIB process, �ncrease an and will establish task forces appropriate to address the.concerns and issues of the District 15 neighborhood. Bylaws , SWADC bylaws were ratified as amended at the July 20, 1981 community meeting� held at Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church. Announcement of the public meetings was carried in an ad in the Highland Villager�heufront page andhth�nregularhoad newspaper issue also carried a news story on � SWADC column. Budget .. The attached budget request is for July ls Z981 t�riu9198inthrough982• W� recommend $12,500 be allocated beginning Septembe , s June 30, 1982 (this figure is based upon a �15,000 - 12-month budget). _ • /� - � _ 4 �% The office of Community Developm2nt is satisfied that the SWADC, as proposed in the attached documents, meets the intent and purposes of Council File #266I79, establishing a process for citizen participatian by designated distriets in the City of Saint Paul . Therefore, we recommend that the SWAD Council , as proposed, be recognized as the General District Council for District 15. WQP/sid � Attachment ' . cc: Jim Bellus . 1••�•, � , � �� � . INTERDE A TMEN7A1 MEMORANDUM � f% . To: City Counci] Members From: Jerry Jen[cins �� - . � Date: July 28., 198I . � Re: District 15 Recog»ition . Clyde Iilg says he has no prefewred time, hearing on recognition of District I5 (wh�ichaproposes to�keeblth - name SWAD). Ti�e pubiic hear°ing can be pat�t o�F regular C�ty Council. meeting or an- evening meeting in neigt�bor���od or in Chambersf w�ichever° City Council members deem conven-ient far them. � assume the hearing should b� in August (which is not the best manth fib� � citizen meetings): The Mayor`s memo to CounciT and aur attached recommendation has been delivered to R� Ols�n s� wi17 be on City Council agenda to establish a public hearing. At pubTic hearing,. City Council directs us to prepare a resolution which will b� on regular City Council agenda about a week after pubiic hearing. � � You'l1 note that our recommzndation is � $I4,000 for District 14 and $15,000 for District 15, We've prorated so District 14 stat~ts August 1 at $12,80� and District 15 starts September 1 at �12,5pp, I'll be back August 10, 1981 if you wish �o contact me. Please co�tact Bill Patton during the w�ek I'm gone. JJ/sd � . _ � • � � - � _ ,, � � � . � a- �J `� . . . : .. . . � ..-. . �.�..�...+....,�s�+*^�+so°7a�na1wm.s�-�r.+....«...+-,....y�..�«_....-�. � ., . � � . . . "'� .�....�. ;:� .. . . *'-.'ae.a-...�.-.....,...__ . . _.,� � �`� g � � BYLAws SOUTHWEST AREA DISTRICT COUNCIL ARTI CLE I N AT�IE The name of this organization shall be the Southwest Area District Council. AHTICLE II AREA The Council' s primary operating neighborhoods shall be the area in St. Paul, P�linnesota, designated by the St. Paul City Council as Planning District 15 and sha11 include such other conti�;uous nei�;hborhoods as are approved from time to time by the Southwest Area District Council membership. ARTICLE III PURPOSE The purposes of th�.s Council shall be charitable and educational so as to unite in common cause, resi.dents of and organizations serving, the area described in Article II, in a continuing effort to promote harmonious environmental cond�- tions and favorable communi.ty relationships therein, and to � undertake such charitable and educational actions and services as may by its membership be determined to be des3rab�.e to serve these purposes . Within these purposes i�t 3.s intended that this Council shall attempt to educate the commun3,ty as to the necessity for maintaining community pri,de in matters of common interest for the survival of a desirable and livable neighborhood. By way of examples of carrying out these purposes , the Council shall initiate and participate in such acttons , as may be determined to be desirable , to enable residents to maintain good housing, live in a healthful environment , provide recreation facilities and protect the ne�ghborhood from crime. No part of the activities of the Counc3,l shall discriminate on account of the race , religion, color, age, sex or national origin of any person affected thereby. Revised 7/20/81 (i In furtherance of the foregoing, the purposes of this Council shall be to solicit funds and to accept gifts and contributions , to put to productive use all of the funds and property which it may own at any time , and to use and distribute its income and property exclusively for charitable and educational purposes . • Notwithstanding any other provisions of these � Bylaws , the Council shall not carry on any activity not permitted to be carried on by an organization or assoc�ation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501( c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 , or by an organfzat�on or association contributions to which are deductible under • Section 170 (c ) (2 ) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 . ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP Sec. 4 . l There shall be two classes of inembership in the Council : individual and associate . Sec . 4. 2 Individual members shall be persons residing in the Council ' s area (as defined in Article II) or those persons (one per firm) representing compan3,es located in the Council' s area. Sec. 4 . 3 Associate members shall be any� church, organization, civic group , social institution, service group, business or business association in the Council ' s area which has applied for membership and has paid the required dues , � if any. Similar organizations or associations outside of the Council ' s area may become associate members upon approval by the Board of Directors . See. 4 . 4 All members (except associate members ) shall be entitled to vote at meetings of the Council. No proxies shall be permitted. In order to vote , however, such persons shall meet the requirements for registration and voting at general elections under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Sec. 4 . 5 The amount of dues , if any, and whether such dues shall be voluntary or required, for indiv3dual and associate members shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors . - 2 - Revised 7/20/81 ARTICLE V ML;ETINGS OF P�EP•1B�RS Sec. 5 . 1 The Council shall have an annual meeting of inembers in March or April of each year and such other meetings as are called by the Board of Directors . Sec. 5 .2 The members , designated in Article 4 . 2 , present at a meeting of inembers shall constitute a quorum. Sec . 5. 3 At least fifteen days ' publ�,shed notice shall be required for each annual meeting. ilotice for all other meetings shall follow procedures established by the Board from time to time , provided that a11 notices shall com- ply with the requirements of these Bylaws . ARTICLE VI BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sec. 6 . 1 The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the general management and policy-making functions of the Council. Sec. 6. 2 The Board of Directors shall consist of one member residing in each City of St. Paul Planning District grid in the Council ' s area elected for a two-year term at the annual meeting of the Council . A descr3,ptfon of the �rid boundaries is attached to these Bylaws as Exhibit A. In addition, f our directors at large shall be elected. Sec. 6 . 3 Directors shall be elected for terms of two years , with those representi,ng even numbered grids elected in even numbered years and those representin�; odd numbered grids in odd numbered years . Likewise, one-half of the at large directors shall be elected each year. The District 15 . directors holding office as of June l , 1981 shall serve out their terms in office under the reorganized District Council. Sec. 6 . 4 The method and procedure for electing directors at the annual election of directors shall be by secret ballot. Grid representatives shall be el.ected before the at large election is held, by caucus of residents present from each �rid, provided that at least three such residents who are eligible to vote shall be present in order to hold a grid election. Candidates for office need not be present to run for office . Ballots which contain more nar:les th�.n posi- tions up for election, or which contain a candidate ' s name more than once sYiall be invalid. All voters and candidates must meet the requirements of Article IV, Section 4 . 4 . If any candidates receive the same number of votes , a t�e breakin� election among such candidates will be Y�eld 3mme- diately. The Board of Directors may adopt such addit3,onal - 3 - Revised 7/20/81 . election rules and procedures as may appear appropriate from time to time . Sec. 6. 5 If a member of the Board of Directors shall be absent from three consecutive regular board meetings or five regular board meetings during any f�.scal year of the Council, that member' s seat shall automatically become vacant, and may be filled at the next meeting of the $oard of Directors . Sec. 6.6 Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by election by the remaining Directors at a special meeting called for that purpose or at a regular or previously scheduled meeting. If a vacancy has not been filled by the third re�ular meeting of the Board, such • vacancy may be filled by election of a member res�,din�; any- where within the District. Persons so elected shall serve the unexpired term of the vacancy to which they are elected or until the other Directors remove such person by electing a person residing in the grid in which the vacancy exists . Sec. 6 . 7 There shall be a Secretary to the Board of Directors who shall be appointed by the Chai.rmarl from the membership of the Board and confirmed by the Board of Directors . ARTICLE VII P�EETINGS OF DIRECTORS Sec . 7. 1 The Board of Directors shall meet at least six times a year and at such other times as necessary to manage the affairs of the Council. Sec. 7. 2 A majority of the Board of pirectors at a.nytime in office shall constitute a quorum at any duly con- vened meeting. The Chairman shall be entitled to vote in the case of tie votes , and shall be the presid�ng officer. Sec. 7. 3 Either the Chairman or the President , or if neitYier of them is available , any other officer or any two Directors , may call a special meeting upon oral or written notice to all Directors in off�.ce. Notice of any such special meetin� shall be given either orally to the Directors or by written notice delivered to the Directors ' residences or mailed by first class mail to their residences . Such notices shall be received by the Directors at least three days pr�.or to any such special meeting. The giving of such notices need not be in the same form to all Directors and shall state the purpose of the meeting. - 4 - Revised 7/20/81 ARTICLE VIII OFFICERS Sec. 8. 1 The officers of the Council shall be the Chairman, President, Vice President - Administration, Vice President - Community Affairs , and Treasurer. Sec . 8. 2 The officers s}iall be elected by the Board of Directors from its members at the next regular meeting of the Board following the annual meeting of the Council . Vacan- cies shall be filled by election by the Board of Directors at a special meeting called for that purpose or at a regular or previously scheduled meeting. • Sec. 8 . 3 Duties of the officers shal� be as stated herein, plus such other duties as shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors . ( a) The Chairman shall be the presiding of�icer of the Council at its regular and special meetings . TY�e Chairman shall be responsible to the Board of Directors and shall super- vise the activities of the Vice President - Administration, the Treasurer, the Secretary and the employed staff of the Council . (b ) The President shall preside at the x�egular and special meetings of the Council in the absence of the Chairman and at the meetings of the Executive Committee. The President shall be responsible to the Board of Directors and shall supervise the activities of the Vice President - Community Affairs and assist such Vice President in all of the external activities of the Council ' s members , task forces and commit- tees . ( c ) The Vice President - Adm�.nistration shall have direct responsibility for the supervision of the 3.nterna]. affairs of the Council, including but not limited to �,ts off�,ce, membership, staff, and fund raising. ( d) The Vice President - Community Affa�rs shall have direct responsibility for the prop;ram activities of the Council , including but not limited to all the committees, governmental liaison and other external affairs of the Counc�,l. (e ) The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of the books and records of the Counc3.l, for the filin�; of all required financial reports with other bodies , and for preparation of budgets . Sec . 8. 4 There shall be an Executi,ve Committee which shall consist of the Chairman; the President; the Vice Presidents and the Treasurer. Notices of all meetings of the Execu�ive - 5 - Revised 7/20/81 ✓ , . . Committee shall be �iverl to its members in the manner determined from time to time by the Committee . The functions of the Executive Committee shall encornpass any matters included within the duties and authority of its individual members and those specifically delegated to it from time to time by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE IX COP�IMITTEES The Board of llirectors may establish and discont�nue ad hoc or standing committees of the Council at its discretion. ARTI CLE X • PARLIAT�IENTARY AUTHORITY Unless otherwise provided herein, Roberts Rules of Order, Revised shall govern all meetings . ARTICL� XI AI�IENDP�IEPITS These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those members present and votin� at the annual meeting or at any special meetin�; called for that purpose , provided notice of the proposed amendments shall have been commun�.cated in writing to the members at least thirty days in advance of the special or annual meeting. � ARTICLE XII , FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year shall be from Apr�.l 1 through March 31. ARTICLE XIII RESTRICTIONS OP1 POLITICAL ACTIVITIES T10 substantial part of the activities of the Council, shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Council sha11, not part�cipate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribut3on of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. The Council may make lobbying expendi,tures which are not in excess of the lobbyin� ceiling amount (if any) for the Council for each fiscal year, or grass roots expenditures in excess of the grass roots ceiling amount (if any) for each fiscal year. - 6 - Revised 7/20/81 1 � • . ARTICLE XIV DISSOLUTION Upon the dissolution of the Council, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Assoc3at3on, dfspose of all of the assets of the Council exclusively for the purposes of the Council, in such manner or to such organiza- tion or organizations organized and operated exclusive�,y for charitable , educational, reli�ious or sc�,entific purpose as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 5Q1( c) (3) o�' the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Lal�a) , as the Board of Directors shall determine . llny such assets not so disposed of shall be , disposed of by tYie District Court of the county in which the principal office of the Council is then located, exc7.usively for such purposes of such organization or organizations , as such court shall determine , which are or�anized and operated exclusively for such purposes . ARTICLE XV NONPROFIT STATUS No part of the net earnings or funds of the Counc3l shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, officers , or otYier private persons except that the Council shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set �'orth �,n Article III hereof. ARTICLE XVI T10TICE Wher�ever written notice is required or author�.zed by these Bylaws , such notice requirement or authorization stiall be satisfied (unless otherwise specifically provided in these Bylaws) if notice is delivered to the member' s residence by tianding it to a person there or leaving it in a conspicuous place, is mailed to the last known residence of the member by first class mail, or is published in a nec•�spaper of general circulati,on in the Area as def�ned in Article II. In addition to the notice requirements hereinbefore set forth in these Bylaws , notices to members , �,n the form set forth above, shall be required before final act�on is taken by the Board of Directors relative to advising any governmental agency of endorsement or approval by the Council of variances or waivers of building and zoning codes , changes in physical facilities or capital improvements . - 7 - Revised 7/20/81 �l , i-1 . .`.� ((�,. e F ��, � {��/ + � � • SOUTHWEST AREA DISTRICT COUNCIL July 1 , 1981 to Contract Services : June 30 1982 Community Organizer (� time) 7 , 00 Secretarial 1 ,200 Travel Allowance 550 Communication: Printing 880 Postage 1 , 965 Office Supplies 480 Telephone 750 Rent - Office 2 , 100 Rent - Meetings 300 Insurance 300 Training and Education 100 Equipment Maintenance 100 Copier - Lease 975 - 517 ,500 Office expenses : Furniture & Equipment 750 Base stock of su�plies 500 $18 , 750 � . Submitted for approval July 20 , 1982.